Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1920, Page 8, Image 8
n, m' mi !m'i.tKm---? 'f: ?:W " W "twin ssaf. f . V" ,ty..- , tAni it ,! "y" i-yyF4 v - , .... 8 .V- ' r ''v., V 1 Y ""ft ; Cbssifiei Mm Rites , 1S ptr Una (count t words to line) 1 gay 1S per line pr,day, 1-eonaeciittve daye IS per tin p$ ay, f Consecutive days ' 14) par Una per ' day, 10 dpmtecutiva days Ka adds taken Ur less- than a. total of Sic , These rates apply althar to the Dally ,er Sunday Baa. All advertisements P paar hi path morning "and evening dally -' ' papara for the one charge. . ' CONTRACT RATE!" IN " ' APPLICATION. Want ada accepted at th following ef ttcee: .- MAlSf OFriC.,..lJth and Farnam Sta. South Bid . . 231 N fit. unrtl Waff........- Scott' St . "WAKTyADS B-KCElViCD BT, PHONE AT V f - ' TTLKR l00 : THB wlll..not be roeponslble for' mnr than oa Incorrect Insertion of an , -advertisement ordered lor mora than una time. " .V-f - " CLOSING HOUR rOR-WA'TVaJW ' .' j . Evening Edition... ...'..ISrt. M. J Morning Edition t:w P, M. V ' Sunday Edition 1:0 P., M. tSatttniay. DEATH ft FUNERAXWOTICES" ff- vlved by wife an 10 chlltren. Deceased waa pioneer realiteip bt Omaha and old If. r. K. B. ongineer. Puneral will be held. Saturday, S ISO I a. m., from family reeldeoce. ll &' 3tn St.. to St. Petera churchi m. In? r.ient. Holy Kcpuicner cenieiry. e'OAC'H OVico. heloved'daufhter of n..F. , Roarh. - - y'l ,' Funaml acrvlce at' (tn,telilw of prandmethar, Mra. T. F.Costello, SO S. Slat Ave.. Friday. Sept. I. at 2:50 P. m. Interment Holy Sepulcher canie- . ,Jler5'. ". ' ' WATKIN8 Jamea. (te 14; survived by on andauvrn daurhtere. Funeral Wedaaaday afternoon at 4 p. m. from Heaf A Hcafey Chixpcl to Weat lyen CeirKtery, ,. SLev,- Wurtz oMIHatlnr. ' t FUNEBAL DIRECTORS. v STAC KT& FALCONER" "INDEPENDENT UNPERXAKEEo . 1 , PIERCE-ARROW ArIBULANGE SERVICE. Thirty-third and Farham. Harney t. t HULSE&JUEPEN, JOt Soiih lth 8t.- Douitlaa 12JS, HEAFEY & . HEAFEy, Undertaken ahd. Kmbalmer. n Phona H. S5. Office 2C11 Farnani, FLORISTS. T 1?T? T T.ADWnV FonteneUe , iUlUlU AJ. AJX1AVHAVA1 Plorlat. 1814 Douglaa St. Doiig'as 8244-.-.,, JOHN BATH,- 18th and Farnam. D. C00. Si. Henderaon. 161 Farnam. Xiouglas 124?. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrjtha -Joa and iennle Ares, Twcnty- eianth and w atreeta; boy; F.rneat and I.llllan Blhler, hospital, boy; Francis and . alary Fanning, 3824 North JTwenty-fourth , fltreet. girl; 0tev and Mary Vaaofsky, - hospital, girl; Thomas and Catherine ; Organ. 811 Pterco street, girt: Adolph and Viola Hlldebrandt, 3127 Xorth Eighteenth street, boy; Thomaa 'and Clara Byrnes, hosDltal. bov (IhlrlPR nnil Hloti Tlwnfnlc ' hospital, boy j Nathaniel and Naney De well, hospital, boy. V , P I Daths Myrtle . LuluXstuIWS, KoPl''l .Tosephlna Hanus, 61. 4403 I treet Katie Katie Frcrrch tt, 604 south TWentj'-flfth ave. nut; John. Morris Flemlar. 73. hoxoltal; Andrew W. Taylor, 7, 4501 North Twenty-ninth atreet: Elmer MrClaln. J, 1333 I.aka atreet; Addle May Halvif, 36, 1203 South Eleventh street. MARR1A0E ICENES. John T. Cook. .16. Omaha, and Fran- , ces u. Reed, , sr. Indianapolis, llnd. V. vVllllam B. Stallard, 24, Orhaha, and Halen Kinney, 22, Des Molnei. la. "Clifford P. 8mlth. 21, Blair, Neb., and Minnie- M.. Mundorf, -l",- Blair, Neb. ' ' Claude. Cllne, 26. Craig, Neb., and Oraca Ruhe, Craig. Neb. ' Wm. K. 1 Davis, over 21, Omaha, and ( CerfeMa, Rector, over 18, Omaha. T.yron B. Reeves, Iff Omaha, and Anna E. Roth, IS, Omaha. Louis I. Bussannas. 26'. Omaha, "and Vesta J. Melvlii, 10, Omaha. - FrederlcH'R. Anglic, Q, Ashland. Neb., "and Bessla Zlegenbeln 1. Ashland, Neb.. Albert F. Zellmer, 55, Atlantic, la., and Nellie Hansen, 21? Atlantic, la. John Nelson, 21. Omaha,nd Alma Sund atrom, IS; Omaha. , t Jake Chapman, 21. Anita, la., and Hannah Peterson, IS, EzTra, la. Fred N. Tonder,S3, Omaha, and Atflta U Daniel, 23, Omaha. . " Ola Johnsot). IS, Thurston, Nelh, and Carrie Kelly, 23, Thurston, Neb. Charles F. Brady, 2!,. Caunclt Bluffs, la., and Gertrude tpobry, 11, Omaha. Chrlir Olsen. 11. Louisville. Neh ano Mary Barr, 18. Louisville, Neb. Floyd It. Davl. 21, Omaha, n Bertha Laltner, 21, Omaha! t., . j I i , James A. Scott, St', Omha, rhd! Slattie Lewis. 2S. Omaha"."' ' t ITSt - U - ffwenty- BUILDING PERMIT 'VtarU PritAV. 7603. North eighth avenue, frame, addition "(o -frami awelling. . ai.uuu; win camuaiw, northeast, corner Twenty-eighth -aire4t,. frame banv3.600; A. Kettler. 45! Foh tenella; boulevard, brick venerf dweHtng 7,80O. ' . LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. FOR ARTICLES LOST on atrfet ears) tela phona Tyler goo, we are anwous to ra-yi atora loat article to rightful owner OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS ST, RT. COMPArr. DIAMOND bar pin- lot or taken by mitt take In Marlnello Shop: if finder will return to 1001 W.-O. W. , building', will be- liberally rewarded and no questlona ) LOST Traveling bag, Wednesday, Sep- tember l, between- Florence- ana Cal houn; liberal reward. Return to Rex Hotel or call Douglas ,7180. LOST Sunday night on S2nd,nd' Farham, brown fur, choKer style, very uoerai re- ward offered. Finder call Har.00. LOST Black fur between homo, 2 miles north of Florence and Florence? Reward. ,Col. 33S3. T .