Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1920, Image 1

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VOL. 50 NO. 69.
111.11 ui , in
Testimony Heard by Senate
Investor :ing Committee
Raises Questions as to
Legal Rights in Campaign.
Problem of Whether to Take
Action Against Offenders
Up to Attorney General
Demos Admit Activities.
( liir.ago Trlbune-Oiiialm Bee Leaned Wire.
Washington, Sept. S. Attorney
General Palmer, who is expected to
return to Washington this week.
will be called upon sooner or later
to determine whether lie- wiil 'insti
tute prosecutions of anv offenders
! against the election and other lavs
.. .disclosed by the investigation of
-vampaign expenditures being' con
" I ducted by the senate committee in
i hieago. , . "
' The testimony so far lieard by the
.committee has raised the question
' of compliance witli the law on the
fart of a number of persons con
nected with the campaign operations
uf the big parties and the senators
have signified their intentions of in
quiring further' into several. Cases
,1 called to their notice. - '
( pne of the most interesting of the
nutters that will claim the' attention
'of the attorney general is that re
lating to the Activities of the demo
cratic national committee in solicit
ing campaign funds from . federal
job holders. The democratic organ
ization appears to have proceeded
systematically to levy on the demo
cratic payroll brigade for campaign
' cash. . ,
Jamison Sent Letters.
) Congress 'has passed laws de
signed to suppress the practice of
soliciting political contributions
from office holders and other fed
eral employes, and this is the first
time in many years that a national
committee has been detected openly
flouting the intent of the statutes.
W. D, Jamieson of Iowa, an of
ficial of the democratic national
committee in . charge of raising
funds, admitted to the, senate com
mittee (that with the authority of
liC chajrraan,lhe. sent letter 4a fed '-,
eral job holders soliciting campaign -
t contributions. He explained that he
ht the letters vby. special delivery
to, the home addresses of the office
holders and other employes, in order
to avoid "conflict with the law,"
And trial Tie solicited "contributions
of therecipients as dentocrats, not
as federal officers. Why this procedure-was
adopted is disclosed by
: the law which provides:
That no person, shall, in any room
or; building oecifpied in discharge
,o" official duties by any officer or
employe of the. United 'States men
tioned in this acjf. or in any navy
yard, fort of arsenal, solicit in any
'i manner "whatever or receive ' any
V contribution, of moneor any other
14 filing of value for any political put
pose whatever." ' t
Avoided Letter of Law.
Py soliciting employes at their
homes Mr, Jamjesoh avoided viola
tion of the let'j of the lawprohib
iiinfe solicit? 'jyn at their offices. If
this procct'flre is held lawful, how
' ever, it will be clear that further
(Continued i on Vika Two. Column Two.)
f Fcvr-Sided Triangla
t(: Puzzle to American ..
Immigration Agents
New York, Sept. 5 Caterina Me-
issan. a dinmuuive Jtahan woman
uth raven hair and the dark flash-!
ing eyes characteristic of her" face."1
V, HZ;
Mas one ot the principals in a tan--'
d romance that interested lhc im-.
limrration otticials, on Mils' IIand.
The question was: What eaii be'
none witn a woman who came as
a first cabin passenger with a mau
she acknowledges as the father' of
three little-children with her, when
both she and the man arc legitimate -
ly married to others
3 LrfT.M
the further faet that botli she and
uicman uvea in tins countrv netore,
that one of their children was borrt in
this country and that her legal hus
band had come from Chicago' and
told the immigration officials that he
would fbfgive his wife and take her
back with the other man's children.
v The lawful husband is Her.rv Bouir
tan of CMeago. who ,said he was !
wortli SJs.UOO and able to care lor,
his wife. " ' j
The board of special inquiry .e.r i
eluded both the woman and the man; , (Tbe Bee I'onUnues lodov- ii exdAna
Bombara, the woman's lawful hus-'i0,,s of 'IT; ,Vi0U ""iV'WJJlt
, , i ' , , Lata t conatltutinn. proposed by the tat
band, has taken an axipcal. . . .onstituiionai convection mJ suumife
1 ' - . i,, h .,-ote of thp neople ol p'lHl Ic'-
Jlrm;. F.Vni it 'Stftiift 'i(" ' September 21. This etf..
