Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 05, 1920, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 10

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&SAR-BEN is the wori which
jpeels excitement for the au-
"tomn months m Omaha. The
ces, hf hkh everyone takes much
iteresti the various parades,, etab
ate -Specimens of tragreantry, the
irnivll events and finallv the -cor
cliatiotf ball willtnake the last two
cfccKsoi . acpremoer : iiny num.
vnarnnng nostesses are aireaay
'asking- plans or -box parties at the
aces and it i whispered that en
:husiattic ones declare they will
inly invite lovers of horse ilesh to
sit with tfffcm. 'More than one fair
maid is counting tier shekels and
wondering whether she 'will win or
lose on her favorite.
The H Uppers and the debutantes
and efeti their thothers are ijukirtf?
overtimes to nay so 4hat tnat per
fcctlvidear frock amd darling slip'
per and .wonderful fan may make
an initial .appearantwat the historic
den nd dadi.fliimself, has prob
ably akent atwther . JoblU&f, his
cloth-fr to see tht thiey are in "ap
ple phi" order , for ttjre occasion.
1 1
former bans wn, 9f recanea tms
year tfi, th'e one. of September ,'25 is
to be extremely simple. Decorations
are t be costly and elegant but
plain. A notej of dignity atcl re
serve will be noticeable throughout
the efiire ceremonies whih are t
be reiai; W tone put snort, never
Hhelesi ; ' . 1 :
Thfc dancing will begin much
tarliefttltan usual this year, ft Jias
been decided,, and, "without doubt,
this will especially pleasing to
those gnj attendance. -. f ,
jl-f Latheih-Breener. '
On Friday 'evening tit the home
fcf M& and Mrs. less Parlett, Miss
Marie-Breener of Charles City, la..
Ife-eima the bride of Hufchie Lathem
tof Ordaha, Rev. Charles W. Savidge
Dtuaiajing. inc nomc
tively -) decorated with red roses,
tarnafltms ahd ttmg Mr. and Mrs.
!Lathegi ifwll make "their . home in
Tea FW Viiitdr.
Vi-a Martha Smilley entertained
frioon (b honorvof Miss Bertha Sheafe
bf Otfpnvwa, la., who is visiting Miss
Burns,; "- ' -
The,4uests included! Mrs. Joseph
ton; Iterothy-Hippie, Hrfenf Parish,
Marget Parish, ttorothy Cye
iiaugh Dorothy Collier, Alrnanne
Camplell, Winifred Brandt, "Helen
'Aleman and Jejm mtAs. v
; Mr. Wylie Honored.
T'ansen Wvlie, wh'o is sum'"
Verinl at ion Beach, Cal.,"wa
honorfgUest at a delightful musical
' in LoS. Angeles recently. The hpst-
Estelle Browh-Miiis, a iprmer
nmiha f irt: received about 80 Los,
Angelis 'musical friends. '. One of the
a - .
interesting features of the program
was a group of songs by Rayftxindy
Harmon with the composer, Charles!
T. Ferry, at the piano. "Mrs. Mills!
was gowned in white laee and Mrs.
Wylie wore a costume of black cha'
meuse. An informal receptfcn -followed
the musical. Mrs. Wyjte ie
expected home September 15.
Country Cluh. I V
, VBenefit Card Party.
. About .40 attended the benefifcard
party given by the Second district,
Nebraska Federation of Women's
Clubs, Friday afrern&on in the' Grill
room 5f the Athletic club.
, The parTwas givtn lor the pUr
pose of raising money 14. pay off a
pledge "w hich the 'district, iade to
tho centfai fedcratton magaiinel; -
Many bought tickets ho did ol
attend the ttftair. ' c- Vf
Birthday Party . , ,
Elice Holovtchinrntertaind t
her httme in honor of het 15rtt WrtTt
day, Friday, September 3. Theffol
lowing guests were prettnr. t euliirt
Parmelce, Jean Hall. Marcella Fos
ter, Jeanne Jewell, prances Wihron.
