Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 05, 1920, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 15

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    .! -
Bnoa Correspondent
Weddina- .Annauncement
Mr. anaMrsH. H. Wchrli an:
nounce the marriage of their daug
ter, Cecil, to 'Mr. .George Cacka,
which took place June 26Y This
comes as a surprise to the many
friends of Mr. and Mrs. Cacka, as
the wedding was kept a secret to all
except the immediate families and a
few very intimate, friends. , Mr. and
tyrs. Cacka are on a. wedding trip to
Sioux City tfhd other Iowa points.
On their return they will be '.at 'the
home of the bride's parents during
the fall and winter months.
Benson Woman' Club.
The, Benson Woman's club will
be entertained for hs first meeting
at the home pf Mrs. C. A. Herd,
' 2524 North Sixty-second street,
Thursday, September 9, at.2:.0. Re
ports from the biennial will be a
part ofthe message given by the
president, Mrs. W. A. Wilcox.
Entertains Convention.
" 'Benson camp, Royal Neighbors,
. No. 7w.. -will entertain the Doug
las county camps of Royal "Neigh
bors at state annual convention Fri
day afternoon and evening at Odd
Fellows' Hall. Ladies of the Pres
byterian Aid Society wjll. serve
luncheon and diTincr..
Entertains for Miss Harrison.
' Mrs. MVan Horn entertained at
a surprise Wednesday evening for
Miss Ada Harrison of Blair, Neb.
Thirty-six guests were present.
' Belle Rebekah Lodge
The rcgalar meeting of the Belle
Rebekah lodge will be held Mon
day evening in the IAO. O. F. hall.
f resDyicnan xaaics ma.
. The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid
will be entertained Wednesday aft
erlioon at the home of Mrs. H. A".
Eforts, 6336 Military ave.
' v. ', ' Birthday Surprise.
;-'Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gehringer
were entertained at a , birthday"sur
prise i at their home Wednesday
night, the occasion being the birth
day of Mrs. Gehringer. The even
ing was spent in music and games.
;.' M. E. Home Mission Society.
The Home Mission society of the
Methodist church will meet Wednes
day aftcrnori atlthe home of Mrs.
D. J. Bemlctt, 6345 Military avenue.
i : Benson Ww C. T. U.
fThe Benson W. C. T. U. closed
its vear's work bv coins over the
ton in its subscriptions. A vote of
. thanks is due the' business men of
Benson for their assistance.
t-it- Entertains at Iowa Party.
:Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Young "enter
tained at a lawn party at their home
Friday evening, in honor of the offiJ
ccts and tiroi of the Benson Camp or
Royal Neighbors M America. '
M. E. Conference.
. The -annual conference of the
- Methodist church begins Wednesday
at the Firvt Methodist church. About
SOt) ministers will be in attendance.
Luncheon Guests.
rMrs. T. P. Reynolds and son Leslie-were
luncheon guests Thursday,
Vitlia. home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
;(p3fba3ey-'v..r'.i '-.r -Entectaina
Council Bluffs Friends.
MrV'and" Mrs." C."D.. Hurd enter-
in Honor ot Mr. ana Mrs. rrea ias-
inussen and Mr. and, Mrs.J-ars Jen
sen of .Council Bluffs.
'CTlS. BusinesMeeting.
Members of the Christian En
deavor society of the Presbyterian
.church,' held their regular business,
meeting, Friday Evening, at the
hurcli. . -
' Narcissus Chapter of 0. E. S.
The Narcissus Chapter of the
i'O. E. S. will hold its regular busi
! iiess meeting Thursday night at Odd
'ji Fellows' hall. : , .'
. Entertains Card 'Club,
-''Mr. and Mrs. T..F. Rhoy will be
, host and hostess to the Keystone
;: Park Card club, Saturday evening,
t at their home on Fontenelle boule
! vard, Clairmont addition.
; Sunday Dinner Party.
.Miss C. Johnson entertained at
t dinner Sunday, when covers were laid
t for Mrs. A.' Traynor, Messrs. Car
'Benson, Eldon Benson, EarlYoung,
Charles Barnum and Miss Johnson.
County President of W. C. T. U. ,
Mrs. M D. Vieno, 'who crvcd
as president of the Benson W. C. T.
U. fr a number of years', was
elected president of the Douglas
county W. C T. U. at the conven
tion held Thursday-at the' First
Presbyterian church. - r V
Elects Officers. v
The.Mthodist Ladies' Aid met
Wednesday' afternoon at the home
Eliminate the inconvenience and"
rtnbarrassment of cjtes by hav
ing us restore your teeth through
the use of our
- .
