Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1920, Image 1
a Daily VOL. 50 NO. 67. Clival at cw-Clui Uttttr Uty :l, ft Oath P. 0. HUH Act f Mirth J. OMAHA, FRIDAY, .SEPTEMBER 3, 1920. Bv Mall (t . lailta 4th In. Dill aa Su.dtr. Mi 0tll Only. II: &. 14. OaMda 4tk It (I yaar). Pll U SuHiy. tit: Dally Only. Ill: dur Oaiy. IS. THREE CENTS IUS. The 0 Bee mAH BALL PLAYERS IE GREETED BY HARDING Republican Candidate Tells Members of Chicago Cubs That United States Team at Paris Struck Out. , " TOUCHES UPON MANY ; ISSUES DURING SPEECH Pledges His Support to Secure " Better Wages for School Teachers Says Low Pay Has Brought on "Crisis." - Bjr The Aoriatrd Preaa. Marion, O.". Spt. 2. Putting his .political creed into the vernacular of base ball. Senator Harding deliv ered a front porch speech todav to the players ot the Chicago National league club appealing for better team work by the American nation "on 111 hrtm o-rmtnslc iiuHap tVio rUc " Q.vtailUUt HUVVt HIV Many issues, including the league of nations, one-man government, preparedness and progressivism were touched on by Senator Harding in declaring his love for the great American game. The Cub players had come to Marion to 'play a spe cial exhibition game late in the day as a personal compliment to the nominee. , 7 Pledges Aid to Teachers. In another speech, delivered to a committee representing several as sociations of 'teachers, the' senator said the low compensation of teach ers had brought on "a crisis" in edu cation, and pledged himself to do everything in his power to secure better pay for the profession. Saluting - the base ball players simply as "Cubs," Senator Harding plunged directly imp his discourse on political issues as analogous to the problems of the diamond. ,1 , pay to you," he said, "my trib ute to base ball, because I like the game just like every other real American. It has been in the blood for over a half century and it has" helped its as a , people. Of course, there, has been a vast improvement since the early, game, but I am sure it is not reactionary to remind you that you still try to hit them out and the bie thing is to reach the home plate.. ' There are progressive ideas, but it rejoices tht average crowd- of rooters' ; .to note an old-fashioned "Tkei.ltArEver-to-Chan. ' "Jl&Mhe tension of a tight game. to see mnj recognizing a great piay, the explanation of base bait popu larity. We are all partisans of some team, t am sure I rejoiced as much .as Garry Herrmann when the Reds 'copped last year's pennant.' I ftel the same way. in bij national mat ters. I like to think of America first.' I want our country to float the championship pennant in the contest for human achievement.1 : Says U S. Struck Out. ''Vou can't win a ball game with a one-man J like a pitcher who puts the ball over arid trusts lii fielders to play their stations. Mar- be it is olti-tasmoned. but l am tor team play. I am opposing the one man jlay for the nation. Too much fanning 'out, too much unprepared ness. National unpreparcdness for war cost us many precious lives and i, t:ii: . - .1 . CIlOlcss oiiiKJits in waaic iiu wii-mc- paredness. for peace is costing bil lions more and 'holding us in anxiety and uncertainty. "It is my observation that the na tional team, now playing er the United .States, played loosely and muffed disappointingly in bur do mestic afi'airs, and then struck out at Paris." No,- one can dispute the American team played badly when it got on a foreign fiild. "As a spokesaaa ior the rep jb hcan party, I arn srrging team play Cnntlnwd Pag Two. Column One.) Lord Mayor or Lork Is Reported to Be Sinking Rapidly l.onoon. ;?ept. L-oro ju u. Terence MacSwiney of Cork was re oorted to be very muc'i weaker this , i r t l i morning, but despite his rapid fail-. mg. still, was bright. -.. A sudden weakness developed dur ing the night, but this was some what offset by two hours of fitful sleep. Mayor MacSwiney's brother re mained with hinr in Brixton tail all night. This morning the brother stated the mayor was so weak he tven had to be assisted to drink a glass of water. The mayor was still worse this evening. His sister, upon leaving tne prison snortiy Deiore o o'clock tonight, said that for the first time he was unable to speak to her. Officiafof Japan Hears How U. S. Handles Profiteers Chicago, Sept. 2. Torajiro Ikeda. attorney general of