I rCmier rirni III Jiaiia -'iIdii it tn many respects the most- tm-
' 't , !;., rC. i portunt lield in Nebraska In a eeneratlon.
lOt tO helease ItlCOU inCy ; A mtetllBent ballnt ran b . cast only
By The Associated Press.
Lucerne, Sept. 5. Premier Lloyd
George of Great Britain has replied
in the negative t.o the message-of
Mavor Hylan. of New York. City,
. urging tlie premier- to release .Lorcq
I Mayor Alacbwiney, ot Lork, trom
prison. The premier, in his reply,
dispatched yesterday, stated polifely
bwt "firmly that he could, not inter-
r wre with the course of justice and
Two Factions Join.
Madrid. Sept. S. The syndicalist
and socialist parties have formed a
joint executive Committee on which
, both bodies will have equal repre
sentation and through which they
Avill take common action. The first
move of the news body will be to
issue a manifesto addressed to all
'- MrVcrsy v.
. '!
UUnt tl Skm-CIm Matttr Mty St.
Omaha P. 0. Uifer Ail at March
Thrice Married Touth. In
UmanatomeetiNewf ianceeuriinil nftnT
Debonair Aspirant for Stage Honor, 22 Years Old,
Calls Out Police' Reserves on Arrival in City to
. - Meet Soul Mate After Divorcing Three Wives. '
With, three marriitges jvithin the
past three years s his record. Rich
ard H. Stewart, youthfut land debo
nair aspirant of the Thespian art,
arrived in Omaha yesterday after
noon from Tekamah, Neb., bent on
securing a fourth wife. ! i
Being a man of much worldly ex
perience, although only 22 years'of
age. Richard, before leaving Teka
mah, phoned Omaha police by long
distance of his intended arrival. ;
"I want two detectives to meet me
at-the Webster street station," he
told Chief of Police Eberstein. "If
the police hav$ any warrants for my
arrest tellem to bring 'em "along
when they meet me," lie added.
"But how are we going to know
you?" protested the chief.
Name On Suit Case.
"Oh, that'll be easy." retorted
Richard. "I'll have my name painted
on my suit case and hold it up in
the air so everyone can see it." (
Hence, when Richard leaped light
ly from the train a short time later
and held his suit case aloft he was
greeted by the Omaha police depart
ment in the form of Detectives Dari
baum and Francel. He was prompt
ly conducted to Central station and
into the office of Chief of Detectives
"Now what's it all about?" in
quired Anderson. "How come you
wanted, us to meet vou, and why the
'Richard H. Ste.vart and Co.,' on
your suitcase?"
"Well, you see.'" replied Richard,
as he flicked lifs eigaret ashes on the
City Council .Expected to
Take Informal Vote on
Police Chief's Resig-. "
' nation Today.
. . resolution offerekseeral weeks
ago py City Commissioner II. B.
Zimnian, .calling upon Chief of "Po
lice Marshall Eberstein to resign,
because of ,alleged failure to give
satisfactory - administration of the
nolice department, is due to be
called r before the city-eouifoil-om-J
lviittec ot tnewnoic lor-discussion
this niotning. " . , - .. y ."'
It is expected that the commis
sioners will take an informaiyote pa
the resolution at this meeting,
A canvass of the situation made
a week ago indicated that Mayor
Smith and Commissioners .Ringer,
Butler, Towl and Falconer v$ould
oppose the resolution. Commission
er Ure declined at that time to com
mit himself and Commissioner Zim
man was still for his resolution.
' Mayor Smith and the;chief have
had a conference since the. latter's
return from a vacation trip. This
cortference was followed by a letter
from the chief to the mayor ami,
each iof the city : commissioners.
Commissioner Ringer then isstfed a
statement in which; he indorsed the'
chief and his letter to thct 'officials.
During the recent hcaring' of John
T. Dunn, former captain iii charge
of the detective department, the
mayor asserted thatiie would sujJr
port a resolution, to demote oV dis
charge the chief of police, if Dunn
was dismissed from the"" service.