This.Deature is held firmly in po
sition by the natural teeth f ives
100 chewing power. Won t ,
fall out, but can be remofed,a,t Dr. K.
will. Comfortable, attractive and
gives life service. . '
Call Walnut 8370
of Mrs. George, Sdiaefer and elected
the following officers for the com
ing year: Mrs. D. C.-Sturtj, presi
dent; Mrs. W. H. Justin, vijft presi
dent; Mrs. C D. Mcllnay.-second
vice president; Mrs. R. Burford,
secretary ,Mrs.' G.-W. Smith, treas
urer. " .. k; . ':
V Missionary Luncheon.
. Mrs. A. C. Lcssard, president of
Ihe Methodist Missionary society of
Benson, 'accompanied by 20 mem
bers of that organization, will attend
the missionary luncheon at the Loy
al' hotel, Friday, September 10.
-; Personals.
".Miss Hazel Schaefer spent the
week in Schuyler, Neb.
' Rev. O. P. Miles returned Monday
from Winona Lake, Ind. -
'Mr Cloyde Johnson is visiting,
relatives at Elk City, Neb.
'Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tracy spefit
the week-end in York, Neb.
Miss Marian Wolfe has been oh
the sick list for the .past week. v
Robert Oliver, is spending the
week with-relatives. in Blair, Neb.
t The Misses Edna and Marie Mal
ney left Friday, morning for Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. C. 'O. Hurd are
spending the day with relatives in
Blair, Neb. x
Mrs. A. Schaefer left 'Thursday
for a short visit with relatives in
Tilden, Neb. . " ' r " -. -
Mr. and Mrs..T. J. Woofman re
turned home Friday from at motor
trip to Kansas. ' '
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Smith and
family will motor to Columbus,
Npb.,. Labor day. v ,
'Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilcox will
spend Sunday and Labor day with
friends at Ashland, Neb. '
Francis Maney is spending 1 the
wagk at the home of his ant, Mrs.
M. Berry, of B4air, Ncb,
Dr. Carl ZoJllcrs of Chicago spent
Sunday at -the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ben H. Smith of Keystone park.
Mrs. Phillip Mcisinger of Platts
niouth was a week-end guest at the
home of Miss Lizzie McMahon.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Jones have pur
chased the home on Sixtieth avenue,
formerly owned by' Supt. Speedie.
Dr. and Mrs. Cyril Jones have
moved into .their new-home .recent
ly purchased on Sixty-firs( street.'
Mr. and Mrs. J. L.' Corbalcy and
daughters, Bernice and Irene, will
spend Sunday in Missouri Valley.
Miss Florence Knudseir leaves
Monday for a two-weeks' visit at the
home- of Miss Alta Lean, Horton,
Kan. - , (
Th fip Franrps and Lnis
Wfe of I Red Oakvla., are guests
nfThe home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Giles. . J
Mrs. Clinton Smith and son, Nor-
vin, who have oeen visiting Mr.
Smith's mother, Mrs. .T. J. Smith,
left Thursday for thciriljpnie in Big
Springs, Neb.
Louis, Earl and Russel Mather, sons
of Mr. and Mrs. Col. Mather, re
turned from St. Katherine's hospital
where each underwent aTonsil opera
tion. 1
Mr. Harold Gclston and sister,
Mildred Gclston, who have been vis-l
mug ai me nome oi Mr. ana wrs.
Henry Johnson, left Saturday for
their home in Doland, S. D.
Miss Zillah Anderson of Kansas
City, Mo., arrived home Wednes
day to spend a few weeks vacation
at : Jhe home of her parents. Rev.
Thomas Anderson and Mrs. Ander-
Mrs. F. E. Young, who motored to
Rollins, Wyo.. with the ;Williams
party, returned home last Friday.
The Wednesday before, the party
ate luncTr-on the divide, 8,000 above
sea. level'. v
The Misses Charlotte and Geral
dine - Huntoon ' returned Tuesday
from a two-weeks' visit in and
around Des, Moines, la. Miss Geral
dine will enter Omaha university
this fall. -
Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Graham, who
are en routefrom New (York City
to their home in San Francisco, Cal.,
are spending a few days with Mrs.
Graham's sister, Mrs. Andy Schea
fcr, .and Mr., Schaefer.
