Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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Secretary for Ireland Declares
Britain Unswerving in De
termination to With
hold Clemency.
London, Sept. 2. Appeals in be
half of Terence MacSwiney, lord
mayor of Cork, who is in a critical
condition at Brixton prison, this city.
as a result of a hunger strike, will
not be recognized by the British gov
ernment. Sir Hamar Greenwood,
chief secretary for Ireland, strongly
intimated in an interview with the
correspondent 01 me London limes
at Lucerne today. Sir Hamar also
. a r . i r t rr
indicated the government would un
swervingly adhere to its Irish policy,
None of the mercy which some
seek to invoke jor the lord mayor,
said the chief secretary, was shown
the policemen who have lost their
Uvei jn Ireland. ,
v Surprise His Doctors.
i .
I he tact that he is alive is a sur
prise to physicians. His' death has
been expected from hour to hour for
two days but although he remains
only a frail wraith, his mine is still
clear and the tiny spark of vitality
left him is enough to keep him alive
in the total absence of physical ef
fort It was learned authoritatively that
the relatives and immediate friends
of the dying man are considering a
last minute appeal to the pope to
depart, in the name of civilization
and humanity, from the ordinary
political aloofness and as the spir
ltual head of the world, to take ac
tive steps to bring pressure to bear
on the British government to have it
auaijaon us miiuanc aiiuuae.
Guard British Chiefs. .
A physician from the British home
office examined MacSwiney and ex
pressed satisfaction at his condition.
He refused to reveal the purpose of
the examination, borne held it in
dicative that the lord mayor will be
released. Others declared that the
government may start forced feed
ing, i
The members of the British cab
inet are guarded as they never have
been .before. Those who were in
the country have returned to Lon
don to make the task of guarding
easier. Even their children are
closely watched by the members of
Scotland Yard to prevent kidnap
ing. A special detail of officers has
gone to Lucerne, Switzerland, to
guard the premier. The government
office buildings in Downing street
i: C , u-j A .....
I iiicmuy uuiicywuiusu . iiu sui-
rounded by secret service men.
There is not the slightest sug-
?;estion at the government offices, .or
rom Lucerne of indications that
MacSwiney will be released.
Ball Players Greeted
: By Harding Today
(Continual Frow rfl Of) V
til government, on the home grounds,
with all the home fans behind us,
and team play when we represent
America in the a1lthc-world Series,
There are too many men batting
above .300 to rely oft one hitter.
Stand by Rules.
"And I am advocating something
more play according to the rule-.
The rules in the supreme American
game are in the federal constitution
and the umpire is the American peo
ple. There was a meeting of league
officials where the contending team
tried a squeeze play, arid expected
to score 6 to 1. against the United
States. But the American senate
was ready with the .ball at the plate
and we are still flying our pennant,
which we won at home and hold
respected throughout the world."
In his talk to the teachers Sena
tor Harding prnised the profession
jnd said it carried "one of the most
profound respcnsibilities given to
any man or woman."
Crisis in Education.
"The disadvantages that beset
your profession," he continued, "in
dicate a serious menace to our na
tional institutions. It is, indeed, a
crisis in American education that
confronts us. If we continue to al
low our public Instructors to strug
gle with beggarly wages we shall
find ourselves with closed schools;
our education will languish and fail,
"We have reached a crisis when
it is imperative that something must
be done. Let us support adequate
ly the standards of our schools. Let
all Americans recognize the neces
sity and determine upon relief.
"ft is fair to say that the federal
government is not responsible ana
cannot assume to trespass, but it
can give of its influence; it can point
out the peril which ought to be
clearly evident to every community;
it can emphasize the present crisis
(and make an unfailing call for the
'educational preparedness for citizen
ship which is so essential to our con
tinued triumphs."
Plenty of Sugar This Year,
' Says Colorado Stockman
More joy coming to the Omaha
housewife and her sisters in all
parts of Nebraska because of a
goodly supply of canned fruits
stored in thousands of cellars in
the state.-
According to E. L. Walker of
Greeley, Colo, a visitor at the Oma
ha stock yards Wednesday, who was
looking over the market for some
feeders, and who just arrived from
a visit at the national capital, the
state of Nebraska will produce over
70,000 tons more of beet sugar this
year than it did in 1919. "And from
information gathered at the depart
ment of agriculture, Colorado's beet
sugar crop is the largest ever pro
duced. The ' government experts
place the amount at 2,590,000 tons
for this year as against 1756,000
tons in 1919," said Mr. Walker.