- . . LOST Little bay horse and wagon; lib era Ire iAnpjJIIjltmBjJ4j sLOST Valvet bag containing ajasses, downtown district. Call Colfax ifH. ' LOST Gold circle pin- set with pearls Aug. SO. JWal. 1238. Reward. LOST Wrist watch, 10th St. depot car Monday , m. Web.f 804. - . LOST Bunch of. 7 Keys. SIM after S p. m.' . Call DougUs-4 SPECIAL NOTICES. v KACFl HORSK MEN; Don't oveflojik the Crawford Trl-State Fair, and .Race Meet. The tact that we are to have the tint and only crosa-country airplane: race ' race from Omaha to Crawford, do not thloK that this Interfer&s-ith our d alra to make it profitable and pleasant for the race horse. boys. Write" lmme- dlately for our programs. Harness racea from 1300 to 1600; rannlng racta from flSOJo $:iO..,Free stall rent and - every eourfeay. Bring your hersea on a few daya ahead If yott treat tV Ex cellent track laCHitiee and goo Darn. Write for program. Arah L. Hunger . ford. Srestdent; Dn A F. Hlcharda, sec retary. Crawford.- pawes' couaftyK Ne braska. .,..- ' - RSONAL. THE SAWATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, -furnitor, magaztnea. We collect W distribute. ; Phone Doug. 4135 -and our Vagon will calW Call and Inspect our new home, , 1110-1111-1114 Dodge St. .. , AM IN 'NEED of ram ready money. WII1. sell, at liberal discount, good first mort .. gage of S14.000, bearing 64 per cent in terest, on Washington county farm. Box A -50. Omaha Bee. " LEAVING Balrd Sanitarium in Balrd ( Bldg. to 323 LcFlang Bldg., acrosa the atreet north P. O. Mrs. Head. . JIM PleaaaIet us hear fromvou. ltl5y T. very- alck. She needs you. Am so wor- w . rled. Please write yr come home. Dot. -1 V ELECTRIC hatha, Swedish or elec mil- V i - serge. In home, or will go out. Web. 1011. aT' KUR8B takes patients, prlv. homes. WaL - 6174. . SYSTEM, -ef Swedish massage In home Or wirrTo out;- dquc. 4. CHAS. L. Fish, piano, tunerT Violin and J piano teaefcer, Colfax 4807. s- MASSAGE 110 North Sevepteenth St. ELECTRO Therapy 'massage..- lljt Neville. ANNOUNCEMENTS." Chiropodists Carrie le JBurford. tl'l Paxton Bid D. 113$. -Dancing Academies. - 1TK teach tH room and all kinds fanoy dancing. .Keep's, Hotel Rome, Doug. 3581, Har. 27i. T Detectives. P I P K t N ' S NATIONAL DETECTIVE AOBNCT, incorpoiateo. uougiaa axvi. V -'' arllnrtnn Ttlk. Cimnha. Neb. JAMES ALLAN. 311 -Neville Blk. Ev. Senca aeenred In all .cases. Tyler H3. RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Railway 1 Ex. Bldg. Doug. SOU. iJilgnt. LQl. qj. Hauling. : TRACKS FOR HIRE ". Tour hau11nj-centraetee1 by day. ; 1 v mentii; orfyear. Trucka all aires; best ' , aervicis beet ratea. Phone Tyler 1I7S. BRINGING UP i i i ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dentists. . Dr. Bradbury. No pa'nTt'51 W. O W. Bid. Hemstitching end Pleating. ACCORDlO.s. aide, knifu. aunburet box pleatlnf. covered buttona, all iaea and styles: hematltchlrs. plcot edg!n. eye- " let cut work, buttonholea, pnna:.t. Iueal Button and Pleating .Co.. S0 Brown Bill. Douglaa 193C. r . Top Notch Shop Hematltehlng, braiding, beadluir, all kinds pleatln?. Do'- SOU. Koom 33. Douirlaa Blk.. 16th and Dodge. Painting and Paperhanging PAINTING. - paperhanging. piaateilng. walnut Ajt. FtRST-CLASd paperhanging,, painting. D, 4908. ' ' PAINTING..' ,papcing. plaatering. Wal. -6 - GOOD painting, papering, quick serv ,-lce. , ,r Reasonable prices. Web. 2 , J S.- PAINT1NG, paperhanging. 'walnut 5451. MisceUanieous Announcements SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair. "1t needles and parte. , MICKEL'S lBth ani Harny Douglas 18 i 3 DIAMONDS xpw7th PHv;;: to buy back a small profit. GROSS JEWELRY .CO. 403 N. 16th St. Doug laa 5041. ' PAXTOS-M ITCHELL CO, 2',th and Martha Rts., Omaha, Neb Brans! bronze, aluminum hud machine gray Iron castings. OMAHA. PILLOW CO. Feather mattress es made from your own feathers,.summ:r and winter sides." 1807 Cuming. D. 3467. SAFETY rar.or blades sharpened, new ra - ors, razor blades sold. Omaha Razor v Sharpening Co.. 1332 Dodge, li'3 N. 16. SELF'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rialto Drug Store, 15th riid Douglas Stg.. Omaha, Neb HATS cleaned and blocked while vou .wait. . at Paxton Hat Wr.iks, 1007 4 St. Work guaranlted. D.'693 . ' GET our figures on roofs: work guaran teed. North Weat Ready Uootlag Co,, 802 So, 81st. ; . FILMS developed: printing and ealerglng. Write for prices. The Ensign o.. 160T JOHNSON, chimney swoop and furnace cleaning, repairs; 20 years' experience. Tyler 5;'io. - DUMP TRUOK for hire. Tylei 1076: Hartungl Transfer .Co., . 1211 Howard JAMES W. MARTIN. vPatent Attorney, 1716 Dodge St Patent your invention and sell It to a manufacturer. WEDDING announcements- and printing. V ....... n i . j . i i. , n...n,.. FULL dress sulra and tuxedos for rent. 109 N. 16th St. John Feldman, P. 3123. OMAHA WELDING CO. "The Ca'eful Weldera."- lajh and Jackson. D. 39 7. Q A 17 L? CB ARGAINS. 12th & Farram. OAr JCiO t t n.,t,i, s,r. r. City Mattresa Co.. mattresses remade. H. 7163. CARPENTERING, contracting, building. GAS stoves connected, $2: repaired. H. 1611 WEAVING, f.ld ruga remade. Tyler 1 1:-3 Omaha Towel Suppiy.,207 S. 11th. D. 6!S DRESSMAKING All kinds. Web. 6633i BENT Hoover sweeper, del. Web, 4263. for' sale. Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION. , AUCTION. ,BIg sale of high grade ahd staple furni ture of serinj good homes. Ir) my auctlon house. 