For Stout .Women V
The- superabundant flesh of the fat
woman cannot bje annihilated by the
dressmaker," can be dressed to
direct attention away from it. What
ever makes one appear to be taller,
makes her Jook more slender. Dress
es for ovcrstout and short-women
should be designed to attract the
eyes , of the .beholder up and doSfrn
the' figure and not across it.
' yi
f Ji '
Let us explain more about this
.Service. Phone or come in and
see us. , ' . , I '
Church & Haller
DentafX-Ray Specialists.
500 Paxtoa Block, 16th and Farnaau
Tyler 1818 Omaha
those whvn we have
-.1 i'R-n hssa
Ei Jf---. -.V wear
Stylefully Educative
The Fal Opening
Which is to be offered at the
great store . of Thomas-- Kil
patrick, 15th and Douglas streets, be
ginning Tuesday . morning. . What
a true delight was it. to peep at the
exotically beautiful models of lush
placed on display-learning the neV
li,.-,!,,:,.. ...,;(.
names of colors, fabrics, furs, "stuff
J that dreams are .made of," admiring
almost breathlessly the ravishing
new lines "evolved by designers ot
Embroideries mark a distinctive
note in . the newer coats em
broideries extensively,-used, too, not
just the "touch" seen in former sea
sons In marveling at the loveliness ol
.fabrics used in Hie fashioning of the
one hears breathed such
names as Cashmere Duvetyne,Evora
VI 1 1 o V r r I trnrcc I lrttn Iralll3
no wonder the wraps are so e.itranc- VcedAto Polly, weary traveler that
ingly lovely with magic names such she is-for the-first mormng she ar
as these! The colors too. are witch-breakfast cosi just one-foujth
mg. . zanzihar, Malay, tieaoutn,
Dryad, Twilight, Nanking, Suchow.
Dcen Sea, Tasmania,, as becoming
as sunlight is to flowers. .
straight' haiieing lines 'whose mas
tcrfully tailored achievement, is at
once recognized. Cellars mount
high or quite' at variance turn low
to display their decorative stichery,
in anveventfur trimmed in mole.
Kolinsky,jrt5ui.rrel or beaver. Copies
and adaptions from tli most -noted
PanV makers are scee .in he suit
groupmgs as well as from- oqr own
designers beloved by fashion fol-
lowers: Hixon, Milgrim and Man-
gone.. s -
A culmination of plans long under
way fot a great selling campaign is
this F:rst I-ashion Lnfolding which
heeins on' Scntember' seventh, a
showing of stocks in complete readi
ncss tor the tan social season
dance frocks, dinner gowns and
frocks 'for daytime wear", you'll find
delightful style expositions here.
;;; ,'
"The;Directoire Model v
Probably Most Popular
Among Fall Modes," ) '
C AYS . L. "Licff, tailor, Ji39 Far
V nam, whose forccast-ibf style is
always welcome. And you , must
know, rues amies,- that the waistline
is long witn judicious arrangement
ot gatners oi me longsKirieu coais
Thrlr,s,nr is usually a "surolice cf-
feet, either outtonea protuseiywun
the new colored novelty buttons, or
following the luxurious manner ap
proved by Dame Fashion, outlined
by silky; fur. "A suit season of in
finite cMrm.' ' ,
. J
Improving and Emphasizing
' One's Personality. ,
TS UNDENIABLY the duty of
T" .."'. .. . ' , ...
every 'woman, 'and the best im
provement is her corset, for feminine
beautyis largely dependent on the
poise' and graceful r lines of the
beauty. Tp attain this poise you
have lo have very scientifically
fitted corset. Dorothy Hill can Cer
tainly fit you in the scientific man
ner, to bring out all of these" points
and "1 particularly advise the fleshy
woman to call upon her and become
one of the Stylish btouts.
cannot appreciate v her work
having the personal fitting given by
this " specialist with charming' shop
on tne secona noor oi ineieviue
Block,' "northeast
corner jixiccinu
and Harney.
. ':, ,- -
Wool buttonholijigsfinish'es off
the edges of some of the new cotton
blouses. They are also embroidered
in u-nnl. White is usrd. as othM
colors .would run when the blouses
jere washed. -
Train Gifts for
School Girls.
, - -
XOST, successful among train by which the gaily-colored hand
"gifts for the school girl are kerchief for women is now called.
the Goodie Gift Baskets they are ar-
ranging at me sommers specialty
Shop,oiie door south of the Bran
deis theater. Stuffed" dates, spiced
nuts, crystal candies, fragrant fruits,
pastries ' 'cakes and sandwiches
Can't, you- picture a youiiy. girl's de
light in a gift of this kind?