"The potato crop in Nebraska, I
have been told, is nearly three times
larger this year than last, while in
Colorado every farmer in the state
will have a large surplus of spuds,
more than enough to supply every
... . , : . :.l 1:1 1
lamuy in me awe wim iucii
supply to last, them until the next
year's crop."
Akron, p., has 22 rubber manu
facturing plants.
Lighting Fixtures Uurgean-Grnn
den Co. 04t,
Peggy Marsh at the Sea
Peggy Marsh, whose love affair
in the newspapers, is now a general
French resort. The photographer
up a mess of shrimp with her net,
Federal Guarantee of Railroad
Earnings Resulted in In
crease of 101,755,000
During Last Month.
Washington, Sept 2. Federal
guarantee of railroad earnings re
ulted in an increase in the public
ucui Ul f lui, jj,uuv uuiiii nuuqii
according to treasury figures issued
toray showing the nation s gross
debt to be $24,3Z4,672,00U.
Ireasurv records charge the in
crease in the public debt .to an issue
of certificates of indebtedness of
fered August 16,' sold to cover pay
ment of the railroads under the
guarantee provisions of the trans
portation act.
, Is Not Final Accounting.
Advances to' the carriers against
probable deficits during the month
were said by treasury "officials to
have reached nearly 5160,000,000,
and on this basis they figured there
would have been a slight reduction
in the public debt had not the $arn
inirs cuarantee been in effect.: '"
Payments to the roads in August
do not correctly indicate the amount
to which they will be entitled when
a final accounting for the six months
period over which the guarantee ex
tended is made, it was added.
Redeem $2,500,000 Bonds.
As a result the drain on the treas
ury probably will continue for sev-
r r . r-l- L -l; 1 It.
erai montni, oinciais ucnevcu u
would be possible to clear up all
transactions with the railroads with
the exception of the revolving fund
by the opening of the new year.
The figures made public today
show redemption of approximately
$2,500,00 Oin iLberty bonds during
the last 30 days, about $1,500,000 of
which were of the third loan.
British Champions
Defeated in Match
With Omaha Players
Harry Vardon and Ted Ray, bril
liant English golrers, went down to
defeat at the hands of two Omaha
Country , club players Wednesday
afternoon at the Country club when
Ralph Peters the present state cham
pion and John Kedick won over the
Britishers, 4 up and 3 to go, in an 18
hole exhibition match.
The English players won the morn
ing match when they defeated bam
Reynolds and Kenneth Reed, former
state champions, in a hard, fought
ami interesting contest, I up on 18
Ray, winner of the national open
title, the blue ribbon golf event of
America, and Vardon, considered the
greatest stylist in the game, had won
six consecutive matches until Peters
ar d Redick broke ther winning streak
Wednesday afternoon. The pair of
golfers from across the sea, after de
feats in Chicago last week, won from
Tom Vardon and Jack Burke, cor
raled two matches in Winnipeg and
won from Ruddy Knepper and Mike
Sherman, at Sioux City, Vardon
and Ray won their fifth straight vic
tory in Minneapolis Tuesday when
they won over Legg and Stevens.
Both Peters and Redick played
good golf with their veteran oppo
nents and on - several occasions
made long drives that caused the
gallery to applaud. Peters' steadi
ness on the putting green gave the
Omaha golfers their victory, al
though the playing of Redick was an
important factor in defeating the
Express Rate Increase
In State Meets Opposition
Lincoln, Neb., Sept 2. (Special.)
Hearing was held before the Ne
braska railway commission ' Thurs
day on the application of the Amer
ican Railway Express company to
increase rates in Nebraska 12Ji per
cent to conform' to interstate in
creases of equal amount.
The proposed increase also in
volves higher rates to the Nebraska
state fair, and the abolition of com
modity rates on poultry.
