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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1920)
THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. AUGUST 31. 1920. POLISH ENVOYS HECKLED BY RED FORCES AT MINSK Bolsheviki Make Virtual Pris . oners of Delegation Guards Accompany Mem - bers At All Times. Minsk. Aug. 30. (Via Moscow.) (By The Associated Press.) Members of the Polish peace delega tion have been engaged in a contin ual controversy with bolshevik offi cials since arriving here. Disagree ments between the delegation and the soviet coinmissaire in command of the quarters where the Poles arc rirtual prisoners have reached be wildering proportions regarding the use of a wireless plant by the Poles .! ii d the regulations to be observed in the house where the delegates are living. .Some indication of the treatment in store for the delegates was seen in the action of the bolsheviki when the Poles reached this city. The delegation was escorted by a detach ment of mounted soviet troops to a residence near the center of the city. ;uout which guards were posted with orders to allow no one to leave without a soviet escort. Censors All Messages. The correspondent of The Asso ciated Press has found it difficult to obtain an eNict view of the situation owing to the fact that he is a pris oner, like the rest of the Polish party. A visit was made to a local official, the correspondent being ac companied by a guard, ai'd the offi cial stated that, inasmuch as the correspondent had accompanied the Warsaw delegation to Minsk he aas identified with it. ''It is too bad you camc with the Poles," he was told. Seal Wireless Plant. The Polish delegation set up a wireless plant soon alter its arrival, but was forced to move it three times in an endeavor to obtain a sit uation from which it might commu nicate with Warsaw-. The last loca tion was made this morning, and prospects of sending messages to the Poffeh . capital were good, but when an attempt was made to use the apparatus it was found the sov iet commandant had sealed it. The Poles are impatient under the confinement, while the attitude of ihe bolsheviki seems to grow more offensive as news of Polish victories filters through the lines Ikao, Famous Japanese Summer Resort, Swept By Disastrous FireJ Tokio Aug. 30. Ikao, Japan's famous summer resort, located in the Ikao mountains west of this city, was swept by fire yesterday and about three-quarters of the town was destroyed. Among the guests at ' Ikao were nearly 3,000- people from Tokio, including many promi nent people, who were staying at villas and hotels. Some had nar row escapes, among them being Princess Higashikuni, sister of the emperor, whose husband accom panied the crown prince to France, and who is still in that country. Karon Makino and Marquis Saionji, members of the Japanese delegation at the Versailles peace conference, also escaped in safety. Reports re ceived here state that several per sons were injured. Captains Are Named For Commerce Chamber Golfers M. C. Peters and Everett Buck ingham have been made captains of the opposing sides in the golf tour ney to be given by the directors of the Chamber of Commerce at La koma Friday. Dr. Thcmas Cassa day of All Saints Episcopal church will speak at the dinner. Organizations to which challenges have been sent are the Manufactur ers' association. Ak-Sar-Ben, Con cord club, Kiwanis, Rotary, Linons Clearing house, Grain exchange, Live Stock exchange. Retailers' associa tion. Wholesale jobbers and the Council Bluffs Chamber of Commerce. Start Air Mail Service Between UrS. and Cuba Soon Washington, Aug. 30. Airplane mail service between the United States and Cuba will be inaugurated urle- AOVERTISEMEXT. MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative r OUgll his This Pennsylvania Man Pretty Badly Broken Up Johnston, ; Pa.. Aug. 30. Though liis neck is broken in two places, two vertebrae are overlapping, two others are jammed together in an unnatural position and the axis at the base of his skull is slightly dis placed, John II. Cover. 