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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1920. J AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. ONE half ton truck; bargain. Phone Web ster 1094 or Web. 17. BRAND new Overland touring, never aaed. win in t wnoiesaie price. I'ooc. , ti)R ton-truck, lilt model, cab and rack oony; j-ooq condition, wal. 2791 Motorcycle, and Bicycles. TVS. HAVE a aumbet of- auaranteed re built bicycle priced aa low a $20. Vic- tow n. Kooa. iTtn and Leavenworth. ' Repairing and Painting. . RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. c Manufactured In Omaha, 24-bour serv lea for auto truck and tractor. Expert raoiator and fender repairing: body dents removed; new fendera mad. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR 4FO. CO.. i-ammn hi. Tyler 917, Tires and Supplies. ITgKb TIRES. IOxS, $8.00; 10x8. 6.00. All lae in proportion. Look ovi our rebuilt Opp Sundays. Tyler 298 SAVItTE TIRES. M N. 16th St. Keystone Tire Shop. . NEW TIRES FIRST-CLASS. 0x ........110.95. 12x4 119.91 J"H 13 95 I 13x4 20.96 4xt ........ 29 95 94x4 20.01 GOODRICH FORD TUBES. 12.60. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 1782 CUMINQ, . NEW GUARANTEED TIRES " I 9.75 I 33x4 121.59 ?0i'4 18.90 I 34x4 21.76 ' QTAKUAHD TIRE CO.. 410 No. lth. FARM LANDS. Colorado Lands. COLORADO LANDS 1,160-acre ranch, all fenced and cross-fenced; barn; 29 hit en n alfalfa, tntereit In artesian well. ' V V .V. I O. I Ol 111.. 3o-aer ranch, amall house, barn, 10 seres broke out, every foot can be farmed, cloae to school. Price, $17.60 per acre. 15 per acre down, balance terms. . 640-acre ranch, amall house, barn, two good wella of water, can farm every foot price, 117.50 per acre; 15 per acre down Valance terma. liiil-arre ranch, 4 -room house, 70 acres broke nut, 120 acres under Irrigation price. 75 per acre. Will trade for Omaha property or first mortgage notes. WK ALSO have 8.000 acres for a colonU iatlon tract. This land Is located In Pueblo, co., Colo., and has eeveral aeta , of Improvements and has shallow water; can be cut up In any size tracts. The price Is $15 per acre. This land will double In value Ins'lde of tho next two ears. Corn will make from 20 to 30 bushels por acre this year; wheat from to 25 bushels por acre. Now If you ne thinking of purchasing Colorado land .we have the largest land list In Colorado. Would be. glad to have you call at office for further particulars. KANSAS-COLORADO INVESTMENT CO. Offices: 308 Finance Bldg, Omaha. 501 Bennett Bldii., Colorado Springs. 265-66 Gas Klectrlc BUlg . Denver. FOR THE RENTER and the man with amall meana that wants a home I have some very good places near Cheyenna Wella. Colo., that 'will suit you at bargain prlcei with terms. ' ! E. M. BOTTORFF. Phone Harney 1815 1520 Martha St., Omaha. Neb; Kansas Lands. '1,740 acTes must be sold to close estate. Shallow water alfalfa land, Finney Co., Kansas. All auaceptlble of pump irrega- tion. Close to railroad. Easy terms. Will subdivide to suit.- W. A. Taylor C. B. Hutton, Executors, Hastings. Neb Nebraska Lands. YOUR FARM OR RANCH turned' pjU'rkly into cash by our uulque method. Write for booklet. Nebraska Realty Auction Co.. Central City, Neb. 4,000 ACRES Box Butte county farm land. 126 to 135 an acre In half section lota, g. 8. AND R. E. MONTGOMERY. .13 CltyNatlonalBank Bldg. A. A. PATZMAN. Farms. 11 Karbachjilk. South Dakota Lands. FOR SALE One-half section land In Stan ley Co. Address A. Kraus, Fansarc, S. Dak. Box 63. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. , CITY AND FARM LOANS. '. OUMONT fk CO. 416-411 Keellna Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 On Nut. Bk. Bldg. Doug. JT1S, STlJAMajDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowe.t !' ' Private loan booths. Harry M-TaahjaS- 1314 Dodge. D. 5.019. Ea. 1894. 4i.R.TV-ATF MONEY. REAL ESTATE, TO EXCHANGE WILL trad quarter section of land la Meade County, South Dakota, for a first-class, five passenger automobile. Se curity Land Abstract Co.. ftargia, a Dak. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. VERY close In, double brick flat of I rooms each, fully modern, la beat of repair; street and alley paved and paid for; present rental paying good Interest with big future. Price only 114,000, about half cash. RASP BROS., 213 Keellne Bldg. Tyler Til. FIXE BRICK, 4 STORIES, 66x88. 140,000. INCOME PROPOSITION WORTH DOU BLE ABOVE AMOUNT. DOUO. 4541. WALSH-ELMER CO.. Realtors, Real Estate. Investment. Insurance, Rent als. Tyler 1615. SIS Securities Bldg, INVESTIGATE Proven Exchange System) results guaranteed. Chaa. Math, Patter son Blk. D. 1048. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. - Benson. "EAST FRONTAGE $1,000 Value at reasonable terms t is represented here. Large living room, dining room and kitchen downstairs; two bedrooms up, oak finish; Kellastone construction. Shown by appointment only.. Call Mr. Meach, Douglas 7412 eve n in gs or d ays. DANDY BUNGALOW 5 rooms, strictly modern, oak finish, full cement basement, only I years old; large lot, two blocks from ear line; a bargain at 14.160. L. D. SWANSON CO., 408 Brown Block. Douglas 1817. FORCED TO SACRIFICE Two swell Sressed brick flat building-, racing on streets, walking distance, west. In come over 15,000 per year. Need the money and right party oan make their own terms. Hox i-jz-s. umim dto REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. Real Bargain WEST FARNAM DISTRICT, . OWNER LEAVINQ. CITY, Large 2-story frame and stucco nicely finished ; in oak, beamed ceiling, 7 nice' large rooms, on paved street; can give immediate possession; price only $8,750; re quires $2,200 cash to handle, bal ance easy terms. Phone Walnut 2812. . : Clairmont-7? Splendid semi-bungalow; five large,., well arranged -rooms; oak finish, brick fireplace; built-in fea tures throughout; corner lot; only two blocks from school and car. Easy terms. Tyler 1356. ' I have a dandy little 4-room bunga low, modern except heat and bath, that I can sell you for. $2,600 on easy terms. Bilon. Tyler 5171, FINE HOME. 7 ROOMS.1 BEMI8 PARK, fa.SUV. UUUUL.AS 41l. FIVB LOTS WEST HARNEY. ,13.000. GREAT BARGAIN. DOUGLAS 4ti41. FOR SALE 5113 CAPITOL AVE. Six-room- and bath, stucco house, doublo garage, also furniture. Call Own er. Wal. 1U. . Dundee. DUNDEE Brick and Stucco 'jCxceptlcnally well constructed Dundee Home, located near 62d and Dodge Sts. Living room across front of house, fireplace, sunroom, dining room and kitchen, three largo cor ner bedrooms and sleeping porch. White quarter-sawed oak finish, oak floors throughout. 