Dunn was dismissed: and- the mayor
I iias since changed his mind on the
r.oersieiii resuiuiiun, uni" "
interview that if the Zimman reso
lution, should be adopted, Zimman
would be able to sav that he "got
the chief's--alp." The mayor does
not want Zimman 16 get the chief's
scalp. . j . x . .. .
( hinP:P ( irhria Is
Wounded in Abdomen
. Ti;,.. nt ? Sretimial- Cliief
! ca;ti1 ,,lr-.he mmmereial bureau of
t!, wicm nfiice'.. was shot and seri-
ously wounded in ho abdomen Sat-,
lfrday by a visitor His assailant
(scaped, threatening with a revolver,
r,Il who tried to capture -him, Uit
ter 5UrrenUere(L
jd that the-4ie of tbc mm
who did the- shoo'tintr was Saroku
Nishivairfr.. .Tift cause of the attack
.His thought to be Nishiyama'S dissat
isfaction over a- decision of .the bu
reairjn -commercial suit arrsing' in
Amov, China, which involved a per
sonal matter. No pojitical signifi
cance, is attached to the shooting... .
Nev( Constitution
alter a. lewr uiifli-; r.'..iruiuiK Jl liio
proposals submitted. There are 4l pro
posals and each ts submitted for sepacata
vote. ,
3rea!es-a state normal boar.d to
be -composed 'of the state superin
tendent and six others appointed by
the govriior, this boatd to exercise
chief control over, the state norma!
Ameifds Section 1 of Article IK.
Permits the legislature to levy the
i.geueral tax upon all tangible prop
erty -and franchises as at present,
but gives it additional power to levy
taxes upon other forms of property
and'Uo levy other taxes in addition
to" tee general property tax. This
amendment would permit Jhc 'levy
ing of a State income tax or other
such special taxes.
IIM. tl
J. 117.
chief's desk in a sang froid manner.
"I crave to be an actor. I admit I
haven't any company yet. Fact is
I expecteH to find the company here.
She was going to marry me." $
"We don't keep anyone but bad
Actors here," retorted the chief.
"You'll have to find other lodgings.
Why call out the. reserves just be
cause yotTre coming to Omaha?"
' "Oh, that's another; matter," re
plied the spotlight aspirant, as he
swung a foot up on the chief's desk.
"1 was going to meet my fourth wife
here. Tier name is Mildred Steven
son and I was' to meet her at' the
Union station. Slje is only 17 years
old, and she lives at 1336 Webster
Street, Kansas City."
V'Well, what of it?" inquired the
cW?. 'f
jS'ot being one to- take chances
I wanted someone at the station to
sec that I arrived alone," continued
Richard, blowing", a cloud of smoke
toward the chief. "No white slave
charges for me. When I meet Mil
dred I want the world to know she
came here alone, unaided and un
abettcd." - '
"Ouite so," said the chief. "Quite
so." - . ..
"I'm-bound to- find a real wile if
I keep on," went on Richard con
fidingly. '"Mv first wife was Fay
Opal Sprikell of St. Joe. We were
married on March 3, 1918, but she
didn't appreciate me. She got a di
voce. "The second one was Marie God
(C'onUnueil on rune Two, Column Tno.V
Citizens Offer of "Ship" Will
Enable Him to Jflclude
x Okmulgee on
Chicago, 111.,' Sept. 5
Tclesrram). tSurc I'll fly
and de-
lighted to' do it." said Lieut,, Col
Theodore Roosevelt at national
committee headquarters in Chicago,
wheh he was told that the citizens
of Okmulgee, Okl., were extremely
anxious to haye him speak to them
lrct'ticsdaynighr.' Wire the-o at
chicc to complete their arrange
ments, and do" not let anything in
terfere with it."
Capt. Victor Heiiftz, assistant to
Chairman Will Hv Hays 'of-the re
publican national committee in Chi
cago, received a telegram from the
republican officials in Okmulgee
asking that JJolonel Roosevelt ad
dress thcm( on his- forthcoming trip
with Raymond Ifobbins.
( The originartour as planned pro
vided, for speeches in Tulsa, Okl.,
Tuesday afternoon,1 ' September 8,
and W'idhita, . Kan., 1 September 9.