28, is alive, nal.ks about, converses pleasantly, ;ind aside from showing signs of a stiff neck, betrays no evidence of condition. Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only look for the name California on the package, then you are Sure vour child is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. Vou must say "California." Tenfears feimerThaii His Years Doesn't it make you feel good cause you to straight en up and feel, "chesty" when someone guesses your age at ten years or so younger than you really are? ' You look into your mirror, smile with satisfac- tion and say to yourself: "Well, he didn't make such a bad guess, at that." The point is: You're no older than your vitality. If a man is strong, vigor ous, mentally alert, fine and fit at 50 he has'a better chance of living up to 80 than a man of 30 who is weak and run-down has of living up to 60. While none of us can stay the years nor stop time, we should all , make an heroic effort to suc cessfully resist the effects of time by ever keeping our vitality at par. When you sense a feeling of slowing down of your physical forces when your stomach, liver, kidneys and other organs show signs of weakness when you notice a lack of your old time "pep" and "punch" in other words, when you feel your vitality ia on the wane, you should com- iwsr mence at once to restore your energy, strength and endurance by taking LVKO The Great General Tonic This master body-builder will help you keep young in spirit and mental and physical action, because it will assist Nature in maintaining yourTitalityatpar. It enriches the blood, restore! worn-out tissue,, soothes jangling and over-wrought nerves, in duces sound refreshing steep, sharpens the appe tite, tones up the digestion in short, will put new life, new visor and new vim in every fibre of your body. You will be surprised how much better you'll feel after taking; a treat ment of LYKO. if you are tired and worn out, nervously and physically ex hausted. 1 1 ' mildly laxative keeps the bowels in fine condition. Get bottle from your druggist today. Sole Manufacturers LYKO MEDICINE COMPANY New York Kansas City, M. LYKO is sold In orifflnal Daek IM only, lik pictur. abate. Klu,s ail aubamutas. For sale by Beaton Drue Co., 15th and Farnam St., and. all retail druggists. If your skin itches just use IIS I Ma res Chemical V ""WK . T7- Ml. I I tool Ter trial free, writs Dept. 7-Ri ss fatal, liaii.aiore. Ma. v Resinol Ointment, with Resinol Soap, usually stops itching instantly. Unless the trouble is due to some serious internal disorder, it quickly and easily heals most cases of ec zema, rash, or similar tormenting skin or scalp eruption, even when other trtatments have given little reiiel. Physiciansrrr Resinol extensively. Soid by aii'drugsistJ. this fall. Postmaster General B son said. A contract between the government and Florida West Indies air ways company, calls for daily transportation of mail between Key West and Havana for one year from October 15. First class mail weigh ing 4 pounds. 