Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1920, FINANCIAL, Image 58

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    4 F
These Vonderful Bargains
Both for Hornet and Investments Choicest Selections in v City r.
Mutt See to Appreciate slut Call Douglas 2282
Finest line nf real h, not overlooking best, cholea location in both
large and small homrs. Why not save a few hundred dollars by (buying som
thing good, and which will surely please you? Several of our home arc, where
owner is leaving city anil is making a foci big sacrifice. Simply compare
our place with other. We are pleased to showvyou. Call Douglas 2282 or
come in and see us, 530 Peters Trust building, formerly Bee building, without
going into detail as to ideal arrangements; also our homes are. new or nearly
so. You are surely gointr to be pleased. Splendid terms. The places are
nice and some of hem real dreams
Tandy 6-rootn, strictly modern stucco home with atone garage: east front
and fine shade and shrubbery; block to street car, schools' and park. Just an
ideal home. See this. , -
CHOICE FIELD CLUjJ $10,500 WORTH $15,000
Owner leaving city. Surely a dream. 7-room, strictly up-to-the-minute;
built by owner; finest pretsed brick with fireplace and built-in features. Sim
ply has to be seen to be partly appreciated. v
$1,000 DOWN PRICE $5,500
Five laree rooms and double earaee: 3 large lots, shade, fruit. A won
derful location.
$3,000 DOWN PRICE $10,500
New, targe 6 -room: 3 splendid lots with shade and fruit.
location. See this it is worth $16,000.
Most wonderful
I. I
Six-room kellaatone, strictly up-to-the-minut,finest hardwood floor and
finish, French duors and built-in features; 80-f t. front. Can't go into details
let us show you. It is a dream. ,
Both g rooms, strictly modern; large living room, dining room, butler's
pantry and kitchen and 6 splendid bedrooms. One, $12,500, has garage; one
$13,000. Must sec to appreciate. -
We have other splendid bargains. Don't waste your time. If you sea us i
jton will get the home you want and. we are pleased to show you. , '
Osborne Realty Co.
hReal Estate Is I
Declared Safe
Investment Here
Houses for Immediate
, Occupancy
3021 S. 32d Street 6 Roonis
3026 S. 32d Street.'. ... .6 Rooms 1
3055 S. 32d Street 5 Rooms
3059 S. 32d Street ...... 8 Rooms;
3083 S. 43d Street 6 Rooms
These houses are all brand new and are just
being completed with oak finish and oak floors,
splendid plumbing. Will decorate to'suit. , They
have all been built by careful and expert workmen
employed by the builder as day labor. They are
located on paved street just one block east of the
west side Hanscom Park car line. Most of the ma
terial was bought at considerably less than the pre
vailing market price and they are priced less than
you could buy the lot and build the house yourself.
On very easy terms. Open for inspection Sunday
afternoon between 3 and' 5.
312 Brandeis Theater Bldg.
Douglas 585
Every one well built, welf located ard well worth the price. ,
, . 7,000.00
' Brand new, five dandy rooms. Living room, dining room and
kitchen on first foor. Oak finish and floor. White enamel kitchen.
Second floor has two fine bedrooms and bath. ' Enamel finish.
'Sightly, location on paved street in North Dundee.
' " - $8,500.00
. Stucco construction. Nearly ner. First floor has large living
room with fireplace and bookcases. Large dining room. Ideal
white enamel kitchen. Second floor has two elegant bedrooms and
bath. Two closets to each room. Enamel and birch mahogany fin
ish. An unusually classy place inside and out.
, $8,500.00 " ,
Nifty two-story house. Six dandy rooms and breakfast room.
Large living tpm with fireplace -nd bookcases. Elegantly fin
ished in oak birch and birch mahogany. V
$11,500.00 -
Excellent location on one of the finest corners. Six dandy
rooms and den. Fireplace in living room. Oak finish on first
floor, enamel on second floor. Beautiful lawn. Double garage.
Eight elegant rooms and breakfast room. Large living room
14x36 with fireplace. Four elegant bedrooms and enclosed sleep
ing room. Plastered basement. Beautifully finished and decorated.
Fine location. .-'
Benson and Carmichael
642 Paxton Block
Tyler 3540.
