Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1920, Image 1

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' i . 1-
, . : : r : r-: : : r . 1 , .. 11
VOL. 50 NO. 68
EiUres at SKt-Clan Mtttir May it, IIM. l
Otuka P. 0. Uator Act ! Hint . I7(.
Answer to Recent American
Note Leaves Question of
Stand Towards Russia Open,
In Opinion of U. S. Officials.
Records Show Inconsistency
, In Reply That Country Is
Fighting Bofshevism, Not
. Russia.
CfciesO Tribnn-Ontnh Be I.raied Wire.
Washington. Sept. 3. The oP
lish reply to thei American note so
liciting declaration of Polish pol
icy in consonance with the princi
ple of the integrity of Russian tcr-
uory, leaves me quesuon ouen, in
s the opinion of diplomatic Washing
ton: It is assumed that further ex
planations will be demanded o,f Po
land by the United States.
;"This was indicated today follow-
("mg a conference on the, subject
held at the White House with Presi
dents Wilson by Secretary of Stale
Colby and Under Secretary Nor
mal II.'. Davis. ,
It is pointed out after a study
of Poland's reply, that the records
reveal an Inconsistency in Poland's
policy as .defined to thia govern
ment. -The Warsaw foreign office
asserts .that Poland is fighting bol
shevism and not Russia, but it is
, recalled that the military campaign
rarriea on aeatnst riieir was con-
l.ctteed , with a definite scheme of
creating an indepnedent Ukraine
out ct- Russian territory and with
out the consent of the Russian peo
ple ., .; V -Demand
Renouncement By Russia.
It. is also recalled that after the
formulation of plans for the seizure
rf -Kifif. tint before the Kieff de
fensive was opened, in their peace
demands upon the bolsheviki, pre-
scnted'in March, 1920, and which
were rejected by the bolsheviki, the
Poles insisted ; that Russia should
renounce her sovereignty in; all the
territories situated to the west of
the old Polish boundaries of 1772
ana allow .roiana toaeciae, me iaie
of these territories in agreement
with he M&l population, thus ex
. feladlii; flAVSgether., Russia's -partjei-
it- ' . -rum..; . -ff .1
nuntr: rn vine cettiemenr' or, inese
I hi saction was consiasrei oy
. . ... , -
emocralic ana llDerai Russians, as
wcu asioy.ine puisucviiw aim
... a . a ' A .1. .
American government, as an a
l!ostile not only to the bolsheviki
but to Russia as well. t
K - - May Aslc Repudation.
- It is believed that the State depart
ment now acting upon instructions
from President Wilson, will ask for
an open repudiation by the Polish
government of the' principle and
policy condemned hy the president
and that threatens both the integrity
of Riissra and to prolong the Russo
Polish war. a repudiation tJiat is not
found in the Polish note. It is also
asserted by diplomats that in its
communication the ' Polish . govern
ment does not disclose what is in its.
' mind. '
It has been learned that expres
sions have been made by boh Eng
land and France on the Russo
Polish situation that are in conson
ance with the declared views of the
United Starts.
It was further pointed out, how-ev-i
". that the actual boundary be
tween Poland and Russia had never
been traced, and that it is difficult
to estimate the Polish reaction to the
American note. While in State de
partment i circles it is intimated
strongly that the exchanges of views
between Washington and Warsaw
have not been closed, officials think
that a satisfactory understanding
with Poland, will be arrived at by
this government. '
Justice of Court of
Rush Suffrage Case
C hints Tribaaa-Onmha Dm Iied Wire.
Washington, Spet. 13. Chief Jus
tice Smyth of the court of appeals
of he pistrict of Columbia, refused
to send to the. supreme court for
hearing in October, the injunction
suit against proclamation of the
suffrage amendment, brought by the
American Constitutional league.
. Charles' Fairchild, president of the
lcague.pequested the court, to end
up the transcript of the reord in
the case at once, giving th suprrne
' court an opportunity to pass upon
the question before November. The
chief justice refused this request,
stating that his court would be re
luctant to certify a case to the i
supreme court, from which an ap
neal would lie. cH said the suf-
, frage suit Svoold have to wait de
cision by his court, which meets
in Otober. before it could go to the
supreme court.
