r J ( ( . BUSINESS CHANCES. ON account of the gcrclty of help the largest wholesaler (in our line) in Oman., wishes to take . capable and aggressive assistant. Would sell an in inr.",w rde V mak " object for ?n.mt.We,Uld..?nJor PP'yn himself L ln familiar to the proposition T fVL "ders,nH'' of working Into fine position. Do not need money. Do not borrow from banks. Business In nine states, strictly confidential. Write box A.-17, Omaha Bee. A FIRST clans drug stock for sale in Columbus,' Neb. This stock is second to none and everything la first class, no dead mock, no paints or wall- paper. uui une prescrtpttnn business. - with 3 nuoci uociora over the store and another ureinDer i. rney handle nothing cheap, get the best prices and have no i... i """y'" ana win do a 157,000 v. business this year. The location la best in the city, across the street from the ano l block from the court house. The building is 90 ft. long with full basement, hot water heat. The rea son for party wanting to sell, is he ha 2 brothers In wholesale drug busi ness and they want him in with them, or'r! k ,flxturt'a will run about -$25.- J00. Will lump stork or Invoice, bulld ' J? cn b leased' for term of years. i luimer information wr nxlklvrnn 1, 1tir r1 ..... 1 .. 1 "iuiiuiufi, jNeo. t.APcr . .TTTTT : ants capable men to open branch office and manage salesmen. $300 to $2,000; han dle your own money,. Exclusive rights; patented article, money-making possi bilities unlimited. Will pay oxpenses XV. "H"",U" it you qualify. Address Mr. Clanimer. SfllpEnilnnr 603 K raw !., uaiuinore. Md. OM.Y known map showing all proven reias, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Louisiana oil fields, and other valuable Information tree. Don't invest before Seeing it. R. V. Wilson tier fhl.nirr. x"1" Asa'"'ioffman Bldg., Houston. IV K offer wonderAl opportunity to reliabla .ii.iu iu niuKo irom fiiu to. fjuu weeajv at home In spare time. Direct by mail i.roposiiion. tso experience needed apitul required, only $120, Mutual t:o., Minneapolis, Minn. , BLACKSMITH tools and stock in rented building. Rent for shon ID i mnnlh Will also Include residence and sell com plete for I2.U00. Clarence E. White, Mason City, la. -0 , FQR SALE Two-atory brick building 2-'Xi;i2, on main street of Grand Island; full basement. If looking for a location Inr" the best elty In Nebraska write Louis A. Velt. Box 704. Grand Island. FOR SALE One of Omaha's finest drug stores, doing splendid cash business; reason, wish to retire; sales last year, $36,000; act quick if interested. Address .Box R-32. Omaha Bee. TOR SALE Restaurant property, all flx- luregsXind business, also dray Une in i same city arW the only -ne in the' town, sold cheap If sold at once. Address W. T. Jones. Jones Cafe, Berwyn, Neb. CAFE fixtures and stock, $1,00; located in Iowa town of 1,200. Rekt,.J25 a month, which Includes 4 living rooms. Box 315, Mason City, la. ' ' ANY business or property sold quickly for cash; no publicity; old, reliable, licensed brokers. Chicago Business & Realty Ex change, 227 8. La Salle, Chicago. FOR SALE A fine hotel proposition In town between Omaha and SIojjc City. 1600 will handle It (Address Box T-1J74. Omaha Bee, BLACKSMITH shop for rent; stock and equipment for sale; good location. Rea son for selling death, of owner. Box 315. Millard, Neb. "OR SALE At a sacrifice, motion pic- ture snow in city or. zti.uuu; t chines and 880 seats. Addr two nia dr&s 611 Church St., Ottumwa, la. OR SALE Modern equipped 'dental thlcal office; old established lucrative practice; best location in Omaha. Fog particulars address A-18, Omaha Bee. IF you want to buy any kind of a busi ness, any location, write us for free descriptive bulletin. Interstate Business Exchange, Etour City, la. FOR BALE Dry cleaning plant; only one In county; good reasons for selling. Ad dress "Sultatorlum." Hartlngton, Neb. 100 PER CENT per annum In a safe busi ness enterprise Write Box 9S4, Burkbur nett, Tex, j , ' 1 100 CARS of apples for sale. Buy quick before they advance. Walter B. Mont gomery.. Troy, Kan. 1 v - , 1 A T A (IV -nm' ma 1a 17a 11 antllnnOll' Yilp-ntV of work. Must sell this week. Web. 3597. Evening Web. ,4316. : FOR SALEV-Oood automobile business. garage and "etgek. York, Neb., Lock Box 508. j TO GET in cr out of business, i LEWIS ft CO.. 411 McCaguo Bldg. BARBER shop for sale; four chairs. 250 N SI. good business; A- Rooming Houses. FOR SALK Apt. house, close In, , i23 rooms; might consider trade for smaller place. Call P. 8128. - ROOM In private family for gentleman. 1123 No. Until St., liar. 44B5. FpR RENT ROOMS; l?Mmicl-ifi4 Pnfimc .PHONE TH E WANT AD DEPARTMENT. TYLER limo. AN Dv ASK ABOUT OUR BIO ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR RjJDlSNDAEjmPJERS. ONK large, "neatly furnished room In mod ern house at reasonable rates; good district, close to Hanscom Park and Leavenworth car lines'; only reliable girls wanted. Har. 1273. j SINGLE and double rooms for men only; running hot and cold water: steam heat; within walking distance. Brown Apts.. SOSjN. 21st; Douglas 6644. FOR GENTLEMAN Bed room with ad joining bath: on car line; prtvatome; Miller park district. -References. Col- , -'fax 4731. DESIRABLE room, modern. Farnami dis trict; opposite park; Walking distance. - 115 So. Slst Ave.. ,Haf. 6290. NICELY furnished room, hot and cold water: gentleman preferred; reference. Har 106. FURNISHED room, private home-; ness woman preferred. 4237 rs busl- arnam, 'Walnut 810. BEaUTIFITL West Farnam district room for gentleman, walking distance, 116 So. Slst Ave. f SOUTHEAST room for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Block south to Haascom park. Har. ....... r.ooi ELMIaScT modern room for aentleman; valldng distance. Hanscom 'park dls , tri t. 1131 So12gthSt;!!i j , LAP.r.E. elegantly furnished fromV room fu.