JT s t ' '' I r I e F CUssified Advertising Rates le per Una (count ( words 10 Una) I da) 3Ae pr line per day. 3 consecure days 15o per lina per day. 7 consecutive dayl 14 per Una per day. 30 consecutive day No add taken for leaa than a total or 3Sc These rates apply either to the Dally P Sunday Bee. All sdvertlsi-ments ap pear in both morning and evening dally paper tor the one charge. CQNTRACf RATES ON APPLICATION. Want ads accepted at the following of fices: ' MAIN OFFICE.... 17th and Fa mam Sts. South Side 21S N St. Council Bluffs 36 Scstt St. WANT ADS RECEIVED BT PHONE AT TYLER 10HO TUB BEE will not be responsible for mora than one Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for mora than one time. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT- ADS Evening Edttloa 12:00 M. Morning Kdltloa.. :u I. M. Sunday Edition S:0 P. M. Saturday. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. ROOERS Mr. Agnes V., use 4i Sep tember IS. Funeral from family residence, 5133 Military Ave.. Tuesday 8:2a a. m. to Holy Name church, 3 a. m. Interment family crypt West Lawn Mausoleum, liercased la survived by one daughter, Francos; bne son. Charles; three sisters, V Mrs. C A. Rennoe, South Bond, Ind., Mra. O. C. Butler. Omaha. Miss Mena , Starr, Omaha: three brothers, Charles, Akron. (.. J. F. and-V, J., both of New jnrK ni7. OtLDEMANN Mrs. Katnerlne, Sept. U, aged HO years. Funeral services Monday at 8:30 a. m.. from residence, 1716 Center street, to St Josephs thunh, at 9 a, m. Inter ment at St. Mary Magd-tlen cemetery, iveceased is survived by four daughters, Sirs. Anna Bloemer. Mrs. Mary Boesen, 34rs. Katnerlne Hoffmann,' .Mrs. Adel aide Kramer. andjne son. Fred. DEREK Frank A. Sept. "l7 aged 45 years. Deceased 4s survived by his wife, Mrs. Mnrie Dej-ek: two daughters, Mar garet Mnrle and lather Catherine: his mother, Mrs. Mary Derek, and flves!s- f , ters. MrsXAdam Ilohm of Jljul ile, la.; Mra. Ed Kvert, Petersburg, fib. : Mrs. Herman Dietrich, Mrs. Petflr Bogacz nr.d Mrs. Jnhn Maralskl of Omaha. . GROVE Jamea hT, September 1, 1920 age SJ years. Funeral services- will be held from Tralley A porranre Chapel, Cuming at 19th afreet, Sundav, September 19. at ' 3 o'clock p. m. Interment Foreat Lawn omterr. 1 CARD OF THANKS. WE wish to thank our friends, neighbors and Union Pacific employes for their kindness and floral offerings to us dur ing the sickness and death of our hro'her, William. Minnie and Eileen Greeley, Mra. C. W. YoAing, Mr. Ed Oreoley, Mrs. James. Whiting. LODGE NOTICES. FIIATEIIXAL ATD UNION. Owing to the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities, the regular meeting of Banner-Mon-dnmln Lodge No. Ill on Tuesday, Sep tember 21, will be omitted. I FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST. PIERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. Thirty-third and Farnam. Harney 64. HULSE & RIEPEN, PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. T01 South 16th SL pnuglaa 1 S26. "IAFEY &" HEAFEY, Undertakers and Embalmer" Phone H. 25. Office 21111 Farnam. FLORISTS. llarmon Frr.r"9 IS14 Douglas St. - Doiigms 8244. JOHN BATH.18th and Farrnim. pTsOOO L. Henderson. 1 SI Fiirnam. Douglna ma. BIRTHSANDDEATHS. Births Onmes and Lucy Kllbourne, 1 4548 Seward street, 'boy; Kenneth and Edith. 825 Paik avenue, girl; Lnuls and , Ethel Schnfer. hospital, girl; otfn an Margaret Paukrats. 4111 North Eighteenth street, girl; Michael hrd Theresa Fuclnaro, Ralston, Neb., girl; Frank and Oarmelloe Marlnella, 1002 South Twenty-second street, boy; Henning and Emma Elsasser, S708 North Twenty-first street, bov: Tonv and Lena Rosisto, 1430 South Eleventh street, boy; Edward and Frieda Muns, 2008 Nicholsa street, boy. s m Deaths Ulysses Orant Bridonlinugh, Bt, I Douglas strset hridee; Carrie Bnutelle, 50, r' First and Wonlwnrth Ave.; Leroy Henrlck fn, infant, hospital; Patrick Sullivan, 55, , hospital. 1 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Ths fo! owing couDle have been Issued licenses to wed: Rldgely T. Penley, JJ, Omaha, and Rachel Farley, 19, Do Soto, Mo. ' Frank J. Roeil. 44, Omaha, and Blanche O'Shea, 37, Omaha. Robert Butler. 23, Omaha, and Mar guerite L. Day, 18, Omaha. Okey L. Wllraoth. 31, Omaha, and Min nie Petersen, 31, Omaha. Ernest R. Sprague, 28, Concordia. Kan., nd Lottie Lynn, 28, Kansas City. Mo. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. LOST Thursday evening on road to or at picnic near Florence, U. S. navy service ' rln and Red Cross pock )t book contain- 1 ing all pay received when discharged from navy. Reward for return. Phone Douglas 7776, Ralph Benedict, 620N. 2id St. FOR ARTICLES" LOST oti atreet cars tele , phone Tyler 800. We are anxious to re- store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RT. COMPANY. LOST Betwoen 23th hnd S and 24th and Farnam, one crank for Chalmers car. Finder please reftirn to A. L. Bergqulst, 4710 S. 24th St. . LOST -One small steamer trunk between Omaha and Panlllion: return to 819 So. S4th St., or phono Wal. 3025. Liberal reward. Cost Small -cornered Shrine pin. Call Douglas 8707. ; RowaYd. LOST A roan butt, J510 Vudy St., Har. T 1742. Rows.". j PERSONAL. THK SALVATION Armyrtndustrlni horns solicits your old clothing, furniture, magaslnrs. We wllect W distribute. Phons Doug. 4186 ' and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. llin.lllt-1114 Dodge St. .FRECKLES, pox scars, pores, wrinkles removed; ugly noses corrected at home all face defects corrected. ; Dr. Bailey, plastic suraeon, 224 Empire Bldg., -Denver. Colo. ; i SYSTEM of Swedish massage in home or will go out. Douglas 9549, , PIANO and plajer piano tuning and regu lating, rnone weo. W3i. , MTSS LIBBLI, manlc.irlng man 124 Y vafi by appotnt- mom. Linug. ai V RENT Hoover uum sweeper. Wal. 194T. , ENT slse. vac. cleaner, $1 day. 4Mb.- CoL PIANO and player piano tuning and regu lating. Phone Web. 2321. i, MASSAGE 210 North ' Seventeenth St. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academies. Kelp 1YIO oenooi ior Dancing. 1UC Farnam. Douc. 7850. 2424 Farnam Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. 1! Nevrilo Blk. Evl dwnce secured In all cases. Ty!er 36. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway Ex. Bldg. Dong. 5056. Night. Col. tti. I "P""k"I N",-S NATIONAL DETECTIVE OENCY, Incoipoiated. Douglas 1107, v Arlington Blk. "mi ha. Neb. Painting and Papejrhanging. INTERIOR varnishing, 'decorating, enameling, floors refinlshed. wa,lP paper cleaned. Tyler 436. FAINTING, paptrhanglng, ptasteilng. Walnut45L FIRST-CLASS papsrhanglng, painting. D 490. , PAINTLNO, papsrhanglng. Valnutt5l. Hemstitching and PK'ating. ACCORDION, side, knifu, sunburst box pleating, covered buttons, all ies and styles; hemstitching, plcnt rdglig, eye let cut work, buttonholes. pennsi ts, Idesl Button and Pleating Co. 308 Brown Blk. Douglas 1936. Top Notch Shop Hemstitching, braiding, beadlug. all kinds floating. Doug. 6ou. Room 83. Douglns Blk.. liith and Dodge. Miscellaneous Announcements, "SEWING MACHINES" We) rant, repair, sell needles and carta MICKEL'S 16thani Harney. .Douglas H78 , DENTISTRY exchanged forLlberty bonds, face value. VT. necpr. ivn iat t.v i. i. DIAMONDS We pay th oest pries with privilege to buy back a small profit GROSS -JEWELRY CO, 403 N. 16tb 8U Doug- las 6041 PAX TON-MITCHELL ' CO. ; 7 tub and Martha Sts., Omaba, Neb Brass, bronis, aluminum nd machine gray Iron castlnga. 1 SAFETY rsior blades "sharpened, new rs rors, raor blades sold. Oinah Rasor barpsning Co., liiihk Oodgs. 16. ANNOUNCEMENTS. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattress es made from your own feathera. aummirt and winter sides. 107 Cuming-. D. 8467. BALL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rial: Drue Store, 15th end Douglas Sta., Omaha. Neb HATS cleaned and b'ocked wh'le vou wait. ir Psiton Hat Works, 1607 H Far.am St. Work guarsnu.ed. D. 693 oar I teed. ' North West Ready 'Roofing Co. 803 So. Slat. . FILMS developed; printing and a.-ilarglng. Writ for prlcea. Ths Ensign io.. 1607 Howard St. JOHNSON, chimney sweep and furnaca cleaning, repairs: SO years' evperlenca. 'Tyler til. , JAMES V MARTIN. Patent Attornay. . 1716 Podge fit. Patent your Invention and sell It to a manufacturer. SAFETY RAZOR blades. Mall your dull aafety rasor blades to Jackson Electric Sharpening Co.. West Point. Neb WEDDING announcements and printing. Dougiaa Priming Co. Tel. Douglaa 144. OMiHA WELDING CO. "The Careful Wcd ers. J 1 5 th a nd Ja ckson. D. 439 7. FUF.L dress suha and tuxedos for rent 109 N. ICth Sr. John Feldman. D. 3121. Q A TTlTC BARGAINS. 12th & Karrara. OAT j j jvrightS3fe Co. TREK TRIMMING AND REPARIRING LAWNS. PHONE WER 5649. CITY Mattress Co.. mattreascs remade. H. 716:. RENT electric yacuuin sweeper. Web. rent" 1T47. Hoover vacuum sweeper. Wal DrJ Bradbury. No pan. 921 W. O. W. Bid. VEAyiNO. i.ld ruga remade. Tyler 1 1:.3. Omaha Towel Suppiy. 207 S. 11th. D. 52S. DRESSX"rAJClN13 All kinds. Web. 662S. OAS Rtoves connected. $2: repaired. H. lfjj Carrie J. Burford. 620 Paxton Bid D. 1138. FOR SALE. F jrniture and Household Goods. AUCTION. ' AUCTION. HIGH-GRADE AND 8TAPLE FURNI TURE OF SEVERAL GOOD HOMES WILL HE SOLD IN MY AUCTION HOUSE. S. E. COR. DTH AND WEBSTER STS., WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 22. STARTS AT 1 P. M. SH.ARP. This Is complete furnishings of four benutl'ul homes. Watch the papers for details. JA''ES L. DOWD & CO., Auctioneers, If you have atyththg to sell Call Louglas 3285or Tyler9C6. SALE ON RUGS OF ALL KINDS AND QUALITIES A complete line of beds in all styles, one-half carload of mattresses to be sold at' very reasonable prices: dining room furniture and library' tables, rock ers chlffonlora, dressers, one fxtra high grade mahogany flatbed; also mahog any victrola, electric vacuum cleaners, linoleum in ai; the new patterns: buy direct from the wholesale house in r.hy line of furniture and save one-half. 1113 Harne y . Doug. 7801 NICELY furnlshfd front room in all mod vem private- home; beautifully furnished and very desirable for two young ladles who will appreciate a good home; rea sonable rent. 2801 Woolworth Ave. Har. IStifi. HALL, dining room, 'bedroom, kitchen and basement furniture; yard equipment. No dealers. Must, be sold at once. Har. 4736. . FOR SALE Complete furnishings of 8 room apt.. Including fine brass bed, gas range, refrigerator, small rugs, rut glass, pictures, c hina cabinet, etc. 222 Park Ave. WE buy old and new furnltureTwe pay best price. Eureka Furniture Co. Web. 4206, 1417 North 24th. FIVE-PIECE fumed oak library set J small rues, draperlm, scarf, $135. Phons DouB.948 FOR SALE Household goods. Call at 3507 Harney, from 10 to 4, Monday and Tuesday. NEARLY new Hoosier range stove and, neating stove; 176 takes them. Har.1 3 I K. CLOTHES mangle. Col. 2186. JP.anos and Musical Instruments. FREEv JRREE Beautiful floor lamp will be given away free with every phonograph pur chased during Ak-Sar-Ben, besides sav ing you $50 to $100; this is a limited ofe SCHLAES PHONOGRAPH Cfl 1104 Dodge. Phone Doug. 2147. A. HOSPE CO. 2ra,n !2 Pianos for rent. 14.00 per ni'nta. DO yau know why the Whttehouse Is the nnest toned phonograph In the world? ghl"Fg-.pho"('g',Ph Co., 1404 Dodge St, LKUMS. traps, marimbas. Instructions, repairing. Phono Harney 2967. Geo. A. Smith, 2761 Davenport St. UPRIGHT piano In excellent condition. - lurnuure. Aoug. avso. BABY GRAND, fine condition, beautiful tone, win sacrifice. Doug. 3066. MAHOGANY player piano, real bargain ior quick saie. g. 30C6. , $285 VICTOR phonograph; will sacrifice ror 1186. Doug. 30C6. FINE old Emory rosewood ,!ind mahogany .lilts t'nl-, 17. . 1M C C. j.,.. u J . IIN?t ,d ,,mc!ry tr?;!;wood and mahogany ADAM SCHAFF piano with bench; .half price. Douglas 8301 or Ralston 31 W. VIOLIN for sale eheap. Doug las 6746. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS ADDINGAMACHINES ALL MAKES, bought, sold.. r.-n ted and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA Get our price -before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typrewriter Exc. Doughas 3120. 1912, Farnam. fPRtvpECTOHRAWS. F & E.'s: bargains. S2C Neville UloRJiV ALL MAKES Typewriter Co..' "all makes." 205 3. IS th St. Tyler 414. Machinery. INSTANT delivery, a 75 K. W., direct connected to a compound Ideal engine, 2.220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle; also a lot of boilers and Corllfs engines. Ad vise us your wants. - Kansas City Ma rhino Works, Station A, Kansas City, Mo. Miscellaneous Articles. ' GLASS FOR SALE. SIZES 5x7, 6x1. 