f V., THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, a.' riri L' hi rjL'ii i i t ii awn :..' rrr idiuduv ix, ijjv. - - m ; - . i) 1 'pladys Peters I To Be Ak Queen Avers Rhymer pinner in Friday's "Queen's Jingle" in The Bee's Con- test, Miss 'brace La tham Says So. 1 I Miss Gladys Peters will be queen hi Ak-Sar-Ben this .year, according jjo Grace- Latham, ojo sewara 'Street, winner of Friday's "Queen's jingle in The Bee's Ak-Sar-Ben :Iingle. contest. Miss Latham's win ding jingle is this: $Tho "hall be que ' That rmlni to bo seen, . . .. But reardles of rhyme or. of meter ls, T irnnw fair maiden V charms quite o'erladfiO. :Mr name-,tl Mlu Gladys reters. ;& Send in a little iingle about any man or woman whoinf you believe :io be fitted for king or queen of Ak-jgar-Ben. You may witWthe daily ;ri of two tickets to the Ak-Sar-Ben carnival and shows and you jjmay win the grand prize as well. ) U No governor of Ak-Sar-Ben tor any member of, his family ia I! eligible to compete, nor any em Hpteye of The Bee or his relative. '! Anyone else may contribute one !! Jnore jingles. '! -2.' The guess must be embodied .:! fa a iingle, either a "King's Jingle" , !!or a "Queen's JingJe." .It must-, :b written plainly and enclosed in ;:n envelope addressed to the Ak-ilSar-Ben Jingle Editor of The Bee. ' ,:, 3. Each jingle, must be on a "separate sheet ot paper, - tne '"King't Jingle" on one and the .:: "Queen's Jingle" on anotlTer. 3 -4. The author of the best jin ;g)e each day will receive two i: tickets to Con T. Kennedy's Ak-jiSar-Ben carnival shows. ;j; :5.1 The person who guesses ;i'correctly the name of theTring will jirfceive any $10 article in any ;;; Omaha store; the person who 1! guesses correctly the name of ftie if: queen will receive a second order '::for $10 worth of merchandise in "ajlf Omaha store. ' . ' ;ti :6. In case two or more persons I'M THE GUY who uses the office stamps and stationery for his personal correspondence, monopo lizes the office phone for his personal calls and takes the office pensils home for his" family to use. , Well, why not.. The office will never miss anything I take and the calls on the phone don't cost anything extra; So why not help myself? Think what it saves. ME1 ( Of course I'd be sore if a,nyne put anything like that over on me, but that would be different. I'm not an office. I'm an individual. And it would come out of my pocket. Besrdes any graft I can slip over I'm entitled to. I earn a lot more than I'm paid and I have something coming to me. Of course, the boss wouldn't agree with me if he, knew it. or happened to think about it, but that's his busi ness, not mine. And what he don't "'Tknow won't hurt him. " So I should .worryP And keep grabbing anything ! can1 while the grabbing is good make the same winning guesses, - the author of the best iingle will :rceive the first prize and the au :::thor of the second best jingle a -l-seoarate $5 prize. , :Pi;7. The contest will close Sep- .lltember (22. jiWhatDoYouKnow) (Here's a cnance V n your whp Vorth money. Rich day Tdeuee will BuMlah aeries ot questions. They cover Milan wblch you should know. The firxt tkiriiplete list or corret nd the rano of the winner' will be published on he day Indicated below. Be sure to slit 5r Views and address In full.' Address ft Questions sMitor," Omaha Bee.) ,' Lincolrrt ilLi. Where Abraham botfy buried? v ' li ?. In what year did the United :States start work on the Panama ca- ai? - - . ' , , :;1 3. What state is known a the J?ine Tree state? -jpiTWhat is the highest mountain In "the" world? ' . jj S. What city in California was Wrecked by an earthquake in 1906? IXAnawera Published Wednesday.) ii WEDNESDAY'S ANSWERS. I tWho was ruler of Mexico when Cortez, with his Spanish followers, fcivaded the land?. Montezuma. -:t! 2. Would -you expect the pupil of jjhe tyfi to be expanded or contract ed at dusk? Epanded. n 3.'Where is the Cave of he :Winds? At Niagara, between the American and Horseshoe falls. Hi 4.tWhat state is called the "Dark nd Bloody Ground," in reference "Jo the amount of fighting which -has ttaken place on its soil? Kentucky. :'!! 5. ; What does it .mean to say that -a sailor has goue to'pavy Jones' Rocker? He is dead. ;!j Winner: Elizabeth Bcrtsth. 