Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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8 A
Red Agitation ; ,
-Not at Peak, Says
'Foe of Radicals
.t - -1 - i
investigations Show Plans for
v'JReign'irjf Terror by Social
isti nd L , W. Hay;
'. V wood' Now in N. Y.
First Pictures of Wall Street Bomb Explosion
These are the first pictures of the
bomb explosion in the heart of Wall
street in New Yorjt Thursday noon
which killed 37 and injured 200, to
reach Omaha.
Above is a, picture of what was
left of. an automobile standing
across the street from the office of
J. P. Morgan 4, Co., at the. time of
the explosion which rocked entire
lower Manhattan. - "' ,
Below is the scene of a small sec
tion . of one of the mobs which
djowded ' everywhere trying; to Ret
Avord of friends pr relatives follow-
ing the explosion. Troops were
called but to keep back the frantic
thronja wfcch were delaying rescue
work, -i
TrlnneOmaba Bee Leaned IVtrr.
Chicago, Sept 18.--Th'e red agita-
tion has not yet reached its peak in
America, and further outrages may ;'
be expected, said Attorney Frank
Comerford, who sqccessfujly Pipse
cnted the 20 communist leaders here.
; Mr. Comerford made a first-hand
Jti'dy of bplshevism in Russia and
. is unyslially well informed as to the
rlans and operations of the reds.
He cci)tiHied:
."The conspirators to destroy this
f fmernment are the socialists, I. W.
. Wf nd communists, They have
"fOrfn?d a merger. The I, W. W. is
tW most formidable of these, be
cause, under the guise of labor, .. it
- : has, become a nucleus of red forces."
.. "Big Bill" Jfaywood. head of the
LV. W., isTJeing sought more as a
1 "matter pf protection than for any
other reason. Capt. Hdward J.
Brennan of the secret service agents
if the Department of Justice here,
said he had sent special agents to all
the red headquarters to check all
the leaders who are absent from
Chicago at present. This mav eive
! , the New York authorities something
. tangible to work upon.
v- Haywood in New York
l'VWe have. known that Haywood
has been in New York and other
eastern cities for two weeks," said
Captain Brennan. "I have beenap
priied of his whereabouts at all
tirpes. There is nothing I can do
concerning Haywood. 1 He is at lib
erty on bond to go where he
. pleases." ' ,
Meanwhile the police and federal
,. forces are closely guarding La Salle
street buildingst- .A guar also has
been thrown around the city hall.
The guard on the Lav Salle street
.was doubled during the noon hour.
Alexandria Jaunuiksna, alias John
- Alexander, was arrested here after
a search that began before the war.
He - was editor of Der Classen
Kampf ((The'CIass Struggle), a rad-
ical organ. Jaunuiksna was general-
ly rated as chief propagandist for
communist movement in America.
: Jaunuiksna admitted that he came
to Chicago' from New York to evade
the draft and that his propaganda
".work throughout the middlewest had
been literally financed by eastern
radicals. Police and federal authctrw
, .ties believe this man is the brains
of the reds" in this country.
- . Planned Train Wreck. ('
.'An intercepted letter to a Chicago
i rletchant from a well-known com
mujijst leader in New York also
may give a valuable line on the in
vestigation. The suspect is a shoe
dealer, who admits he is a commun
ist. ' i
' The plot to wreck an Illinois Cen
tral railroad train and murder all
the survivors was'a part of the gen
eral reign of terror.1 One of the con
spirators weakened at, the thought
6f flaying helpless woman and chil-
I dren and .exposed, this plot, but it
is assumed similar plots are in prog
!s ress in other laces, being conducted
by I. W. W. and bolshevists who are
: not troubled by any qualms of con
science. V
Trotzky Declares Army "
Now Stronger TL ;n Ever
" (Moscow, Sept. . 18. Russia is
stronger . than ever in a military
way, declares Leon Trotzky, min
ister , of war, in a statement con
l tribiftcd to the newspaper Pravda.
; A-.Bew offensive by the Russians is
in preparation, the minister declares,
and he intimates that it is purposed
'to'give' Poland a real desire for
peace,1 which, he declares, it now
. lacks. - ''
Although driven back from War
saw, Trotzky points out, the soviet
army still occupies approximately
400 of, the 600 yersts covered in the'
advance. .
