THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE; SEPTEMBER 5, 1920. ,f Page for The Bee's Busy Little Honey Makers Stories by Our Little Folks (Prized Being Useful. "How can I ever be anything in this world or be useful in any way," sighed a little lame boy of about 12 years. "I thought I would be a sol dier when I grew up, but how can I after falling on that ice and break ing my legs, I'm glad I saved Mary, though. Now, there goes Jim, the washwoman's boy. I'd rather be strong and poor like he is than rich and useless as I am. I wish I had some way to help somebody." After thinking a while, "I have it," he cried, "Why can't I teach Jim. He doesn t go to school. I'm going to call him in and see if he'll let me." Hearing a rap on the window, Jim looked up and saw that he was wanted. -The door opened and Jim came in. The lame boy was very eager, so he plunged right into the subject in his mind. After listening carefully Jim said, "If I only had money to pay you. but I have none. If I had I would go to regular school, but you see I can't." "You won't ,have to pay me anything. I have nothing else to do," said the lame boy, eagcrly.1 "Oh, would you do it for me?" exclaimed Jim. "I'd be so happy." "Then I will," replied , the boy. I can be useful, he thought. ( Violet Goff, 10 years, Nebraska rCity, Neb. (Honorable Mention.) Lost in the Woods. There was once a, boy who al ways went away without permis sion. Some day he went away end nobody knew ,of it. He wandered and wandered till he found himself in a large woods. By and by iT grew dark and he could not find his way home., He then lay down and fell asleep. Johnny awoke in the morning at his usual time and looked around. Three stood a man .with a long white beard. He asked Johnny, "From where do you come?" ohnny told ' him the wTiole story and the man said, "Come with me and I will take you home." He took Johnny to his home and gave him some breakfast. Then he said: "Now I will take you home." In the meantime at home Johnny's par ents were aroused and hunted for him. Soon the man and Johnny came near the city and there they met Johnny's parents. They took Johnny and thanked tfie man for his kindness and gave him money for his trouble. Then the man went back to his home in the woods. Johnny and-his parents went home. Johnny promised that he would never go away again without per mission. Mayme E. Dobey, 12 Years, Schuyler, Neb. Second Letter. Dear Busy Bees: This is my sec ond letter. One summer when school was closed I went to grand ma's for a month. 1 helped her with the work, and after we were through with our work I played with my cousins and some neighbor girls. Mamma says if I want to take music lessons I will have to stay at ,home this summer. My brother and I are going to help mamma take, care of some flowers we are going to plant. Ruth Heckmam, 10 years, Friend, Neb. Likes Our Stories. Dear Busy ,Bees: I am going to write to you.' This is the first time 1 have written to you. I am going to send you something. We like the storieSy I am Visiting my Aunt j Grace in Lincoln now. 4 bought my , brother and myself a tablet today. , We had an ice crcan soda up town today. Maybe my dady is going to Columbus to hunt us a house. We will move there. Will write some more later. Will close for this time. Your friend. Hcnriette. A Fifth Grader. Dear Busy Bees: This is my first letter to you. I am 9 years old and in the fifth grade at ,school. I have one sister and five brothers. I have a pet cat. As my letter is getting long, I will close. Eliza beth Mahloch, 9 Years. DeWitt. Neb. The Tornado. This is the first titnt I have writ t; n to 'you. 'I read the Busy Bee's page every Sunday. I want to tell you about the tor nado that went through here about two years ago. Jt was ncarly"5 o'clock on a Sat urday afternoon in May. We were all standing in the door watching it hail when my papa came home and said to hurry over to the garage, for there was 'a cyclone coming. When we got into the garage the tornado had gone past, taking the Lutheran church, which is near the outckirts of the town, off the foundation, and ruining a very pretty farm home about half a mile farther on. It would take a long time to tell you about all of the damage it did. My cousin was here that day and intended to sVay a week with me. She was aw- i fully worried; for ' her father had started home about a half hour be fore. He stopped in a farm' house and nut his team in the barn. He ' never iound all of the wagon, one horse was, down to the creek and the other had gone home. They were grav horses and my uncle said it took a long time before he could get