Dorothy' Wallace, Helen Krug,
Qaire Abbott, Flora Root. Katharine
Gallagher, Alice Wiese, Annt Per
l'cy, Ruth Wallace, Miriam Benner,
The Prettiest Mile Woman's Gdlf .'
club will, tntertain at the home of
TMrs. Marvin Norris, 673S Florence
boulevard. Tuesday evening, Sep
tember 7, at a "stunt party." fhM
hdstesses forf the evening will be
Mrs Marvin wrris. Mrs. Ltila Nor
ris-Jerorfu?, Mrs, D. G.' Craighead,
Mrs. Thornas Rich and Mrei
McDonald. '
'For Mildred Walker,
Jack BeacomW intertain abftut
20 guests at the Wednesday jcyentng-
pmner dance, at the fieia fciuo w
honor pf Miss MildredvWalkerrwhft
leaves shortly to attend thcUnivet
sity of Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs.
Will Yoke will chaperon. A
Informal jTea, ; -V v
jMrs Lflcien-Stephens will I enter
tafn at tea Tuesday for Tier . sister
Mrs. William Sears Poppleton.jwlid
hasv spent the summer fa Omaha,
and who with her sonv William,
blans t& return to New York about
the middle of September. s
.Kappa Sig;na Club
The Kappa Sigma club of Omaha
and Cotmcil Bluffs iIK.4neet tor
luncheon and business meeting Sat
urday at 12:30 o'clock at the Urii
versity club, I9IZ jHarnty strjtet.
Amateur Musical Clak.
The winter meetings tdt the Ama.
teur Mjisical club will . bgi , tht
middle of October; '
, 7,., - nr . V.-
rhrs Ella
: : , :
' I ' ' v ' S-SJf:i f ,.. '1". .1
rState "Treasurer . of- LeagueP16.1? pn
- ,Y Suffrage
' Rights ;r
Country Club'
'Waje; Hall' entertained 14 guest
ii diser at the Country club. Sat-
U urdasl eveningV in honor of Fisher
jJoodlue of New York, who is visit-v
- ino afcth R. I. Dinmnst home. Mr.
Goodhue leavei' .Jionday for his
homeV ' ; '
'Misi Catherine Cartan entertained
at t inntr 'of 12 covers for Miss
KathWine Smyth of Washington,
D. C a uest at the Clarence Sib
bernsen home. '
lu fV. Wakeler entertained 17
guestt at the Saturday evening din
ner dinte at the Country club.- S.
S. Carlisle had eight guests. . v
J, A. Cavers' entertained at din
ner St the Country club Saturday
'.niiarr in K?tnnr Hi Mrs Titian Cof-
fey of;Ls Angles7lhe gtiest of Ui.'
and Mrs. H. H. Bawnge. ujvers
we're 'placed for MessVfc.a,nd Mes-
came c. o. esiuru""- A i -nedytsE.
T. Swobe a'nd R. H. Bal
drigei Mesdames Blanche, Patersonr
May Davidson and Titian Coffey,
Dr. C. A. Hulls Randall .Brown and
Col A. U. Scliipp 'and X, A, Cavers.
Miss Katherine .Connell ttertam
ed a party of, 10 at the Carter; L:
club dinner datict Saturday mning.
Mr. and Mrs. Evfe PotrVf Q
Joseph, Mo., are visiting their daugh
ter;. Mrs. W. R. Hyatt, . and ,-MK;
Hyatt a-- Vv- ,vvi
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Tetard W
Chambers, Neb., are spending the"
week end with Mr. Tetajd's rrtbtfret,
Mrs. Elsie Tetard. ,
Among others who entertained
field Club
Mr fcnd' Mrs. L M. Pegaa en
tertained at ditinet at the field -club,
Saturday evening. Thetr guests in
rlnttfd Dr. and Mrs.' Cfaodt Uren.
Dr. iha Mrs. Edward Bnmning,'
Melrs-and Mefflatties H. M. Gould
ing, iarl Bjrrck, Fraiiki Smith, Karl
Lewis, Milton Peteffeetl, ( William
Maloiley, Parker Mason arid Lee
HtifB Mrs. Madeline -Krug, Miss
. Mabel McClintock of ' Minneapolis,
a gtiest at the J"agau home,; E. A.