Han From Omaha Marries
, m Young Girl at Beatrice
'-Beatrice, Neb., Sept. 18. (Spe
ial.) Dr. Andrew Dow of Omaha
and Miss Ruth Robinson were mar
ried here yesterday at the home of
the bride's parents. Dr. and Mrs.
. A. V. Robinson, in this city. Rev.
W A. Mulligan ofsthe Episcopal
C. fchurch officiating. After a brief wed-
ding trip to St. Louis they will make
xneir nomc iu uuwiw
-v- " - . - . V
1 mJ
rw- O V tiff M
(S :
WW- " W ' S L5
r'.o M''' "-i;-J
Ohio Nominee
Splits With Cox
On State Ideas
Democratic Candidate for
Governor Issues Platform
Of His Own Gets Oth
ers to Join With. Him.
Wholesale Prices
Drop During Month
Department of Labor Statistics
Show Decline of 4 1-2
Per Cent.
Washington, 'Sept. 18. A pro
nounced drop in the general level
of wholesale prices during August
was reported today by the Depart
ment of Labor. Measured bv
changes in the index numbers of the
bureau of labor .statistics, the de
crease was four and one-half per
centi Foodstuffs showed the great
est price recessions, the decrease av
eraging more than 12 per cent. Farm
products declined nearjy six per cent
and cloths ind clothing five and
three-fourths per cent.
Fuel and lighting materials con
tinued their upward trend with an in
crease of more than six and one
fourth per cent, while metals and
house furnishing goods showed an
increase over July.
Auto Dealer Killed When
1 Racing Car Throws Tire
Blackfoot, Idaho, Sept.' 18. R. G.,
ills, automobile dealer of this city,
was killed today when a racing au
to mobile he was testing out on the
county fair grounds' dirt track
threw a tire when the machine was
speeding at the rate of 60 miles .an
Chicago, J 11., Sept. 18. (Special
Telegram.) James M. Cox, demo
cratic candidate 'for president, has
betn repudiated by Vic Donahey,
democratic candidate for governor of
Ohio and, according to Ohio men
familiar with the facts, who were in
Chicago today, Donahey has issued
his own platform for consideration
of Ohio voters.
In this platform, entitled ' "Vic
Donahey's platform," he not only
sets' forth ideas widely divergent
from those of, Mr. Cox, but the dem
ocratic candidates for lieutenant
governor, secretary of" state, auditor,
treasurer and attorney general have"
subscribed to the Donahey platform.
This remarkable development, it
is declared by those who know con
ditions, signifies a big split as be
tween Cox and Donahey, and makes
Ccx still weaker than he would
otherwise be in Ohio.
Auditor Since 1913.
Eriefly, the facts are that Dona
hey has served as auditor since 1913
That is the year Cox entered the -
governorship. When Donahey was
nominated for governor some weeks
ago, he apparently did not care to
stand on the platform adopted by
the Cox-controlled convention, which
chiefly extolled the record of Cox as
governor or unio.
The result was he issued his own
platform, calling it "Vic Donahev's
platform." It contains about 10.000
words. It is being widely distribut
ed in Ohio, .and contains ideas as to
state government which do not at all
gibe with the Cox notions.
Among other things.'i Mr. Dona
hey hits a hard rap at the enormous
number of boards and commissions
created ' by the legislature since hf
fas been in office. He hits at pay
mcnt of fancy salaries to experts
from 'other states who have been
p;.id "fancy salaries" for proniulgat
inp theories of government.
Nearly nil these commissions were
created at the express demand of
Mr. Cox and all by legislatures
which he controlled.
Many Thrusts at Cox.
"The condition of Ohio laws is a
travesty on intelligence," says Mr.
Donahey, at one point in his plat
He caustically criticises some ol
the "progressive measures," "legisla
tive indigestion" and "twice as much
law as is necessary for the peace of
her citizens." . ,
Many direct and indirect thrusts at
the Cox record are taken. For in
stance. Donahev declares that if
elected he will see to it "that the
80 departments of state government
are not so many asylums for poli
ticians of my own party."
