Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1920, Page 10, Image 10
IT 10 THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1920. THE GUMPS A" big;fish in a sugmerged' lake Drawn for The Bee by Sidney' Smith. . rilOTO-r-LATS. PHOTO-PIIS. , 71 i ! fuetie goes that UPS OUT AGAIN IKMOW VMS POLL -l THEltCS A CVEKX BIG USKIE fcEE.N fVl&N& AS.OOMO HE.ftE VEA?- I SHOULDN'T MWC nHEP-TO-PAV-K KNEW YHAY "FVStA WAS IK THE. LAKE SAW THAT ONE WW COAT VP OH THE &ANK SAW THE LAKE"' ABO0T- A FOOT OPT OP HH-WES STTOlErl HOKE ' ROM HE VETyTHlN& . KOM A FVV HOOK. VP TO .A ANCHOR. -I'VE USEPALUTHE fcClftCE I KlSOVS fc'3 JUST A fSH HOOK CUSHIOH THAT& ALU -HA A MILLION DLUA? WO"VH OF FKWtNG WMCHAHtH6 OH HtM- lOT OHC FLUSH AT HM IN THE SUN IT ALTiOS"T CL1HPEP ME YOu'p HAVE ' TO PUT SMOHED 6lASS.S.ON TO LOOK AT H(H HE PON'T TvKET TOK. THE 8AT- . HE'S AS WILD roit HOOKS A CHORUS. 6iRU IS. Ki? JtWELRV- ' i Thc only ma,v voii. eves &T JIHAT FiSH OUT OF. THE LAKE. t To THfcOW A LOT OF FHOHT JEWEiUY OH TlE TfcNK- VE PUT OVT ' HALF A POZKN - NETS' ,FOfc HiM HaT-tAN ANNAY. WVTH VEKY OHE OF THEV' t'LL. OCT HE'S UNQEC THAT HIU. OVER THERE C50Y AJtSULAJt CUWOSITV SHOF H TAKE. IT T-Ot AH ORNAMENT V OWN YHER ytiMG. THEtt FOtt, LACE '.CUR.TAJN55 0 ft TnNS TO 6ET WT BAffY BUT Hfc'S Vs'AV AHEAP OF HE - N. URA-VV OK OrAVTHIMG - . 1 f '. i . Ask. v i lm NEWSPAPER MAIl andthen , I A. l iU 4UC-Ar l SC ' Id- r joiinson turns; aside aspirant for net honors N Defeats R. Norris Williams 2d In Fourth Round of Cham- , pionship Singles Other Players Show Form '.Forest Hills, X. - Sept. 1 Wil liam M. . Johnston turned aside a formidable aspirant for his honors when, Ik- forceful playing," he defeat ed R. Nrris Williams II in : thc fourth round of the 39th All-Comers National tennis championship" sin ' gles today. The two . stars of the Davis cup team fought at all thc all court type of game, Johnston mas tering his opponent in straight sets, t3. 6-4, 7-5. ".' ; This was the outstanding, battle' of the day, although in the other matches of the round form prevailed and William Tv'Tilden I, world's title holder: Wallace J, Johnson, the wizard of the chop stroke; G. Colket Caner. Walter Wesbrook and Wat son M. Washburn were winners. Washburn accounted for thc defeat "f Charles S. Garland of the Davis .cup team, beating him, 7-5, 7-S, 7-5. , Match Thrills Crowd. It was the engagement of John ston and. Williams that pleased the crowd.4 Williams possessed no ef- tVctiveJenKTh gTh to his shots. Also, . his service was tricky, and, instead ot the sizzling aces expected, double faults punctured the score at th; most critical stages. . Thert was another outstanding feature' of the rallies in this set. It was seen Williams' back hand was inclined to be" erratic. Johnston made the most of this weakness. His drives from deep court were all cau tiously developed as the rallies pro gressed. It was the same as , he irtncrlil- hi vv tin tn tli irt vnl- fl ' . ' ,lf y- These were the elements that IIAUb l tJ3aiwt. lUt lltAlt VVi I1U1U lilt. lead. - j - Williams Shows Weakness!, ,' The' weakness of Williams' game uas clearly shown in the. third set. Shooting finally for thc lines which he paralleled with acing drives, Wilt aims went to thevJead, 5-2, on games. Johnston then started to wreck his rival's game by wonderful changes of speed and length. Twice. Will itms was within a point of the set and each time Johnston forced him Jo over-drive the colirt to carry thc points to .deuce. The final , rally was characteristic of what Williams did, for under pressure fro mthe Cali fornians sie of the barrier, Will iams drove the last ball slapping into the net. Tilden conquered his youthful pro tege, Vincent Richards, in four sets. The score vvas 6-3. 