6 ounces or less, will be handled, the rate to be 6 cents ati ounce. Crossing Accidents Kill 1,000, Hurt 3,000, in Year Chicago, 111.; Aug. 30. A thou sand people killed and 3.000 injured. That is the annual toll of automo bile accidents at railroad grade crossings, as shown by the report of the National Safety council. Mil lions have been spent by railroads to safeguard lives, but nevertheless this is the average each year for such fa talities. Auto accidents, it "is pointed out, are increasing in almost mathemati cal ratio to the increase in automo biles. A tightening up on traffic vio lators with more rigorous prosecu tion, is believed to be the only so lutiou to the serious problem. Invented by a Virginian, a new hand plow can be turned over and the handles fitted with a body to make it serve as a wheelbarrow. Queen Wilheimlna to Join in Tercentenary, Etc The Hague, Aug. 30. Queen Wil hclmina will take part in the coniinl tercentenary celebration of the sail ing of the Mayflower, it has bee officially announced. IL Outfit the Children for school hero this weak V Mfm Beginning Wednesday, ) Sept. 1st Storn Hourst 1 . A. M. to 6 P. M. A EVERYBODY? STORE M'llWLMM'HIWII llllllllllllli.IHIIIJI)IIM,;HUIII,lll.llllll.ll,lll.i.l. IHMMIJUUl 11 A great Monthly Event of Im portance to Every Thrifty Person. New, Dependable Merchandise Re duced to One Dollar for Tuesday. Phonograph Records A small lot of full size 10-inch double face records, at 2 for Fourth Fleer. $1 TOILET PAPER Crepe tissue toi let paper, large size rolls, 14 rolls Downstairs Store. SI STEP STOOL Made ' of hard wood, heavily var nished; very handy for the home Downstairs Store. $1 JELLY GLASSES Tin top jelly glasses, 2 dor. $1 COFFEE BOILERS "Gray enameled coffee boilers, as sorted sizes blaj $1 Downstairs Store. PRESERVING KETTLES Gray enameled, lipped preserving kettles, large size j Downstairs Store. COMBINETTES Gray enameled, seamless combi nettes with cover Downstairs Store. $1 CLOTHES BASKET Elm splint clothes baskets, wood bok torn, good size Downstairs Store. irva-i a $1 DOLLAR DAY SPECIAL Children's Union Suits $1.00 Children's fleeced lisle union suits, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length, each suit comes in a dustproof container and are seconds, but you have to search for the defects. Sizes 4 to 14 years, at $1.00 a garment. Downstairs Store. - BREAD BOXES Brown Japanned bread boxes with hinged cover, largo sizes ' Downstairs Store. a $1 HAMPER Elm splint clothes hamper, hinged cover Downstairs Store. $1 , A Large Lot of Black Sateen Petticoats $1.00 Finished with tailored flounces. Special Tuesday, $1.00. Second Floor, Baby Jiffy Pants 2 for $1.00 Second Floor. ' 400 Pain of W omen's Shoes $1.00 In this assortment are a variety of styles placed on sale at this ridiculously low price for quick disposal. Choice of the lot while they last at $1.00. Downstairs Store. Treco Bandeau Front or back fastening. Choice Tuesday, 2 for Second Floor. $1 Envelope Chemise Made of nainsook or batiste, elabor ately trimmed. Second Floor. $1 Dollar Day Specials For Men and Boys in the Downstairs Store $1.00. Boys' khaki pants, sizes 6 to 16 years, $1.00. Levi Strauss koveralls for boys and girls ages 2 to 8 years, Boys' wash pants, ages 4 to 10, 2 pairs, $1.00. Waiters' and grocers' aprons, good quality, 2 for $1.00. Men's canvas gloves, Tuesday, at, 8 pairs, $1.00. Men'a derby hats, for quick clearance, $1.00. ' Downstairs Store. CHILDREN'S HOSE 3 Pairs for 1.00 Children's school hose in a medium weight cotton and will give good wear; black, all sizes; brown and white, broken assortment of sizes, at 35c, 3 for $1.00. Downstairs Stare. TOILET ARTICLES One dollar box of Elizabeth Allen Face Powder and box of Elizabeth Al len Rouge or com pact powder, for, $1 TOILET ARTICLES One Bottle of Ma vis Toilet Water and Box of Mavis Face Cream or Face Powder, for, $1 Women's Hose. 1.00 In thread and fibre silk, black and white and colors, an exceptional offer $1.00 a pair. Main Floor. Dozens of Styles Hundreds of Blouses $00 From this large selection of blouses you will surely find several blouses that you will want. The price of these blouses is LESS THAN COST OF MATERIAL without thought to the making. They are dain tily trimmed in lace and embroidery All