8x10. BEST GRADE; "CAN BE USED FOR HOT HOUSES. WIREUESS SETS. ETC. CALL MR. HADLEY, TYLER 1000. ENGRAVING DEPT. MIUC cape, also, mole skin ermine cape, . a Hjjtrettcs. Call between 11 a. m. and & p. m., room 311, El Beudor Apts. LADY will sacrifice $75 set Hudson seal furs, stole and muff, never worn, $30; also squirrel stole snd French seal cape. The Harley, 2)th and Farnami. suite 111. Mra. McNamara. NEW YORK Concord grapes for grape juice, jelly, or wine, picked fresh every day; order from Houston's fruit farm. 8703 No. 16th, phons Colfax 4464, after 7 p. m. MAJOR'S uniform, with London-mads boots and putees; officer's overcoat, fine quality; dreaa suit snd tuxedo coat: dark medium weight overcoat. All nearly new. Slxe nbout 40. Harney 1157. CAN tnke on additional tonage grey Iron castings. If interested send blue prints and quantity -desired. Rlvcrviow Foun. dry Co., 106 W. Adams St., Chicago. HEMSTITCHING . and plcoting. attach ment, works on all sewing machines, $2. Full Instructions. Douglas Sales Co. 1328 North 16th St.. Birmingham, Ala. SHORT time, sura and safe Investment. 7 per cent elty warrants to net you 10 per cent. E. O. Solomon, 617 Karbsoh Bldg. Douglas 6263. WE buy, nil safes, make" desks, show esses, etc Omaba Fixture St 8upply Co., & W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. P. 2714. WE buy. sell and exchange ail makes of typewriters. Write for list Midland Office Supply Co.. 1404 Dodge. BUY tomatoes now green or ripe, 50c and 75o per bushel at farm. Walnut 818. X, J. Baker. , CADET suit, sewing machines lady's suit for sale, reasonable. Address Box R-43. Omaha Bee. GOOD second-hand lumber; also 1 boilers"; fine shape; cheap. Ty. 1744. DUNLAP strawberry plants for sale; 60c a 100. Doug. 807L DRY short kindling wood for sale. Acme Box Co.. H. ,,1 8 17, BEADED georgette dress, reasonable. Ty, WINTER coat, 2 suits, several dresses, sweaters and shoes. Webster 1105. SET 12 law library books; Cutney sheep skln bound; almost new. Wal. 1478. NEW blue serge dress, good style; $20; else 38. Colfax 6118. OFFICER'S whipcord uniform, brand new. Slxe 37. Sacrifice. Wal. S341. BLACK 'evening dress, also beaded geor gette. 3z4 36, Tyler 1962, Fdfl SALE 40-Inch musk rat fur stole. Phone Doug. 9486, KINDLING and lumber. Web. 46. WANTED TO BUY. WANTED 12-guage lowest cash pries. Douglas. pump gun; stats G. H. Furnessj 1716 WANTED TO BUY. WANTED TO BUY Barrett listing adding machine or Sunstrarut 7-column. Muat be almost new and In good condition. Answer atatlng price, terms and condi tion, also what total It will print. Writ P. O. Bon 1088. St. Joseph. Mo. DESKS DESKS DESKS New deaka; used desks bought, cold and traded. J. a Reed, U07 Farnam. D. tilt WILL buy aecond-hand clothing, shoes and furniture. Ty. 2583. A. Zavett. 70S N. 16. LIBERTY bonds bought. Macka Bond House. 1421 Firat Nat l Bk. Bide. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male, j HOUSE CLEANFnG. odd .tsbs. Har. 645. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS, LAUNDRESSiS. Watch the Domestlo column of Tba . Bee. Lota of good placea are alwaya advertised. Don't mlssthe Laundry and Day Work GOOD laundress; wants Wednesdays and Thursday out; 45e per hour and car fare; unless you want experienced laun dress, don't call. Tyler 2937, Mrs. Bas so tt. LAUNDRY, house cleaning, Web. 2244. day work. DAY work, laundry, cleaning; colored. Web. 462Z. FIRST-CLASS laundress. References. Web. 5308. BUNDLE v;sehing. day work. Web. 4748 mornings. - COLORED woman wants day work. Web. 3 4 57. iSoNING. cleaning, day work. Web. 2222. BUNDLE 1735. washing; experienced. Web. BUNDLE washing, experienced, Webster 1508. DAY work; laundry: experienced. Ty J534. DAYWORK," hundls washing ' kitohen work. Web. 6406. DAY work, laundry, experienced Web. DAY work wanted; experienced. Web. 2838. l ; COLORED womao Wants day work. Web. 2222. r SILK bundle washing. Web. 3848. LAUNDRY or rooking, Wsb. 4499. MEN'S washing, day work. Web. 4115, WANTKP Day work, exp. Harney" 7007. DAY work, laundry, experienced. Ty. 3571, DAY WORK; competent, exp. Vreb"i. DY work In private home. Web. 6316. DAY work in private home. Web. 6216. LAUNDRY, daywork, Exp. Web. 6710. DAY work, exp.. colored. Tyler $158. DAY work, cleaning, exp. H. C94S. DAY work wanted. Web. DAY work, house cleaning. Har, 6129. "HELP WAN ied MALE. Stores and Offices. WE HAVE A POSITION FOR YO-f. FIFTEENTH FLOOR. CITY NAT'L BANK BUG. COMMERCIAL REFERENCE COMPANY, DOUG. 5236. WANTED Thoroughly experienced book keeper and csshler by manufacturer and jobber of building materials. This is a permanent position and offers an exceptional opportunity to the man taat. has some executive ability. When fe plylng give age, experience and salary desired to start, also phone number. . Box A-.15, Omaha Bee. SALESMEN. Sell something the public must have this winter, heat, 60 per cent cheaper than coal; heats any Stove or furnace; big money for real salesmen who can successfully handle territory. Call or write Mr. Hartmnn,' 219-820 City Nat. Bank Bldg. . Tyler 1 3 60. BOOKKEEPER, hardware experience, $125, $130; bank bookkeeper, $125, $116: shipping clerk, $100; stenographer, good future, $150. THE MARTI COMPANY. EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS, ' 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. BOOKKEEPER, $150; steno., Cheyenne, $140; office clerk and typist, $95'; book keeper. $90; bookkeeper, $108; Burr bookkeeping machine operator, $100; ad ding machine operator, $80. ' WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 912 .First National Bank Bldg. YOU NG married man desires work eve nings 6 to 12 Saturday afternoons and Sundays,; bookkeeping, clerical work, etc.; prefer South Side; references. Ad dress H. Bee offlce. South Side. Men, age 17 to 65. experience unneces sary, travel; make secret investigations, reports; salaries, expenses. American Foreign Detective Agency, 475 St. you la. MEN. boys wanted. Halfway mail resks, $135 month. Write immediately. Frank lin Institute, Dept 223-0, Rochester. N Y. YOUNG MAN, over 16 years, wanted by wholesale house; chance to learn trade; good opening, steady position. ' Apply (111-615 Brandel Theater Bldg. TRY our service In locating a position. Wo get results. RIGHT REFERENCE CO., s 636 First Nat. Hank. WANTED At once, active, courteous man for check room service; salary $80. Ap ply Y. M. C. A., physical department. Professions and Trades. Men Wanted to Become , Draftsmen- Salary $200-$250 per month when com petent. Chief draftsman will train you personally also furnish free all tools. Training? given until placed in position at above salary. Address Chief Drafts man Dobe. 4001 Broadway, Div. 38-A, Chicago. I CARPENTERS, bricklayers