Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1920, EDITORIAL, Image 44

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Wedged-Shaped Dome in h
A Literary Evening at Mrs. Ketcham's pubiished fcy Arrangement i.
By Charles Dana Gibson
Copyright Life Pub Co. -
U I 1 I t 1 .11 W . w . m m I w I T I. Ill
mmm, mmm. V Jkm A, mm J f-' W A , Jj - M V IW J
County Court Officials Worry Over Peculiar Con-
struction, Ask Many Questions Before Solution'
Is Found Many Guesses Made by Others, Bui;
m m . m i u m m i m m m m. m u mm w
None Is'Right : . ' . v
Heart Secrets of a Fortune Teller
V Open the Door to a Carrier.
' Maybe you'll be surprised to know
I'm not always prometin' the June
bride idea an' applaudih' the sweet
trains-of the weddin' march. Just
to', prove it, I'll tell you about an,
incident that happened some ytafs
. ago.' i
A young girl registerln about 24
Summers hurries into the studio for
a consulation. - While not beauti
ful, she's pleasant to look at, and
seat to the last hook. She has that
home like personality - that makes
you feel like relaxin' and being
v comfortable one of the sort who
could make a piano box . seem, like
home, sweet home.
"You wish a palm reading?" I ask.
"I do," she answers. "I must
take a decision, and I need help,"
"Well," I announces, "Clarisse
can run up the periscope and give
you a peep at the breakers ahead.
What's the question . that's cuttin'
downyour sleep?" '
. Cannot Decide.
"1 ean't decide," she answers,
!which of two men to marry. For a
montp I've been fighting it out in
my mind, and I haven't found the
answer yet." '
"H'ml I says, rather thoughful.
"The mind's not exactly the custo
mary place to think this marryin'
question out I believe the heart's
considered the- proper location.
Something's wrong. Let's consult
the occult"
, She gives me her hand, which is
large and firm and rather practical.
Of course I lend an eye to the love
lines first expectjn' to see a couple
of them cutting deep througlKthe
mount at the base of the little fin
ger. But imagine my surprise when
I find thera among the missin'.
S No Love Mentioned.
"Girlie," I asks, "did - I - under
stand you, to say that you loved two
men and couldn't pick the heavy
party?" . ;
"No," she lays very emphatic,
"you did not I said I could not
decide which of two men to marry.
There wasn't any mention of love in
the statement."
"Beg pardon," I says. "My mis
take. The truth is, somebody's
tryin' to shove you off the dock.
"Well," she1, says, "you might ex
plain it that way. You see I've been
brought up with the idea a
woman must marry before she's 25.
If she doesn't she's a failure."
"So you're tryin to live up to the
family slogan and step off before
the fatal day?" T suggest "Any
preference between the. two willin'
victims?" v, ,
"Hardly any," she smiles, showin
ner sense of humor's not dead vet
"One of them is a kind hearted ship
. ping clerk, and the other is a fat
dentist." 1
"And neither one of them, I put
vm, "thrills you any more than a cold
potato 1".
Monotonous Face. r
, . "Perfectly true," she agrees. "I
ean't , decide which face will look
the most monotonous 365 mornin's
in the year on the other side of "the
"And there's that extra breakfast
very leap year" I says. "But se-
AlXi-whi ia jhi ftamj si bighiiusseji jata bet little sink. a& uL
JViabei Young, one of the most
heaven should you marry either of
''Well.? fhe explains, "you might
say it's up to me. My parents ' have
spent all they can afford on me,
and there are three younger sisters
waiting to step into my shoes. Un
derstand?" ...
-'Perfectly," I says. "It's not in
unusual case. But why don't you
get a job and support yourself?""
KnowsHow to Cook,
"I'm not qualified," she says. "AH
I can do is manage a house. In
stead of shorthand, I've studied do
mestic science. I haven't an interest
in anything but planning meals and
going to market" ;
"I see," I says. "Regular little
housewife. Just the sort of person
for a five-room flat and a vacuum
cleaner. It's ' not surprisin' that
you've tried to cultivate a taste for
matrimony and the housekeepin' ca
reer. Natural mistake." '
"You thinkit is a mistake then?"
she asks rather surprised.
"I know it is," I says. "A woman
tied to a mart she doesn't lovt is
about as contented as an Eskimo
campin' on the equator,7 and you
won't be any exception. Let's ex
amine the lines again."