Japan, conferred i with representatives of United States Attorney Clyne concerning methods used by the government in dealing with profiteers. - Mr. Ikeda is making a tour of the United States to learn methods of this country in coping with profit eers. . Girls Sold by Parents in Z' Famine Districts of China Peking. Sept. 2. Girls are being sold by their, parents in fatniue-rid-3en districts a short distance south of ePking, according to advices re ceived here. Girls 10 years of age have been sold for $10, it is reported itta petition for relief received here by the minister of the infvior, Men Plead Guilty , by Phone to Violating Minnesota Game Law Hibbing, Minn., Sept. 2. Ed ward Hines, Chicago lumberman, and several companions pleaded guilty to violation of the state game laws yesterday and were fined $302 in municipal court Par tridges shot out of season were found in their possession. The men pleaded guilty over long distance telephone and mailed a check to cover the fine. COX STARTS ON CAMPAIGN TOUR OF 9,000 MILES Democratic Candidate Begins Most Extensive Political Trip Since Famous Jour ney of Bryan in 1896. Columbus. Sept. 2. Governor Cox left tonight on a month's "swing around the circle" through -the west. In Michigan tomorrow he starts his speaking trip the most exten sive political tour undertaken smce Wm. J. Bryan's in 1896 which will take him around 9,000 miles through 22 states and end October 3, at St. Louis. The governor expects to reach many hundreds of thousands of persons with the doctrines of de mocracy on the tour arranged to traverse the northern tier of states to Bellingham, Wash., back to Utah, thence to San Francisco and east via Los Angeles and the south and central west states. The governor started his journey just two months before election day and will spead the last month of his campaign in the east and middle west. ' Agricultural , problems were dis cussed by the candidate today be fore representatives of the National Board of Farm Organizations. The governor said he would name "dirt farmers" to responsible government positions and declared for co-operative selling and purchasing by far mers. Pershing May Go to Brazil as Proxy of Wilson to Repay Visit Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Lmacd Wire. Washington, Sept. 2. While it was said at the State department to day that the decision had not been taken, it is understood that Gen. (John. J. Pershing will be invited to visit Brazil at the close ot tnis year 41.. ...,t -.--.-" r I to the United States last year of the then President-tlect Peshoa. General Pershing is said to have indicated his willingness to make the visit. If he goes he will be accom panied by a considerable escort. The question of General Pershing's resignation is also understood to have been considered in connection with his projected visit to Brazil, it being understood that some authori ties would prefer to have him defer tendering his resignation until after rris return to the United States. General Pershing is now in Chey enne, Wyo., visiting his father-in-law, Senator Warren. He is ex pected to return to Washington tbout September 10. , Former Senator Is Held as Fugitive on Des Moines Complaint John Regan, 2116 Burt street, for mer state senator and prominent democrat, was arrested yesterday on a warrant from Des Moines, la., charging him with obtaining money under false pretenses and being a fu gitive from justice. He va later released on $5,000 bonds. Regan's arrest followed after sev eral sight drafts on the Omaha Film company, of which he is an officer, were not honored. The drafts, Re gan told police, were in payment of salaries due film salesmen. He said he had $4,000 invested in the company,- for which a bank ruptcy petition has been filed in Des Moines. ' B. E. Cooper of Des Moines, for mer president of the company, swore out the warrant. Pennsylvania Miners Sign Contract Under Protest - Scranton Pa.; Sept. 2. Anthracite operators and miners signed a two year contract embodying terms of the award made by the anthracite coal commission and approved by President Wilson. The agreement was signed under protest by the miners, whose scale committee will meet here tomorrow to ask that the wage agreement be reopened and the mi.iers given such further increases as was granted in the case of the bituminous miners. The New Constitution tilfrT