1 Southeast corner 18th and Webster St, ' Saturday, Sept. 4. starts, at, ' This is abig sale consisting of aes ranges, linens, drapes, curtains, two ex tta good violins, books, kitchen uten sils, dishes, kitchen cabinets, library tables, mattresms, several extra good Simmons and Vernls Martin 'beds vtith springs ana mattress, complete. onej t wnite ivory Dearoom suite, iwo otaer f ood bedrom sut(3, three beautiful par or suites, extra good dining , room iurnlture In fumed oak, dresners, chlf-' roniers. dressing' tables, writing desks, book cases, four beautiful Wilton Tugs, 9 by 13 and 8-10 by 9-6, several smaller Age. Axmintster rugs and stair carpets, talking machine and record, rsaven porta and duofolds. one good sanitary oniih hAAt mri and hundreds of ar-. V.tlclea too numerous to mentioh. This is a Dig sale. JAMES L. DOWD. Auctioneer. , If you have anything to , sell call Doug, 3285 or Tyler 966. - AUCTION SALE 807 SOUTIf 17TH S'T. Saturday, Sept. 4. at 10 s m. nn clalmtd household goods will he void to satisfy unpaid storage rharges. 1 OMAHA VAN AND. "STORAGE FURNITURE FOR SALE Solid oak dining tableau-rockers, arm-, .chair, bedroom furniture, pictures and china. Walnut 4B30. 713( Military vi ELECTRIC vacfium cleaner. 112 buffet,, I3fi: mahogany prtrrcess desaer, chif :hlf 115; fonier, rocker, $55; dining table, rug, 118. I'hone Web. 5146. SEWING machinei library table, oak buf fet, 1 rocking chairs, mania commoae. chair, bed, mattreES, spring and feather bed. Wal. 1500. - : ' . ,i FOR SALE Fumed oak mission table. a19 AnlA.TPrKlan rtifl. library table and chiffonier. 129 N. Ifd St H. 12667T WE buy. sell and exchange all makes of typewriters. Write for list. Midland Office supply io.. n voagr. WILL Huy mahogany Vlctrola, 6x9 blue rug and other furniture for large room ing houa9;goo(lpHcw;jrrigJa8838 WE buy old and now furniture, we pay best price. Eureka Furniture Co. Web. 4206. 1417 North 24th. -. FOR SALE My cottage completely and beautifully furnished. Buy, direct from owner. Colfax 1193. . FURNITURE: five rooms. 291FT Jackson. ... Office Furniture; ; FOR SALE Barber fixtures, ff'oak pneu matlo leather covered chairs, mahogany . frame, mirrors. Very! cheap. Call .1305 First NatloiialfBank BIdg. Tyler 783. P.anos and Musical Instruments. , A HllQPlV rTl Everytjllng In art a:id iriualo Pianos for rent. I4.( per mentii. VICTOR V1CTROLA, used 1 months, cost $150; records worth $50; wiU sell all for M0; leaving city. Web.- 4ft67. n, DIlUMSvtrapa. marimbas, instructions, repairing, pnone Harney :bi. tjeo. -Ak Smith, 2761 Davenport St. - ' r. BEAUTIFUL mahogany phonograph,! like new; very reasonable for quick eale. Web. 111. , ..- . ' fi-j . '' HOT AIR heating plant-f or sal. Wal. 1059. - .... ' - ' Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS f , - -. - -AND m - . ,J; . V ADDING MACHINES ALL MAKES, bought, told, rented and ' repaired. Sole agents lor tm CORONA Get our price before yott buy. 'Every .nWhlnf guarantee dr ' v : y Central Typrewriter Exc Douglas S120. ' . 1913 Farnam. ROT AL typewritera, all models, tor rent. Royal Typewriter Co., 116 8. 19th St PROTKCTOGRAFHSTt & E.'a; bargains, 320Nevill Bldg. . - , ALL MAKES Typewriter Co.. "all raakea.- 205 S. 18th St Tyler 1414, ' Miscellaneous. wr.' 1ii ' ajtll MfM. wiflk Mf.k. ahnw. f:aaes, etc.. Omaha Fixture Supply Co., 8. W Cor. ! Doualaa. D. 714. 1 Ilt IMJB-m.rirJ .11 I i a. ranwi . f t -. M kr I P I I I v jT ' : - - - : : r x ,-. v- , , L- FATHER- A RECITATION EriTlTLCO" THE iCAfeCE Or THE I THINk I D TME , HERR. HtM tIN5! tOR SALE, Miscellaneous. FOR SALE , AT A LOW PRICE ' SECOND HAND BRICK, LUMBER AND KINDLING AT THE OLD WASHINGTON HALL 18TH AND HARNEY STRSET. I GEORGE. KIENE & CO. CONTRACTORS. GLASS FOR SALE. SIZES 5X7, x8, 8x10. BEST GRADE? CAN BE USED FOR HOT HOUSES. WIRELESS SETS, ETC - -CALL MR. HADLET, TYLER 1900. t ENGRAVING DEPT. EN' SEW TOR-- CONCORD GRAPES -'for Jelly; table use, grape juice, or juice . of grapes. "Bring your baskets." Prices tight for" first-class fruit. Houston Frdlt Farm, 8703 No. 36th St. Cot. 4404, SHORT time, sure and sate Investment. I 7 per cent city warrants to net you 10 per cent. u. Solomon, 213 Karbach Bldg. D. 82C2. FOR SALE Genuine Spanish leather chair, Brown sunfast silk portieres, pink noisier, call -iiarney 344,. Mrs. J. 1'. Seymour. . i GARAGE, closing - out shop. Cdmplete ' line of , iiMichinery for aale. Birch Motor Co., 27 West Broadway, Council "Bluffs. ' . DENTISTRY exchange for Liberty bonds, lace value. Dr. Sceor. 1017 First Nat'l Bank Rldg. r $2,600 CONTRACT on property, paya 110 per month. Call Tyler 2021. PORTABLE garage; fireproof; 12x16. loTs AVebater. Cajl Doug. 5106 after 6. , ' - KINDLING and lumber. WebT 451. LTOMATOES. aweet potato es. del.JVal. ! S SI. DRESS SUIT, new, gtxe 40. 125 Col. 2424, '-; WANTED TO BUY. DESKS -DESKS DESKS New desks; UKed desks bought, aotd and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 6116V LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. - MACK'S BOND HOUSE. 1421 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 3J44. WILL buy second-hand clothing, slices and i furniture, Ty. 2598. A. Zavett, 705 N. 16. WANTED to buy, a winter top for Dodge car. Doug. 4049. SWAPPERS' COLU MJW.,i a VAr nlulin QOOI nuto to trade tor player , piano. SITUATIONSWANTED. Male. XPRIBNCED carpenter wanta work. Dg. 8606. Female, ! HOUSEKEEPERS.' LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of Tba ' Bee. Lota of good plaeea are alwaya advertieed. Don't mlaa them. PLAIN sewing wanted. Webster 1661. HOUSE I cleaning, odd Jobs. Harney 6445. ' i sundry and Day Work LAUNDRY I work; exc erlenoed. Welister 1264. EUNDLE WASHING: soft wati-, ater 6949.. 1ST CLASS laundress wanta day work, . Walt titn . ' Web. 1409 CLEANteJo'fc lfor half, days; colored srl. viieo. 4iUd. DAY work. Wednesdays and, Thursdays. Web. JtSS. 1 ; -AUNDRY wanted. White woman. 