I .l oi ('itH niHKK iiMM v.. V -1 is THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE ROTOGRAVURE SECTION. r . " and fits Saxophone 33d ftd Concerning a Beautiful Complexion ( an umw rwer) Culture, personality, dress, all contribute to that undefinable thing called beauty but of all factors, the subtle charm of a beautiful complexion is easily first. Have a complexion that invites the most critical gaze a skin radiantly beautiful in sunlight or under the glare of bright, artificial fight. Win the admiration that only a complexion which bespeaks the bloom of youth can CARMEN COMPLEXION POWDER Its final touch imparts to the most lovely natural complexion an added subtle charm and gives even rough skins a velvety smoothness that chal lenges close inspection. Wliite, Pink, Flesh, Cream and the Exquisite New CARMEN BRUNETTE Shade 50 Cents Everywhere Tpjnl Off At Thenew shade Carmen Brunette I ICII 1 1 W I has proved so popular we know you would like to try it. Send 12 cents to cover postajre and packing and we'll send you the handy purse size box con taining two or three weeks' supply and a mirror. Or we'll send any other shade preferred. lltll 'The Final Touch" uFr-imuer at. LOUIS. MO. Egyptian Chocolates The choics) of exacting candy lovers. FLAVORS THAT SATISFY Sold at most food shops. NATHANIEL CHARLES ROWLAND Nestle's Food Co. Detroit, Mich. We are sending you this picture of our 7 months old Nestle baby. My advice to every mother is, "use Nestle's Food for big, fat, healthy baby." And anybody desiring my testimony can get it by just writing to me. 810 Montclair Av. MR. & MRS. CHAS. HOWLAND Nestle's is modified milk in powdered form. It has stood the test of three generations and is now used more extensively than any other baby food in the world. FREE TO MOTHERS: A trial package enough for 12 feedings and a valuable book for mothers. Address Dept.1 7 , NESTLES FOOD COMPANY NEW YORK NESTLES FOOD When you an- overheated. I'ompeian 1' i agi ance a tal cum) will soot Ik- your skin. Cooling as a svlvan waterfal fragranr as the breeze from a rlower-gemmcd vale. You will riml the new odor a delightful and refreshing blend of the perfume of our favorite blossoms, the powder itself as soft and impalpable as pollen. It will absorb the excess moisture from your skin and lend to your per son a delicious fragrance. 1 here are several times a day when an active person can wisely use a dash of I'ompeian Fragrance. At all toilet counters, 30c Special Offer Half-Box Powder and Trial Talc Can it In r in 'villi sint to oiu (hisiiii iinK in j t.imiK. hoi .1 ilinu ou it a lu!l-ho ol 60c loinpiian nr. l 1 1 I oimIi r .ind s.iiiiKs of l!l.( X )l .mil l)Y ('nam. I hi j nii-lii 1 von tit a luantilul trial can nl I'ompi 1.111 r K (iK Wl'l 1.1 1.1I 011111 foi our puiM-. ror lo miii ml Imtli itl l IV I'nwili 1 oHi-i is yooil mil v in can iu'IiIh i ou 1101 am mi mini ot 0111 lamilv lias t i it it 11 ImIoic 1 Manx iimitstin hi j lit 1 'rriiiu fits t an In niaili' with tlirsr trial p.u kai s No tti-r nnrssaiv with iinipon. i- II nnili island I III I'liMI'IHN ('11, 2S59 I'avnr vr., CIimIjihI, O p M p 1 1 i) IT) i its Fragrance Brings You Instant Charm ill 4 Y T. V V lllP M4 1 l'"m'" Jj V I W w M wll W 1 1 "" 1 I f 31 lld-l'lh. Should "Don't l:my Beauty ' 0 1 QT? Use I'omfieian" IlS i. I s I 1 h v roirnu o . 2U59rjir Kvc . t'lrx .1. O rid tins ton'MH) tc jti, r .df. rm!ii sK (jirtir) ( .1 tijll in 1'i.mpruii V.i si ' I'tuilrr (h i (uultfl) tut lubiiS t jii ot f'otnpruii l-ixijtiit (iij.iim) () I lot tuttb pj. ljj;r- N..t. v, II I'lrakc print t-laitih in x-m tl I-1i nil r.aaiiTt t'-la-l "i-iit tilili' I'Ulhaii ahaJ irjuafttsl ALCO CRAVURE. INC.. MEW VOHK-ST tOUIS BALTI0E i