them curried clean again. I hope we don't have any more tornadoes this?' summer. Hazel Wilcox, 12 ycarfc, Clearwater. w' 1- Twelve-Syllable Rhyme. Helwho learns To obey Will command . The right way. ' One Sunday Afternoon. Dear Busy Bees: One Sunday aft ernoon in summer we decided to go to Boelus and fish. It was the third time I ever went fishing but never fished, but this time I did. We jtid not take any lunch as we thought we would not stay Jong. We first went to town and then to the river, The first place we went to, we didn't catch any fish, so we took the car and went further on. There we struck a good place, for quite a num- Der -or people were-nsning ana an had quite a number of large fish there was a bridge and we sat there and, fished. Papa caught the first fish and mamma the second and third. Later on I took the fishline and sat upon a cement stone that extended into the water. The water there was about 20 feet deep and when I got a bite I lost my balance and nearly fell into the water. Then I got off because I was afraid 1 might really fall in. Papa nearly fell into the water while he walked across the log from one side of the bank to the other, but he caught hold of a wire and got off the log. We stayed there quite long till it was nearly dark and then came homcv- We had gathcre.d many bou quets of wild flowers that smelled very nice. When we came home we ate supper then went to the show. We felt very tired but we certainly had a good time. Well, as my let ter is getting long I will close. I think the "Children's Page" is a very interesting page for children especially. I will soon write again to this nage. Bridget Pawloski, 12 Years, Farwell, Neb. The Summer's Wardrobe. Summer it is here with dress of green: The flowers' gaudy robes are plain to . be seen. The sky above has a gown of blueti The rainbow's ribbon a delicate blue. See the blossoming trees Swaying in the breeze, Around which the bees are lurking; Hear the birds chirping. We know merry spring is here, Also the flowers, which to us are so dear. See the blossoming trees; Hear the hummine bees. Margaret P. Smith, 11 years, Fre mont, Neb. A Vision. Last evening, as I sat in my easv chair beside the fireplace, a peace ful feeling came over me. Suddenly, soft rays of light, all colors of the rainbow, tinted the room. As I gazed into the cheerful fire, soft strains of mu; ic caught my ear. I looked in the direction ifrom whence it came, and a vision arose. A love lier sight I have never seen. I he figure, a beautifui young girl, was robed in a gewn of white satin, made like the old Grecian type. Her Titian hai. p; rted on the side, was clasped from her face by tiny dia mond barrettes. and hung in large, loore curls reaching her shoulders. Her arms, hnnds and teet were tinted a warm, soft rose. Her face! No words can describe it. All the rwectness. dearness and purity of girlhood shone uoon it. Her soft. hazel eyes spoke sincerity and truth from their deepest depths.- As I gazed, I kneW that only an angel could tiavc such beauty with sincer ity. I started! Yesl It was Mar garet my own Margaret! My own little daughter! She glided toward me softly. "Daddy." she called, and held her- hands toward me. "Mar garet, little daughter!" I cried, and ran to meet her. Good-by, daddy; take good care of mother,", and she vanished. I rlutched the open air, then slow.y turned back to my chair. "Oh. Gcd," I prayed, "please send that vision again. KATHRYN. REEVES. 12 years, Onawa, la. Dot Puzzle 55. fe 47 bo. 46 44 49' 48 Trace sixty My lovely - dots Complete the picture by driwlnf and taking them numerically. a 1 "Now home to the city, forschootT?rCy Goodbye to the holidays, frolic and Cr The little folks murmur together, s?f -S'X 'Oh, dear.' , S-..-J The summer is gone" till another V1 long year. xrdi' "Vacation is over and lessons have come, , j Grave, history, grammar and long J weary sum, , ,j To puzzle and trouble and baffle the f5 brain, fiSs "vs over the pags we linger again. . "But, though we may grumble and We cannothelp feeling a little" bit Why Does an Apple Turn Brown When Cut? The reason is that when vou cut an apple the exposure to the air of the inside of the apple causes a chemicaPchange to take place, due to the effect the oxygen in the air has on what is scientifically known as the enzymes iu the apple, or what are commonly called the "fer ments." When the pcl is unbroken it protects the inside of the apple against this action by the oxygen. The brown color happens to be due t6 the chemical action. The action is similar to the action of the air on wet or damp iron or steel, in which case we call it