Okmulgee is south of Ttilsa and he-.
cause of train connections it was
thought impossible to visit that
city. ' .
"If y&w will have Colonel Roose
velt come,;'" wired the Okmulgee re
publicans ' we will provide i him
with a fine Curtis Oriole machine
He can leave. Tulsa for this aft-rOt Cooke cannot command the S-V
noon, meeting and be ni Wichita in that he be given an(th(.r ship, a iub-"
plenty of time for his speech next 1 marine, and that they be allowed
Ai, i tfi fnllnvv him "J - - '
Col. Roosevelt was met at the La
Salle street station by a committee
consisting of .United Slwtes Senator
Harry Kew of Indiana. Mrs. Chris
tine Bradley South, women's secre
tary of the national committee; Mrs.
Manly L. Fosseen, director of the
women speakers' bureau; Congress
man James W. Good of Jdwa.and
Maj.' K. if. WTilliams.v The party
went direct ,n 'a hotel, where Col.
Roosevelt poined his sister, Mrs.
Alice Roosevelt Longworth. At the
station young Rooseveh hurriedly
explained that he had just conj
from the state of Maine. 1
"We carried -Maine by 5,000 four
years; ngc he said, "but we'll carry
it bv a whale .of a vole this time,
probably, 25.'00O." ;
At the' republican national com
mittee headquarters he made the fol
lowing statement: .
. "The great issue of the campaign
is the . Wilson . league of nations.
twish to fee future wars'. . I know
Like all good Americans, I do not
what war is, and 1 have three little
boys. There arc the seeds of more
future entanglements in that docu
ment than there are in anything of
ifs'kiiid in history. Founded on in
justice, in many instances, and con
taining article 10, thef league is a
i cTeatli-ilrap. . . .
I "The democrats are stating -that
! the soldiers fought in France in
order to establish the league of na
tions. I think I am justified in say
ins? that. I know i the soldiers, better
than those that arevsayinif this.' I!
want fo tell these democrats that
our soldiers fought in France, not
fur this league, but for one thing,
and one thing only the United
States. 'The men vho gave their
lives' ri 'the battlefield fell, not for
, weak internationalism, but with the
(thought that they were 'saving
I American., liberty, American ideals
! and American institutions."
Call Joint Conference
To Consider Rail Rates
3opeka. Kan., Sept. 5. A joint
meeting of .the public utilities com
mission of Kansas, Illinois. Michi
gan, Iowa, Nebraska and Minnesota
has been called at Chicago Septem
ber 11, to consider increased rates
granted the railroads by the Inter;
state Commerce commission. Ac
cording to information available
here, plans will be to discuss plans
fox concerted action by the states
. V
;f OF S"5
Men Saved From Disabled
Sub in Best of Spirits Upon
Arrival at Philadelphia on
Board Destroyer.
Sign Round Robin to Secre
tary Daniels Asking to
Serve on Same Vessel After
It Has Been Salvaged. '
Philadelphia, Sept., 5. Thirty-six
men trooped down the gang plank of
the destroyer Biddie last night, at
Pltfladclphia navy yard. The first of
the group was raising his voice in
a nautical tenor's version of "how
dry 1 am," and accompanying his
song by a broad smile. Behiud him
came the rest, some singing, some
calling out cheery "hellos," but alt
This was the homecoming of the
survivors of the submarine' S-5.
Their boat is at the bottom of the
sea, but it is expected it( will be sal
vaged. " i ' "
Snatched From Jaws of Death.
A few hours before kindly fate,
aiding the never failing "luck of'the
navy," had snatched them from the
jaws of death and released them
from nearly two days' entombment
in a submarine, one end of which
rested on the ocean floor and. the
other stuck up in the vatqr at air
angle of 60 degrees. Penned up(.foT
hours in two' narrow compartmciits
they had waited hour after hour for
release. . . . .
Every minute of the time had been
accompanied by a joke or aH laugh
or a smile from someone, even dur
ing the most trying' minutes min
utes when deadly cboloriiie gas was
creeping over them and they. were
forced to put on gas masks to keep
alive. ' . - ,
Facing Death "Great." r .