Ulsterites in Meeting
Decide Grave Problems
Belfast, Sept. 3. Most urgent and
important business, says an official
report, was transacted at the meet
ing of the Ulster unionist . council
today in connection with the grave
situation facing the loyalists of the
province. , ( '
ft Certain proposals were adopted
.imanimously with a view 'to meet
ing the demand for full and immedi
ate protection of those whose lives
1 r tniiMrillirf hv ttii nrnjnt Ait-
.turbances, the report adds. Mean
while the council earnestly appeals
to all loyal subjects of the king to
assist the authorities in maintaining
law andjorder. ' '
Lord Mayor MacSwiney
Rapidly Nearing End
Tells National Farm Organi
zation Representatives That
It Is Only Way to Reduce
. H.C. L
Marion, 0 Sept. 3. Co-operative
farmers- associations for distribution
f farm products were advocated by
Senator Harding in a speech here
today as a necessity if food prices
are. to be reduced.
Speaking to a committee of the
national board of farm organiza
tions, the nominee declared he ab
horred any idea 'of class organiza
tion as such, but knew that unless
the producers and consumers were
brought closer together by organ
ized effort, "organized profiteering
will squeeze in somewhere between."
"With your assent," said Senator
Harding, "I will not welcome you
as representatives oft farmers' organ
ization's and, I shall make no appeal
either now, or later, to the. people of
the country which may be labelled
an appeal in behalf of farmers. ,
"Permit me, therefore, to welcome
you as Americans ' I deplore the
use in political campaigns or jn pub
lic administration of special appeals
and . of special interests. I deplore
aayf foreign policy which, tends to
group 1 together " those : 6f foreign
blood in groups of their nativity. I
deplore class appeals at home. I
abhor the soviet idea and the com-;
promises and encouragements which
we have seen extended to it
"America First." ,
"When the responsibility for lead
ership in tips fight was placed upon,
me, I said to myself that we must,
"all unite under the slogan 'America
first.' When I say America first,
I mean not only that America main
tain her own independence and shall
be first in fulfilling her obligations
to the world, but I mean that at
home any special interest, any class,
rnv jrrriun of our citizenship 4hat has
j arrayed itself against the interests of
all, must learn that at home as wen
as abtoad, America first has a mean
ing, piofotmd, and with God's aid,
r everlasting. ;
"I desire with : all my heart to
speak for the consumer when I speak
of American agriculture. With the
agriculture of the United Statesthe
basic industry I am deeply con
cerned. Ne must look our land
problems ' and farming situation
squarely in the face and actbravely
and wisely and promptlj'.
"The clay of land hunger has
come. . The day when the share of
the American "farmer in whatever
is left of prosperity has been over
topped by the share taken by our
industrial production, has come. The
c!ay when industry outbids agricul
ture for labor has come.
"These conditions call for wise
action on the part of government.
They call for the presence of the
American farmer in our govern
ment offices .administrative and rep
resentative. They call for extension
of the farm loan principle, not only
in the case of the mail who already
owns a farm, but to worthy Ameri
cans who want to acquire farms,
yust Have Co-Operation.
"I shall soon set forth at greater
length the proposals in mind to rem
edy these conditions. ' On this oc
casion, however, I lay stress upon
one co-operatioiT: I believe that
the American people, through their
government -and otherwise, not only
in behalf of the farmer, but in behalf
or their own welfare, and the pocket-"
books of the consumers of America,
will encourage; make lawful and
stimulate co-operative buying, co
operative distribution and c,o-operar
live selling of farm products.
"Industry has been organized; la
bor has been organized. Coopera-.
tion within industry and within la-
nl)or and, indeed, co-operation be
tween the two, is far advanced. I
do not contemplate, the organiza
tion of the. farmers and consumers
of, this country as a step toward or
ganization of special interests to ob
tain special favors. If I did Would
oppose it. But I know full well that
we must all of us consumers act to
gether to find our way clearer and
easier and cheaper to the sources
of our food supply." . ;
Ak-Sar-Ben Dates
Carnival .Sept. 14 to 251
Horse Races ......Sept. 14 to 17
Kennedy Combined Shows, -'
....I Sept 14 to 25
Automobile Races Sept. 18
Grand Electrical Parade, Evening
,. Sept 22
Tercentenary 'Daylight v
Pageant .i 'Sept. 23
Coronation Ball' Sept. 24
Men and Officers of Disabled
Submarine Are,' Rescued,
" Following 48 Hours Spent
Locked in . Vessel.