Objection to the increase was
raised by state fair officials, the Fair
mont Creamery company and other
creameries and by wholesale fruit
men '
with Marshall Field filled columns
favorite at Deauville, the famous
caught Miss reggy seeking to scoop
which is now her favorite pastime
: l ;
Attorney General Makes
Pointed Reply to Letters
To Officials in Regard
To Bliiesky Law.
Lincoln, Sept, 2. (Special.) At
torney General Clarence A. Davis
uses some rather pointed language in
replying to a letter from the head of
the Colorado Shale & Metal com
pany of Denver, which is opening
offices in, Nebraska.
The Denver company's executive
has written several letters to the
state officials, including one to Gov
ernor McKelvie, in which he threat
ened dire consequences if the stats
blue sky bureau attempted to inter
fere with the company, which claims
to be a trust concern under the' com
mon law and not a stock concern.
Answering, the attorney general
says :
"The letters of your president. Mr.
James R. Brown, containing threats
of dire calamity to yarious of our
state officers, have been referred to
me for attention.
' Permit me to suggest to you that
this state government is not open
to threats of any sort and that we
shall quite calmly, without the least
hesitation, proceed to enforce our
state blue sky law according to our
best interpretation of it. ' j
"Permit me to suggest to you that
we are also not in the habit of pass
ing upon cases in-advance, or prom
ising any company that we will not
prosecute their agents or employes
in this state if they break our state
"If your concern, as you say. is
doing a strictly interstate com
merce business, yo may rest as
sured, as the securities bureau told
you, that you will not be molested.
., , j .' ... ..
un ine omer nana, you may reiv
with equal assurance upon my prom
ise here-given, that if your agents
make sales in this state in violation
of our state bluefsky law, we shall
apply the law with equal dispatch
to them as to other violators."
Former Omaha Hotel Man
Dies at Age of 72 Years
Ira P. Higby, former resident of
Omaha, died Wednesday at Dallas,
Tex., as the result of complications
which followed an operation in 1915.
He was 72 years old.
His father, John C. Higby, estab
lished the old Farnam House in 1864
in Omaha. A few years later he
opened the Wyoming, where his son,
Ira Jf. Higby, received hts first ho
tel experience as a clerk. Later
young Higby and Harry Gilmore op
erated the Wyoming.
Ira Higby also was chief clerk at
the Pax ton and later manager of the
Murray, which since was merged
Uvith the Paxton.
He is survived by his wife; a
daughter, Mrs. F. B. Knight; a son,
Howard Higby, all of Dallas; three
brothers, Beecher Higby of Omaha.
Anson Higby of Douglas, Wyo., and
Frank Higby of San Francisco; two
sisters, Mrs. F. C. Smith of Beatrice,
and Mrs. M. A. Metzger of Council
Bluffs. ,
Gage County Teachers
Hold Meeting in Beatrice
Beatrice, Neb., Sept. 2. (Special.)
At the opening session of the joint
city and county teachers institute
here 250 teachers were registered
and the number is expected to reach
300. Prof. J. W. Searson of the
Kansas Agricultural college was the
principal speaker on the program. t
Beatrice Copper Discharged,
Beatrice, Neb., Sept. 2. (Special)
Jude Wallace, who has been one
of the mght police officers here for
more than a year, was relieved from
duty by Chief otPolice Dillow for
incompetency. Wallace demanded
hearing before the commissioners
who upheld the chief's act.
Kobe. Auk. 27 West Hlmrod. San Fran
Bnenos Aires. Aua. 11 Pallas. Ban Fran.
Nagasaki. Auk. . 29 Bomlowso. Ban
Kobs. Auk. St West NiKer, San Fran-
Yokofiome, Auj. Ii lionlessls, Van-
couvei .
Investigation, However, Marks
Jime Awaiting Testimony of
Pre-Convention Manager
For Cox.
Chicago, Sept. 2. Members of the
senate committee investigating cam
paign expenditures and contributions
today, expected to receive the data
on which Oovernor Cox based his
I charges that the republicans were
raising a $15,000,000 campaign funo.
I P. H. Moor mf Yniimrstfiwn. O..