. sat beside the glassy evening sea,
One foot upon the thin fiorn of, my lyre,
And alt its strings of laughter and desire V
Crushed in the rank toet grasses heedlessly;
Nor did my dull eye care to question how
The boat close by pad spread its saffron sails,
Nor what might meari the coffers and the bales,
I ; ''.-' - - - ' From
A Sale to Lighten Winter'! Darkest
Day and Nights. -
TSTHATat Hospe'sri5l3Douglas(
I ... , , . ,,
J- this .week. , Polychrome xandle-
sticks with candles to correspond to
from $1.75 up. Daintily delightful fitting hats and becoming veilsr chic tailored frocks and long gloves ,?17 Do"8jas- Sad georgetteshas
boudoir table and floor lamps are worth a. king's ransom. ; ' , S"?s.en dec,P "d Aztec duyetne
tempting buys with parchment and Then through the Canadian Rockies where ultra-English sports t0.r draped panels., using as trim
silk shades.. A lamp: sale-without clothes are in order: trigly tailored tweeds, heavily corded wool stock- """g-'. adorable, infinitely contrived
parallel. ' in. short skirted hiking suits and dashing riding habits. These worn "girpn1 Mff-lrmho e
-V with attractively tailored hats over tightly wrapped hair. xa i k nL te k P?ch
Such' A Surprise A Smart Economy Home to shops showing exotically rich feminine hixuriousness, bro- 'r u. " ;, .ph'?" L"" r"0' ,nr
-rpHOSE trig little oxfords theye ftg vdvety depths of fahries in opening style expositions St-nMl
J- selling at the Kinney Shoe store, Home, full 'of enthusiasm to help in the planning for your fall &n?i
Sixteenth and Capitol,' for the and winter stylefulness. in readiness to shoo for anvthinir and overv- j n.i,.L,r0i,P"Lni'..r-0.n
modest price range of $4.98 to $7.98.
these in all the desirable shades for,
with he cleverly cut spats
at $1.98. Kiddies -too are ot for
gotten in this great store (biggest
in the west) for theyVe showihg
school shoes at frorn $1.98 to $3.98.
You might send me an outline of
your fpot when ordering in addition
to the size of the shoe you are
wearing. v
Now is an excellent time to buy
1 , Shapes in theSe are
r J.? mry?-rft"'
tnoir interest lvme clueflv in the
, ... ...
materials ana trimmings, tarly in
the season it is difficult - to find
I , .-. ' . -r, ...
good-looking sports hats. Now there
are any number of pretty ones, so it
is a good" plan to buy with an eye to
what will be useful not only now ,
but for .starting the next season. "
: ... . . .
luggage oi a uuamy to Last
College Life.
A J?E the bags shown at the Onja-
'la Printing Company, r3th and
Farnam. . . Traveling bags of
every desirable conception eminently
suited to the needs of 6ne making
long trips 4o far distant schools as
well as the lighter bag -for over-
night use. Miss Schoolgirl is quite
of the opinion fnat one of each kind
of lag is needed! And you'll agree
fter s,n thTe del.KhtfulneM
tliose shown. Luxurious indeed
' the bags, silvef mounted now on
display; one for men the other a
bit smaller for women, these with
sterling dressing table vanities pf a
pleasing appearance not only in the
bag but exquisite accessories, to the
dresser top of the college bed room.
Quite a Change from Diner Prices
. at
HOSE delectable meals served
the Flatiron Cafe, 17th street
gt .Marys avcnue. Welcome in-
" .
r I "lc -Z.a 1 u
onNhe diner. A cafe suited to the
...-f l k- ( Ik.
Ul cnl' """ ",s
"miiy. ; ' .
Satin for dresseFon stml-tailored
lines is advanced as- an autumn pre-,
sentation of, smart' fashjons.. Mid-,
nieht bhiei dark brown and black
are the colors most in evidence. -
Persistently Pleated 0 , ,
re 1920 Dresses,
g d Coa '
'.1 u j
COR a coat seen recently had a
1 pleated panel, down from the
shoulders with clever, arrangement
- ...,... r n. -..
h rf the iame .fing with edge
.. , . . r . " Th,
of fur rouad the hands. The Ideal
Button and Pleating company, third
floor. Brown block, Sixteenth and
Douglas, have lew machines to take
care of the multitude: of pleating
orders-pouring in on every marl.