3-6, 6-3, 6-0. . , The matches tomorrow reduce the field to the four survivors, in thc L semifinal round. . Poles May Join Wrangel In His Fight on Reds Warsaw Sept. 2. Negotiations lor joint operation by Polish and , .south Russian forces -are going on between, the government here and General Baron Wrangel; Co-opera-tion between the Poles and Ukrain- ' tans is declared to be a grave menace to the bolshcwki and. it is said, the latter have shown the'r sopreciation of this by offering fmportant con eessions to Poland at the expense of .Lithuania. ' , . These "offers, it is assorted, were made by soviet representatives at semi-oflicial conferences with mem bers of tha Polish peace delega tion while it was in Minsk. , n i . i. r 1 1 1 i .x. acuipior uives up ai r, ; , in.. i.. ii.... i . tif i WUI KS HUW M5 dllCI , London, Sept. 2. Scosland Mc- ! - Lure, the sculptor, whose, bronze j statue of King George in' . corona- ",. tion robes now stands Nadra, . lias given up his art and :s now a , waiter in a beer hotel at Kingston. -The extinction of 'the demand 'of Americans for busts and the diminu tion, of the English demand, SQre Auc;td jhis, income that it' wasihsuf ficient for his ;day "to day needs. He declares thc , tips he receives in his present job give him a comfort able living. " McLure's i handiwork adorns pars, squares and public places throughout the British empire. , Fort Worth in Texas .V . League Wins Pennant . Fort -Worth,- Tex., Sept., .2, By winning -.yesterday's game, . .port Worth clinched the pennant iff the Texas league. As the . local club won in both the first and second . halves of the split season, . off series will be ' necessary. Negotiations are under way with the -Southern association for a post-season series with Fort Worth. ' Woman Drinks Poison in , South Dakota Hotel Lobby Rcdfield, S. D.. Sept. 2. A young woman' registering as Miss Ella Barr,, Colfax, Wis., committed ,sui " cid,by shallowing poison, in the ; parlor of a local hotel today. ' She .eft four letters showing disappoint- 7. ment love to be the for her Tourists Desecrate French Battlefields To Secure Souvenirs Paris, Sept. 2. Stories of vandal ism by tourists' on the French" bat tlefields are still coming into Paris. Following an authenticated - ex pose of the dancing on Martmans willerkopf.' comes evidence froij: Verdim that unscrupulous souvenir hunters have undermined the famous trench of thc bayonets, a spot where the . tips of bayonets disclose thc tragedy of a mine explosion, where a company of French infantry were buried alive when standing upright in a trench. Another trench had "been dug at night alongside the place, where thp bayonets protrude and the desec bayonets -protrude and the desc tomb," which by an American gift is to be perpetuated as a national monument, have taken pieces of clothing and accoutrements from the skeletons of the heroes, ,whp, up right in death, from most gruesomet relic to the glory of Frencharms. Thc souvenirs thus obtained have been sold, it is charged, at high prices to tourists at Verdun. Bootlegging Is So ' j ' Lucrative Crooks ! Desert Old Trades . Washington. Sept. 2,-So lucra tive has become the bootlegging in dustry in the LTnited. States that ex perienced criminals are forsaking their former lines of adventure to engage in the illicit liquor traffic. This was stated by officials- of thc internal revenue bureau today." The revenue officials complain that one 6f the hardest thiiffcs to combat is the attitude of the public toward violators . of the prohibition law. Many communities, they claim, openly wink at the offenders 'and seem inclined tp protect the illicit traffic. The present forces of the internal revenue bureau engaged in enforcing the . Volstead act will have to - be greatly increased, it is believed here. State and city authorities all over the country are said to be showing an increasing lack of interest , in making arrests undervthe act. Baby Choked to Death By Breeze of Speeding Car London, Sept. 2. How , a baby was choked by automobile speeding was described by its parents at an inquest at Llanwarne. Hereford shire, on the death of the 3-months old son of John Lewis, an engineer. The air pressure caused by the speed of the car, although moderate, pro duced dislocation of . the baby's re spiratory organs; ;A jury which in cluded four women, returned a ver dict of "accidental .death.". . Army Captain Drops Dead At Colorado Resort Denver. Colo., Sept. 2. Capt. James Jemison. 