Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1920, AK-SAR-BEN, Image 52

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- y ' . ' fr- v- m r
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''Famous Love Stories" ,
, - Will Be Revealed in Big
Ak-Sar-Ben Fete -Parade
Striking Points in World
in Allegorical Procession seventeen f loats.
- - Costing Thousands of Dollars are Ready
' -Adan and Eve" Gifen Second Place.
, . ... . s
The most splendid pageant ever
. put on by Ak-Sar-Ben Will be this
year's electrieaUparade, the night of
Wednesday, September '22. So say
those few persons who have had the
privilege of viewing the floats in the
workshop at Ak-bar-tJen den.
"Famous Love Stories," is the title
4 of the parade and these famous love
Y stories are depicted in 16 splendid
floats,"1 some of which tost $2,000
ech tovbuild. And on the 17th iloat
will ride TCintr Ak-Sar-Ben KXVI.
The title, fleet sh6ws hearts, bill
""Ine doves, cuoids and other insignia
of the -little god of love and pre?"
, pares the wsay fdr the love stories de
ts'triA in the fnllowinsr floats
Here are the stories. For a full
appreciation ofthe floats it will be
well to clip this out ana reaa u uw
' fully before the, parade comes along.
The floats: - ,-, .
1. Title Famous Love Stories.
"All the VVorld Loves a Lover".
(2) Adam and Eve. ;
Story of the father and mother of
the human race trom tne account u
: the creation of Genesis.
(3) Pygmalion and) Galatea.
A Greek Jegead in which Pygma
lion, a sculptor ana king ot Cyprus,
fell in love with an ivory statue
, which he had made, and which, aFhis
. : t... Vantia
request,, was given mc ujr . v..-.
,' (4) Helen cf Troy.
Paris, the shepherd son of Priam,
was given , the privilege 'of judging
the fairest amongst the three god
desses, Hera, Athene and Aphrodite.
To influence his decision, Hera of-
fpred - hiiri oower. Athene martial
glory, and Aphrodite the inost
beautiful of women. He awarded
the golden apple to Aphrodite, who
in turn assisted him in carrying off
Helen, the beautifuLwife of Merle-
laus. The abduction ot Helen gave
rise to the Trojan war.
(5) Venus and Adonis.
In Greek Mythology, Adonis was
a youth, a model of beauty, and be
loved of Venus. Acceding to -the en
treaties of Aphrodite, Zeus decreed
that .he , should pasirhalf the year in
the cold an(d snow, and half the year
amongst the flowers. " - ,
(6) Daphnis and Chloe.
A Greek pastoral romance of the
fourth or fifth century, recounting
the love of Dahpnis;, av goaf
herdv and of Chloe, the daughter of
a shephetd. Iaphnis was protected
by, Diana. Pan instructed him' in
singingTand on the flute, ami the
Muses endowed him with a love of
poetry. According te-"tne legend he
was turned into stone, and to an
other into a .laurel, and another
liisreyes were torn out by a jealous
nymph and. he threw himself in de
spair into the - sea.
(7) Antony and Cleopatra.
Mark Antony, a Roman general
and triumvir, was completely be
witched by thecharms of Cleopatra,
the last queen of Egypt! On he ac
count he divorced his wife Jctavia,
sister of Octavianus. Octavianus de
clared war against her, and the fleet,
,oi Antonv and Cleopatra was de
feated at the battle of Actfum. Ueo
patra fled to Egypt and was fol
lowed 'by Antony. After the death
of Antony, who killwl himself on'
hearing a false report of her death,
Cleopatra caused herself to be bit
ten by a poisonous asp, in order to
avoid being exhibited in Rome at
the triumph of Octavianus. v
(8) Abelard and Heloise.
- Abelard was a French scholar of
the 12th century, andloved Heloise,
an abbess and niece of Fulbert, the
Canon of Notre Dame. After their
secret marriage' Fulhert was soen
raged that Heloisewas forced-to
take the veil, and Abelard became a
monk. Their tomb in the celebrated
cemetery of'Pere LaCh,aise in Paris
has become the beloved shrine of
all happy or unhappy lovers, who
keep it eternally beautiful with their
florsCtributes. , ,
(9) Lancelot and Guinevere.