You'll need their help1 too in the em
broidering called foi in the making
of practically everything ill the way
of dress. - White silk is seen in
elaborate traceries on navy tricoifctte,
brick and ruby red are "also favorite-
combinations with dark blue, while
moonstone gray made most beauti
ful a dark blue coat frock seen- on
the street.
T.-w. M! rk..,
The New Mirror Chapeaux
KTOVELTIES in hat fashions are
i N offered at the Herald Hat
Shop, Fifteenth and Farnam. Noth
ing is too luxurious fbr embodiment
in tnese stunning creations. tLX-
outsite feather fantasres. suronsine
dashes of color in unexpected folds,
draped veils of Spanish stigges-
tion. A Gaier model in Pheasant
duvetyne witly design traced in glit-
tering bronze and dull wooden beads
nas nucresiing leather ornaments ot
bronze with touch unique a dainty
mirror sewed in the white taffeta
liningl -
A Courtesy Extended to
Polly Customers.
PERFECTLY delighted was I
to find while at Orchard & Wil-
helm's the other afternoon that they
were offering jon Saturday the if
snlpnHMlv fash'nnH aH.Mi,A ,nt.
ton matresses for the special price
0 $13.75. Delighted, but dis-
appointed, too, when I thought of
the requests that would come in for
this 'remarkable" offering several
days after the sale. Upon express-
ing this disappointment this store ,
offered to send out the matresses to
mv riistnmpre . all riurincr th wrek
providing the orders came through
my shopping bureau, A courtesy
appreciated, indeed.
Sport handkerchief
is the name
The handkerchief is not particu-
any new, tor .reauy we nave naa
B"t w.v-j iiaiiuniiui.n iui "ire uuu uiuH uivnu, imuc i &y uumn,.wRn a oanaing irom fitting quantities No wind, how
several seasons. But the name is throat to hem ofgray squirrel Plaid homespuns cut on loose, flowing ever wild and wintrish can even stir
new. Plaids and stripes, as well lines are also popular, . A favorite patterns is of gray with faint laven- the soft little duvctvne and velvet
as fancy borders in geometrical de- der stripes. ,i ,' j..:. , '.i.v . ' affairs of -stvleful fashfoninnd
signs appear in the present so-called
sport handkerchiefs.
MY DEARS:' v . ' ' .
Home again after journeying afar through tities of sunny Cal-
i'ornta, .where th style preferences everywhere evidence a taste for
the bizarre m sports clothes, lacquered sun hats, vivid sweaters, e-
culiarly striking sports shoes in leather color combinations most unusmal.
, In northern ports where the cool breezes from the ocean make per-
thing requested of my department.. A service offered by The Bee free
0' charge to. readers of the column, entirely without tommission from
a"vvt "u ui vicj.ui
Furs For Frivolous Freshmen.
TOURING school days of fall and
. winter, arc the dainty little ink
and .squirrel chokers shown at the
National Fur & Tanning company,
Athletic- Ciub building, Seventeenth,
and Douglas streets. Fluffilv de-
'lightful, too, are the fox i and wolf
r artistic ll placed head
tea. feet- Furs designed to en-
i. r. :.i.-u i : . - ,
. . . . U 1 1 . . I . U .1.
fidiiic ginisu iiairc cnuiiu.
Chemise, belted . 'and unbelted,
basque, and bouffant skirt. Greek
draperies, the long waistline, back
draperies,- side draperies that are
virtually panniers andbusfTe-backs
. . ....
these lines prevail in the pxes-
n: tash'O'is. There are long
ti-o-u-f :!, cu.-
.nvv via. si ui i i3iLL t Li a ii i aitLVTi
i'"". 'vt a.m ..u i
iittK. mica cue
round, square, V-
these' lins trfn
and much col-
choice, for all
Fa Fhion. rdt .nA F,nc:.,
, or ;1u,,ii,, i,1.'(,..,.V:.
A RF fMlyt .''trf ,n j.he
, carefully selected 'window dis-
play at The Fashion, 111 South Six-
tcenth, a shop of style distinction.
Unmistakably chic is the syge coat
dress wih big buttonholes bound
in "sand duvetyne. A cunning coat
effect dress has embroidery of silver
and blue round coat and skirt edge.
Fur scarfs of true delightfulness
trail near a, gay little blouse Of navy
and flame. Hats, "coats, suits, ; furs
and frocks, a fashion revue of note.