Stenwald and Edward Cassidy,; jr.,
of Whiting la. ' f ' V
Others , who entertained ' at
dinner included A. J. Viewing. H.vS.
McDonald. W. W. Trc-xe-H. Thfemas
Alletti C. E. Griffey, E. .L. Fodge,
R. F. Hansen, F. L. Weaver, Harry
Steel nd Eart-Allen. ' ; 5 -
R.iX. Van Ord4e1l entertaind'!50
guestl it the intermission, v; ; '
Mri Ensley Weir nvfR Entertain at
a bridge luncheon Thursday at the
Ffeldclttb. '
Mrs. CE. Johannes is state trcas-
urcr for- th Leaffue of Women
--. ,IT
'Voters. The organhsatibrt Jias beeh
making a statewide ' campaign foi
dissemination of information oh thfe
41 constitutional Amendmenta to
be otcd on September 21. Regis
tration, where necessary, must be
made : before , September -10. Mrs.
Johannes says she believes'tte next
font days will be busy ones at; the
Doitglas coimty court house, where
registratioit is going on.
't ' " ' 1 ,
.Concert 6hoir
v ,Whit Is -considered one of the
greatest musical 'organwations'
hi thfe 'wtyia, ,will be presented "
1 tt the' Auditorium in Omalia,
Septemher 2, by the Ladies' o,
tier b the First Ccrttral Cn
jrregatioftjil chufch, the Maun
tain AshWelsft tiiaJe toncert '
, choir. It is sVid that the tHfcr-
veteus Thcal singmg of 4his
ithoir S staiethihg never to be;
forgotten. ' Each member' is ''
Jthttsen because of his artistic
lvalue on.' the nrogram as a
wnoie., Jinere are no stars ana
" no inferior supporting mem-!
Ters; fl are 'soloists 'and 'Eis
ftddfod' prize winners."
werti Mis l-fenore Eck. who had
40 euests:, R. A..8ak?r. 6: R.; t.
S&uthern, 6W X Hokman, 4: JjE.
Hashes; 4; &4VMa$orf, 4. r h
A VI- '. . ,"7.7 ' ' - '
Miss Cornelia Bauhi leaves Sep
tember 26 for Los Ahgeles to' re
enter the Marlborough school. :
Xx Lakoma Club
'' H. H. Roberts entertained one of
the largest pattiss at the Lakoma
Country Nlub "dinner dance Satur
day , evening, when covers -were
placed for 24 guests.
Among others who entertained at
(he dinner dancf Were:. Mrs, Tames
Adams, who had 20 guests; Mrs. E.
McGlasson, 20; Miss Irma Talbey,
12 and;W. B. Cheek. 10,, ,
" ( - '
Sam C rmead, wtiols spending
a few days in Chicago, will leave
soon f-pr Canada, returning to Oma
ha about the first of October.
' - ' V. r.
r i Society Notices ,
All items for, the Stmda$ So
ciety , coUimris should be in the
office of the Society Editor n
Friday. Items reteived eithfr by
'photie or mail later than JO :30
Saturday morning cannot be used
Sunday. Phone -Tyler 1000. i
' -'Voiien have the risht to regis
irr flnr) v'nlA .in a,tl States under the
19th aiuicndment to the federal con-J
stitutioiv ,aia Mrs, virne, nap
man Catt ' in a statement issued
recenthr at the headquarters of the
National AmericanVVoman aunrage
associai'dn. ,-.v
"Tti federal amendment is rati
tied, all nti-suffragists tct the con-
tt-arw nrrfufithsfandirtir. airl . Mrs.
Vatt. "Every' woman" in hV land
not disauairfied by any discnmina
tion other than sex. his a right to
vntp iindtr the federal constitution
If anv state authority denies, her
that privilege it is "her right to de-
iiand it in the courts, n vs possiDie
for a thiefto declare-that a diamond
riiie is his because it is in his pos
session. It is sometimes necessary
for the owner 'to prove his right of
ownership un the court. Ihis is a
parallel noiv with the woman's vote.
