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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1920)
I A: V 3 THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1920. Classified Advertising Rites llo par tin (count ( word to tln 1 day lie per lln par day, t consecutlv daya J Jo par Una per day, T consecutive daya 14a par Una per day. JO conaecutlve daya Ko add taken for laaa than a total of 33c These rate apply either to the Dally or Sunday Bee. All advertisement! ap pear in both Imornlng and evenlnc daily papers for the one charge. CONTRACT KATES ON ... APPLICATION. i S accepted at the following of fice: MAIN OFFICE.. ..lTth and Farnam Bt. South Bide 311 N St. Council Bluff a IS Scott St. WANT ADS RECEIVED BY PHONE AT TYLER 1000 THE BEE will not be reaponaible for mora than one Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for more than one time. CI.OSINO HOURS FOR WANT ADS Evening Edition 13:00 lM Morning Edition ' P. M. Sunday Edition :00 V. M Saturday. DEATH ft FUNERAL NOTICES. BUTTERFIELD Mra. Margaret E., aged 60 yeare 11 montha. Survived by mother, Mra. Hanna Farrell; two daughters, Mora, and Luclle of Omaha; five slater and three brother. Funeral Tuesday, August 31, :45 a. m. from family resi dence, S706 South Twenty-fourth street lo St. Ann's church. Twenty-fourth and Poppleton, a. m. Interment family lot. Holy Sepulcher cemetery- FRENCH Mrs. Geo. F.. passed away at 4:30, August 10, from her late residence, 604 South 25th Ave. Funeral from Trinity Baptist Church, 25th and H atreets, South Side, Tues day, 5:30 p. m. Rev. Geo. Van Winkle will have charge of services. She is survived by her husbend,-ne sister and two brothers. SAVAGE Mrs. Mary,aged 50 years, pio neer resident of Omalia, widow of the late Chief of Detectives James H. Sav age. Residence 133" 9. um si. sur vived by 2 daughters, Mary and Agnes of Omaha. Remains at Heafey's & Heafey'a. chapel. Funeralnoticelater. jlllXER Dr. George I. resident of Oma ha 65 years; died August -29, aged 80 vcars. Apostolical services will be held his home, 128 North Thirty-first street Tuesday at 2 o'clock. Interment Forest Uwn cemetery. Si'CLAIN Elmer, age 39. He Is survived by his wife and two sons. Funeral Wednesday afternoon from 1 John A. Gentleman MortURry at 2:30 p. m. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER, ., "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS" P1ERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. Thirty-third and Farnam. Harney64. HULSE & RIEPEN, " PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 7M Snuth16th St. lr)0.u,tJ'l!, ? TAGGART & SON, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. Telephone Douglas 714. 2219 Cuming St. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Embalmer. Phone H. 865. . Office 2611 Farnsm. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON Fonten nalle era. Flort 1914 Douglaa St. Douff'as 8244. JOHN BATH, 18th and Farnam. D. 3000. L. Henderson, 1610 Fnrnam. Douglaa 1248. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Sam and Jennie Closer, hos pital, girl: Andrew and Anna Ellsworth, 2633 pecatur street, boy; Albert and Ktlen Sudlka, 1908 Wright street, boy; Jsvi and Clara Anderson, -,614 Grand avenue, girl; Atfio and Camilla Nasalsi. 1704 South Thirteenth street, boy; Edward and Julia Shoemaker, 4829 'i South Twenty-fourth street, boy; Carl and Mary Dohse, R. F. D Bennington, Neb., boy; Carl and Christina Norgard, 460-' Center street, girl; Peter and Lurle Beads, "610 North Thirtieth street, boy; Clarence and Radio Chandler, 82! Locust street. Klrl; Salvatora and Pugllsl Ruma, 1400 Williams street, boy; Alesst and Maria I'ervola, 20t Pierce street, boy; Emll and -Eva Carson, hospital, boy; William and Mathilda Rehsehuh, Omaha, Neb., boy; fclden and Geneva Smith, 2217 South Fifty-ninth street, girl; Walter and Petronella Waksil. 6406 South Thirty third afreet, boy: Arthur and Inger Scheef. 1014 South Forty-eighth street. .girl; Joseph and Mary Moscrop, 2921 fjaths Tomassa, ojerta, 34, 230S P A-.tit l'ay Aiocn Knignr. e, ;us soutn ' , . . . a. xrr..ijrrvr ssiira TiaCT.Trmrt'T Albus, 65. hospital; Mrs. Emma Gustafson. 47. hospital: John Almquist. 67, hospital; r.pnrm w. Thomas. 55. hosnital: Clara E. Pluqum 50. 2S18 Lake street; Raymond P. Armstrong. 6, S5S8 South Tenth street; Fred Leaper, 49. hospital; William J. Carev, 64, hospital; Mary Varlano, B4, Twenty-seventh and Vinton streets; Ella E. Ifostettler, S4. hospital: Mrs. Elln Johnson, 78, hospital. v: MARRTAGE LICENSES. The following couples have been Issued licenses to wed: t n. Newman Benson, 27, Omaha, and Ann M. Glfford, 26, Omaha. Earl Cranston. 21, Omaha, and Isabelle Pierce, 18, Omaha. Arlle Carter, T7, Omaha, and Emma Carter, 17, Omalia. Arthur Johnson, over 21, Omaha, and Josephine Janak, over 18, Omaha. . Harold Vincent, 21, Schuyler, Neb., and Edna Van Htiacn. 23, Schuyler, Neb. Frank ,T. I.ejsek, over 21. Omaha, and Mary Blaka, over 18. Omaha. Steve Johnson, 23. Independence, la, and Mary I. Pence, 21, Omaha. Bonnie A. Suttner, 23, St. Louis. Mo, and Morrle McChufrback. 18, Omsha: LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. FOR ARTICLES LOST on street car tele phone Tyler 800. We are anxtoua to re store lost articles to rightful ownera. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS BT. RT. COM PANT. LOST Friday, pin wTfhpearl and diamond settings. Har. 5338. Reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. , NOTICE "TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received at the of- flea of the County Auditor. Ida Grove, Iowa, until 1 :!. o'clock p. m., September 7th. 1920. for grading, draining anu in cidental work on the nrlmary road from Holsteln southeast through Ida Grove and Arthur. , Bids will be opened at the above office promptly after the time for receiving same has b.-cn closed. - A certified check for five (5) per cent of bid, made payable to the county audi tor. hall be filed with each bid, which. It case of a bidder receiving the award, should he fnll to execute a contract and file bond within ten (101 ilaja after the acceptance of hi hid, shall be retained by -the county as liquidated damage. The proposed work consists of con structing approximately 19.02 miles to finished grade, involving approximately 169. 0"1 cu. yd. of excavation. 18,480 lln. ft. of -Inch tile drain, 1,500 lin. ft. 7 lnch tile drain, 3.275 lln. ft. 8-Inch tile drain, and one tile intake. Plan and specifications for the work may be seen and may be secured at the above office er at the office of the county engineer, Ida Grove. Iowa, or at the office of the State Highway Commis sion at Ames. Iowa. The county reserves the right to waive all technicalities and to reject any or all bids. All contract awarded for this work aragsubject to the approval of the State Hiffhway Commis sion before becoming effective as con tract. K. H. PHILLIPS. A-igitst 23. 120. County Auditor. RACE HORSE MEN: Don't overlook the Crawford Tri-Stnte Fair and Race Meet. The fact that we are to have the first -' and enly cross-country airplane race a rsc from Omaha to Crawford, do not hink iht this interfere with our de- sir to make it profitable and pleasant . for the race horse boys. Write Imme diately for our programs. Harness races from 130" to 1600; running races from 16 to 1250. Free stall rent and ' every courtesy. Bring your horses on a few daya ahead if you want to. Ex cellent track facilities and good barn. Writ for program. A rah I- Hunger ford, president: Dr. B. F. Richards, sec retary. Crawford, Dawes county. Ne braska. ' REWARD! r all -raraares. ttollce and doctors, 150 reward for the arrest of 2 fellows driving on Ford roadster, license No 68583. One of these fellowa. dope fiend, about 85 year old. last seen wore gray sun, gray hat, change, hat to gray cap. Th i n.rllM wre last 1st seen ai r.engn. na.ur - ' day night. Arrest or wire 8herlff at Pterc county. Neb., or Deputy Sheriff at Plain view, Jfeb. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army lndu.trlal home a solicit i your eld clothing, furniture, magaalne. We collect W distribute Phone Doug. 4115 and our wagon will calL Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-11 12-1114 Podg St ELKCTRIC bath. Swedish or eleo. mil- age. In home, or will go oat. Web. 2911. KURSK take patients, prlv. homes. Wal. 6574. SYSTEM of Swedish Massage in home or will go out. Douglas Si4. MASSAGE 210 North Seventeenth St. ri.ECTRO Therapy massage. SIS Neville. BRINGING UP ACW- CONE Orl OOWIS TO GROGAvNti WE'LL V.T UP A. LITTLE. CWE -1 DON'T WANNA C5 UNLEit fOO DO- ANNOUNCEMENTS. Chiropodists. Carrie J., Burford, 62Paxton BldD. 1138. Detectives. PIPKIN'S NATIONAL"bETECTIVE A'JENCr. Incoipoiated. Douglas 1107 Arlington Blk., tipnha. Neb. JAMES ALLAN. 313 Neville Blk. Evi di.nce secured In all cases. Tjjer lli. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway E. Bldg. poi!g.;CoC.Night. Cnl. 4e. Dancing Academies. KEEP'S Hotel Rome, re-opens Saturday, Aug, 28. Call P. 2H81 or II, 2792. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pa'n. 2 1 W. O. TV. Bid. Hauling. TRUQKS FOR HIRE Tour hiullnu contracted by dav, month o. yea.. Trucks all sizes; best ssrvlce, raies. Phone, Tyler 1976. DUMP TRUCK hS" day, or year. Tours for service. Warning's Transfer Co.. 1211 Howard. Hemstitching end Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, aunbursf box pleating, covered buttons, U izes and styles; hemstltchlrs. plcot edeWg, eye let cut work, buttonholes. pennar ts. Idal Button and Pleating Co. 308 Brown Blk. Douglas 19:i6, ' Top Notch Shop Hemstitching, braiding, beading, all kinds pleating. Dcig. Mil. Room 33. Douglas Blk.. 16th and Dodge. Painting and Paperhanging GOOD painting. paperhanging. Quick ervlce. Reasonable prices. Web. 3733. f A IN TING, papering; lowest prices. Douglas 8S22. . PAINTING. paperhanging, piasteilng. Walnut 4567. FIRST -CLASS paperhanging. painting. D. 4900. PAINTING, papering, plastering. TVal. 4567. ' PAINTING, paperhanging. Walnut 5452. PAINTING and paiK-rliangln s ''i' L ' t 2. ten-Attorneys. jTvMES W. MARTIN. Tatent "Attorney, 1716 Dodge St. Patent your invention and sell It to a manufacturer. Printing. WEDDING announcements and printing. Dougias Printing Co. Tel, Douglas 644. Safes. - SAFE&BjRj, -.right Sife Co. Sewing Macaines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sll needles and parta. MICKEL'S i:th anJ Harney. Douglas li3 Contractors. CARPENTERING, repairing and remodel ing done. L. J. Erickson. Call Walnut lti37. -wuwoir - . DIAMONDS w pay th UlAaiKJViUO pric6 wltn privllcje to buy back at snail profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO. 402 N. lClh St. Doug- laa6049. ' PAXTON-MITCIIELL CO. J", th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb Brass, bron ?.e, nhiminum and machine gray Iron castings. ; - S.VBETT ranor blades sharpened, new ra :ors, razor blades sold. Omaha Razor Sharpening Co.. 1522Va Dodge, Ifi N. 16. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rislto Drug Store. 16th rnd Doug'as -Sts.. Cinaha, Neb HATS cleaned and blocked while vou wait, at Paxton Hat W.nks. 1607 Farnam St; Work guarantted. !).69J'J FILMS developed: printing and enlarging. Write for prices. Tno Ensign i o.. 1607 Howard St. JOHNSON, chimney ' sweep and furnace cleaning, repairs; SO years' experience. Tyler 6210. . DUMP TRUCK for hire. Tyler 1976. Hartung's Transfer Co., 121 1 Howard St. ; FUt.lTdress sul'S and tuxedo for rent. 100 N. 16th S, John KeJdman.I..IW. OMAHA - WELDING" CO. "The Ca'eful Welderav' 15th and Jackson. D. 4397. City Mattrcs Co.r mrtttrcsses remade. H. 7162. . DRESSMAKING, silk shirts fcpcclalty. Ty.'er 6229. GAS stoves connected. 12: repaired. ILUlf VEAViNG,Jd rug.remade. Tyler 11:3. Ornaha . Towel Suppiy. 207 S. 1 1 1 h. D.528. v !LM .' UlL"1 s:? v 6 2 " - RENT lloover sweeper, del. Web. 4283. - . FOR SAlJS. Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION AUCTION EXTRA HIGH-GRADE AND STAPLE FURNITURE OF SEVERAL GOOD HOMES IN MY AUCTION HOUSE, S. E. CORNER 18TH AND WEBSTER, WED., SKPT. 1 STARTS 1 f. M. - This is a big sale of extra good fur niture. Watch the papers for dclait. J, L. DOWD & CO.. Auctioneers, If you have anything to sell call Doug. 3285 or Tyler 966. FOR SALE SIX fumed oe dining chairs, straight line type. 82.V Phone almit"089. WE buy old and new "furniture, we pay best price. Eureka Furniture Co. Web. 4206. 1417 North 24th. FOR SALE My cottage completely and beautifully furnished. Buy airect irom owner. Colfax 1193. HOOSIER cabinet. 830. Baby busrgy; bed. complete. 1129 S. 29th St. No phone. FOUR-PIECE wicker set. suitable for sun room. Har. 6189. P.anos and Musical Instruments. XJAGTTr PfV Everything In . riUior Hi jJ. art a-..d music Pianos for rent, 84.00 pei m ntj. DRUMS, traps, marimbas.' Instructions, repairing. Phone Harney 2967. Geo. A. Smith, 2761 Davenport St. MUST sacrifice my new $350 phonograph for 8190. Address Box R 74, Omaha Bee, PLAYER piano, almo.t new, 120 rolls and bench cheap. Doug. 304. Typewrittrs and Supplier TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES ALL MAKES, bouitht, eold. r.-nted and repaired. Sole agent for the CORONA. Cet our price befcre you buy. Every machine guaranteed. m Central Typrewriter Exc. Douglas I2P. 191 3 Farnam. WE buy, sell and exchange all makes of typewriters. Write for list. Midland Office Supply Co.. 1404 Dodg. ALL MAKES Typewriter Co.. "all make." SOS 3. 18th St. Tyler 2414. i tvnewrlters all model, for rent ,OTAU twrtUrj. " ,,, st i .-- -.,- .-- - PROTKCTOtiRAt-HS. F & E:': bargains. S26 Neville Blog. Miscellaneous. GLASS FOR SALE. SIZES 5x7, 8x8, 8x10, BEST GRADE; CAN BE USED FOR HOT HOUSES. WIRELESS SETS. ETC CALL MR. HADLEY. TYLER 1000. ENGRAVING DEPT. O'mAHaTpILLOW CO. Feather mattre c made from your own feather. ium mer and winter aide. PUlowa renovated and made up In new featherproof tick ing. 1907 Cuming. D. 24S7. GnEV BABY CAB FOR SALE. COLFAX J 4300; DELIVERED FRE FATHER- qr. I'M COMIN HOME -I'M TlRE.15 OUT- FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. NEW YORK CONCORD GRAPES for Jelly; table use, grape juice, or juice of grapes. "Bring your baskets." Prices right for first-class fruit. Houston Fruit Farm, 8703 No. 31iUi St. Col. 4464. PERFECT. "One-quarter blue white Weasellton diamond ring, gent's mounting Will sell for cash or will trade for good car. Harney 6459. ELECTRIC grill, ovenettu, percolator, Iron and fan for sale, reasonable; perfect condition, In storage. Writ care Flat Iron. Room 207. SHORT time, sure and aafe Investment, 7 per cent city warrants to net you 10 per cent. E. G. Solomon. 212 Karbauh Bldg. p. 5262. . WE buy, sell safe, make desks, show cases, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., S.W.Corllth and Douglas. D. S724. TOMATOES, ll'per bushel. e7j. Bak er's Truck Farm. Benson Acres. Wal nut 818. FOR SALE Large floor mirror, plat glass, suitable for clothier. Bargain. 1710 No. 24th. DENTISTRT exchange for Liberty bonds, face value. Dr. Secdr, 1017 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. FOR SA LE Trailer with new tires and in first ciarts condition; only 350; coin plete. Call Wal. 281?. SAFE for solo, 75; brgaln. F. II. Gross man. 4ft0 First National Bunk Bldg. KINDLING and lumber. Web. 451. WANTED TO BUY. ; DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used dks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1307 Farnam. D. 6116. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. MACK'S BOND HOUSE. 1421 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 3644. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and furniture. Ty. 2598. A. Zavett, 705 N. 16. SITUATIONS WANTED, Male. EXPERIENCED carpenter wants work. ng. 6ot. Female. ; " HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of Th . Bee. Lots of good place art alway advertised. Don't mlsa thera. PLAIN sewing wanted. Webster 1661. Laundry and Day Work LAUNDRY Day work: exrerienoed. Webster S254. WANTED Day work, experienced. Doug laa 8368. WHITE 4277. laundress wants day work. Ty DAYWORK. all klm;: references. 