! Cox's ' pre - convention manager,
, i would appear with documents fur-
. nisnea Dy wvernor iox, accora
i ing to word received by the commit
One of the other witnesses the
committee planned to call today is
Senator Pat Harrison, chairman of
the democratic speakers bureau
Wilbur W. Marsh, democratic na
tional treasurer, told the committee
yesterday the democrats had thus
jfar proposed only , $100,000. for the
speaxing campaign, senator spen
ccp 'asked Marsh if the expense of
uovernorLox s special train on" the
coming western trip would not cost
about $30,000, and Marsh ;said it
would be about $30,000 to start with,
" Purthfcr investigation into the re
publican year bopk, being published
by , William Barnes of the Albany
Evening Journal, will be undertaken
by the committee next week in Pitts
burgh, 'it was announced today by
senator Kenyon.
- Mr. Barnes will be subpoenaed to
appear at the Pittsburgh meeting, it
was announced.
. ' Poindexter is Witness.
Miles J. Poindexter of Washing
ton, recent candidate for the repub-
I.- 1 , - J
utan piesHienuai nomination ana
chairman of the republican senator
ial committee, told the investigators
today that the $3,000 which his
committee sent E. O. Weller, re
publican candidate for the senate
from Maryland, was not an example
of the general practice of the com
There is no fixed rule or system
by which candidates are helped."
explained Senator Poindexter. "We
supply funds for campaign activi
ties upon which .'we ' have agreed
with the candidate or his campaign
Senator Kenyon brought out that
the senatorial committee had an ar
rangement by. which the former's
maximum campaign fund of $200.-
000 was guaranteed by the national
committee. In return all monevs
collected by the senatorial commit
tee are turned back to the national
treasury of the party, Senator Poin
dexter said. He added that. Sena
tor Frelinghuysen of New Jersey is
chairman of . a subcommittee in
charge of collecting funds and that
he in turn had organized an auxil
iary committee -head by Elliott
Wadsworth of New York.
, Pomerene Makes Figures. , '
SenatorTomerene on the witness
starfd stated that the $200,000. if di
vided equally among the 32 . states
in which senatorial elections are to
be held this fall would average
$6,250 to the state, and he then called
attention to the federal statute lim
iting campaign expenses of a sena
torial candidate to $10,000, except in
states where a lower limit had been
set by statute.
"Now, in view of the $176,000 ex-
peneded in Michigan, for a nomina
tion, did your committee think that
$200,0000 was a reasonable sum for
all the senatorial elections?" asked
the Ohio senator.
"It was fairly reasonable, so far
as the purposes' of our committee
were concerned," responded Sena
tor Poindexter.
He agreed with Senator Pomerene
that organizations within the states
probably would spend some money
of their own,
Politics Have Improved.
Senators Reed and Poindexter
agreed that there- had been some
moral improvement in politics in
the last eight years, the former as
signing as the reason that "the
courts have been in action in some
"Would you regard the existence
of a campaign fund of $15,000,000
as a menace?" asked Senator Reed.
"I would," said the witness, and
added that a fund of $5,000,000 would
be "an abuse."
"How about a fund of $4,800,000?"
was the next question from Senator
"That is too large, in my personal
opinion," replied Senator Poindex
ter, i Closely Question Senator.
Senators Reed and Pomerene ques
tioned Senator Poindexter at length
as to republican campaign plans and
The Memlable Drink
A combination of tfood
flavor, economy, efficiency
and health satisfaction
llTTrr? rtj
1LaJ i
This pure and wholesome
beverage contains none of
coffees liarmfal ingredients.
Especially valuable In
families with children.
Sold hy all Grocers
IfelellWuDiGnreal Gxjnc, Battle Geek.HfcL.
developed that there were approxi
mately 0 states in which the party
expected to make a hght tor the sen
atorial elections. After much ques
tioning Senator Reed opined that
after the republican senatorial com
mittee had paid for its own expenses
and work that an average of $9,000
of its funds would be available for
direct campaign use in each of the
20 states, senator Poindexter re'
marked that the Missouri senator's
use of the word "average" covered a
wide range, but he would not agree
that some states would receive as
much as $40,000.