- two. 036 s. zstn BI. STRICTLY modern room, private home, s u i t a h 1 for 8; gents r re frj d.D12 78 1. FuT-NISHED rooms for rent in private home. 1718 Sffuth 29thSt Harney 3479. ONE large nicely furnished room for rouple (n private home. Col. 2339. , FURNISHED room for rent in . private home. 17U So. 29th. Har. 3479. IN West Farnam home: one or two large ' rooms: references. Harney 3882. THREE furnished rooms. 3320 North 24th St. References. Web. 2210. ROOMS by day or week; jeasonable rates, 2551 Farnam St. Dg. 5616. LARGE parlor room for one or two gen tlemen. 80Sol8thSt ' NICELY furnished room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Web. 1376. NICELY furnished room for rent, on two car lines. Har. 1352. ' 2123 LEAVENWORTH Furnished sleep Ing room. , SLEEPING rooms. $2 to $7.60. . Doug. $2 to $7.60. for couple. 1327. FURNISHED room Colfax -3.13. FURNISHED 3438. room In bungalow. Col. FURNISHED room, breakfast. Webster N67 1 4. . FURNISHED sleeping room, 37S9. Call Tyler NfCELY furnished room to 2 young ladies: coodKboard. Har. 4464. LARGE room suitable for 4 men; also slngie rooms. Ty. 6026; close in. ' 19 S. 2tTH Furnished room. Room for Ak-Sar-Ben visitors. Tyler 2297. Har. 1475" Har. 2373. Har. 1141. Web. 1376. NICELY fur, mi ,.ybr( ng breakfast. FRONT housekee: SINGLE room. -dl furnished. NIUB front room. Call Walnut 3612. J NICE room for gentlemen. ar. 6043. ' ROOMS for rent. E26 SoofrPiSth Ave. BEAUTIFUL large roontT Har. 3827. ROOM for 1 or 2 men. Ty. 1835. Housekeeping Rooms. I ROOMS, complete 3223 Farnam St. for housekeeping. ONE large room Sweetwood Ave. rlt,h kitchenette. 419 3 LIGHT nice rooms, furnished for house - keeping, to couple. Har. 3775. I23 FARNAM 3 large front housekcep- ing rooms. Douglag 7002. . TWO outside well-furnished housekeeping rooms. SD9 N. 25th St . FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. Call South 4943. ; 2113, LEAVENWORTH NewH furnished Bougeieeplng. V ., m v FOR RENT ROOMS. N VXLY furnished housekeeping -rooms. Tyler STS?. I LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 18th St. 2011 K. WELL furnished, modern aulte, walking distance; $8, Har. Hit. FURNISHED ih, houMekeepltig rooms. H. 1141. TWO-ROOM suite. 8 09 S. 1 8 th Sty ' auiiK or a rooms. Doug. 1327. Board and Rooms. FOR RENT One or two nice young ladles to room and board In new modern pri vate home, with young married couple; large, llKht Toorn: no other roomera: home privileges and use of piano; you can do your own washing and ironing lfyou wish. Harney 4127 during day. ROOM for S gentlemen with breakfasf and dinner, private home, references re quired. Hanscom park district. Call arney 6108. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room for 2 gen tlemen; breakfast and dinner If desired. Doug. 2781. ELKGAXT rooms, first-class meals; "Be mls park Gentlemen preferred. Har. 64B5. EOAB.n and room for 2 gentlemen or man andiwtfe, $15. 3117 Decatur St. BOARD and Toora, 6068. ? 1 gentlemen. Web. Unfurnished Rooms. i.JJNFURNrsHED rooms. 180. Ty. 117. 3 UNFURNISHED rooms. $20. Tyler 167. Rooms Wanted. WANTED TO KENT By an Omaha busi ness man, a first class furnished room. Prefer to be with married couple with no children; will pay good price. Ad dress, Box A-3G Bee. FOR RENT HOUSES, Furnished. TWO and three-room furnished a&art- ments; steam heat; walking distance. mown Apis., pus ziar, uoug. 0644. Unfurnished." BETTER let your rent help you own a home, and we will assist you liberally. Our smalles- houses have all been sold, but let us show you two brand new two- . story, and full attic with four windows, six and seven-room homes, in Dundee on hill; exceptionally well built not con tract houses.. Full brick, light and well ventilated bitement, equipped for laun dry; hot water and gas heater- oak and hardwood finish; real brick fire place; bullf-ln features, including alcove and portable table for breakfast room; three 'Inrcre bedrooms and sun room, sleeping porch or sewing room; bath room, full tile flooring; select your own paper and electric fixtures. We will furnish screens, shades and grade and seed yard. For appointment, call Doug. 789. Sunday and after hours. Walnut 6776, 310 South 49th Ave., Walter Silver. 8-ROOM fine oak finished two-tory house, located in good neighborhood; has ga rage and nice corner lot. Close to good schools and churcbts. 3161 Davenport ' street. . BIRKETT & CO., :i0 Peters Trust Bldg. ' Doug. 633. . - FOR RENT. Eight rooms, partly modern house anJ 4 acres; y-mlle from pavement; garage for 2 cars, barn, chicken houses, fruit trees; H4 acres alfalfa. 63 per month. GEORGE & COMPANY, Realtors, Tyler 3024. 902 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. SIX-ROOM modern bungalow on car line, adults, references. Walnut 1341 Miscellaneous, Mr RENT JJ. Dandy eight-room home In West Far nam district, only tour years old;-very well located; will give two years' lease; large garage. Rent $100 peri month. Possession Sept. 22, 1920. . APARTMENT Fine eight-room brick house with Jani tor service, hot water and heat fur nished. West Farnain district. Posses sion October 1. Rent $185 per month. See us about these fine properties. Payne & Carnaby Co., , REALTOR SERVICE. 61 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1016. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnished. EL-BEUDOR ' APARTMENT' HOTEL. Convtntently lecated. Furnished thioughouL hultea of two and three rooms, wi'li combination tub and shower gath. Kitchenettes completely equipped. Weekly rental Inck-des light, heat. gas. telephone and maid service. An Ideal home for those wlu desire comfort end service, .tpar'nients hown by appolnt lyent Dodee n ISth. Tylsr 4200. FURNISHED APARTMENTS BLACKSTONE. II, 945. IN THE Unfurnished. APARTMENTS for rent. Apply V. Farnam Smith & Co., J 1320 Farnam St. Doug. 564. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses WANTED TO RENT Small house In clean' neighborhood by responstMe rottie people with two small boys Box A-37, Omaha Bee. FOR RENT Business "Property. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT. 1CEJ , Available October First. One room containing 251 square feet. One room containing 9S square feet. Tenant has option of one or three year lease. ' ' BANKERS MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 318 South 18th Street. DouglalKlOM. ALL OR any part of ,1.700 square feet of choice office spaced second floor Ken nedy Bldg., 19th and Douglas Sts. foster-bTrker CO., Ms South 19th Street. WAREHOUSE space In modern 6-tory coicrete warehouse; on good trackage; rates reasonable. Call G. H. Ruthop, Tyler 671. - WANTED 100 CARS FOR DEAD STOR AGE. HARTUNG'S TRANSFER CO. TYLER 1976, OR WEB. 6226; For Rent Offices. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished offlceB on prominent corner. Fine for parties wishing largo reception room and com fortable private office. Call at' 203 Bushman Block, N, E. corner 16th and Douglas, or telephone Douglas 2926 DENTAL office,' lGth and Farnam, for rent Will sell part of equipment. Call ilonday. Tyler 4941. OFFICE with dentist in 1st Nat. Bk. ; phy sitian or specialist preferred. Ty. 2138. - MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY ntdORvanE "CO. STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. rnupi.i.'TE r ist rtw HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackson Sts. ' Douglas 283. MOVING, PACKING. STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked' rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 South Hth.j Doug. 416S. GLOBE VAN, TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. For real service !n hauling jit stor age, call .Tyler 230 or Douglls 4338. Auto or wagon service. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bourn Co. Tyler 3400. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let ns estimate your movlnx, packing; and storage, 1605 Davenport Doug. 2903. LIVE STOCK. EXTRA good family cow, (Guernsey.) 2 years old, gtvesi 14-siuartB a day of very rich milk; 1 pot)nd Butter per day. Call CoL 311. POULTRY AND PET STOCK: THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock cockerels $2.00 while they last Doug.- 4641. CLOSING out my rollers. Including one imported singer. Tyler 274. - , DOGS CATS PETS. MEXICAN ChlhuahuaVdogs. 74ft. Call Web. GERMAN ROLLER singers cheap. 8778. Web. CANARIES by the hundred. So. S80L HORSES AND VEHICLES. U. S GOVERNMENT AWARDED US THE FOLLOWING HARNESS GOODS: 0. S. ambulance harness and collars, used .'.166.00 U. S. engineering harness, new..... 85.00 U. 8. contbat harness, new 79.00 17, S. halters, first grade, new, each 1.85 U. 8. storm blankets, slightly used, each t.5 U. S. steel collars, new. each J. BO ill. 8. harness oil, 10 pounds for.... 1.00 u. o. folded canvas wash Basins. . . . i.oo 1,000 aetg Concord farm harness, .169 to 15.00 TOO doien leather collars, each,, 14.60 to (.50 100 gross one-Inch russet hams straps, doren -S.75 100 dozen s!r steel hamea, set of 4 (.SO 60 doien pair bridles, round relne. pair 10.75 200 gets double lines, 1x20, pair.. 10.60 dozen leather baiters, each. 11.65 no 1.75 OF FARRIERS, TAKE ADVANTAGE THESE PRICES. SAVE 'TIMEENCLOSE DRAFT OR OR MONEY ORDER. REFERENCES: FIRST NATIONAL CORN EXCHANGE BANKS. WRITE FOR FREK PRICE LIST DESK NO. . s- MIDWEST HARNESS CO.. 706 N. 16TH ST. FOR SALE Farm horses and mares; also heavy and light draft horses for city use. M. C. Peters Mill Co., 29th and B Sts., Omaha. FAMILY driving mare, rubber-tired bug gy and harness, safe for women and children, Council Bluffs. 1282. FOk SALE Two horses and one large mule. Hans Jesperson, Route I, Flor ence. , BAY saddle mare, Kentucky-bred, very reasonable. 410 So. 39th St. Har. 3247. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. SPECIAL SALE Hudson, special new cords, de cant pain job, perfect machinery, Condition must be seen to be ap preciated, r Hudson Touring, good tire and paint, runs fine. Dodge Coupe, like new. Haynes Sedan. Cadillac Touring. WENGER MOTOR CO., 25th and Farnam. D. 7757. SPECIAL USED CAR BARGAINS for AK-SAR-BEN. 1819 Willys-Knight 7-pass. wtour ing; looks like now; 5 new tires: a real bargain. 1920 Elgin demonstrator; driven . less than 3,000 miles; sells new for $1,925; special ' price this week, $1,395. 1920 Elgin sedan; used by owner for four months and lett ' here to sell upon his mov ing to California, Refin '' ished like new. Guaran teed mechanically. Present price new, $2,975. Can sell this one for $2,000. T917 Allcn tourinsr: 5 new tires; jilst overhauled, $350. 1917 Dort tourine; Im rnnH con- "ditipn; a b ain. $295. WESTERN TSLGIN MOTOR CO 2415 Farnam St. Douglas 713. Cadillac ' . Cadillac 67 , touring, rebuilt, In perfect condition. Cadillac 65 Phaeton, rebuilt, new top, tires and paint. Car is In fine condition. Cadillac 51 touring;. 7-passenger, in fine condition. Hudson Super' Six touring, 1917 model, in fin condition.- ; Overland sedan, new, full equipment, priced to sell. Chalmers limousine, 7-passenger, In fins condition. Chalmers 5-passehger touring, in fine con dition. J Podge touring. In fine condition. Ford coupe, 1029 moled, in fine cindition. Velp touring, fine lireg and paint, car in , perfect condition. A Safe Place to Buy. J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co., Harney 710. Farnam at 26th St. Buy a Guy L. Smith Used Car. ' . A SAFE INVESTMENT. We always have a few first-class used cars which are real bargains. Each is guaranteed , and 'With a real service behind it. Call Doug las '1970 any time for description of gars and prices. FOR QUICK SALE By owner, Hudson sedan, seven passenger, 1920 model, extra cas ing and rim; only 4,500 miles, care fully handled. Present list, $3,750. My price $200 cash; no trade. Demonstration . py appointment. Call Harney 3764. AK-SAR-BEN BARGAINS Cadillac Sedan. Hudson Sedan. Ford Sedan. Hudson Coupe. Paige Col, Cop. New Nash. New Maxwell 19 Overland Tour. IS Chandler Six. 18 Saxon Six. 15 Cadillac Tour. 18 Hupmoblle. ' 17 Grant Six. 17 Pattersoa Chum. 17 OaklanTSix. 17 Enger Six. 17 Ford Roadster. 16 lord Roadster. 16 Overland Road. 14 Ford Touring. Our low prices will surprise you. Every car completely overhauled and guaranteed. Money back If not satis fied. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 2210 Farnam. Douglas 9070. CARS, NEW, USED AND REBUILT. A really good used car, or a good, thoroughly rebuilt car. Is a better buy at the .right price than the' same car new at the list price. U3ed cars from 3350 up. Rebuilt cars from S460 up. Cash and time. Same guarantee on re built cars that you get on new cars. New Briscoe models, 34 touring sedan, coupe and runabout, leaders of light weight reliable cars that's a sure thing. Distributors of Dependable Cars. BIXBY MOTOR COMPANY. 802 St. Marys Ave. Phon Tyler 792. "DRIVE -IT YOURSELF COMPANY RENT A -NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF THE MOST ECONOMICAL AUTO MOBILING: CHEAPER THAN OWN ING A CAR. NEW. A-l CONDITION. SELF-STARTERS OPEN DAT AND NIGHT THE 36fi DATS. 'l 3 1 4 HOWARD STREET. DOUQ. J6 2 2. 1H-TON Republic truck, rebuilt like new, well painted, new-tires and cab, guaran teen same as new, 11,250; 1-ton Republic truck, rebuilt and newly painted, guar anteed same as new, only 1175; 2-ton Kelly truck with staple body, only 1450; Ford ton truck with body and cab, only 1300. Several Others to Pick From. Terms If Desired. ANDREW MURPHY & SON, 14th and Jackson. HAVE! a grocer's commercial Ford at bargain. , Victor H. Roos, r 27th and Leavenworth Sts. Omaha. Fords!, Fords! Fords! Hera is your opportunity to save money on a flpd used car. Look them over and let tfa demonstrate. Cash or terms. -, i Goldstrum Auto Sales, 1311 Harney St. -f -Tyler 714. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 19, 192Q. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. AUTO EXCHANGE CO Why S!'o;y Around? We can show you practic ally every woVth while make and model of high grade used cars.- - There are more cars here than you can see in a day's journey -elsewhere around town. Deal with the oldest and largest firm in Nebras ka, handlingused cars ex clusively. BUICK SIX TOURING, 1917, newly-vpairOcd $800 BUICK sixt6uring, excellent condition ....$850 BUICK SIX TOURING, 1919, new top, just like new .$1,250 DODGE TOURING, 1916, rcfinished and thoroughly overhauled . . . " $600 DODGE ROADSTER, 1919, like new, painted top, new tires ; $875 LIBERTY ROADSTER, late model, special paint jdji $950 J PAIGE CHUMMY road ster, 1918, re'finished $850 CHALMERS TOURING, 1918, newly painted. .. .$850 OLDSMOBILE EIGHT TOURING, 1918, special maroon paint job.. $875 MITCHELL TOURING, five white wire wheels, new tires and newly paint ed ". ..$750 COLEv"8" TOURING, 7 passenger, 1917, excellent condition .". $1,050 STUTZ 4-PASSENGER SPORT," 1919 model, extra tire, Bumper spot light, for $1,975 OAKLAND TOURING, 1917 $575 PACKARD TWIN s'lX, late model, 5 new Good year cord tires, Bumper, other extras, finish late. HUDSON SUPER-SIX TOURING, 1917, excellent condition, rcfinished, rea sonable,. HUPMOBILE TOUR ING, 1917 taodel "N". .$7S0 , DODGE SEDAN, 1918, like new $1,250 DODGE SEDAN, 1918, new tires, rcfinished. .$1,350 HUDSON SUPER SE7 DAN,, 1917 $1,500 NASH '"SEDAN, 1919, 5 wire wheels, all new, tires, excellent condition, looks fike new $1,750 OVERLAND SIX Coupe, 1918, newly painted $950 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN, 1919, new nonskid .tires, mechanically perfect, a bar-' gain. ,., BUICK SIX Coupe, 1917, for $925 All of above cars are in good running condition and cannot be duplicated else where at the price we ask. In buying a used car it al ways pays "to buy from the most reliable company. If you are dissatiRied with your old car trade it " io us for one you can use. Terms If You Wish , i I OPEN EVENINGS. OPEN SUNDAYS 10 TILL 3. AUTO EXCHANGE CO., J 2059 Farnain. - AUTOMOBILESFOR SALE. MILBURN ELECTRIC Must sacrifice, leaving city. Car n flrfe shape. .Price only 31,200, Including motor generator, aet for recharging. The car can be seen at Military garage, Kcnson or call Co. Bluffs Red 3279 after 7 P. M. or Sundays. Mlas White. Two Dandy Buys One Apperson 17-0 Chummy One Apperson 17-8, 7-passenger. - BOTH IN EXCELLENT SHAPE. NEBRASKA APPERSON MOTOR CO. 2620 Douglas St. Tyler 4434, FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. MODEL S5-4 OVERLAND TOURING HARNEY 5459. COLE 8, four-passenger car; looks Uko new; perfect nhape mechanically; driven 6.000 miles, five wire wheels, good tires: owner having city, will sacrifice for 33.000; sells new for 34,200; part pay menta to responsible party. Call Mr, Oaskill, Blackstone hotel. LATE 1920 REO TOURING CAR. Used four months, nalnt and me chanical - condition perfect; $1,300 cash. 1003 City Nat l Bank. Tyler 4582. SOME bargains in used Ford cars. Mo uarrrey Motor co. Tne Handy Ford Service Station. 15tb and Jackson. Doug las 3509. FORDS. DODQE BUICK FOR SALE OR TKAUK. EAST Tr.KMa. UALL B. 9. O'ROUKE AUTO CO..-4.701 S. 14th St. WANTED For gpot cash. 100 used cars, quick action; no delaju Auto Kxchangf Co.. 2059 Farnam St. Douglas 0035. WE SAVE YOU , 15 out of every $10 on auto Insurance. Phone Douglas 7768. 312 Peters Trust Bldg. Continental Inv. Co MUST have money thle week; will sacri fice. F. B. Chevrolet Roadster. Per fect condtion. Harney 1925. 3204 Marcy St DO you need an auto or truck? If your bank will not loan you mqney win sen you one on time. Linlnger Inclement Co., 6th' and Pacific Sts. Doug. 109. 1918 Maxwell sedan; newly painted and Just overhauled. 5 new tires, gone 6UU miles. Call Sunday morning. 657 B, 26th St. Mr. O'Brien. Tyler 41. CADILLAC roadster, model 67, almost .lew; all cord tires. Call Mr. Cubbldge, cars Hansen Cadillac Oo. DO YOU want a good auto at a bargain price? All makes and sizes. Terms or cash Call Mr. Jones, Doug. 6188. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHISiLS MOTOR COMPANT. 2520 Farnam St OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CU.. 2309 Farnam St. WE have 60 good--uaed cars to. select from. All prices. MEEKS AUTO CO.. 202 Farnam. ONE brand new 34-B Oakland sensible six at $1,050. JecmlncK & Jiracea, verdigre. Neb. CADTLLAC 1914 in perfect condition. Price 3500. O. B. Moser. 