Tonight the' fist answer to ques
tioners, curious to know how it felt
to be, .face to face with death fqr
more than 40 hours. Joseph Star
Youker, an; apprentice seaman of
Camden; N., J., voiced the sentiment
of his fellows -with the .statement:
, "Great. It was wonderful.. It
showed .that-w have the best crew
in the navy. I want to be in on the
next dive and I want to make it
with 'Savvy' Cooke." 1 v
. All' were wiling to" discuss their
own experiences, but they lied some
thing to say on another subject.
They wanted the world and espe
cially President Wilson and Secre
tary Daniels to know that during
their, trying experience they found
out Ithat Lieut. Com. Charles M.
Cooke, jr., is the greatest and brav
est man in the nary. And for fear
there might be any mistake in the
matter, before they left the. Biddie,
a round robin had, been signed and
forwarded to Secretary. Daniels by
wireless, setting forth these opin
ions and ending with a request that
they be sent back'. to the S-5 as
soon as it" is salvaged and 1 placed
in commissioni and that un
der the command pt Cpoke, or that
Commander Praises Men.
Although the sailors did not know
it,, at the same time, a petitkmwas
t( cntinuetl on Page Two, Column One.)
' , - , r r
State Canvass Points
To Decisive Victory
For G.0. P. This Fall
i .
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire.
New York, Sept. 5. Harding and!
Coolidge will be elected by an over
whelmingly popular and electoral
vote, according to canvasses made
vtndar directions of fjjairmeii of re
publican, statc committees in every
state in the unidu.
The canvass: which was lhade at
the instance of Will Hays, while not
completed in all states, has gone far
enough to c&use theVofVicials at na
tional headquarters to predict the
election .or senator- l-tarcinig . ana ;
governor uooiidge by an eiectoraigovernment by propaganda , and
vote of 36 to 185 for Cox and
, The canvass made in 20 western
states has been completed," and six
of them which went democratic fcuir
years ago vill,go heavily for, the re
publican ticket this falV the figures 1
Polish Attacks Checked
.Along Various5 Sectors
London, Sept. S.-i-Polish attacks
have been cheeked in various sectors, iJllt America first." .
according to the following Moscow ,, . Senator Harding will deliver a la
oflicial comnuinibue: ' , bor address here Monday. On Tnes-
lit the region bi Cholm our troops (tav mornine he will leave for Mill-
have flung back the enemy to the ,
left bank of the western Bug. We
defeated strong enemy dctachnje uts
in the Vladmir-Volhyns!? region,
taking more than LOGO orisohers.
"In the Lenjbergj" district our
toops with a countc blow repulsed
the advancing enemy, driving him
back westward. We captured 300
prisoners, 3 guns and 30 machine
gun-'. t :L
Man Killed by Train.; V
Marshalltown. Ia., Sept. 5. With
his brother in the engine cab, a wit
ness to' the accident, Jess Q. Sims.
42 ye&rs old. a drayman, was ground
to pieces Saturday when struck by n
Minneapolis St. Louis train in the
locSl yards. Tt is believed Sims in
tended to board the pilot of the lo
comotive in filer to. see his brother,
Walter, who was fireman on the rn-
Difficult, And Getting More. Difficult
Outlines Conception of What
A - Presidential Candidate
Should and Should Not
" Do, to "Jackies"Band.
Cliago Trlbnne-Oiiiiilia Ilee Leased Wire.
Marion, O., Sept. S. Senator Har
ding wants America to have tlie
'most effective and dependable navy
in the world.", he told members of
the Great Lakes naval training sta
tion ' band. The band gave , a
concert in his front -yard and he read
them a short address. He outlined
nrf this address his conception of
wTiat a presidential candidate should
do and should notido.-' Referring t
Governor CoxV attempt to-niake
campaign expenditures an issue,, he
said: , ,. . . ' ' '
"As I see i, I must not . drag 4hc
attention of the American people iuto
a mire when it is their whole?
hearted desire that their Attention
should be centered upon the prob
lems which we all wish to face brave
ly and wisely and together
''I must not, as I seek-- to gain
votes for ' my party,., yield to the.
temptation which often comes to
men who are candidates, to make
false appeals 'and appeals which,
though they might be successful atf
the moment, do jiot-serve truth or
meet the "requiVe.ihcnts of our. na
tional dignity N
"I must concentrate my attention
upon construction and not upon
abuse. '
"I. must be. patient and tolerant
with those Americans who may dif
fer with me. - -, j -,
"I owe .it. to the. inen Ymd iw.oinen
of America to guard all '.pretense.