Guinevere, the wife ol King Ar
thur, in Tennyson's "Idylls of .the
King," loves Lancelot, one of the
most famous knights of the Round
Table. For this guilty ove Guine
"vere is condemned to die at the
&i:tke, but is saved by Lance'ot.
(10) John Smith and Pocahontas.
Pocahontas was an Indian girl,
celebrated in the coldnial period of
history. She- was the daughter of
Hlie Chief Powhatan, and. when John
Smith was brought a captive be
fore her father, she saved his life
by interposing her body between
him and the war clubs of his execu
tioners. . ;
(Hi Romeo and Ju'iet.
" The hero and heroine of Shakes
peare's tragedy. The story is of the
love and- tragic deafh ,of two impas-
sioned lovers, Juftet; being ,the
daughter of Capulet, and Romeo
the heirvof the hostile family of
(i2) Napoleon and Josephine. "
Josephine de Beajharnais became
the wife, of Napoleon in 1796 and
. crowned empress in 1804. Na
poleon divorced her in 1809 in order
i to marry Maria Louisa of Austria,
thus, bringing about a closer alliance
w ith the Papal states. Josephine re-
tired jn grief to Malmaison, but it
Is always tonjectured that Napoleon
really loved Josephine, and that his
jater marriage was made merely to
bi ing about his political supremacy.
' (13) Madam Butterfly.
-A story from the opera of Puc
cini. Lieutenant Pinkerton, an offi
cer in the United Stages navy, loves
andwins a Japanese maiden, des
pite the wrath and indignation of
her family. Their' life is one of idyU
- lie .beauty and, happiness until he
sails away from herand their baby.
' Madame butterfly ends her tragic
life by the Japanese custom of "HarL
' v (14) Skeleton in Armor. V
, From a poemof Longfellow. ,-;A
fMorse Viking""carrte to the shore of
Normandy and1, loved the daughter.
,of the king. The kiiuj scoffed at
such presumption, ami ' thereupon
the Viking stole the daughter of the
kin'ft, who gave chase to the Viking,
.. but was defeated hi a combat at sea
From a foem by Thprnas Moore.
Lalla Rookh, an East Indian prin-
History Will Be Depicted
Ak-Sar-Ben ;Parade
To Recall Landing
At Plymouth Rock
Twenty-Eigth Floats Entered
foj Processiony-Indians to
Take Prominent
Part. -
The daylight Ak-Sar-Ben parade
this, year will commemorate the
300th anniversary of the landing 'of
the Pilerims at Plvmduth Rock. VnI
It wilLpass through the streets
Thursday afternoon, September ; 23.
IUwas changed from Tuesday after
noon, as at first planned, because
that is, the date of the special,elec
tion in Douglas county. vi -"John
L. Webster has be'en af the
head of the committee arranging this
parade. He made a special trip to
Plymouth Rock to gather localcolor
for the dayKght pageant.-'
The floats were built at thev Ak-Sar-Ben
Den under direction of Gus
Renre and wee paid for-by Individ
uals, organizations, countieTand,
cities of the Mate. f
There re 23 floats and five ban
ners., TheTToats depict the various
events in the emigration of the Pil
grims from England to the wilds of
America, where they sought the
privilege of worshiping God accoxd-r
ing to the dictates of thetrown cofi-
sciences. -v . -
, Indians in Parade. X' ,
In the parade,als6."will be groups
of Indian, reptelsentingthe red men
with whom the ; Pilgrims came' in
contact when they landed in the new
world. 'The American Legion and
naval reserves also will be j:epre
sented. - - . ', ." .
Floats and banners will be as fol
lows : . i '
No.'! Title float, presented bv
John a Haskell of Wkefield. Ntb,
,No. e. rersecution of the Pil
grims under King Jamesr contrib
uted, by members of the medical
profession .in Omaha. , l
No. 3. Ihe Mayflower, con
tributed by; President Carl R. Gray
of the Union Pacific railroad, and
associate Officials. . !