( J""J-I - - , - r ("
A Practical "Home"
The Seven-Room Stucco House Shown Above Is Far
From the Ordinary This Property Will Make a Mot
Comfortable, Economical "Home" '
Soma of the most striking feature of this house
are the four large (Corner bed room (larger than
' usual) the' large roomy attic and the modern
basement laundry interior finish of light oak-
has double garage of stucco combination drive.
If you are interested in a wonderfully convenient '"HOME" by all
tMaana inanonf f Via mvAnnvfv of ...
j George & Company
Tyler 3024 , 902 City National Bank Building
No Probability Decline In
-Near Future, Says presi
dent Shuler of Real I
Estate Board. - .
In a discussion of the real estate
situation in Omaha President !5huler
of the Real Estate board laid par
ticular stress upon the stability and
constancy of real estate values in
this city. . j
He also calls particular attention
to the (desirability And safety of real
estate inortgages as an investment.
Mr. Shuler said: x
. The future of our city, and the
inevitable ihcrease of the value of
real estate point ut the stability
Amos Grant
Company Homes
Leavenworth to
ll.UVU , m
JusfTa little 3-room cottage
with a good-sized lot south
'of Hanscom park. Worth the
price asked; will fequire
$1,000 cash.
A piece of trackage on 17th
street, just south of the Pax-ton-Vierling
Iron Works now
rented for $26 per month.
$500 down.
. - $2,200
A very neat little cottage
of . 6 rooms, modern excepting
furnace, on South 13th, pav
ing paid. Might handle this as
low as $400 or $500 down. -
$2?650 '
This is strictly modern, 5
rooms on one floor with-full
cemented basement N and ga
rage, just a block off the 16th
street carhne. ,
$2,600 - ' f ,
4-room cottage, city water,
modern plumbing, lot 50x125.,
Might handle this on $400 or
$500 down. Located south of
Hanscom Park.
On Atlas street, east' of
' 13th, what we consider a eood
buy in a 6-room house, mod-
em excentinc fnrnnp 1 In '
$3,500 1
i v We have two very good
(house?, especially handy to the
car barns on 24th and Vin
ton, each house is of 6 rooms,
partly modern with nicely var
nished woodwork and well
papered. Price one $3,500 and
the other $3,600. Terms.
A real buy in a house of
6 rooms, modern in every re
specC with hot water heat. Lo
cated on "B" stnet, 'west of
24th. Has a loan of $2,300,
like to get the difference in
Two cottages of 5 rooms,
each with plumbing, electric
lights and gas, located north
of Vinton.
(Between "p" and "E,?)
A good -house which we
wish' to include in the abbve
list consisting of -8 rooms,
modern in every way, wiUi
full cemented basement ana
street paved and paidsfor.
Will require about half cash
and is well worth the money.
Just east of Leavenworth
Heights we have a house
modern in every way. 5 rooms
on one floor.
$4,750 r
. Another good Hfcuse near
Leavenworth Heights, is-also
6 rooms, an modern in every
We have many other hqjnes
iii this same district as wotl
a in all parts of the city. Get
in touch with us and be
shown. .
Don Pendell, '
Colfax 2489.
C. Fred Dickason,
Webster 5029.
Amos Grant Co.,
Realtors. .
. Douglas 8380
330-2-4-6-8 Brandeis Theater
20 Acres
located 'high and sightly
gently rolling land, with new
high-class improvements with
in half a mile of main road,
which will be paved, andfive
miles west of 24th street.
Price $15,000.
We also have a large list of
improved tracts, 5 to 80 acres,
close to Omaha.
r$ 1,500
1 story, four rooms on
first floor, good-sized base--
ment, full lot, near the Har
ney car line. - $300 cash, bal
ance monthly payments.
Real Estate
1016 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg..
Douglas 2715
and satetv ot mortgages tor an in
vestment as compared with stocks,
Udnds, etc. -
I "In our contention we were up
held in a very notable way by the
heads of some of the financial insti
tutions, who recount past history to
demonstrate the - almost perfect
safety mortgage security.
"We have this perfect faith in the
real estate of Omaha and its suburbs,
and in addition we feel that there is
a certain civic responsibility which
should prompt our Omaha financial
institutions to look more favorably
on Omaha and suburban mortgages,
"Impartial investigators of the
reaLestate situation will ifind that
there is no probability of a decline
in the present values of real estate
in the near future. Omaha is a
great city and its growth is constant
and steady. The values of today are
constant and should be recognized
by mortgage investors.
Steady Demand.