1 Col fax 2511. J - , BUNDLE washing,, experienced,. Webatir 1508, DAY work; experienced, competent Tyler 1158, DAY ,"pork-; laundry; experienced. 253.' Ty. DAY , work . wanted; experienced. Web. ZSSS.. y X rAUNDRT, duy work. Webster 4953, after tT WORK; exp. col, lady. Web. 3833; DAYworkJ laundry, experienced. Ty. 3571, BUNDLE wishing neatly done. Web. WANTED-Day work; colored. Web. I49S. DAY work wanted, experienced. Web. S95S. BUNDLE washing; soft water. Web. 4949. LAUNDRY, sewlng'by flay. V7eb. 132. MEN'S Washing, day. worHr Web. 4115. LAUNDRY; day work. Webster 1356. DAY work. eP colored. .Tyler 8,161, BUNDLE washing. Web. 3303. HELP WANTEp MALE. Stores and Offices. SEVERAL FINE PLACES -i: FOR HELP NOW OPEN-'' RIGHT REFERENCE CO., 536 First National Bank Bldg. BKKPR. and asst. to office manager. $150; asst. bkkpr., financial Institution, 1123; , clerk, asst to credit man, $100 to $125; hotel clerk, 1150 to $176; asst. cashier, country bank, salary open, WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASSN. , 736 First National Bank Bldg. LEARN A TRADE. Barbers wanted everywhere. Wa 1 guarantee a portion and teach you In a lew weens, write tor Dig iree catalog. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th Bt. STENOGRAPHER, Lincoln, $130; stenog rapher, Cheyenne, wyo., iao; D-Kpr., $136; biller. $115. WATTS REFERENCE CO., 912 First National Bank Bldg. - EVERYONE who Is outof work will do well to call at this office immediately our rates are reasonable. COMMERCIAL REFERENCE CO., - 1516 City National Bank Bldg. YOUNG man, etudy law. Eva, downtowa eesslons. Unlver. of Omaha Law Dept. Thorough course; nominal tuition. See. , 4U1 4U4 7mana rtauonai r nag. WANTED Clerk at once, steady position; experience and reference. J. Helphand Qlothlng co.i, 314 or I6tn Bt Professions and Trades. f ANTED Several men for automatic and i hand-screw machine, punch press and laJhe operating; ateady employment; fac- tnry out of city; state experience. Ad- . dress A-65, pare Omaha Bee. SPECIALTY salesman on silverware, rug . and . blankets; can use couple of good , men out of town work. G.T; Adams Co., 33 South 16th St. ' WANTED Bag pressmen, experienced In the printing of burlap, cotton and paper bags; write at once. Missouri .Valley jSack, company, St. .Joseph, Mo. YOUNO man to learn a trade; good oppor- tnnltyj J. P. Cooke1 Co.. 1111 Farnam. r Salesmen and Solicitor-. S WANTED . M$N AND WOMEN -TO CANVASS SUBSCRIPTIONS 7- s '- FOR THE, t ,'oMAHA BEfi ' ,1N OMAHAND . COUNCIL BLUFFS. , 0' . APPLY TO. "i ') i ' . ' m -vrr?TT CITY CIRCULATtONwDT.PT. '4 THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 152ft., -HONOR THE U4HT BRlCAOE - HELP WANTEDMALE. " Salesmen 'and Solicitors. TO THE INVESTOR i- - Would you be .willing '.to put your money In a "honest-to-goodneas" olJ company that is producing oil, has it. own refinery, marketing facilities disposing os us output, raing a per cent quarterly dividends, adding a nice aurplua to its assets each. year, vapltal tzed right if so. write us for full par ticulars. We wish to secure the aery -., ices of first-class high grade salesman hto represent us in your territory. PATTERSON OIIj CO., BR0WNW00D, TEX. ,:V- WANTED At-jjnce. by an old-established paint manufacturing concern, salesman who can 'produce. Strictly Quality Una of goods. Good territory. Give full aer Y tolls and address flret letter so personal p interview can fallow. Box Y-1251, Bee, SALESMAN, district manager for Ne-braska- and Iowa., aelling to distributor splendid proposition ; must be ' experi enced In machinery and tractors. v r.Mf LUl M-M SFECIALIBTS Agents and Canvassers. AGENTS wanted; state and county; ex clusive territory; new invention forcur ing grain In granary; wanted for years: saves farmers many tlmesr cost every year; a farm necessity; will be at Mil lard Hotel Thursday. Friday and Sat urday. Ask for J. naters.. I eamsters and; Chauffeurs. WANTED. EORD TRUCK DRIVER ' ' MUST BE WELL. ACQUAINTED WITH CITT. 'AND GIVE -EFERENCES LOOSE WILES BISCUIT CO., 1:Th' ANB DAVENPORT. ". S , -.-'- ' . ,' Boys. &IESSENGER. BOYS . 16 YEARS OR OVER - APPLY , CUDAHY PACKING CO. SOUTH SIDE : i - WANTED BOYS laFor permanent position. Good salary and good chance for advancement. Apply GENERAL MANAGER'S OFFICE ' . , Fourth Floor, . , BRAXDEIS STORES l LA Hi 1. of fli iGE. Omaha bank has openings for Ice boys; ntust be cner 16 years of age: good opportunities for advance ment for ambitious boya. Apply Chief uierK, general Keaerve nanx. pERR AND flby with Ivheel for all day work. Ralph Printing Co., 19th Harney. YOUNG man for soda fountain. Rialto Candy .Kitchen. 1418 Douglas. Miscellaneous. WE AREADDING" ADDITION AL TAXICABS AND TRUCKS TO, tUR PRESEN T EQUIP MENT) AND HAVE OPEN INGS FOR: TAXICAB AND 'r TRUCK, DRIVERS; -ALSO C HE.C K E-R S AT RAIL-' ROAD - STATIONS, xOU,R GA RAGES AND - OUR DOWN TOWN OFFICE SMALL CASH BOND REQUIRED FOR 'ALL DRIVERS APPLY,, IN PER SON AT ' EITHER OF OlR V GARAGES. y OMAHA TAX J CAB TRANS ' ! FER CO., . v v 14T1I AND JACKSOiM, y.7-.IIAR?tEY.V DftAPERY BUYER :. We. havo pofltlbn for man thoroughly competent to buy for and direct Ml branches of retail drapery business;' In reply give age, experience and full de tails. . SCIIUNEMAN EVANS, St Paul. Minn. WE have several openings for young men to learn telephone switchboard Installa tion work; liberal starting salary with opportunity for advancement In an In-tareetlng-Tfob. Apply Room 21 S Tele phone Bldg., 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON may earn $100 to $200 monthly corresponding for newspapers; $15 to $25 (weekly In spare time: experience unnecessary; no can vassing; subjects Suggested. Send for particulars. National Presa Bureau, Buf falo, N. Y. 1 J WANTED Laborers; paving Job, out of city; all season work. $6 perday and quarters. Apply 692 Brandela Theater Bldg. '. - -. WANTED At the Jennie - Edmundson - Memorial hospital, an experienced house- man. Council "Bluffs, la. WANTED Drug clerk. Council Bluffs Drug Co., 60s W. Broadway, Council Bluffs. . ' - WANTED Man to wash windows and flow-. Wise Memorial. 