'Modern In every respect, and in absolutely perfect condition. Wo can recommend thta home as an exceptional purchase. Price 17,50O GEORGE & CO., REALTORS, Tyler 3024. 101 City National Bk. Bldg. BRAND NEW SEMI BUNGALOW ' Sightly location on paved street in North Dundee." Five rooms, finished in oak and enamel and beautifully decorated throughout. Price $6,750. It will pay you to investigate this, bhown by ap nointment. Call Walnut 1580 eve. nines; Tyler 3540 days. Ask for Mr. Benson, Jr. North. Four Good 3 to 7-Room Homes Five-room house, cellar, chicken house, cistern and well, shade trees; lot 60x120; 40th and Binney; price 13,700; $700 down. Three-room bouse, well, chicken house and two lota; price $1,560; $360 down. Good five-room house with screened porch and large attic; well, chicken house; lot 60x120; price 12,860; $860 down; location 17th and Binney. Good ssven-room house with three rooms and reception hall downstairs. three bedrooms and enclosed sleeping porcn upstairs; line lot ana pavea drive way; pine floors and birch woodwork throughout; full basement; near 25th and Burt Sts. Call Graham Peters Realty Co., Douglas 661 or Harney 3836. Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day Live Stock Financial . ,' Chicago Grain Receipts were;' ' Official 14 on da v Official Tueday .i. Official" Wednesday. Kalinin te Thursday. Four daya this wk. Same days last wk. Same days 2 wks.. Same daya 1 wk. .15,402 Same daya year ago. ft, 613 Omaha, Sept..!, Cattle. Hogs. ,. 14.676 3,112 7,174 6,170 2.800 9.820 29,368 28,489 6.977 8,083 6.800 22,912 1920. Sheep. 26.704 32,105 15,442 12,000 85,263 26,4ti9 118,084 25,267 107,601 27.037 88,054 10,691 174,572 4D Near Miller Park E-room strictly modern bungalow, a'l on one floor. Full cement basement, furnace heat; nice floored attic. Dandy large lot on paved street, paving partly paid. Good atone garage for one .car. Price 16,600, 11,260 cash, balance easy terms. Payne Investment Co., 63T Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Doug. 1781 Evenings, call Colfax 3227. $6,750 BUYS One of the best constructed bunga lows in ths oity; five rooms, oak and birch, bullt-lna, laundry equipment, Mil ton Rogers furnace; built 2 hi years. FACES MINNH LUSA ON NORTH 24TH ST. McCague Investment Co., 1505 Dodge St. Doug. 1845. $2,000 to $2,500 Tes, we have several at these figures and on payments, too. Also dandy 6 room, all modern bungalow, 14,000. On the Job evenings and Sundays. Call Colfax 1294 or Colfax 1243. R. F. CLARY CO., . 24O4-05 Ames Ave. Colfax 175. HJS- co 110,000 made promptly. F; P. WE All Wend Bldg.. 310 8. 18th St. PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPKN ft COMPANY, Doug. 422S. PROMPT service, reasonable rates, private money, oarvin isroc. ilia umana, nit. REAL ESTATE WANTED. YOU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSE? Want quick action f ' Just try us. Call Tyler 496. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 Bea Bldg. To buy or eell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD, 1I2 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 1425. w. g. shriver rr 1047-9 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1638. HAVE inquiries tor homes; do you want to sen your property! use it witn A. Grlmmel, Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. UAVH buyers with 1500 cash down; list with us. R. F. Clary Co., 1404-06 Ames Ave., North Omaha Realtors. Colfax 176. WANT house or Income. In trade for land. C. Math, Patterson Blk. Doug. 2048. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. Improved Acreage. Suburban Country ' Home Within a rttHiiiB nt flvA mile of the poatoffloe; 10 level acres; highly Im proved : ' three acres' In young bearing orchard,' balance In truck and alfalfa: two blocks to paving, eight blooks to 1 car line; overlooks Omaha and sur - rounding vicinity; an Ideal home, two story, attic, basement, furnace and elac ' n-lrity; newly decorated; good outbuild ing's. Only $16,000, half cash. TnfA rrnnnil arflnlnln-r it 11 flrtfl nor BCTA'fot a -hort period. McCague Investment Co., J50 Dodge St. Doug. 1345, MEMBERS RKAL F.STATK BOARD. ' DUNDEE Dandy 1-room home, only five years old. In Dunde. havlar two lota, owner leaving city and must setl. Price 18,600, Vut is cash win handle. D. V. SHOLES CO., REALTORS, Douglas 4. . 915-17 City National Bank. DUNDEE If you are interested in some thing worth while in a home, let me show you some ot the hnest in this beautiful district. Several to offer. Call owner, Tyler 1356. Good buy. So. Side, 7 rrai, modern. Corner lot. $2,500 partly Amos Grant Co., . 8380. 330-2-4-6-1 Braadela Theater. FOR SALE AT THE RIGHT PRICSS. One of the best homes In South Omaha. Telephone South 1171. Bast- n ess telephone Douglas 52 16. " Florence. NETHAWAY. Suburban prop'ty. Col. 1409 REAL ESTATEIMPROVED. West. West Farnam Home New seven-room home; sunroom, llv Ing and dining rooms and kitchen on first floor; mahogany finish with oak floors; two bedrooms ana neatea sleep. Ing porch; full basement; Just a dand) for $10,800, reasonable terms; let us show you at once aa this will go quick ''"OSBORNE REALTY CO.- 439 Peters Trust Bldg. Doug. 1281. Plumbing and Heating Engineers The Shop That Civea You Serv ia Henningson PLUMBING AND HEATING CO. Douglas 1431. 