I III H 'IV V THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 4. 190 LEADERS WORRIED OVER OUTLOOK IN SUFFRAGE FIGHT Fear Present Situation May Result in Serious Compli cations at Election. ' Lhlcago Tribune -Uniulm Br I.ntstd Wire. Washington, Sept. 3. Fears that litigation growing out of .ratification of the woman suffrage amendment may reult in serious; complications in the forthcoming election 'are be ginning to agitate political leaders here. . The possibility that legal proceed ings growing out of, the 'problem, rendered more complicated by the re- eeut action of the Tennessee housed i of. repi esentJlives in rcscinttne its I ratification vcte, might ntbe de j cided by tlie supreme court of the United "States until after the presi dential election, is regarded as the j most alarming prospect in the situa tion. . If litigation should result in a de cision that the 19th amendment had not been legally ratified, politicians fear that thenational election might be thrown into the house of repre sentatives for a decision and also that numerous , congressional " elec tions might be questioned...' Former United Evangelical ... Bishop Dies at Harrisburg ffrrisburg, Pa.. Sept. 3. Re v.' Dr. H. B. Hartzler, formerly bishop of the United Evangelical church and editor for many years of the Evan gelical, the official organ of that de nomination, 'died at his home here today, aged 80, after an illness of some months. Dr. Hartzler was at one time a colleague of the late D. L. Moody, the evangelist. I Take Elevator -Save $10 v BARKER'S BOYS' LOfJG PfifJTS SUITS Have Style That Boys Getting Their First Long Pants Suit Wish These Suits are made for ages 15 years to 20 years and are made and cut for that build of Doy. NEWEST FALL STYLES AND COLORS '' $35 and $40 All Wool Suits f Young Men's and Men's New Fall Styles are Here $30 to $80 SUITS and , TOPCOATS, at . Twenty Feet Above High Prices ,v Barker Clothes ( 4 A . -;y I '$20to$70 9r 2nd Floor. 16th and Farnam Securities Bldjr. M ,v V.' iDia to Sound'Proof Testing - . - . .. Rooms on Our Main Floor pive Pri vacy in Choosing. , ' Columbia Records "' Without a Peer Just a still pool iii the "forest mirrors all the col-, oil of Nature sparkles inXhe sunshine and darkens with the ' passing shadow of a cloud so Columbia Records reflect the color, Vivacity, light and shade of evety fleeting mood or emotion. ' 1 ,.r4 Truthfully reflected , and reproduced, it . gives 'back a picture of an artist's rendition as true 'as life itself. ' ".; - ' ... '. ; Hear These New Records y -The live Nest," "Song of the Orient," Fox Trots, $1 -Dance-OOlifWia," "Sloir and Easy," Fox Trots. The St Lonls Waes," "Home, sickness Bines,". ... y. . j Marlon Harris "la Sncct September" .... . , poison "Early la the Morning". .. . Crumit : . . :. ' -Chile Bean," "Bells ol Monterey," Fox Trots. . t Melody In F, "The Snan". . rablo Casals, 'Cellist 'Somehow," Fox Trot1.... ...t Ted Lewis I Kuw Mhy," Medley, Fox Trot. t "left All Alone Bines," "Everybody Bnt 5fe" Marion Harris LIBERAL CREDIT TERMS NO INTEREST CHARGED $4 Sixteenth Between Harney 'and Howard ... . K.. 1 ... , . .. . I f' . ' , AGENT FOR COX GETS TO CHICAGO WITH EMPTY GUN Ed H. Moore Fails to Produce yEvidence 'AgafnstARepubli-" cans at Senate Investiga tion Probe Candidates. By JACK ROHAN. Chiraro Tribune-Omaha Bn Leaxd Wire. Chicago, Sept. 3. The senatorial Unvestigatiijja: committee, hearintf evi dence on the charges of -Governor Cox that the republican national committee "was raising a slush fund of $15,000,000 with which to attempt to buy the presidency" recessed at noon yeslerdajf' until September 7, with the republican party still in one piece.' ' . Ed II. Moore of Youngstown, O., Governor Cox's preconvention man ager, who was heralded earlier in the day -as on his .way from Governor Cox with the evidence to shoot the party to smithereens, arrived and in formed Senator Reed his gun wasn't loaded. The ammunition was in other hands. He would "give the leads and the committee could get trie neces sary information ; direct." He' had Come "not to testify, but to listen to the evidence for Governor Cox." Senator Reed opined that he want ed "facts, not leads wanted the men who could testify of their own knowl edge as compeent witnesses in any reasonable tribunal as to the matters at issue." 