THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEEr SEPTEMBER 19. 1920. 3 F IT A. UV7 " a X f i.!I ITS III I f : 1920 Lothrop Street ,' h Room and Sleeping Porch !, Quarter-sawed oak finish and floors, beamed ceilings, first floor; natural birch finish, second; hot water heat; pressed brick foundation; 2-car garage; south front lot 50x124 ft. to 16-ft. alley, paying paid. One of the best locations in Kountze Place; excep tionally well constructed. Must be seen to be appreciated. Price $l(J,Opo. Easy terms. Quick possession. Shown by appointment. ... ' t !j New Brick Colonial Home - ? "i Eight rooms. 2 stories and attic, tiled front vestibule, central hall, large living room with brick fireplace, attractive dining room, brftakfast room, and up-to-date kitchen with tiled floor, 1st floor; 4 attractive bedrooms, tiled bath, linen closet, etc., 2d floor: large. floored attic, full cemented basement, billiard room, laundry, sta tionary tubs, storage room, floor drain, toilet, etc. ; hot water heat, Ruud heater, vacuum cleaning svstem installed: metal weather strips and plate all windows; 2-car garage, lot 75x185 ft. High, "sightly location affording a beautiful view in all directions. iTonvenient to car line in the Dundee-Lockwood district. One of the best constructed new homes erected this year. Just completed and ready, to occupy. Price and terms on application. v ; t Attractive Dundee Bungalow New 8-room Kellastone stucco. Six rooms and bath, 1st floor; 2 bedrooms, 2d; oak finish, quarter-sawed oak floors, 2-car garage. High, sightly, south front lot 50x135 ft. Built by expert carpenter contractor for his home. Very desirable. Price $13,000. Reason able terms, f l Dundee Home $9,000 i Immediate possession. Owner leaving city. Must ,be sold. Seven rooms, 2 stories and attic; quarter-sawed oak finish, 1st floor; hot water heat; building suitable for garage. One of the best values in Dundee. Quick action necessary in order to buy at this price. Liberty bonds accepted as part payment. See us at once if interested. ' Beautiful Minne Lusa Bungalow "' 1 i i " 2516 Vane St. ,New brick and stucco; 5 rooms and tiled bath, 1st: 3 rooms 2d. Oak and white enamel finish; 2-car garage; 60-ft. lot; very desirable and well built. Price on application; easy terjns. Open for inspection Sunday.. Call Colfax 4259. Sunday, call Mr. Fowler, Colfax 4259; Mr. McDonald, Walnut 170; or Mr. Young, Harney 5051. Fowler & McDonald ;;; REALTORS, DougUt 1426. 1120 City National Bank Bldg. ;Buy Omaha Real Estate a And You Will Prosper This is a selected list of good properties at prices. that are right. ( ' Look it over. Then come to our' office and get the details on the items which interest you. ? HOMES u $4,800. A very pleasing tive room cottage m tne eastern eage fl ot JJunaee. All moaern ana in nice repair, llll $?nflO rash will handle. :'!$; nnf). Six rooms and bath, all modern jn. a good district Tfi iu "-... i t; inm! oil srmtnH Thp (hpt hnv von ran J1UI 111. .Ul 11CI 1UU niv - - J j maWp for the monev ;; $9,000. Sturdily built family home in a very pleasant section north. Close to 24th St. car line. Five rooms on the first floor; fmir heHrooms ork the second. Nicelv finished, equipped with rvm morlprn convenience and situated on a beautiful piece of B-rdun d. 100x128. Maenificent bis trees and fine shrubbery. $15,000. , Dundee. Brick and stucco. Beautiful living room with stone fireplace. Dining room, sun room and a real breakfast roflm and eood sized kitchen on first floor. Three bedrooms and ill sWn ne norch on second. Hardwood nnisn ana noors. jjoupie I garage. One of the most artistic homes in the district. Half cash wl ?i nnn rnnH- K ttnrm of vcrv tilpasinc- desicn. Laree living room with fireplace; spacibus dining room, breaktast room and kitchen. Three good bedroomX enclosed and heated sleeping oorch. and tiled bath on second; maids room ana batn on tnira. Vannim vanor heatin svstem. Double srarasre. A very completv and well finished property and priced much lower than other new hdrnes in the same district. LOTS IN GOOD LOCATIONS "V $1,600. Double corner in the heart of Minne Lusa. Nothing hlce it in the whole addition at the once. , !: $1,800. Beautiful east front lot on 37th Street. 