324 So. lt St. The Best "Dividend" 315 South 50th Ave. Your own horn pay you splendid dividand not only from it constantly increasing value, but from social standpoint well. May we not have the pleasure of showing; you through the beautiful hornet we have erected in Dundee located on 50th ave nue and 50th t'.reet just south of Farnam. 314 South 50th Street. Here is a six-room home beautifully finished in ivory enamel throughout, pleasingly decorated, with 1 large walks and landscaped lawn this house will ful fill your idea of what a home should be. .315 .Ic.'tV !- . . .'..nine, Exterior of stucco six conveniently arranged rooms large fireplace with decorative chimney at front of house cathe-..- " dral oak finish in lower '. floor rooms1 kitchen : of ivory enamel. . "MODEL. HOME Furnished by ' Orchard ft -Wilhelm 310 SO. BOTH ST. Open Daily From ItelML REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 509 KEELINE BLDG. Phone Douglas 8102. ... I '.'V . JefrW. $6,500 $6,500 . Owner la anxious to dispose of his home consisting of living room, library, din ing room, and kitchen downstairs, four bedrooms and bath up. Full south front lot, close to ear,, public and parochial schools. ALFRED THOMAS. Realtor J 004 First National. Bank Bldg Recelnts and dU&osltlon of 'live stock at the Union stock yards, Omaha, Neb., lor 24 hours ending at i o clock p. in.. September 2, 1920. ,U. -RECElPTSr-CARS. ' ' '"Cattle " Hogs Sheep Missouri Pftciric l 2 Inion Pacific 4T 1 C. & N. W., east 5 10 O. & N. W.. west SS 30 C, St. P.; M. & 0 4 10 C, B. & Q., 'east ' 4 3 C, B. &Q west 13 ! C R. I.'' P.. east J 6 C.r R-,1.' &-P., west... 1 1 Illinois Central 1 1 Chicago, Great Western . . . 1 83 1,591 1,227 238 788 197 Total receipts 114 . . DISPOSITION CARS. Cattle Hogs Morris & Co 385 , 817- Swift & Co 675 1,198 Cudahy Packing Co... Armour Co Schwarts & Co.. J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co... S. Omaha Packing Co. Ogden Packing Co.... HIggins Packing Co... Cunningham 44 Mayerowich & vail... Glaasberg Wilson ,4 Co W. B. Van Sant & Co. Benton & Van Sant... F. P. Lewis J. B. Root & Co .1. H. Bulla R. M. Burruss & Co... Rosenstock Bros. , F. G. Kellogg Werthelmer & Degen.. Kills & Co. 880 878 58 68 42 'is Sheep 873 2,3S:i 1,411 1,369 Sullivan Bros A. Rothschild Mo.-Kan. C. & C. Co.. . K. G. Christie Baker Juhn Harvey Dennis & Francis Cheek & Krebs Omaha Packing Co.... Midwest Packing Co... Smiley Other buyers 81) 76 17 87 107 74 7 163 64 29 37 1 S3 63 9 86 133 8 25 10 . 3 9 678 .4,111 6,298 6,469 11,515 ALL MODERN BUNGALOW. Full lot on Fort St., paving paid; (or quick sale, only 16,600; terma; 6 larga rooms. You can call today. R. F. CLARY CO. 2404-Q Ames Av- ' .- Colfax 1T5. Onfabya Rent Estata and Investmenta. JOHN T. BOH AN, 121 Paxton Blk. Phone Tyler 4880. 1706 North 14th St. dandy 6-room mod ern bungalow yours for 11,000 cash. BaL Mo. Crelgh. 608 Bee, Doug. 100 SEVEN rooms, strictly modern, full lot, near car and schools, $6,600; terms. Al fred Thomas, 604 First National Bank. A FEW homes and lota for sals In Park' wood addition; a safe place far invest ment. Norrls A NorriB. Douglas 4270. MINNH LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money, Phone Tyler 187. X B. ROBISON, real estate and Invest- ment, 442 Bee Bldg. Douglas 8097. BBNSON f, MEYERS CO.. 424 Om. Nat'L South. Very Attractive Home Hanscom Park District Immediate Possession We are offering for the first time a choice, well-built home, consisting of hall, living room with large fireplace, built-in book cases, window seat, beam ceilings, etc.; dining room, with panelled walls and kitchen with butler's pantry, and several other built-in features first floor, with oak floors and finish. Second floor has four corner bedrooms and sleeping porch; tile bath and vestibule; plenty of closet space, clothes chute and linen closet) third floor finished in two- large rooms and store room; 'full cemented base ment, plastered and divided into laundry, furnace room, fruit room and store room; combination heating plant; east front lot 50x 163; entire house, in excellent con dition inside and out. Price right, terms easy. V ; GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS, Doug. 2850. 918-20 City National. Real Home and Income Owner leaving town and must sell this fine, new stucco bungalow of six rooms. Oak floors and woodwork, spe cial built In buffet, book cases, writing desk and kitchen eupboards, extra spe cial lighting system and fixtures, fine plumbing. Five rooms, bungalow built with garage in rear which will rent for 227.60 per month, fine garden. See this today sure. 2122 South 25th Ave. Price, 19,900, Advise with us about terms. v , !Payne & Carnaby Co., . REALTOR SERVICE 616 Omaha Natl.; Bank Bldg. Daug. 1016 Xll Ready to Move Into Total Cattle The run of cattle this mnrnln was light even for a Thursday, only about 2,800 head being on sale. Good cattle ot all kinds were scarce and this made the market a little slow, but beef steers and also cows and heifers sold generally steady. Few real choice feeders were bought at steady prices, but on the whole the mar ket was slow to 25o lower. Compared with week ago good beeves are strong and the plain kinds a little- lower. Cows and heifers are about steady. Calves are 11.00 1.60 higher and stockera and feeders 25 50c higher. Quotations on ratt Choice to crime beeves, 16.0017.00; good to choice beeves., I15.0016.00: fair to good beeves, 813.00 15.00; common to fair beeves. tll.50tnM3.00; choice to prime yearlings, !16.0017.1O; good to choice yearlings. S16.0016.00i fair to good yearlings, 111.00 15.00; common to fair yearlings. I8.00 12.00; choice to prima grass beeves, 211.60 14.50; good to choice grass beeves, 110.00 12.00: fair to good grass beeves. 18.75 6) 10. 00; common to fair grass beeves, 17.60 8.76; Mexicans, $7.76 S. 00; choice to prime grass cows. I8.00ffi9.10; good to choice grass cows, $6. 607.75; fair to good grass cows, 25.006.50; common to fair grass cows, t3.26JJ5.00; choice to prima feeders, 11.0012.00; good to choice feed ers, 19.7611.00; medium to good feeders, 18.259.75; common to fair feeders. 