rust. From the Book of Wonders. The Monkeys and the Bell And the Memory-Man said: A Thief, having stole a Bell, was, while running away with his booty, caught and devoured by a Tiger. A band of Monkeys, having found the Bell, ran away with it in the trees. The people of the town hearing the Bell, grew superstitious and declared that it was a sign that a giant was devouring a man and ringing his Bell for dinner. A certain poor Woman, however, finding that all her neighbors were leaving, determined '"to investigate this noise, and found that the Bell was being rung by Monkeys. So she went to the Rajah arid of fered to silence the giant. The Rajah gave her money with which the Woman bought some fruit and,strwed it on the ground in the wood. The lonk'eys dropped the Bell in order; to grab the truit, and the Woman took away the Bell and showed it to the Rajah, who gave her a pension. Many people are frightened by the sound of a thing who would not be frightened of the thing itself. R.-W. ' A New Bee. Dear Busy Bees: This is my first letter. I am writing to vou. I wood like to join your club. I am 10 years old. I am. in the fifth room at school. I live at the edge :of town. My teacher's name, is Miss Fetterman. We have 36 chickens and one cow. I have a little friend who would like to join your club. I play basket ball every Saturday at 3 p. m Carolyn Ladwig, Hebron, Neb. 6 33 and you'll outline Caroline. Una through tht dota btfluning at fig First Letter. , Dear Busy Bees: This is my first letter to you. I am a little girl 8 years old. My teacher's name , is Miss Woulf. I have a Shetland pony; his name is Billy. How many of the young readers have camped at the state fair J We did last year. I hope we can this year. too. My great grandpa celebrated his 90th birthday yesterday. I have a little baby brother about two and one half years old. He can speak about 20 little pieces and sing part of sev eral songs. He is sure cute. I en joy reading the Busy Bees' letters very much. I have two sisters old er than myself. I will write a story next time I write. Henrietta Bode, 8 Years, Friend, Neb. The Brook. Little brook! Little brook! Where do you roam? Up through the pasture and round by my home? No! Down through the meadow, and round the big hill. Till you come to the lake that is so great and still. But little brook! Little brook! Where is your home? Down by the river and round where vou roam: Oh! It's in the great ocean with castles of foam, And lots of large ships, so that is your home. Louise Reese, 12 years, Randolph, Neb. - Cats Hold City Offices Owing to the large numbers of rats that have appeared in Paris since the war, the city government has employed "official cats" to keep the city offices and museums free from rodents. Their pay is not mu nificent, about $2.50 a year, in. food, but then, no new classes of labor hwho break into the industrial field are ever highly paid at the start. So what can a cat expect? - ; These cats can earn, their salaries. The city is overrunwith rats, and the war has sadly depleted the cat ranks. Cats .were eaten during the siege of Paris in the Franco-Prussian war, but during the late war the necessity for this did not arise. Possible means of eliminating the rats have been discussed by officials, but as yet no effective plan has been adopted to keep down their increase. Officials of the American Red Cross Qrt duty in Paris have investigated the. matter and have come to the conclusion that about the only ade quate rat catchers have been the cats, but that the cat forces are greatly outnumbered by their hereditary enemies. Uur .Dumb Animals. The Lady Moon. Dear Busy Bees: This is my first story to the Busy Bees page. Oh! Lady Moon, your horns point toward the cast, with your beautiful face toward me. A poor little beg gar like me. Oh! why is it that I am so lonely until I see your beau tiful face in the sky; then I do not feel so lonely. Oh, why? Last night as I lay in my bed I glanced out through the window at you and 1 thought of how lovely it would be to be a child of the moon. A dear lit tle Moonbeam on high. I would carry a message straight up to the stars, then carry them back down again. Oh! the Lord has only to pity a poor little beggar like me. Bernice Kelley, 10 years, Haigler, Neb.., z Dick EM Writes; Working in Panama The Boys' division recived a let ter this week from Richard F. Ellis, assistant boys' work secretary at the "Y" last year, who is now rwith his parents in Panama. Ellis had a won derful trip down and spent several days at Haiti. ( He has been over the canal and has enjoyed a couple of fishing trips on the Pacific