25th and Iiarney. MIDDLE AGED man In packing room. Shipping Dept., Drcibua lanay t;o. WANTED Colored - man to clean and presa Clothes. 1822 X. 24th St. GORDON press feeders. Douglaa Printing Co.. 109 North-18th St. EDUCATIONAL. Van Sent School of Business, , day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. - ' Douglaa 6890. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices, r " ' WANTED EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER GIVE PHONE NUMBER IN FIRST COMMUNICATION. . ADDRESS BjCX R-S9, OMAHA 'BEE. -. . , -. . - V . A POSITION ia open in this offloa for a A. "'A capa Die-person, 'prereraoiy one wno nas had aeme 'experience In this work. "No service fee charged. COMMURCIAL REFERENCE CO., liU City National Bank Bide .--.' ' , -','A: ;., r ' yjICGS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PACE OP COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE T J HA.O ENOUGH -'Or TH' . HELP WANTEj) FEMACe. ' ' Stores and Offices, ANNOUNCEMENT T . N :vvcjave ppenings. tor two cap- able ygiing women wishing f.o take up '.Long Distanre "Telephone '0 '-A Apply fo 1 . T MISS BELLh: ' 318 Telephone Bldg., s Between 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. i American Telephone & . " Telegraph Co. - i SEVERAL FINE PLACES ' ' FOR HELP . NOW OPEN ; , RIGHT REFERENCkf CO., 619 First Natnal Bank, Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, and bookkeepers get f big aalarles and have pleasant work." iou wni soon do in one or these posi tions if-you take a course at Omaha'a efficient business school. Day school at 8 a. m. to 12:30 p. m., allowing, you . to work afternoon. Night school Mon , day and Thursday. Positions secured ' for atl graduates. American Institute of Buslnesa. Ef flclency. Douglaa 7774. WANTED A typist. Apply at South Side general office.. . ' MORRIS & CO. , , r , N W ANTED; ' r ! DICTAPHONE OPERATOR; EXPER-V ENCED; GOOD OPPORTUNITY TO ADVANCE FO RRIGHTG1RY. .APPLY TO ROSE ROKUSEtt: SO. FARNCM st.' x ,, ; -,v .,'.s VOUCHER Clerk, gootd at figure, $95; aat bkkpr. and office,' counter clerk, $100; ateno., .secretary, $110; office clerk and typist, 'real estate office, $86. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASSN. 736 First National Bank Bldg. WE liave two spletrdldX positions for cap able stenographers at $126. EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS THS MARTI Cft; 1116 W. O. W. BLDG. US.OME In and ae us, the more the merrier III, WW IIU V,. 1 ' 1 f v J COMMERCIAL 'REFERENCE Co., 10io-;ivy nauonai -wiiii- x,u. vniTVfi tndtf ta wnrle In nreacrtotlon de-' partmcnt Writing' labels. Good chance- to learn, drug -buslnesa. Sherman MOi Conrell. 16th and Harney. , EXPERIENCED cashier wanted, one who. understands typewriting. Good salary, steady position, The Boston Store, C'cruu- - ell Bluffs, la. ; '.. . ' vf ANTED Comne tent, reliable typist. Per manent position, best opportunity for advancement. Apply Morrla & Co., South, Biae. WANTED -Experienced stenographer, good pay ill iimui mi J. ci iukiicu, iiupi uum Henry Robinson Hardware Co., Doug. 8385. ' Professions and Trades. YOUNG LADIES Do yau want permanent position t No profession today offer-better op., portunlttea for good aalarle and ateady employment than local or Ions distance 'v telephona work. , f The work la fascinating, pleasant, healthful surroundings, annual -raca Hons with full pay.. Sick ani accident benefit without coat to employes, ; No experience necessary. Substantial weekly pay while in training. Rapt. advancement. v PareffU Invited to investigate working conditions.! ' , ), . ,. ' ,, ., Apply ta s ; ;IRS. MORRIS Emplojncnl Secretary.-- v ' ' :", ill -' - : ' U Room' SIS. . 'New Telephone Building.. ,.V 1 '" ' Ninetesntb and Douglet BtrSeta. " COMPETENT alteration help wanted. Sterdy posltlonaj good aalarles; splendid working conditions. Apply Mrs. Joseph- eon- Orkln . Bros., v Coaant Hotel bldgr. JStB atreet ' EXPERIENCED lady presser. Max I. Walker Dry Cleaner of North Omaha. col, jina. EXPERIENCED girl In busMUng and tail oring. ,1822 St. Marys Ave.. D. 6625. Saleswomen and Solicitors.. N WAITED WOMEN AND MEN TO CANVASS SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE OMAHA BEE 1 1), OMAHA AND 'CQUNCIL LUFJS.. - - . APPLY TO ( - v MR. O'JEIL ' If IT Y CIRCULATION DEPTf " OMAHA BEE. WANTED Experienced .saleswoman to fit giorra, ticeuvai opporirit9 xor am bitious woman to become familiar I with the highly apeclaltaed work of our large glove department: good salary to right woman; permanent poaltlon and bright prospect far rapid adraneenfent; apply General Manager' a office, fourth floor BRANDEIS StORES r ' AW OO TOO THINK I'M -SONN IT-THERE AN UITEN TO THM V ut aRNiN" Aaoor THNl OF THE CHARGE THEf rAAOE,-.-d ( -T-L. 7 , j B i - HELP -WANTED FEMALE Saleswomen .and Solicitors. 