100 feet north of Davenport, 50x127. . ' m! $2,000. East front on 41st St., second lot south from Harney. Snlendid site for eood home. $3,000. Double corner 100x145. at 38th & Hamilton. Will cut nicely into three lots. Fine buy for a builder. I dundee lots ;i $4,875. S. E. Cor. 51st Ave. & Dodge, 75x135. Nothing on Dndo'e street as cheao. .;; $5,000. . 35th St. iust south of Dodge, 120x125. Beautiful home sffe. $5,000. S. E. Cor. 52nd & Chicago, right in the Happy Hollow $8,125. . S. E. Cor. 51st & Dodge. Fine big" lot, 125x135. k business and investment properties ;j; $6,500. ., Close in corner in fine location for flats or apartment house. 69x140. Frame cottage rentsfor $420.00 per year and will carry the lot until yon build. mnnrt A rrartinir irnod lot. 66x132. on Cumins' Street, be tween 18th and 19th. the two streets that carry the heavy north side traffic. Present rentals from old house $600 per year. One storv brick will rent at hizh figure. i, $20,000. Excellentlv well built two story brick building on corner with extra ground included. , Suitable for any business not rerjuinnsr central location, raved streets and street, car line, tn surburban busines district and surrounded by all lines of business Rliildinp could not be duolicated for twice the nrice. $25,000. Six two story brick houses of seven rooms apd bath each Close in and alwavs rented. Present income. $2,880. cbuld be A quite materially increased. Owner has given us selling order and fl'inleht take a trifle less. I ' $40,000. Ten St Louis flats, only a few blocks from the heart of town and right in the path of increasing values. Income $4,800. Separate heating: plants operated by the tenants. Big reinforced concrete business buildings being built close by. In a few years the ground alone will be worth the price asked. $15,000 cash will handle. , $55,000. Buys an apartment house with a rent roll of more ILrfftan $11,000. Well located and well planned. 12 apartments of five rooms and batn. 5,uuu cash required. No trades, inis a re markably low price. The investment will show, a very heavy return 1 Tyler 1536 2 Walsh-HImer Lo. n REALTORS i 333 Securities Bldg Demand For Homes Greater Now Than !For Many Years Realtor Estimates That Over 2,000 Lots Have Been Pur chased Here This Year . Sites For;. Homes. Old-time realtors are practically unanimous in their opinions that the demand for residences lots and acreage has been greater this year than at any time since the boom days 30 years ago. ' L. P. Campbell of the Byron Reed company says 2,000 lots and sepa rate acres purchased at Omaha this year is a conservative estimate. These purchases have been in every part of the city and have been made by all classes of citizens. "The best thing about this," Mr. Campbell said, "is that a large ma jority of the purchasers are persons expecting to use their property as a site for a home. They realize also that vacant real estate, as it is now priced, is without question the safest kind of investment; also that it is certain to increase in value.' Un improved real estate has advanced in price less than any other staple commodity, and it is the only com modity of whtch there is a. limited supply. No more of it can be man ufactured. "The public is beginning to un- rlorctanH that with a limitprl SUnnlv and constantly increasing demand the price will go up." Some of the firms that have4' con ducted an unusually large business in unimproved lots and acreage this year include the Flack interests, J. H. Kopietz, W. Farnam Smith com pany, Shuler &.Cary, the Byron Reed company, Hastings &V Heyden, and the Slater company. ! Some of the firms that have con ducted an unusually large business in unimproved lots and acreage this year include the Flack interests. J. H. Kopietz, W. Farnam Smith com pany, Shuler & Cary, the Byron Reed company, Hasting & Hayden, and the Slater company. The vacant lot market in many other localities Jn the country has been similar to that in Omaha, ac cording to officers of the N. P. Dodge company, which has sold several thousand lots this year , in different parts of the country, most ly in the eastern states. By the end of the year the Dodge