59,. engineer corps, U. S. A., dropped dead while at Evergreen, a mountain pleasure re sort, with a parry of 30 nurses and bflicers from Fitzsimmous army hos pital last night. Death was ascribed to natural causes. Jemison's home was iu New Orleans, where his wife livesv - , WHY?- Is the First Monday in September Copyright, 1:0, Wheeler Syndicate. Inc. Celebrated as Labor Day? ' The iqea of having an Ameri can, holiday, separate and distinct from thc European celebration of .May 1 as Labor da), originated in Boston about 1878. but it was not until 1882 that the first for mal movement was made to es tablish this as an annual institu tion. Matfliew Maguire, secretary of the Central Labor union in, New York City, wrote to the various labor organizations in -the state with a view to setting aside one day in the year for a, celebration of the power of labor. The idea was well received, and it w-as agreed to select the first Monday in September, the opening of thc harvesting season, as well as the commencement -of fall activities in various other lines. The first Labor day was accordingly cele brated in the same" year 1882 and proved so successful that the New York Central Labor, union wrote "to' the. organizations ih 'pther states, suggesting that they adopt the idea,' adding that the first Monday in September had been endorsed as the official holi iday for labor by the American Federation of Labor and the Knights of Labor. In 1887 the New York legislature made La bor day a holiday throughout the state, - a step which was epeedily followed by Massachusetts and other -states. By act of congress,' signed by the president on June 28., 1894. the holiday was made 'official in thc -District of Colum bia and soon spread throughout the country. At the present Jime the state of New Mexico is the .only; one in which the day is not officially recognized as a holiday. More Truth By JAMES J. AS TO ALIENISTS. An eminent lirnif t declares that- the fans that throw pop bottles at base ball um pires are not properly balanced mentally. When fans declare: "We'll kill that umps 4 . . The ugly faced galoot!" ' ; And leave the stand in frenzied jumps Their threat to execute. 'And beat the wretch with club and fist Amid teriffic noise, . "Dear" me," 'observes the alienist, , They've lost their mental poise!" r When Deacon Jones of Poplar Creek t -' 7 , Flies off his trolley wire, , , Lets out a loud and piercing shriek And sets his house afire, ' i And clampers up the town hall stairs To shoot his brother, Dave, , "Well, well!" the alienist declares, "That's no way to behave!" When William puts" a halter on - And says that he's a cow, And, all the fodder being gone , He can't get breakfast now, And that a little barley serves To whet his appetite, '." "Oh dear!" the alienist observes, rf 7 "He isn't acting right!" . ', , It's fine whenanyone appears To hav a mental twist Or be snarled up between the ears To call an alienist. To such a case he always brings " , A world of - lcarned lore, " '' And tells us such a lot e things That we hare known before! WHAT WILL TH FY A large number of splemfcd suffrage orators are out of a job. nAYt iuw HbAKD Or HIM LATELY? ' ! The president's former confidential adviser seems Mo have added I himself to the house shortage.. ' 7 AT THE BEACH. It'a the girl who .freckles that wears a veil. , Copyright, 1920. By The Bell Syndicate, Inc. Common Snse Give the Children a Chance. v By J. J. MUNDY. This is' the time - for travel . arid there art -cerfain experiences which