Small Buoy,' Released When
Craft Went Down, Attracts
Attention of Lookout von
Transport General Goethals.
By The A.sfcctattd Tresi. t '
Philadelphia, Sept. 3. Radio mcs-j
sages flashed from the nrmy trans
port General Goethals to the Phila
delphia navy yard via Cape May told
of the rescue early today' of the of
ficers and crew of the submarine
S-5 after they had spent nearly two
days locked hi the disabled vessel
beneath the Atlantic ocean SS miles
south of Cape Henlopen. It was
after 3 o'clock this morning when
Lieutenant Commander C. M. Cooke,
who, exercised his prerogative of be
ing the lasf-man to leave his vessel,
was taken aboard the steamer Alan-
Nine, hours had elapsed since the
plight of the undersea boat had been
made public through a .wireless call
picked up- by an amateur operator in
Farmington, Conn. .
Buoy Gives Word. 1
It was a small buoy, a develop
ment of the world war, together with
the vigilant eye of a lookout on the
bridge .of the transport General
Goethals tljat gave, the 30 men on
the submerged submarine S-5 their
chance for life. ,
,. This small buoy, with a bell and
buzzer device that can be operated
when the boat is submerged, is part
of the equipment of later type sub
marines. It was, cast loose when
the S-5 went down.- The lookout
on the General Goethals saw it, -being
attracted by its bell, as well as
the fact that it was not noted on
the chatf. ,'
Officer Investigates.
.' A ; small boat, w'.th an officer in
command, was lowered from the
transport to investigate. When the
buoy was reached, , th buzzer de
vice could be beards vXhe officer
cutHnta ihe etmneetion ana quickly
rthere came this message:
The submarine S-5 has been sub
merged for 35 hours. Air is running
short. Machinery, is damaged. Send
for help.' ,
This plea was sent broadcast by
the wireless of the General Goethals.
Among those Who v responded was
the steamer Alanthus, which, with
the' army transport, stood by "the
submerged vessel' and managed to
attach grappling hdtks to its stern.
Holding the submarine in a verticle
position, a hole was bored thrpugh
(Continued on Page Two, Column FIT.)
Lenine and Trotzky
In Bitter Conflict,
Says Warsaw Wire
" 'V
London, Sept. 3. A bitter politi
cal conflict has developed between
Premier Lenine and War Minister
Trotzky of soviet Russia; according
to Warsaw dispatches founded on
information received from the re
turned Polish delegation.
Lenine, it is said, fears a mon
archists coup as . the inevitable re
sult of a long campaign. Trotzky
remains confident of the ability of
the soviet to deal with the threat
ened coup and wants endorsement
of a plan to reform the Russian
armies to smash white. Poland.
Trotzky is willing to admit that
the desire to restore a czar-like gov
ernment is in evidence among the
officers, but declares that the mass
of the army is solid for the soviet
and can handle the situation.
According to John Domski, head
of the Polish delegation, the Rus
sians endeavored to hide the politi
cal split but could not quite accom
plish their purpose. : He said he be
lieves that the removal of the nego
tiations from Minsk will hasten tfte?
signing of peace. -
Advance Street Car Fares -
To Lincoln Fair Grounds
Lincoln, Sept. 3.(Special) An- j
ifouncemcjit . was mane nere mat
rireet car tare to the state fair
fair grounds will be 12 cents. Of
this amount 5 cents goes to the
state fair board, representing the
cost of constructing new terminals
at the grounds. When the terminals
Vi'cre built the fair advaced the funds
lo the company. $54,000, with the un
derstanding that the company would
make a fair charge to return the
monev to the board. 1
Special Features Planned
'"For Central City Festival
Central City, Neb., Sept. 3. (Spe
cial) A number of big features have
been planned for the fall festival
to be staged here Sept.' 14, 15, and 16.
Among the most noted are: The
Fort Crook band, the Capital City
carnical company of 200 people, a
vrestling match between Chas.
Peters of Papallion and Billy Ed
wards of Nebraska City, and a 10
round boxing bout -between Al Lam
bert of Wolbach and Eddie Hart of
Fire Destroys Steamer.