No. 4. Embarkation ' and Bene
diction, presented by members of
the Omaha Retailers association.
No., S. Signing of the Compact
on. the "Mayflower presented by
Omaha lawyers. ,
No. 6. The Landing at Cape "Cod.
? resented by members of the-Omaha
obbers' and Manufacturers' asso
ciation; Rotary Club Represented.
z No. 7. My.les Slandish Searching
the Coast Line, presented by the
Omaha Rotary club.
No. 8. Ihe Landing at Flymouth
Rock,- presented by ' citizens of
Dodge county. ; :
No. 9. Plymouth Rock, resented
hy the Omaha Clearing House as
sociation. . i I "'
No. 10. Visit of the Indian,, Sam-
oset. oresented hv the Omaha &
Council Bluffs Street Railway com-
Banner No. 11. Wamoanoag:
Tribe oPIndians and Thei C,hief,
MassassTMt. ' I '
No. j2. First Marriage Cere
mony, oresented by the Concord
clim of Omaha.
t$o. 13-The First Harvest, pre
sented by the Omaha Grain ex
change. - i
No, 14. Indian: Messenger From
CanoniciM, presented by the Kiwan
is club of Omaha.
- Banner No. IS. Narragansett
Tnbe and Their Chiel,-. Canonigus.
No. 16 John Aldenind Priscilla
at the Spinning Wheel, presented
by the Elks' club of Omaha.
Public School Float.
No. 17 Priscilla Riding the BuU,
cess, is) betrothed by her father to
Aliri. the sultan of Buchara, whom
she has never seen. On her journey
to meet her betnrtned, "Aliris.rdfs
guished as a young poet, Feromorz,
wins her heart, and reveals himself
only yvhen jshe is led into his 'pres
ence as a bricje.
"(16) Hiawatha and Minnehaha. ,
-From the poem of Longfellow.
Hiawatha, a personage of miracu
lous birth, known amongst the tribes
of North American Indians. He is
sent amongst the- Indians to teach
theija the arts of peace. He loves
Minnehaha, Laughingi-water, the
daughter of the old arrow-maker.
(17 King Ak-Sar-Ben XXVI. x
Don't Suffer
From Piles
Fo Hatter If You Haw Been a
Long-time Sufferer there's Be r
Uef With Pyramid Pile . V
Sappositoriee ' "
Try Pyramid
ino matter what
else you have
used. It should
Rive quick re
lief and has
saved many
from an opera
tion. Get a 60
cent box of
Pyramid Pile
Suppositories at
any drug store.
It Is the right
thintr to Ad. to
relfeve itchingvx
bleeding or
protru dinar
piles, hemor-rectal-
Use coupon for
rholds and -such
Take no substitute,
free trial.
-Ms Pyramid Bid.. Msnbtll. lOch.
. K'f ten nt Free sample of Pyraala
Ml teries, tn alaln wrapper.
I Stree . .i. , ,
Scenes Along the County Roads Near,by
Omaha motorists find
along'.the roids inmakjng
: . I : t '
presented by the live stock interests,
No. lS-Pilorims - ofns to
Church, presented ''by . descendants
of the-Pilgrims... :. .
Banher No. 19 Peauot.i Tribe of
Indians.' . - & i '
No. 2(f-"FreeV Public -Schools."
contributed - by Superintendent of
SchoooJs Beveridge, an4 friCnds of
the public schools. ,.f "
No. 21 The Pilgriimkr contributed
bv member of the Omaha Chamber J
of Commerce. - ' J ' '
,No. aaThe Boston Tea Party,
presented by citjz&ns of s Madison
county. , Y
No. 23 Signing of -the Declara-,
tion of Independencepresented by
citizen's of Douglas county.
No.24 Surrender of Lord Corn
wallis to Genferal Washington, pre
sented by citizens of Omaha. ,
"The Goddess ot Liberty.'
No. 25 "Lincoln's Gettysburg
Afldress," contrill ed by citizens of
Lincoln. ' ,'
Banner No. 26 The American
Legion. )
Banner No. 27 Nebraska .Naval
Reserves, D. C. Buell, commander;
Harry Nygaard, marshal.