sizes in the lot from 36 to 58. On sale on the Main Floor and ia Downstairs Store. CHILDREN'S DRESSES Stamped on pink or blue chambray, also white dimity, 4 to 6 year sizes, 2 for $1 TOWELS Hemmed huck tow els, size 18x36 inches, fine quality, 4 for " Main Floor. $1 x NAPKINS rlemmed damask napkins - 6 for Main Floor. $1 GUEST TOWELS Neatly embroidered in colors, 2 for Main Floor. $1 TABLE DAMASK Bleached table dam ask, 64 inches wide, heavy weight, yard $1 DRESSER SCARFS Lace-trimmed dress er scarfs, size 13x54 inches- ' Main Floor. $1 " A Limited Number of Bungalow Aprons 2 for $1.00 Slip-on aprons, choice Tuesday at 2 for $1.00. Downstairs Store. Baby Night Gowns $1 Outing flannel night gowns, choice, 2 for Second Floor. HANDKERCHIEFS C h i 1 d r e n's good quality handkerchiefs, special, 14 for Main Floor. $1 Baby Kimonos Flannelette ki monas, daintily. trimmed, 2 for ' Second Floor. $1 CROQUET SETS 28 croquet sets in various sizes, very spe cial, at . Fourth Floor. $1 Dollar Day Notion Specials Merrick's machine thread, 1 dozen spools, $1.00. Skirt belting in black or white, 10 yards for $1.00. Dr. Parker's and Kazoo Waists, slightly mussed, 3 for $1.00. ' White elastic in 4 and 38:inch, 12 yards for $1.00. Defender dress shields, 5 pair for $1.00. -"" Main Floor. COTTON HOSE 2 Pairs for 1.00 Women's cotton stockings in black, brown and gray. A stocking that will give real service. 2 pairs for $1.00. DewnstalraStora. Baby Hose White cashmere hose, 2 pair Second Floor. $1 EXTRA SPECIAL GRASS RUGS 1 Aft RAGRUGS Pl-vU CONGOLEUM RUGS j EACH PILLOW CASES Fine round thread quality with three-inch hem, per fectly made, in sizes 45x36 inchss, pair $1 SHERBETS .Colonial glass footed sherbets 10 for $1 LACE CURTAINS Exceptional val ue; limited quantity, a pair $1 TABLE TUMBLERS Thin-blown table tumblers with pret ty etched patterns, 10 for $1 PRINTED VOILE Printed voile, light or dark colors, 3 yards Downstairs Store. $1 TEA POTS Glazed earthen vitrified tea pots, assorted sizes $1 5-INCH RIBBONS 4 Yards. 1.00 Silk, plaid and fancy check ribbon, 5-in. wide," 4 yd. for Main Floor. $1 CUT BASKETS Handled baskets with pretty floral cuttings, good size, Downstair Store. $1 DOLLAR DAY SPECIAL Women's Union Suits 2 for $1.00 Women's union" stfitsycuf? or; umbrella kriee"niad'erB combed cotton, and it will pay you to purchase even for fu ture needs. Downstairs Store. FANCY RIBBON Wide fancy check, striped and floral design , ribbon in light and dark color ings; 2 yd." for Main Floor. $1 MAYONNAISE SETS Gut mayonnaise sets, consisting of plate, bowl and ladle. The 3-piece set $1 Women's New Fall Sport Hats $1.00 A large assortment of new Fall and Winter sport hats will be placed on sale Tuesday, Dollar Day. They are extreme values, and we advise an early selection. Downstairs Store. Dollar Day Special Silk Paulette $1 yard Silk Paulette, a novelty weave of silk Jersey for one piece dresses, blouses and sweaters, in navy blue, brown and taupeand black, 36 inches wide. Special sale, $1.00 yard. Downstairs Store. " BOYS' TIES Boys' four-in-hand ties for school, 3 for Fourth Floor. $1 ROMPERS i Boys' outing flannel rompers, special' Fourth Floor. $1 MEN'S VESTS 100 odd vests, fancy styles, special for disposal Fourth Floor. $1 Dollar Day Specials FOR THE MEN Lisle hose, 2 for $1.00. Black cotton hose, 4 pairs for $1.00. ' Handkerchiefs, 5 for $1.00. Silk ties, 2 for $1.00. Wash ties, 2 for $1.00. Cowhide belts, $1.00. Soiled collars, 5 for $1.00. Men's caps, $1.00. Main Floor. BOYS' SUITS Boys' wash suits of good quality, 2 for $1 Fourth Floor. TOILET ARTICLES Your choice of Melba Toilet Water and Tflcum, both for, . $1 NURSES' APRONS Regulation style, wonderful values, while they last, $1 Second Floor. Carpet Sweepers $1 Made of metal, very special, Third Floor.