' I begin to study her hands In earn-,
est, because I see it's a question of
choosin' a career and launchra a
lady out on the sea of success. If
more people would study , their
hands instead of their mirrors when
they come to the cross "roads there
would be fewer mistake to weep
ever. '
"You're not bookish," I announce,"
and you're not musical. I'm also
certain that you wouldn't make a
Small Teacher Crushes Store Sleuth
Big Detective, Cat-Footing on Trail of Little
. V Woman, Thinks He Sees' Her Steal Vanity
Case, But ;
Sleuthing for shoplifters in Omaha
department stores is a gay sport -
But last week,' one of the store
detectives in an Omaha store was
somewhat abashed. --
One of .Council Bluffs' littlest
school teachers, was just back from
a visit to Kansas City, where she
had allowed her shopping mania to
run away with her.
She had purchased one 6f the
lates things in a vanity case sort
of a silver box affair, all shiny and
Strolling through the store, she
noticed a number of similar vanity
cases on a counter and stppped to
examine' them.
She noticed a large man of fierce
countenance keeping her within his
gaze and felt somewhat annoyed
at being so ogled by one of the
firm's employes. ' ,
' Gently Hissed
But she continued to examine the
vanity caes and soon . started to
walk away with her own on her
wrist , '
Up '-bristled the large gentleman
of the fierce countenance and deadly
mien. v . ' .
on....- .... .t... uYi m l.
"ruci put nidi vatit, nc Kenny
popular of the new schobluthors, reads a selection .
"Right," she agrees.; "I've got
foresight enough to know that I'd
never be anybody's private secretary
in 50 years 1" ,' -
"But you have something else In
your hand, girlie," I continues,
"that about one woman in every 50
is marked, with. You've got execu
tive ability. Vou'd be 100 per cent
efficient in your line. And I'm in
clined to think," I says, "judging
from the spatulate . shape of your
finger and the news you've already
broken to me, that I know what
your particular line isl"
- Finds vHer a Job.
"Do you mean to tell me," she
asks, leanin closer, "that you know
of some work I could succeed in?"
"I do," I says, "if you are not too
proud to begin low. Furthermore
I can have a job for you in 20
minutes if you're willin' to wear a
cap and apron."
She says she is
T pick up the phone - and get la
touch with the small hotel over on
one of the lakes where I'd just
spent my vacation. It takes me
about three minutes to make the
proprietor understand that I've got
the dining room manager he's been
lookin' for all season.
Has sbye succeeded? ; I'll say she
hfsl ? The next time you happen to
drop in at the Statler-bilt for lunch,
lookup their new hostess. She
wears important clothes and the
queenly air, like she was born to
tntm.'' But just the same, she's the
little girl with thehome-like person
ality and the taste for housekeepin'
that I saved from premature matri
mony some years ago.
Next Week I Show the Value of
a Bit of Conceit
Copyright, IMo, Thompson Ftttvr Barrio
dently trying to cover up his actions
from other shoppers in the store.
"Just what do,yeu mean, sir," she
replied hastily, rising to her full
four feet 11 inches.
"That vanitycase you picked op
from the counter," replied the
fierce, genetleman.
"I'm sorry, sir, but I purchased
this in Kansas City only last week,"
she returned.
He Wa.s Crushed.'
,The fierce gentleman allowed him
selt to showier that he doubted hef
Gently, and with even a royal air,
the little school teacher turned over
her vanity case in her hand and
proudly displayed to the sleuth the
unmistakable and firmly imprinted
name, of Emery, Bird, Thayer & Co.
of Kansas City. '
With which the small miscrush
ed the fierce gentleman with a red
hot glance and' stalked from the
store bristling with d-'gnity.
Yea, verily, sleuthing for shoplift
ers in - Omaha department stores
must e'en be a gay sport " -
Bavaria will produce aluminum
from native clay instead of continu
ing ta iauoari Kan;.
City Commissioner Who Lives in Apartment
Without Paying Rent Essays Role of Cook
Dan B. Butler, city commissioner
and bachelor, was gloating among
his friends lit the Elks' club rooms,
over hiY ability to prepare a meal,
table d'hote, a la carte, buffet lunch
eon or any other style. Hj abides
in the Drake apartments where the
tenants have been living for several
months withouj. going' through the
formality of paying rent. His sister
usually presides; over the domestic
economies of the Butler apartments,,
but when the sister recently went to
New York on a vacation, Daniel, the
daring and debonair, essayed- the
1 1
Nhf Extractions Free Until Oct. 1st
uBivereity-ch,c. to Those Having Work Done
My years of technical study, combined with practi
cal experience, make it possible for me to reader
a method of painless dentistry. . Trust yourself
to a responsible dentist I am a specialist on
Crown and Bridge work having spent yeara in
the study of this technical branch of dental aur-1
gery. No matter how bad your teeth are I can
treat them painlessly and can assure you of a
complete plate or bridge that will feel like your
own teeth. I do not talk about the Quantity of
work I do, but take pride in the quality.
of materials are used in this office, and fourteen
years' of experience and study are behind the guar
antee I place on all my work. -Plate c-f4Bridge
work will give you years of satisfaction.VA hun
dreds of people right here in Omaha will testify.