and builders wanted. Hlgheest pay goes to men who understand blue print plans. You can learn quickly at home. Let me send you lesson In plan reading free. No charge. Write today. Address- Charles W. Morey, Supt., 2113, Chicago Tech. Bldg., Chicago, 111. POLISHERS WANTED. Wanted, three first class polishers on aluminum; steady Job,, piece work basis; modern plant; nonunion shop; nine-hour day, quit Sat'rday . noon JaJsCver had any trouble. Write, wire t or come at once. Universal Producft Co., 1120-22 Main St., Kansas City, Mo. SALESMAN wanted far a progressive ladles' resdjMo-wear department; fine opportunity foe a real salesman who Is a , trado-bullder and has the ability to handle a position of this kind. Apply at once. The Peoples Department Stor council Hiurrs, la. PAINTERS WANTED Good sisn and bulletin painters, to take charge ofMcr rltory. Hard workers ran make from $15 to $25 per dsy. Must have Ford truck or trailer. Art Bulletin System, 830 Wade Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. i WANTED Practical all around candy maker and enrobcr operator. Good op portunity for right man. Location, cen tral Iowa point. Quick actios necessary. Box Y-1270. Bee. LEARN A TRADE. Barbers wanted everywhere. We guarantee a position and teach you In a few weeks. Write for big free catalog. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. PHOTOPLAYS 5,000, Ideas and sugges tions wanted. Working girl paid $10,. 000 for ideas she thought worthless. Write for free .details. Producers' League, 257 St. Louis, Mo, toachEHS Hundreds: rural. grade. high school, normal, special.' Good sal aries; free enrollment. ' Write qualifi cations. Teacher. School Board (Ex r hange. Kansas City, Moy WANTED Two good tinners for Inside and outside work, also one good cornice man. Wages $1.00 per hour. Simon Brothers, North Platte, Neb. YOUNG man, study Isw. Eva. downtown sessions. Unlver. of Omaha Law Dept Thorough course; nominal tuition. Bee. j04j5mabaNatlonajBldg. FIREMEN, brakemen. baggagemen, $140 $200, colored potters by railroads every where. , Experience unnecessary. 718 Ry. Boreau. East St. Louis, 111. DENTAL laboratory man: If you are a fast, good, gold and plate man; steady, no booxer, will pay $60 per week, mors If you are worth It. Bnllard Drug ft Dental Co., Davenport, la; WANTED First class meat cutter can able of handling particular trade; steady position, good climate; state wages ex pected. W. H. Bristol. Lewlston. Idsho. SPECIALTY salesmen in silverware, rugs and-blankets; can use couple of good men. out-of-town work. C. F. Adams Co., 623 South d6th 8L YOUNG men with clerical experience for gootr permanent positions; accounting department. jStnndard Oil Co., H13 Far nam. SHOEMAKER wanted at Hamilton's aM SUatUt Council Bluffs, la THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 19, 1920. HELP WANTED MALE. ' Professions and Trades. TEACHERS Athletics, mathematics, manual training, engineering, aclence, others; high salaries Cllne Teachers Agency. Columbia, Mo. . WANTED Registered drug clerk, muat furnish references. Hurley Drug Co., lOlo mLncoln Neb. WANTED Bricklayers. Stsrtlng new Y. M. C. A., Ottumwa, la. WELLS BROS. CONSTRUCTION CO. WANTED Warehouse- men and aut driver. Cudahy Packing Co., 14th and jones sis. FIREMEN, brakemen. $225-$260 monthly, experience ' unnecessary. Writs Rail way. Box Y-1261, Omaha Bee.v Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN To handle ' superior , advertised Union Made brand of Service Suits and Serv ice Overalls; preferably one who is familiar with work clothes market; 4 ample selling helps and liberal commission. State age, experience and references with first letter. Address Sales Manager, Kohn Manufacturing Com pany, Bradford, Pa. PROGRESSIVE f SALESMAN wanted for Nebraska territory; the largs)6t merchandise jobbers in the world require the services of several live Wire 'energetic sales men to sell a well advertised agency line of men's, i women's and children's hosiery. A liberal proposition will be offered to men of strcng personality and good ap pearance. Wc will make proper arrangements and furnish leads and unlimited co-operation. Many of our salesman are making $75 to $200 weekly; you can do the same, GhII or write U. E. Jones for appointment. Room 910 Hotel Conant, Omaha, Neb. . WANTED Salesmen" visiting the retail trade at frequent Intervals In Missouri, Jowa. Kansas, Nebraska, Dakotas and Minnesota, to carry side line of Sunburst Silk, Sateens, Shirtings and Silk and Cotton . Mixtures! (Mulls); established trmle numbers already Introduced; sample occupy no space no additional baggage. Personal following and favor able acquaintance with buyers In Piece Goods Department essential. State lines now carried together with present and past associations. Address: The R. R. Appleton Co., !, Franklin Street. Now tors city. SALESMEN We want capable salesmen to handle the Tokhelm "Sight-Measuring" gasoline equipment and United states Automatic Air Compressors, in Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and Ne braska. Tokhelm electrically operated gasoline equipment is approved by 1he National Board of Fire Underwriters and bears their label. This is a wonderful opportunity for 'salesmen who are good business men. Apply, giving at least five references, to Hayes Equipment Company, Wichita, Kan., general dis tributors. WOULD YOU like to own a good paying, permarrenti tire ousiness all your own? Exclusive territory. Sell direct to con sumer. Our exceptionally attractive proposition sells the tires. Old casings accepted at $3.60. We carry all stock. A good big paying business for men who will give us good, honest, intelligent service. Let us tell you what others are doing on our proposition. Write to day for full particulars. Andrews & Burton Cs., '1421 Cherry St., Kansss City,, Mo. 1 WERE YOU EVER OFFERED A GRO t OERY STORE? You wan handle sugar, flour, canned tgooda. dried fruit, coffeo and entire line of groceries, as well as paints, roof ing, aluminumware and auto oils, with no, rent to pay; no money Invested: take large orders from samples.' Goods are guaranteed and proven quality. Selling experience not necessary. Steady, profit able work for workers. Address Hitchcock-Hill Co., Dept 121. Chicsgo, 111. Reference: Any bank or express comp'y. BRIGHT, aggressive, specialty 'salesman to represent a well es tablished company with nationally advertised products. Leads fur nished. Expenses advanced, 1 Sal ary guaranteed. Nebraska terri tory. In reply give references, also telephone number to permit prompt Interview. Address J. Hartmsn, Henshaw Hotel. TERRITORIES are now being allotted for the sale or our Protected Article, ex clusively owned and controlled by us, clearing upwkird of $40 per day for salesmen. Most essential. Government created demand. Large territories to salesmen able to handle crews. Side line or full-tame. If you cannot sail this specialty you will fall selling life preservers on a sinking ship. Definite co-orperatlon. Jerome Laadt, Pres. g South Dearborn St., Chicago, III. MAN OF PARTS. 