ocean. He expects to go to work soon for the government on the canal and anticipates having a wonderful time there for the next two years. Dick wanted to be remembered to all the "Y" boys whom he learned to know so w-ell and any boys who want to write to him can address him at Box 113. Pedro Miguel, Canal Zone, Panama In praise of the Peanut The" peahut used to be regarded jnerely a the trimming for the cir dis. Since the war it has become a valuable food product. Salad oils, oleomargarine, soap and cooking compounds are now made of pea jiuts. One company timidly exoeri- pmentfd with a carload of peanuts 10 years ago. .ow it consumes an nually 300 carloads. Last year 12 southern states planted ocanuts on 1,251,000 acres and grw a crop worth $80,000,000. A peanut grower used to throw up his hat with joy when he received $1 a bushel. Now he hems and h,aws when $2.50 is offered for a choice crop. The De partment of Agriculture is now making scientific studies to discover the best varieties of peanuts for par ticular purposes and to develop the best marketing systems. Popular Science Monthly. 1 Twilight. Day is dying in the west, Night sets her evening lamps in the sky; All the birds have cone to rest, The moon will be up by and by. While the deepening shadows fall From tha stillness the whippoorwill's ' cal1 . Mingles with the night hawk's cry And tire solemn old moon seems to eye. One by one little stars go to test; The moon shuts his other eye And. soon is out of sight at best. The first streak of dawn shows in the sky. Eulah Johnsen, 12 years, Crcigh ton, Neb. A Terrible Fate. Dear Busy Bees: Once upon a time there lived a girl who was very bad and wicked. She would not do any work for her mother and let her sister do it all. One day she said she was going to seek her fortune. She tiavelcd into tiie wood till she came to a witch house and then the witch came out and turnd her into a log of wood and flung her into the fire, where she was burned to ashes. I wish some of the Busy Bees would v.-rite to me, for I will "answer them gladly. Henrietta Tiafks, 12, Years, McClelland, la. , Conundrums. When Is a river like a violin? When It is bridged. What will make files inqulsite? S will muke spiel of them. If a person is suffering from a d incline what covering should he use? A couter pane (counter pain). Why is the whole at anything worth a dollar? Because foui quarters are always worth fine dollar. When you speak of a bank of a small( stream why to do you hint that tho stream itself is sorrowful? Because you sav the brook side (siclied). Why should a housekeeper never put the letter M Into her refrigerator .' Because It will conver it into mice. A Hint to Scholars. A dear little dunce of a girl, Aunt Eliza, Dreamed that she Common Divisor dined on the They ate up the rule She had studied at school, And at once she began to griw rapidly wiser. A. M. P. For T" Open House for All Boy 8 Important Event -of the Year "The biggest thing that, has ever happened in Omaha for boys" will take place from Friday this week, September 10 until Saturday, Sep tember 25, when every school boy in Omaha above 12 years of age is invited to come to the Y. M. C. A. for a great time. It is the annual open house for boys and over 2.S00 boys are expected to attend. Arrangements have been made to take care of every boy that comes, no matter how many, and all will have a wonderful time. The whole bovs' division will be put at their disposal, and the visitors will reism supreme for 14 days. They will be given all privileges of the boys' di vision from the reading room and victrola to the gymnasium and swim ming pool. , The boys will come-'according to the school which they attend, a dav being reserved for each school. Two or three schools will come each after noon at ,4 o'clock and will compete against each other in athletic events in the gym and swimming pool. N. J. Weston, the "Y's" popular physical director will be in charge of the games and athletics in the gymnasium and pool and has a wonderful new lineup of athletic events for the boys. Ira W. Tones, the physical director of the Omaha Public schools will co-operate in the open house program and will be present each day to help show the boys a good time. C. ' C. Weigel anil R. D. Hicks, assistant physical directors will assist in taking care of the boys. ' " At 4 o'clock each, day the fun will start, when the lads will slide down the brass pole from the boys' divi sion to the gymnasium below, and will start on the athletics and game,s there. There will be an hour of continuous fun and good time in the competition to see which of the sev eral schools