643 ram Ave. Harney 7267. 1910 CADILLAC roadster; good running order; good tires; $125 casn. so. Jui, 1S14 N St. MODEL N HUPMOBILE, $750; excellent condition, will take in good fora. loi. 1680. ' DODGE Sedan In excellent shape. Good as a new car at a big saving in price, nar- ncy 1118. DETROIT electric In good shape for sale or trade for city property. t;ari cnanga tom, 2020 Farnam. 1919 OAKLAND sedan, like new. Col, SIR. CADILLAC 57, 4-pilss.. $3,200. Call H-5609. LOTS for car. Webster 1559. Repairing and Painting. HADIAJOR CORES INSTALLED. Mannflftured In Omaha, 24-hour serv ice for aut& truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing"? body dents removed; new fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR idFO. CO., 1818 Cuming St. Tyler 9 17. Tires and Supplies. USKL TIRES. - 10x3, $5.00: 30x3 H $.00. Ize -tn. proportion. Look ovef our rebullts. Op"n Sundays. Tyler 298S. PAVIGE TIRES. 90S N. 16th St. Keystone Tire Shop. NEW TIRES, FIRST-CLASS. 30x3 $ 9.95 I 32x3 $14.95 0X.H4 I'-'o 33X4 "o Iix4 30.95 34x4 "60.95 Goodrich Guaranteed Ford Tubes. $2.i0. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS, 1723 CUMINGL NEW TIRES, 60 PER CENT DISCOUNT. 30x3 $ 9.76 32X4 , l.z 30x34 11.90 33x4 19.50 S2x3!6 14.90 I 34x4 . . . . . 20.00 MAIL ORDERS 'ILLEr TANDARD TIRE CO., 410 NO. 16TH ST. Motorcycles and Bicycles. WE HAVE a number of guaranteed re built bicycles priced as low as $20. vic tor H. Roos, 27th nd Leavenworth. FARM LANDS. Alabama Lands. 22 ACRES on Transcontinental Bankhead highway, 1H miles Heflln tonunty seat); 300 acres open, all tillable; 80 acres fine valley; all splendidly fenced and cross fenced with woven wire; good soil, well watered, perfect tltlee, ideal climate, healthful; 4-room house. 2 barns, or chard; ideal stock and dairy farm; bar gain; $20 acre, half cash, balance long time. Address Box 100, Heflln,' Ala. x California Lands, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Write us for our list of Income prop erties, residences and country lands. R. M. GALE COMPANY, Realtors, Alexandria Hotel) Los Angeles. Colorado Lands. SALESMEN AND BRANCH MANAGERS wanted who can earn big money. W e train you free. You pay us no money. Nothing to buy and you can earn $200 to $500 a month while learning; others are doing even better selling a protec tion that every lauto owner needs; not Insurance; no competition, highly en dorsed; well established. We quickly train vou to be your own boss and make big money; exclusive territory when-yoti qualify. Don't miss mis. investigate. Just mall coupon, or drop a card to Anti-Automobile Thief Association of America. Wayne V. Hall, Manager, 203 S. Main, Wichita, Kan. WHY pay $50 to $100 per acre when I still have a few pieces or smoom, ler tlle soil, tractor plow , wheat and corn land In Prowers and Bent Qounties, Colorado, at $15 to $25 per acre on good terms? ."'Located :ear Lamar, Granada, Holly and Sheridan Lake. Some are Improved and show fine crops. Same rainfall as at Burlington. Some places near schools and on good roads, with mall and milk routes.' Write-for list. Will show the land and pay com missions. I own 3.000 acres at Haswell and 2,000 near Burllngton that I (am offering below thle present market value. Address Will F. Sledentopf. Council Bluffs, la. ' FOR -THE RENTER- and the man with small means that wants a home I have some very good places near Cheyenne Wells. Colo., that will suit you at bargain prices with terms. a M. BOTTORFF. Phone Hartley $83 3520 Martha .. Oman, -nep. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY. Five thousand acres of virgin corn and wheat land in tjie heart of the great southwest to be sold at public auction in tracts from 40 acres up,to liquidate anestatc; unusually favorable terms; sale October 20 and 21; full In formation given on request to Citizens State Bank, trustee, Lamar, Colo. COLORADO LAND, E. 33-19-47; Kiowa county, Colorado, south H N24-16-46, ' Cheyepne county, Colorado. All nice smooth land, only $20 per acre. C. B. Moling. 201 Lathrop Mrltt, Kansas city. Mo. ACRES near Lonrrmont. Colo., near sugar factory, price right. Box R-88, Omaha Bee. Iowa Lands. E hare a number of good Iowa farms from 80 to 240 acres each, which can be sold on very liberal terms. t Shopen & Company, Realtors. Omaha ANTED To hear from owner of farm or unimproved land for sale. Mrs. W. Booth. Hlpark, Dcs Moines, la. Mississippi .Lands. YOUR WAGER ARE GOOD, BUT ARE YOU ABLE TO SAVE ANY MONEY? Let ua show youyhriw. Forty acres of land on & $100 pay ment starts you towards the ownership of a farm home; monthly payments of $100 on each forty. Land sold In 40, SO. 120 or liift-acre tracts. CUT-OVER HARDWOOD LANDS IN ONE OF MINNESOTA S BEST COUNTIES. Land that produces good corn, oats, wheat, clover, alfalfa and all genera) farm crops. Come In or write for one of our free maps of Aitkin county. THORPE BROS.. 309 Andrua Bldg. Minneapolis, Minn. $5 DOWN, $5 monthly buys S acres with 80 batsoms, orange or pecan trues; world s best location; price $425. Write ' inr iree nooaiei. jonn r lynn, ZL'L vv. 63d St.. Chicago, III. ACRE pecans with Beach club lot, $100; easy terms; . big returns. Dept. 84. Suburban Acres Co., Ocean Springs, Miss. FARM LANDS, Nebraska Lands. rask FOR SALE: 160 acres 3'4 miles of Crelch tcn. Neb., 125 acres under cuitlvaUfvi. House and outbuilding in first class condition. Address. Jos. ShoJin, 3554 Indiana Street. San Diego, Cal. Vooo ACRES Box Butte county farm land, $26 to $35 an acre in halo section lots, & a AND R. E. MONTGOMERY. $13 City National BankBldg. FOR SATJi iifl acres."improved, adjoin- lng Erleson, Neb., $25 per acre. W. A. Olive, owner. Indlanoln, la, A. , A. PAT2MAN7TFarmsi' " Ksvrtych BlkT Ohio Lands. WRITE for catalogue of 600 farms, 11 counties, any size, price and terms you want. H. H. Masters, Farm Agent, Cambridge, O. South Dakota Lands. IF YOU HAVE any good property for sale to turn in on eastern South Dakota