Stunt Airplane Wrecked
Traveling at High Speed
Julesburg, Colo., Sent. 18. An
airplane traveling at 80 miles an
hour and piloted by George Myers
dived headlong into the ground in
an attempt to lift "Dare Devil" Dun
can from an automobile traveling
60 miles an hour, A long rope lad
der dangling frgp the plane caught
Will Elect Officers n '
t Beatrice Hotel Company
Beatrice, Neb.,' Sept. 18. (Spe
cial.) At thej Rotary club meeting
yesterday the proposed- new hotel
proposition "went over the top"
when articles of incorporation were
read and adopted and the chairman
announced that SO of the business
men had subscribed stock in the en
terprise. The election M officers
wtll take place next' Monday. The
company will " be "capitalized for
$500,000, and it is planned to start
work on the structure just as soon as
the necessary funds are in sight. ;
MacSwiriey Is Worse, .
London, Sept. 18. Terence Mac
Swiney, lord -mayor of Cork, .passed
a very bad night, without any' sleep,
and this morning was in a state of
complete exhaustion, said a bulle
tin issued this forenoon 'by the
Irish self-determination league.
Mary MacSwiuey, sister of the lord
mayor, who visited her brother at
Brixton prison this morning, said
he was looking worse than she had
ever seen nun, out was sun con
scious. ' This is the. 37th day of his
hunger stfike in protest ajfainst his
arrest by British authorities.
Fire Fighters Re-Elect v"'
OM Officers at St. Lpuis
St, Louis, . Sept.. . 18.-Fred W.
Baer pf Kansas City and G. H.
Richardson of rVancouver, B. . C,
vere, -re-elected president awl secretary-treasurer,
respectively,' of the
International Fire Fighters' asso
ciation today. Next year's meeting
will be "held at Columbus, O. "
vndtr oi
I Foreign Monty
r iw ill mkt
Profits $1000 to $2100
fitaid 10 cents ft&mns once tor .our now
i88-pfre booklet, with full nirticulm. We
are ipecUllsU tn Foreign Exchange, and main
tain branch officoa tn many largo ciUca.
- Ntw York
6 tO. H.
SO Bread Strut,
tf. H. HARPER & CO.
"The Birth of a City"
to b known aa NASHVILLE.
It la locatad five miles north of Flor
ence on the Washington Highway.
You Have Asked Your
self This Question in
, the Last Few Days
You can; securities have never
sold as cheaply as today. The
securities you purchase today will
enhance in value as time heals
after-war conditions.
Our booklet lists many attractive
stocks. "
Send for Supplement A-5.
You will benefit
through a reading.
160 Pearl Street, New York.-'
Cor. Pearl and Wall Sta.
$25.00 invested in Grain Stoeke or Cot
ton, on our plan, gives opportunity to make
$250.00; $50.00 will make $500.00. Mo
further risk. Our method of quick daily
profita with combined capital gives the
amall inveator big opportunities. Specula
tive market now showing greatest returns
ever known. Act quick while market are
active. Write for particular.
' Merchants Brokerage Co.
German Cities
arc actively traded in on the
N. Y. Curb market
We are specialists in these issues
and particularly recommend the
purchase of
Berlin 4 Hamburg y
, Bremen 4
These cities represent the most impor
tant industrial, and ahipping centers of
Germany and have the reatesttaccurity
back of these bonds., 1 ,
At present prices,' prof Its
as high as 1000 are pos- ,
sible. We execute orders
. for cash or on conserva
tive roarfln. Write for
circular K-19.
( '
New York Stocks Paying
8 to 10
Our Weekly Market Letter Kives
a careful analysis of these high
class, listed securities. Every in
vestor should have this. Mailed
FREE by asking for PS-20.
H. & B. WOLF & CO. Inc.
280 Madison Ave., New York City
Ihe rear of the moving automobile
and lifted the machine fully 10 feet
into th air. The plane struck the
ground headlong and was complete
ly wrecked. Myers was only flight
ly bruised.
Oil Stocks Quoted
We deal exclusively in apeculative
Mid-Continent oil stocks. Buy from
headquarters. You can probably aave
money. For example w offer at this
tints, subject to prior salei
5000 shares (or any part)
General Oil, New at $ 2.S5
J50 shares (oi"eny part)
Oladys Belie. Com., at... .SfVj
2fi00 shares (or any part)
MarlKiold Oil at "0
1900 shares (V any part)
Invader of Okie., at l.ii
10000 shares (or any part)
Invader of Texaa at 08
1000 shares (or any part)
Turman Oil at 1.S5
2000 sharps (or any part)
Aggers Prod., at .(0
J000 hreor any part)
Mltchel Prod.. l I .27V4
1800 shares (or any part)
lianriger Oil al
400 share (or any part)
National Oil. New at 22.25
SO0 Hhare (or any part)
Elmhurst lnv., at 4 25
Also many others. Wir? our expense
if you want to buy any of the above.