' Cadii, Spain, Sept. 3. Fire de
stroyed the American steamer My
ron C. Taylor, the flames originating
from the back firina of an auxiliary
gasoline cngir
Burlesque Queen r
Sings tb Magistrate;
. Admirer Is Fined $3
New York,' Sept. 3. The prima
doiirta of a burlesque show sang,
"Come To My Arms and Kiss Me'
to Magistrate 'Simms(in the Har-
Whereupon,' he without hesita
tion, fined 19-ycar-old Charles
Soiclier $3 for climbing over the
ater footlights to answer the same-X
call of the same singer last Mon
day. - ? I
; Soiclier. charged with disorderly
conduct folloAving an 'iexpUsion
of emotion" when he mounted ttirj
stage from his first row' seat after
the song had been "sung at hift"r.
declared he could not resist the ap--f 'i
peal. ' ' -1 '- ,i : J
' Daughters Testify to Seeing
Mother Help Man Put
, Husband's Body
In Trunk-. r
Bridgeport, Conn., Sept. 3. "We
played the pianola while ma and El
wood Wade put papa's dead body
into the trunk." t.
This statment was made in the
course of the convulsive and tearful
testimony of Rose and Julia Nott.
aged 11 and 12, respectively, daugh
ters of George E.Tsott, who was
brutally murdered here Sunday
morning. "
I'Mother and father had a quarrel,"
said the little ones. "We saw them
wrestling in the hallway. Pa
wanted mother to go to the bedroom
with him and when she refused he
pushed her against the sharp edge
of a doorway. 'If you don't go you
will be sorry,' said father, and went
upstairs. . "''' Y '
Wade Came to House.
"A short time later Edwood Vade
came iit through the kitchen door.
Mother and h went upstairs. Then
we saw another man come running
downstairs with a hatchet in his
hand. He went out of the door but
left the hatchet on the ice box. When
he had left, pa came reeling down
from the uppers' staircase and:tunv
bled in a heap cm the lower landing.
He was bleding. . j
" 'You didn't do this,' cried father,
as he laythere. Ma pulled Wade
by the-, sleeve and begged him not
to hurt father any more.
"Wade said: "I will kill him.'
Wade- had a knife and cut father
undtr the asm. Ma again asked -him
lather paid: I was going to get
him but he got" me.'
$ent Out of Room.
"They told us, to go into the next
room while tney put the body in a
trunk. Walc asked mother to help
him clean up the blood. She did.
Wade told us to play the pianola.
We plaved several selections and
didn't ree any of them until 9
o'clock when they took out the
This testimony was given at the
hearing being held by Coroner
Phelan. Wade and John . John
son, both of whom are under arrest,
inaintiined an attitude of bravado
throughout the hearing. Mrs. Notf
will be called upon to testify when
she is able, to do so.
. Wade Admits Crime.
Young Wade called upon to testi
fy. ;aid:
beat him andt I shot him, but he
so'ined to get no' weaker. He had
r-.e by the throat and was 'giving
me a battle. I finally called to Mrs.
Xott to get me a knife. With this
knife I jabbed Nott until he finally
?av stilL We then packed his body
into the trunk and washed away the
bleed stains."
Before the murder took place Mrs.
Xott had employed private detec
tives to watch her husband in order
to, get evidence for a divorce. Nott,
in. turn, was watching his wife for
the same purpose.
Dockmen's Strike on British
Vessels Gaining Strength
Boston, Sept 3. The strike of
longshoremen against work on Brit
ish vessels as a protest against Eng
land's atfitude toward Ireland,
gained strength today. Only 40 out
of a normal force of 350 men report
ed for work on three steamers and
the action, of the steamship agents
in sendine other men to fill the long
shoremen's places caused most of
the unioii freight handlers to refuse
to work. i , .
A Sunday
Paper Made
for YOU,
A new rotogravure section, with
a FULL PAGE especially de
sfgned for the movie fans.
"Around" the Mile Rim Once
More" A "page story of the
return of the harness horse,
by an expert horseman.
Omaka school teachers on un
usual vacation trip to Alaska.
A full front page of sporting
For Boys , and Girls Stories',
letters, puzzles, news of scout
Comics The i Best "Bringing
Up Father," - "The Gumps,"
" Jimmy, " " Katzenjammer
Kids." ; V
A "complete section devoted to
women's news and gossip, in
cluding household suggestion?.