fa-rms, balance easy terms, write J. E. Hazlltt, Parker, S. D. Wisconsin Lands. LANDOLOGY special number just out con taining 1920 facts of clover land in Marinette countv. Wisconsin. If for a home or as an investment you are thinking of buying good farm v lands -where farmers grow rich, send at once for this special number of Landology. It is free on request. Address Skldmore- meiiie i.ana oo... -433 Skidmore-Kienie Bldg... Marinette. v;ls. DO YOU want land? We want to send everS'kody wanting land free sample copy lof American land bulletin, con taining land for sale in 30 states; -manv snaps. We are publishers, tnot land dealers. Write, stating kind wanted. American Land Bulletin, Baldwin, Wis. Wyoming Lands. WYOMING. Farm Owners and Farm Renters If you desire to secure good graln, dairy, stock or general farm at low prices and on reasonable terms, this commission can locate such a farm. Address Commis sioner of Immigration, Capitol Buikling, 345. Cheyenne. Wyoming. f Miscellaneous. 243 Acres, $4,500, With 3 Horses, 17 Cattle, Tols and 50 tons hay, vegetables, grain, fruit for winter, machinery, wagons, harness, tools, cream separator, dairy utensils; loamy machine-worked fields, river wutered pasture, 700 cords wood and pulp, market close by; 9-room cottage, 70-ft. piazza, maple shade, overlooking lake; 3 barns: personal reasons force sale, everything $4,500, easy terms. De tails this and fully equipped farm for $1,500, including 30 tons hay, plj.Re-10 Strout's Big New Illustrated Catalog Farm Bargains 33 States. Just out. Write for free copy. STRpUT FARM AGENCY, 831DH, New York Life Bids., Kansas, City, Mo. FINANCIAL. WE are now able to make first real estate mortgages. In small amounts. Ve also can handle real estate contracts at a discount. Days & Mayne, 605 Keeline Dldg., Omaha. Neb. 34 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs, lowa. FOR SALK Immediate delivery, 6,000 marks City of Lelpsig, Germany. 5 per cent bonds, with Snptembery1920, and subsequent interest coupons attached Also other German municipal bonds. Fuhrman & Co.. Pender, Nob, Real Estate Loans. We are In tho market for a few choice loans in the heart of the city. W. Earnanr Smith & Co., 132. farnam St., lous. ift. PRIVATF MONET. $130 to $10,000 made promptly. P. I). WEAK Wend Bldg., jiipjL mh st- DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rate.i. Private loan booths. Harry Malashock, 1514 DodgeJJ. 561?.EsLJli34. OMAHA 1 OMES EAST. NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Om. Nut. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 3716. PRIVATE MONEY. 1 SHOPEN & COMPANY. Doug. 4228. PROMPT service, reasonable rates, private money. Gorvin Bros.. 345 Omaha Nat. REAL JESTATE WANTED WANTED To buy of owner, Uve or six room strictly modern bungalow, good neighborhood. Give address and lowest price tn answering. Will not deal with agents. Address Box flT-1275, - Oma,ha Bee; x V V YOU WANT TO SKLL THAT HOUSE' Want quick action? Just try us. Call Tyler 196. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Bee Bldg. To buy or nell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD, 1120Clty Nat'. Hynk Bldg. Doug. 2126. W.:G.SHRIVER t&rEST'-. 1047-9 Om'aV Nat. Bank Bldg. D. it. WANTED to purchase five or six-room byflga'low In Dundee from owner. B. Kay Smithy Plattsmouth. Neb. HAVE buyers with $500 caslvdown. List , with us. --R. F. ClaryiCo., 2404-06 Ames Ave. North Omaha Realtors. Col. 175. HAVE Inquiries tr.r hemes; do you want to sell youi property? List It with C A. Orlmtr.el, O.naha Nat'l Bank Bldg. WANT to rnt or buy a 5 or j6-room house. Web. 1772. ) . REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. 28 ACBES NORTH OF FLORENCE $6,000 28 acres Zz miles north of Flor ence, improved yith god 4-room house, bar;i, chicken, house, etc., 4 acres of fine grapes, 4 acres al falfa, about 200 fruit trees, .balance natural timber: one of the best small farms close to Omaha: 2 'crops will, pay fpr the place; can sell on easy tei'ms and give pos sessionr March 1, 1921. Sunday call Colfax 4125. . v , J. L. HIATT GOMPANY'; 900 First Vat. .Ef!ik Bldg. Ty. 63. . ACREAGE ' Sixteen acres one block, from paved street, walking distance to street car. Five-room house, barn, corn crib, big chicken house, brick cave, gas pun; 8 acres corn. 3 acres alfalfa, 100 apple trees; 6 bfcbd sows, 1 boar, 10 pigs, 35 hens, 60 chloks, cow and horse. Wagon, harness, plow, cultivator and garden tools. Take all at a big bargain next week and Immediate possession. Denney, 624 Paxtnn Block. Douglas 2400. Tele phone today (Sunday), if you wish. 10 ACRES "Near benSon Ten acres northwest of Benson, 2 blocks to paved street; a nice east front, high and sightly loca tion on main road; improvements consist of good big barn, well, all kinds of fruit and grapes; some alfalfa, balance plow land; owner has cut price to $7,000 for quick sale or might'eonsider a, five-room bungalow as part payment; best acreage buy close to Omaha. Sun day call Colfax 4i2S. 'j. h. HIATT COMPANY. - 900 First Nat. Bank BJdg. Ty. 63. Fairacres, 250x270 Feet High, sightly location; east front; . close to Undsrwood Ave., where xyou have the bnt prospect for street car extension. Close to paved street. Will surely double In value before long. Price only $30 a front foot for quick sale. Easy terms. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 Harne St. Phone Tyler 60. ,vr mavp n n unusually well located olece or irai'Kage at itn and Leavenworth. 81x132: tracks on both sides. At right I price., Alfred Thomas. 