that day is the best. The winning school each day comes back on Saturday afternoon, Septem ber 25, to compete with all the winners each day for the champion ship. A fine felt banner will be given to the boys who win the champion ship. Conaeqiienepa. "A aunbeam earrleil a Valerltlne To -an icicle' youngest-daughter, When ead to aay, She fainted away, ' On anount of the ahock and the heat of tha day, , And fell In a .pool of water." . By Anna M. Pratt. I I r r a The Hero. In the year of 1918, while var'w;as going on with Germany, dogs were useful as well as soldiers. There was a soldier walking along a street in New York City when he saw a boy abusing a dog. The soldier tak ing' ptty on the dog picked it up, took it to camp- and dressed its wounds. Bob, for that was the sol dier's name, and the dog became great friends. The rest of the sol diers in camp, made fun df the dog and abused it. Some weeks later the word came to sail for France. Bob took his dog with him. The dog even went to the trenches with him. The soldiers were only in the trenches three days when the Ger mans were gaining on them. The only way for safety was to reach the soldiers a mile back in trenches. As there was no way of reaching them they were in despair when Bob thought of his dog and how he had trained him to carry messages for him. The dog was brought forth and. message in mouth, he started forth mi his errand. The soldiers then sent the other soldiers to aid them. The American soldiers came in time-to save the day. The vic tory was theirs. But the hero was a dog which hadt been abusej. kicked and laughed at. Hazel Clugey, 14 YcarsJI'latt'smouth, Neb. Loves Pinky. Dear Busy. Bees: I would like to join your Busy Hive, kam in the sixth grade at school. I have a pet cat. j call him "Pinky." Every night he jumps upon the window sill and 1 let him in. Then about 8 o'clock he waits at the door to get out to the barn. Well I must close for this time, hoping some of the Busy Bees will write to me. Fay Jahner, Modalc. Ia.. A New Bee. Dear Busy Bees: This is my first !et'er. Mistress Mary quite contrary how - does your garden grow? WMh silver bolls and Cockle shells and pretty maids in a row. , Mildred Rankin, the Live Boys of Omaha Following the fun in the gymna sium there will be a long swim for all the boys in the pool. The boys will be under the supervision of trained men from the time that they enter the building until they leave, and everything will be done to make every boy enjoy himself to the ut most. Everything will be free 'to the vis itors, and boys need bring nothing to the "Y" but themselves. Towels and soap will be furnished them free, and there will be boy leaders present to help the men in charge direct the boys so that they may get the most pleasure out of their after- noon. Following the swim, there will be games in the boys game room, and the boys will be allowed to look around and sec just what, there is to interest the boys m the fine club rooms on the second floor of the building at Sevciitcccnth and Har ney streets. The only rules in regard to the open house t are simply that boys must conic with their schools. Each group will tompete as a. school against the others. E. E. Mickle wright, boys' work secretary of the Y M. C. A., is in charge of the plans for the open house, and says that .this year will be the best that-the "Y" has ever had. Some 1,800 lads visited last year at this time and it is confidently expected that over 2,500 different boys will take part this next week. Mac Returnsx From Automobile Tour Mac Ohman, assistant boys' work secretary of the Y. M. C. A., 're turned this week from a month's automobile tour of the east with Mr. Flower, general secretary of the "Y," Mac is busy telling the boys of his trip and of the wonderful sights which he saw while away. He says lhat he is glad to get back, though, and is ready forXcntral High school to start Tuesday. Mac will be a junior in Central this year and will still continue with his duties here in the afternoons and on Saturdays as he did last year. - Frank Bunnell, who has been work ing as assistant in the boys' division this summer, has1 finished his work and has left for Camp Sheldon with the Hi-Y fellows. He will be a senior at Central High this year and is captain of Company D. Frank has made many friends at the "Y" this summer and he will be missed this fall. He will still keep his interest in the work with boys and will be a leader of one of the younger boys' Bible study grPS th's season. - i Nightingales Popular as Cage Birds, But Die ' Early in Captivity By MARGARET M'SHANE. (Forty-seventh Story ef the