company will have held vacant lot sales in ap proximately 30 different cities of the country. HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS Only $500 Can $30 MonUily. NOW VACANT and ready for inspection. FOUR very attractive and beauti fully decorated cottagea. Nice east front lota, surrounded by large shade trees. Only a block from South Omaha and Farnam street cars at if 2th and Caa tellar. ' . - The rent situation is growing more serious all the time and the wise man will look after the interests of his family by buying a home and getting started on the road to pros perity. $1,000 Cash $45 Per Month. Nice 6-room strictly modern home on Willis Ave. There is a full lot on paved street and a double garage. Price $4,500. $2,000 Cash $40 Monthly. Strictly modern and very attractive 5 -room bungalow at 28th and Browne streets. Only $4,900. We can show these properties at your convenience. Edward F. Williams Co J REALTORS, 803-4 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg., Douglas '420. What to Know in Building a Home Answers to Questions. 1. Built-in furniture, . especially bookcases and very often side boards, are much in favor with many persons. It should be remembered, however, that a carpenter is not a cabinet maker, and, hence, is liable to do a mediocre job or to be obliged to charge so much more than such furniture can be purchased for in stores. As a general rule built-in furniture, therefore, is not desirable. 2. The best kind of paint for ex teriors is one in which permanent coloring materials are ground into a white paint base. Such tinted paint will not so readily chalk and crack and thus will have longer life than pure white paint. rll best paints have white lead or zinc-oxide as their base. 3. Sleeping porches too often are like the winter-morning cold bath more talked about than used. Unless the fanily intends to use it, a sleep ing porch should be omitted'. If built it should be so located as to get the air on three sides and win dows so arranged that direct storms may be shut out while full supply of air is provided. Over the garage, if connected to the house, or over a sunroom or open porch, is a good location. 4. Casement windws are best' for sleeping porch and sunroom. Have them swung on double hinges so they will open either out or in and provide for securing them when open by dne of the many devices now sold, the best being those which wilt permit opening so large or small a distance as is desired. ' 5. If the bathroom does not have tiled walls it is best to paint both walls and ceiling. Wall paper should not be used where, there' is milch moisture. 6. Provision for dry beds in the sleeping porch may be made by having one end or side closable and heated so beds may be rolled into that compartment when not in use. 7. Careful tests by the U. S. gov ernment in all climatic conditions have shown that exterior paint wears more rapidly in summer than in any other season. 8. Never use yellow ochre as a painting coat for the house exterior. The best coat of priming is one of lead or zinc-oxide. 9. The best time to paint a house is just before it begins to need it. A new house should not be painted until the interior plastering is dry.. Otherwise the moisture coming through is likely to cause the paint to blister or crack or peel. 10. Every house should have three good coats of good paint to make a good job. Never fewer than two coats should be considered. This Week's New Questions. 1. How can I be sure to get the best oak floors? Are borders used? 2y What kind of window and door' sills should be put in a brick house? 3. Is a driveway jointly on prem ises side by side desirable? 4. - Should a house ' be wired whether electricity is to be used immediately or not? Why? 5. What kinds of roofing are rec ommended by authorities? 6. What are the advantages of an outside chimney built up from the ground? 