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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1920)
.- -,r- J ' f A '; A . THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1920. K if 3 5 1 INTRODUCE LAW OF ANCIENT HIGH PRIEST IN COURT . M . . , ; i . , ' Babylonian Talmud Prepared ,- By Sanhedrin Referred to , a - In. Ouster ( : j- Suit. , A ," ' ' " ' r Martin L, Sugarman, counsel foi S. RabinSwitz, defendant in an action brought'by B. Shames to obtain pos session of premises att 709 North Sixteenth street, referred Judge George Holmes in municipal court this af tern on to the Babylonian Tal mud, art ancient code of law pre pared by the Sanhedrin, which was ft supreme council of holy priests. Mr. Sujarman held in his hand a volume jof jurisprudence, being an English translation by Rodkinson, ana saia to nave been the hrst t-ng- jish translation of -this r ancient set of laws. . Held Up Execution. Mr. Sugarman'; point was that his client hid not been given his full !day in court" and, that the writ of v restitution granted to Shames should not be executed until an appeal made ny Kabmowitz will been heard in the district court " Mr. Sugarjiian read the following from the -Talmud as applicable to , jjis case i . . " ;-"So long as defendant brings evi dence to. his advantage the decision ihay be nullified by the 'court. The efendant has always the right to 'inff viArm offline til Aceet fit the court unless an ot his claims are concluded and be himselt con fesses uiai nc nas no more witnesses fer any other evidence." !! First Tlm 'Here. jA',.. . . : . Mr. ougarman aiso queued irom Deuteronomy XVI 6, which reads: !At the. mouth of two -witnesses , Jhe matter shall tstand." ' . j It is stated that this is the first in-' liance in Omaha of the Talmud be (ig referred in open court tq prove the contention of a lawyer for. his 3ient. The case now before Judge Holmes is a motion offered by Mr. Shames, that a writ of .execution , .recently allowed by the judge in his s favor against Rabinowitz shall e " carried into effect notwithstanding All 1DDUI UT 'IVdUIIIOWIU. . Judge Holmes believes he will be gin studying the Talmud. Despondent Woman Ends life on Son's Birthday Mrs. t P. Bush, 38, 2803 Bristol street, committed suicide yesterday, ,"her son John's ISth birthday, by locking Serself in the kitchen of her - home and turning1 on tfifrgas' jets of the kitchen range. She was found , dead on .the floor at 5 a. m. by her Bash told police his wile had been despondent over a stroke of apoplexy she suffered 15 years ago and another last January. He said she ' had ttemcld suicide several other ' .f - "ri. a I i t , i times. lnF!wye" 'nave iivcu in Ojmaha nvvtit' Bush is a farm Beside the husband and son'. Tohn. Urs. Bush is survived by Kenneth, 17: Wtlma.7: Erline and Arlme. 4: her mother and three brothers. Fu-I '. . . . , . . . ncrai services win oe neia in ue home Saturday. 1 ... ; , i " ,j ... Los Atageles probably has more pretty gtJs to the square block than any otmy city the universe. P 1 Omaha Police Have Clew to Mysterious Texas Disappearance . Clue to the sudden disappearance o(s J. F. Burchiel, EI Paso business man, July 22, which has since mysti fied Texas authorities, has been ob tained by Omaha police through the sal of an automobile alleged to .have been stolen and sold in Omaha. Paul Hamilton. Franklin hotel, Des Moines, sold a Hudson speedster to loe Lapidus, Auto Exchange 2059 Farnam street, according to Acting Chief of, Detectives Anderson, which has proved to be the car Burchiel bought in Texas two days before he dropped from sight. Hamilton showed Lapidus a bill of sale from Burchiel dated Des Moines, July IS. Lapidus stopped payment on the $1,000 check he rave for the car and police say Hamilton immediately left Omaha." . ' , Detectives were ordered to arrest Hamilton, following communication with El Paso police, but learned he had checked out of the Loyal (hotel. August 28. the day following th$ sale of the car. ' I Hamilton's trunk checked at Un ion station from Omaha to Chicago, has not yet been claimed. With him at the Loyal hotel was a woman whom he registered as his wife. She, too, has disappeared, police say. The Sleeping. Car Conductors union has increased its membership to more than 2,500. ADVERTISEMENT. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine r r I ) "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" is genuine Aspirin proved safe by mil lions and prescribed by physicians for over 20 years. Accept only an unbroken "Bayer package" which contains proper directions to relieve Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Colds and Pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tab lets 'c6st few cents. Druggists also sel larger "Bayer packages." As pirin is trade mark Bayer Manufac ture Monoaceticacidester of Salicyl icacid. ' OMAHA WOMAN IS ROBBED AND THEN HELD FOR THEFT Mn. William Vogel Loses $500 in Daring Robbery And Is Held as Thief. While enroute to visit her mother in St. Louis last Wednesday, Mrs. William Vogel, divorced wife of Dr. William Vogel, Omaha dental chemist, was robbedof her purse 'containing money and diamond rings vauled at $1,500 in broad daylight, on a road leading into Sidney, la., and later jailed as an automobile theft suspect when she reported the' affair to the town marshal. According to the story Mrs. Vogel related to Nat Meister, Omaha in surance man and adjuster,, she and lief chauffeur were, on their way to St. Louis and were only a few. miles ooutside of Sidney when the robbery occurred. Mrs. Vogel was stand ing on the running .board of her car while her driver, was repairing the engine, when another cat, traveling at a high rate of speed and with a man -standing on the running board passed the Omaha party. As the speeding car passed Mrs. Vogel, the man on the. running board grabbed her purse, which was hangings on her ami t-f According to Mr. Meister, when Mrs. Vogel reported the affair to the marshal at Sidney, she was questioned by the latter and later jailed when the marshal discovered a revolver in the Omala car. "Mrs. Vogel was traveling by auto to visit her mother in .St. Louis and she carried a revolver in the car for protection," said Mr. Meister. Believing that Mrs. Vogel and her chauffeur were'a pair Lautomobile thieves, the marshal at Sidney jailed them. According to Mr. Meister, the local woman showed her bill of sale for the automobile, but that was -not enough to-'please the officer and Mrs Vttgcl'was kept ii jail for 24 hours. After telephoning and JeJegraphing to Omaha, the sheriff of Sidney de cided that Mrs. Vogel and her chauffeur were not the pair wanted. Mr. Meister Jias ( assigned detec tives to take tlie case and it is- ex pected that arrests wiH soon follow. Mrs. Vogel s divorced from her husband about a month ago. She" left again last night f St. Louis by autOv ' ' t ' . Go To Canada Mr. and Mrs. Jo sept J. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Evans left last night for Hamilton, Canada, by way of Chi cago, for a week's vacation. -y Want Special Trains VMtors to Omaha during the Ak-Sar Ben will be granted special trains and spe- pelal rates If the efforts, of Secretary Charles R. Gardner prove successful. ' Fined $100 Illegal possession of liquor and operation of a still was the charges made 'by officers against Gus Antonson, 4829 Ames avenue, who was fned $100 in the Central police court yesterday. Hotel Men en Tour About 45 New York hotel owners and opera tors, guests of Spencer Penrose, Col orado capitalist, will pass through Omaha at 1:50 p. m. today In a spe cial train on the Kock Island bound for Colorado Springs. Rent) Ground William Holzman took a 99-year lease on the 67 feet of grouhd immediately west of the The Estey Piano Built for those who haven't the space for a Grand x piano. The ESTEY Jias all those enduring and rich tone qualities that are so characteristic of grand pianos. Tour Old Piano Taken in Trade. Burgess-Nash Co. Fourth Floor i ADTEKTI0BMKNT. You Can't Brush Or Wash Out Dandruff i t Aft1 A M .iJ m wmij suic wajr m get nu Ul dandruff la to dissolve it, then you destroy It entirely. To do this, get arvon; apply it at night when re tiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the dnger tips. Do this tonight, and by morning, most If not all, of your dandruff will 5e gone, and three or four more ap llcationa will completely dissolve and entirely destroy , every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have. V A. ffM nll tvu OT.I 1I11U, ,UV, lll an tinning and digging of the scalp will stop at once, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous. rlfv. ullkv nnH anft. anil look and feel a hundred times better. You can get liquid arvon at any drug store; It. is inexpensive and never fails to do