16.00 $t8.26; .good- to choice stackers, 19.25 10.00; fair to gobd stockers, t8.009.26; common to fair stockers, 15.608i0; stock heifers, 85.607.00; stock cows, tS-006.6Q;. stock calves, 15.509.00; veal calves, 18.00 SU1.60; bulls, tag,-ftp. 15.pftU.op. - BEEF7 STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Ar. ...... 1 Oiirfl 15 00 ... YEARLINGS. 33...... 712 14. 50 WESTERN CATTLE. COLORADO. J5strsr.J05 IB 40 . Pr. (hit-ago TrlliuiuMliu-ha ite lt.t OH'lre. New York, Sept. 2. The ; stock market broadened out todav m fashion not seen before' in se"vera weeks, the buying movement taking in the copper shares and a numbe of industrials lately dormant. Deals ings were more significant . because ol the held they covered than in re sped "to actual price movements, Nevertheless, the list" was fairty free ot weakness and under the continued leadership of the railroad stocks quotations recorded ab, the ' close, gains extending from good sized tractions to-more than, '3 points, hvidence or. monetary easy rate, re ferring to demand loans only, was supplied in a call rate as low as 6 per cent. The highest was 8 per cent and the rate for renewals of standing loans - was the same. The banks, which had received deposits of some $20,000,000 paid in on the recent treasury certificate sale, were due today to transfer them to gov ernment account at the reserve bank, so that the recession of the demand loan quotation occurred at the moment of a little extra dis turbance of deposits of lending in stitutions. . Ranks Easier. The action of call money this week has Indicated one of two things, or perhaps both. First, the banks must have expe rienced some easement In the matter oc withdrawals of interior bank deposits, which had considerable Influenoe Upon loanable fundB the week before. Second, it would aDuear as though the purohases of stocks In the last few days have con sisted ot short covering, which entails no expansion of loans, and of accumulations largely covered by cash, ir tnese tneonea are not explanatory of the unexpectedly low call rate of 6 per cent, at a time when dealings in stocks had grown con siderably over recent dally turnovers, there must have been accretions to Idle funds at New York which would hardly be looked for during the approach to the peak ol me auiumn money anu tr,ui demands. Time money remained scarce, with the rate unchanged. The stock market seemed to pay scam otti nilnn to the "vacations" of many thntiflnnrin nf hard coal miners, which, be ing of the same heedless caliber aa the "outlaw" railway strikes of'' the spring months, contained possibilities of much difficulty for Industries, already practi cally on fuel rations. A protracted coal strike would be likely to add a heavy burden 'upon manufacturing lines, espe- niiv thnRn which have seen tneir over. heads increased substantially In the last two or three months by a lessened out put. strike vuis utile xJiun. But tha financial markets have not reacted to labor disturbances recently, aa they did before, and indications of tha breaking of the local street car strike today were looked upon as prophetic ot lessened success of strikes In the futuro. As the railroads are thought to have a fairly clear labor sheet for soma- time to come, It may be that speculative interest In rail shares denotes commence among buyers thafr- outshle difficulties will not apply to them. At any rate, It was mora noticeable today than on any other day of the week mat tne ran use was oeing searched for likely issues, resulting In dealings In common and preferred stocks of unusually oasntui tendencies in an ac tive market. The appearance of first and second preferred Issues contributed mora than a little to the widening ot the trad. Ing list. Cotton recovered part of tho pre ceding day's loss in a rapid buying move ment which followed early heaviness. Tha foreign exchanges were again very quii, and changes of quotations were without Importance. I cows. 991 6 6 , 1 bull, .1040 16 25 SI hfrs.- 907 9 00 - 34 cows. 1018 S 60 25 cows. 1106 7 75 25 cows. 949 7 60 ; 6 fdrs.1001 10 76 . ...... i . NEBRASKA, . 11 filrs: 600 8 00 6 civs. 280 41 75 8 hfrs. 777 7 00 IStdrs. 861 9 85 If fdrs. 802 8 65 ISstrs. 700 a 60 13strs..l053 9 75 19 hfrs.. 718 6 75 Ustrs.. 694 . 7 50 , 11 cowsl.10 8 25 32.Btra.llJK 9 00 24 cows. 822 - 7 40 19 hfrs. 730 -- 8 00. 1 bull.. 1680 6 65 20 civs. 281 10 W) . 22 cow. 892 " 6 00 20strs.l026 9 4 ;: 83 cows. 919 6 40 20strs..lI(T 9 50' 15 strs.. 928 S 25 Hogs Today's run of hogs amounted to 6,800 head and the market opened with an easier tone to packer demand, early sales were steady to 10c lower, but demand Im proved and prices closed strong to around a dime higher. Average trade was gener ally steady wfth shipper demand limited. Hulk of tne supply cnangea nanus ai tl4.2514.50 and best light hoga made a top ot 115.15. HOGS. Sh. Pr. , No. Av. 140 114 10 33. .385 New York Quotations, No. Av. 58. .293 48.. 324 63. .275 52. .221 6S-..194 28 . .238 61. .197 Sheep 140 40 110 40 and Sh. Pr. 70 114 20 14 30 14 40 14 65 14 85 15 10 110 40 40 14 25 68. .284 14 35 63'. .277 14 60 44. .200 14 76 ,65. .253 15 00 79. .215 15 15 Lambs Arrivals of sheen and lambs were estimated at 12,000 head and packers made some effort to cheapen cost on fat lambs, trade finally settled at decline of around 10 15c witn iat sheep ruling generally steady. Best lambs here brought tl3.60 witn gooa ewes quotable up to 17.00. Inquiry for feeders appeared to be fairly broad, and prices were maintained on a fully steady basis. Country buyers paid as high as 115.00 for good medium weight feeding lambs. quotations on sneep: f at range tamns, S12.25a13.60: feeding lambs. 111.500 13.00; cull lambs, 13.0010.50; yearlings, 18.008.75; feeding yearlings, 17.50W 8.60; wethers, ?7. 