you should permit your children to have. to make '..them., familiar with them. i - It is not just to child, for in-, stance, to let it grow ' up without knowing anything about the inside of a Pullman car. . .. .. Much- embarrassment has been caused; young men and young women by the ignorance they have had to display regarding sleeping cars. .Children should be taken to large hotels to know how to conduct them--selves in such places.. ' And Children should be given as much as their parents' income, will allow, for the purpose of doing the things necessary in associating with persons of good breeding so that they may know, the proper ways of doing things, as well, as the influence which contact with well bred persons will give in refinement. . It is an easy, matter for a young person to do some little thing which is really big in its announcement to others that there is no experience or environment- back of it. Do 'yoti want your child to be so handicapped? Of. course you don't. Then see that your child has pro per training along cultural lines. (Copyright, 1920, by International Feature Sftrvlee, Inc.) - ADVERtlSEMENT. "DANDERINE" Stops Hair Coming Out; . Doubles. Its Beauty. A few stents buys "Danderine." After an application of "Danderine" you can not find a fallen hair or any dandruff, besides every hair shows new life,.N vigor, brightness, more cotor and thickness. Than Poetry MONTAGUE nrt Pnnp YuiWc? "Gentleman Jack" Returned ; To Home of Former Owner "Gentleman Jack," bulldog over whom court battles followed publi cation of his picture in The Sunday Bee several weeks ago, was returned yesterday by A. F. Anthony of the Humane society to J. E. Wilbur, 3202 Poppleton avenue. The Humane society obtained the custody of thc dog last. April from Harvey Ballingef, who regained pos session through writ of replevin. Hearing of thc case resulted in de cision -for thc Humane society. -Wilbur at the hearing established ownership ef the dog and failure of Ballinger to appeal the case resulted in the dog being returned to the Wil bur home. ' , ' Flaky, with a dis tinctive flavor and mild saltiness, PREMIUM SODA CRACKERS are relished with e very course. Ask your grocer for them itoday. ( . NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY - We Wish to Announce ' to our patrons that on Sat urday, September 4, will be the grand opening of our Dancing and Cabaret Season ; . " Henshaw Ifflotd What Do You Know? II (Here' i-banca to make your wita wotth money. , Kaoh day The Bee frill imbUnh a oerlea of quentloaa. They rer Ihins which jroa ahuuld kBonr. The flrat complete Hat of correct auswera and the imiue of the winner will be published o the day Indk-ated below. Be aura ta tive your views and addreas In (all. Addreii "Queatloa Editor," Omaha Bee.) 1. What is the longest ship canal in the world? 2. ' How many feet in a meter? . 3. What is the legal weight of a bushel of wheat? .4. What, wedding anniversary is known as the woolen anniversary? . 5. How many United States sena tors are there? . (Answers Published Tuesday.) TUESDAY'S ANSWERS. 1. What was the first declaration of war in the recent world war? Austria-Hungary against Serbia. 2. What is the largest cemetery for American soldier dead in France? Ramagne. 3. What is the state motto of Ne braska? Equality before the law. 4. Who first flew by airplane across tike Atlantic ocean without a stop? Capt. John Alcock and Lieut. Arthur Brown, 5. On what date will Easter fall in 1921? March 27. Winner: No correct answers re ceived.' AMUSEMENT. STARTING SUNDAY - SEPT. 5 COMPANY OF FIFTY SONOL3A GRAME) CQMPANYCSI: Chorit unday, "RigoUtto", t Monday, "II Troratore" Tueaday, "Lucia" Wednesday, "Caallri" 'T aad Pagliaeci y i THE BIG CAST OF PRINCIPALS INCLUDES: - Bice Pizzorni of La Scale, Milan; Contuelo Medina of the Colon, 'Buenoa Aires; Speria Castel of the Reggio, Torino; Rosa di Carli of; Covent Car den,vLondon; Alfredo Craziani of the Metropolitan, New York; Giu seppe Dori of the National, Harana; Eduardo Lejaraxu of the Bos ton Opera; Soto-Mayor of the National, Harana; .Francisco Crua) of the Lirie, Rio Janeiro. Prices: $2.50 to 50cPlu Tax.' ' Mail Orderi Now SEATS NOW ON SALE GRAND De j U A C Academy SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4TH i Rohan's 10-Piece Orchetra si PAIN'S FIREWORKS TONIGHT KRUG PARK HLat Day of the . REUNION Of All Ex-Senrice . Men Everybody Invited Itatlnea Dally. 