THE OMAHA BEE Minister Is Fined for , . Catching FishToo $mall Brattleboro, Vt, Sept. 3. The lure of a trout stream, which caused the Rev. Edward W. Wild of West minster to absetit- himself from the sessions of the North field (Mass.) conference, brought him a fine of $35 and costs in court here. lie was fishing in a brook at Vernon when the sheriff topped to ask how they were biting. The fisherman showed a catch oi 27 trout in his basket, but the sheriff picked out several and, sayiiif? they lacked the necessary length, aum moned Mr. Wild to court on a charge of catching short trout.' The min ister said he had measured the fish by his hand and thought them long enough, but the court imposed a fine. Father Cursed His Unborn Child, Chicago Mother Says ' Chicago. Sept. 3. A father's curse on his unborn child is the principal allegation, cited in a divorce case in Chftrago. Henry L. Hertz, former state treasurer, coroner of Cook county and internal revenue collector for the Chicago district, is the de fendant in the action. 1 That her husband pronounced the curse that "he hoped his baby would be brought into the world without legs or arms," is the claim of Mrt. Hertz, who tells a lurid story of the alleged cruelties inflicted upon her However, the child was born unaf' fected by her father's unseemly wish. Women Picket Markets In Boycott on Chickens New York, Sept. 3. A strike against chickens is -the latest move to bring down the high cost of living, according to about 100 women, who picketed the shops of butchers and chicken dealers here in an effort to discourage the buying of chickens until prices are reduced. The strike was initiated'' bv the joint board of the State Socialist Consumers' league. Fifteen branches of the league have endorsed the strike and urged members to refrain from buying fowl at present and to picket shops where it is sold. Mrs. Pose Elian, who organized the strike, said that the price of chickens already had been brought down as a result of the boycott. Eagle Delays Ball Game. Chicago, , Sept. ; 3. A Rocky Mountain eagle recently interrupted a ball gatue'here betweiv two frater nal order teams. A batter had just lifted a lusty clout skyward wheU the bird swooped down and collided with the sphere. Players pursued the eagle, which was caught when it came, entangled in a tree. One outl Bee Want Ads Are Best Business Getters. , 1 IS Don't Miss ; the Manny Splendid Offerinpin Qur Big September Me of Furniture andlHImeFiiiiriniisMngs Store Hours: 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. ) I IT V7 Y J Ml V O r A Superb Showing of Kew Combined . : A In immense showing of the new Young Men's this new styles in and Boys' , Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits For 32 years the home of thesr splendid clothes. We're offering 'his season assortments we believe ihe most' complete shown west of Chicago. i t V We. guarantee them to satisfy you your idea of satisfaction. : Could you want or ask more? There's real economy in buy ing these clothts for they last longer. Hayden's Special '.Suits and Overcoats A wide range of splendid new styles iii high-grade fabrics and all 'splendidly tailored the best dv-Vr J (f M moitey.enn buy to sell at the prices.; $ejJ 3.11 Q if4U ' Let XTs Fit Youlna Tall Suit. : -: Li 11 THE CASH STORE A Remarkable Sale of Hats SAVE MONEY HERE SATURDAY $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00 Hats Worth $13.50 up to $19.50. A millinery event unequaled so early n the season. Large Dress Hats in panne velvet, Irimmsd with glycerined and full flue ostrich. Silk duvetyne embroidered in metal and soutache. Cbse fitting draped models of panne or duvetyne. Smart, irregular sha pes of polished plushj aand velvet, trimmed with novelty ornaments. Clever of f-the-f ace models of Lyons' velvet trimmed with fancy stick pins. . ; . HATTER'S