the work. - Union Outfitting Co. Make Big Purchase Framed Pictures On Sale flextjaturday Pictures of Every Size And Description Will Be Found In This Assortment There is Almost Endless Variety of Subjects to Choose From- About Half Price People attending: this special sale will be astonished over such beautiful framed pictures being offered at such ridiculously low prices. The Great Buying Power of the ,Union Outfitting Company makes such an unsurpassed event possible. - The best work of the foremost American and foreign artists is represented, in this wonderful col lection. It makes no difference whether you admire iandscape scenes, bid mister or marine, etc.; you will find them among the as sortment. These pictures are beautifully framed in mahogany, walnut and other finishes, many showing new ideas in framing that give them special individuality. Remember, the Union Outfit ting Company is located outside the High Rent District, and as always, you make your own terms. , A A liliii;liiliiliiiiliiliilHliiliiliiiiiliiliiliili:ii!liiiiliiliiliiliiintiiininiiiiniiiniiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiii'iiiij, 'SORflFRSET COAL I - i For Hard or Soft Coal Furnace i f Anthracite '6bal is hard and. .hard to get. I Somerset, Colorado, bituminous coal is . also hard, and the hottest coal toe can Secure, and we have itin stock at all our yards. Prompt,fJe- ,1 liveries assured if orders are placed immediately. I Updike Lumber & Goal Go. j I r General Officer 45th and Dodga Sts. Phone Walnut 300. 43d and Charles Sta., A Phone Walnut 557. 15th and Webster Sts., b. Phone Douglas 4452. illlUllllllllllllillllllllllllUlt1lllllllllllltlllUIIIIIIllllllll!lllllll.llllllllllllllllllllMllllllllllllllllllllilllllll!llllillllt KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - " Free Vocational School For Ex-Soldiers, Sailors and Marines u Reoriens for Second-Session September 15, 1920 Registration from September 1st to 10th A- at 210 South" 18th Street Offers free to all ex-soldiers, sailors and. marines both begin ning and advanced courses in Accounting-, Americanization, Arith metic, Auto Mechanics, Bookkeeping, Business English, Commercial Chemistry, Commercial Law, Mechanical Drawing, Public Speaking, Salesmanship, Shorthand, Spanish, Telegraphy, Typewriting and all others for which there is sufficient demand. . v , ,. . .Everything free to. those having a discharge from the Army, Navy or Marine Corps. Where the classes are not full those who are not ex-soldiers 'may be admitted, upon the payment of tuition.; ' Classes inAuto Mechanics at the City Auditorium, 14th & Jack-, son. All other classes at the Creighton College, 25th & California 'Streets. ". " A Mondar,' Wednesday and Friday Evenings, A ) 7:15 to 9:00 P. M. 1 JKNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS VOCATIONAL SCHOOL NO. 501, 2IO SOUTH 18th STREET Briej City News El Beudor apartments for which he will pay $4,000 a year net to Mrs. Elizabeth Warren, who owns the property. KulvRtlon Army Mecto About 200 delegates of the county- advisory board of Nebraska, representing the Salvation Army, will hold a conven tion at the Hotel Fontenelle Thuta-' day, September 16,; for the purpose of correlating army activities throughout the state. Come To Omaha Because of the proximity of time and distance, race horse exhibitors, live stock men, machinery men and other exhibitors at the Iowa state fair are coming to the Ak Sar-Ben after thejvhave ex hibited at the state fair In Lincoln, according to Arthur Thomas of "the Chamber of Commerce publicity bu reau, who has returned from a short trip to Des Moines. j Visit Farms Thirty farmers ot Douglas county. . escorted by County Agent J. Q. Maxwell, toured the southern part of the county. They were accompanied by H. F. Mc intosh, manager of 'the agriculture bureau of the Chamber of Commerce and one of his committeemen, C. M. Rice, of the Nebraska Hay company. The party visited various show places where fine dairy cattle," sheep and hogs are kept. f Givrs selves V'ptfohn -Holfeldt and Tony Zlnfmerly, wanted on a charge of assault to do great bodily Injury In connection with an attack upon a picnic partjrof Omaha people near Waterloo, Neb., on the night of July. 31, gave themselves up in county court yesterday. They plead ed not guilty. Acrobatic Thlcr An acrobatic thief entered Don Allender's room at the Arcane hotel by means of a plank connecting an open window in his room' and .