Night.) Philomela stared for a full minute at Father Nightingale asleep on the nest. i Then without a word of explana tion or apology she spread her wings and flew off into the thickest depths of thd underbrush. Moonbeam roused herself to start in swift pursuit, but before you could say Jack Robinson Philomela had returned There she ktood beside the nest, a huge bunchof sft green moss banging heavily from her 'bill, j Stooping quietly over the sleep ing bird, sheynade the sofetest pil low you ever saw out of the green texture and . then placed Father Nightingale's aching head very ten derly in the middle of it. Mr. Nightingaje never blinked an eye oruttered a' single Sound while Philomela soothed the hurt head. He was jist too weak to talk or to move." ! Mrs. Nightingale seated herselt once more beside Moonbeam, and, speaking very proudly, she told her many things. "We have always' been greatly sought after for cage birds. Moon beam. Oh, yes, indeed, we have! More money has been spent on us for this purpose thart any other sing er of Birdland. . "It is a well known' fact, however, that if anyone takes a NiKhtincale after he has met his sweetheart he will quickly' die. The grief of sep aration will kill him. However if they catch him before his ladv love arrives from the South, then he will live for a while, possibly until the molting time, but that time will al ways prove fatal. Scarcely one Nightingale in ten. Moonbeam, has ever survived the first year of captivity. You sec, my friend, we love the open and the wild, and our song is a song of desire, for this wild, and the affections of our sweethearts. This is why our tones are sometimes very, very melancholy and then again light-hearted and free. Philomela stopped speaking tor a minute and looked fondly at the nest. Then she added in a mst disgusted tone of voice: How can a creature of earth ex pect us to live, sing and be happy far away from the only two things we exist 'for?" "Of course you could not," broke in Moonbeam, "Mother Nature never intended you to live away from the things ydu love the most. She wishes everyone to be ttuly happy always. "If the wise men of earth would realize this. study and follow Mother Nature's wonderful laws they would not have so many disap pointments, and the world would be a happy place. Bit Philomela, I have never seen a single one of your relatives. Have you not any cousins here in the copse?" "We have no near relatives. Moonbeam, but we are members of '.he Thrush Family you know, the Wilson Thrush, the Hermit Thrush and the Wood Thrush. "They are all distant cousins of Local Hi-Y Boys In Camp at Sheldon The Omaha Hi-Y camp of fifty older high school boys from the three Omaha high schools, is prog rcsing in fine shape at Camp Sheldon, the state Y. M. C. A. camp at Columbus. The boys left at 4:25 p. m. Thursday in a special car over the Union Pacific, and the camp opened at supper that night. L. C, Oberlies of Lincoln, member of the State Board of Control and the best known man - in Nebraska among high school boys, opened the camp at the camp fire on Thursday night with an inspirational talk which challenged every boy there to do things this year in a big way. Mr. Oberlies spoke again Friday morning at the conference address hour and again 'Friday night at the ctmp fire. His final talk wasiven yesterday, morning. Dwight N. Lewis of Des Moines, chairman of the lowa State Railway commission, arrived in camp yester day, and gave his first talk at the camp fire last -night. 'He will give the address at the church service this morning, and will close the camp tomorrow night. Mr. Lewis is a wonderful speaker, and has spok en at camps all over the middle west to high school boys. J. H. Beveridge, superintendent of schools and chairman of the Boys' work Committee of the Y. M. C. A,r arrived in camp yesterday -evening and will be there all day todayJ SDeakiiifir to the, bovs this afternooin on the subject of "Leadership". Dr,' Frank G. Smith of the First Central Congregational church will speaking to the boys this afternoon and will speak at the camp fire to night and again tomorrow morn,ng. The camp is composed of Omaha boys only and is under the direction of E. E. Micklewright, boys' work secretary of the Omaha Y. M. C. A. E. M. Baber. associated state sec retary of the Y. M. C. A., is in charge of the business management of the c-tmp, N. J. Weston is in tamp as thysical director, and George W. Campbell is there as song and devo tional leader. J. G. Masters and E. E. McMillan of Central Hip;h school and R. M. Marrs of South High are spending the week end in the camp with the boys. The idea