"There is a vry steady demand for
homes. New building projects now
under way or contemplated are far
helow even the necessities for meet-
! ing the normal requirements and are
in- nowise calculated to relieve the
great shortage of housing which was
occasioned by the cessation of build
ing during-the war. The demand
should continue active for the next
several years.
-Naturally the trend of rents when
houses are to be found for rent, is
higher and will continue to'advance
until they reach a point where they
will represent a profitable return on
improved real estate,, capitalized at
the cost of reproduction. .
"In my opinion this is inevitable,
and when it is pointed out that to
net 6 per ent on his investment
the owner of a dwelling must obtain
15.6 per cent gross, and (the owner
of apartments must obtain 20.2 per
cent gross, you will readily realize
that jthe trend of rentals is higher."
Ford to Open Technical .
Institute for Employes
Detroit, Sept. 18. Establishment
by the Ford Motor company of an
educational department to be known
as the Ford Technical Institute, with
university rank, which will grant de
grees in mechanical, electrical and
chemical engineering is announced.
Complete - courses will be made
available to the more than 75,000
employes of the Ford company with
out charge. An academic department
will be established and complete i
Through the Vista of Tears
(From the Baltimore American.)
If Jeremiah had written the entire
Bible, conceiving this to -have been
possibly, religion would have been
saturated with lamentations, and
thoso who sought to govern their
lives It would have been the most
woebegone of mortals. There Is
enough of pathoi in the Scriptures
adequately to correspond with the
pathos in human livingX There is
enough of grief, and of mourning,
and of regret and -f bemoaning.
But -against this dark background
are set forth promises' of God for
His children: So that the apostle
3'aul, having run through the en
tire gamut of human misfortune,
for his. time and environment, is
heard 'exclaiming with a note f
tr.umph: "I know how, in all things,
to be content; l know botn now to
be" full and how to suffer want."
Again he cries Jut: "Rejoice always,
and agatn I say rejoice." The back
ground that ' Jeremiah provides is
not an unusual one. It is the back
ground of those who feel the morbid
thrill of renunciation of all the fac
tors cf happiness in order that they
may enjoy being miserable. For
there are those to whom misery,
self-inflicted, is a tonic and not a
tragedy. They have something of
the Pauline spirit; they "weep with
those who weep. .
Today there are not a few who
take up as their constant cry, "Who
will show us any good?" a. chal
lenge of gloom to the spirit of joy
They are pleasurably excited bv
their sense of spiritual flagellation.
They are like the woman in the
fable who could command her tears
at will, and went abroad to commis
erate misfortune wherever she met
it. She wept over a poor little seed
ling, and her tears fostered its
growth. When she passed that way
again it was blossoming with the
happiest and reddest of roses. She
wept to see such flagrant and buoy
ant gladness, and. her tears upon
the roses caused them to wither.
The faMe need not be pursued fur-
tner: tne sisiers ana Drotners or la
mentation decry the fate of those
who suffer and bemoan the estate of
those who are glad.
.Suffering, however, may be a very
holy thing. One who had won spir
itual triumph over ; its pang3 ex
claims, "Before I suffered I went
astray." But this does not condone
in any wise. those who add even a
drop to the chalice of suffering of
their fellows. Sympathy is a very
holy . thing, and those who display
sense of deep concern for their
fellows in misfortune, disclose the
very acme of human goodness. Serv-
boratories will be provided, the an- J-ice is a very holy thing, and those
and made them ;ythite in the blood of
the infinite sacrifice of their mortal
years tobaleful agents of greod and
oppression and cruelty, there will be
standing by those who went among
them on earth as ministerinir angles,
instinct with the finest spirit of the
Almighty himself.
So that thore is no disparagement
to be cast upon those who weep for
others "weeping may endure for a
night, but Joy cometh in the morn
ing." One may weep without becom
ing a settled nvelancholic, one may
commiserate without giving himself
over to .ceaseless lamentations. Only
those need to feel the burden of
tears and the freightage of fears as
an- unrelieved burden of their lives,
Lwho have no high places of spiritual
confidence and spiritual optimism to
which they may repair and recite the
73d Psalm, with a high note of glad
ness, dwelling upon the 25th and
26th verses: "Whom have I' In
heaven but Thee? and there is none
upon earth that I desire beside thee.