1 MillinerjrSaleswomen- " This 1a your onoortunltv: our larre millinery department haa openings for a numDer or capable salespeople; if you are desirous of -Securing a permanent position, where your salary wlH be "top notch," your prospects bright, and yocr welfare carefully considered, apply Gen eral Manager's office, fourth floor JBRANDEIS STORES Household and Domestic. WANTED A woman betweeifO and 40 years, for general housework; nor wash ing or ironing; 4 in family.- Apply Mrs. A. L. Ralnalter. 1111 Smith 51. 1 Hsra.v 4918. I WANTED Competent , white maid for general housework; no washing; must give city references. Mrs. W. Dale Clark, 3540 Harney St. Harney 6837. . WHITE glr! for general house work; no ' Washing; very beat wages; extra time off. Telephone Walnut 772. 108 N. 56th St. - WANTED At once, experienced girl for , general housework In family of three; ' no laundry; wages $15 week. Call Har. 978r - GOOD girl for' general housework: ' no washing or Ironings good pay; refer QHces required. Wal. 1099, 106 So. 51st. WANTED at once, girl for general house work; email family; no waahmg; beat . wages. 3311 Woolworth Ave. Har. 1659 GOOD place for a good Worker- with very good wages: one who can do houaeworV. amall family washing, cooking (vountryJ - gin preierreoi; will give you a real home with high wages. Box .R-92. A" COMPETENT white maid fbT cooking and general housework; email family; no laundry: $15 per week. Har. 2152. GIRL tor general housework. Gcod wages and small family. F. D. Wead. 602 S. 40th St Harney 171. WANTED Woman cook for European ho. iei; state wages anu experience. R. E. Barton. Lake View, la. EXPERIENCED girl, for-' general house work; small family; no washing-; good wage. H. 3155, WANTED Competent white general housei- woij. gin. twst or wages. References. ''Mrs. V. B. Johnson, 424 S. 35th street ' H, 843S WHITE girl fof- general housework In small family where other help la kept. '.Har. 6617. ; . WT-NTED Experienced cook, white. MrsT Barton Millard. 123 North 3-th St Har ney 47. . WANTED Girl for general housework: no washing or cooking; good wages, good home for a rood girl. Address Box R-50. , , "WANTED White girl for general house work; no laundry; good wagesr .Walnut WANTED Experienced cook: white. Mrs. Marton Millard. 123 No. 39th St., Har. 47. COMPETENT girl for general housework.- . Mrs. L. A. Doltz. 410 South 38th St. 'GIRL for housework; no washing or cook ing. Harney 2868 or Harney 4285. , -XPERIENCED cook. Mrs. Charlea Bea ton, 4016 Davenport, Walnut 438; AN experienced maid wanted, for general housework: references. H. SS2. WANTED Experienced white' cook, small family. Harney 640 after 10 a. m. WANTED A second girl. Mrs. John L. Kennedy. Tel. Walnut 625. dlOUSEKEEPER wanted, 113. . Council Bluffs Hotels and Restaurants. J . WANTED ' GIRLS- ' to Wait on tables - in lunch room . short hour work . permanent, position and good pay apply superintendent on balcony : j BRANDEIS STORES. j TWO. girls wanted to wait on trade; per week. Olympic Candy Kitchen. $1S i -. 'r . ; WAITED GIRL TO WAIT ON SODA TABLES APPLY SUPERINTENDENT. . BALCONY, . BURGESS-NASH. WANTED At Y. M. C. A. cafe, experi enced cafeteria woman; salary $60; no Sunday work. See Mrs. Baker. era T a . , , ,.,i . , ,v nit uii nvn. i.vic, H"itu f w steady work. Apply Cashier, Soda Room. Y .i a,A- i EXPERIENCED waitresses for the .Hen shaw Valley of Sweets. 1509 Farnam. , f-YOUNG lady for dining .room. Flatlron WANTED Dining room Memorial Hospital. girl. wSm WANTED Woman Elgin. Neb. cook. Hotel Logan, Miscellaneous. GIRLS WANTED. FACTORY WORK, V VERY GOOD WAGES. GORDON-LAWLESS CO, STH AND DODGE. 1 ' WANTED. ' - EXPERIENCED SALKSPEOPLSf" ... CASHIERS AND INSPECTORS. PERMANENT POSITION. GOOD AY. APPLY GENERAL MANAGER'S OFFICE. FOURTH FIXJOR. ' f BRANDEIS STORES. J ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON may earn J100 to $200 monthly corresponding ror newspapers; $15 to $25 weekly in spare time;' experience unnecessary; so can vassing; subjecta suggested. Send for particulars. National Press Bureau. Buf falo. N. Y. WANTED At the Jennie Edmundson Memorial hospital, a laundress by the month for hand ironing and mangle work. Council Bluffs, la WANTED Middle-aged woman as house keeper for a man. 34, with four children, 2 to 7 years old; wages 150 per month, Walter Smith, Halg, Neb. WHITE girls for stock work. Apply Keaay-to-Vt ear uepc, -xnompson-iuiaen Co. 1 $ - GIRLS wanted at once. Experience unnecessary. Ideal Button 6 nesting CO., 300 Brown Bldg. v- BIT SISTERS ASSOCIATION, for th benefit of buslnesa girls. 621 Bee Bldg. Douglaa 6(13. , , WOMAN to scrub floors. Wise Memorial hospital. 26th and Harney. YOUNG ladle for ushers at the Orpbeum theater. Apply after 1 p. m. GIRL to work in diet kitchen. Mercy hospital. ' council Blurts. GIGRL3 for aoda fountain. BeatoV Drug Co. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladle and boya to learn barber trade; big demands wages while learning; strictly modern. Cli or writ 1401 Dodge it Trl-Clty Barber College. Drawn for The Bee by McManu. Copyright 19!0 International New V"'- SOCH IGNORANCE j BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE Good paying bakery at Cur tlsfrNeb. Town of 1,600 with no com petition. Consists of fountain and com fcctlonery and bakery. Monthly aalea between 4,000' nd $6,000. Brand new brick oven and bake room. F. A. Smith, Curtis, Neb. - PARTNER TVANTED In electrto llnt compailx now furnish ing seven towns: chances good to put on that many more; must have some money to invest; give, experience and the amount you can invest when writing for further particulars. Box Y30Bee. DttN'Tfelss thla opportunity. An independent- fortune for you haven't the money te handle the proposition. Would consider good car as part payment for half Interest or all. PhorlA Webster 1403. After 7 p. m. and Sunday alWeb. 