PLCSH 8A1I0BS In a splendid 800 TRIMMED HATS Specially priced for tils variety of styles, worth $10.00, special cash price, sale, and every hat worth considerably more than today, at $7.50 we ask the price Is $5.95 V ; . J t . : ; : : LIDS FOR THE KIDS Hats that appeal to the youngsters, assortment unlimited and priced just a little less than elsewhere FOR SATURDAY-SPECIAL CHILDBED'S BeKyERS 'Worth to $12.50, on sale $7.50 Store Hours: 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. - , A Superb Showing of New Fall Styles in Women's Outer Apparel Several Attractive - Specials In Saturday Sales Special Dress Values Saturday, at $39.50 ' Dresses. Made to sell , up . to $65, at this price Saturday. Your choice of J10 smart style dresses suitable foristrcet, afternoon, theater, dinner or dance wear. Materials: Satins, meteors, taffetas, georgette, combina tion tricotine and serge, elegant values, sizes for ladies and misses, special Saturday .$39.50 Special Suits, . Saturday, at $29.75 Your choice Saturday! of 85 early Fall suits made up in serges, sil veftones and velours; colors, navy, brown, reindeer, jade, henna and burgundy; sizes for misses and ladies. Suits like the above us ually sell at $39.50. Saturday special ..,$2975 - -- - We are outfitters of of stout and extra 'large size., coats, suits, dresses, skirts and waists. ' ' Coat Special, at $25.00 200 coats suitable for early fall wear made up ' in velours and polo cloth, serges, gabardines, tweeds, silvertones. Made in many styles, lengths vary. Styles suit able for misses, ladies and stouts, all oolors including navy and black 'coats in this lot sold up to $45, Saturday i. .$25 Toilet Goods and Drugs Specials L Trefl. and Aur. Face Powder, ow cash price. $1,48 $1.00 MaV, etim, our aih . price . . ..t.....i.. i. , f,... TBf ,40c J erg-en Almond 'Lttlenu our price ............ G . . .15C ' ioo Oaorono . (for perspira tion), our price 25- JOe Pompien Nrit Cream, our price 21c (Oc Mennen'g Bor&ted Tal cum, our price... 19 10c Coco Hardwater Castile, our cash price .7it $2.00 Hot Water Bottle-(guaranteed one year), our special cash price 91.00 ;l 25 Llsterlne, our price.. Lii fjrroe, our cash, price.), our cash price..... 5l iun Glycerine (3 ounce bot tle), our price....; 21 :jc Kpeom Salt (2-lb. pack- - - age), our price ....15 Uc Glycerine aand Rosewater, (3 oz. bottle) our n(ice.,.21 'Oc Aspirin Tablets, our cash price, per dozen..... ...... 12 An Underwear Opportunity Underwear Manufacturer's, sampleiciine of' Snen's medium weight cotton pib ; union suits in ecru and white, all sizes, values to i $2.50, Sattir- j 1 day .. ... a... :v. ...... $J.5 Sale of Men's , About 50 . dozen men's ' cotton flannel hirts, priced Saturday ' for quick clearance,1 sizes ,14 to X6V2, values to $2.50, ' ir? at...;:.......... Pl.lU Men's $2,45 Dark Oxford Sweaters All sizes included in-t)iis lot, sweater C1 H C- coat style and roll collar,, at. . kJ Men's Cotton Socks In all colors, formerly ("!'. selling at 30c, Saturday 5 for......'.........4)l Mea'a ForaLhi.B;. Main EJear.- UW I') J A Ji V : Remarkable Values Ih Women's and Children's Hosiery Firat Quality hosiery that will give the best of service at the lowest price. , - All Silk Hose, ull fashioned, with open work instep, black, white and cordovan, valufS sold up to $6.50, Saturday, at.'. $4.50 Wonieft's Fall Faskioned with lisle tops and soles, best grades, black, white, cordovan and navy, 13.75 values, at. ......... : . .$2.25 Misses' Thread Silk Hose, with seamed back, all sizes, black, white and cordovan, $1.75 values, pair..'. -98 Bojs' and Girls' Medium and Light Weight Bibbed Hose, with double knees, trlaek, white, aordovan and; tan, sold regularly at 75c, our cash price, pair ,. . r ...... 