7. How can one be certain of title to his lot? 8. What is a land contract? A deed? 9. Items to look out for in buy ing a lot? 10. What kind of water heater should be installed? ( 1 Copyright 1920, Thompson Feature Service. Carries Two Watches. Newton, Mass., Sept. 18. Attor ney General Gooding Carroll, ad mitting he is still puzzled by "day light saving" when he wants to catch a train, states that he carries two watches, one set by railroad, the other by daylight saving time. "As myt neighbors consult me as I have clients," he said, "and I'm pret ty busy." 434 Acres In Dundee $1250 On May 15, 1905, Leopold Doll conveyed twenty-three lots in Block 1, Taylors Farnam Street Addition, located at 53d and Farnam streets, to Florence May Ely, the consideration in the deed be-' ing $1,250. In 1915 Florence may Ely conveyed twenty-four lots in Block 1 to Clyde W. Drew, for $16,500. TODAY this same property, being now part of Drew-Dundee Heights, is being- sold in lots averaging approxi mately $2,000 each, or about $10,000 per acre for property which sold in 1905 for approximately $250.00 per acre. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY! ONE ACRE WEST DODGE $1,100-$110 CASI4 AND $11.00 MONTHLY Only eight blocks west of Fairacres, and just a few steps from paved Dodge road. Directly in the path of Omaha's very finest residential develop ment. Restricted just enough, high and sightly, commands a panoramic view of Omaha and en virons probably fifteen miles in length. Wouldn't you feel mighty happy if you owned a beautiful acre sucn as mis wun me cnance oi tremendous in crease in value as seen from above example. If convenient for you to see the property today, call Mr. Campbell, Walnut 3816, or. Mr. Nickerson, Walnut 5020. Week days call The Byron Reed Company ttSITBEE 3KAKT, ADSpTHEY BBING KESULTS i 1 Douglas 297. 1612 Farnam St. 5s SOME REAL HONEST VALUES $ 4,500- $ 5,250- $ 5,500- $ 5,250 $ 6,100- $ 6,500- 4 $ 6,900 $ 7,500 n 7,850- $ 9,500- $10,000 $10,500-$12,000- $12,000 HOMES A neat five-room, all modern cottage near 19th and Vinton Streets. $1,000 cash will handle. A neat bungalow cottage, five rooms, all modern, in excellent condition, near 22d and Ames Avenue. $2,000 cash. A very attractive five-room bungalow, fully modern, with built-in features, near Prettiest Mile. $750 cash wilLhandle. -Five-room modern cottage near 40th and Charles Streets. $1,000 cash will handle. 18th and Laird Streets, five-room bungalow with' finished attic, modern throughout. $2,500 cash will handle. Can give immediate possession, of a six-room, two-story, all modern home at 3906 North 19th Street. Full lot, with garage for one car. Terms can be arranged. Very attractive home in Leavenworth Heights Addition; bungalow style, with five nice rooms and bath first floor; oak finish. Two rooms finished in attic ; nice south front lot, with garage. $2,o00 cash will handle. Half acre of ground, just half block from Miller Park, lot being 61x293, with a sub stantial home of eight rooms; full two-story and all modern; aboutfive years old; oak finish and floors. Garage for two cars. Very good eight-room, modern home liear 25th and Pratt Streets. Has sleeping porch, hot water heat. Full lot, with driveway and garage for two cars. $2,500 cash. Kountze Place. Brand new home, 7 rooms, Kellastone stucco construction; has large living room, dining room, kitchen and break fast room first floor. Three nice bedrooms and sleeping porch second floor; oak and, white enamel finish. Ready for possession. Terms can be arranged. ' West Farnam. A seven-room home near 33d and Dodge Streets, with large living room arrangement, built-in bookcases and fireplace Three bedrooms and enclosed sleeping porch; all oak finish. A very de sirable location. Cathedral District;" nine-room modern home with five bedrooms; hot water heat; large lot, 86x125, east fronts Garage for two cars. $2,500 cash wilLhandle. A well built home located ifi a very desirable block, near 52d- Street. This is arranged with large living room, with fireplace, den, convenient dining room and kitchen first floor; four good rooms second floor; large attic. This huse was. built for a home and is substantial in every respect. If you want to be sure of a good home, arrange to see this one. West Farnam. An exceptionally well built home, eight rooms,, besides finished attic. Built-in fireplace, oak finish. Garage for three cars; cement driveway. Owner leav ing city and keen to sell. H(JMES $12,800 Minne Lusa. A real home, just completed; dandy