185s. GOOD garage business tor sale In a good county sent town of 2.200 people. Good IcAne on building, clean stock and no junk. Best of reasons for soiling. Box Y 1244, Bee. FOR SALE'BY OWNER. Five-room house, closa In at a bar gain. . Buslnesa telephone Douglaa 6396, house telephone South 1373. FOR SALE Standard scale, concuts 75c, knives, cleavers, awning, one meat chop per and meat saw, Clark Barber Shop, 1403 Dodse St. GROCERY store for sale; good location; cheap rent; 11,200 will handle. Web. 647. FOR SALE Drug store, town 300; In voice $2,500. , Address P. O. Box 199, Grand Island. - TO GET ln or out of business, se LEWIS as w. 4ix Mctaaue iag. ; Rooming Houses. EIGHT rooms, full of roomers, good In come; two. blocks south of Union Sta tion: barglnti. 1102 South ltOU. FOR -RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT, TYLER 1000. AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIG ROOM LIST -PRINTED EVERY " WEEK FOR THS BENEFIT OF OUB "READEBH AND ADVEHTISBRR SINGLE and double rooms for- men only; steam heat; within walking distance. uiuwii Aifin., avs .nil. uuiig, oqi-. j FURNISHED ROOM, gentiemah prefegred: references exchanged; breakfast if de sired. Wal. 2893. Ti , , rna m.. . . r i- , , ONE nice large front room,- 1 1 blocks from Crelghton college,; preferably young etu- uent Good, quiet, clean place, p. 7659, NEWLY furnished room, private home, for gentlemen: walking distance-. refer ences. Har. 37S. HANSCOM Parkrfltrict. two eeparSte rooms, men only1 y; reasonable rates. liar- ney nii. SUITE or rooms suitable .for two, either - ladteg or gentlemen. Ty. 2094. 153a- PARK avenue; furnished room. H. 7378.' BEAUTIFUL newly furnished rooms; suit. oie ror two. .668 st Marys Ave. LARGE front room for gentleman; private family. 101 North 30th. Har. ..7493.. FURNISHED room for'one or tworaen. S21 No. 24th St Tyler7 1835. f. ROOM . with bath adjo'lning for 1 or 1 gentlemen. Call Walnut 5377. NICE front room, private home," gentle men or lsdles. - Harney '7116, SUITE of rooms, suitable for- 2ladg or gentlmen. Tyler S094. j ' M20a HARNEY, nice furnished rooms. Fnonenoug. S434. - PLEASANT room, gentleman home. Har. 10SS. v private FB.ONT room. sutUUile, 1716 N. 34th St for 2. Web. 6098. ALL modern furnished room for rent 4720 S. 25th St. . ROOM In Dundee, private home. Walnut Z44S. 1822 WEBSTER furnished rooms! Doug. 43.8 - FURNISHED room, private home. Doug. TWO sleeping rooms. Suitable for four gentleman. Call Wal. 1788. THE Porsdal, 1502 So. 10th St.; best bache lor a roc-rrut in city. Doug-291. GRATSTONE. 26th and Cass, two large rooms, i-ioug. 7334. PARK Ave., furnished rod for gentle man. Har. 2971. " LARGE east front room, suitable for two gentlemen; private fanvtl-. So. 1174. SLEEPING rooms. 3909 S. 28th St. So. 15. 2 NICELY furnished rooms." Tyler 39 ft. LARGE from room, modern ''Web. 2415. ROOMS for rent. 536 South 25th Awe. TWO or 3 rooms, gentlemen.' 1 al. 2390. Housekeeping RoOms UONE well furnished room adjoining bath; private lainny, neat, vnion station, 114. So. 10th St., Apt. 1, Vhone Doug. -7130, until p. m. 844 SOUXH 19th St.. .-nice light house keeping rooms; modern; clone in, Dg. 5349. - TWO light housekeeping rooms; nice yard. Har. 4001. B-ROOM suite of housekeeping rooms; nice . yard. Har. 4989." DODGE, 2065, twp light housekeeping rooms. HirnAV IMS SINGLE room, bath Included, for light nouseKeepmg; mock to car. liar. 3737, DODGE, ,1720 housekeeping rooms, rea sonable. IJOUg. j ti n. NICE largV housekeeping room, Harney 4447. 2 LIGHT housekeeping rooms'. Web. 803. 1 filOHT housekeeping rooms. Har. 3172 Board and Rooms! ON Harney car line, board and robm for z gentlemen or couple. Harney 714. ROOM and board for gentleman. Har. VVJS. ) FOR RENT HOUSE-. Unfurnished, r FOR RENT Etght-room partly modern house and 4 acres:, mile from pavement: araraxa for 2 cars, barn, chicken house, fruit trees, 114 acrea of alfalfa. $65 pea-month. GEORGE MMAXT. Tteallnra. Tyler 3024. 902 City Nat'l Bank BIdg.1 FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS . Furnished. EL-BEUDOIj APARTMENT HOTELy Conveniently located. ' Furniahc. throughoui, Suites of two and ehree rooms, wt'h combination tub and shower natn. Ultcnenettea completely epulppeo. Weekly rental Inclt-des light Ueat gas, tel. phone and maid service. An Id-il home for those whi desp-e comfort and aervlce. apartments shown by appoint ment Dodge and 18th. Ty) -r 4200. T'O and 3 -room furnished apts., steaan heat; walking distance. Brown Apt., 608 N. 21st St Doug. 6644. Unfurnished. THREE to five rooms; light beat, water and gas furnished. H. 719 SIX-ROOM flat all modern but heat , 1411 No. 30th. Web. 1456. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Room and board, for 10 to 20 students, - commencing Sept 10th, for school year, same house. Give price .and accommodations In -first let ' ter. vAddress Box R-90, Oma'ha Bee. WANT 1 Three unfurnished rooms, suit , able for music studio, with board, for two. Edltji , Wagoner. Harney 596S.J Unfurnished Apartments and Houses WANTED 5 or 8-room modern apartment by October 1; west.. Harney 261. MOVING AND STORAGE. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, hacking - and storage. 