-the building across the way. The thief relieved Allender of his trousers which contained a check for $490, $95 In-cash and a gold watch, according to Allender's statement to the police, . , Asks. Divorce Alleging " that her huabari, Frederick M. Collins, vice president and general manager ot the Carman Distributing company, Twelfth and Cass streets, was "un duly 'familiar" with another Ionian while she was 'in the hospital and that he i ordered her 'to leave their home, Mrs. Helen Collfna. $740 bau man avenue, Is suing In district court for divorce. m Exonerate Andonwm Chief of Detectives A.-C. Anderson was ex onerated by ' the , withdrawal of charges of alleged brutality in using third degree methods by Thomas Cun .. ran. attorney for Walr Davidson accused of the theft of 5,000 worth of tires from the Goodrich Tire and Rubber company, according to Chlel of Police Eberstrfy. i ... . Divorce-Court. ..""y, , - . Divorce WtHlinn. Imtao a. Miller Blnt Mrht MlUeV eruitjr. , r .'' l v. i k i .ill. nniv Bisiw,, -. wr . nriion. . . , k- h ' ' ! : JwfK Marthil- tronrwjcu Utrtlal, or uy Ida " kroitnlck from Cr1 ' Xrumitek.. 1fl crulty. -' - Dorothy kHr'thouwr from Hobart Brth , ouwr. cruelty.' ' ' lBbell Hartnett from James Hartaett, cruelty. . i Beanie C wick f rnl Charlet Wick, non upport. V ; , . Loulee Bnnka from Robert Banks, cru elly, i There's No Picture like the Picture of Health The greatest master-piece in the Art Gallery of Life is Nature's "Picture of Heslth". It Is a msrvjoui portrayal of the toman body at Its beet. One heboid in its composite dotal! a true eymbol of strength. . It preeants a Scare of striking appearance in lu erect car riace, clear (kin, sparkling eyee,stronf limbs, steady nerves and firm muscles;fairly vibrat ' ing in animation keen, alert, fresh, and spirited; with an air of unbounded confidence and a face radiant in coior and illuminated with a glow of bope and cheerfulness. IMC0 Could Nature have taken yofor her modelt Suppose you study yourself in the mirror of the present and compareyour looks, your feel ings and your condition with the general characteristics of this Dictare of the human body in pertect workins order, all parte of which are sound, well organized andttisposed, . performing their functions freely, naturally If you fait in any single pSnt of resem blance, you are not the pictifteVif health. It'e imperative, then, that you look to a means tsTtebuild your strength, energyhnd viTor to bring your body up to a nermal state of efficiency in all of its parts. : The Great General Tonic Hot hinff Is mere efficaeioos as a rebuild er of exhsoited nervee sod eiyeiest forte then LYKO. the great general tonic. It tends to renew wortt-oat tissues, replenish the blood, ereste sew rower and endor see, and revive the apirits ot these who are weak. IreiT, languid and over-wraight as the result of eieknees, exeessivestntn . worry or over work. It's s reliihable appetiser, a splendid aid to digevtioo soda fine fooetionaJ regulator of the liver, kidneys and bowels. i , All dnggists soB LYKO Get a bottl TO-DAY and twalf sea-' aes to look mors like the picture of health. lMe Maasiactarsrc MEW YORK LYKO MEDICINE COMPANY . ; KANSAS CITY MD eleaMl peak- picture a Mia. Bitttutas. LYKO le esM S'i eolv. itke ail aoailp!4; For sal hj Beaton Drug Co., 15th and' Farnam Sts., and all retail druggists. The scientific blending of reliable vegetable remedies of benefit to persons who suffer from' Nervousness Sleeplessness ' Depression Loss ol Appetite Brain Fan t BlaesMve Tronbles Slow Recovery iroin laflaenza and Kindred Ailments Are you mn down? Are you irritable? Are you overworked? Then try this approved remedy and satisfy yourself of its beneficial ingretuenta. Briaeta it told in original ' lS-oz. botll$ only. Rtfuu all $wnuuut. BBIACEA DRUG COMPANY - KassssClty.Mo. II , u " A V 'fiVERYDODY STORE v v A' Store ' Hours i A9'AvM.-iSP.MW f Economic Values Offered Friday -xSe 1 Downstairs Store m B 1 4lliiliili!liiliili:l!ili;li:iilli:li;liili!liiliiliiiilnli:i:i' 1 " ' -" i I i Remnants I V2 Price ! 