1 59d Chlldrei's Light Weight Ctton Hose, special Saturday, 3 pairs SI Sept. 7th You can drJbss the " children styliSnly and well a,t a minimum of expense here Saturday. m mm . HVjaaBk Sep 7th 4 host of remarkable values in Children's School Clothes offered von in our Sfvntemhev Sales. Siflfurflflv. , . - School Shoes Under Priced - Shoe Department Main Floor. Get the Children Ready With . Dependable Shoes at Hayden Prices. Big GirlsJ Shoes, in button,up to size'4io, with a few lace shoes, in llack aand brown, broken lines, in valuea up to $5.50, cash price J. ...h...$3.50 Misses' and Children's Kid Lace Shoes, with good sole Jeather'soles, in sizes from 8V2 to 2, good $3.50 values, cash price, at .... .., . .......... .". $2.50 Boys' Ouri Metal English Lace hoes, in. sizes 2'2 to 5V2, 1 with soles that give good satisfaction, cash price. . . .$3.50 Little Gents' Box Calf Bluchers, in black and dark brown, with good solid firoodyear stitched soles, in sizes 10 to 1312, cash price , .' -$3.50 Big" Boys' and Men's Dark Brown and Black Gun Metal, Box Calf and. Glazed Colt Blucher and Lace "Sltoes, with Goodyear welt soles, cash price... v. . !-v .$6.50 ' Come in Saturday Morning If Possible. Children's Dresses, Coats, Etc. Children's Department Second Floor. 1 Girls' Wool Sweaters, all sizes, special values, Satur day at .. $5.95 Little Tots' Wool Sweaters and slip ons, special values, Saturday at $3.95 Girls' Gingham School Dresses, all sizes, worth $5, Sat urday $2.98 Girls' Fine Gingham Dresses, all sizes,' worth $8.95, Sat, urday '. : ......$5.00 Girls' Early Fall Coats, worth up to $25, Saturday. $14.75 Girls' Rain Coats and Capes, all sizes, Nwofth $5, Satur day $2.98 Girls' Wool Peter Thompson Dresses, sizes S to 16, spe cial $12.75 Little Totjs Early Fall Coats, worth $12.50 to $15.00, Saturday . . , '. .$7.50 Girls' Wash Middies, $2.95 values, Saturday. .... .$1.95 Girls' Dressy Silk Dresses, . worth $18.50 to '$25.00, sizes 8 to 14, Saturday. -. . . $15.00 Saturday Specials In Our Infants' Wear Department 1 ..... $1.00 Sale Your choice of many baby's Dresses, Tetticoatsi Shirts, Bonnets, Gowns, Sacks, Bootees and Shoes, ralues up to $2.00, Saturday, at. , .$1.00 50c Saturday will buy a Baby Band, Shirt, Slip, Bonnet,' Hat tie, Diaper, Jiffy Pants and other baby's wear. .Values up to $1.06, Saturday, at. .50 Many Specials for Saturday Women's and Children's Fall and Winter Underwean Specials in New Ribbons For School Girls p: Dainty Hair Ribbon, in plain ' and floral designs, 6-inch wide; regular value, yard 75c, Satur "day'a special, yard 49 Dainty Hair Ribbon, T-inch wide, V in floral designs.-toth light and dark; regular value, yard H.00; Saturday's special, yard.V.69J Silk Moire Ribbon, 6-incji wide, ; In white, rose, cardinal? navy, black and red;' regular value, 75c; Saturday's special, yd-59. , Heavy Satin Ribbon, 7-inch wide, . in plain colors, both light and'' rdark; regular value 11.75 yard; Saturday's special, yard.$l,25- . Rrhb Det-Mala FUof. I Boys! School Suits A splendid lot of stylish Knicker Suits with two pairs of trousers, qualities usually sold at $20.00 and $25'.00. Special Cash September Sale Price $14.50 Boys' School Caps and Hats A big variety of styles ind col ors for -selection, all splendid values, at... . . . -75d to $3.00 . Boys' Shirts Uhe well known K. & S. brand, all guaranteed, the best you can buy for service, at. $2.00 and $3.00 Boys' Blouses The well known K.' & S. bradcl, a wide range of patterns, and all guaranteed, prices .... $1.50 to $2.50 Boys' Clothing Departments-Third Floor. Girls' School Needs in the 1 Corset Section - Ferris Waists m ' Button or hook front, all sizes, at..... -....$1.50 and $2.00 Muslin Underwear Ideal or H. & W. brands, all sizes, 2 to 12 years, our cash prifce, at 75 M Knit Waists In all sizes, from 2 to 14 years, on sale, at 49 .Canet Dept. Secand Vloor. Women's Fine Lisle Union Suits. With tight knee or lace botton, reg ular price 98c; one sale. . . . 