New Collars Swaddle
the Chin
Eating; drinking and kissing
rasnion as sne usners iau suiis, coais
Fashion as she ushers fall suits, coats
ade drinking world. Prohibition of
furnished by the chin and mouth-swaddlinz directoire. collars that even
fleck the nose and necessitate a tucking-in whenever starvation' is too
imminent. The old-time collar is quite dead, and this new species of the
collar family came to the family fashion reunion as a very near relative
of the basque-bodice which has been such a popular member of the fam-
uy this year. . . ,
Other new fall fashion features are the long-waisted dress and the
long suit coat which fits snugly over the hips. Skirts also are very flar
ingly full, although the feared more abbreviated length did. not appear
with their fullness, and they still show
of shoe and hose
Pile fabrics such
im es.m tn i ths liufi tAn.tA hi,..
A typical next-season street
plain and plaid velvet. The ticht
waistline irilo a tunic that falls over
which flares at the hem into a circumference of about three yards. Long,
close-fitting sleeves are another new
ePidermis is to-be baned fof the
lnB cuiisiaiency oe not suuna iikc
BU1W are verv oriental, witn iiowmg, mandarin sleeves and profuse
metallic and silken embroideries.. Even huge cabbage roses of gorgeous
worsted are strewn about at spasmodic intervals. One leading Fifth
avenue house-Is showing a striking model .of navy blue velour de laine.
The jacke&js cut on lavish lines and falls over the skirt; molding the hips
an4 confining the skirt so that it flares most generously at the hem.
Tracings of gold embroider the jacket in a laree conventional pattern.
which is very oriental in effect
jacket opening and cuffs.
Coats are ably represented bv
of plain and striped goods. The coat itself and belt are cut in one piece
on the' sides, and the belt is laced through slashes in the front panel of
the coat. These apertures are bound" with black moire braid. The coat
gives the modish straight silhouette throueh the waist and hios. but the.
fl"e,t the hem., ..The ever present
chilblained nose or ears,
. toia aoouna in grays ana wipes, Tieniie squirrel is the leading fur.
MUady s silhouette. has. cjwnge,.
bow allowed.''
And streaksof new wine on the gilded prow. '
Neither was wonder in me when I saw "
. Fair women step therein, though they were fair
Even to adoration and to awe, '
And in the gracious fillets of their hair
Were blossoms from a garden hadjenown,
. Sweet mornings ere the apple 'buds had blown.
'The Departure' Wi7i'am Vaughn Moody.
seiecviun, economical . Duying.
For Fashion's Formal Functions.
HI HOSE exquisitely stylefuLsatin
- 4" dresses shown at Brandeis. Fol-
lowing lines bf glorious luxurious-ccnthi betweca Farnam and Har
ness in fabrics and decorative adorn- ney. Delightfully decorated are thev.
nient are the models , on display in
the Seventeenth street windows of
this great style store, windows in
readiness for the fall style exposi
tion beginning Tuesday. Long
tunics have been predicted, and this
early announcement of fashion pre
ference is demonstrated in a beaded
black charincuse, whose long-draped
bodice and slashed tunic show'scin
tillant beading. Chenille and silk
join charmful stitches in the decora
nwii a a. iqsviiiuiik 1 1 vv iv ui navy,
xvhose decp pink gilet finish would
delight a true p?rjsicni,e. Fanciful
' ; . i .i
frocks 'of- conventional
they're wholly delightful.
-With the First
: Cool Days of
Autumn i
rjl he home-loving woman plans the
; rs-decoratiig of. her home prep
atory to lonfe days of winter cosi
ness when stfows abroad make stay
ing at . home, the greatest possible
pleasure. -This year you certainly
iieasurc inis vear von ccnamrv
hould let the H: R. Bowen Furni-
ture company, 16th and Howard
streets assist in your decorative
planning, for they've a department
excellently prepared to give decid
edly worthwhile interior service.
Rugs, drapes; lamps and -candle
sticks as well as furniture, may be
selected in their finely lighted rooms
on the second floor with wall paper
to correspond, while they ve a splen
didly equipped workroom where th?
plans made may be carried out by
expert designers and workmen. Odd
pieces of furniture, desks, tables
and chairs, ferneries, book troughs
and sewing dabinets tyo they offer
at prices you'll, find most pleasing"
Milady's suit must have a dainty
bitof'bow tie to knot under her
dainty chin even though the collar
be a' practically, high fur conceit.