4461. South BUNDLE washing 3j4 day work. Webter Toio7edady. Wei' DAY work waated DAY work 6450. wanted: experienced. Web: lVindlt; WASHING'; soli wt .. iyeb- . r I 'all" fi a. ! DAY work; m Web., laundry, 4!3;!. cleaning. Call 6 p CLEANING, day worl girl. Web. 4505. half days; colored LACK CURTAINS Jaunderd. So 4661. 1910 Y. St. . DAY work In private home. Web. 6816. DAY work, house cleaning. H. 5129. WANTED Day work; colored. Web. 2498. DAY work wanted, experienced, Web. 39 5j. LAUNDRY, cleaiiing.Irs.Glbson.Col. 234. BUNDLE washing wanted. Websterl 49. DAY work wanted, experienced. Web. 6450. BUNDLE washing: soft water.. Web. 6949. DAY WORK: exp. col, lady. Web. 3853. LAUNDRY, sewing by day. Web. 1324. LAUNDRY dnyworU. Webst er 1 Hi. DAT work, exp., color-d. Tyler"158. HELPW ANTED MALE! T; Stores and Offices. STILL GOING STRONG. Getting good , places for good people. Come on In. . , " RIGHT REFERENCE CO , 536 First Nat'l Bank. BOOKKEEPER and asst. to office man- ager. IloO. Y. ESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASSN. 736 First National Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER secretary, 1176, WATTS REFERENCE UOMfASt, 912 First National Bank Bldg. WANTED Several young men' for cleri cal positions. Box A-57. Professions and Trades. "WANTED ' Experienced FORD AND FORDSON MECHANIC capable of holding position of shop foreman. CADDOCK & BURKE, AUTHORIZED FORD SALES AND SERVICE. Walnut, la. WANTED Two electric arc welders by manufacturers of pipe and tank In Portland, " Oregon, who are neat and rapid in their work and thoroughly ex perienced in welding from slxteen gauge to quarter-inch plate, especially in tanks and pipe. Petmanent position, good working conditions, and an Ideal climate. Wages 82 cents per hour and bonus. In answering sate age. numbor of vear.s welding experience and name of present and past employers, Coast Culvert and Kluine Company, Portland. Oregon. . v AUTO MEGHASIC WANTED APPLY AMERICAN RAILWAY EX PRESS GARAGE. 1114 DODGE ST. ' WE have several openings for young men to learn telephone switchboard Installa tion work; liberal starting salary wltn opportunity for advancement in an in teresting Job. Apply Room 216 Tele phone Bid g. . t a. m. to 5 p. m. LEARN A TRADE. Barbers wanted everywhere. We guarantee a position and teach you In a few weeks. Write for big fri-e catalog. ' MolerBarber .College. 110 8. 14th St BRICK mason required for ' work at Casper. Wyo. Rate 810.00 per day eigbv hours. Steady work. Apply Midwest Refining Company, Casper, or L. C Welch. P. O. - Box J40. Denver, Colo. WANTED Counter man, experienced: a. steady job for the right party. AppW In person or state all particulars In flrit letter. Andersen & Hawley, Fremont, Neb. YOUNG man. tudy law. Eve, downtown sessions. Unlver. of Omaha Law Dept. Thorough course; nominal tuition. Bee. 404 Omaha National Bldg. Salesmen and Solicitor.. SALESMEN We have an excellent op portunity for a bright, wlde-awak. ag- gre.-slve salesman, t represent a re liable manufacturer, to travel the state of Nebraska; salary and bonus with ex pense advanced: In replying give refcr . encet. iat as lea exDerfencc. age and telephone number to Insure prompt ln- . : .it ' ,A ! - T ii., i n-n iFn , man (,(,,. -v. ,u . ..... .-. roe Lhrlith. Fontenelle HoteL 410 Luf I JOtT FEEL I?' TTZD LKE41TTIN' ; jf i, HOME AN ' I 3 HAVIN' A NICE HELP WANTED MAijtE. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN,, STOCK SALEM AN, INSURANCE MEJ. In fact any live man can make 13,000 to 17,000 in next 90 days. Experi ence unnecessary. City or country. Get exclusive pro- ' tected territory. Assign - merit going fast. Nothing on the market equal to our propoaltton (not stock). Thousands of buy ers everywhere. We are paying big liberal com missions. We back you up ..with well-directed scien tific selling methods from office. Advertising cam paign started. Money market 1 getting better every day. The fall trade will be the best In the his tory of this country. This is the time to kick In, get lined up for big money. Yi'U are wasting your time and money until you join our selling force. Send for new bulletin, mil iiir picas oepiemoer 1st. Make us prove to you all we say about our deal. We can do It. Investors have excellent chance to win from 310, 000 to $50,000 on small In vestment. Looks like sure shot for big money. Moat ilelighful, Legitimate nronosllon on the market. Call, write or wire. Gulf Coast Development & Refining Company, 740 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. OPPORTUNITY SALESMEN. FOR NEBRASKA, IOWA, KANSAS. CITIES OF OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS. If you expect to make money, you must have -a. Drovcn success backed hv strong local -co-operation. You must be clean, Intelligent and progressive In or- (i to rer on Jhere . TrffnWcbilimodate, Is under "long and efficient management and Is paying un usual dividends. Advance arrangements made with Influential local parties to assist you. Lead supplied of old stock holders as well as prospect. Strong publicity campaign now on. See Mr. Cole at Conant Hotel or at 1817 Douglas Street, entire second floor. WANTED Salesmen with ' established trade in Nebraska, to carry 84 cample men' welt shoes. Can be carried a a side line. E. B. Plekenbrecli Bona, Dubuque. 