"I must assume 'ah attitude, firm
but ever Jistenine to the Voice of the
people, aiif ever .watchful to preserv
our constitutional riguis w repre-
se(ltatj.c government rather-' than
executive powers, y ' v
. "I must remember to address my
self to the whole of the American
people and to keep clse to. my
Iicart a.s welj as in my head the in
terest of the whole people. If I were
1 .,' tn iikrUv n Are riant.
or, to political expediency, to ap
peals of special classes', I would be
failing in that purpose which I trust
snail alwayf be" mine. .
'Vnt mv mi'ii .interest :itirl nnt
Pv-rn ihP intrrest of mv' nartvAfirst.
neapolis. where he speaks Wediics
dav at the state fair. This will be his
first trip out .of Marion during the
campaign and is being watched with
interest all over the country'by re
publican workers. The result of this
trip may determine in large part the
extent of his field of activities dur
irgjthe last month of the campaign.
Jhe Weather
' ' forecast. '
Nebraska! Unsettled Monday,
much change in temperature.
, Hourly Temperatures
5 a. m 53 I d. m.. .
0 a. m.. ....... ...V! i S p. in...
7 n in.. ...... .88 I p. m.
H a m
51 4 li. m
..... HI
.1-. ..
h. m .' 3
t 5 D. m.
Hi i. m S7 ; a u. m..
It a. m . , ! 1 p. m
I',' noon ,..! $ p. ni,.,..
Br MN (I yr. Inild. 4th Zsnt. Dal
Outiile 4tn in tl vuri. Daily aaa
Europe Is Losing
Faith iti Treaty
New York Banker Says Poo
s' pie Consider Pact as
Utopian Dream.
- . - ' - - -
New. York, Sept. 3. Tl)at the
treaty of Versailles has created false
economic .conditions throughout Eu
rope and tlmt those who formerly
believed in' it have ncr longer faith
ir .it, and , consider it an Utopian
dream, was the declaration made by
Mortimer L. Schiff, banker, who 're
turned on the French line steamship
France after an extensive trip
through England, France . and Bel-
"The impression which I have re
ceived, however, from what 1 have
seen and. learned, , is that Europe is,
still suffering from the effects of tW
treaty, wh'ch has created artificial
economic barriers, has engendered
racial animosities, and has bred sus
picion instead of confidence.
,"As a result, serious political sit
uations, still exist,' industrial rehab
ilitation 'has been retarded and na
iionanstifctispiratioiis are, making difficult-
the fpiiforcement of the just
claims "of th$se. 'vho-have suffered
so grievausly 'Utfough the war..
"With all 'that, and notwithstand
ing the accumulated burden of. the
var,s considerable progress appears
to have been made in England, Bel-
hgiu'm ailiFiance in re-establishing
industry pn s peace basis. - (
''Of ceiito.! Europe I cannot speak
frpm fitjst-fiar.d knowledge, but there
also, . sounder business condition!
seem to 1); devejopinj, al though, the
political' .-and inter-racial situation
continues acute." .
150 Indians Secured
t For Pilgrim Parade
-One luiudred . and fifty Lilians
ha've been Obtained to take part in
-the Tercentenary Pilgrim parade,
to be held here 'September 23, during
Ak-Sar-peii " week, according to
Charles c Gardner, secretary ' of the
Ohialia' Ak'Sar-Ben board of gov
ernors, who has just returned from
a trip to the Omaha Indian reseva
tifjn vat Macv, Neb. '-
Mr.' Gardner made the trip with
the view of selecting' Indians who
would be most adapted to the Iri
quois characters, which I they will
represent,' .It is expected that the
md men will r arrive early in the
week of the'.- parade, camping here
in regular style for several days.
1 y , ' .
Iowa State Fair Returns !.