1 ; v Decide on Recess. . Mr. Moore informed Senator Reed he could not do that. There was a conference of the committee. By' agreement it was decided to take the recess, have ' Senators Reed and Pomerene get the names of. the com petent witnesses from Mr. Moore and issue subpoenas fqr the next meeting of the committee. While the conference was going on, Mr. Moore gave a statement to the ,rcporters, saying "the committee was not seeking evidence," and that it was within the power of the com mittee to give Truman H. Newberry plenty of good republican company." The effect of this on the commit tee was such that after the confer ence lasting the greater part of the, afternoon, a decision was reached to "blow the lid" off the entire politi cal financial situation, independent of any charges of Governor Cjx or of fhe counter charges made by the republicans. It was-learned that thc committee would probe the activities of every political machine republi can and democratic down to the smallest ward unit- and that it ex pected to uncork a series of scan dals that would end once and for all, the use of large sums of money in political campaigns. ,( The first move was the Issuance of subpoenas for J.! C. Brysoiv Bra zil, Jnd., Mrs. Jacob Bauer, Chica go; Fred A. Miller,. Columbus; W. K. Woodford. Cleveland; Dudley S Blossom, Cleveland; Garrett De For est Kinney, Peoria, III.; Walter Die? key, Kansas City, Mo.,, and H. G.' Gawett, Winchester, Ky, - ' s Call on Blair. ' V Subpoenas were" , also issued for Henry, N. Blair assistant to Fred W. Upham, treasurer of thet repub lican national committeejwho, Mr. Moore said, was "the financial genius of the republican organiza tion and father.1 of the city quota .64c Another Week . . of Values Time changes many, things, j but time never stops the I Bowen Co. frpm offering each, and every week values people appreciate. Look at this price listing for the week: ' -One second carload of Ma son Fruit Jars received Sat urday morning and go on sale Monday morning, cemtinuinjj; untu spiu. , 1 .quart Maten Fruit Jan, per dozen. . a (1 dozen to cuitomer) Boyd's Zinc Lined Jar Capi 18c per dozen OP 2 dozen OD CI (2 dozen to customer) Heary Jar Rubbers, dozen, only (5 dozen to customer) Post Toatie, 3 pkgs. O C only 40C. , Acme Ice .Cream Freezers Freezes cream in three min utes and will be found so handy for the making of the . last-minute dessert. , fit riied at OOC Bowen Brooms' .JSupply going fast OO. Get yours at once. . . . vC! Aluminum Stew Kettles ;:::,$i;45; . v Electric Irons ; Six-pound d O A C irons Pe4ai70 V.,- ' i :Mowmt & BMHBaaanp,M7' iU3 valuivj.i rroac" 1 5c Let Cuticura Be Your Beauty Doctor Sff.Oiti.Mf Jte.wp whm. Fmunla dw:OMtoanUtaralwlM,BU, BUI, atai I hV, 5 TJ a. Ifonev back without aucalaoa if HUNT'S Salve fallt in tin treatmanteriTCH.BCZSMA. RINGWORM. TBTTBR ar ether Itehlaf Ua diaeaae. Try plan;" for Mr. Moore himself, and for a number of republican field agents whose names the committee refused to. make public. Senator Kefd, democrat, then asked to ob tain from Mr. Moore the name of every person who. and a description of every .document, which' would in any measure substantiate the charges made n his statement. Before the failure of Mr. Moore to ; roduce the'proof of Governor Cox's charges caused the recess the com mittee heard Senator Miles Poindex tcr, of Washington, chairman of the senatorial cnniniittpp nf thp renuh- lican national committee, and Her- nan E. Henko, the "treasurer of the oung Men s Republican league, with offices, in Chicago. Senator Poindexter testified that the senatorial committee's fund had been fixed at $200,000 and that he expected to spend the greater part of it in the campaigns in Ohio, Okla homa, New Hampshire. New York, Maryland, Kentucky, Indiana,' Mis souri, Wisconsin. Iorth Dakota. Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Cali fornia, Arizona, Nevada, Ltah Colo rado and possibly Connecticut. Mr. Hanko testified that his or ganization was attempting to spread republican propaganda among young men and raising money to do it. ,He said it was in no way directly con nected with the national committee beyond that "we're air for Harding and Coolidge." Ship Plants Open Shops to ' . Prevent Union Domination liobile, Ala.. 