Silken and Crepey
laborate and
Practically Plain
T DEAL for school use are the ki-
monos shown at the Hattie Put-'
nam Nu-Bone Corset, Shop? -Sth,
' floor Karbach Block, 15th and Doug
las. 'They've'Slso most witching lit
tle frocks which will win your
heart I'm sure these for general fall
wear, chambra ginghams, organdie
trimmed -in uniquely pleasing waysl
. , '
Surorisincly smart is the
of fur round1 the high collar of a
satin suit vest. , N
' -
School Sweaters in -all the Colors
Yx dear to Hearts Collegiate. -
A. RE being shown, at ,the Town-
send Gun
and arnam streets. neavy anu
"comfy," they're just the thing with
which to fortify Oneselfagainst win-
... r 1
try blasts during the foot ball prac
tice hours this winter. These at
prices you can well affordf
totally taboo. , Thus speaketh Dame
and gowjis in upon, an iced lemon-
ana gowis in upon, an iceu itmuii
the trio of designated pastimes is;
no more than seven or eight inches
as duvetyn, plush and yelour abound,
.ii tnmnniu hiiin
dress is shown in a combination of
basoue bodice continues from the low
three-fourths of the skirt proper,
feature, and tis rumored that elbow
season of wintry blasts, albeit that
Bandings of gray squirrel adorn the
a model which uses a combination
choker collar. removes aU fear of.Schadell & Co.', shop, Sixteenth and'
J On .with'the dance walking ' is
Among the Delightful
Things of the Season J
"VTOTHING has been shown pos-
sessing more charming charac
teristics than the duvetync combinar
tion blouses found at Hcrzbera'si
unique in "hand-painted jet buttons
down the front aid on the belt, which
noias tne gracetui tolas in becom
ing softness. .
A New Delight From Day to Day
ARE the new suit, coat-and dress
. r . i - -c
in embroideries, exquisitely adorned
in deeply lovely furs of combined
shadings, each a model of designer's
finished artistry.' . -
Of Prime . Importance As School
Time Approaches.
'T'HE cleaning of garments for
school wear. Big Sister, who
leaves tor smart. boarding school,.,
will certainly want every suit,
blouse and frock' of a pristine fresh
ness, daintily immaculate. Brother,
university foot ball hero, -sends suits
and sweaters' up to,' the last minute
before departure, after the way of
men, while the smallest members of
the school crowd realize fully the
necessity of having each small'middy Emphasizing the Silhouette of Fash
frock and "knicker" suit fresh-and ion Smartness. x
clean. Special school service in
cleaning is offered at Dresher Broth
ers great ' "cleaning establishment.
Twenty-second and Farnam. Phone
Tyler 345 for immediate service.
"Our Baby" Books
s--t-. t ., , , ...
X , ,1 " Z
U of moire and mohair, are the
books' at the Splimitz photo supply
shop, 111 Mcrritt s drug store, J0V
South Sixteenth street. A place to
keep pictures and notes of interest-
ing incidents and dates, pictures of
each development ot new cleverness
in oaoy s precious nte. renctiea out-
lines of baby's tiny hands and feet
are evidences of poignant delight .
experienced by every parent, and
add further significance to these
books, priced at $275 and $175. Al-
bums oriced to $10 are shown in this
shop, ideal "going away" gifts for
the student. A shop "where develop
ing is done free, also where -that ar
tistic glossy trmsh isti specialty.
Lacquered braids are spoken of
as smart-trimming for autumn suits,
and one chic model recently seen is,
of green - velvet with trimming- of
dark brown lacquered braid. The
coat of this suit is longhand cutx
on directoire lines. JJrecoU is the
designer. -, ' ;.
Authentic Information in Regard
To the Definite "Trend of
the Mode V
Is AVAILABLE at the Kneeter
A Tailoring Shop, second floor. Six-
tcenth and Howaro, and such an in-
tersting talk did I cnjtfy the other
day with Mr. Kneeter, designer and
tailor of artistic accompllisbments.
A diversity of stylefulness he showed
tor my delectation suits, wraps ana
dresses all of carefully analyzed be-
California Roses No More Rare
in Fragrance Nor More
Vivid Jn Shading
"-puAN the
... 'Jfte Jhn
massed roses seen in
Bath Flower Shop,
Eighteenth and Farnam, this week.
Buds tightly wrapped in , dainty
petals, long and perfect as to stems,
exquisite in coloring,, half open blos
soms faintly disclosing the beauty
f their golden hearts, as well as full
spread ' roses of exotic richness, a
special luncheon order. Of all the
rose gardens visited on my trip I
saw no roses more lovely than 'these.