0038.00: ewes, !5.50 7.00; feeding ewes, J4.8afe6.0O; ewe culls and canners, 12.003.60. REAL EST AE IMPROVED South. ATTENTION RAILROAD MEN 7-ROOM, MODERN, NEAR UNION STATION, 15,300. LARGE LOT; FINK VIEW. DOUG. 4641. FIVE-ROOM strictly modern bungalow with Bleeping porch, Hanscom Park dis trict About 13,000 cash will handle. Price 17,600. Doug. 1016. Range of prices of tha leading; stocks furnished by Logan & Bryan, Petera Trust building: - High. Low. Close. Close, I - RAILS. T., T. & S. F i Baltimore & Ohio .43 Canadian Pacific. 122 N. Y. & H. R....V 764 Erie R. H i .. 16 Ot. Northern pfa., 79 Chi. Gt. Western.. 9 Illinois Central . . 88J Mo., Kan. & Tex.. 9 Kan. 'City South.. 214 Missouri Pacific . . 28 V N :y., N. H. & .H.' 35 i Nor. Pacific Ry.. 80 Chi. -ft. N. W.... 74 Pennsylv. R. R.. 42 Reading Co 94 C, R. I. & P 38 So. Pacific Co.... 96 Southern Ry 29 Chi., Jill. 4 St. P. 38 tJnlen Pacific ... .124 Wabash 10 STEELS Am. Car & Fdry.135 134 135 134 Allla-Chaltn. Mfg.. 33 31 33 32 Am. Loco. Co 95 94 95 94 Baldwin L. Wks. 108 107 108 107 Beth. Steel Corp.. 77 75 76 75 v,oio. -uef ac iron an . Crucible Steel Co.. 123. Am. Steel Found.. 37 Lackawanna Steel 68 Midvale St. & Ord 39 i-ress. steel Car. 96 14 14 14 42 41 42 121 121 121 75 76 75 . 15 15 15 78$ 78. 76 9 9 9 18 88 8T ' . 8 8 20 21 20 "27 28 27 ' 34 34 36 . 78 79 78 73 73 73 41 41 41 92 93 93 38 18 3? 95 . 95 95 28 29 28 37 38 37 129 123 123 9 10 1 68 39 Rep. Iron & Steel S584 us 89 62 , 56 19 14 17 46 2-1 19 10, 15 61 36 31 35 119 120 119 3t'A 31 68 39 96 84 69 89 64 69 20 14 27 46 24 20 11 16 63 3Y s mi 39 96 84 89 52 57 14 27 45 23 19 10 15 61 8-HGOM house, aU modern. 1515 So. 27th. 15.600. Terms. Doug. 7410 days; eve nings Doug. 5745. BIRKETT &, CO., JX1 "IT, ana insures. 250 Bee Bldg. Douglas 633, 1500 CASH, partly modern house. Benja mln A Frankenberg. Doug.' 712. Miscellaneous, NEW HOMES TWO homes in Dundee; one with five rooms on one floor; the other with the bedrooms upstairs $1,000 cash. 101 1 S. 12d St. 6 rooms and sun par- lor, all on one floor, nicely finished In naif 'with hnllr-tn hnffet. ninhna.rri And bookcase; exterior frame and stucco. HP UT? pi1. TJ' Price 17,860. Terms to good party. ' C. G. CARLBERG. nr. Fontenelle Park; $500 cash; 312 Brandeli Then. Bldg. ' Phone P. 885. A DANDT 6-room home, all modern except heat, larga lot, close to car line ana public school. Price 14,260, with very reasonable terms. H. W. VOLLAND, Doug. 9585. 710 Bee Bldg. High Grade Apartment Investment Owner of a nearby, new pressed brick?, close-in, twelve , apartment building, rented for $7,000.00 A Year will make very low figure for quick sale. No exchanges considered. Price $37,500; $10,000- cash. Ask for Mr. Hastings. ' HASTIN6S & HEYDEN 1614 Harney St. .- Phot TyUr SO. all bungalow style. TWO near Miller Park; $1,000 cash. Call A. J. Mead, Doug. 7412, days or evenings, until 8 p. m. A SNAP FOR YOU A 7-i oom house, in a good neighborhood; not an old shack, but in splendid condition, on south front Int. $3,500 takes it, $200 cash and $25 per month. See it today. - - Call Walnut 127 for appointment. Sloss-Shef St.&Ir. 69 U. S. Steel 90 Anacon. Cop. Mln. 64 Am. Smlt, Sc. Rfg.. 60 Butta & Sup. Mln. 20 Chile Copper Co.. 154 Chlno Copper Co.. 27 msplr. cons. Cop.. 47 Kennecott Copper, 25 Miami Copper Co.. 20 Nev. Cons. Cop . . . 11 Ray Cons. Cop .... 16 Utah Copper Co... 63 INDUSTRIALS Am. Beet Sugar., 73 73 73 72 Atl., O. & W .136 135 136 135 Am. Internat. Corp 71 70 71 69 Am. Sum, Tob 86 83 86 Am. Cot. Oil Co. 26 15 36 Am. Tel. & Tel..- 97 97 97 Brook. Rap. Transl 11 11 11 Beth. Motors 6 6 6 Amer. Can Co. .. 34 34 34 Chand. Mot. Car.. 86 85 85 Vcjt. Leather Co. '63 63 63 Cuba Cane Sugar... 35 34 35 Cal. Pack Corp.. . 67 67 67 Cnl. Pet. Corp. .. 28 26 28 Corn Prod. Rf.. 88 87 87 Nat. Enam.&Stmp 69 58 58 Flak Rubber Co 26 26 26 General Electric ..143 143 143 Oast. Wm. & Wig General Motors ... 21 20 21 Goodrich Co 54 64 64 Am. H. & L. ...... H 13 13 Haskell & Brkr... 69 68 69 U. S. Ind. Alcohol 84 83 83 Internat. Nickel ..20 19 19 Internat. Paper.... 79 79 79 By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Chicago Tribune-Omaha Be Leased Wire, Chicago, Sept. 2. Unfavorable crop reports on corn from the lead ing states as given by the govern ment's weekly crop bulletins brought enormous covering of September and distant' futures ot corn by local and New York operators. The selling ap parently came' from local interests and the close was c higher on ben tcmber and l'AlMc up on distant futurei. An oversold condition of the wheat market with no selling pressure, carried wheat prices up. in the covering ' movement making a close iWb'Ac higher, March leading, Oat gaine. KHc and rye,;j3?c tor the aayi. r Heavy buying of cash wheat and of fu turea was reflected In tha stronger tone and In outside markets with cash wheat leading the advance In outside markets. Offerings were light and the country Is not disposed to selr freely even at the advanced prices. Futures advanced stt to 60 with. March leading and closed within to o of the top with Decern. per i:.a to s-md anu uaren Receipts, 86 cars. - Corn Advance! Sharply, Corn nrlces turned up sharply after weak ODenlng. at the high showing 2V& 3c above the early low, with the close at Intermediate figures. Deferred cellv erles sold at a new low on the crop but the heavy buying of Sentember and De- ember by shorts quickly cleaned up the surplus in the pit and made the advance, Considerable change In sentiment was noted amongst commission houses regard ing the deferred deliveries and some came out openly on. tha bull side. Outside trade however, was not largea Weakness In corn here and in outside markets attracted considerable attention In view of the up turn in September. Sample valaes were 2o lower at Chicago with receipts . 1TI cars. Shipping sales 40,000 bushels. Oata Average Higher. Oats nrlces . averaged higher, but the strength was entirely In sympathy with corn and tho bulk of the trade was of a local character. Premiums In the sample market were slightly easier on the Mo. : white. Receipts 164 cars with sample val uea unchanged and. shipping sales 85, 000 bushel. Strength in wheat was responsible lor a sharp upturn In rye prices, rremiume In tha sample market dropped 2c and were 5o over the future at the last with sales at -11.96 1.97. Receipts . here 26 eara and in tha northwest 97 cars. Barley offerings continued light and prices showed little change. Spot sales 11.08 1.17. Receipts, 4 cars. Pit Notes. The United States has only 180,000,. 