No. 28 The Great American Na
tion jaijdtheGoddessorLib2rt
Nuxated Iron Will Increase
Strength of Delicate Pecpfe;
In Two Weeks Time
In many Instance ayt City Phjrtlclan
persons have suffered for years with
out knowing what made -them feel tired,
listless and run-dawn when their real
trouble was lack of iron in the blood
how to tell.
F ysn were to make an actual blooS test
.on all people who . are ill you would
probably be ereatlyi astonished at the
exceeoinelx. lame number who lack iron
and who are ilL for no other reason -than
the lack .of iron. The moment iron is
supplied a multitud-of dangerous symp
toms disappear. Without iron the blood
at once loses the power to change food
into living tissue and therefore nothing
you eat does you good; you don't get the
strength out of it. . Your food merely
passes through your system like corn
through a mill with the rollers . so wide
apart that the mill can't grind. As a Je
suit of this continuous blood and nerve
starvation, people become' generally weak
ened, nervous and all rfln down and fre
quently develop all sorts of conditions.
One ii too thin: another is burdened with
unhealthy fat; some are so weak they, can
hardly walk; some think they have dyspep
sia, kidney or liver trouble; some can't
sleep at n-'ght, others arc sleepy and tired
all day; some fussy and irritable; some
skinny and bloodless,' but all lack physical
power and endurance. In such cases, , it is
worse than foolishness, to take stimulating
medicines W narcotic drujrs, which only
whip up your fagginf vital powers for the
moment, maybe at (the expense of your
Before instalrlng
borne be sure to get
-This is the, famous
$ Heating Plant, the
,.,-on the market today Saves one-third in fuel built
to last a Hfetime--rabsolutely guaranteed. WE CAN
give youlvery liberal terms if you wish. Over 850
installed iri Omaha;
information free if
VOPIIIMTl riirnQna
No more squeezing and "pinchinj to Ret
sid ot those unsightly blemishes, black
heads. There is one -simple, safe and sure
way to. get them out and thaT is to dis-
two ounces of calcmite powder fm your
druggist sprinkle a little on aThot. wet I
sponge rub briskly over the blackheads
for a few seconds wash the parts and
everx blackhead will be gone.
Pinching and squeezing out blackheads
make large pores,and you cannot get all
of the blackheads out this way while this
simple application, of calonite powder and
water dissolves every particle of them and
leaves -the akin and pores in their natural
condition. 'Any druggist will' sell you the
calonite powder and about tsvo ounces
wilU be all yon will aver need. ,
COLUMNS OF !t fijbE.. . .
many of the fresh fruits of the orchard, farm and vineyard aM
drives from Omaha into the country. ;, v
: L : 1 '' 1
presented. fey patriotic societies, the
Grand Army of the Republic and
associated societies: Spanish 'War
Veterarrt, Daughters of the Amer
ican Revolution.1 - ' .
New Secretary Is V
Ak-Sar-Ben Booster
Charles R. Gardner, the new secre
tary of Ak-Sar-Ben, has been an en
thusiastic booster for the organiza
tion for' 12 years. y
- He succeeded the late J. D.
Weaver, whoiad filed ,the difficult
position for nearly a aecade. y" ,
"Charlie" is sonie six feet, four
inches of joviality, pep, enthusiasm
and efficiency. After the death of
Mr. Weaver, the board of governors
unanimously picked Mr. Gardner
pf the job.