We will promptly confirm if the shares
are still available ftt prices quoted.
W furnish analytical reports regarding
hundreds of active Mid-Continent oil
stocks and royalties.
Currier and Company,
606-11 Republic Bids., Kansas City, Mo.
Between Two Ertremes
If yes want to strike Ike kappy BesV
of investing u yew want year
ssoney t earn all that it sbeald earn
aas) still svoid Ike hazards f epecala
tion, investigate, tke Kriebel System
atic Savins Plan. It cs-erdiaates yoar
investing witk yoar aaviag, provides
ample safety, brings a liberal yield.
Is quickly caahablo, aad eaables yoa
to pat year ssoaey to -work as fast aa
earned, without waiting for a large
sa to accumulate. Aa sue Eriekel
investor pots ill
The Kriebel Plan aeeau to be the
golden mean between the two ex
tremes of reckless speestation oa the
one baad, aad cantioa that allows the
business jndgment of the individual
aachaace to Inaction, oa the other."
Over 97 of Kriebel Investors com
plete their contracts. "The Biggest
Man oa Wall Street" la a booklet of
great interest to ail who want to make
tkeir money earn more. Be sare to
send for it. It's free.
lyi acitaaiu at. - 1-iuca.go, m. u
204 Dwlght Bldf.
Kansas! City, Mo.
Best, safest way to trade. No margin.
Calls possible, as risk is limited. Profits
unlimited. Ask for free booklet.
With small outlay hundreds
. of dollars are made.
KENNEDY & CO., Est884
Members Consolidated Stock Exchange, N. Y
bp ec " ' ' -
i . ii '. ... i
V -
- -f
Monday and Tuesday
Our Entire Stock of Blankets Will Be Put on Sale
the regular marked price. The savings that can now be effected by you by purchasing
a few weeks before the time you actually use these blankets are great enough to war
rant you buying ydur entire winter supply at these greatly, reduced prices. ,
Buy Now, While You Can Save Money V
V These blankets are all well made and of the best materials, all standard brands,,
such as the well known Dorset, Pawnee, W arrior, Mesco and many others. t
$1.75' Blanket
On Sale
u -.
$4.98 Blankets,
On Sal
$8.50 Blankets
On SaU
$12.50 Blanket.
. On Sale
24th and O Street ' - South Omana )
. ' WHY BE
L WJL ! 's
J 0? f'"'
Chiropractic Is truly the most common-sense method of
dealinf with conditions. This is the day of the advanced, pro
gressive idea. ,
Chiropractic is baaed upon a knowledge of the structure and
. function of the human body, especially that, of the brain, verte
bral column, spinal cord and the nerves emanating therefrom.
The brain itthe power plant of ths body, the nerves are the
wires which conduct its power. Pressure on a nerve at the open
ing where, it leaves the vertebral column, will permit disease in
that organ or tissue at which the nerve ends, for without power
it cannot either live or function.
Chiropractors are successfully adjusting the causa of Stom
ach, Bowel, Liver and Kidney Troubles; Rheumatism, Troubles if
. the Head, Throat, Lungs and other organs. Both acute and
chronic cases yield readily ta Chiropractic Call and Investigate
this wonderful science. It's pleasure to tell you about it.
Why take expensive vacation trips to watering places and
sanitariums only to return but little, if any benefited? You
can have health in your own city" and hava it abundantly. You
need not leave your business but can look after It and take ad
justments In the evening or atny convenient hour during the
day. .Call and see us while you' may and thus prolong yobx life
and enjyy the blessings of health.
ninety-five per cent of humanity die forty years too soon
and all on' account of not having the displacement in their
spinal column reduced. You would never havs aches or pains
or experience sick days if your nerves were free to act and the
only way these nerves can be released fros dsadly pressure is
I I . l 1 I : . .