1. y " Boys. BOY WANTED FOR ALL DAY LIGHT WORK. SEE MR. HADLEY, BEE ENGRAVING CO., 204 PETERS TRUST BLDG. OFFICE BOY WANTED. APPLY MR. QUIVEY BUSINESS OFFICE BEE PUBLISHING CO. MESSENGER BOTS SIXTEEN YEARS OR OVER APPLY CL'DAHY PACKING CO SOUTH SIDE Miscellaneous. WE ARE ADDING ADDITION AL TAXICABS AND TRUCKS TO OUR PRESENT EQUIP MENT, V AND HAVE OPEN INGS FOR TAXICAB AND TRUCK DRIVERS, HELPERS. ALSO CHECKERS AT RAIL ROAD STATIONS, OUR GA RAGES AND OUR DOWN TOWN OFFICE SMALL aCASH BOND REQUIRED FOR ALL DRIVERS APPLY IN PER SON AT EITHER OF OUR GARAGES OMAHA TAXI CAB TRANS FER CO., 14TH AND JACKSON, 2572 HARNEY. MEN WATCH THE WASTE. ; MEN, DON'T WASTE TOUR TIME. WE HAVE STEADY WORK. GOOD PAT WEEKLY, IN OUR FACTORY AND OTHER DEPT3. EXPERIENCE VALUABLE, NOT NECESSARY. DON'T PHONE, COME READY FOR WORK. SEE SUPT. 7 A. M., EM ' PLOYEB8 ENTRANCE, WEST SIDE. SKINNER MFG. CO. v HTi ANDJACKdON STS. IJOLOREI) ' PORTERS vr:.nti-d. i -tenon i & Pegau Bakery, and Jackpot SEE JIGfjS AND MAGGIE IN FULL FACE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE J WELL -NOV -THAT Ife AWrOLLY WEET OF TOO I'D LOVE TO COME OVER OUT I MOST STUDY MY tdNGINC. - I REALLY MO tT PRACTICE ALL AFTERNOON () if to ay Ihtx. HELP WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. WANTED WAGON HELPERS MUST BE OVER 21 YEARS APPLY AMERICAN RAILWAY EX PRESS STABLES. 1416 DAVENPORT, ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON may earn $100 to $200 monthly corresponding for newspapers: 815 to 125 weekly In spar time; experience unnecessary; no can vassing; subject suggested. Send for particulars. National Press Bureau, Buf falo, N. Y. WANTED Man to wash windows and floor. Wise Memorial, 25th and Har ney. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. ANNOUNCEMENT We have openings for five cap able young women wishing to take up Long Distance Telephone v,ork. Apply to- MISS BELL, , 318 Telephone Bldg., Between 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. y i American Telephone & Telegraph Co. STILL GOiNG STRONG. Getting good places for good people. Come on in. RIGHT REFERENCE CO., 636 First Nat'l Bank. FILE and offflce clerk, 28 or 30 year old; must be capable, J100; voucher clerk, $80-190. EMPLOYMENT SPFCIAL1STS. THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg, OFFICE clerk, nice uptown office, $75 to -$86; cashier, fine cafe, $45 and meals. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN.. 917-18 W. O. AV. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, $75 to $110; typist, $100. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY. 912 Flrst National Bank Bldg. USE the Marti Service In securing a high, class commercial position. THE MARTI CO., 1126 W." O. W. Bldg. .-.... ..... ,. f-, ,: r YOUNG lady with office experience. Steady employment Hartman Furniture Co., lClh and Howard Sts. BOOKKEEPER and office girl. Apply Adams Laundry, 1813-17 California. Professions and Trades. YOUNG LADIES Do you want a permanent position T No profession today offers better op portunities for good aalariea and steady employment than local or long dlilanc telephone work. ! Th work 1 faaclnating, pleasant, healthful surroundings, annual -vaca tlon with full pay. Sick and accident benefit without cost to employe. No experience necessary. Subalantlal weekly pay while In training. Rapid advancement. - Parenta invited to Investigate working condition. Apply to MRS. MORRIS, Employment Secretary. Room (18. New Telephone Building. Nineteenth and Douglaa Street!, GIRLS WANTED to work in candy factory. . Apply at once. GORDON-RAINALTER . COMPANY, 8th and Douglas Gy.LS WANTED, FACTORY WORK, VERY GOOD WAGES. GORDON-LAWLESS CO., 8TH AND DODGE. Merchandise Your Ability Glance Back Then Look Ahead! 25 INEXPERIENCED GIRLS OVER 16 AND ACTIVE WOMEN CAN SELL THEIR SERVICES TO tS AT TOP -PRICES. WE PAY YOU WHILE LEARN ING AND AT PIECE WORK. YOU ARE ASSURED BIG MONEY EVERY -SATURDAY. LOOK A HE AD--DON'T PHONE. SEE OUR SUPT. IE YOU ARE READY TO WORK. 1 SKINNER MFG. CO., 14TH AND JACKSON. J 300 superintendents, principals, high school and grad teachers wanted immediately for vacancies. . Free enrollment. Teacher-School Board Exchange, Kansas City, Mo. TEACHERS Emergency vacancies; all kinds; salaries high; enroll free; write or wire cusllflmtlons. Cllne Teachers Agency, Columbia, Mo. EXPERIENCED lady presser. Max L Walker, Dry Clesner of No. Omaha. Col. 202. NURSE wanted at Old Peoples TTomt. References required. Walnut 3737. i lice Want Ads Bring Results. SssJ I HOPE FINN16MS f I . A WILL BE AT DUCAN'S-JfW- ' U 1 1 j-j J 1 it 'ff rtatuaa gaavics. lac HELP WANTED FEMALE. Saleswomen and Solicitors. AVA.VTDI) SIX EXPERIENCED SUIT AND CLOAK SALESLADIES, GOOD SALARY. ; , APPLY EMPORIUM. 