000 bushels wheat for export this season according to Statistician P. S. Goodman In a report to Clement, Curtis & Co., com- parea Wlta actual ciearnexs ot i,uuv,w bushels last iyear. He figures that the crop and carryover Is 873,000,000 bushels, or 116,000,000 bushels less than last sea son. Canada Is expected to lucnisn arouna 170.600,000 bushels, which would give North America a total surplus of 360,000,. 406-.bushels. Imports of .Europe last sea. nn ub mm I uo nuBneia. ' "Drought greatly delayed sowing ot wheat and the area planted was much less thn lmt war." -aid a cable from one of tha best posted brokers in Argentina. "On account or arougjii yieia ioo .-optionally light. Rain now would save the situation, but you can count on consid erably lower yields as .compared with last ve-e" Three of the largest traders were very, heavv buyers of September and December corn today to cover snorts, ad biuv. cotton and grain men. . , A few of local operators who took on moderate line of December corn on the hr.u tn the lowest of the crop, today sold out on the bulges that followed. Com mission men hi elose touch with the in terior trade. -say tha -farmers are bearish oa-oorn and a mora disposed. to sell at current prices..'. i. nmnin nn renorts that the corn crop la late, Joa. Wild, of E. W. Wagner & CO., caiiea attention to me 11. the damaging frost in 1917 occurred on. October 6, while in 1916 frost carae uo. . nv.- a Tn ib. hlrf rron vear of 1917. the low' price on December was made In September; in iyit it was maue m wwi hit. tha low figure on the record crop of 1911 was made In December. Thero are 4.000 farmerB' elevators af- filiate with the Fawners' National Grain Dealers association, representlngr an ln- -vestment of around tl00,000,oo. uney handle over i,ooo,uu,uu Dusneie ui bm annually. ' , Chicago live Stock. .. r-u.n ant. 5 Cattle Receipts, 12,- 000 head; steady to 2 So higher on deslr able beef steers ; half fat kinds, uneven; top, 117.75 on all weights; bulk good and choice,, r-y 014.76: good and, choice cows, 19.76 12.75; canners, 14.ooi4.7S, steaay; me dium kinds, draggy; . bulls, steaay to stronger: bulk bologna, 15.506.75; calves. strong to 15c higher; choice vealers, most ly J17.DO017.76, few tops higher; stock ers. dull; western supply light. Hoga -Receipts, -i.uuu neau; , gonnmiu 15D25c higher than yesterday's average; Sacking sows off most; early top, 116.10; ulk light and butchers, 115.0016.9O; bulk packing sows, 113.9014.16; pigs, 26c lower; bulk desirable kinds, 114.6 13.25. t . . . Sheen and' Lambs Receipts, z,uuo head; native Iambs, 5076c lower; sheep, 25c below best time yesterday; top native Iambs, 112.50; top ewes, 16.76; western fat and feeder classes, steady) top west ern lambs, 113.70; best feeders, 113.25. Omaha Grain Omaha, Sept. 2. Most of the receipts were of wheat, in which the interest of the trade continued to center chiefly. This cereal .was generally 5 to' 7 cents higher. Corn sold at price ranging from unchanged to a cent up. Oats were unchanged to a half cent lower. Rye advanced 3 to 4 cents. Barley was firm. " WHEAT. No. 1 hard winter: S care (old billing) 12.68; 1 car (dark, smutty, old billing 12.66; 3 cars. 12.48: 1 cars. 12.47; 1 car (smutty). 12.47: 1 car (smutty), 12.46. No. 2 hard winter; 1 car (old billing) 12.62; 1 car (dark, smutty, old billing) i.'.ou: i car (heavy), 12.97; 19 cars, ir.4 I car (smutty 1, 12.46: 4 ears (dark I2.4C: 4 cars (smutty), 1145; 8 cars (smut tyi, 12.44; 1 car (smutty), 612.43; z cara (Very smutty), 12.40. No. 3 hard winter: . cure, 1: 4'; 1 car, 13.44; 1 car (smutty, darki. 12.44; 4 eara (smutty,. 12.44: 1 car. 12.43. No. 4 hard wlntsr: 1 car (smutty) 22 4.1: 4 cars, 12.41; 2 cars (smutty) 12.42 i cars (smuttyi, 82 11, No. 6 hard winter: 3 cars. 22 4n, 1 ca (w.utly) 12.42; 1 car (smutty) 12 V. Panicle hard winter: 1 ear. 12.44: cars, 12.43; 1 car. 12.35; 1 car, 12.28; 1 car (very smutty), yi.a. No. 2 mixed: 1 car (durum), J2.4C, No. 1 mixed; 1 car (smutty), 12.41. Sample mixed: 1 car. 22.32. No. 1 northern aprlnar: 1 car (dark, old Dining;, P.O. spring: 1 car( dark). 12.41 No. 6 surlna: 1 ear (dark). 82.37: I car CORN. No. 1 white: 1 car, 11.43. No. 3 white: 6 cars, 11,42. No. 3 -white: 4 cars, 8.1.40. No. t yellow: ( cars, 11.41. No. 3 yellow: 4 cara (old billing), 11.41. i-anipia yeuow: 1 car ineattng), 11.31. a mixeo: 1 s-d cars (near white), A. 39: 1 car. 11.38: 2 2.6 can. It 57 JVo. mixed,: 2 cars, 11.87; 1 car, 11.36, ..v, iiiia.u. 1.L cin loin nuuniri. mi 11 car, 1. .10. No. 5 mixed: 1 car, $1.36. No. 6 mixed: 1 car (musty), 11.10. RYB. No. 2: 1 car, 11.90. BARLEY. No. 3: 1 car, 97c. OATS. No. 2 white: 3 cars, 63c. No. 3 white: 1 car (old bllllnrV Cfic- car (old billing), 65c; 6 cars, 62 '4c. sample wiute: 1 car, 61 c. DAILY INSPECTION REPORT. Tha dally Inspection renort shows this grain inspected "in" In 24 hours: Wheat Hard winter: 29 cara No. 1. 92 cars no. z, 18 care No. 3. 1 cars No. 4, cars No. 5. 6 cars samole. Mixed : cars No.. 2. 2 cars No. 3, 2 cars No. 4, cars sample, .spring: 1 car, No. 1, 1 car no. 0. 1 ota 1, iuc cars in. Corn- Yellow: 3 cars No.2, 1 car No. 1 car sample. White: 3 cars No. 2. cars No. .3. 1 car No. 6. 1 car sample. Mixed: 5 cars No. 2. 1 car No. 3. 1 car No. 4, 5 cara No. 6, 1 car sample. Total, 26 cars in. Oats White: 12 cars No. 2, 8 cars. No. 3 cars Mo. 4, 1 car sample. Mixed: car No. 2. Total, 25 cara In. RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENT Bonds and Notes Beads and Notes. Bonds 'and note quotations furnished by Peters Trust company: ' , . Approximate Bid Asked Yield Am. T. & T. ts. 1924.... 92 92 8.60 Am, T. A T. 6a. 1925 6i 96 Am. Tob. Co. ta, 1922. ,.,,99 99 Am, Too.. Co. 7a, 1913. J. .'99 . 99 Anaconda Op. 6S.