17 Hniifuv una uju.iiiibu..
(Palmer' School Graduate) :
,' Suit 414-20-23-26 Securities Building
Corner 16th and Faraam Streets. Phone Douglas 5347.
' ' Complete X-Ray Laboratory. ' '
' Office Hours: A. M. to 6 P. M.
' Lady Attendants.
We Specialize in the Careful Handling of Orders for
and Provisions
All Important Markets
Chlcago Board of Trad St. Louis Merchant Exchango
Milwaukee Chamber otfonimero Kansas City Board of Trade
Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce Sioux City Board of Trade
Omaha Grain Exchange
All ot these offices are connected with each other by-private wires.
We are operating !are up-to-date terminal elevators. in the
Omaha and Milwaukee markets and are in position to handle
your shipments in the best possible manner i. e., Cleaning,
Transferring, Storing, etc.
a ,
It will pay you to fet in touch with one of our. office
. when wanting to BUY or SELL any kind of grain.
Consignments of All Kinds of Grain
Every Car Receives Careful Personal Attention
The Updike Grain Company
Market Active
Some Advances
A number of issues hava advanced marketwise the past week. An inter
esting feature is the fact that while the oil issues during the pant week have
occupied the position as market leaders there were increase in other cpecial
tie as well, including mine and inoustriais.
We have dwelt upon the wisdom of applying common sense logic io one's
stock market commitments. Investment and speculation alike, of course, have
one object in view the making of profita.
The indications for favorable active stock markets and uptrendingr prices
from now on are decidedly promising ;. sooner or later a closer relationship be
tween values and quotations will be established.
20 Berlin Bonds, 4s $ 19.00
S Black Hawk com M.00
10 Bankers Mortgage Co , 6.50
20 Collins Rotary Razor 11.00
50 Elgin Motor 8.50
2 Ford Motor (Canada) 355.00
20 German Government, 4..-. 19.00
3 Goodyear Tire A Rubber
2 shares pid., 1 com. .... 300.00
20 Hamburg Bonds, 4s...... .21.00
17 Hawkeye Tire....' 33.00
IS Iowa Cord Tire. . . . .
10 Jackaon Motor com
10 Metropolitan Storea pfd. . . .
100 Pan Motor
200 Perfection Tire
100 Reo Motor
60 Revere Motor
460 Standard Four Tires
5 State Life Ins. of Iowa. . . .
25 Western Life Ins. (S10.00
par) . 1S.00
125 Thompson's Malted Food.. I I"
10 Square Turn Tractor Bid
24 50
2 Thermopak Co
1000 Aggers Production....
2000 Beat Producing
1100 Bradley Oil
5000 Capitol Petroleum...
5000 Congresaional Oil . . ,
100 Cox (S. E. J.) Co. ...
100 Diamond Gasoline . . .
200 Fair Oil (Louisiana).
500 General Oil
500 Harvey Crude Oil.
. Bid
i .50
.05 Vj
25 Illinois Refining Co 15.00
5000 Mile Henry Oil.
1000 Mitchel Production
50 National Oil (K. C.) . . . .
1000 Okla-Inwa Producers ...
1000 Okla. Oil 4 Refining....
5000 Rowley Copper
5000 Sammies Oil
1000' Texas Amalgamated
1000 Texas United (Dallas)...
Turman Oil
100 White Erle Oil (Wichita)
100 Wilcox Oil. J. . . t
500 Wright Producing Jt R'fgl
the following stocks, and many others, for spot cash. Writs us, stating the
number of sharea you have for sale and your lowest price
100 Automatic Bookkeeping.
28 Collins Rotary Racer.
100 Davenport Petroleum.
500 Calloway O. at R.
6000 Invaders Texes.
2000 Little Sioux Oil '
1000 Mitchell Production.
1000 Turman tilil.
1000 Oil State Petroleum.
1000 Oil State Refining.
100 Standard Cap dk Seal, com.
80 Central States Life.
25 Central Coal A Coke, com.
Do you know you can buy TWENTY German Bonds, normal value $4,760.00,
for $400.00, earning four and fiva per cent on $4,760.00, payable Mark Currency.
Wa will furnish full particulars upon request.
Confoy & Company
601 -2-3 4 Sharp Building,
Kansas City, Mo.
802-3-4 Andrus Building,
Minneapolis,' Minn.
' . '