810 SOUTH 16TH STREET SALES LADY WANTED $50 per week guaranteed to a lady who live In Omaha to handle our selling proposition Call In person at once. F.'E. HUNT. 202 NEVILLE BLOCK. SALESLADY WANTED. $50.00 per week guaranteed to a lady who Uvea in Omaha and bad experience selling anything to handle our propo sition. Call In person at once. F. E. HUNT, room 202. Neville building. WANTED Thoroughly experienced sales ladies for suit and coat department, in Ladles Ready-to-Wear shop. Permanent positions and good salaries. Wclgle Co. Davenport, la. WANTED Saleslady for drapery depart ment, permanent position with good sal afy. H. R, Bowen Co., 15th and Howard. Household and Domestic. GOOD place for a good worker with very good wages, one who can do houa work, small family washing, cooking (country girl preferred); will give you a real home with high wages. Box R-92. Omaha Bee WANTED A woman for dining room work: an experienced arm waitress that want steady work and can deliver tho goods. Apply In person or state all par ticular In first letter. Andersen & Hawley. Fremont, Neb. GIRL or middle-aged woman to assist with housework and care of 3-year-old child; plain cooking; no washing: good wages Walnut 465. WANTED Woman cook" for European ho tel; state wages and experience. R. E. Barton. Lake View, la. A COMPETENT white maid for cooking and general housework. Small family, no laundry, $J5 pr week. Hit. 2152. WANTED Girl "for general housework, no washing, 4 In family. Apply 1111 S. Slat St. WANTED Experienced cook, "white. Jin Barton Sllllard. 123 North 3!)th St Har ney 47. GIRL or middle-aged woman for general housework, very good wages. Doug. 4285 or Doust :!151. EXPERIENCED ladv presser. Max I. Walker. Dry Cleaner of No. Omaha. Col 202. EXPERIENCED child's nurse. Mrs. K. H. Tattcrson, 127 North 40th St. liar. 387. EXPERIENCED colored maid for general housework. References. Har. 902. W ANTED--Experlenced white uook. small family. Harney 610 after 10 a. m. WANTED Competent girl for genera! housework. Call Walnut 1519. WANTED A" laur dre5sbythfi djjJVwhlteT DINING ROOM Hospital GIRL 'Wise Memorial MIDDLE-AGED LADT, family of 2. Web. 5691. WANTED Head wa'tresw Conant hotel. Miscellaneous. GIRLS WANTED TO WAIT OX SODA TABLES. SHORT HOURS. GOOD SALARY. APPLY SUPT.. BALCONY. BURGESS-NASH CO. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON may earn t10 to 1200 monthly corresponding for newspapers; $15 to 125 weekly in spare time; experience unnecessary; no can-, vassing; subjects suggested. Send for particulars. National Press Bureau, Buf falo. N. T. BIG SISTERS ASSOCIATION, for the benefit of business girls. 633 Be Bldg. Dougla669;. GOOD laundress wanted. Jennie Ed rr.undBqn hospital. Council Tiluffs, la. WOMAN"' to scrub floors. Wise Memorial hospital. 25th and Harney. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. .WANTED Men, ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning: strictly modern. Call or write 1 408 Dodge St Trl-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS EFFICIENCY, OMAHA'S EFFICIENT BUSINESS SCHOOL. Day and night school. Dougl?s 7774. Cor. 14th and Dodge. I.. O. O. F. Bldg. .Van Sant School of Business, Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. BUJESSjCIjlANCES. FOR S A LE Good" pay 1 ng bakery at Cur tis, Neb. Town of 1,600 with no com petition. Consists of fountain and com feet lottery and bakery. Monthly sales between $4,000 and $3,000. Brand new brick oven and bake room. F. A. Smith. Curtis, Neb. TIN and Radiator shop for sale; good paying business in good location in a Browing town, good reason for selling. Located on C. B. & Q. R. R 63 miles east of Sterling. See the Tinner in Holyoke, Colo. The only shop in town. EXCLUSIVE flour, feed and produce busi ness for sale; 1019 business over $23. 000: rent or sell building; on terms; no trades; want to retire from business; established 13 years ago. Write at once lo Lock Box llil. Clurkson, Neb. GOOD garage buplnesa for sale In a good county sent town of 2.200 people. Good lease on building, clean stock and no junk. Best of reasons for selling. Bos Y 1244,' Bee. RESTAURANT for sale; "sickness reason for selling: place doing good business; will seel cheap forcash.Doug. 6589 . TO GET In or out of business. t:t LEWIS CO.. 411 McCague Bldg. FOR RENT ROOMS. . ; Furnished Rooms. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT. TYLER 1000. AND ASK A LOUT OUR RIO ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR READERS AND ADVERTISERS. 2631 DAVENPORT. Downstairs front room, 1 or I gentlemen, use of bath. Harney 3599. TO GENTLEMEN: Large, nicely fur nished room. IMO',, St. Mary's Ave. Tyler 2221. , ' BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room, all new. for gentleman. Breakfast. Doug. 27JL NICELY-furnished room; no other room er In apt., on car line. Prefer gentle men. Harney 2611 211 NORTH 30TH ST.; pleasant room, gentleman, private, walking distance. Harey 4134. . - NICELY furnished room close to three canities Webster 6892. 1923 Locust. ROOM in Dundee; private home. 244$. "Walnut 3010 DODGE, modern furnished walking distance. Har. 724S. CREIOHTON college, desirable room, vi te. Harney 1 712. pTi- 2602 DEWEY AVE. Furnished room. Douglas 2979. GREYSTONF, 25th sndCass Two large rnoins Douglas 7994. 182- Webster, furnished rooms. Vs. 43S9. It y ' W- i Drawn for The Bee by McManu.. Copyright. 1920 International Newa Seieic . FOR RENT-ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. 22on HARNEY. nice furnished rooms. Phone Doug. 64:14. ! OR 3 ROOAIS for gentlemen. Wal. 2390. LARGE front room, modern. Web. 241. FURNISHED rooms. 56 So. 25tli Ave. NICELY furnished room. " Walnut "2389. Housekeeping Rooms. " LARGE modern front room; complete for light housekeeping. Webster 2471 or 402L SlCE light housekeeping rooms. Modern, close In. Dougla3 6349. 80S SO. 2 1 ST. '' n!c ce-,m sn-ti'east front rooms. Close In. Doug. 8181. 2 LIGHT housekeeping rooms. Webr 802. NICE cool houh-:k-e'r,iij rooms, liar. ti772. 