In the past years Charlie has been
a star at the big Den show eyery
year. He is a natural comedian
and his singing voice is quite bear
Ale. ' '
The lob of secretary of Ak-Sar-f
Ben has been called the "job of id
thousand (difficulties." There aire
more than 1,000 pestiferous, details
life later on. No matter what any one
tells you, if you ' are not afVronT and well
you owe it to yourself to nyake the follow
ing test: See how long x)6u can work or
how far you can walk 'Arithout becoming
tired. Next take two five-grain tablets' of
ordinary NuVated Iron Jjrtree times per day
after meals for1 two weiXa. Then test your
strength again and see for yourself how
much) you have gained. Yon can-talk as
you, please about alt the wonders wrought
by new remedies, bit when you come down
to hard facts there Is nothing like good old
iron to put color in yosjr cheeks and good
sound, healthy flesh on your bones. It is
also afrreat nyrve and stomeh"f trength
ener and one -at the best blood builders in
the world. Tn only, trouble was that the
old forms of inorganic iron like tincture of
iron, iron xaMfetatet etc.. often ruined peo
ple s teetn, upset their stomachs and were
not assimvrated, and for these reasons they
frequently did more harm than good.' But
with the, discovery of the newer forms of
organic irSn - all this has been overcome.
Nuxatod Iron, for example, is pleasant to
take, ."does not .injure the teeth and is al-
- most immediately beneficial.
M"jrTFAOTUBF.TtS' NOTE! Nuxated Iron whf
Is recommended above is not a secret remedy stout
one wolca is well Known to druggists everywhere.
un'JKe tne- older Inorganic Iron rroducts It is
eaWly assimilated, and does not Injure the teeth.
make them black, nor upset the stomach. (,The
; manufacturers guarantee successful and entirely sat
' Israetory results to every purchaser or they will re
fund your -money. It is dispensed tn this city bv
all good druggists. Owl Drue Co.. Sherman
JtUftmneirg 6 Busy Stores and all oilier good
OTUgglSlg. y
a modern heating plant in your
tbe price and see the "
and original Patented Pipeless
heaviest and best built furnafce
$50 to $100 on first cost and
40,000 in the Middle West. Full
you write, call or phone D. 993.
VQIOf ln U12 Douglas St.
VUIBO UUiPhone Douglat 993
Peplifip the Skin is
Better Than Bleaching
-Ever since the discovery that ordinary
mercblised wax would absorb and remove
a discolored complexion its use by ladies
a substitute lor bleaching creams has
Frown . rapidly. A perfect complexi
b, maintained Indefinite y If this r
exion can
able- substance is used. Its beneficent
cleansing, clearing and preservative action
is quickly apparent, and ladies who have
been paying high prices for 'Special
bleach" from beauty specialists, soon rec
ognize, that mercolized wax outranks them
all. It has beeonie so popular that, it can
be obtained atan druggists', who have it
in original, trie-ounce packages. The
favorite way of using is to apply ft like
cold feam, before retiring, washing, it off
in, the morning.
V The saxolite lotion for wrinkles and
flahbiness has also become extremely pop
nlar. One ounce of powdered saxolite is
dissolved in one-half pint witch hazel.
Bathing the face in this has a remarkable
err-ct in erasing wrinkles and U) improv
ing contour. ' I
that the secretary has to look After.
aAnd in the rush season it is jm 18-niour-a-day
job. '
Yet it has its compensations as is
indicated bylthe fact that n all the
history of Ak-bar-Ben it'
fillprl rtv 'net three men '1
has" been
ford, J. Ik Weaver an Charles R.
1 1 . i a r rii-
Money. back without question
if HlArS Salve fails in ttw
treainent of ITCH, ECZEMA.
otitt itching skin diaeaaea. Try
W Ji eent boa at our risk.
ShermanA McConnell Drug Co.
Sap Tea Turns v
y Gray Hair l)arji
ifis Grandmother's Recipe to
.Bring Hack Color and
Lustre to Hair., ,
That beautiful, even shadeof dark;
glossy hair can only be had by brew
ing a mixture of Sage Tea and Sul-
i ir I , T a
pnur. i our nair is your on arm. it
makes of mars the face. When it
fades, turns gray or streaked, just
an application or two of Sage and
auipnur ennances its appearance a
hundredfold. ' i .
Don't bother to prepare the mix
ture,; you ,can get this farrrtsus old
reeipe improved by the addition of
ether ingredientst a small cdet, nil
ready for use. It is called Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Compound. This
can always, be depended . tfpon to
bring back the natural , color ; and
lustre of your hair.