2211 '!vliami street, Omaha. I'M THE GUY (Copyright, 1920. Thompson Service.) Teaturo Pastor at Methodises' - Meet Once Famed Pitcher The Rev. F. H. Urwin, pastor of the Methodist church at Inman, Neb., who is attending the Metho dist conference now in session in Omaha, revived recollection of the state championship base ball tour nament in Omaha in 1899 when the Omaha team won the pennant by one score.. The Rev. Urwin took a prominent gart in the series. He will be re membered by pioneer sport fans as having pitched for -Louisville, Omaha's final contestant for the prize. . The Rev., Urwin was then 18 years old and was kpown through out the middle west as "Nebraska's Kid Pitcher." A year later he en tered Nebraska Wesleyan univer sity to study for the ministry. He is still a great lover of sports, he says. - Fight Date With Relative Broken ' ' . -, , - ; j " Makes Appointment to Whip Aged Father-in-Law, Then Fails to Show Up. When FranL Olander, 28 and healthy, 212 South Fourteenth street, .challengedjohn Hamlin, 153UNorth Eighteenth street, his father-in-law, to a catch-as-catch-can and ;hit-as-hit-can street brawl to settle a dis pute between them over a ''poodle dog, beer crock and 75. bottles," he little thought the sprightly elder would accept. , "Say bo, ya ain't got nuthin' on me atall an' I'll meetcha at 11 o'clock tomorrow at Nineteenth and Charles streets" son-in-law ' 'phoned to father-in-law Wednesday. i 'I'll be there," the eider empha sized.' ' For one hour, John waited, per haps patieptly, at the appointed place while the discarded son-in-l3tar was in Justice of the Peace Collins court telling of the intended battle. ' "An' it's goin' to be settled this time," "he .boasted. "It'll be a clean K. O. for me. Leave it ter me." Pedestrians and passing autoisjs along' Florence boulevard wondered at the elder sitting -alone on the curbing. Police receiving a "tip" of the intended fight made a run to Nineteenth and Charles only to find the father-in-law in fiery mood. "Yeah, he ain't keerfiil with his self w'en he asts me ter fight," John said. "For he ain't showed up yit." The police departed and John waited waited and is still waiting for the "challenger to come to bat tle." ; ,;. Women in Auto Crash f- Sue Driver For $7,500 Stella Hayes asks $5,000 and Xes sie Leland asks;$2,500 from Charles D. Nelson in a suit filed in district court - yestecday for damages and injuries which they say they received in a collision between their car and Nelson's 'at Twenty-fourth and N streets last Monflay : : t - - ; ; r r 1 : : T , Holding a Husband Adeje GarrisorKs New Phase of Revelations of a Wife Women's Cleverly Tailored KNpXr HATS For immediate wear y "THE STORE OP THE TOWN'! ' EXCLUSIVE' AGENTS FOeT -' KNOX HATS Browning King & Co, Geo, T. Wilson, Mgr. N ?HJmHHIHIIIIIIlllHllIHlll''l"''"nl " "' "i Enjoy a Charge Account Share v this splendid privilege E with the thousands of other 5 Omaha men and women who are 5 c 1417Douglas Street availing themselves of this gener- t ous' service. " y V UltSn- v i U i ILd aitered n I ! Abounding in Verve and Charm Handsome things, 6v?ry one if them, gorgeously burdened with a wealth of embroidery and huge collars and cuffs. Styles vary from tne youthful box to rippled lines with the more conservative belted models leading in popularity, while fabrics include the twills and the .soft-surfaced duvetyn-like materials. Afno time does a woman desire so keenly to be well dressed as Autumn. A Suit properly chosen will answer almosjtrevery pur- pose. Agoodly number sfTeciaHy priced For Saturday at $49 75 -s 75 ! How Dicky "Took" Maj. Grantland's Words of Madge. As Major Grantland stated the terms of the promise he wished, to exact vfrorn me I stared in horrified amazement. - "You cannot mean that,- -JSajor Grautland," I exclaimed. "Not to go outside the house unaccompanied by my husband or father " 4 r Or some other man. the army officer Suoolemented cravelv. cut but that s virtual imprison matic t iri?ht,"T said hotly, yet with a little faced c chill of fear creeping over me. I know it and regret it, Major Grantland replied, and I think you know that I would not ask it unless I were absolutely compelled to do so fdr your own safety.'' 