My flesh and my heart faileth, but
God is the strength of my heart and
my portion forever." They Who
have not entered .into the ' invisible
will, surely go all their days mourn
ing, but they who have compassed
by faithTthe eternal years of fhe Al
mighty, will trust to Him the brok
en fragments of time. These rejoice
in the opportunity and quality of
their tinman service, even though It
be that of a heavy heart. They who
exclaim with Jeremiah, "Oh, that
my head were waters and mine eyes
a fountain-ef tears that I might weep
day and night for the slain of the
daughter of my people!" have this
consolation from the psalmist, "They
that sow in tfcars shall reap in joy.
He that goeth forth and weepeth,
bearing precious seed, shall - doubt
less come- again with rejoicing,
bringing his sheaves with him."
Life's pathos, seen through a veil of
tears, should reveal in the refraction
the rainbow that circles the throne
of God.
nouncement stated
The courses, it was announced.
will cover every phase of engineer
ing. The students, it was stated, will
not have at their disposal" equipment
installed merely for demonstration
and exposition purposes, but mil-
lions of dollars' worth pf machinery
and apparatus, which will be the last
word in scientific development.
The institute will be formally
opened this fall.
Stolen Jewerly Is Saved
By Curiosity of Women
New York'. Sent. 18. The curios
ity of a wohian upset the plans of
safe robbers and brought about the
recovery of a safe containing jewelry
and silverware, the property of Olaf
Warslof, an importer.
Mrs. Timilie Bultman heard a
scuffling in the hallway on the sec
ond floor of her apartment house.
Two men told her they were express
men delivering a box oi rugs.
lhe men dropped the rug-wrapped
parcel and ran. They drove away in
an automobile. - , ;'
I Detectives visited Warslof's apart
ment and found the door "forced.
The men had carried the safe across
several houses and down the stair
way of the house where they were
who are willing to lay aside self for
the sake of others are acting in the
spirit of Him who said, "I am
among you as one that serveth."
There is a mystical gladness in feel
ing that one's heart throbs for the
ills of others; there is something in
tensely godlike in becoming, all
things to all men, succoring and sup
porting those who are weak and op
pressed and downtrodden. When the
litany of heaven shall be sung by
those who have washed their robes
Russian Crown Jewels
Are Safely Hidden Away
Paris, Sept. 18.The crown j'ewels
of Russia, including the great stoin..
known as the "Diamond of the
Czar," and valued, at $2,000,000, are'
hidden away either in Russia or in
some of the bordering states, accord
ing to Paris JcweU'O ,
There was no interest shown here
among gem purchasers when it. was
reported that , some of the crown
jewels ad been secretly brought to
London and were to be sold. Since
the revolution several of the biggest
jewelry houses in Taris have spent
large sums of money running down
similar tales in the hope of making
big profits. In every instance they
have found inferior stones which
were' being palmed off by Russian
War Against BillBoard
Advertising Is Launched
' Provincetowi, Mass., Sept., 18.-.
Joseph Pcnriclt, the -artist, has jbeen
invited to come here from Phila
delphia and take a leading part in
the war against billboard advertis
ing, which members of the exclusive
Beach Combers' club believe. men
aces picturesque Cape Cod scenery.
Umahaeaitorsai j
, Denver Meeting of '
R pal Fsrate Roflrf-
I. Shuler, presidenTof; thtfjReal
Estate board; John W. Robbing, na
tional executive secretary; -Byrpn R,
Hastings former national vice.i,pres
ident, and Leo Bozcll left Thursday
afternoon for Denver to attend .a
quarterly meeting ot the exe;cw!.v
i-mnmtttfi. nf the National ASSOCU
tion of Real Estate Boards-
Twn miestions to be taken. tin a
ttiie mxotinrr arr thn:r nf the Vpdlir
tion of taxation on mortgaged and
real estate advertising. Another im
portant subject 'will be-that M fi
nancing home building campaigns.
Bee Want Ads Are Best Bujinest
Getters. - "'
A Special bargain this
space every day. v J.
$14,500 '
6 Five - Room Apart
mentsRent $2,400
Per Year
Here is a real buy in "a brick
building. Built about 9 years and
is in -rery Rood condition. Has 6
apartments of 5 rooms each, modern
except heat.
Located within 5 minutes wait of
postoftice. . .. .
Will take 'SG.OOO cash as first
payment. This is a real bargain
and you should act quickly. .
1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 50.
A Chance to Own
a Small Farm Near
26 Acres
pnly $12,000
we consider tnis a
snap, in viewof the fact
that acre tracts near
Omaha have been selling;.
for $1,000 per acre.