No honorable stat will deny it trf
the women. . " v. , ,
' Mrs. Catt calfld. attention to the
statement of Charles Ei Hugjies that
"the amendment will be immediately
seltrtxeCutlig and ViM , render "in
valid and Ithercfore ineffective any
existing provision m any state con
solution or statute estaDHshinff a
suffrage disqualification solelyupon
the ground: of sex." '
Mrs. Caft also called attention to
fjh rcentl statement by William
Jf oward Tjift: It 'follows frdm this
antnontatija-consiruction - oi tne
ISth amedment ' that the v 19th
amendment as passed ddes not need
any affirma!tive action by the states
to give womtn the right torote at
once. It is self-execiiting. It. by
its own force, amends every .elec
tion law d every state ov as
to include il the state, electorate
women as wUl as men, where jonly
men were gten the right to vote
before. Of tourse, a woman can
not vote whoif she. had been a man,
could notraw votea unaer tne laws
of! the state Where she lives.1 ; She
inflst in aU'rspect3 have tlie Quali
fications whim men voters, must
have under th; election lawsyit if
she fulfills t(es requirements she
can vote and the state '-cannot pre
vent her so ding, kndo delay of
the state in retognizing. or acting on
the new amctdment cnv prejudice
her right to vlte.
"Election ofScers of the state who
impede or ctriy her right to vote
expose thtmsaves to prosecution
under sttfitei whether federal or
Mate enacted jo protect citizens in
their lawful rtht to vote. It may
well beMhat Ihe doubling f the
number oi votirs in every state, by
this amendment will reauire for the
convenience oil voters,: amendments""
M the electioit. laws of. the staff
bit such inccevenience cannot Ift
made, any exrute for preventing wo(
men from execisiug the fanohise. J
. By Whcial satement from the
State departmctt in Washington,
M4s Caroline-, Reilly, headquar
ters secretary .-f the National
League of Wonen Voters, assur
ance of the legality of the women's
vote is established. This statement
given Miss Reiljf s that'"the secre-f
tary of state's proclamation ' tpm-i
pleted tlk ratifJcatlon, arid that no
further tiotificatifti k necessary. All
thewomen of il . the states . have
Ow the right tri
registration. , If
Happy ' Hollow
Mr; and 'Mrs." J.'T. Yates had s
their iujests at dinner, SiaturdaT eve
"ning, St Happy Hollow club, Dr. and
Mrs.?J.f 1 vfacMullen, Mrs. Victor
, Caldwell. Misses Mildred and Dor
' othy ejl itor and J1"1 Caldwell
and Jamie McMullen.
Other! entertaining included Tohn
: L. Webster, G. W. Carey. Dr. D. T.
' Quigfeyi D. J. Adams, 'J. W. Elwood
and W. M. Burton. -
SThe Foolish
lt:Virgin" :
o4 that She hat ,the Vote
rhtt will She do with it?
Will She go to the Polls v
On September 21 and
VoU en the constitution as She
Onartit tiv tiv nr will Shi tfnrcpf
That voter must register v.
By September 10 J
As4-'be like the virgin
ThtE poor, foolish -virgin .
Wh forgot to have
HerT lamps trimmed and burn-
tog? - . .
The- .wise ones will go . ! ,
T the Court House i , "
Sefore September 10. ,V
oie which Jtinl. are you?
proceed with their
any , oojccuon is
raised by any officials in the states,
the women should telegraph direct fmg in Shallow plates is apt to tricklo.
to the Statedepartment at Washing
ton and receive official assurrauce."
.The'olates for oysters, which will
be jnuch in: evidence this fall, are
tor expe-
deeper than heretofore.
rience' has show
n that theice
over the edce. The cup for the cock-
tail sauce should be, of course, di-r-rtlv
iii the? center and wtll packed
dowri' in the heart of the ke. Oyster J
plates with indentations, lor indi
vidual oysters are passe- and have
been relegated to the limbo of the
salt pepper and vinegar castors of
early 90s. September
usekteping. - t
The honor of leing the' youngest
woman in Wisconsin, if' not in the
UwitSiatcS. to pass atate bar ex- ,
amiifition goes to Mis Belle Bor.
ton of Milwaukee.-'who a the age l'
of 22 years becomes a full-fledged
lawyer. ' . -a f , .