- 1929., 9 Ang-Ftench Kt. 6s,, 1929.. 99 Receipts: Wheat Corn ,..,.... Oats Rye Barley Shipments: Wheat Corn Oats Rye Barley Today. .148 . 46 . 30 . 4 . 3 .118 . 17 . 6 . 10 3 Wk. Ago. 113 35 28 4 3 139 .12 36 2 1 Yr. Ago 401 73 65 15 12 125 29 29 RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Wheat Corn oats Chicago 102 Kansas city ........... lui St. Louis 76 Minneapolis 603 Duluth 177 Winnipeg ..' 246 212 21 84 00 00 00 175 26 88 00 90 09 CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. By Uptake Grain Co., Douglas 2627. Sept, 1 Art'es I Open. I High. Low. I Close I Yes'dy Wheat I T T T" Dec. 2.35 2.40 2.34 2 40 2.35 Mch. , 2.39) 2.17 I 2.30 2.37 2.10 Rye. I I I I Sep. 1.85 1.96 1.86 1.89 1.15 Dec' 1.66 1.70 1.66 1.69 1.16 Corn. Sep. 1.38 1.40 1.37 1.39 1.38 Dec. 1.17 1.19 1.14 1.19 1.17 May 1,14 1.16 1.14 1.16 1.14 Oa(s Sep. .65 .66 .65 .66 .66 Dec. .66 .66 .66 .46 .66 May . .68 .68 0 .68 .68 .68 Pork. I . . Sep. 23.60 23.60 21.71 23.40 23.61 Oct. 121.45 23,50 22.36 23.40 24.40 Lard I I I I Sep. 119.30 118.62 18.16 18.63 118.36 Oct. 118.66 l8.83 11.60 18.80 18.67 Ribs. Ill Sep. 115 00 14 90 15.15 15.00 Oct. J1B.44) 115.67 15.37 15.67 15.61 Kelly-Sprlngf'd T Keystone T. ft R.. 16 - 16 16 Internat. M. M.... 24 24 24 Maxwell Motor ... 10. 1 9 .Mexican Pet. 164 161 163 Middle States Oil. 12 11 12 Pure Oil 38 38 38 Willys-Overland ,. 15 16 15 Pierce- Oil Corp... 11 IS 13 Pan-Am. P. & T.. 88 U 87 .871 Plerce-Arrow Mot.. 36 34 36 Royal Dutch Co.. 84 83 84 IV S. Rubber Co., 98 86 86 Am. Sugar Rfg. . .110 '1094. 110 Sinclair Oil & Rfg. 81 29 31 HtromDerg tarD... 71 Studebaker Corp... 62 Tob. Products Co.. 67 Hrana-Con. OH 11 Texas Co 48 IT. 8. P. Pr. Corp. 69 U. 8. S.. R. M.. 65 White Motor Co.. 44 Wilson Co.. Inc.. 56 tV. El. A Mfg.... 48 Am. Yool-n Co. . . 81 IF you want an all new, strictly modern 5-room bungalow, in good location, on terms of only ; -$500 cash, call Doug. 74 12 during fiar.anq asit tor Mr, tyrant. IP you want a 4, 5 or 6-room, all ' modern home, on easy terms, phone Doug. 7412 and ask for Mr. Carse,"18 So. 18th St. FlVE-room. modern bungalow, flnlxhed i'l oitlt and priced right, at 15,500. Call Hi!!? "!? ih ,J,y!r 3623. Colfax J 144. I'l'PJ.Vx'pressed brick fat, near lth pml rurrnn. r. etch side; oak finish. snap at 112,500, Terma. Vg. .784 daya.J Total sulc. 700,300. Money Marks Sterling 71 61 66 10 48 69 63 55 . 43 , 43 tt 06 ft 48 48 79 80 69 60 . 65 9 47 69 84 26 97 16 6 34 84 63 34 66 26 88 26 ' 1H 21 58 13 69 83 19 73 16 23 10 101 11 38 15 12 87 34 84 85 110 29 71 60 66 46 53 43 66 47 79 Wednesday Cloae Close 7 1 .9201 3.66 2.11 (iilcuo Produce. Sept. 2. Butter Market tn- Chicago, changed. Eggs- Unsettled; receipts, 8.143 cases; firsts, 61.52c; ordinary firsts, 44 ig46-; at mark, cases Included, 46949c; storage packed firsts, 53 c. Poultry Alive, firm; fowls, 2836o; springs, 35c. LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR BUILDINGS AND UTILITIES OGDEN ARSENAL, OODKN. UTAH. Office of the - Constructing quarter master, 317 Colonel Hudson Building, Ogden, Utah. Sealed proposals will be re ceived here until 11 a. m. September 4, and then opened for the construction of sixty (60) building., water eyatem; electrical layout and other utilities. Location, near Orden. Utah. .' Plans and .speHfl-ai ions sad further In formation may be had upoA application to Ibis office. . ;, . Kansas City live Stock. Kansas City. Sent. 1. Cattle Receipts. .900 head: market for beef steers, steady to weak; top, 216.75: she stock, steady to 25c lower; medium kind weakening most; canners, bulls and feeders, steady; calves. strong; good and choice vealers, 113.5V 614.5V. Hogs Recetptta, 3,600 head; market generally steady to 10c lower: heavy pack ing sows declining most; top, 116.66: bulk light and medium, 116.3015.50; heavy, 114.50&15.10. Sheep aad Lambs Recelptts, 6,000 head; fat sheep and lambs, steady; western ewes, 16.75; western lambs, $13.60: natives, 112.25: feeding lambs, strong to 25c higher; top, 115.00. Sioux City live Stock. Sioux Cltyi la., Sept. 2. Cattle Re ceipts, 1,600 head; market steady: beef steers, fed steers and. yearlings. 110.009 17.00; grass steers, 17. 00012. 00; grass cows, 6.eoJ9.00; fat cows, butcher heifers, lt.5012.60; canners, 23.1006.60; vealers, $6.00912.90; common calves, $6.00 8.60; feeders. 18.0011.50; feeding cows and heifers, $4.007.00; stockers, $6,000 9.90. I ; Hogs Receipts, 5,000; market 16c to 25c lower; lignt, is. is; mixea, it.i, 14.75; rough, $13.60014.26; bulk, $13,769 14.60. . Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1,000 head; market weak. 8t. Jeeeph Live Stock. St. -Joseph. Mo.. "Sept. 2, Cattle Re ceipts, 1,800 head: market steady) steers. $9.26016.26; cows and hellers, 14.OU0 15.25: calves. 88.fOB14.00. Hogs Receipts, 6,000 head; market steady to 19c lower; top, $16.15; bulk, 114.60A16.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2,600 head; market steady; ewes. $6.0007.25; lambs, $12.60014.00. ' New York General. New' York. Sept. I. Wheat Spot, firmer: No. 2 red. $2.76 spot c. I. f. track New York; No. t mixed durum, $2.67 to arrive,. Corn Spot, easy; No. 1 yellow, $1.72 c. 1. f. New York. 10-day lhlpment. Oats Spot, easy; No. 1 white, 80c. Lard Firmer; middle - west, $19,250 19.36. Other articles unchanged. Mlnneapolla Grain. Minneapolis, Sept. 2. -Flour Unchanged to 40 cents higher. In carload lots, family patents quoted at $12.00 to $11.00 a barrel in 8-paund cotton sacks. Bran 142.00. Corn 11.4501.47. Oats 6061e. Barley 85C011.O8. Rye Na. 2, 11.8501.26. Flat No. 1, $3.2203.26. St. JiOula Craba. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 2. Wheat Decern ber. 12.41: March. 12.37 W. Corn September, $1.40 bid; Decem ber. 81.19. Oats September, 66c bid; December, 67 o Old. Chicago Potatoes. Chicago, Sept. 2. Potatoes Steady; re ceipts, 67 cara; Jeraey Cobblers, 12.800 2.90; Idaho rurals, $2.8002.90; Minnesota Early Ohlos, 11.00 0 2.36. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 2. Wheat Close, September, $1.14; March, 12.30. Corn September, $1.30; December, $1.12; May, $1.09. Butter and grs In Omaha. Eggs No. 1, 49e per dozen; No. 2, 42o per dozen; cracks, 37o per dozen. Butter 41a per pound. New York Cotton. New York. Sent. 2. Cotton closed easy. showing an advantage of 90 to 161 points tor tne day. 90 99 98 6. 94 97 ,98 Armour C. 6a. '2t)-'24.. .'. 93 Armour 7s, 1930. 94 , Relgian Gov. 6s, 1926 .... Bl Belgian Gov. 7a, 1945,.. 97 Bxth. Steel 7s. 1922 98 Beth, Steel 7s, 1923 . 98 x Hrltish ttte, 1929 Mft so British 6s, 1921.., 98 9 C. B, Q, 4s, 1921 ,:. 94 -95 Can. ov.'6s, 121 . 97 98 Can. Gov. 6s, 1929 90 90 C. C. C. a) St. L, 6s, 1929.. 87 88 Cud. Pack. Co. 7s. 1823.. 97 98 nd,Irh 1, 1996 92 93 I.n flnv 1l 111, 1926.. 72k 78 11.75 Jan. Gov. 4s. 1931 67 68 10.60 Llgt. A Myers 6s, 1911.... 97 Proot. & (lam. 7s, 1922... 99 Proct. fc Gam. 7s. 1923.... 89 Swift & Co , 1921 : 98 Swiss Gov. 8s. 1940 102 ' XI. . til. 1928 97 6.90 7.26 7 60 8.10 7.25 T.60 7.60 7.70 7.90 8 on 7.80 9.40 9.00 7.25 6.91 7.90 7.75 8.90 Wilson iConv. 6s. 1928 83 97 99 8S 96 H2 98 94 7.90 T.10 7.10 7.8'l 7.75 6.3tl 8.11) '' ew York Money. - New York. Sept. 22. Prime Mercantile Paper per cent. Exchange Irregular, Sterling Demand, 13.65: cables, 13 56 .- Francs Demand, 6.91c: cables. 6.91c. Belgian Francs Demand, 7.39c; cables, 7'ouilders-Dmand. 31. 85c: rabies, $2.00o Lire Demand, 4.64c; oables, 4.66c. Marks -Demand, 2.01c; cables, 1.02c. New York Exchange on Montreal 8 per cent discount. . Time Loans Strong: unchanged. Money strong :. mgn. s; iow. 8; closing bid, 6; offered at Call ruling rate, 7; last loan, ' Chicago Storks. The following quotations are furnished by Logan & Bryan, members of all prin cipal Exchange, Room 248, Peters Trust building (formerly Bee building), ev enteenth and Farnam- streets, Omaha, Neb.: '. Armour & Co Armour Leather Co. common.. Armour Leather Co. pfd Cudahy Packing Co; common.. Continental Motors Llbby, McNeil & LlbUy..T National Leather ... Swift & Co Swift International Union Carbide Carbon Co.... " Kew York Curb Stocks, Allied Oil Boston-Wyoming Cnsden Oil Consolidated Copper, .. Elk Basin Federal Oil ' Olenrock- Oil Merrlt Oil -.'... Midwest Refining Co.. Silver King of . Arizona Mapulpa Oil Slmma Petroleum Tonopah Extension . . . V, S. Steamship , IT. 8. Retail Candy.,.,, White OH ; ,. 91 .. 15 ,. 94 ..79-80 ,. 8 ,. 13 ,. 10 .108 .. 29 . 65 0 II ft) 1 20 .. 1 .. 70 .. 2 .. 9 0 .. .2 .. ' l'A ..14 .... ,.147 0148.. ..30 (D 35 .. 6 Col 6 12 0 14 7 2 1 0 11 0 2 0 12 . ' New York Produce. New York, Sept. 2. Butter Irregular: creamery higher than extras. 57 067c: extras, 66c; firsts, unchanged. Eggs Unsettled; fresh gathered extra firsts, 67059c; do. firsts, 64056c. , Cheese Firm;- state wnole mint, twins eurrent make, specials, 27 28c; others unchanged. Poultry Alive, firm; brollere By freight, 86038d; do, express, 15 0 40c; fowls, 320 37c; roosters. 23c; turkeys, 38c. Dressed Poultry Firm: weitern broilers. fresh, 40061c; others unchanged. , Mew York Metals. New. York. Sept. 2. Copper. Tin and Antimony Unchanged. Iron Firm: No. 1 Northern. 151.000 l2.00; No. .2. $49.00050,00. Lead Easy; spot, .7se8.ooe. Zlne sy; spot, East Bt. Louis, 7.170 8.00c.'' v ' ' '..- At London Spot, Copper, 95, 5s; tin, 1269, $s; zinc, f38, 10s; others unchanged.. 'Cumulative hvestment,: We have Just published a folder on this fascinating sub ject deals with the maa- , , ier In ; which money accumu lates without effort on the part of the Investor. Our various folders and book lets constitute: what might be called a correspondence course on Investment We shall be glad to. put your nim on our mailing list if you desire this literature. American Security Co. ; Dodge, at 18th, Omaha. C A, Rohrbough, Pres. C. C. Shimer, See. , FISCAL, AGENTS FOR Liberty Bond Prices. New York, Sept. J. Prices of Liberty bends at noon were: 3s, 10.06; first 4.?, 86.20; second 4b, 85.00; first 4 Vis, 86.44; second 4 Us, 86.04; third 4V4s, 88.24; fourth 4Vs, 86.32; Victory 3s, '' 95.60; Victory 4Hs. 95.64. Liberty Bonds Closed Ss, 89.94; first 4s, 85.10; second 4s. 84.80: first 4s, 86.51: second 44s. 85.10; third 4s, 88.32; fourth 4s, 85.30; Victory 34, 95.48; Victory 4s, 95.44. Turpentine and Knaln. - Savannah Oa., Sept. 2. Tiirpentln Firm; $1.3701. .37; sales. 30(1 bbls. : re ceipts, 364 bbls, ; shipment, 18$ bbls. ; stock, 9,629 bbls. Rosin Firm; sales. 824 casks; receipts, 398 casks; shipments, 661 casks; stock, 44.164 casks. Quote: B, $11.25: D, $11.15; K, T, Q, H. I, K. M. N, WG, WW, $11.65. Bar Silver. New York, Sept. 2. Bar Silver Domes tic, unchanged; foreign, 91e. Mexican Dollars 71c New York Coffee. New York, Sept. 2. Coffee Rio No. 7, 9c; futures, steady) December, 8.34c; May, 9.13c. Snot Cotton. New York. Sept. 2. Cotton middling, 31.76c. -Spot, quiet; I !- (ill Duluth, Minn.. Sept, 2. Linseed No 1 quotations. ' . r UPDIKE SERVICE We Specialize in the Careful Handling of Orders for Grain and Provisions FOR FUTURE DELIVERY All Important Markets .WE ARE MEMBERS OF- Chicago Board of Trade St teuis Merchants Exchange Milwaukee Chamber e( Commerce) Kansas City Board ef Trade Minneapolis Chamber of Co immerse Sioux City Board af Trade Omaha rain Exchange WE OPERATE OFFICES AT OMAHA, NEB. CHICAGO, ILL. GENEVA, NEB. LINCOLN, NEB. SIOUX CITY, !A. ' DES MOINES, IA. HASTINGS. NEB. HOLD RE CE, NEB. MILWAUKEE, WIS. . ATLANTIC, IA. . HAMBURG, IA. , . All ef these offices are) connected with each ether by private wire.' V?e are operating large up-to-date terminal elevators in the Omaha and Milwaukee markets and are in position to handle your shipments in the best possible manner i. e., Cleaning, Transferring, Storing, etc. , . It will pay you to fet in touch 'with one of our offices when wanting to BUY or SELL any kind of grain. ' WE SOLICIT" YOUR' , ' Consignments of All Kinds of Grain to OMAHA, CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE and SIOUX CITY Every Car Receives Careful Personal Attention The Updike Grain Company THE RELIABLE CONSIGNMENT HOUSE 3