and that 18Q of the 300 col Mat constitution, propod by the atata . IicTies m districts 1, 7 and 9 were constitutional convention ai.d submitted ' jn iHlnp; to a vot of the tieople at a special elei- I v. c J. sa , ' A , , tion to be held September si. Thin eieo No disorders were reported and tron i in many respect the most im- the "vacation" period of the miners portant held In Nebraska In a feneration. . .4, j;ri.. 4i, An intelligent ballot can bo cast only I t in without any display on the after a clear unrierstnndlng of the various 'part of the rank and file of the in- pisEa and each U .'ubmiuld for separate ! vote.) PROPOSITION NO. 19. Amendment to Section 3 of Ar- i tide. VII. Removes the former provision, which forebade a member of the regular army from voting. , PROPOSITION NO, 20. . Amends Section 7 of Article VIII. Permits the legislature to deter mine the length of the term of school required in order that the school dis trict be granted a share of the state public ichool fund. $1,000,000 LOST HERE IN SUGAR DEAK Enormous Sacrif ivr - i Omaha Job mail ers Who oSv at High ' Prices BehVie Decline. MONEY STRINGENCY ' FORCING QUICK SALES Quotations Here Lowest in Country and Less in Propor tionLarge Purchases of Product Proving Expensive. At least $1,000,000 has been lost by Omaha jobbe rs aud retail dealers as a result of the recent decline in sugar prices, according to men in close touch with the market here. These enormous losses are due to the existing money stringency, which is forcing jobbers to sell at the present level which they pur chased several months ago at high prices, these men say. According to Louis Sommer of the Table Supply company, sugar is wholesaling at a much lower- price here than in any other part of the country. It is wholesaling here from $15 to $16.23 per 100 pounds, while the lowest quotation at any other place in the country is $16 a hundred, the present Chicago quota tion, he says. More Disastrous Here. "When the sugar market weak ened in New York a short time ago the market became panicky in all parts of the country, but the drop was more disastrous in Omaha than elsewhere," explained Mr. Som mer. Large jobbers were caught here because they had bought large shipments at high prices to prevent the famine which occurred during the canning season last year. "Retail dealers ordered other mer chandise only from jobbers who had sugar, hence jobbers were deter mined to have a supply on hand this year. They are now losing from $9 to $11 per 100 pounds. Retailers who contracted for sugar from job bers at prevailing prices last spring are also losing monev. Some of them will lose as high as $10,000." Supply Hero Normal. Jobbers also are losing large sums on large quantities of Java sugar purchased before the price decline, according to Mr. Sommer. Java sugar is sort ana incnnea io De wa- f ; i i ago, Mr. Sommer says. I his Java sugar was bought by jobbers at about $23.50 per 100 pounds here,"'' declared Mr. Som mer. -"To -now dispose of it, 'it is necessary to ship it to refineries iu California at a cost of $3.29 per 100 pounds. It must beyrefined there at a cost of $1.60 a bag and, allowing for shrinkage' in the process of re fining of 18 per cent, the Java sugar is costing jobbers about $30 a bag." State of Washington Gains 214,326 People During Last Decade Washington, Sept. 2. State of Washington, 1,356,316; increase, 214, 326, or 18.8 per cent. Spokane county, Washington, con taining Spokane, 141,289; increase 885. or 1.4 per cent. Twin Falls, Idaho, 8,324; increase, i,066, or 58.3 per cent. Point Pleasant. W. Va.. 3.059; in crease, 1,014. or 49.6 per cent. Roosevelt. N. J., 11,047; increase, 5,261. or 90.0 per cent. Spokane, Wash, (revised). 104,437; previously announced 104,204. Joplin, Mo. (revised). 