Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1920, Page 14, Image 14

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14 A
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All Insurance
Companies Show
x Great Expansion
Firms Operating in Omaha
Show Average"of 44 Per
Cent Increase Ch er
Last Year.
Next in the amount, of resources
, to the railway systems of America
come the life insurance companies,
ceived from premiums is turned
The great bulk of their money re-
ceived from premiums is turned
back to the middle west in the shape
of loans on farm lands.; The re
sult of this credit to fanners has
been responsible for the large in
crease in the value of Nebraska
farms. If it were not for this com
paratively cheap credit extended for
mortgages, many farmers woufd be
unable to obtain sufficient macninery
and snpplies to properly tfll the sHt.
and thus land values would be less.
The life insurance companies
'"operating in Omaha shewed an in
crease of 44 per cent m business
tn the first eight months of this
year. One firm passed its last year
record on the last day of May this
year. .
Fire Business Jumps.
The fire insurance companies re
port a similar condition of prosper
ity. Almost universally these' re
port the first -six months of 1920
to have 'been the busiest on -record.
Part of the added business is due
to the increased valaation of proper
ty. Figures indicates that a house
formerly put up for $5,000 is now
worth $12,500. and policies are being
written .accordingly. . '
Precautions of all sorts are made
possible by the insurance companies.
Some firms report doing almost as
much business in tornado insurance
as in fire insurance. Policies against
damage from riot and civil disorder,
illness, accident, automobile acci
dents and almost every conceivable
risk are handled here. v
The importance life insurance
plays ia Hhese days is indicated by
the records ( the probate courts.
These show that seven-eighths or
87 1-2 per cent of what men loave
at death is life insurance; Upon
hearing of a man's death, the usual
question is, "How much insurance
did he leave?"
Old Age Protection.
Statistics prove that but one man
out of 20 reaches old age with an
estate sufficient to provide for his
daily needs. The only certain way
for the average man to assure the
protection of his family and creat
ing an "estate for it is through a
life insurance policy. It will feed,
clothe, educate and comfort those
left behind. Under the form of en
dowment insurance, the oolicv hold
er if he lives, will 'receive the full
amount upon reaching a specified
The favorite sermon of life in
surance agents is one preached by
the famous divine of the last gen
eration, Rev. T. DeWitt Talraage:
Speaking from ! tbe text found in
Genesis, XII, 34, "Let him appoint
officers over the land and take up
the fifth part of the land oflSgypt
in seven plenteous years," he drew
the conclusion that? Pharoah and
Joseph originated the first insurance
company protecting the Egyptians
against the year of famine.
What Bible Says.
"It was divineljiforganized," he
said. "It had all the advantages of
the 'whole life plan' of the 'endow
ment plan and all other good plans.
We are told that Kew Dr. Anhatki
of Lincolnshire, England, originated I
the first life insurance in 1698. No;
it is as old as the corn cribs of
Egypt, and God himself was the au
thor and originator. If that were
not so I would not take your time
aid mine in a Sabbath discussion of
tys subject' I feel that it is a theme
vital, religious and of infinite im
port the morals of life and fire inV
surance. It seems to me that it is
time -for the pulpit to speak out. But
what does the Bible say in regard .o
this subject? If the Bible favors
the institution, I will favor it; if the
Bibje denounces it, I will denounce
it. In addition to the forecast of
Joseph in the text, I call your atten
tion to Paul's comparison. Here is
one man who, through neglect, fails
to support hjs family while he lives
or after he dies. Here is another
man who abhors th; Scripture and
rejects God. Which of these men
is the. worst? Well, you say the lat
ter. Paul says the former. Paul
says that a man who neglects to
care for his household is more ob
noxious than a man who rejects the
Scripture's. 'He that provideth not
for his own, and especially those of
hi.-: own household, is worse than an
infidel. , -
"Life insurance companies help
most of uvto provide for our fanv
ilies after we are gone But if we
have the money to pay for insurance
and do not have it, we have no right
to expect mercy at ihevhands of God
in the judgment ' s '
X Provide Air Future.
"When men think of their death
tliey are apt to thing of it only in
connection with their spiritual wel-
fai, and not of devastation in the
household which will come because
of their emigration from it. It is
meanly selfishTfor you to be so ab
sorbed in the heaven to which you
aregoing that you forget what is to
become .of your wife and children
after you go. You can go out of
this world not leaving them a dol
lar, and yet die happy if you could
r:ot provide for them. You can trust
them in the hands of God. who owns
all the harvests thoherds and the
flocks; but if you could pay the cost
Ak-Sar-Berr Visitors
The House of Pleasant Dealings'
The KnabW- The Packard
The Knabe Ampico-- Hbbart M. Cable
Haines Bros., and other Pianos
..'' -
The Knabe Ampico
Reproducing Piano
America's Finest Piano
The only Piano, Upright qt Grand,
"wnich reproduces perfectly the play
ing of pianists. , ,
The Ampico placed "in your home
brings with it the .world's most beau-'
tifuDmusic. '
Packard and Hobart M. Cable
i Players
Every home looks forward to pav
ing a Player Piano. And, because a
Player is essentially 4 fine , Piano,
vou will unhesitatingly prefer one of
these makes.