1 . In this lot are included I all kinds of fabrics - in , lengths of from" 1 -to 6 yarda, v - JllMlilllilllllllllllilllllillll-l'lllllllllill'IIHIilllllll ; Children's School , Hose, 35c 3 for $1.00 ! In black and white, a good looking stocking for boys and girls. A . Knitted Waists, 35c 3 for $1.00 v , - Children's knitted waists tap ed and buttons and with sup porters fasteners on sides. Ages 4 to 13. Women's Cotton Union Suits, 8f c ' 2 for $1.50 - Band or bodice, tops, cuff or lace knee, an exceptional value. v Women Will Be Interested in These Exceptional Values in Pumps and Oxfords Priced for Quick Clearance In Tyro, $5.95 and $7.95 These1 come . in satin, black and brown kid and calf, in Louis and Mili tary heels. ' " , . Included in this lot are. new fall models. All sizes and all widths. i;iiiliiiuiiiiiiliii!iliiliiiiiliili:lliiiilHiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiii!iini;iiiiii;liili:ii.iiiiiHi!liniili!liHiii I' 9 - BP' yl V liSiaili;iiiliiiiiniiiliiliiliiiiiiiliili:liilMiili!i;ili:ii)liilHii!iin'. . . m Clearance Sale of Summer Low Shoes $3.4-5 ; ! 1 Women oxfords and pumps, left from a recent purchase, in black and: colors In a variety of styles at $3,48. , ; , , jiijniHliniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiiliiliiliilimiiintiiiuiiiiiiiuiniiiiiiiiiiiiliilui.a'.iiiiNiiiiiiliilhliili 2 The fact thatour recent' sale of Break fast Sets was so thoroughly appreciated has induced us to make every' effort to purchase more. We have been fortunate enough to secure them and will place A ' v- - - v On Sale 2,500 ( , ; Mina Taylor Breakfast S ets ai C 2.00 Two-piece Suits -Skirt and Jacket Innumerable styles, made of ' A GINGHAMS, CHAMBRAY, PERCALES in plaids, stripes and checks," and plain colors, trimmed in contrasting colored, materials. . No Phone Calls No C O. D.s No Exchanges LIMITED NUMBER TO CUSTOMERS Downstairs Store. . : : These cool evenings make one re alize the need or warmer wraps. Se lect yours from this great group of Women Coats at $10.00 For Fridayjwe are placing in a sale a large group of Kersey and Velour coats. Some are trimmed in a velvet or plush, others are plain tailored with button trimming. i - iilll1liii!iiliil',,liili,l,ir;lilMli!iiliirill' I Housewives, You .Will 1 , Want jSeveral Dozen of I These t f Bureka I 1 Fruit Jars I I at 49c Doz. ! . - i , , A jar which has all modern ? 1 improvements and devices to , make it more dependable and , convenient for the busy wo- man who is trying to econo- s I mize the .wide sides and i large opening make it easy to clean and fill. A Yiilitliililliiliiliiliiliiiiiiil;iiiiniiiii'iii!ii:liiiiiiilllir 1 ' Specials for Friday Opting Flannel A 25c5Yard - Whife outing flannel, a splen did quality,4 much underpriced, 25c yd.:,V ' - . Curtain Edges and Braids,?1 Yard , in different colors, 7 Vic yd. ' ' Crepe ' ' t ''-A.- 39c :i" A splendid quality of white . underwear crepe that retains its crinkle effect 39c yd. 1 Bleached Bath Towels 48c each , ( A heavjr weight and large ( size. Very special, 48c. l Children's Blankets $1.50 each 4 . In pink or bltfe with scallop- '- ed edge, an unusual value at $1.50 each. Gingham V 39c Yard In handsome plaids 36 inches ',vide. Splendid for school dress- . Curtain Scrims 29VYard N In white or ecru these come -with colored borders and, col- , ored figures, unusual value for , . 29c "yd.? x . Check Ginghams i ' V , v 29c Yard Aprons che'ek ginghatfls, an sxcellent quality for 29c yd. Buy the Boys' School Apparel NOW! Boys' Norfolk Suits, $6.95 to $12.50 - ) Men's Furnishings FOR FRIDAY IN THE DOWNSTAIRS STORE Men's wool hose, pair, 15c. Men's khaki work pants, excellent quality, pair, $1.49. I r, Men's coveralls, all aizes, suit, $3.98. Men's flannel shirts', sizes 14 M to 17, $2.98. ' , A Limited Number of Men's Balbriggan Union Suits r $K50 $2 $2.50 - Long and short sleeves, ecru and white. Limit of three to each customer. These suits 'are a correctly designed well tailored, trimmed with good serviceable lin ings, coat hajan all-round removable belt; pants full lined, cut full and roomy; for boys age 6 to 17 years old. Many of these suits have extra pants to match. ' Boys'. Betur"2Sc to 50c Boys Pants, $1.25 to $1.98 Boys' Shirts, $1.25 ' . ' .. V BoysVGolf Style Caps . t A SizeS to7H , ' - v . 98c EachT i Made, of an assortment of worsted fabrics, variety of colors, taped seams, leather sweat bands. , A wonderf upvalue. yiHralA Boys' Blouses Age 4 to 12 ' 77c An. exceptioVially high quality Blouse, made of "neat stripes, washable fab , rics. open cuffs, cut full and roomy. . . x j. i ; '4. IT! f- rl1 ' :irt " .. rt ' 4 :r.? 'HO 03 A lit . ' T.l.?' '. AJ-; I " , u ... ... ... ... -j. ..