29,902; prev iously announced 29,855. Georgia Broker Says Securities Worth $150,000 Are Missing Baltimore, Sept. 2. Linscy Hop kins, who said he was a stock broker of Atlanta, Ga., last night reported to police of the Pennsylvania rail way at Union station that a leather bag containing about $150,000 of ne gotiable securities had either been stolen or taken by misakte while he was enroute from New York to Washington, between New York and Baltimore. Antharcite Industry Hard Hit by Insurgent Strike Wilkesbarre, Pa., Sept. 2. The anthracite industry was seriously crippled by the strike of insurgents in the ranks of the United Mine Workers of America. It is esti mated, according to early reports, that 100,000 of the 175,000 anthra ci'.e workers failed to report for duty as a orotest asainst the recent wage Sargent movement. Mexico Spending Large Sums to Educate Indians Mexico City, Sept. 2. Large ap propriations from government funds are being devoted to the primary education of millions of Indians, ac cording to a statement by Provi sional President de la Huerta. In addition, the government is spend ing large sums to improve communi cations, especially through half-settled states, and is building railways and wagon road in many sectionj. Magistrate Urges Jail Terms for Fans Who Throw Bottles New York, Sept. 2. John Mc Geehan,' acting chief magistrate of New York City, sent letters to all city magistrates recommending jail sentences for base ball fans convicted of throwing bottles at players or umpires. "A man who throws a bottle nay sentence a player to six months in the hospital I recom mend that we sentence any such person to six months in jail," the letter said. BANK CASHIER , FOUND GUILTY OF BORROWING Valparaiso Men Convicted of 'First of Five Counts in Indictment Others Are Held. Lincoln, Sept. 2. (Special). Ray A. Lower, former cashier of the Val paraiso (Neb.) State bank, novy- de funct, was found guilty Wednesday by a jury in the district court of Wahoo of borrowing $2,500 from the bank while he was an officer. The law provides a penalty nfft to. exceed $1,000 fine or five years -in prison, or both. He has not been sentenced. Five other charges are pending against him, according to Cecil Lav erty, assistant attorney general, in charge of the prosecution for the state banking board. They include three charges of falsified returns to the state banking board and one charge of 22 counts for alleged embezzlement involving 61,000. Lower was given his choice of the charges on which he might first stand trial, Laverty says. The oth ers will be held against him. The failure of the bank cost the state bank guaranty fund $250,000. Governor Expresses Admiration of Home Life of Sen. Harding Lincoln, Xeb.. Sept 2. (Special) Governor McKelvie, back from Marion, O., where he was one of the 16 governors who visited Sena tor Warren G. Harding, last Tues day, issued a statement today ex pressing his admiration for the re publican presidential candidate. Governor McKelvie said that he I was particularly impressed . with the unpretentious aimospnere surrouna mg the Harding home. ; There are hundreds of homes in Nebraska, Governor McKelvie said, more ela borate than the Harding mansion. in Marion. "There is no effort at display or exaggeration about the Harding headquarters," said Governor Mc Kelvie. "It is all so quiet and un pretentious that one can scarcely realize that a national campaign is on and here is the central feature. We were received amiably by Mrs. Hard irg; we partook of a buffet lunch eon and we came away realizing that the voter this year has an op portunity to place in the white house a real American." Kent Bail Is Reduced And Attorney Expects To Obtain His Release "Dr." H. S. Kent, who has been in jail since July 24 on a charge of having placed in an abandoned cistern at Thirty-third and Cali fomia streets two newly-born twin infants, of whom he was accused of being the father, may be released from the county jail within a few days. His attorney. Eugene O'Sullivan, was successful - in having Judge Troup reduce Kent's bail from $20, 000 to $15,000 on the plea that the constitution expressly forbids the setting of excessive bail. Miss Louise Boeke, 3041 Cali fornia street, was alleged to have been the mother of. the twins. Kent's friends have already raised $10,000 and O'Sullivan expects to raise the balance in the near future. Sugar Bowl Riot Causes Injury at Ellis Island New York, .Sept. 2. A "sugar oowl" riot broke out amonp; the 1.750 immigrants in the Ellis Island dining room today when for the first time since the war sugar, substituted for molasses to sweeten coffee, was put on the tables. Several aliens were removed to hospitals, one with three fractured ribs. , Some of the hundreds had not seen sugar since the first months of the war. They immediately began to delve with their fingers into" the sweet stuff. General attacks were launched at a few who tried