"There has been a 'good deal of
sneering here at the idea of its be
ing possible to buy the American
electorate," said Senator Reed. "Do
you believe that money can be cor
ruptly used in such a fashion as to
change the result of a presidential or
senatorial election?"
"That opens a wide field of specu
lation," said Senator Poindexter.
"But, so far as national campaigns
are concerned, the vigilance exer
cised by both parties would make it
very likely that defeat would come
to any party which attempted cor
ruption," Bleeding Statues of
Ireland Heal Many,
Testimony of Visitors
Dublin, Sept. 2. The members of
religious order! who visited the
bleeding statues ; in Tcmplemore,
Ireland, today telegraphed here that
the ..statues actually did bleed in
the .v presence of many priests and
others.- They declared there were
other positive proofs that a miracle
is being enacted.
A girl who. suffered from a tuber
cular knee went before the statues
and prayed. She walked away a
few " moments later leaving her
crutches and splints. She showed
no sign of lameness. Every train
to Templemore is bringing hundreds
of persons to visit t,he garden of
Timothy Dwan, where , the statues
have been placed.
When the crowd started in the
local profiteers raised their prices.
Sinn Fein volunteers stepped in im
mediately and fixed the prices for
all commodities. The profiteers
were fined in the courts of the Irish
A large number of American tour
ists are visiting Templemore.
Bad Leak in Fuel Tank
Blamed For Fire That
Killed Air Mail Pilots
Washington, Sept. 2. A bad fuel
leak probably caused the . accident
yesterday near Morristown N. J.,
m which Max Miller, air mail pilot.
ana uusiave juerson, mectiamc, josi
J " i l-l! ! ,
their lives. A report to , the Post
office department todav said the ma.-
chine burst into flames ,300-i;or 400
feet from where it struck' -.,
The all-metal olane watf-'a: total
, a..- . . i . --"ixri-i.i. ' l.
lhe intense heat ot the benzol
re." he said, "actually fused the
metal framework of the fuselage so
that the metal lay in pools oa the
ground, a great portion ot the sheet
metal oeing actually consumed in
the fire" - . .
Mayor Thompson Says
Governor Lowden Is
"Crook and a Liar"
Chicago, Sept. 2. Mayor William
Hale Thompson, addressing two po
litical meetings' In the Illinois re
publican primary campaign, declared
that Governor F. O. Lowden was a
"crook and a liar."
Mayor Thompson said he "helped
to elect ' Lowden four years ago,"
"But we won a hollow victory, for
we elected a crook for governor
and his word is no good."
At another meeting the mayor said
the governor in his campaign prom
ised the people home rule and "then
sold them out." '
"That means," he continued, "that
Frank O. Lowden is a liar. . I apolo
gize for supporting him."
Sioux City Man Claims
Booze Car Found hi Omaha
Attorney Frank L. Ferris of Sioux
City is in Omaha conferring with
police officials concerning the own
ership of the automobile seized Tues
day night withtlO quarts of whisky.
Ferris declares the machine is the
property of William Nelty, retired
Sioux City business man, and that
it was stolen while in the care of
Clark Keister, garage- mechanic,
August 30, from Fourth and Jackson
streets in Sioux City.
Chief Eberstein declared Wednes
day he had received a report from
Captain Vanous on the disappear
ance of 20 quarts of the contraband
liquor while being unloaded from
the machine at Central police head'
quarters. '
rt "Exyp
Omaha Banker Finds Condi
tions Promising in North
east Nebraska as
Crops Move. , .
In the wheat districts, country
banksare reporting some relief as 8
result of the farmers marketing
their wheat. Will T. Graham, secre
tary of the First Trust company of
Umaha, reports alter a trip to north
eastern Nebraska. He found that the
recent rains have put the pastures
around Laurel and Coleridge in fine
shape, and have given the finishing
moisture to the corn crop.
lhe corn crop is excellent, and
the acreage is possibly a little larger
than usual, Mr. Uraham said yes
terday. "The farmers report that
corn will not be put pi the way of
frost in less than three weeks. It
will be some months before money
will be realized from the corn crop,
particularly so if many cattle are
placed on lull feed.
No Help Shortage.