1 threw back my head and looked at him steadily. I here is danger then to my safety?" I asked quickly. He hesitated, and 1 saw Dicky throw him a swift, fjurtive look. It was a look of inquiry, and I saw that the bizarre situation, whatever it meant, was dominated bjn Major , Grantland. Dicky wasbut a super numerary. While I was reasonably sure that he knew the reason for Major Grantland's actions I was also sue that he had no idea, of the methods which the army officer meant to employ, f When Hugh Grahtlant's eyes next met mine there was pain behind the firmness shining in. them. Yes there is danger, he said ward' me, and I saw that his fingers were clenched into his palms, He disregarded Dicky's presence as if he 'were not beside us, and his eye's blazed down into mine. ""Ypu know I would give my right hand to spare you this," 'he said tensely, and ffie wordwere re deemed from banality by the pain andXsircerity in hisvoice and face. "That's a nrettv biff order. Grant- quietly, "but you must not ask mejland," Dicky drawled mockingly, what it is. - I can promise you, "It's a good thing you 'won't be nowever, mat it win oe removea -in a few days." ' - i urantiana is urim. n. There was a grimness in his nian-had been struck an unexpected blow, ner, a vsternness m his. tace which reminded me of the strenuous dra- lmes when he and I had death and .danger together. His expression boded; no easy time for "the danger" whoever or what ever it might be. He waited for a long, tense minute before he spoke again. . v ' "May I have your promise?" he said at last. " ' "Of course," I replied with-a great weariness settling upon my"Spirits. I had counted so much upon the rest and comfort I should gam from this trip south, and here I faced one of the strangest, nost maddening re strictions my life had ever 'known. ' Major Grantland took a step to- called tipon to. fill it" Dicky's Mocking Comment. Major Grantland flinched as if he Then he straightened himself to his full height. "I will not detain you longer," he said quietly, "and I pledge you that your discomfort will only be tem porary." . - : He bowed ceremoniously and left the. place almost abruptly. I braced myself to hear whatever Dicky had to say. I knew by his tone when he" had commented upon the army officer's unconsciously theatrical lit tle speech that ytc was furiously angry. He chose to mask his angeij, how ever, by scathing ridicule of the man striding - rapidly toward the road. . , " , . v -v ; kk mat guy s certainly missed his calling." he'drawled with a smile, buf I caught the viojous note in his tones. "He'd make a hit in the novies, or, better still,- in the ten-twenty-thirt, if they'd only revive that lassic entertainment. Can't vou iust see him. stretching out his right hand and thundering 'Yow know I would give my right hand to spare you thisl' " He paused, threw me an impish, malicious, smiling glance, then went on meditatively: "You know, thereTS one line rye omitted., I was sure he was going to spout, 'Rags, are royal raiment when wont for virtue's sake.' How he ever left' that out I can't imag ine. It's the prize gem of the whole collection. Come on let's go back. I'll lock you in your dungeon cell and turn the key over to-Dad while this nonsense lasts. s He'll have to squire you round on your, walks abroadi-Tll be damned if I'm going to make myself ridiculous with this nonsense." ' "Dicky 1" I sprang from my seat, grasped him by the arms, and faced him. "Is it all nonsense or Major Grantland's agitation? Jl you say so, I'll go directly to himllnd ask him to release me from my promise." v My husband ', stopped abruptly, considered a minute. ."Oh, I' wouldn't say there's .noth ing in iM'he said, hesitatingly, "Bet ter do whatjie asks for a, few dayS, anyway, even f it is ridiculous." -i' (Continued Monday.). 