to pocket the bowls. Before the riot ended all guards, waiters and kitchen employes had to be rushed to the scene. Individual sugar, packages will be distributed hereafter at meals, it w-as announced later. Abandon Plan to Form Farmers' Wheat Pool Columbus, O., Sept. 2. Declariag the project not feasible, the resolu tions committee of the national board of farm organizations today rejected a plan drafted in committee for the formation of a nation-wide wheat pool, to be controlled by farmers. It was pointed out to the comm?t tee members that the proposed poo! miht be a violation .of the Sherman anti-trust law. The best farmers could hope for, it was said, was the right to market their products cooperatively, 1 Under Which Flag? TRANSFUSION OF BLOOD USED TO SAVE BABY'S LIFE Wymore Mother and Wife" of Omaha Pastor Give Blood To Infant. Infusion of blood from Mrs Gowan Williams of Wymore, Neb., I J ir. T, , r YT , , r ! ana jurs. i-ioya a. noisappie, wire of the rector of St. Barnabas' church, probably saved the life of Mrs. Williams' 3-weeks-old child, Gowan Hoyt Williams, at Clarkson hospital. " The child has rapidly . recovered from loss of blood, which set in two weeks after birth. Dr. William H. Taylor performed the operations, which took placej In... t,n,., , il,,.. A Tl,. infant weighed seven and one-half pounds at birth, but fell off to six pounds and eight ounces from loss of blood. Infusions of the blood were made simultaneously with a serum obtained from horses until the child's blood began to absorb the fresh supply and show coagulat ing properties. The Williams baby is a grandson of the late Bishop Arthur L. Wil liams of the Episcopal diocese of Nebraska. The mother was former ly Miss Ruth Hoyt of Wellesley, Mass., a Wellesley graduate and for mer instructor" at Dana hall. Mrs. Holsapple, a close friend, in sisted upon submitting to the last blood transfusions made in order to relieve the mother of the infant. Notes for Packing Stock Canceled, Receivers Say Des Moines, Ia Sept. 2. In their report to the federal court the re ceivers of the Midland Packing com pany of Sioux City stated that "the officers of the" Midland caused,1 or acquiesced in, the subscriptions of large blocks of stock at par by Fred C. Sawyer,' the president, and by certain friends and associates of the officers and by men with whom they were intimately acquainted," under agreements to recall the same. The issues amounted to $1,790,900. The notes from them, the receivers say, were canceled and returned to the makers. Longshoremen Attack ,; Men on Way to Work New York, Sept. 1. More than 2.000 white and negro longshoremen engaged in a battle at pier 50, North river, today, which required strong police squads to quell. A. number of vhites and negroes were arrested as ringleaders after several wounded men had been removed to hospitals. The ficrht started when 1.000 white longshoremen reported for work at the Southern Pacific steamship pier I ,nd found 500 ncKroes unlcadine a vessel. t Freight handlers' hokks. clubs and stones were used freely. Mexican Bandit Demands Huge Ransom for American Mexico City, Sept. 2. Charles Hoyle, an American citizen, who was kidnaped by the bandit, Pedro Zamora at Cuale, state of Jalisco, on August 20 and who was later re leased, arrived at Guadalajara yes terday afternoon, seeking 100.000 pesos ransom which Zamora is de manding for W. A. (Sandy) Gard iner, another .American, who with H. T. Johnson, a British subicct. is MINIATURE RIOT IN BELFAST AS CROWD FIRED ON Snipers Fire on Assemblage Near Crumlin Road Jail, Fatally Injuring One Man. j "Belfast. Sept. 2. Snipers fired in to a dense crowd shortly before 11 o'clock last night near the Crumlin rOad jail, and for a time panic reign ed in that section of the city. One civilian was fatally injured by a sniper's bullet. During a small not in Dover strec During a small riot in Dover street, where hostile crowds gath ered during the late evening, one man was seriously wounded. During yesterday several persons were injured by snipers in the north ern part of the city. Many dwellings and stores were looted during the cTay. London, Sept. 2. A Sinn Fein party invaded the Royal air force headquarters at Baldoyle, near Dub lin. Saturday night, and carried off a large number of secret' military documents, including the army code and cipher, used at the