"Farmers seem to have no trou
ble in orocurinsr hem. In one of the
rural papers an interesting item on
the farm labor situation was re
ported, giving one farmer's experi
ence, ne wameu a man, ana in
serted a want ad to that effect in a
Sioux City paper. In two davs he
naa replies. JMot only did men
write, but they telephoned and teh:
graphed, and one man got on the
train at once and-went direct to the
farm. He Lwas the man who landed
the job. 1
"It was an ordinary job, with long
hours of hard work, but there was a
regular scramble to get it and the
man who was hired understood per
fectly, just what would be expected
of him in that position. This would
suggest that no such shortage of la
bor in some communities exist, as
has been supposed and that there is
a drift back from the city to the
farm. This should increase our pro
duction on the farm and our state
depends on agriculture.
May Get Loans.
"Farm loans . may become more
stabilized betore very long, although
abnormally hign rates on other
classes of securities affect the farm
mortgage business. Some of the in
surance companies report that policy
loans are not above normal in fact,
one of the large companies reports
that instead of policy loans being in
creased, a larger- than normal per
cent of old loans are being paid off.
"Some of the accumulations of the
insurance companies will no doubt
be available for farm mortgages and
it is hoped that the farm, mortgage
situation will become mqre stabil
ized." .. :
Oshkosh Youth Dies of
,s Cuts in Mpvyer Accident
Oshkosh, Neb. Sept. 2, (Special)
Orval O'Dell, . JL . was badly cut
in a mowing machine accident and
was taken, at to the hospital at
North - Platte. " His leg was ampu
tated but death followed-
'Karpen' Furniture
Sale Will End Friday
Union Outfitting Co.
Hundreds Are Taking Ad
vantage of This Oppor
tunity to Buy High
Grade Furniture.
A Beautiful "Karpen" Easy
Chair Will Be Given Away
Free Friday Evening.
Your living room will take on
an air of luxuriousness with a
piece or two or n' Suite of "Kar
pen" Upholstered Furniture. Not
only in- appearance does "Kar
pen" stand supreme; the long
wear and service of this furni
ture gives it a place in the fur
niture world second to none for
During the sale and demon
stration of Karpen Furniture at
the Union Outfitting very special
prices have been mads and hun
dreds of people have viewed the
interesting exhibition of newsst
designs and shared in the big
savinps offered. ! There are over
stuffed Eockers, Chairs, Daven
ports as well as Suites selling at
special discounts.
The Union Outfitting Company
is headquarters in Omaha for
this Nationally advertised "Kar
pen" Furniture, and ; remember
no transaction is ever considered
complete until the customer is
M9- " "
Women Not Compelled
To Gve Exact Age to
Election Officials
: Lincoln, Sept 2.--(SpeciaL)
In answer to queries from a woman
jn Falls City as to whether she
must give her exact age in regis
tering to vote, Attorney General
Davis finds that Article XIII, page
69, Nebraska election laws, holds
registration officials must designate
the age of the registrant iq cities of
more than 40,000 population. Oma
ha and Lincoln are the only cities
this size in the state. ,
In cities from 7,000 to 25,000 the
registrant must merely swear that
he or she is a qualified voter, or
that he or she is "over 21." Nota
tion of age is for identification only,
according to the attorney general,
and registration officials may guess
it, . ,
Ranchmen of Holt County
Reclaim 100,000 Acres
O'Neill, Neb.. Sent. 2. (Special.
The reclamation of thousands of
acres of fertile wet valleys in south
em Holt county by tiling, instead of
open ditching, will begin this fall and
winter and when complete it is esti
mated that more than 10U.OUO acres
will be available for corn and small
grain that now are used as hay flats
and meadows. At present in wet
years much of the hay can not be
cut. The project is not a promotion
one, but by the land owners them
selves, and when completed will add
sufficient corn and grain lands to the
already large acreages in these prod
ucts to make the county a leading
producer ot corn, wheat and rye as
it now is in hay, alfalfa, live stock
and dairy products. The first big
tiling project to be undertaken is that
of A. W. Morrell on his ranch two
miles east of Atkinson. Contracts
already have been awarded and
$5,000 of tiling ordered for the work.