of the camp is to bring the leaders in the Hi-Y work of the Omaha High schools together for a conference camp where plans tor the year's work of the clubs can be formulated and the 'work really started. Omaha has some of the best Hi-Y work in the country last ritllfinielA Soothes the Invalid. ours, and each a most magnificent singer. On special occasions and festivi ties of Birdland these three sing in trio, andwhen they do, their song is the most superb thing you ever listened to. "Sometimes between 3 and 4 o'clock in the early morning, if the Night lifts her veil a little, Cousin Wood Thrush will sing, but this happens very, very seldom. "Yfiii see they are all daylight folks.'; Noises, coming through the thicket drowned the words of Phil omela. They were the voices of the jolly Night Breezes skipping home, for it' was near to the coming of Day. Moonbeam beckoned io the chat ring Breezes to wait for her. Saying goodbye to Philomela and Father Nightingale, she sailed off with them to her home in the blue arch of Heaven. Philomela waved goodbye with her wing, until Moonbeam was far on her way. Then she sat guard bV the side of the Vanquished and sailg her sweet est melody to the coming Dawn. I'm (clad that Grandma'! specs uon i grow j Fa ft on her heaif, for then, you Know, 1 couldn't rven hunt around. And hrtnff 'em to her "when they're found. Then only think wliat f nhould misa A mll. a "Thnnk You," and a A Young Traveler. Dear Busy Bees: This is my first letter to you. If you like it I will write you again. I am 8 years old. When..I was a baby I lived in Missoula, Moirt.; then we moved to Redlands, Cal., where I lived four years. When I was' 3 years old one day I ran away from home with my trike, which I left downtown, and got on a San Bernardino car. 'The conductor did not sec me until we were out of town, so they took me all the way. 10 miles, and back to Redlands. My Daddy and mother phoned to San Bernardino station, a store man told daddy he saw a little boy get on the car. He was waiting for me when I got back and did not spank me. Then we moved to Los Angeles, then to Hermoss Beach, then back to Montana, then to New York, then to Lincoln, Neb. 1 have lived in four states. I like California best of all, I love the beaches, the flowers, the oranges and the sun. I have two little sis ters and two little brothers. My daddy has a typewriter and I can write with it. , I wrote this letter all myself. 8 years, Lincoln, Neb. year and it promises to be even bet ter this year. Stuart Edgerly is president of the club at Central High school, Nev ille Ogden of the Commerce club, and Joe Shainholz of the South High club. The membership of the clubs last year Was 400 boys, prac tically all of them over 16 years of age. Hi-Y Presidents Spend Summer in Different Places The presirents of the three Omaha Hi-1 clubs have been enjoying their summer vacations in various and in entirely different ways. Only one of them has been in Omaha for the summer and the others hav been scattered. Stuart Edgerly, president of the Hi-Y club of Central High school, and cadet major this next year, ha: been spending a month at Lake Minnewaska, at Glenwood, Minn., with his father and friends there. He has just returned and has been telling wonderful stories of the fish ing and swimming there and his coat of tan surely looks like he had been enjoying outdoor living while there. Joelewis , Shainholz, president of South Omaha High school, has been working since school closed in June and will take his only vacation at the Omaha Hi-Y amp at Columbus from September 2 to 6. "Joe" has been working at two jobs this sum mer and has had little time to him self. He has had. lots of time to be working up his plans for his club this year and promises the best year's work yet in the South High club. He has been working at the packing house during the daytime a"nd at the Nicholas oil station on Seventeenth and Howard streets in the evenings until 9 o'clock. Joe says he is "rearing to go." and can hardly wait until the Jrii-Y. season oucns in October. Neville Ogden. the Commerce club's president, is spending th summer working at Denver. In a letter received a few days ago he says that he plans to work right up until the time for the Hi-Y camp to start. He is enjoying the summer' in Colorado and is also enthused over the prospects of a fine year'i work in Commerce High for the Hi-Y club. All of these boys, together with ?0 other leading high school boys from the three schools, will spend the five days, September 2 to 6, in elusive, together in a Hi-Y confer, ence camp at Camp Sheldon, Colum bus. i I V r v f i - K .