30 to 60, college man preferred, as selling- agent, for nationally-known cor respondence school on unusually large margin; must be financially able to await rush' receipts coming in on month ly Installments; $300 monthly uncon ditionally guaranteed fr training pe riod; average earnings 50 men over $700 monthly each. Write Mr, Powers, Suits E07, 30 N. Michigan Blvd., Chicago. SALESMEN Sell groceries, paints, lubri cating oils, roeflng, stock powder, auto mobile supplies, phonographs, to farm ers, ranskhmen and other consumers by samples; profitable, steady, desirable; no , experience neoessary; satisfaction guar anteed; commlsson advanced; 47 years i In business. Write Loverin & Browne Co., Wholesale Grocers, 1676 S. Stat St., Chicago, 111. I WANT 100 men and women, quick, to take orders for Comer raincoats and 'waterproof aprons. Everybody buys. Mc ' Crary's profits Inst year were $5,218 New styles, wonderful bargains, direct from manufacturer to wearer. Barnes made $62$ In 30 days. . Tremendous profits for you. $2,500 a year for 3 ave rage orders a day. $10 a day for your apare time. No deliveries nor collecting. WANTED Five hlgh-clnss saiesmesi, to 'handle territory for old established firm doing high-class business. Backed by, large. amount of capital. Can furnish . bank references. Salesmen make from $200 to $1,000 a week. Write today for particulars. Address Tliomas-Moore-Mllam, 114 N. Robinson St., Oklahoma City, Okl. , ATTENTION, BOOK AND; MAGAZINE MEN Would yau like to clean) up $100 fwoekly from now until Christmas? Our proposition sold to farmers. We furnlsli auto with driver; weekly guarantee and liberal commission. Sales manager in town for few days. For appointment call Castle hotel. Ask for Mr. Sitts, 4 to 6 p. nv SALESMEN wanted Having established retail trade, large cities also small towns, by manufacturers cotton goods of every description : aiso paints. At present selling Jobbing trade only. Liberal commission. Excellent oppor tunities. Samples 30 pounds easily car ried as side line. Keystone Textile Mills, 640 Broadway, New York. WANTED Wide awake specialty sales men for snappy line of temperance drinks to -country trade; side line or exclusive; easy sellers; 25 per cent' commission; full commission on repsat orders; $50 drawing account. Arietta Fruit Products Co., Title Guaranty Bldg.. St. Louis, Mo, . ATTENTION Specialty Salesmen: A few openings for reliable men who have ability. Men with cars preferred. High grade, fast selling garage specialty. Men making $400 to $600 month. Apply In person Sunday between 1 and 5 p. m. at Hotel Keens, sk for Mr. Edwards. SALESMEN WANTED By a large cen tral west distributor and Jobber to sell feneral line of floor coverings to dealers n the-State of Iowa. A man with es tablished trads preferred. Give ex perience, age and references. Good op portunity tor a hustler. Address Box, Y-1I7S. Bes. SALESMEN Everywhere at once. Great est autoioblle accessory out. Cox's Quick Detachable Rim Tool for Tire changing. 100 per cent profit. Write at once for particulars. Cox Mfg. Co., Anderson, Indiana. SALESMEN Beat line of farm specialties ever manufactured. An excellent propo sition is offered. Pref?r men with cars. Writs for appointment to THE STEWART CO., ' CHEROKEE, IOWA. rARTY wanted to manage branches Ir large cities. Willing to invest $2,r.nn. Pay $50 weekly and com. Write Western Auto Acess'les, 1 140 Michigan Chicago. WANTED -Experienced crew manager. Have good territory. Must be able to furnish surety bond. 312 Balrd Bldg. HELP WANTED MA, E. Salesmen and Solicitors SPECIALTY salesmen: Veribeat, to sell cioth-cuttlng computing measures to Cry goods trade. Those whose earnings have equaled $5,000 yearly reply. Com puting Yard Measure Co., 10 N. Dear born St., Chicago.- $00 MONTHLY selling new patented" fuel vaporiser, guaranteed to save up to 60 per cent gasoline; 40 miles per gallon made with Ford. Sold on money-back guarantee. One ssmple free. Stransky Vaporijnr Co., 807 Pukwana, So. Dak. SALESMEN InexDerlenced or experi enced City or Traveling. Write for list of lines and full particulars. Address Natl. Salesmen's Tr. Assn., Dept. 236, Chicago. 111. SALESMEN Solicit accounts out of town. We pay 30 per cent an account; other agencies pay 20 per cent. $250 week!. Illinois Adjusting Corp, 127 N. 'Dea born. Chicago. $10 to $25 per day sailing Silver Sanitary brushes. Opening for general agent. Good pay. Call for sampler. Silver Chamberlain Co.. 601 World-Herald, Bldg. SALESMEN Sell our peanut and ball gum machines, awlorhoard assortments; 100 .different kinds; large commissions; collect as you go. Jowa) Novelty Co., Mullln Bldg., Cedar Rapids, la SALESMEN High pressure, who can sell a distributor's contract for manufacturer. Convince Sales Mgr., 1913 Dime Bank Bldg.. Detroit. WANTED Salesmen to handle German Municipal Bonds In Nebraska counties; liberal commission. Fuhrman & Com- pany, Pender, Neb. SALES M EN $10 to $25 dally soling splr It hydrometers. Oood aide line; great seller. Also other testers. United Bot- tiers' Sup. Co.. 186 N. La Salle, Chicago. REPRESENTATIVES wanted, experience unnecessary, If earning less than $5,000 yearly, write Niagara-Orleans Ass'li, Lorkport, N. Y. ' No captlsl required. furnish every thing, including sample Spat. Write quick for liberal offer. The "Comer Mfg. Co., Dept. Q-156, Day ton, Q. Agents' and Canvassers. The Columbia Life Insurance Company Wsnts live hustlers for Its Accident and Health department, under a contract 4hat Is a money maker for the agent. Policies are the most fair and liberal to the Insured and the easiest sellers offered by any company. We pride our. selves upon paying all claims promptly and In full, as our accident and health policy la sold with the one thought of staking friends for the company to boost -cur life insurance department. For an agency address Columbia Life Insurance Co., Fremont, Neb., stating age, experience and present occupation. 