2.ROO.M suite, modern. Har. 4989. ' Board sn;i R -oitis, NICE large room, bath adjoining. S meal. Call Walnut 4801. ROOM and board for gentleman. Har. 7039. FOR RENTHOUSES. Unfurnished. fOR RENT -Six-room, nearly new two-story houses, all strictly mod ern and up-to-the-minute. On Kansas avenue facing Miller park. Possession September 1. Rental $85.00 per month. J. L. II I ATT COM PAX V. 900 1st Xat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 6.?. TWO business women want unfurnished housekeeping moms or apartment. Phone mornings, U. 880C; evenings, Wal. 380 A-l refjrences. v FOR RENT APTS- AND FLATS Furnished. lU.-UfcLDOIS A P A RT M E N T Ii OT EL. Conveniently licatcd. Furnished tiiioughnut. .vines of two and three rooms, wi'h combination tub and shower balh. Kitchenettes completely equipped. Weekly rental includes light, heat, sss, tehphune and maid service. An Ideal heme for those whi desire comfort anl service parment shown by appoint ment. Dodge mi'' 18th. Tyl T 4200. FOUR-ROOM apt. can be rented by par' buying furniture. Flo-Lea Apt. No. ' D. 9:ia5. f Unfurnished. -lent, .. . . . Jsart- mcnt in the city of Omaha.1 South east and west exposure. Posses sion September 1. Present oc cupant moving into new home. If you want the nicest apartment for . the coming year, call us at once. 1. L. HI ATT COMPANY, 900 1st Nat'l -Bank Bldg. Tyler 63. TWO large rooms, bath and small room, first, floor, gas range, electric lights and sleahi heat. Call evenings. 2960 Harney WANTED TO RENT. Furnished Apartments and Houses. SMALL house. furnished or partly furnished Box A-H3. Omaha Bee. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses WANTED TO RENT 5 or '6-room house or apartment at once. V. M. Kaufman, International Harvester Co. of America. Omaha, Neb. WANT five-room apartment: only two 1 family. Tel. Harney ;'3. FOR RENT Business Ptoperty. W'E IIAVErooiii for six dead storage au tomobiles: brick building: and heat fur nished. RayAuto Top Co.. Doug. J0i. Garagesand Barnr: Gir.AQE for "rent. Doug. 730 HORSES AND VEHICLES. ONE horse weighing 1.230 pounds, one driving horse, v.-elifht 1.21)0; one delivery horBe 1,000; two heavy single harness. Webster 2883. 2109 N. 24th St. L fiANnSOME Pony, good Jor chiFdrcn. pcr- leeuy saic. v ro. FINE driving horse, line driver and sad dler. Web. 288S. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. MIXED grain. $3.73 per100"l'bs.. delivered. A. W. Wagner, SOI N 10th St. Doug. 1142. O !)"A NGE yellow canary sin g cr. D. 6971. DOGSjCATS PETS. BKLHIAN hares, American pink-eye. Call Tyler 309. MOVING AND STORAGE. WB assemble und forward carloads of both household goods and automobiles. Watch this column, as It will keep vol. Informed where we are makinj carload shipments to. f If vou are shipping to any of the cit ies represented or to towns adjacent to our shipping points, see u about our rates, as it Is likely that our througt iste Is less thsn the regular local rat end you have the advantage of carload service. Todry we are accepting shipments foi the following cities: . ' Minneapolis. Minn. Los Angeles, Cal. Chicago. 111. GORDON FIREPROOF WAKE HOUSE AND VAN CO., 219 N. lllh St. Phone Douglas 391. mha. Neb. FIDELITY STORAGE AND VAN CO. STORAGE. MOVING. PACKINO HOUSEHOLD OOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS . 16th and Jackson Sts. Dimgjas MOVING. PACKING.' STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and ahlpplng. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 South 1Mb. Doug. 4163. f METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Tj-er 3400. GLOBE VAN. TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. For real service In hauling or stor age, call Tyler 230 or Dougla 4338. Auto or wagon service. UNION TRANSFER Co7 Let us estimate your moving, packl"f and storage. 1606 Davenport Doug. 2904. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. PARTNER WANTED. In electric light company now furnlsh Ink seven towns chances good to put on that many more: must have som innnev tu invest; give experience and the amount you can Invest when writing' ,r jur.ner lar 1920 FORD Rl'NAROITT er truck; good unditioo; for ai. walnut ti4$ fur further particulars. A UTCOBIL01JE. Buy a Guy L. Smith Used Car. V A Ainr IWVP.STMF.NT. f W nK.-av. have? a ffw first-claSS ncerl nri Tr real harcainS, .P Each is guaranteed and with a J real service behind it. Call Doug;-1 las 1970 any time for description of cars and prices. . A, REAL BARGAIN National 7-passenger, in excellent con dition; only been driven 2.600 mlieav looka and run Ilk new; dandy car .or a large family; will aell at real sacri fice: very liberal terma It desired. MORSE-STUTZ MOTOR CAR CO.. 2427 Farnam St. Douglaa 1311. DRIVE IT YOURSELF COMPANY RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF THE MOST ECONOMICAL AUTO. .MOBILINU; CHEAPER THAN OWN ING A CR. NEW. A-1 CONDITION. SCl.F-STARTEHS OPEN DAY AND NltillT THE SdS DAYS. U14 HOWARD STREET. DOL'Q. S623. " WILLYS SIX TOURING. This car will go to the man who wauts a good, dependable six-cylinder ear at a very low price. Has Red Seal Continental motor and the entire car is in tip-top condtton. Has four new tires and all details on the Job are first class. Guaranteed In every way. See It today, GUY L. SMITH, Douglas 1970. NEW JORDAN 5-PASSENGER. Will give substantial discount for Im medlHte disposal: car list at 13.150: might consider cood, light, used car as part, or can arrange terms. Address, Ilos R-8li, Omalia Bee. - WE SAVE YOU 5 out of eery $10 on auto Insurance. Phone Douglas 7768. 