1601 Davenport Doug. 2101, 1 rTii JfJfi'KT" MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY atJ8 ; C(X STORAGE, MOVINO. PACKING f n- HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANO REASON AHL.BJ KA-Ia. , FREK RENTAL SERVIC. 1 ' COMPLETE LIST OF , HOUSES AND -APARTMENTS'. w--16th and Jackson Sta. .'Douglaa lllf MOVING, PACKING. 8TORAG& VIRRPROniT WAREHOUSE, 8, 1 Separate looked rooms (or, household - good and pianos, moving, packing and altlpplng. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE! CO.. 10S 8outh 16th. : Dong.- 4ISI. .METROPOLITAN , VAN and STORAGE CO Owned by H. B. BowenCo. Tyler 14'?L GLOBE VAN, TRANTsFEB AND ' dTORAGU cu. For real service !n hauling' er ater age. rati Tyler 110 or. Douglaa ills. Auto or wagon service. ' ' WANTED 100 cars ford tad storage, 1S11 Howard St. Ty. -I97S. ' HORSES AND VEHICLES. ONE horse weighing 1.250 pounds, eae rtrlvlug hon, -weight 1.100; one delivery 'hnree.. 1,000; two heavy single harness. Webster 1883. 210 ft- 24th St POULTRY ApJTJ SPPLIES. MIXED GRAIN. $3.7S per 10 ft., de. llvend. A. W. Wagner, 101 N. 16th St. Douglaa 1143. AUTOMOBILES FOR J ALE. Buy a Guy-Lv Smith Used Car , A SAFE INVESTMENT. ; Essex Sedan . v, 1920 model.' Run 5.200 miles. . Just like new. Snappy, amart and economical. . Haa been used aa a demonstrator and car guaranteed Hudsoif Sedans - i ' We are ahowlng tx Sedana In several body atyles. Wln . - ter Is coming so now Is the , best time to prepare All re-. " v finished, rebuilt and guaran- ' . teed x "V. Scripps-Booth 7 1, 'i 1920 touring. isew car at i a used car price. This la a Aa snappy, economical little car t and ran be bought at a"$600.00 1 ' reduction from list price, ' Lexington v ' N 1919 Touring. Continental motor.' Reflnished and only '." run- 6,000 miles. Just Ilka sew and a (real bargain. - r 'X -Hudson Speedster The Speedsten la very popu lar here In Omkha. ' Thlj one has six new cord tires and la as good as the day It left the factory. See It today lor it ifon't M hero long. Studebaker Roadsters N We have threa ISIS four cylinder roadster. These cat are priced for quick aale and are all in first elasa condition. ' RoaiSslers are hard to find ae come early and get first , choice. v XTso about 15 other cars all ready to go. '; : i Guy L. Smith, 26th Farpam Streets. Doug. lJIli. Cadillac CADILLAC IS phaeton! re built, new tlres.and paint; car in perfect condition, looka and runs. , . . i , CADILLAC $8 touring, seven passenger, new top, car la fine condition, , CADILLAC real bargain. II touring,- a' Si. -' i. '.TADILLAC 11 condition, wire w tit in r;ne oonartiofl. jy. - CHALMERS-Bmouslne, seven-passenger, car in fine con-' Ullion. , CHALMERS five passenger -touring car, pew paint, good tires, car la fineco ndltlon. . HUDSON super-six touring, in-fine condition, good tires, BADGE touring, In nice con dition. v t . - ' f . 'OVERLAND coupe, good . tires and paint, car in . fine condition. . . STUDEBAKER. roadster. In fin condition. RfTi A SAFE PLACE TO BUY. , J. H. HANSEN 1 CADILLAC CO. Harney 710. farnam at J4th. Buy. a Guy L. Smitli Used Car. , A SAFE INVESTMENT. i We always have a few first-class used cars which are real bargain. Each is guaranteed and with real service behind it Call Doug-i las 1970. anv tim Inr A.r-.r.f-.Z-T of cars and prices. DRIVE IT YOURSELF, COMPANY " RENT A NEW FORD-rDRIVE ' IT YOURSELF - Til H MOST ECONOMICAL AUTO. , MOBILING; CT1EAPER THAN OWN ING A CAR. viiv .i rnwntTinv NIGHT Till; IAS DATS "If I314 HOWARD STREET. DOUO. USX ifttn li -,nn,ii 111 - - " , ' -. ,,n.Q ,1- ..... 144 v.i: . . 1 .$1,850 02a 1919 Overland SO touring ........ 400- 1918 Chalmers six 100 i" iraaiana six tour 409 . 191Scrlpps-Booth eight rd. ... 409 Twenty other bargains. $171 up. TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 2210 FARNAM. WE 'SAVE YOU - $5 out of every $10 on auto Insurance. , Phono Douglaa 7768. $11 Petera Iruat Bldg. Continental In-. Co. 1 SOME bargains In used Ford care. Xlc- Caffrey Motor Co. Tb Handy Ford Service Station; 15th and Jackson, Doug las 350S. ' , ' NEW 'GUARANTEED TIRES 30x3, -...,,..$ 9.75 I 33x4 ,$21.60 30x3t4 -12.90 14x4 ....7.,.-21.7i- STANDARD TIRE CO., 410 No. 16th. GARAGE, , 10x16- ft; complete, 1166; we do all kinds of building and repair work. Dickson Newman, So.. 3794, or 60., 176t. ,- ' NEW FORD RACER a bargain, haa roof. IS overhead valves; one of the (fastest half-mile, or mile dirt-track . races In the country. I, U. V Incen t. KpR SALE 1916 Ford Roadater wiThsirp SJon hox.attaciied. In first class condition. Rubber City Sales Co.l064 farnam St. DO VOU want a good auto at bargain Terms price 7 All mafiea and slaea. or cash. Call Mr. nnii SI 68. WANTED For apot caa 100 used ear. erulck action: no delay. Auto Bwhang Co.. 105S Farnam 8t Douglas sola FORD8, DODGES, BC1CR FOR SALS Oil TRADE.- EASY TERMS. CALL S. 1S. , O'ROUKB AXJTO CO.. 171 S. 14th tj 1 11 rj 1iAlh rTB.n. 6 OAKLAND Senalble Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO, y sjos rarnaw mi WE have 60 good need" ears to aelaol from. All prices. MEEKS AUTO CO.. lot Farnarrl '. WE have room for tx dadtorag aato-, mobiles: brick building; heat furnished Ray Auto Top Co., Doug. S080. ' BARGAINS In new an umA .l.4 FOR . BON A RLE. I'AT.I. nOlirttAM X(S f i-oru Doaiea, at uoiostrum Aato Bale, 1318 Harney St.. Tyler T14. J if TRUCKS, ANT SIZE, FOR HIRE. BY - .MONTH. TEAR. TYLER 1S7S. 1 1 1120 KORD RUMABOrrr or truck! aal eondltlon: for sale. Walnot IS4S. f ' SAI.R 1920 DOBflR. VERY RKA..1 ! If 4 HUDSONdan ior aale. sxcelltnt ftl- lion. Bargain. H. 5361. , , v-c s -,. " r-.-''v,,-.-v i ' ';'i'' - ' . , ' '.'."-:v V.- :" . '- . V S'