All next Sunday in
The Sunday Bee
f - 'A-.1 ; At Last . ' J; ,vy; - "
t HI! I III II ! mi III! 1- -i- I -TT- I. I I Ik
j ' !
Examiner Bisque Disapproved
Charges Based on Distances
q From Mississippi and
' Washington, Sept. ' ' 3. General
disapproval of ' combination rates,
based on distances east and west of
the Mississippi and Missouri rivers,"
was extrsed in a tentative report
submitted to Interstate Commerce
commission by Examiner William
A. Disque. The report was drafted
in connection '. with a complaint
filed by the Intermediate Rate as
sociation, relative to the class and
commodity rates to Pacific coast
cities and the intermountain terri
tory from poipts east of the Rockies.
The .disapproval expressed by the
examiner, if adopted by ..the com
mission, would result in'-a complete
change in the method of establish
ing freight rates throughout the
"The combination basis ordinar
ily is abnormal, unnatural, unscien
tific, discriminatory and some may
say un-American, Examiner Dis
que's report said.
-"II can almost be said to be prinia
facie unreasonable. The carriers
should be regarded more and more
as one national system and the day
may not be far distant when we
should proceed to the establishment
of joint through class and commod
ity rates, substantially lower than
the combination of locals between
practically all points in the country."
The report added that tonnage
through the Panama canal was in
creasing at such a rapid rate as to
'"cauje one to believe that within a
comparatively short time.! it-will
reach a point where it will be felt
in a serious loss of tonnage handled
by the rail lines, unless they havel
in force appropriate measures to
meet the situation. !
Commerce High Students
Hold Picnic at Auditorium
Students who are attending the
summer sessions of the High School
of Commerce held their annual pic
nic at the City auditorium Friday, in
stead of at Elmwood park as was
planned. Rain Interferred with the
school officials' plans. .
Games of all kinds were . played
by the -giijls' while the boys and
faculty indulged in athletic sports.
The freshmerl girls were presented
with a large silver cup by Miss Mc
Donald, dean of girls at the business
school, for having the largest num
ber of points in all events. About
00 students atttnded the picnic.
First Break Is Reported
In iVew York Trolley Strike
New York, Sept. 3. The "first
break" in the ranks of the Brooklyn
Rapid Trausit strikers was an
nounced by the B. R T., after 146
men, who had been employed 15 or
more years, returned to work. The
"break" was attributed by company
officials to Judge Mayer's an
nouncement that seniority . rights
would be restored if, the men re
turned to" work. 1
Find No Trace of Bank
Bandits Who Got $10,000
Fort Worth, Tex., Sept. 3. Coun
ty officials here, who have been
scouring the country for three men
who, unmasked robbed the Guaranty
state bank at Graham. Tex., yester
day, of Between $7,000 and $10,000
in currency' today had founrl nn
trace of the bandits j
' x ' f
Still Unable toWalk Alone
Spcnds Much Time Looking
For House. ' .
f.liiiago ibuae-Oinulut lire I.eninl Wire.
yashuigton, iiept. . J.-HJne year
interest bf the league of nations,
from which he returned 25 days later
in a state of physical colVapsc.
Now after 11 months of illness.
which at times has caused grave ap
prehension, the president is recover
ing slowly, biit still is unable to walk
unassisted, and according - to the
most reliable information obtainable,
probably never will regai nhis health
The president now takjs a daily
ctituig with Mrs. Wilson, either in
the White House automobile or a
carriage, and they spend much of
the time during these rides looking
for a future home.
-What the president proposes to
do to help Governor Cox in the
presidential campaign is still un
known. The president has said
nothing about the campaign since
Governor Cox delivered his speech
of acceptance. This has been a
source of disappointment to 'demo
cratic leaders, some of whom have
been led to believe that Mr. Wilson
is going to take no part whatever
in the campaign. Other democrats
nsist, however, that the president
will put in some hard licks for the
league of nations before the voters
march up to the polls in November.
Omaha Man Testifies
In Stockyards Wage
Hearing, at Chicago
Chicago. Sept. 3. Checkers' in the
plant of-Vilson & Co., at Omaha,
cannot live on their present wages,
II. J. Criss. on the checkers, testified
in the stock yards wage hearing be
fore Judge Samuel Alschuler. i
"Checkers are getting 54 cents, an
hour and are demanding $1, and you
may be sure they need it." he said.