'Sent. 3. DVclarinz thai it was not their intention to fight union labor, but to "stop un ion domination of their plants, seven of the largest shipbuilding and ship repair plants of Mobile have announced an "open shop" policy. The company officials in a public notice announced that all union men in their employ desiring to remain would be kept at work. Building Permits Show Big Gain Over Last Year show: Permits issued. 8.1: total in vestment of $195,150. August last year: 184 permits, $783:110. ; The city buildtng department re- months nf this vr was SI 1 R4t40fl- corresponding period of last year, $4,620,0'2." ; Sell Navy Ordnance Plant. Washington, Sept. 3. Sale of the iiaval ordnance. plant at Dayton,. O., to John F. Omcr of Dayton for $144,000 was announced by the Navy department. The plant was pur chased by the navy during the war for the manufacture of fire control instruments. Samuel Goldwyn Quits ; Picture Corporation -: ; , , After Disagreement ' Xc'w ' YorkSept. 3. The resigna tion of Samuel Goldwyn as president of the Goldwyn Ticture corporation, which h'e' has headed since its or ganization four Sears ago,1 was an nounced today.' Mr. Goldwyt bus also resigned ds a member Ojf the executive committee but will retain his stock holding and will continue as a member of the board of di" rectors. ' . " Mesmore Kendall, wfio built the Capitol theater here which was, re cently affiliated with the Goldwyn interests, ha? been chosen director in charge pf the company, pending the election of a new president. A disagreement over, the policy of the organization is rumored, is the cause of Mr. Goldwyn's resigna tion.' . Sugar Refiners Cut , Price to That Asked ; ; ' ' . By the Speculators vNci York, Sept. 3. Announce ments ' were made today bringing prices fir refined sugar to about the same basis at which "sccondMiand", or-speculators' stocks .recently have been seUing. The -ifcdcral Sugar Refining com-: pany announced new reduction of a cent a pound, rliaking its price for fine granulated 13 cents a pound less 2 per cent." Arbuckle Bros, did not change tk;eir list price, although they an nounced late Islst night they were offering limited amounts of fine granulated at 15 C'l.nts a pound. Ihis is sugar that had.' been bought by speculators, or others who 'have re-, turned it to. refineries to be "sold' at. the best price obtainable." , Sure Relief 6 BlLL-ANS Hot water Sure Relief mn. ll-ans y FOR INDIGESTION Paris Papers Comment On Receptions fcf peschanel Jaris, Sept. 3. 'resident Dcscha nel's diplomatic receptions, occur ring today at Kambouilct, his couu- try home, are receiving considerabls attention from Uc press, this being the first tiite such ceremonies have been held since, the accident which, befell the president on his railway, journey hist May. ( . 'Xijte Store of the Town" FALL CLOTHES FOR ' MEN AND YOUNG MEN . '...'. - a ," ' ' ' v Featuring the thorough workmanship and careful selection of all-wool fabrics thafgoes with the making of . BROWNING KING CLOTHES -ana tnere's a reason wny we can make and sell High-Grade Clothing for less than you pay elsewhere there is no middleman's profit, a saving to you of 'U at least ' 25 Browning v I AIMM . . x King iQ nit i. s . GEO. T. WlLSON, Manager On Sale Saturday New Fall "Q A M PI R"- GTTTTQ a m i m i w .: m n . i . 1 i v m m i m - m v m On Sale Saturday Values to $79.0 Every Wanted: Color, Style and Material 9 TT SIOUX CITY NEW YORK Special for Saturday v NEW YORK ' , - OMAHA flL LINCOLN Special for Saturday Great Special Purchase Sale of New;AiMimh Not yet unpacked; will fill the tablesin our big' Millinery Section Saturday morning An assortment of hundreds of beautiful hats, bought at great price concessions and offered at far below' their real values; an assortment too large and varied to describe and from the fore most Trimmed Hat' Makers in New York City. Every ColorEvery Style 7 $1 h Hats Every Trimming Every Mlaterial t w . Pdrm&Vek Velvet Models, Felttfats, Tinsel Cloth Combinations y Feather iNov v elty, Effects, Dwetynams,t P lain and Embroidered and Hundrms Others , MILLINERY SECTION SECOND FLOOR a --i..r a. Ml 7 eeak bos at our nik. I , Skannaa f McCbbmII Drum Ca V ,1; - ' ' ' '