' v Large Profit This Year
Des Moines, Sept, 5. Total re
ceipts of this year's state fair will
amount to approximately $403,000,
according" to unofficial -estimates
made by Secretary Corey. Figures
were not complete on the total cost
of the fair, but the estimates were
they would exceed $300,000. , The
profit from the. fair will be from
$90,000 to $100,000.
The total receipts ef last year's
fair were $321,000. .
Fire Destroys Plant of ,
. California Newspaper
Fresno, Cal., Sept. S. Fire. of un
known' origin destroyed the buildiug
aid equipment of the Fresno Herald
at 7
jp'clock tonight, causing
'estimated at $100,000. Tl
ges estimated ats.iuu.uuu. mc tire
started in the basement of the
building.- Onlv a few records .in the
office were "saved. v 1
4 Suy. ; Dall Only. II: SunOr.
y. til: Oally Only. $12; Sunday 0l. ti.
Hotel Man Causes Her Arrest,
But Baffled Magistrate
ts "Him"
1 . ' Go. :
Chleac Tribune-Omaha Bee leased Wire.
Chester, Pa., Sept. S. A hotel
man, a policeman,' a justice of the
peace and a 'score or more of Ches
ter and Eddystone swains are trying
to explain how they happened to be
taken in by a pretty "dancing girl"
here with a carnival ' company.
Togged out in fetching . gowns
night after night the. dancer could be
seen with the boys who bought can
dy and sodas for the fair charmer
until some of them "went broke" in
their efforts to outdo their rivals. -
The climax came yesterday, how
ever, when the proprietor of the ho
tel at which the dancer was stop
ping, summoned Officer B)jrns. ,of
the Chester policd force, and Con
stable Ward, of Eddystone, stating
that he wanted "that woman" taken
out of his place.. "My jiotel is a place
for respectable-men and women and
net for people liW her," declared
the hotel man. ' . '
"When Burns and the constable in
vaded the room of .the unwelcome
guest they found the dancer sitting
on a tabli eagerly devouring a late
lunch ' witu two. Eddystone young
men trying to outclo ieach other in
their-attentions to the diner.
"Come, with .us," demanded the
cop and constable in chorus. , '
"Where to?" questioned the danc
er. "I have dmt nothing -wrong
and should not be arrested."
Nevertheless, the dancer : was
marched off to the office of Justice
of the Peace Maitland in Eddystone
borough, and given, an early morn
ing hearing. The "judge" imposed a
fine and ordered the defendant to
pay up. and leave. r -
"But why?" inquired the prisoner,
"what have I done?"
"You are a bold, bad woman, and
you have brought disgrace upon this
man's respectable hotel," was the
reply, indicating the hotel man, who
had "filed the complaint against his
"Who said I was a bad. woman, a
good woman, or any other sort of a
woman. :s what I want to know,''
snkl the prisoner, yanking off "his"
wig. The show was all over.
Maitland discharged his prisoner."
i : -
Persian Prince Desires
To Be Regular American
Constantinople, Scph "I want
to be an American, announced
Prince Mejid. 12. brother "of the Shah
of Persia, when he"; appeared, ac
companied by 1iis guardiau to inarti
culate at .the preparatorj school of
Robert college.
"All right, we will permit you to
enter, though we will not call you
prince, but plain Mejid and also
spank you If you do not behave and
learn your lessons." answered the
teacher. These conditions the prince
accepted. , -
The teachers in the ' school are
American. ' 1
7- n '
. Moviq Actor Dies.
New York; Sept. 6.1 Robert Har
ron. motion picture actor, died from
a wound inflicted vfceit he accidental
ly hot himself September 1.
Planes to Leaye San Fran
cisjo and New York at 5:30
A. M. on 3,000-Mile Trip
Across United States .
All-Metal Monoplanes Will
Operate Eastward Fr6m
Omaha Reduce Transit
Line 57 Hours in Winter.
t'lilrago Tribune-Omaha Be Leaned Wire,
Washington, - Sept. S. A trans
continental daily air mail service
will be inaugurated by the Post
office department next Wednesday,
the planes starting simultaneously
at 5:30 a. m. from New York and
San Francisco. In winter the start
will be made an hour later.