2:IS Eviry Nlaht S:IS : : "KISS. ME": CHAS. HOWARD . CO.; BRUCE MORGAN 4 FRANKLYN . GATES: MeCoraiack 4 Wallace : Braat Hayei: Lultr. Warth Co.: CellUr 4 DaWaKt; Klnairama; "Taalet ef tha Day." Mali.: lie, 2ie eaa 50c: law at 75o aad tl Satarday aad Saadav. Nliht: 1 5a. J5c. SOe, 79 aad tl; nai at SI.2S Saturday- aad Suaday. OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" - Niteat 2Sc te t.25 Dally Mat: IBc to TSc Another ef Theae Class A Shews ' JAMES E. Dntalanrf Oirl MUSICAL. . COOPER'S KOMIIHB " BURLESQUE Laree cast Includes BERT LAHR, Carnival Trie and Beauty Chorus ef Living Reee Buda. Ladies' Dime Matinee Every Week Day Sat. Mat. 4- Wk: Lew Hilton Glrli of C. . A. MODERN WOODMEN of AMERICA Picnic and Outing will be held Sat urday afternoon, Sept 4, ELMWOOD PARK I'M THE GUY i:M THE . GUY who, when you introduce him to, your best girl, tries to queer you with her and steal her away from you. My motto is "all's fair in love or war" and if she looks good to-me why should I pass her up just be cause she s yours t and you trusted me as a friend? " ; If you don't want to lose her, why do you introduce ,me to her? If I can make her to prefer me to you, that's her affair, not yours. She ia the one to be considered, and you ought to be glad she's better suited. . And if I can get her quicker and more surely . by telling her things that make her "distrust you or even dislike you, why shouldn't I? I've got to play my ,own game, not yours. , ' I may not want to marry her the way you do. I may only want to forsake and then drop her, but whatever my motives or intentions, it's my own game, so where do you fit in ? " What's your friendship to my passing whim? You answer I don't care. (Copyright, 1920, Thompson , Feature Sen-Ice.) Bee Want Ads Baing Results. . AMUSEMENTS. ALL NEXT WEEK 61 AND 0PEIA ORCHESTRA OPERA c" ' Thur.dy,.MFutt"v Friday, "TraTiita" Saturday Matinee, "Rigoletto" Saturday Night f 'Carman", OPENING Dancing 3 TWO SHOWS IN ONE Eaw. Hum 4 Ce.: Mlalature aluileal CemeAy; All a Dove: Wriatit 4 fiaynaa: TIM Faitei. Pkaletlay Attractlea: "Tha Week Eaa." fta turlaa Marsarlta Flihar. Mack Saaaatt Carnally. Pathe Waikly. PHOTO-PLAYS. Shipwrecked Among CANNIBALS Starts Sunday at the Moon. Bring Your Old Hat to Us We Will Make It Good ' -As New LAMBROSBROS. 1521 Farnaaa St. Phena Tjrler 41X0 r I Immu, uu - . -. any time. XjUnTIL SATURDAY WTE from ihe ' OMAHA BEE m a. .e. a SUNDAY affile -ONLY TWO MORE DAYS Gouverneur Morris' ', wonderful story TRUMPET ISLAND For theTirst time in the history of Literature, Drama or Movia, a Heroine is sensible enough . . to refuse to go to somebody's rooms. How startling! (Watch for Episode No. Tomorrow) USE BEE .WANT. ADS GOR eV mTX- 7' Slai'ls Wy - MM TODAY TOMORROW pictures 'have been TODAY SATURDAY cDONAID NOTORIOOT MISS LISLE "A SEASIDE SIREN" with FAY TINCHER 2-reel Christie Comedy TODAY and SATURDAY Bang! Bang! Bang! Go the suns of thc cattlemen and the sheep herders 'in their bitter feud in ? "The Desert Scorpion" A western dram supreme with an all-star castt ' FREE PRIZES Today and Saturday for all 7 BOYS AND GIRLS WHO' -ATTEND THE MATINEE. , From 1 to 5 P. M. A POLLO . betTfol riTucDtiur m rtAtni r CATHERINE MaeDONALD in "PASSION'S PLAYGROUND" News and Comedy t . THEY BRING RESULTS mm w Of m THE f 'A 1 ,1 a.. -? - t y ?, f ; v r -. ,v P i - .'ff1 - Vii- 3'x' g J- i 1 aia.Ji,. a.n mm a.itw 1 1 auA-iaa 4 1 iia a- Mna ai.A m