No doubt, a number of. these patients are friends
of yours. Ask them about my work. Out-of-town
patients can1 have Crown, Bridge or Plate completed
in one day. '
8:30 to
A. M.
to 1:00
P. 1L
206 Nevilla Block Entrant 16th andHaraey St.
For Appointment Phone Tyler 5117.
from some of her best known
role of chief cookand generalissimo
of the kitchen. -n-
Things went along merrily for a
while. - He encountered little diffi
culty in promoting the proper func
tioning of a coffee percolator, pre:
paring three slices of toast and ap
plying heat to eggs to a pan In such
degrees that the eggs would be fried.
He grew bolder in his culinary ex
periments. One evening he addressed
himself to e enterprise of frying
potatoes according to an approved
method. While the tubers were un
dergoing the cooking process the
commissioner wept downstairs to
Do You Know That
I Extract Teeth
Without Pain
"IT SAVE3 F.1Y lift
The Feeling Tribute of a Woman to ft
"Pe-ru-na has been a Godsend to me. I (eel eafa in Q
aying that it aaved my life. I waa all run down and T
miserable when I commenced taking Pe-ru-na, but am r
on the road to recovery now. I eannot thimk you too B
much." ' . MRS. CHARLES ANSPAUGH., 0
' R. F. D. No. 7, Lagrange.. IndUna. R
A letter like thia Bring! hop and the promise of
health to every lick and suffering woman. Perhaps a
yon know what it means to have your daily duties . y
misery, every movement an effort,stomach deranged, I
pains in 'the head, baek and loins most of the time, "
nerves raw and quivering not a moment day or ..night
free from suffering. .- 1 -9
Do as Mrs. Anspaugh did. Take Pe-rt-na. Don't I
wait but start right away. I
discuss he league of nations with
an apartment dweller. He forgot the
potatoes. The atmosphere of the
apartment soon became redolent
with the aroma of bjurned potatoes.
The heavy foofall of Mr. Butler
was heard on the steps.
He rushed to a dresser to get a
cloth to use in protecting his hand
against -the superheated pan. He
dropped the dresser drawer1 on his
foot Then he put on his hat and
coat and hurried downtown where
he sought and bought a large meat
He' Jias given up his ambitions to
acquire knowledge of the culinary
art He is not gloating any more
at. the Elks' club rooms on his abil
tiea at a chef. v
' - hi' .mm At ,, Hi
Oil, of citronella will restore the
color to most shades of tan or brown,
Your Skin With
The most fascinatingly fragrant
and healthful of all powder per
fumes. Antiseptic, prophylactic,
deodorizing, fragrant and refresh-
ins, it is. an ideal face, skin, baby
anddhstingpowderl Convenient
and economical, it takes thf place
of other perfumes for tne person.
A few grains sufficient One of I
the indispensable Cutkura Toi
let Trio for keeping the skin
clear, sweet and Wealthy.
Snan. Ointment and Talcum 25c gveivwliete.
;,mnl each free bv mail. Address Doat-card :
iCuucara LanorataeMS, wept c swan, mi
1212 Farnam. Tel. D. 3S3
" . A
Clyde Sundblad, chief clerk of the
county court has been making some
profound scientificinvestigations re
garding the ingenuity of the human
mind. .
; His laboratory 'is the county
judge's office and his "apparatus"
consists of a peculiar wooden shack
which has been erected across the
Lstreet on Eighteenth, just -south of
narney, covering the sidewalk and
part of the street. It , is used by
contractors engaged in fearing down
the old Washington hall building.
This shack is a plain flat-roofed
structure with this peculiarity: Out
of the flat roof sticks ud a wedee-
shaped dombe about four. feet high.
All Are Puzled
This dome, at first sight, nuzzled
Clyde and Judge Crawford and Li
cense Clerk Stubbendorf and Probate,
Clerk MtEachron and evervbodvt
else that looked at it But they in
vestigated and found out what it is.