Everybody uses "Wyeth's" Sage
and Sulphur Compound now because
it darkens so naturally; and evenly
that -nobody can tfll it has been ap
plied. You simplji dampen a sponge
or soft brush with' it and draw this
through' the hair, taking one small
strandat a time; by 'morning-the
gray hair has disappeared, and after
another application it becomes beau
tifully dark and appearstossy and
lustrous. ' ' -
This wonderful booh will be I
M sent free to any man upon re
quest '
02 Berro BtocH,wshville.Tenn.
This institution is the onljj one
tn the central west with separate
buildings situated in their, own
grounds, yet entirely dfstinct, and
lg yit possible to classify
cases. The one building being lis
ted for and devoteff to yfche treat
ment of noncontagious and nonmen-
tal diseases, no others being admit
ted; the other Rest Cottage being
designed for and devoted to the
exclusive treatment of select mental
cases requiring for. a time watchful
jcare and" special nursing.
1,000' Rousei to Be BuOt
k To Care for Poor of Paris
Paris, Sept. IS.r-Axious to avoid
suffering among poor of Paris this
winter, the French piinister 5f hy
giene; M. J. L, Breton, Is driving
lorward plans for the erection of
provisional houses. The; scheme
which he has been able to set mov
ing is unfortunate not on a large
scale. lrwill allow fStvthe building
of only i about 1,000 houses.-
The main difficulty is, of course,
the co'sf of material. M. Breton has
only been able to get 25,000,000
francs to work with. Half of this
will be fount! by the, state." The
other half will be provided by the
Unless you see
are not getting genuine
20 years, and proved
Safety first! Insist upon an unbroken t'Bayer Package" t containing
proper direction for Headache, Neuralgia, CoWs,' EaracSe,, Toothache, Neuritis,
Rheumatism, Lumbago and Pain generally. Made andovmed strictly by Americans. .
mm- .1 -
Handy tin boxes
Aaplrln li tbe trade mark
Millions have said that about Blue-jay.
, Others tried it and toldf others the same
gory. So the use has spread until corn
oubles have largely disappeared.
If you have a com you can settle it to
night And find the way to end every crn.
Applvjliquid Blue-jay or a Blue-jay
plaster. The pain will etop. , y
Soon the. whole corn will loosen fend
come out , i
r Think what folly it is to keep corns, to '
Too Fat?
Do not try to become slen
der by drastic doses of
thyroid or salts. Reduce
weignt ana waistline: also
the safe, rel iable Korein
sxstem. Thathadovcn
s DiCtureCives vou an
idea how she look ed and
' felt. By takiiur Ksiein
and following easy directions of Korein system
the reduced from clumsy futures to graceful
proportion. Now she is agile, attractire, men
tally alert and in better health. Why net you?
Reliable anti-rat self-treatment
Become Slender and Stay So
inv. both mM rermtt rtivav mJh-J
Many, both sexes, report they have reduced
n to 60 pounds. No starving; no exhausting
arving: no exhaustinir
exercises. Become exquisitely slender and
remain to. Safe, pleasant method, endorsed
by physicians. Legions of testimonials. $100
GUAR ANTEE or money refunfl. Buy Korein
(pronounced oreen) at busy druitri.t,'.
Show fat friends this ADVERTISEMENT
for HAIR
One of the iratent lnt-rKllents ef
Kstalks ftir the linr- li (enuine bear
til. ar other sctiie lDiredlenls
not found In any other hair prepara
tion. Koulko hu succeeded In man.
cues of ksldstu. falling ir and
aadruff irhrn etery other hair lotion or treat
.uut has proved futile. $300 Guarantee. Anias
;is results In caaea coruudered hop. 1ms. Ysis
iiter taw a said Indian 1 I
Why becotRe or remain W4 If yt can grpw
hairf If others have obtained a new emwth nr
fc vto eoiKTuered dandruff, or stopped f alllof hair vl
throurh Kotnlko. vhi ma$ nnt -sf Get a dot
if kuialhu st any cuiy sruf Here; ir end 10
in'a, silver or tumps, for uaiiittiiipg wiu,
pf.'.iOT BOX of KotAlko to
O. Ei-inaJrISUlipn (. New VorWkt.
j iiee Want Ads Bring Results.1
department of the Seine. Purchase
of eround win run. away with! a
large share. If necessary land will
be expropriated. Y
The houses will probably be mult
at the farthest possible point from
the center of the city that will not
bet so far as to be inconvenient
They will be reserved as far as pos
sible for large families. :
Convict Sentenced to LVeath 1
, Is Killed In Ball Gatne
f Walla i'Walla, Wash., Sept. 18.