604 First Nau Bank. ' 1 v REA.L ESTATE UNIMPROVED. Vacant. i LOTS. WEST HARNEY; $2,500. UREAT BARGAIN. DOUGLAS 4641. ReTlITESTATE INVESTMENTS. WAREHOUSE WITH U. P. TRACKAGE i This la a three -story and basement. brlrk warehouse, i ti x 1 2 0 It., with loading plat form on tracks; lot la 60x132 ft., building la equipped with hydraulic elevator, 7x12 ft., sprinkler system with low rate ol Insurance; located in whole sale district on paved street; "vacant now nd can Rive im mediate poNscuston ; make ap pointment with our salesman to show you this at once; price $:!ti,000; reasonable, turms to responsible party; not for lease; for sale only. N GEORGE & CO., REALTORS, Ty!er024 902 City Nat. Rank Bldg. INVESTMENT INCOME $1,668 PRICE $4,500 10-roaio, modern house converted Into 4 'apartments with hot water heat. Routs for $134 per ino., garnge rents for Three of the apartments are furnished with new furniture which cost $638 and goes with the property.) The lot !s 50x127 ft., one block from car Un. Price $4.J00. Terms $2.5001 cash, balance easy payments. No une asking1 to wee this unless you IWvo the cash. Owner needs mnnev f rr business purposes. "" DU,M0NT & CO., 116-1S JKeelinaJBIdg. RE'NTAL $1,800 PER YEAR, PRICE $12,500 Pressed brickriuplex tints near West Farnam ear. Kight rooms and bath on each side. I Onk finish all over down stairs and 'oak floors and birch finish Sipptairs. This building would cost at Ifast $18,000 to build and is a real bar Eain at $12,500. This kind of property Is getting more scarce all the time and here is your opportunity to pick Up a bargain brick flat which will pay better than 15 per cent net on your money. Bedford-Johnston Co., Wead Bldff. Doug. 1731. $1,000 Investment THREE HOUSES $1,000 rash buys three houses, six roomn e.ioh, modern except heat; price $7,500; should bring rental of $1,080 per year; located at 2fith and Patrick .avenue. Call Doug. 5013. American Security Co., ISth and Dode Sts. Business Property 66x66 North 16th strpot, corner Burt street, with a two-atory huildinp renting1 at $1,260 per year. Offered very cheap to losr-?in estate. W. H. GATES, 047 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. P. 1294. A HOME and apartiAt'nts r.ented ; income 150 per month: parage for 2 cars and large storage room. Nice home and apt., modern, private bath room, new decorations inside and out; full base ment, street and alley, paving all paid. One block t car, dandy respectable neighbors. This is owners home and only reason for selling, going to Cali fornia; $5,00-0 will handle. Terms. Owner Tel. South 21 28. ' " Beautiful Brick Flat " Four-apartment brick flat In one of the finest locations in the city. Worth $40,000. Owner will sacrifice at $25, 000. Entire building Is faced with beau tiful matted pressed brick. Each flat has dk finish, fire place and tiled bath. Two flatare six rooms and two have six rooms' and sleeping porch besides attic finished. Present income over $3, 200 per year. This property will pav nearly 20. per cent net on money invest ed. Tcrns. $S,000 cash and balance easy. Wead Bldg. Doug. 1734. Bedford-Johnston Co., Hanscom Park Brick Pupk'pressed brick flat with 7 rooms and bath 'on each side. Beautiful oak finish, 4 bed rooms, large basement with laundries and toilets fn basements. Dou ble garage, largo lot; a real bargain at $11,000 and terms can be arranged. Bedford-Johnston Co. Wead Bldg. Douglas 1 734. WALSH-ELMER CO.. Realtors, Real Estate, Investment, Insurance, Rent als. Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg REAL ESTATE, TO EXCHANGE IMPROVED 60 acres In Pottawattamie county. Iowa. Price $300 per acre. Improved 300-acre farm 2i miles from stock yards, Cass county, Nebraska Price $140, per acre. Fine IGO-acre farm 8 miles west of Omaha. Price $100 per acre. And many others. Call or address. Room 8. Wead Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Phone Dous las 5101. TO EXCHANGE My valuable Loop" Of fice and Store Building near City Hall Fireproof construction. Income over $40,000 year. Price $150,000. Free and clear of incumbrance. Am offering gilt edge proposition. Must have A-l ranch to match; preferably stocked. K. R. Beak, 196 No. Clark St., Chicago. FOR SALE or exchange: 160 acres in Phelps county, Nebraska, all level, 100 acres In cultivation, balance In pas ture and hay meadow; would exchange for land near Lincoln, Neb. Box r-izd. Omaha Boe. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. FORCED TO SACRIFICE Two cw '3K pressed brick flat buildings, facing 2 streets, walking distance, west. In como over $5,000 per year Need the money and right party can make their own terms. Box y-1228. omana uee. ACRE and new home In Benson and horn' new home in Benson acres. . very e like place; $3,750, terms, Amos Grant Co., D. 8380. 330-2-4-6-8 Brandels Theater. Dundee. Attractive, Practical , Located at 5005 Webster street, full two-story Kelleston and brick; attrac tive' living room with fire place and built-in bookcases; large dining room; up-to-date kitchen, with breakfast nook, built-in cabinets, refrigerator room: four corner bedrooms, one with three expos ures: large Tloset In each room, also linen closet and eftta closet in hall: tiled bathroom with bullKin tub and pedestal lavatory; extra toilet and lav atory between two bedrooms x'nice. base ment with laundry tisos. -toilet. cfal bin, fruit room, etc.; beautiful lighting fix tures and artistic decoration; lot 60x128 with paved alley; lust built; Immediate possession; look this over today, house open this afternoon. C. A, GrimmeJ, Realtor . Omaha Nat. Bank Bids. Phone D. 1615. ' DUNDEE Tnu cannot afford to overlook this bargain." "Wix-room home, strictly mod ern and In excellent condition, with 80 foot of ground. Beautiful location: pos session on short notice. Trice $8,500.00 and worth every epnt of it. : ' D. V. SHOLES CO.', REALTORS. Doug. i City Nat. Bank Bldg. New Happy Hollow Home New 7-room home near Happy Hol low club with large corner lot and dou ble garage. Sun room, fire Blace, built in features nnd tiled bath, already to moveonto Price $14,500. and terms can be arranged. armng Bedford-Tohnston Co.. Wead Bldg. Doug. 1734. DUNDEE LOTS A few choice corners In Dundee's hest residential district that can be bought on easy terms. N. E. Cor. 61st and Howard. $2,750. ' n. E. Cor. 63d and Farnam. 3 lots. $7,500. S. W. Cor. 61st and Izard. 