''i'J -'.! The price is no higher than less de:
The Great Victor Artist'Wi1'
Se Here October 12th
Prices from $25.00 to $650.00
Payments If Desired
TktHwut tf
j Fiftttrth a
of a lifa certificate and neglect to do
so, it iff a mean thing for you to go
up to' heaven while they go to the
poor house. You, at death, move
into a mansion, river front, and they
move into two roomi on the. fourth
floor of a tenement house in ,a back
street When they are out sat the
elbows and knees, the thought of
your splendid white robe in heaven
will not keep thein warm. The min
ister may preach a splendid sermon
over your remains, and the quartet
may sing like four angels in the or
gan loft, but your death will be a
swindle. You had the means to pro
vide for the comfort of -your house
hold, when you left it, and you wick
edly neglected it." j
Parade Is Forgotten when
. Cops See Fleeing Negro
Birmingham, Sept. 10. A floral
auto parade in which over 100 gaily
decorated cars took part was de
layed here for nearly half an hour
while enterprising motorcycle po
licemen chased a negro tramp, ar
rested him and waited for a patrol to
take him to the city jail... The mo
torcycle officers had been detailed
to head the procession, but, seeing
the negro, forgot about such a trivial
thing as a parede until they had sent
their prisoner away in a patrol,
charged with loitering.
American Millionaires
Besought by Austrians
Washington, D. C, Sept. 10.
Tliat-Austrians have high regard for
the liberality f millionaires in
America and of the generosity of the
American government is indicated
by dozens of letters' which are re
ceived here from Austria asWngfor
financial aid. '
' The calls for help are referred to
Daniel E. Garges, secretary of the
district board of commissioners. Re
cently he received an appeal from
Anne Marie PribyUof Leoben, Aus-
She sought the address ot jonn
D. Rockefeller, and petitions the
"Lord Mayor of Washington" to an
swer immediately.
Old Couple Remarry to y
Cure That Lonesome Feeling
Miami, Okl.. Sept. 11. Thirty
years ago, Scott and Emma Jane
MColhim were divorced, following?
their marriage, because they could
not agree. -
The other day they were remar
ried; "I got kinda' lonesome for
Emma Jane," Scett confided to the
"J- P.," .who remarried thein. The
couple nave several children. He
gave his age as 55 and she as 48, in
applying 4or the second license,
Alleged, Liberty Bondt , ,
"Fence" Taken to Chicago
Chictgo, Sept. 6. Depid rmy"
Thompson, alleged bynhe police to
have operated a clearing house for
stolen Liberty bonds and war sav
ings stamps, was brought back to
Chicago from Sebulon, Ga.
Thompson, witli J. M. Graham,
was arrested hero last year. They
are alleged to have had $70,000
worth 6f Liberty bonds in their pos
session at the time. Thompson was
taken to Ellisinore, Mo., later to
Carnesville, Ga and fhen to Ulan
fii, Ga., where he was discharged
front custody.
A search is still being niaie for
Graham and George Harris, two al
leged safe blowers, vpharged with
being involved with Thompson in a
number of burglaries here and in
Georgia. '
Ballqts Cost $6000, Then .
Onlyix Votes Are Cast
Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 18.-What
are believed to have been the highest
urice votes in the state, if not in the
country, were discovered by the lec-
commisioners here alter tne
recent state-wide primary. The so
cia'ists in Kansas City castj two
votes, the prohibition party one and
'he socialist-labor party three? a to-'
tal of six votes.
Xhe ballots for these three parties
mat tti rrtmiliUvmnrrc ahmit $0,000
v print, according to Dan Stewart,
deputy election commissioner. - t
"The Birth ofa City" :
to ho known as NASHVILLE.
It ts located five iqiUs north of Flor
ence ah the Waetil
ton Highway.
Visitors-lo Omaha: Greetings
W. O. W. Bulldinf
' 14th and Fa mam
The Woodmen of the World,
Nebraska's .Great Fraternal
Society, Bids You Welcome.
We are proud of Omaha and Nebraska.
We are proud of our splendid 19-story head
quarters building at Farnam and 14th Sts.
We are proud of our great membership of
We are eapecially proud ofour 30 years of
steady growth and obligations faithfully
fulfilled. , .
We invite you to make our office your head
quarters. View the city from oirt Ob
servatory, 250 feet high.