5 jKHa- mm Iffl flJEJLWlil) 11 1111 11 m Oil Gemieroes Cirediil W) 0 7e want you to come tomorrow and see this magnlficlent bargain with your own! eyes see the elab orate workmanship, the exquisite' walnut finish and the unusually handsome design of each piece. Jt matters not if you lack the seady cash, buy It on the most generous easy terms at 'tomorrow's special sale price 7: ..'YV Jf5v Each, piece Is trimmed with 'beautiful raised ornaments. The full size bed has the popular bow foot end while the easy sliding drawers are" of dusrproof construction. It is a suite-,of bed room furniture hat-will surely ap peal to the most particular buyer, especially at the low price we have; ' placed on the three pieces for to- ; morrow only. We have ony a few ' of these sets on hand and urge prompt action. Cash or credit . Krdhler Bed Kodav Serves 2 Purposes Use it by day, as an attractive settee and at night open ft up into a . run size bed. Upholstered 1A high grade imi tation leather ahd finished fumed ati Special- A real special for thrifty Sat urday buyers. Come . in , and gee the bargain offered in a mahogany fln lshsmoker, at, r. Priced Low for Tomorrow An ideal dresser for that spar room. Is inexpen . sive yet built , to With stand hard usage. Comes exactly as show'i? fn golden finish at the very low price of only .". . Special Stylish Simmons lAVoodFinishBed r. Burns Gas or Coal It is a guaranteed Garland Combina tion, range and . burns either- coal- or gas together or, separately-A bet ter baker cannot be had, Is hand somely nickcj trimmed and has heavy en-i ameled splash er. On-creditat ...:' . , ; mm SIS A steel bed In the very latest design.. It is a guaranteed Sim mons product and can be had in walnut, mahogany or Ivory finish. Surely . you will want one qr your nic- est Jbed room at the low price of mm w Iff p. o" a o" ' I Lit tSSBSBCiSSSSSSSSBSB You'll Want this Large Dresser Most attrac t i v e b a s 'inette neatly white e n ameled. Has four large wheels and co mes c o m p lete with spring attached ... Roomy Bargain lilt; Jias five 5 '32is Is strongly built; Jias five .roomy drawers r ' ana an extra large plate mir ror. Special at.. COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS pTake advantage ofNsur special oiler or si a weeK on Model E-2. You choose from complete stocks in all finishes. ill Buy Rugs Now tiw r i in i itt ii in r Tun'MMj jr ntr mr f Usual Easy Credit 9x12 Seamless y $J97i Brussels Bugs ; T'fci J ' y : t - '' : 9x12 Seamless $fiQ75 Axministers 1 . . . OO3 9x1 Ft " Seamless Velvets $68.75 1072 9x12 Royal Wiltons, Pringec 8x10 Heavy $1 Q75 Grass , Rugs ;. : 1 V JTou'll like the roomy drawers the extra large oval shaped mirror. Comes in golden finish. Can't be duplicat ed at the low price tomorrow at On Credit Here Is the house wive's b6st friend, the celebrated "Sel lers." Has full drop automatic flour bin and all the latest' labor saving de- vices Special y Tomorrow you choose between golden or ma hogany in the Center Table which we offer at the very re duced price of only-i- r B.v-U m E3 Special Value The broad seat ia cCVered' in the beat grade genuine - leather. Strongly braced, , . , ... and an unusual .tP7fil bargain at, each, , y 03 only , s columbia, Records Our new sound J proof booths are ready on our Main Floor and we cor dially solicit your record patronasre. ' , ' ' . ... . Jacobean Finish Blue Seats Make your dining room the most attractive room in your home spcure the handsome suite Illustrated on the most generojus credit terms. It Is upholstered In blue genuine leather and finished In The design is .the correct Queen the popular Jacobean finish. Anne period and the table can be extended to full f e e 1 1 The seven pieces,' exactly aa shown, will be sold - for the low v price of .j X Tomorrow Only You will have to hurry If you want oae ot these buffets at the vei-y low price for tawtoe tomorrow only. Fumed t J finish, 4 Inches long... " I J xu i - ii -ill. y-t 1 USUAL LIBERAL TERMS Mahogany, Walnut and Ivory Finish. EnglanderTwin8ed& Spring; Here Is Indeed a sensational offer for Saturday. , The Englander twin steel beds pictured come with the famous Englander link springs attached firmly to the head and foot pieces-ithey are built to give most satisfactory service. Not, only are these beds , durable and practical, but they are the very latest , idea in twin beds, having the low head and foot 1 pieces and being especially designed to blend with the finest of home furnishing. Very special, at MM USUAL' LIBERAL TERMS Sixteenth Between LHRney and Howard;: 'V . 1 ::tiitiiiiiiiitiiM:iiiiiMtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuitiiiiiiiiiiiiiN I (Ml!