location, facing Miller Park. Has large living room, dining room; kitchen, breakfast room andun room first floor; three large bedrooms second floor; oak and white en amel finish ; fireplace and built-in bookcases. Kragstone construction; cement driveway and garage for two cars. . This is a well built home and complete in every way. Terms can be arranged. $15,000 Kountze Place.. .A large corner lot, 75x125, with a real home. Ten large rooms; cherry and oak finish; built-in buffet and three fireplaces. Not a new house, but well cared for; a dandy yard, with large shade trees. Garage for three cars. Easy terms can be arranged. , $16,800 In Montclair Addition, adjoining Bemis Park. A brand new home, Kellastone con struction, Colonial style, central hall arrange ment. Large living room, sunroom, dining room, breakfast room and kitchen first floor; four dandy bedrooms and tile bath second floor; oak and white enamel finish throughout; large fireplace and other built in features. Located on corner lot; garage for two cars. A very attractive home, just completed this year and desirable in every way. $20,000 Field Club. One of the best houses in this district ; (built for a home ; eight large rooms, 6 quarter-sawed oak finish; hot water heat and other attractive features. $20,000 Dundee. jV brick Colonial, eight rooms and completely modern. Located in the restricted district; dandy east front lot, high ana sightly. Garage for one car. Investments of Merit $ 3,500 Frame store building and cottage near 26th and Leavenworth ; rents for $45.00 per month; full Jot, with paving all paid. $ 3,500 100 ft. frontage on Dodge Street in Dundee, in the restricted district; paving all paid. This is the cheapest ground in Dundee. $13,500 A high-class duplex flat in a good residence district near Hanscom Park. Six rooms and ! sleeping porch each side. An ideal propo sition for home and investment. Rental value, $120.00. $15,000 Four-apartment, brick flat near 24th and Harney Streets. Present low rental, $140.00 per month. $16,000 Four-apartment brick flat near High School. Rental, $200.00 per month. Lot 60x120. Speculative Close In We can offer some high class, close in properties at attrac tive prices and terms. Located at 26th and Dodge Streets, 25th and Farnam, 22d and Harney, and 17th and Jackson. These are ' all well located properties, and rentals in some cases take care of entire investment. A substantial increase in values is assured by next spring. BUY NOW AND GET THE BENEFITS. GET OUR FULL LIST OF HOMES, INVESTMENTS, VACANT LOTS AND TRACKAGE PROPERTIES GLOVER & SPAIN, -Realtors Douglas 2850 918-20 City National SHULER & CARY V Offerings A HOME .Brick Residence Dundee, Colonial Type Bargain at $14,500.00 An east front, new six-room, two-story residence with floored attic. Main floor has open brick and cement terrace with central hall, vestibule, wide stairway and coat closet; large living room across entire end of this floor with fireplace; good sized dining room. Kitchen has built-in cabinets and pantry, and walls enameled. Three bedrooms, two extra large ones; the iled bath has built-in tub and well selected fixtures. - Basement has lavatory, laundry tubs, enclosed bin and fruit cellar. The entire house is beautifully decorated and the light fixtures are installed. The yard is seeded and the sidewalks are completed. By comparison, this is the best bargain we know of today. . , . - . One-half or probably less cash required. RESTRICTED RESIDENCE LOTS Dundee and Lockwood Inside lots 50v and 60 feet of frontage by usual depth, $1,350.00 to $1,875.00. Comers from 60 todO feet of frontage by usual depth, $2,450.00 to $5,250.00. ' TERMS TO SUIT BUYERS AN INVESTMENT i Prominent Farnam Street Corner, 130 x 126 Fronting south and east just one block west of 24th and Farnam 'Streets, the fu ture retail center of Omaha, at a, price affording an opportunity for an unusual invest ment. . Offered for a short time only, on exceedingly attractive terms, or will give a ground lease with option to buy. x , , Full' particulars furnished to all Realtors or interested prospects through our office. L SHULER & CARY Phone Douglas 5074 REALTORS 202-8 Keeline Building 1 J.