"I can't live on the wages I get. The
suit I have on cost me $41 in 1918.
I have, been wearing it ever since.
Today the same suit wouftl cost me
at ieast 560. . ,
"There has" been a 30 per cent in
crease m Jiving expenses in Omaha
in the last year and rents have ad
vanced from 25 to 100 per cent. Even i
our shacks which rented for $6 a j
mouth a year ago, now rent for $12." j
The New Constitution
The B'e oonMnuen todav lift explana
tion of the f&rtou Amendment to the
atate constitution, proposed by the e(at
constitutional cont'unliun i.J. submit'etf
to a vote of th neonle at a Npecirtl elec
tion 'to be held Septemlir 21. This elec
tion in in many repeclB the most Im
portant held in Nebraska in a generation.
An lntelltftent ballot can bo cant only
after & rlea- understanding of the various
proposal aubmltted. There are 41 pro
posal! and each Is submitted for separate
Amendment to Section 8 of Ar
ticle VIII.'
Permits the sale of school land at
public auction' without restriction
as to price.. The present constitu
tion permit' private sale of such
land at an appraised value.
Amends Section ' 10 of Article
Prcvides that the six state univer
sity tegents be elected by districts,
one ftoni each district, instead of by
the bta'c at large
Eight Will Be Executed 'Oct.
14 and Four On Following
. Dav Breaks All
Chicaste. Scot. 3. All records for
Segal executions in Cook county and
possibly in the state of IJhnojs, will
be broken here October 14 and 15,
county officials believe, when 12
men are sentenced to be hanged for
murder. ,
Eight of the men are under sen
tence to die October 14 and four on
the following day. In addition two
other slayers who have been con
victed are , awaiting sentence and it
is possible that they also may hang
on one or the other of the two days.
- Hm Several Orgies.
Chicago has had several whole
sale executions in the past the most
notable on November 11, 1887, when
four of the Haymarket anarchists
were hanged but nothing in the
memory of jail officials approaches
a death list of 12 in two days.
Hangings in the Cook county jail
take place in the corridor of one of
the main cell blocks. There is just
room for a double gallows, so it is
probable, according to George F.
Lee, the jailer, that men will be exe
cuted in pairs. The hangings will
cost the state approximately $3,000,
including a $100 fee for the sheriff
for each man hung.
All Are Murderers.
Those to be hanged October 14
are Sam Cardinella," leader of a
blackmail gang whose members con
fessed several murders: Nick Viani,
Thomas Errico, Frank Campione
Sam Lopez, Joe Castanzo. Sam Fer
rara ana Henry Keese, the latter a
The October 15 list includes Ar
thur Haensel, Richard Wilson,
Harry Andre and Frank Zager, Haen
sel, who killed his wife, was to have
been executed last spring but was
granted a reprieve five minutes be
fore he was to have marched ttfthe
gallows. Andre was convicted of
killing a watchman while robbing a
factory safe. Wilson was found
guilty in the same case, although he
was on another Hoot ot the building
when Andre, his partner, killed the
man. The jury decided that as an
accomplice he was equally guilty.
Hotel Men Pass Through
" Omaha on Colorado Trip
The special Rock Island train, car
rying 45 eastern hotel owners and
operators, passed through Omaha
I yesterday afternoon bound for Qlo
irado Springs where the nicn'are
lo be guests for a' week of Speucer
Penrose, Colorado millionaire, in .his
Hotel Broadmoor.
'A delegation of Omaha hotel moi
grecetcd the easterners during the
10-minute stop herty The partf in
cluded many of the largest hotel
operators in the world. Omaha hotel
men say the party may stop in
Omaha on its return east. 1
Germans Deliver 1,500,000
Tons of Coal to August 28
Paris, Sept. 3. The French gov
ernment made knoVn that the Ger
mans had delivered 1,500,000 tons of
coal up to August 28 and said it was
estimtaed the total deliveries for the
month exceeded 1,600,000 tons. This
would be-400.000 tons below the de
liveries promised by the Germans at
Spa, but the statement said the
Germans might, in September att
October, reach the required 2.000-
WU tons
Reports From Prison Bedside
Declare Lord Mayor of Cork
Is Growing Weaker Daily ;
Fainting Spells Thursday.