"Chippendale Brown."
VTOW I,. wonder if you've heard
M 0 tnat' before? Real
Really, quite
the- nipst delectable shade of brown
you fftve ever seen a shade peculiar
ttf.the charmfulncss of the Fall Sea
.son, i9201 There's a suit of it at
Lamond's, second floor Securities
building, Sixteenth" - and Farnam
streets. The velvety fineness of its
material is "Veldyne" cloth and re
sembles the Peachbloom of last sea
son. . Solidly 'embroidered is the
coat, which comes to within a couple
tn:rr.i ;Ai, ii,r fi.
snugly, by "tear-drop" novelty but-
Chapeaux For the "Go-Away" Stu
dents First Requisite .-'",-"TN
choosing of the wardrobe for
A srhnnt rfavs Anrt th P 1
uougtas, nave a splendid selection
,0f Smart little hats, of . admirably
the prices my dears, of-a lowness
, .
ll IT.
ion Smartness.
TS A SUCHOW BLUE coat at the
Lamond Specialty shop; ."second
floor Securities building,' Sixteenth
and Farnam. , Cleverly cut is the
shoulder fitting collar, a cape in it
self, which is fashioned of that dod-
. , . ..... . , .
'iVLT If- lkcd s"l
son Australian Opossum. Of
course one has to see what holds the
fnijrea iuuncss wnicn mawes tne
back of this wrap such a decided
success and one finds , that, there's a
surprising little yoke from .shoulder
-""7""- " 'VV.8 'f.-jj,!
" . ,v i' -
of the. back. New, oh, very new, the
. placed-upon effect of the skirt be-
lw the waistline joining trimmed
byjowi heavy silk stitchcry. Long
'J5 a'so show the same silk, whde
button tis a broidered one.
' .A; '-.
For the bride's outfit - eomes a
dainty negligee of tucked net over
ucsii coiorea ciimon. .-liiere is a
foundation slip of the chiffon.- and
over this is placed a "slip-oif' cpatec
or jacket or. the net. extending in
length well below the hipVline and
with low fleck hd short sleeves
.."', '
School Trunks of Smart
QF; NECESSITY a school
must , carry things
dresses, warm wraps, hats, the thou
sand and one things for year dur-
ing the winter! months
as well as
charing dish, pictures, dishes,' drapes
a"d piljows to make gay and livable
me aormuory room. Constructed
to comply with-all requisites are the
roomy trunks at Treeling & Steinle's
Eighteenth and Farnam, built in
way most .pleasing as to smart ap-
ytoKH'i-c anu labimg use. Most in
tcrested arc the wardrobe 'trunk
which they make a specialty jn this
shop,- the Hartmann, Queen of
Wardrobe Trunks being featured.
New and Novel
"A Flexible Waist Line.
Just to prove that no" one style or
silhouette can rule a season? the
best designers areroffering any num
ber of frocks that feature srrfectly
normal wailt line. This right in the
face of the-aniiQutcemcnt, bulletined
broadcast as P forecast '.of what
would' be what in the matter of au
tumn styles, that the low waist line
would predominate.. This low
waist line is certainly a favorite, but
.the best designers know that women
insist on some individuality in dress
that not all women look their best
in straight frocks or those cut with
the waist line touching the hip curve.
Rompers For Kiddies.
Rompers or bloomer dresses made
of good . quality unbleached" cotton
cloth and trimmed - with colored
braid, smodeedN with color or em
broidered, arc very pretty and stylish
looking as well as most practical.
There is no -danger of fadinz and
the soiled places can be rubbed as
much as necessary wrtn' soao ' with
ou dger pf running any coloras
is apt to be the case with most
colored materials at present. -These
do not show the grime as ,; white
materials and look' well even-when
nearly, worn out. . ' . ..- ,
i . . 4 V
Everything Is Braided.' '
All sorts f intcresting'things are
done with cotton materials. 'Nothing
could be: simpler than' braiding
strands of organdie loosely and us
ing them to border a" pink satin neg
ligee and to finish the sleeves, as
well as for a girdle. Coarse" net is
also braided to make such;a'trim
ming Bright colored wooden
beads are strung on strands, 'before
they are braided to -introduce;!' bit
of unusual color. Ribb6nstitoo,.are
braided. Sometimes three ."different
colors are plaited into a loose'.strand.
. r
Titlf and Tri4mr XtchttrU'V.
.J. .1,.
1 fll -i