present time, according to the Daily Mail. It is declared the coup was the most dar ing and Important that has been at tempted in Ireland since the present unrest in that country began. The papers stolen, it is said, in cluded the scheme of Irish defense plans. Laborer Narrowly Escapes Being Buried Alive in Cavein Tony Bilseao, 1915 Wh Thir teenth street, narrowly escaped being buried alive in a cavein on North. Sixteenth street between Nicholas and Paul streets at 3:30 yesterday. Bilseao was working with a gang digging and laying pipe for a sewer when the east wall of a building gave awaj', dragging four tons of dirt with it. Bilseao was partially buried by the dirt, but was dug out by .fellow workmen who had fled when the warning cry was sounded. Bilseao suffered severe bruises and was taken to his home by police sur geons who said he might be suffer ing internal injuries. Hold Druggist and Garage ; Man on Liquor Charges As a result of the ' discovery of three quarts of real Scotch whisky in an automobile by . Detective George Summitt, Howard Hultman, Minne Lusa drufirsrist 6716 North Thirtieth -street, and Verne D. Op perman. Minne Lusa garage man 2310' Webster street, were arrested yesterday by Deputy Marshall Earl Young for alleged violation of the federal liquor laws. Mrs. Hultman sued her husband for divorce in district court, alleg ing in her petition that Hultman rarely came horn? before 2 a. m. and left at 4 a. m. Grant, Miners Increase. Kansas City. Mo., Sept. 2. An in crease of $1.50 a day . to day and month laborers in Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Arkansas coal mines was allowed in an agreement signed here by miners and operators, ' GENERAL MARIEL IS BLAMED FOR CARRANZA'S DEATH Mexican Official Opinion Holtls Military Leader Personally Responsible. New York, Sept. 2. Official gov ernment opinion iu Mexico on the death of President Carranza places the blame on General Mariel as the man personally responsible, accord ing to a statement given out by Dr. Alvaro Torre Diaz, new, Mexican minister to Brazil, who is stopping en route to Rio de Janeiro. He was a confidential agent of tht new Mex ican government in Washington for three months. "Several days before the death of Carranza, General Mariel surren dered with all his forces to General Pablo Gonzales," Dr. Diaz' said. "Then General Mariel gave orders to General v Rodolfo Herrero. but, not wishing to carry them out him self, Herrero, in turn, passed the or ders on to Colonel Marqucz, who led the attack which resulted in the assassination of Carranza."' Declaring his statement the first public one regarding official opinion in the matter, Dr. Diaz said "full justice" will be meted to Mariel, now imprisoned by criminal processes taken up by the state of Puebla. Exports to Foreign Countries Show Big Increase for July Washington, Sept. 1. Exports of the Unhed States' to the principal countries of the world during July totalled $651,381,827, an increase of $82,694,312 over the corresponding period last year, according to De partment of Commerce figures. Im ports for the same month amounted to $537,170,351, an increase of $193, 424.281 over July, 1919. " For the first seven months of this year exports totalled $4,899,254,121. compared , to $4,626,109,266 in 1919, while imports totalled $3,481,938,379, compared with $1,954,257,362. 100 Rooms iTi Hill Hotel Are Opened for Transients One hundred rooms in the new Hill hotel. Sixteenth and Howard streets, were opened yesterday for transient trade only. Formal open ing of the other rooms, entrance and mezzanine floors will be announced soon. "Our formal opening should have taken place 30 days ago," said John Hill, "but due to numerous recent strikes, it has made it impossible to open more than 100 looms just now. "We expect to be in full operation by September 10 and shall announce a formal opening date to the public soon." The Weather Forecast. Partly cloudy and unsettled daj Hourly Temperatures. Fri- 5 a. m SK 6 a. m M 1 a. m Sit S a. m 3 a. ra M 1 a. m 7 S p. m 4 p. m.. 5 p. m, , . p. m... 7 p. m 9. m. i ..7i ..It .."SO .. U3 noon ,...,,. BEC1N ACTION TO CLEAN UP WAR FRAUDS U. S. Department ot Justice Orders Prosecutions as Start Of Move to Settle All Con- troversies Over Contracts. - MILLIONS OF DOLLARS INVOLVED IN CASES Plan to Pursue Investigation Into Records of Firms and