Private Chaplain Celebrates';
. Special Mass Friday Now ;
21 Days . Without Taking
Food in Any Form. : X t:
London,. Sept. 3 -Terence Mac
Swincy, lord mayor of Cork,' who is
ill a critical condition in Brixton :
prison as a result of his hunger,
strike, which began' August 12, was
reported this morning, to be slew
ing signs of sinking rapidly and to 4
be very much weaker. This state'
ment of his condition was made by
his brother Sean MacSwiney, after , '
he left the prison this forenoon.
At the lord mayor's request mem
bers of his family visited him this
morning and later they expressed
fear that the end was not far away.
A report ... made on Mayor Mac
Swiney's condition shortly . after .
noon said he was-rapidly approach- 1
irg unconsciousness. He was . too
weak during the, morning to carry
on a conversation, it was said.
Special Mass Held.
Father Dominick.' private chaplain
to MacSwiney, cclcbrateda Speciaf
mass in the prison this morning. )
MacSwiney fainted in his bed in
Brixton prison late yesterday after-"
noon due to the strain caused by. the
utterance of "Thank God." ; He;
gasped the two words after his sis- -ter,
Mary, read him a cablegram
from Patrick McCartin from . the
United States conveying the Jiopey
. i ... a : J
mat me -vmeritau auuuuisuanvu
would intervene, i .
f Without Food 21 Days. -,
The advices' from his bedside after
the fainting said that he was not
suffering "except from acute palpita
tions of the heart. - He was told that
the pope had recited the prayers for
the dying for him after mass in the
private Vatican chapel Wednesday.
The mayor has had no food for 21
His sister read him the reflections
on death from" the- Catholic .prayer
a friend, but loAt his speech aftef
saying, 1 m going. U isricn hem
his ear against the prisoner's lips.
The government recognizes that '
his death will precipitate a tremen
dous demonstration in London and
may result in an attempt against the
government in London. Ireland, it
is stated, presents a tremendous
problem, as there may not be
enough troops there to cope with
the situation and there are no more
reinforcements, as England is al
ready stripped.
Can't Move Him Now .
The prison doctor declared that it
would not be possible to move "Mac
Swiney, even if the government did
release him. Sinn Fein has scouted
the rumor that MacSwiney is being
fed byljfriends who visit him.
The vast interest that is being
taken all over Europe in the dying.
Irishman is vividly shown by & rep-
resentative set of , newspapers re-
ceived here yesterday afternoon. As
much space is devoted to MacSwi-'
ney as to the greatest battles of the
world. Berlin is watching the case
with close interest. '. Newspapers
there carry the story prominently.
Father Vaughn's pronouncement
that he would not administer the
rites ,of the church to a hunger
striker because a hunger strike is an
attempt at suicide has aroused a
storm of opposition. The majority
of churchmen emphatically disagree
with him. , .t
Drying-Off in Oven Almost :
Proves Fatal to Small Boy
Wabash, " Ind., Sept. 3. Playing
in the rain almost proved fatal to
Leo Helvy. nine, son of Clarence
Helvy of North Manchester. It
wasn't pneumonia, either. Leo being
very damp, sat down on the oven
tloor in the kitchen of his home. To
facilitate the drying process he drew
up his knees and pushed back into
the oven. A few minutes later he
experienced discomfort from the in
creasing heat, but he couldn't move.
Then he screamed. His father rushed
into the house, but couldn't get the
boy free until his mother had' been
summoned to assist. The boy's baclt
and knees were badly scorched.
Railroads Denied Rate '
jncreases in Montana
Helena, Mont.. Sept. 3. Increases
of 20 per cent in intrastatepassen
Ker fares in Montana asken by the
Western Passenger association were
dei.ied by the Montana railroad
commission. The commission-- also
denied a requested 20 per cent in
crease in excess baggage - rates,
newspaper, milk and cream carrying
charges, and surcharges on Pullman
and parlor cars. I
The commission based its action
on state. laws.
The Weather
Unsettled Saturday; not mch
change in. temperature. v
Hourly Temperatures.
S a. m.
t P. ...
p. m.. .
s p. m.
4 p. m..,.
I p. m..,.
p. m.. . .
T p. in. .. .
6 a. mt.
S . Yii......
. t s. ni
10 a. in
11 a.lm
1 12 noon. . . . ,
- n
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