2 lots. $4,000. ('HAS. K. BKI.MAN. P, 3235. DUNDEE. Two story Four bedrooms. Water heat. Oak flnlBh. Easy terms. Will he sold today. - 4818 Underwood Ave. DITv'DEE bungalow, two blocks to rar floored attic, oak finish, single paneled doors, tile bath and kltfhen. Aboui $1,000 cash. Call Mr. Mead, Doug. 7263, Sunday, or Peug. 7412 Monday. Florence. j NETHAWAT. Suburban siup'ty. Col. 140$. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. Niftiest New Bungalow v In Omaha Ready to Move Right in Just listed for quick sale. It's pev feet In every detail. Full lot, high and sightly, In the heart of Mt. Clare at 3109 Nicholas street. S-i-x Peachy Rooms S-i-x A delightful living room with open fireplace (outside chimney) with (French doors leading Into delightful den or sunroom. Din ing room With Ideal bullt-Jn buf fet, two large bedrooms with big closets, kitchen with hullt-ln cabi net, with pantry and rear vesti bule; splendid cement basement with Rogers ftirnace, dust-proof bins-and dandy fruit room. Fine attic wlthasy stairs, oak finish and oak floors throughout except whlte enamel with mahogap? doors tn bedrooms and buth; beautiful decorations throughout. Just can't describe It In cold type. You gotta, see It. Price Is abso lutely right only $9,800. with on1r $2,600 cash necessary. Will show .this today by appointment only. Open for inspection 3 to 6. Payne & Carnaby Co., REALTOR SERVICE. till'. Omaha Nat. Bank Hldg. Doug. 10U, ON LINCOLN BOULEVARD NEAR 26TH. Let us show you a real home, newly painted and in- first-class condition, liouso Is strictly modem, having hot yi'ater heat ' Maln floor has large living and dlnlni room, den and a ronvenlent kitchen with oak floors and finish. Second floor has four large rooms and bath finished and floored with maple. Third floor ha three rooms suitable fbr maid. This home is well built and will stand close inspection. V The price Is $10,000, We will show this house on Sundays' Call , Jl. J. Conboy. City Manager, ' Harney 4999. , GLOVER-MORELL, , .... '. Real Estate and Insurance. n Office Phone: Tyler 3623. 71S-20 Keellrm Bldg. 6-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW- Now up-to-date stucco bungalpw Witt oak woo s--ork and all modern conven iences: cini bo ready to move Into, In 1 week or less; full east front r- 1st on paved street, ono block from car line; high and sightly location, overlooking some of the finest homes In the western part of Omaha. Price $8,760. Reason able terms. DUMONT & CO., 418 Keeline Bldg. Dougy 690. WEST 7 rooms 411 oak finish, facing Fon tenelle p:irk. I.nrge living room across the front, dining room and kitchen downstairs and four corner bedrooms up. Complete basement with mood furnace, screencd-lnorch. Only four yeais old. Lot 100x130: .has double garage, chicken house and fruit and shrubbery. $9,000. GLOVER-MORELL,. r(8 Keeline Bldg. Tyler 3633. Col. 6144. 4255 Douglas St. , " WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. . A beautiful home of 7 rooms, one blk. from the Benbow apts. Owne.r lives in It and will show it at any time. Any further Information call A. W. TQLANLX Wee k Days 1. 3576. S und a y Wal n u t2 8 1 S. n-ItOOM mod. but heat .Close to Vreigh- ton 'college. Only $3,250. Very easy ' term. GLOVER-MORELL, 71 SKe I In e Bid g. Tyler 3 63$. Col. 6144. . West Dodge Home y-; 8 $8,ooo ; - - 108 North 40th St.- ITniie rni.ftiR flerKt floori nak finish. excent kitchen: four bedrooms . second floor, lot 60x126: paved alley? hedge fence, fine shade trees; easy forma. Call Doug. 6013. , American Securi Co.y ' 18th and Dodge Bis. STUCCO BUNGALOW -Ttiat i n tn ii ? t . (1, fvm rnnm, alt mnri. em, full lot, near 45th--and" Coby; 2 blocks from car. $5,360; $270 te $600 rash, balance same as rent. Address Box A-26, Omaha Bee. ' Northx)f Bemis.Park 5 rooms, on Seward St., Jiurt one block to Harney car line, south front, paved street, nicely arranged; lnce, 11,200 cash, balance termj C. G..CARLBERG,' "13 Brandels Theater Bldg. J SIX-room cottSge, newly decorated ln side and out, alt modern, with hardwood floors, near high semi $3,750; $70 cash, balance same as J-ent. ' Ad Address Box A-24, Omaha Bee. Omaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN -T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Blk. Phone Tyler 4880. SIX-ROOM modero oak finish, three good uetiruom, ciHiipii.ie UHBeuieiti, uttei num. near Field club, close to car; only $7,600 see this. ' - ' WEST FARNAM, '15,000 for that fine Jiome on northeast corner 38th Aye, ant lavnport. Doug. 2947. FINE HOME, 7 ROOMS, BE.M18 PARK; $5,500. DOUGLAS 4641. North. KOUNTZE PLACE EIGHT ROOMS, GARAGE $8,500 Well constructed, full 2-stor? home in fine repair, large south front, 50 ft. Jot; fine shade trees. Vz blocks o car line ind 'dose to Dotn puoiic ana parormai schools; we can sell this for about ifil.UU cash, balance same as rent; one of the ?best locations in Kountze j. lace; possession on short notice. Sunday call Col fax 4125. J. L. HIATT COMPANY, 900 First National BanW Ty. 63. MINNE LUSA DREAM $1,000 DOWN, Vi BALANCE MONTHLY Five-room skrlctly modern bungalow, all on one flibor; oak finish and oali floors; large living room, dining room and kitchen. 2 bedrooms and bath; batlr with built-in base tou, cement fliisrf kitchen has, 1 -piece sink: 'built-in buffet and bookcases. House only 1 year old dandy lot on paved street. If looking for something new and nifty don't fall to see thin. PAYNE INVESTMENT . COMPANY. 63 7Oin ha NatrBank Bldg, Doug. 1L Owner Leaving City 2529 DerStur St. $.,.500- ' ' ' Cottage, five rooms and bath firs! floor; two sleeping rooms second floor; garage for two cars; fruit trees and shrubbery; paved street. Gall Doug. 6013. ' I '" American Security Co., ISth and Podge St For Sale by-Owner , 1 acres. Improved. - building nearly ni w; 1 nMIe" north snd mile east of Mt. Hope cemetery. 2 doien chickens; 20 pair of pigeons; I stacks of alfalfa: one sere of grapes ready to pick. CO with the Place. Must sell; leaving country. Call ownor. Russell Williams. Wal. 4096 or address. Box X-T, Oman Bee. f i V V .V