69 Women's Fine Lisle Vests. With hand crochet yokes, regular price (9c, on sale .....50 Italian Silk Vests. Extra heavy quality with bodice tops or band tailored tops, plain or embroidered fronts, regular price $4.50. on sale Envelope Chemise. Fine nainsook or batiste, white or flesh, yoke, back and front made of dainty lace and ribbon, regular price $1.75, on sale; . .31.50 Windsor Crepe Night Dresses. White with pink or blue dot, regular price $3.50, on sale J. $2.50 . Crepe de Chine Chemises.-tHand embroidered and 'lace " trimmed with ribbon shoulder straps, regular $4.98 and $5.98 values, on sale ...$3.9S 1 1 i ' 1 Blouse Special Saturday Blouse! Special ; Saturday 400 Xen lp-to-the.Iinnle!Sijles in Georgettes, Crepe de Chines and Tricolettes, in fancy embroidered or beaded styles or plain tailored shirt styles, blouses worth to $12.75, Saturday, cash pfice..$6.95 A Complete Line of Middies" for girls, misses and ladies; at very special prices. Every up-to-date style shown here. Great Buying. Opportunities in Our Grocery Department for Saturday Read Our Advertisement I lb; whit or ytllow Corn " UmI Fancy Japan Ric. lb 19 Hand ylckcd Nary Beans, lb... .10c Bulk Oatmaal. lb. Ke. cana Parn'"tach ........tie Xa- it cam Peachta. ach 3Ae Fancy 8uar Cam. I lb. cans i.te'M Karly Jua Pcaa, t lb. cana . . . CanalMi. Ft r Wilson Milk.. ran 1J Pana4 California Tomatoes, can. 11 Tall fancy Pink Salmon Sfle Fancy Ala Salmon, can. 40c ACf V . :' can.. 10a Salmon. cans ...toe Assorted Kamo Soups, Fancy Columbia F.lver 4 cana OH Sardines !&o Large cana Mustard Sardines. each 100 Booth's Sardines In tomato sauce. each JSe 10 Oi. jar Sweet' Pickles ...!5e Larr bottls Purs Cider Vinegar 15a f.ra Jhis Sour Plcklea. ech....33e Spsahettt. Macaroni or Egi Noodles, each ",L it os. cans blah frads Baking Pon der, each Me 10 bars Whits Boras Kaobtha . Soap Me :t bars C P. Naptha Soap, laris bar I4e t cana Old Dutch Cleanser..... XSo Golden Rod Washing Powder, large package, each . I3c iO bars Diamond C Soip Me I bars Beat 'Km All eoap J5c Blectrio Spark White Soap. ea.. We BEST ASSORTMENT OF DRIED KB I IT I.N OMAHA. incy Kew Tork Apples, lb...... too 'sllfornia Prunes, lb. 15e I-'ancy Cleaned Currants, lb. .SSe. Choice Mulr Peaches, lb . -SSc Fancy Seeded ISalelns. lb SSc Thompson's Seedless Raliins, lb. 35c Fancy Laysr Table Figs, lb..... Site Cooking Flgs, lb. ....;oc Fresh Roasted Peanuts, lb lee IS os. pekg. Currants 'JSe Fancy Shelled Popcorn, lb I'M Dromodnry Dates, pck SSc Kamo Mlnca Meat, eat-h 15e VEGETABLE MARKET OF OMAHA. Potatoes, peck Mc Larife Egg Plant, each ldc-lKn. Lettuce, ...... .3 for 5c 3 bunches Parsley, for Be S large Cucumbere for ...10c 2 large Green Peppers ...Sc Fancy Sweet Corn, per dos. . ...0c Fancy Cooking Apples, peck SSe 3 lbs. Vhlte Onions, for lOe Nice large Sweet Potatoes, lb. . .T'L-o Mce large P.ipe Tomatoes, lb.... fie Large stalks Celery, each ''-e Cabhsge, large heads. ach...6c-10o Wax or Green Besns. lb. ........fie Old Beets, lb. ...Se 3 Targe bunches Carrots for tc TITI! TALK OE.VS TEA OF OMAHA HAT. COFFEE DEPT. Our famous Ooldea Santo Osffee. lb. , 35c tlaydan't D. H. Coffee, lb. .'...c I. V J. Blend Coffee, lb. 43c finest Ankola Coffee, lb. . five Choice Tea 81ftlngs. lb...... 18c Fancy Sun Dried Japan Tea. Ib...60e FnT Pan Fired Tea, lb 40c English Breakfast Tea. lb 30c Rreakfast Cocoa, lb 80c CHOICEST MEATS of All Kinds Saturday Specials in Sanitary Market Spring Lamb Fore quarters, per lb Spring l&vff) Hind quarters, per lb 172c :24i2c Pork Loin 071 Roast, per lb...., .1 12 C Choice Pot 14 Roast, per lb lC Best Quality Fresh Meats, Summer Sausage, Cooked and Smoked , Meats of All Kinds at Lowest Cash Prices ssF'pssfl'iSlaW rAVMr-'-VV" It Pay TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST It Pays --eWlr-Wy-Wl V f 1 J A- i 'Am, t'li;;.,-..