Yours fraternally,'
Sovereign Commander.
ill '!. ki : iini i'. i in,,;,:'!!;:-; iiiLiMia;;.;:.,,-; .i,,-;:,;,:;;,
I : 'j0kf Your Mater 1
Etf I ifl X Any one ol
- I W constructed to give C
jur heaters is going to look miehtv sood tn vmr uU fi
lair iq lane me joy out ot ate lor you. Our heaters sare the best
be wise and order yours, cash or credit NOW. o s
Nictal" Trimmed
Perfect Hot Blast
Cut shows a beater that for general
satisfaction and ornamental pur
poses is unsurpassed. AU the Darts
ib neaviiy rem
ford A.n Iron i
constructed to give
the rrtoat heat with
the least expense
. Header Prices
Will Advance
' Beyond a shadow
of doubt. In fact,
they have advanced
in other quarters
only canny buying
vii urn ian in iui j
quantities and at air
early date enables us
t sell at ,the pres
ent price. i
"Nickel Trimmed
Big Oak Heater
Another "heater value that 111 snr-
prise ,you. distinctly handsome
wen as e x p e r t ly
constructed. With
a small ainoupt of
coal or wood you
can have fine heat.
" '
U This Dresser
A bigr dresser, in the prac
tical oak finish. Drawers
are large and smoothly fin
ished. Clear, good bize mir
ror. Cash or credit, the spe
cial price is the same.
Monday ( Special
Use Your Credit
A Typical Hartman Bargain for Monday
mi la . 1 m -m "; - m
ine uemana lor mis live-piece Dedroom suite is going to be vervirreat. A
You Will do well to waste no time in coming to sec this -suite. It is in Sal
golden oak finish. Each part' is well jnade and will give entire satis- V
faction. Dresser, $34.75; Chiffonier as shown, without mirror,
$23.50; Bed, $22.50; Dressing TaWe and Bench, $23.75.
This Rocker
Try to nlc.tur tha
which you can enjoy at your
own fireside this winter in
mis cozy rocker. .It is well
upholstered in Spanish
leatherette over inTinl
and weU constructetfTrames.
Simmons Steel Bed
vi --fi.w-r II it iMii
The reputation
of the Simmons
beds is estab
lished beyond
question. Only
the most coiwci-
entious wok-
maiship is used
on the best of
materials; the
Simmons is the
result of this
plan. ,
Roomy Chifforobe These 3 Pieces
This chifforobe will prove a great comfort in
your house. It is a sightly piece of furniture.
In ' imitation - ,
ntt finish. Andr
for general ac-T
you will find it
a daily source
of. satisfaction.
Y o u clothes
are free from
dust and will
hang full
length without
creases. With
plain panel
door, at
W- (Jr
nilllllPlA Circassian Wl
Genuine Cedar Chest
, You don't -Jieed
to ' worry about
anything that you
put away in this
moth-proof, dust
less cedar chest?
It is made of red
Tennessee cednr
beautifully finish
ed inside and out.
This suite is a clever adaptation
of the Colonial style in thewarnl
walnut tone. " This is a very popu
lar wood lor the bedroom at the
present time. Pieces may be bought
separately if desired. Chiffonier, ;
$46.35; ,Bed, $42.65.' Dresser,
In Jacobean Oak
Genuine Royal
Wilton Rugs
, Size
I'. m
I m
:n ViL
A comfortable
medium size
rocker' in the
popular g'o 1 den
finish. Extra
strong and well
braced, and will
stand hard wear.
The price is a
cpeclal ne.
9x12 Foot
heavy nap, ii
all patterns
and- ufo Ion.1
Very good value.
Note the clear gtass of the large
doors of this china cabinet Has
three wide and wll braced,
steady .shelves. The lines srfo
frf the dull oalf fin
ly ish makes it at
once handsofqe
and practical;
Vou can buy it
on credit at the
sarrievlQW price
i 8 j
-ffl pis '
9x1 2 Seamless Velvet $ A f 7 5 I 9x12 Axminster
Rugs, reduced to....'. Hf7 I R68- special, at.
We have on sale a complete line of -the guara
COBiGOLElH Eugs at lowest prices. a .
teed Gold Stal
Combination Beauty
To every gcod housekeeper
a stove is something of vital
importance. She knows what
a trial a poor range can be.
We back the Globe Combina
tion i W17G
our own
j u d gment.
Burns coal,
TT W V VI gut) j
with equal
The pr(ce
9x12 Foot
and in a vari
ety of charm-,-Ihg-
colors and
See that mother
has one of these
handy sewing cabi
nets. Everything
she needs for sew
ing or mending is
contained in neatly
arranged compart
ments. Mahogany
Just As Shown
Suite pictured Is one of our special at
tractions. William and Mary style in
the Jacobean finish. You can give
It the hard usage that dining room
furniture is eure to get without rn(rr--ing
the appearance. Table and si
chairs, cash or credit, at, only......
Solid Golden Oak
'i t ii ff
To complete the good
furnishing of your din
inn room, this
'buffet is the right
thing. Its simple
lines and sub
stantial look will
please you. Has
low rectangular
mirror, and extra
compartments for
storing linen, etc.
Price ' '
il!il!llllllllllllllllllllii!!lllliiil!ini! SiYtppnih liatween Harney and Howard
' i
) r
I i
I v -
111 III III II IllllllllllUlli :