600 AGENTS WANTED At once for Mitchell's magic marvel washing com 'pound; 300 per cent profit. -Enormous repeater. Washes clothes spotlessly clean In ten to fifteen minutes. One thousand other uses In every home. Astounds and delights every woman. Nothing else like It. Nature's mlffhtiest cleanser. Contains no lye, lime, acid or wax. Free samples furnished to boost sales. We posltiyely guarantee the sale of every package. Exclusive territory. Own your own business. You cannot fall to make big money. Baker, Ohio, made $600 last month. Send for free sample and, proof. Hurry, hustle, grab this chance" L. Mitchell & Co., Desk 4.3. 1308-1314 E. 61st, Chicago. $6,000 A YEAR. Is your profit from 4 sales a day. David son sold 96 one week. No experience needed. The Aladdin light Is a sensation wherever Introduced. 5 times aa bright as electric. Won Gold Medal. Farmers have the money, they need this light and 9 out of 10 will buy. Also big op portunity In small towns and suburbs. Excellent spare time and evening seller. No capital required, Sample on free trial. Write for agejicy proposition while ter- i ritory still open. Mantle Lamp Co., 823 Aladdin Bldg., Chicago, III. AGENTS, get the big money. We want men and women In all territories to take orders for Better Made Allan Raincoats. Top coats and automobile coats. You will earn $5,000 or more yearly tor four average 'orders a day. No experience or capital required. Highest cash commissions in advance. No delivering or collecting. Compl"te selling outfit free. Write at ones. The Allan Maufscturing Co., Dept. C-J6. Louisville, Ky. i i AGENTS Steady Income. Large manu facturer of soaps, perfumes, . toilst articles and pure food products, etc., wishes representative in each locality. Manufacturer direct to consumer. Big profits, honest goods. Whole or spare time. Cash or credit. Send at once for particulars. American Products Co., 450 American Bldg., Cincinnati, O. AGENTS Startling new invention. Saves high cost lighting homes. Needed every family using electricity, gas or oil. Gen erates safe, wonderful, amazing, bright light. Durable. Saves fuol: Installed quickly. Send 60c for complete sample outfit. Salts plan, territory reserva tions. The Vapollte Co., Dept. 135, To- ledo, a. AGENTS make $50 weekly taking orders for fast telling Goodvear raincoats; hundreds of orders waiting; $2 an hour for spare time; wa deliver and. collect; sample coat free; write today for agency. Goodyear Mfg. Co., 0696 Good year Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. WANTED $17,000 YEAR MAN. Bo somebody! Make money selling everybody, $345 ice machines; sell wher ever shnWn; only $196.65 now gets your demonstrator, full instructions and qn tlon on agency. Fred W. Wolf, 19 So. Lafalle St.. Chicago. AGENTS Quick sales, big profits; orders , m every home for our beautiful dress goods, silks and general yard goods; largo book of samples free to agents; write today for particulars. National Importing nn'd Mfg. Co., desk 31, 426 Broadway. Now York. 1 SANITARY wire-grip 'Brushes, Dustless Mops, Dustless Furniture Dusters, etc, are the big money-makers of the year. Exclusive territory and free snmples for live salespeople. North Ridge Brush Co., 125 Clark St., Frecport, III. CHICAGO manufacturer wants reliublo wldoawake party tpnopen and manage branch offics this asTy. unlimited pos sibilities.. Immediate rftion necessary. Vlt-O-Ns Mfg. Co., 1$0 N-f State St., Chicsgo. f ' . . , . ,. , AGENTS "Hop-Stlx" (Non-alcoholic.) Beverages bring back yesteryears' pleas ant memory smiles. Securo exclusive control there Immediately on this in creasingly permanent winner. Transo Co., Greenville, Ohio. MAN or woman to travel, emuloy Ing local representatives. Million dollar house. . Permanent. Experlenco unnecessary. State, age and qualifications. Local work also. Universal House, Philadel phia. WANTED Lady or gentleman agent in the city of Omaha for Watklns Famous products. Known everywhere. Big profjts. Write J. R. Watklns Co.. 66. Winona, Minn. AGENTS Large manufacturer wants agents to sell hosiery, underwear, shirts. dresses, skirts, waists, shoes, clothing, etc. Write for free samples. Madison Mills, 603 Broadway, New Yorlt SELL necessities. Everybody needs snd buys the "Business Guide." Bryant cleared $800 In 30 days. Gutellus, $560 In 2G davs. Send for sample. It's free. Nichols Co., ' Napervllle. III. AGENTS WANTED 100 per cent profit. Cut down high cost of gasoline. Every body's doing ltl Sample can, $1.00. Im perial Chemical Co:, Dept. 13, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. . $11 A DAY FOR 5 HOURS' WORK. New method no capital required no do liveries no delays just take orders and bank big profits. Davis Products Co.. Dept. C40, Chicago. WATER stills. Writs for free booklet giving prices and description of our heavy copper water stills. Boyer & Co., H-775, Farnam Bldg., Omaha, Neb. AGENTS, wonderful seller; 96c profit every $1.00 sale; license unnecessary; no stock to carry; sample free. Mission, 2819 W. Pico, Los Angeles, Cal. CHEWING GUM Sell to country stores. Good business built up quickly. All flavors. The Helme-t Co., Cincinnati, O. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED ' TRUCK DRIVER MUST BE WELL ACQUAINTED WITH CITY AND ABLE TO DRIVE ANY MAKE OF CAR; ALSO FURNISH BEST OF REFERENCES. LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO., 12TH AND DAVENPORT. Boys. BOYS , FACTORY WORK VERY GOOD WAGES STEADY WORK GORDON-LAWLESS CO. 8TH AND DODGE. BOY with grocery exprrience. Milwaukee Delicatessen, 616 boulu lotn. HELP WANTED MALE, j v ' Boya. WANTED Youwg msn for office clerk with some experience: good opportunity for advancement." Cudahy Paoklng. 