Preliminary flights to put ship
in place for taking up the schedult
will be made September 6 and 7.
leaving New York, Chicago and
Omaha westward, and from San
Francisco, Cheyenne and Chicago
eastward at 5:30 a. in.
Metal monoplanes witlr a cruis
ing radius of 10 hours at 90 miles
sn hour will be operated between
New York and Omaha, with a sin
gle stop for gassing at Chicago, and
Dellaviland fours with four hour
fuel and oil at 80 miles an hour be
tween Omaha and San Francisco,
gassing stations being approximate
ly 200 miles apart.
Leave New York 5:30 a. m.
On the regular summer schedule
the planes leaving New York at 5:30
a. m., eastern time, will leave Cleve
land at 10:08, central time; Chicago.
2:30 p. m., and-arrive at l8wa Citv
at4:08, leaving at 5:30 the follow
ing morning and arriving at San
Francisco the next day at 2 o'clock
in the afternoon. On the winter
schedule the westbound planes will
leave New York at 6:30 a. m.: Cleve
land, 11:08, and arrive in Chicago
at 3;27 p. m., leaving at 6 o'clock
the following morning for Omaha
and thence to Cheyeune without
stopping at Iowa City or North
Platte, both 'of which are included
in the summer schedule.,
According to the department's
plan, the air service will carry westr
ward mail -deposited loo . late-1
catch train 35 at Cleveland and will
dispatch pouch for Cleveland city
(delivery advanced one business .
day) and pouch of Ohio and Indiana
to. train-35, departing 12:47 p. m..
(advancing 12 hours); take on mail
for Chicago and western states, and
at Chicago dispatch transit mails to
trains departing between 5:30 and
9:15 p. m., overtaking train 35 and
advancing Pacific coast mail 24
hours: other western states from 12
to' 18 hours. Leaving Chicago, mail
will be taken for Omaha and the
west deposited too late for dispatch
at 9:15 the previous day.
Advance Deliveries. ,
On the eastward trip deliveries
at Chicago will be advaiT-rd one bu-i-ncsS
day, with a gain of 17 hours
in the arrival - of mail received at
Chicago and Cleveland for New
York and through special train con
nections, of practically one business
day for delivery to Boston and prac
tically all New England, y
. The air mail service, it is an
urTunced by the postmaster genera -will
reduce the transit time of mails
between New York and San Fran
cisco from 91 to 57 hours in the
winter and to 54 hours in the sum
mer months. Preparations are being
made for night flights over the
plaifcs next spring between Chicago
and Cheyenne, reducing the time in
transit to 45 hours.
Felix Diaz Starts
-New Revolution In
J Mexico, Says Report
Mexico City, Sept. 5. Revolution
ary activity by followers of Felix
Diaz,1 nephew of former President
Porfirio Diaz, has been begun in the
vicinity of Misantla. state of Vera.
Cruz, according to press dispatches
received from Jalapa last night.
Reports state that Diaz refuse
to recognize the "Agua Prieta plan,"
repudiates the present government,
and declares he. will fight to restore
the constitution of 1857.
Travelers arriving from Teziutla,
state of Puebla. and Jalacingo. state
of Vera Cruz, tell of renewed rebel
operations near those towns, but are
uncertain whether these) operations
are being conducted by followers of
Diaz or those who support Gen. Can -dido
Aguilar. former governor of
the state of Vura Cruz and spn-in-law
of the late 'resident Carraiua,
Alabama Governor Urges
Miners to Hold Up Strike
Montgomery, Ala., Sept.' 5. Gov
ernor Kilby telegraphed an appeal to
I J. B. Kennaniore, president of the .
f Alabama district of the United Mine
Workers of America, asking that the
i strike of Iwtuniinous miners ordered '
m tins state by the national organ
ization, be hefd up pending an in
vestigation The governor also ap
pointed a commission to inquire into
the difficulties existing between1
miners andoperators. .
. U. S. Cruiser Recalled.
Washington, Sept. 5. The United
States cruiser ; Pittsburgh, recently
sent from Frettch waters to Danzig
.because of disorders at that port,
has 'been recalled to- her station.
State department-officials said that
restoration of order at Danzig had
wide presence ol the warship un
necessary, .-