Ewctitive clemency tfor HaroldvC
Newcomb, wfo committed murder
in Fierce county in 1910, failed to
save him from a violent death be
the, safety- "Bayer Cross" on tablets, you
Aspirin prescribed by
safe by) millions.
of 12 tablets cost but a yew cents Larger package
ot Bayer Manufacture of IfoaoaeeUcacldMter of BalleyllcaciA
- u n . n
"I ended corns forever
in this scientific way"
pare or pad them, or to use the old harsh
treatments. v
Here is the new-day way, gentle, sure
and scientific)- It was created by a noted
chemist in thi9 world-fatned laboratory.
It is ending millions of corns by a touch.
'The relief is quick, and it ends them
completely. . - N ,
Try it tonight Corns are utterlyneed
less, and this is the time to prove it
Buy Blue-jay from your druggist
-Plaster or Liquid
The Scientific Corn Ender
BAUER & BLACK Chicago New York Toronto
Makers of Stcxile Surgical Dressings and Allied Products
FiMlaLpayWten Cured
A mild system ot treatment that cures Plies, Fistula and o filar
Rectal Diseases in a short time, without a severs) annrieal nrv-
eration. No Chloroform, Ether or other general anesthetic ased.
every case accepted for treatment. anJ no mnnp. U a k. naM wntO
K curt guaranteed
tared. Write for
ook on Kectai uiseases.
1,000. prominent people who ha ve -been permanently cured.
DR. E. R. TARRY Snnatorium. Peters Trust B'dtr. (Bee Bide.) Omaha. Web.
Thousands of others have gotten rid of theirs WITHOUT -DIETING
OR EXERCISING often at the rate of over a
pound a day and WITHOUT PAYMENT until reduction has
taken place. ' 0 ,
I am a licensed practicing physician and personally
select the trealment for each individual case thu? en- "
abling me to Jioose remedies that will prodiare not
only a loss of weisrht harmlessly, but which will nla
relieve you or an,
stoutne's such as
. indigestion, rheumatism, jr0ut. asthma, kirlnpv
and various other
My treatment will
sleepy feelmp;, paving
a result of the loss" of
You are not required to change in the lightest
irom yuur regular mone oi living. There is no dietinW
or exercising.. It isimDle.
If you are overstout do not postnone,
DR. R. NEWMAN, Licensed
Zbb titth Avenue, New York, N, Y, Desk D-91
fore he could leave state prison oa
on parple. , Charles Wilson a hu
negro, serving a sentence of from 1(J '
to 24 year for a similar charg
who was not seentenced 1 to tht
iionse, may et feel the strands ot i
the rope around his neck. ' V ,
Newcomb died as a result oijt
terrific blow from a base ball bat
in the hands of. Wilson, .following
a dispute ovejthe former's decision ,
while acting as umpire in a base
fore he could leave the state prison
teams. ' ' ,
; k
Bv the addition of recently in
vented wheels and casters any rock-
inflr chair can be converted into
wheel chair in less than a minute.
physicians for over.
1 v
witn names and tratimom.l. nt mnr
tne troublesome symntorfjs of overV
shortness 'of breath. rialnirnHn
afflictions which 6ften accomnnnw
- , i
relieve tRat depressed, tired,
you renewed enerpy and-vigor,
your surjerflumia fntv I
but sit down rio-hf -,. .i
and mv plan wherebv I am to b
xin.u xsi.ri.Cii- iriiAUjli II you 80
Phytici.ii'sut. of New York
I I V " A ... w
ry 11111
Ht. ,