Women's Ballots Will Be
Put in Separate Boxes
Lincoln. Neb., Sept 2. (Special.)
-Secretary of State Amsberry will
not change his instructions to coun
ty clerks to have men's and women's
ballots placed in separate boxes at
. I . . a' , I C
ine constitutional election on Sep
tember 21 and to designate the wom
en s ballots as such by a printed line
at the top.
The federal amendment has be
come effective since this instruction
was sent out, but as there was still
a slight auestion of leealitv. the pre
vious communication will not be re
called or changed. -If
any county clerk wants to go
ahead without making any distinc
tion between the ballots of the two
sexes, Mr. Amsberry will have no
quarrel with him about it.
Saise Phone Rates.
Lincoln. Neb.. Sent.. 2. (Special.)
-The state railway commission has
authorized an increase of telephone
rates at Alexandria, effective Sep
tember 1, for the Farmers' Telephone
company, ihe rental tor individual
lines in town hereafter will be $1.50
a month, and for party and farm
lines ?I.Z5.
Recently natented. a door knob
which can be used in the dark is
.composed of a conical reflector.
coaiea wiin luminous pami ana
having a transparent cover.
New Store Hours 9 A.
Tailleurs for September
Suits of distinction j
that find greatest favor
for Early Fall Occasions
The charm of a well tailored suit is, to a
very great extent, a question of the quality
of the tailoring.
" vr '
If Style and excellence of materials are es
sential to the success of any suit, but the
lasting satisfaction of long service is only
possible when the tailoring is of the best.
f . -.. ....
J We adhere to standards which never vary 1
in their exactness. Our inspection service '
permits of no . shoot cuts."4
ces range!
Apparai section
Handling of Food From Pr6
ducer. to Consumer Sends
Up Cost, William Stull
"The people of 'Nebraska ought
to be most happy over their good
crops," said William Stull, an Oma
han, of large farming interests, yes
terday. "East of the Mississippi river
such good conditions do not obtain.
Drouth, heat at the wrong time, and
black rust have spoiled the harvest
there. I have recently returned from
my farm in northern Illinois. There
wheat and oats are oft 51) per cent
in yield, and barley 33 per cent un
der the average of the last hve years.
"Land cannot be farmed profitably
at the present prices. Farmers are
getting out of the business. Figures
collected in 'Michigan show that
40,000 men have left the- farms out
of the 246,000 that were there five
years ago. Uver s per cent ot the
tarms in that state are now idle.
From Farm to Table.
"Although the farmer does not get
the price he should for his products,
half of the American people "today
are unable to buy the wholesome "
food that is necessary for theirv wel
fare. In Denmark, the cost of mar
keting produce amounts to 8 per
cent; in the United States the cost
of handling food from farm to table
is 50 per cent of the price.
Mr. Mull took up the case ot live
stock feeding. In a government in
vestigation, it was demonstrated that ,
it required 1J bushels to
produce 100 pounds of pork, and
during the war an effort was made
in caiauuau cue laiiu . ui 11 icb ,
that the farmer might be sure of a I
t . . i.
iair pront.
How Prices Go.
He took up the market report and'
howed that hog shippers are now
being paid for less than 10 bushels-
of corn when they sell their hogs.
It is said that live stock feeders
have not made any profit the last
two years. There is said to be a
tendency among the banks to be
chary of loans for feeding purposes'
on this account. v
Cuming County Republican
Committee Names Officers
West Point. Neb.. Sept 2. (Spe
cial.) The republican county cen
tral committee met here and com
pleted its organization. During the
meeting an address was delivered by
K. h. Itlmore ot Chicago, member of
the republican national committee. J.
C. Elliott was elected chairman, Mrs.
Grace Anderson, vice chairman and
ohn H. Lmdale, secretary-treasurer.
Held on Check Charge.
Loup City. Neb., Sept 2.(Soe-
cial.) Dwight C. Hill of North
Loup and Peter Kaminski of this
city were arrested on chifge. pi
having drawn checks osflAlk' m
which - they .had no 1 uY Jf Both
.... A vritMii'niir lfct-iWV fin 4 Via
county court '
M. tod P. M. Daily.
t bird rioor. . . ,
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