r i4AT INVITATION TO VISITORS ' Toot tAn to Omaha with, out a, vJMt to this store, would be as one visitor said recently, "like a trip to France' without ne'e In Paris." I'or years this store nan been a center fattrac. tlon today, with greater selection) than ever, Is THE center of Interest for poeple ' who want to see all that's new In the style world. : JOHN A. SWAN.SON, Pres.: WM. L. HOLZMAN, Treas.; Ak-Scr-Ben Vis itors-A Value Demonztration & - I.J Make ypurself at home at the Ne braska. vWe wel come you. Mr. mMF i ( i IP " l -; m and Good Clothes Exhibit Extraordinary 1VTEN of the West, your attention is directed to fy Fall and Winter jampaign of clothes selling; at this Greater -iVi Store, that is the most open-handed distribution of values ever heard of in the history of retailing Amer ica's finest clothing. - ' " . v - ( , , - .- - v Absurd as it may seem, and uncalled for as it may appear in the face of the west's great pxosperity and crop pros- , peers, we, nevertheless, have determined to practically conduct this clothing business this season without our cus- ' l tomary small margin, in order to ri-establish equillibrum to clothing prices. " IN JUSTICE TO YOURSELF, DON'T FAIL TO INSPECT OUR STUPENDOUS : SHOWING OF MEN'S, YOUNG, MEN'S; YOUNGER YOUNG MEN'S New Fall and Winter Suits Top Coats, Qv&coatfc " at$35 at $45 at 50 " i A Guaranteed Saving of $15 to $25 Compare Thousands of styles to choose, from, in every wanted, fabric and coloring that's nevsf this Fall, as well as conservative- -weaves. Men's, young men's, younger young men's special styles in alL conceivable sizes arid proportions. . i 2?(hS&t8.-.":25 at$30-, We are pleased to announce such values. In spite of a diffi cult market to merchandise, we have delibrately underpriced great groups of suits and overcoats to enable us to offer you .utmost money's worth at very low prices. teSeSes . $,602 to $75 00 , , Instead M $85.00 to $100.00, which, everybody expected to pay, we have bought vast stocks from our finest clothes makers,', closed our eyes to the wholesale prices and pass them on to our patrons at an actual $25.00 saving. v 1 '- "' Remember this store offers the largest stocks of House of'Kuppenheimer clothesHickey-Freman, Quality Clothes, Sotiety Brandy Fashion Park . Clothes and Many Other famous lines. - ' i ' - ' . , Mea, Yoon Men's, Younger Young Men's Clothing Entire Second Floor Main Building and Annex. I '' V fyiSl'ljftR EATER NEBRASKA'S Mammoth Boys' Store O UTFJT (he boys during Ak-Sar-Bferi at HEADQUARTERS a distinction this store has Von through sheer force of value-giving vast and varied selections plus service , worthy the name. , Boys' 2 Pants-Suits 42 and 5' Comparison Emphasizes a Saving of $5.00 Compare! Just, the suit the boys 'frant for i style-Ahe suit you want for service. Two pairs of pants good quality cheviots and cassimeres attractive Autumn colorings all sizes from ? to 18 years. ' i HSfcST 2-PAXTS SUITS, " , $30 nd $25 STIKDV SCITOOL STITS, ; $7i50 and $10' , BOTS' rORDTftOY SUITS, $8.50. 810, $12.50 FIStST HD-TAILOR SUITS $20. $25, $30 JUVESira WOOL SUITS, $7.50 to $15.00 HEAVY WASHABLE SUITS, - $3.50 to $7.50 EXTRA KNICKERBOCKER PA-NTS, - $1.50 to $3.50 , The Most Important Special Sales of f ... Women's Dresses aind Suite "! 1 Thai Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors Have Ever "Known : ' ; . .': . : v. v " r ' - ' " ' ' 0TJR greater women's wearing apparel sections offer values thai will be the talk of the citv durins: this bis: Fall festival in fact,-here's a festival of values as is: in tlieir way as the week's celebration itself. Don't miss it. - . big m uieir way t 9 BEAUTIFUL AUTUMN Boys Furnishings A Dresses at S2375 Values to $49.50 GOME prepared to see dress values that, from every "standpoint, outclass anything shown v anywhere in years at double our. special sale price. Thanks to. a buying organization that gets what it goes after, we secured entire sample lines of New, York dress manufacturers. The dresses Include Tricot Ines, 'Potret TwUls, Serge, Ynlama, Check Wool Te- lonrs, Silk Ilnvetyn, Kitten Ear Crepe, Tel yet Charmense, Crepe Meteor Satin, Trie- ' olftte, Georgette and combinations. ' ( , , Vlodels in all sleeve length, all ttfe new waist lines and many are elaborately trimmed as well as smart tailored models, street, afternoon and dinner styles. All sizes, Magnificent Showing TFinest Fall Dresses v 59 to 982 IffSn 1 0 v HIGH GRADE TAILORED. Fall Suits at $A50 Unequaled in the City si I uemana ior . smaruy tauorea suns at flfjL X popular prices is almost exceeding tfc supply. But our New York office heeded jur instruction and, coupled with our prestige in he market, we are enabled to announce another .uperb selection of New Fall Suits and specially. iice them at, $49.50. 1 Here are suits of Interna cloth, Check Wool Yelonrs. Serviceable Tricotine, Evora cloth, Duvet de Laine, Men's V ear Serge. Strictly tailored styles of French Seal and Austrian Opossum trimmings. Complete showing of Boys' Shirts, kwwp.r Sweaters. Undefwear, - Hosiery, Nigbtwear.'.Hats, Caps. , . The iBilliken', Shoe Store . No wonder dresses are popular our showing reveals many de lightfully charming stylesf nd even in the higher priced lines we have aimed to maintain our. value-giving idea the most for the teast. Other attractive suits in a host of models and styles', at $39.50 and $44.50. Alluringly beautiful new Fall Suits. Richly trimmed and tailored, at $59.50 to $148.50. r f By Long Odds the Greatest Coat Display i 49'.to$i482 Every woman will be Immediately interested in the stunning coats we offer in cloth and fur fabrics. Nothing like the values else where. - x-. Y . . WHAT A TREAT TO INSPECT TIlE WEST'S LARGEST SHOWING: OF ( J High Grade Autumn Miljmery Specialization and pr ices based on volume of 'sales only makes these values possible. $7i $io -12 $15 Woan'i Wearing Apparel Entire Third Floor, Main Building. Children who wear Billiken Shoes don't know foot troubles-r-they're specially designed shoes from the selection of thA leather to the artheopedic lasts Billiken Shoes exclusive at our store. gfcoea Mala Floorforta. i SEEOUIP-x WINDOWS TODAY. CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMENsrar COMPARE OUR VALUES ALWAYS. , CATERING to the 'discriminating women of this community finds , the Metropolitan Millinery is prepared with a showing of ifN -dividual Fall and Winter millinery entirely in a class by itself. "The women of Nebraska and neighboring states have never Ije fore had the pleasure of such an opportunity to review a showing so complete and comprehensive. ' , . v y On Display Will-Be Found America's designing ingenuity coupled with that of famous Parisian milliners who have developed more exquisite creations than any season has heretofore offered. , ' The woman of most discriminating taste willfind here a new idea of satisfaction in style and at a decided saving. It will prove to your advantage to review our displays before buying. Our courteous and competent millinery . organization insures you every attention and intelligent service. Metropolitan MlllUeir Entire Mala Floor KTew Building Et of Main Bulld V tnay FarnniK Street. I- ''ll'-iVi l-l n1 fi