312 Peter Trust Uldg. Continental Inv. Co. (1siB bargains In used Ford car. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station. I5tb and Jackson. Doug- la 3o0. in green cellent condition and we will guarantee it in every respect. This is an automo bile you can surely be proud to own. GUY L. SMITH, Douglas 1970. OVERLAND " roadster, model 75. self starter. elP'trlc lights: good tire; mo tor Just overhauled. Strong power. 1350. Wal. 114. 5009 Underwood Ave. t GARAGE, 10x16 ft.; complete. 16; w do all hinds of building and repair work.) Dickson & Newman. So. 2794, or So. 1701. DO VOL want a good auto at a bargain price? All makes and sizes.. Terms or cash. Call Mr. Jones. I King. 5188. 1920 DODGE with delivery body and L'Jr- puncture proof tires. Excellent ahai very reasonable. Douglaa 3659. WANTED For anot cash. 100 us.d ca nntek urtlnn- nn rielsv. AntA RTehan Co.. 2059 Farnam St. Douglas 6015. V . -, , . n c nArea - TJ- ,-,. c- . w .Y, ' TRADE. EAST TERMS. CA-L 8. If, OROL'KE AUTO CO., J701 8. 14th St. THE DIXIE FLY ER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY 2520 Farnam St OAKLAND feasible Six. "- MARSH OAKLAND CO 3ti9 Farnam t. JV13 have 60 good used car to aelect ehanleal A" prices. i'Viivtain xn.TL! co!Lri!lm on,-!iv i,"!! Bulck 36: 1st class mi Ved hmiies. ''': new paint Job. C t-lli llarn.v St. Ttlet-'1 40. 1917'CHALMEKS "light used car, s irmvl Shane ami Rood tlr""' Auto Sale 2247 Sunday and evenlnga HUDSON SEDANS' These early fall days J inUKiii.-s ig i warn ,, on. f 'hlgl i ng a six 'MB ' Super-Six Is a strictly nigi which will give lastlni tory service. We have many models and, s. ,...a aurlU Ul.,1 Wot tllA tVlA Vntf"j, All are reflnlshed and carry our regular guarantee. - GUY L. SMITH, Douglas 1970. VAN'rl ion CARS FOR DKArJ STOR. AGE. HARTUNG'S TRANSFER CO., TYLER 19V6 OR WEB. VUli. FORD TOURING, 1920 model, exeellen condition, with starter. $500. 1819 Wir. street. TRUCKS, ANY SIZE, FOR HIRE, BY DAT, MONTH, YEAR. TYLER 1978. LATE model 75 riverlami'f Irst-elasa con dition; price. $2.15. Harney 48S. ONE-HALF-ton space In rear deck and a package coin-i partinent at the driver bck. Beats three comfortably and ha lota of I power. Standard make. quiet and sueeily. Has been reflnlshed and re-' InppeU and Is reedy to go. Do no1" t f delay if you need a roadmen GUY L. SMI I H, Douglas 1970. WANT to'hcy FORD CHASSIS MR. LESTER. TYLER 345. CAL FORD touring. 1917; real bargain. Call' I larney 2790 after 6 p. m. , DODGE touring, excellent condition. Doug. 9..K5 or weh. c7:b. HUDSON sedan for sale, excellent condi tion. Bargain. H. 6346. WINTER top for Dodge car. las 4049. Call Dour? Motorcycles and Bicycles. WE HAVE a number of guaranteed re built bicycles priced as low as $20. Vic tor It. Roos. 27th and Leavenworth. 1918 3-spel electric Indan, $150 rash. Real siiat fWcb. 802, x Repairing nd Painting. RADIATOR "CORKS INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha, 24-hour set-flee for auto truck snd tractor. Exp"! t radiator and fender repairing; b"e dents removed; new fender mad. OMAHA ALTO RADIATOR t FG. CO. 1819 Cuming St. Tyler1 91. Tires and Supplies. used" tires," """"" 30x3, $5.00. 30x3 $$.-. All Ivm- In proportion. Look evt our rebullm. Op"p Sundays. Tyler 21 1C SAViOC TIRES. 1 90N16th St: Keyston Tire Shop, NEW TIRES F1RST-C1-VSS. . SOxJ $10.95 32x4 5fli:;iA 13 95 I 33x4 $0.6 . HUDSON SPEEDSTER.' II The Hudson 4-passcngcr Speedster Is L the most popular car in Omaha. We 4k J don't have one often, so look this over. W- tj 1910 model: H new cord tires, reflnlshed M I wllh red wheel. I in e- ' r ,a truck, nargain. l-none Webster 594 or Webster 1788. "STUDEBAKF.R ROADSTER. Who can use a snappy little 1918 four-cylinder roadster In excellent con-1 rlllloii throughout? Hm large earrylim f 36x1 29.95 ! 34x4 20.9 f' GOODRICH FORD TUBES. $3.60. KAIMANJTIRE JOBBERS, 1722 CUMING. ' NEW GUARANTEED TIRES " " 30x3 $ 9.7S I 33x4 $21.60 30x3'i 12.90 I S4x4 31.7S STANDARD TIRE CO., 410 No. Hth. y" FARM LANDS. Colorado Lands. FOR THE RENTER and th man with small mean that wants a home I have somj very good place near Cheyenne Well. Colo., that will suit you at bargain price with terms. B. M. BOTTORFF. Phon Harney S$$i S6:o Martha St., Omaha. seo FOR SALE 320 acre. mile from Mngton and 4 mtlea from anotner town In Kit Carson county, Colorado; new 4-room house, fair outbuildings, well ami new mill; 70 acre broke, so acres sowed In winter wheat; fenced and cross-fenced. Price. $57.60 per acre; $6,200 carried. A. Nelson, IT Wet list St.. Kearney, Neb. ' Nebraska Lands. ESTATE FARM MUST BE SOLT 157 acres. 4 mile south of Fremont, on principal highway. Good Improve- ments, winomiit ana orrnarei, . Pricey $2(6 an acre. Adjoining lands at 14001 U. K. BIKU, SXKUUTUR,, 750 Clarkson Ave., Fremont, Neb, YOLrTFARM OR-RANCH jurned qu'ckly into ch by our unldue hiethod. Write for booklet. Nebraska t Realty Auction Co., Central City. Keh V 4.000 ACRES Box Butt county farmland. 4 . i jjo to,:; an at an acre In half section lotm. '-'Iv 1 8. 3. AMD R. E. MONTGOMERY. 213 City National Bank Bldg. A. A. PATZMAN, Farm. II Karbeeh BIIl ) , 7, TTj ri- r. P I ' . lec Want Ads Bring Result. I- J 1 r V 6