14ui and Jones. WANTED An errand boy with wheel. Apply Mr. .Tully. Midwest Electric Co., 1207 Harney. , WANTED Boy with- grocery" experience. Milwaukee Dtllcatessen Store, $10 9. lthf4 OFFICE and messenger boys; chance to work up. Standard Oil Co., 1S12 Far nam. ERRAND boy wanted In wholesale house. Apply 611 -6 16 Brandels Thester B Id g. WANTED Roys to work st soda foun tain; good phy; Beaton Drug Co. WANTED Messenger hoy. Live Stock National Hank, 24th and N Sta. BELL boy wanted. Hotel Keen. Miscellaneous. WANTED Rural route . subscription solicitors, furnish car and expenses; good salary and commission. Refer ences re quired. Nonpareil, Council Bluffs, la. MEN WANTED FOR GENERAL YARD WORK, APPLY TIMEKEEPER. UNION. STOCK YARDS CO.. SOUTH SIDE. j MEN WANTED FOR PAVINO WORK AT PAPILLION. NEB. APPLY ARTHUR A. DOBSON CO., PAPILLION. NEB. ' LABORERS WANTEDV GAS PLANT, 20th and Center Bts. GOOD WAGES. STOP daily grind, start silvering mirrors, auto headlights, tableware, sta,: plans free. Clarence Sprinkle, 'Dept. 44, Ma rlon, Ind. ' I MAN to work this city reflnishing chan deliers, brass beds, automobiles, by new method. $10 dally without capital or experience. . Writ Gunmetal Co.. 171 Elm. Decatur, 111. i EXPERIENCED Ice cream driver; steady work, good salnrv. Coca Cola Bottling Co., 14i8 No. 18t. WANTED Yard and house man; must have references. G. Storz, 8708 Fsr nam St. WANTED Waehouse man and auto driver. Cudahy Packing Co,, 14th and Jones. OOOD experienced houseman. Hotel Con ant A MAN to clean floors and wash win dows. Wise Memorial. 25th and Harney. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. WE HAVE A POSITION , FOR YOU 15TH FLOOR CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDG. COMMERCIAL REFERENCE' CO., OUGLAS5236l GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN. Tour opportunity to become self-supporting business women. Brandels Stores have opening for sev eral bright and ambitious girls, cashiers and Inspectors, Are you looking for a position where your pay will be the best your welfare carefully considered and your prospects for advancement the best to ba found In Omaha T Tin vnu wnnt te work under lh nap nml mn.rvulnn nf nur pvnprt Klin. I cational Directors, snd be sure that every effort you make will turn to your personal advantage? Brandels Stores offer these inducements. If you wish to take advantage of this opportunity, ap ply at GENERAL MANAGER'S OFFICE, FOURTH FLOOR. BRANDEI8 STORES. ; ' WANTED. TWO LADY CASHIERS WITH EXPERIENCE. APPLY OAS OFFICE. J. A. .SAYLES, OFFICE MGR., 1509 HO WARP ST.. WANTED , EXPERIENCED CASHIERS. Splendid Opportunity for promotion. 1 Apply Superintendent Balcony. ELDEDGE REYNOLDS CO., STENOGRAPHERS, experienced, $100, $410; beginners. $76, U0. $90; tempor ary office clerks for 1 month;- office girl. $56, $60; typist and general offics clerk, $80, $86; saleslady. $65. $70. TTHE MARTI COMPANY.' EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS, 1126 'W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Experienced typist to do bill. Ing and tiling. Permanent position wltn good future. Stats experience, age, phone number and' salary desired to start Box A-32, Omaha Bee. 8TENOGR APH ER8, $80 to $136; office 1 clerk, $80; file clerk and typist, $86; ! file clerk and f. B. X. Opr., $8. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 912 First National Bank Bldg. TRY our service In locating a position. We get results. RIGHT REFERENCE CO., 536 First Nat Bank.p EXPERIENCED young lady in account ing department; permanent position, with good future prospect. Standard Oil Co., 191! Farnam. DsTTAPHONE OPERATOR. I llRLS FOR CIRC. WORK. EMPLOYERS' FREE LA ROR BUREAU, 1911 Harney St EXPERIENCED young lady grocery clerk; Jepsen Bros.. 2502 Cuming St LEDGER clerk. Apply Miss Sharp, H. R. Bowen & Co., 161S-17 Howard. Professions and Trades. WANTED, WOMEN AND GIRLS FOR FACTORY WORK. I BEST WAGES, STEADY WORK. GORDON LAWLESS CO., , 8TH AND DODGE. CANDY saleswomen. Apply candy de partment. Central juaruci JIELP WANTEDFEMALE Professions and Trades. YOUNG LADIES Do you want a permanent posi tion? No profession today offers bet ter opportunities for good salaries ' and steady employment than local or long distance telephone work. The work is fascinating, pleas ant, healthful surroundings, annual vacations with full pay; sick and accident benefit without cost to employes. No experience necessary; sub stantial weekly pay while in. train ing; rapid advancement. . Parent invited to investigate working conditions.. : j Apply to MRS. MORRIS. f Employment Secretary, Roqfri 616. ' j' New Telephone Building. Nineteenth and Douglas0 Streets. . SPECfAL- EXPERIENCED TELEPHONE OPERATORS DAY WORK ONLY Trained operators needed for Ak-Sar-Ben week. A good Op portunity to make seme extra money, ' f' 'Apply to MRS. MORRIS, , Employment Secretary, ' Room 616, New Telephone Building, 19th and Douglas streets. GIRLS If you are not under 16 nor over 25 years "of age, we would like to train you for LONG DIS TANCE WORK. You must have at least an Eighth grade education. If looking for a per manent position, see MISS BELL. 418 TELEPHONE BLDG. AMERICAN TELEPHONE & .TELEGRAPH CO. Long Lines Department. GIRLS Girls, 16 years and olden who want steady work In an up-to-date factory. EXPERIENCED SEWERS EARN $20 TO $26 A WEEK. VERY BEST WORKING CONDI TIONS. . PLEASANT ROOMS THAT ARE LIGHT AND CLEAN. NO OFFENSIVE ODOP3. EQUIPPED WITH DRY, HARDWOOD FLOORS. PLEASANT PEOPLE TO WORK WITH. WORK ALL ON NEW GOODS. NO PATCH WORK. CAFETERIA. WHERE LUNCH IS SERVED AT COST. FREE COFFEE INDIVIDUAL. FULL - LENGTH STEEL LOCKERS. INDIVIDUAL TOWELS AND SOAP FREa SANITARY DRINKING FOUN lAINS. SANITARY WASH RUNNING HOT AND BASINS WITH COLD WATER. ' DANCING FLOOR LUNCH HOUR. PLAYER PIANO. VICTROLA. FOR USE AT FOREMEN AND FORELADIES WHO ARE INTERESTED IN THE PROGRESS Or TIIBi EMPLOYES. PAT EVERT SATURDAY. Take any Farnam, Harney, Dodge, censon or Ainngnt car. Get off at jackson street, entrance on viaduct Bemis Omaha Bag Co., Eleventh and Jackson Streets. MANY OF OUR EMPLOYES ARE MAKING BIG MONEY. WHY NOT YOU? WE HAVE OPENINGS IN OUR PACKING AND LABELING DE PARTMENT FOR INEXPERIENCED, ACTIVE WOMEN AND GIRLS OVER 16. THE ROOMS ARE LIGHT, CLEAN AND AIRY, THE -SURROUNDINGS PLEASANT, AND WE PAY YOU WHILE LEARNING.. PIECE WORK, ON WHICH YOU ARE ASSURED GOOD MONEY, DON'T PHONE, COME READY aOR WORK. ALSO EXDERIENCED OR INEX PERIENCED PACKER8 FOR AUTO MATIC WEIGHING MACHINE. BIG MONEY FOR THIS WORK. PAY EVERY SATURDAY. ' APPLY SUPERINTENDENT. EM PLOYES' ENTRANCE. BKIKfNER MFG. CO., 14th and Jackson S;a. GIRLS! GIRLS! WE NEED SEVERAL OIRL8 IN OUR ICING AND PACKING DEPART MENT, WITH BEST OF WAGES AND STEADY EMPLOYMENT. SEli US TODAY. , LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT ' 12TH DAVENPORT STS. CO. GIRLS WANTED. TO WORK IN CANDY FACTORY. GORDON RAINALTER CO. 801 DOUGLAS ST. WANTED Talloress on ladles' garments. Jessie