Individuals Expect to Find "Honest Mistakes." By The Auoclated Frm. Washington, Sept. 2. Prosecution of 324 contractors, marking the be ginning of a move by the govern ment to clean up its war contract controversies, has been ordered by the Department of Justice. The pro ceedings will include criminal and civil action and involve "millions of dollars," department officials said to-' dav.' Practically all of the cases cm braced by the prosecution order were turned over by the war department, but there were indications that simi liar cases would be received from other departments. The shipping board is understood to be planning to request criminal prosecution i.i half a dozen cases. Contracts on which action will be pressed were said to involve amounts "ranging from a few thousands to a few millions." They include agree ments for the furnislrng of supp!ic -of many commodities, construction of camps, cantonments and ware- houses and other facilities for the training of the army. , .. Rechecking Data. , ' Preparatory to instituting legal proceedings in mot cses, the gov- . ernment has started a rechecking of iis data and figures, planning to pursue the investigation into the rec ords of the firms and individuajsx whose contracts are questioned. This work will require several months. - Officials expressed belief that al though the War Department had failed to reach an agreement, many controversies would be settled out of court. The War. Department abolished its fraud and graft invests gating sections some months ago and its facilities for making neces sary inquiries in most cases were limited. ' Expect "Honest Mistakes.? Whh"respecr;tD a score or more-" of, the contract settlements in dis pute, there was the belief that "hon est mistakes" had been made by the. contractor 'or sub-contractor and that an investigation of records would produce grounds on which adjustment could easily be made. It was said that in other cases, how ever, "plain fraud and conspiracy" had been proved so clearly that no other course was open except direct action looking to indictment. Robert T. Scott, assistant to the attorney general, said it would be the policy of the government not to deal leniently with the fraud cases. Escaped Lifer From Utah Penitentiary Caught After Murder Big Heart, Okl., Sept. 2. Ben Hickman, escaped convict from the Utah penitentiary, where he was serving a life term, is in jail at Pawhuska. near here today, having been captured after be had shot and killed his wife on a street here during a quarrel last night. . Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 2.. Warden George A. Storrs of the Utah state penitentiary declared to day prison records fail to show a Ben Hickman having been confined at the institution. .He. said,, how- ever, a J. S. Hickman served two vears for second decree murder. J. S. Hickman was released from the institution December 17. 1919. - , Victim of Wyoming HoTdup Brought Here for Interment Guy Robertson of Hudson, Wyo., nephew of Walter M. Ladd and brother-in-law of Lester Ladd of Oma ha, is in the Methodist hospitaHiere suffering from injuries received Sat-! urday afternoon, when robbers shoi him in an attempt to seize the pay. roll of the Popesia mine at Hudson of which he is general manager. The shot was fired by the robbers from the side of the road, where they were hiding. It shattered the glass of the sedan car which Robert son was driving and drove particles of glass into his left eye and cheek. He was a half-mile from the mine and was carrying the money to the , miners. Mr. Robertson was brought to Om.';ha under the care of Gt:y F. Collins of Chadron. Neb- sales man ager of the Poposta. One Killed, Five Hurt When . Auto Plunges Into Crowd . ( New York, Sept 2. One mar! is dead, another thought fatally injured and four others are in hospitals se verely hurt as a result of the plunge of an uncontrollable stolen automo bile through a matinee crowd on a Sixth avenue sidewalk today. The driver, who was in military uniform, jumped out and esciped when the car crashed into a show window. Unmasked Bandits Rob Texas Bank of $10,000 , ' Fort Worth. Tex., Sept. 2. The ' Guaranty State bank at Graham, Tex, was robbed this afternoon by three unmasked men who escaped with $10,000 in currency. Seven of-'' ficials "were locked io the vault latill being held captive by the bandit. : ' v.