One MorelWeek o
i..w.:-,-. ...... .A . JS.
YOU.t - l- ' :'.--' ' -
" W&.ar doing ti)in rigfctvnow-cuttmg the price ia two on our bsautiful relection o,
La Tosca. JUchdieu and Blue Besrd.Fterl Neckaces. ; - .
i':'.Ainir -oftJV W ifA niiDTSiiur A S - .
- s
k II ft 41
' ,, ''-' ;' i , ' - v ' --' -.-.- .1 I
the uw i ve Irs al car
- Thfc Iteti I?QMbcut it a Rtinabout b reality-- tegular busineas messenger, aoTving the qtlestion of
econornicBi ind cjtlkk tJalisportAtibri. JThe Contractor, Btulder, TVavelkuJ Salesman,Xolkctor, Solicitor,
all find the Ford Jftttstibcjat the rooat oasvenient as well as the most economical among motor cars. 'Low
v in purchase price, cost of operation, and low in cost of maintenance. Durable in service, and useful every
day in the year. Leave your order with any one of the dealers listed below.
V t
Universal Motor Company
C E. Paulson Motor Company
Adkins Motor Company
McCaffrey Motor Company "
SamplHart , Motor. Company
2562 Leavenworth St
20thand Ames Ave.
4911 So. 24th St.
15tK and Jackson Sts.
18tMBurtSto. V 1
'-If. t i - - . II
i .You. .will make money by looking injo these
very. bst i Parisian Pearl' Necklaces. ' Come
early'MOyDAY and have
in n
A set laid away.
j .
g - .- ,
Genuine La Tausca Pearl lleoklaces, inde- ' Gsnuine La Tausca Pearl Necklaces, 24 in.
.etructible and surely, beautiful, 30 inches tegular price $62.00 v ' djo 1 " AA
regular price $75.00.; -.- 7 Cff 8al Price .Pp iUU
Bale Price....... Wl.'wyf :. r ( Geatiine Richelieu Pearl Necklaces 24 in.,
Genuine La Tausca Pearl NecKaces 20 most beautiful and, evenly mitched Pearls,
Regular pnee $65.0(J. -. VA CYr . regular price $30.00
Sale Price. . .'. vO 6 aWll , ' Sale Price
Genuine Richelieu Pearl Necklaces, 18 in., Genuine Richelieu Pearl Necklace, 30- in.7
Diamond, White Gold Clasp, 18 inches- ' ' you surely will appreciate these necklaces.
regular price $40.00 Cj'O.A A A Regular price, $35.00
Sale Price .............. uVfciv.vy Sale Price ..
Out entire stock of Genuine Blue Beard 'Pearl
will be closed out at. ONE-HALF of regular price y
ecklace, 30 -in.-;
Aeso necklaces.
Exclusive Alarm Clock Sale
0' keep time
and has a
good alarm.
Special Sale of Cut jGlass Water Sets
Water Pitcher, 6 tHasses -
14 Inch .Beveled Mirror Plateau ' jm
Complete Set 5Q75
Onlv 22 Sets in Stock f VT
' 5006 o he most beautiful Cut 'Glass Pieces
will be' sold at y lMieeM(incla, 'Tuesday awd
Wednesday. " -. .' 4 .v ' '
0 .;'. ' Come Early Is Our Adyice
Brcdegaard Bros.
1 1
- I x '
f'tM $1.79 buys fthis SI? 'if
W Mft J dock. . AVe' only -'C ,1
I w - -tJm i haYe 500 'm stoc - ' f
:l IJi 5ljry -get yourt before S . Ij
; the1 stock h sold l I';
D V . out . Wa cannot- f ' " J J
v ",, sell -any more at x x v , ..
. ,16THAND. :JJ
a4.f Sfen of tAe -Crown Vp the' Golden Stair$v
'X '
.. .1
I 1 ;
ft. -r..
'. . V,': --- W,