Then Clye began his experiments
He would show people the peculiar
Wild But Juicy Grape Is" Here
Thousands of Omahans Load Autos With Crop and
.- Then Dream of Long Winter Nights With Cel-
lars Well Stocked With Home' Brew With
Heavy Rebound. :
Let 'em rave about the bumper
corn crop.. , ,
And the greatest wheat crop in
history. . ' - '
And the pride of the grain belt
But Omaha turns her mind aside
to revel in a bumper crop hitherto
scarcely noticed that pi the wild
Banks of streams in the vicinity
of Omaha are crowded with hunters,
not. of beast r tow!, Mit of the
elusive but abundant wild grape.
frees bearine tho previously
acknowledged common plum, choke
cherry and crab apple are rulers this
Omahans are filling their tonneaus
with baskets and beatffig a well
worn trail for the country.
' And Larger, Too
Never before in the memory, of
old-timers has tlie wild fruit crop
been so large. '
And never before In those- same
memories, have Omahans flocked
to pluck the juice producing" wild
grape, crab apple and plum. .
' The wild grapes this year ; are
larger than ever.,,. ,rv
And the6 bunches heavier.
But among the throngs which
flock, in the neighborhood of the
vine and tree, one hearsr little com
ment of the H. P. of L ,
f : One 'iteaTs ! lefgttment ea
recipes, ' ' .
And close attention to the details
of these recipes reveals the fact that
SAVEW0N j imf
S-fr 1 Complete LJ,""L
jBHgl O U T F IXS li
25 'l
Special Sale of Odd Pieces
, , Special Sale of
- Boom Slxa
WRtofl, Axmlnster and Velvet
Overstuffed Davenports
Upholstered m Velour, Tapestry
o r DamasK
Special at
and up
Library Tables
m an tinisnes.
solidly bull and
nicely finished.
And Complete
Suites at
Reduced Prices
$12.50 Up
Pining Room Tables
in all popu
lar finishes;
a rare bar
gain at
Lf-W fETmWZ m AH at I
LS 79 11 a.M U1 PS I aMaWWMSJP-9ltti
n f -
i . Opposite JU.R Headquulera.OAAHA. 3
dome and ask them what It waa.
"A ventilator." said some.
"But it has no , openings," Clydsj
told them. .
"A place where they store instrui
ffients that are too longN for th
height of the roof," said others.
Wrong again. '
"Ah, a skylight for use by thsj
draughtsmen, said others.
But Clyde pointed out that ther
is no window in the dome.
There were other guesses. But
ro" person has yet guessed the right
Here's the Secret
Here is the solution of the mys
-The dome is simply built to cover,
the two lights of an electric light
pole. This pole happens to be right
in. the middle of the shack. They
didn't want to build the roof as high
as" the lights and they didn't want
to leave the lights exposed, to pos
sible falling debris from the building.
So they built the wedge-shaped
K dome to protect the lights.
canning and jelly-making are ao K
uiumaie resuus to oe ODiamea. i i
. Cooling Beverages.
B.everages to cool the parched
throats of prisoners of 4his great
desert of Nebraska and Iowa are
to be concocted . from the" juices
squeezed from these -fruits which
seldom reach tiie public market
- Differences argued by the , male
members of the harvesting parties
seem to revolve aroiind the ques
tion f the amount or water to be
added the extracted juice, or whetheij
the sugar -content should be gov
erned by the amount of the juice oij
tne total mixture.
And how long it should be allowed
to stand in sealed bottle or crock
or open vissel.
Oh, how Mr. Volstead might feast"
his eyes on the daily pilgrimage .of
Omahans this fall to the haunt ol
the wild grape.
Speeder Is Fined ' f
. Going to FuneraV
Kansas City, Mo, Sept -; 18.-4 f
Speeding -in a motor car to play;
the snare drum at a Jewish funeral
tost Otto Bryant, a negro $S in mu.
uicipal court Otto was arrested
when he fell into a police speed trap
on hia way to theNfuneraL
"I'm a trap drummer, and I was
hurrying to get in the parade at a
I. :-U I M . V. - . -1 J -T..J
iowne. ' ,. - -x
"Fine of $5," said the Judg4
"Take your time next time." ;
Close out of
Your choice ; r of many
finishes. In' genuine ;
leather jeata, at i
and up
We are snow
ng some rery
Wutiful buf
ets at
and up '
Very special, three Iota
of odd
to be closed out
at 15.50 $6.75
A. beautiful assortment Of '
Very spedally
priced at
$14.50 to