F. Fox, 774 Ssunders-Kenuedy Bldg, WA NTFP Waist snd skirt finishers' and embroiderers, Jesr.ls F. Fox, 774 Sun- dera-Kennedv Bldr. H EL jAjjIgD"FEMALE' "household and Domestic, . WANTED. WO.MKN AND 01RLS ' FOR FACTORY WORK. BEST WAGES. STEADY WORK. GORDON LAWLESS CO., STII AND DODGE. WANTED Girls.4 for .regular candy fac tcry work, Iniludiiig cream dippers, chocolate clippers, wrappt-rs and pack ers. Can give steady employment at good wages during the coming winter JOHN woodward & Co., "The Candy Men." t'ouncllIiluffSjIa. f EXCHERS-Dciniestic" science, English, 1 history, msthematlcs, science, others high salaries; tree enrollment. Clip " Teac hers Agency,1 Coluni bl a , Mn. Saleomen j'.nd jSohritors. WANTED Saleswomen for lace and dress trimming dept. Murt have experience. Thnnipson-Heldcn & Co. SALESLADY in cloak and suit departm-nt, with experience, wanted. Apply- to Bos 550, HeHtrlccNeb. . SALESWOMEN wanted for domestlo and bedding'' dopr". Experienced. Thomp-son-Beldcn fk Co. . WANTEDaKialAslady. One who can model. Jessie . Fox, 774 Saunders Kennedy Hldg. Household and Domestic. TREATED AS ONE OF FAMILY. We wish to get In touch with a good cionn gtri for general housework, ons who is willing to work and can cook. Top wages to right girl. Write and stato ago, experience and salary desired. Box R-4.1, omaha Bts. WANTED SALESLADIES AND CASH. - IEHS FOR GROCERY DEPARTMENT. t APPLY MANAGER, GROCERY DEPT.. HAYDEN BROS. WANTED AT ONCE i with housework. Good gistl to assist small fititsVy. highest wages; no wash. ins or Ironing. Must be good cook, v dress Box R-45, Omaha Bee. COMPETENT white maid $ In family, Mrs. W. 8. Wulnut 278. for general best wages, Weston, 03 housework references. So. 61st St. GOOD cook or general housework girl, second girl and laundress kept. Refer ences. Sleeping porch. Good pay. H, J8436. WANTED Good girl for general home work, 3 In family, no children, $15 per week to right girl. Apply W-l Izard 8t, WHITE girl or woman for general house work. No experience necessary. ry. Rest Vw Wal. m. wages. 6122 Burt St Call Wal. 23. WE require the services of experienced cloak saleaiadles. Apply In parson, Julius Orkln. 1510 Douglas St. WANTED Experienced whits girl. Mrs. W. D. Hosford, 325 St. Har. 87. seco r.(t- o. 37th GOOD girl for general housework. 4 In family, no washing. Good wages. 1 JltriSJ. : " WANTED White girl for general house work. No laundry, good wages. Wal nut 5179. WANTED Maid; no laundry; references. Mrs. W. J. Hynea, 432 So. 3Sth fit, Har. 4760. Wanted Maid at once, experienced. ilrs. N. B. Updike, Mil Jackson. Har. 2934. GOOD girl for general house work; good home; very good wages. Harney 1342. - WHITE girl for general housework, two in family. 604 South 36th Bt Har. 4365. CAPABLE woman for housework; no la undry. 416 S. 38th St. Ha r. 2 C 5 0. WANTED Cempetent reliable whits wom an to do cooking. Harney 206.' WANTED A. competent reliable whita second maid. Harney 206. GOOD girl wanted for-general housework. Doug. 8989. i GOOD maid for general house work. 464$ Dodgo. Walnut 2752. ., i 1 EXPERIENCED white cook. Mrs. W. J. Hynes. 433 N. 88th St. Har. 4760. WANTED Second maid; experienced; good wages. 1018. So. 3Sth St. COMPETENT cook; experienced; - wags, 1018 So. 38th St good GIRL to assist Wal. 1003. with general housework. BACHELOR, farmer, Box 488, Bridgeport. wants housekeeper. Neb. Hotels and Restaurants. GIRLS WANTED TO WAIT ON SODA TABLES: GOOD PAY, SHORT HOURS. APPLY PHELPS HUT, 1708 DOUGLAS WANTED WAITRESS, WELLINGTON 'art., lats ST. WANTED A dining room girL Call Miss Baker. Douglaa 340. pltal experienced Wise Memorial los- pnai, zom ana Harney. Miscellaneous. GIRLS WANTED NOW . FOR STEADY WORK. In various departments of ths Snow Wblts ; Bakery.v Must ba 16 years of age or ' over. Good pay to good workers. Ap ply at once to Supt Costelio. ( I ITEN BISCUIT CO. SNOW WHITE BAKERIES. ' Capitol Ava., 12th to 13th 8ts. Office Entrance Middle of Block. GIRLS WANTED NOW ... FOR STEADY WORK.. ' ; In various departments of ths Snow White Bakery. Must be 16 years of age or over. . Good pay to good work era. Apply at once to Supt. Costelio. ITEN BISCUIT CO. SNOW WHITE BAKERIES. Capitol Ave,, 12th to 13th Sts. Office Entrance Middle of Block. GIRLS wanted" COLORED PREFERRED OMAHA PAPEH STOCK CO.. 1STH AND MARCY ST. WANTED Experienced elevator opera tors; permanent position and good ary. Apply Superintendent. Balcony. BUROESS-NASH CO., WILL furnish free business college coursi for a couple of hours light office work "acn day. Telephono Douglas 7774. BIG SISTERS" ASSOCIATION: fol-7thi Donuglas066$."lne" " B" 'd BUND"Lli wrapper wanted, second-floor", RgPnCp-. 1515-17 Howard St. WANTED Girl for-shopping. Jessie F. IiundersKeiinedyBldg. SJ'SP11111'1, AT WARE" CANDi' KITCHEN, 2516 CUMING ST. EXPERIENCE. isflS stock girls wanted. Julius Orkliil 1510 Douglas. WA-MtD bcrub woman. Wise Memo rial hospital, 25th and Harney Sta HELP WANTED. "Male and Female. MEN, women, girls wanted.IIS$"'moni; Government Jobs Thousands of vacau- ctes. Wrlts Immediately for list i,i. tlons. Franklin Institute. Dent. Jv.u Roohest er, N. Y. - CASH paid for names to be used in com-' piling mslllng lists. Nothing for you to sell Good pay Write for particulars., Southern Publicity Bureau. , Bedell Bide. San Antonio, Tex. WANTED-Msn. Jedlei" n'dbuys"t7i;sTn bsrlier trsde; big demand: wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or writs I4U$ Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber CoMeis! ECIONAL DAY- SCHOOL-NIg"htSCHOOL: Complete courses in accountsncy. machine S2?i .eep""f:.. eomPtometry. shorthand and typewriting, railroad and wlrelew elegraphy. elvll servlcs and ski Eng. Ilsh and commercial branches. Writs' m ...r.r,..sh.or.,.,uu1 ,or 'r i .. , ,,,, Auuress BOiLES COLLEGE. Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. ' ' LEARN tire lenairln? nfl ,....i... also tube repairing and all rubber viil- eanlzln ng IN THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE TIRE ItKl'AIU SCHOOL IN OMAHA. Three weeks' call. training, $26. Writs or NATIONAT. Ttnir 011,10 . 17'h Slreet and Capitol Avenue. e"3?L.,4icn'inJtpiachIner,y. Van Ssnt School of Business,'" " Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglrs S90. . BUSINESS CHANCES. THRIVING automobile business, garage"" stock for sale. Lock box 60S, York. Nsh. ".. . ( ) I ' . 4". V (I sik; .1 1 "-'a '-" -i. . L'Cai1fe.v-