Buildings are new and
are worth the price alone
and consist of a cement
stone house of seven
rooms," bath, . furnace,
electric lights, barn, ga
rage, corn crib, chicken
house and the 26 acres
all fenced. For appoint-'
ment Sunday call Wal
nut 4680.
Beavers Real f
Estate & Insurance
Douglas 2450
760 Omaha Nat'l Bk.
The; , '
; Distinctive
The home that arpuses the interett of the passerby
the home that brings forth exclamations of de-
i:kt.J .nrnrii. from its srueiti the one in which
t)ie home atmosphere prevails isn't that the kind;,;
of a home to make your ownt
The houses we have erected on 50th Ave.
and. 50th street just aouth of Farnam in
318 South 60th Street Very similar to the illus
tration above the exterior-'
y ' of this HOME presents a
most pleasing appearance '.'
and the interior deserves ,
your closest inspection. '.
316 Sodth 50th Street The comfortable arrange
ment of ( this beautiful
i "HOME" tvill certainly ap-'
" peal to you "DUTCH,,.
. COLONIAL" type--finished
in cathedral oak come out.
.today and "see" these at- ,
tractive new "HOMES"
"MkuXE" Hou... Lighted Up at Night
Orchard & Wilhelm
310 SO. BOTH ST.
Open Daily From
2 to 9 P. M. -
Phone Douglas 8102.
Real Bargains ;
A 9-room house-arranged as two apartrnenfe,
. one 4-ropm and one 5-room, having hot water 'heat,
strictly modern. Will always bring a good rental,
and is. -bound to increase in -value,.as it is located
only 3; blocks from Grain Exchange building
will pay you to investigate. ' ' - "J
Cathedral District
Come out today and look
at dur five-room bungalows
that; we are selling for $500 v
down and the balance like
These bungalows are brand
news oak finished; built-in
-bookcases; built-in kitchen
cabinet; full basement; guar-'
anteed furnace everything
nice yand new.
We have sold twelve of
these, so you will have to
hurry if you want to take ad
vantage fcf our low prices and
easy terms only eight left.
Take a Harney car to 33d
and Parker and walk a block
and a half north to our new
addition YALE PLACE.
Slater Company
( 506 Keeline Building.
Stop That Rent
Pay $500 Down Extraordinary Bargains in
North Side Homes
Five-room cottage, part modern, not new but in good condi
tion; has large south front lot, garage, shade trees and fruit trees;
1 block to boulevard, 6 blocks to car line; is well worth the money
and cheaper than renting. Price $2,800; $500 cash, balance on
monthly payments.
Seven-room house, modern except gas; has large lot, dou
ble garage, 2 blocks to ear line, located in Florence. Price $4,500,
with terms. ..
Eight-room,'all modern, story and one-half bungalow with 2
baths, on car' line, paved street, paving paid; 1' block to school,
near 34th and Ames Ave. $2j0Q0 cash will handle..
Seven-room house, not new but in good condition, close in,
block to car; good home for railroad man. Orriy $3,600; good
terms can be arranged. See this today at 1509 Burdette St.
' Call Sundays or evenings, Colfax 950 or Colfax 648.
Weeth & Herroi
2414 Amea Ave.
Colfax 926.
'Reception hall, living room, dining room, sun
room and kitchen on first floor and 3 bedrooms,
sleeping porch and bath on second floor. Dowh
stairs finished in oak. It is strictly modern. -Tljtis
place is three vears old, built for a home and owner
has left city. A real bargain at $6500. ; '
Walking Distance ri
Six-room house, all modern, has living room,
dining room and kitchen on first floor; 3 bedrooms
and Ipath on second floor. Also has a garage. -It is
onjiaved street and paved alley. Located at 2121
Webster St. Don't bother the tenant. ' Priced
at$4,500. - ,
Three blocks from Creighton college, 8-rootn
house, modern except heat; also has a garage; sit
uated on a corner, paved streets on both sideband
paved alley, all paving paid. It is a snap at $4,200.
Located at 2123 Webster St. i
W.'Farnam Smith & Co.
... .
1320 Farnam St. Douglas 564.
Real Estate
1712 Douglas Street
Phone Douglas 13
i-it J 'ii
You will Jbe pleased if you buy your home from
1 MULYIffl
".p I
200 Brandeis Theater Bldg.
Phone Douglas