Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1920, Page 10, Image 10
1 Ja, 7.1 10 THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1920. THE GUMPS- good FISHING AT SHADY REST Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith. AMI 8F.MENTS. AMCSEMENTS. COUNCIL BLUFFS-RIGHT NOW Where the Goers Go Where the Joyers Joy Central Labor Union CARNIVAL ? ALL THIS WEEK UPTOWN SO AM BACK IN THE. LAKE 6ET st i-Axy bum tay out Tvraee- AHP 6VIH THINK W 0NS fO . flOW VOV AROOrlO All ArTEfcHOOH? YOv HUSt HAVS CECN AStXEP- OVt 0 MV OAT 6VT YOUQ. OWN FOOD V0N EAT THc. BAIT. OFF VW WOOK PtC ON A UTTLC SMT RAM TXROUlSH YOVR. KOtfTH mts S HO pvavwe yacht THE IOA OF tXOK& YOU WITH A ; TUlS HQ LUHW Wi UTYLE HOOK TMEY OV6Kr TO 8MTA1H ANCHO? FOR YO y0J"O t4AY TO TAKE, THAT DOW TO YKC SAW Ma TO OFE.T1 HIM CLEAN HH WITH A PA!fcF HORSES AMP A SCttAPER. V&Kfc N6 HM HO Ft SN EVER 60T ,B6AS YO) TAKING MAKE" A FATt OUT OF ONC OF W SCAUES 7K u r s tv ' OCt MONDAY ; Eyerybodies Day .TUESDAY Children's Day All Children Admitted FREE to the Grounds f i SLi.i V ? i Ajfi-j'v i 1 7te Vhorl The Trial of Tom Tolivar By A. MARIA CRAWFORD. From International Feature SetTlce, Inc. "So . Hilda Tolivar's boy forged a check for $500 ypu say?" Will Sherman asked the little group of men who .had gathered outside the courthouse. "Poor boy. How eon Hida bear the disgrace alone? She was such a .beautiful girl 20 years ago.'1 . ,' ' "Funny thing that' none of us have . ever been able to spot tnt right maii," interrupted old man Wilson, "Lean hear that Sanford Rogers has been engaged to defend Tom Tolivar. Sanford Rogeis loved Hilda.. That js why he has never married.' I. remember how gray his hair turned that year Hilda went away with that little baby in her arms.". J .... , - , "Here comes Judge Browne. He is a little hard on young folks, a littJe too hard I think," ; exclaimed Sherman, lifting his hat to ths dig nified, white-haired man who passed them. "I am afraid he will not be very lenient with Hilda's boy." Thinks of Little Girl. Then Sherman ' began thinking of pretty little Hilda -Tolivar and ttic sad day when her nameless baby had fcecu born. He recalled how her rattier nad employed detectives in tthe father of the khad never given' fexv 1 nobody in the iy, nd, Hilda -Tolivar rr. seem . en her fatL. . the poy . Tolivar bad w POs,u?nJ7J'T.l.VR Braved . friends anu iTj oc. i- that nt1ema1,aa a W to make the 1 i.m a lite ni ICt ViT' his mind loney could freedom. He tie u the penalty derhded for his crime. ford Rogers brought all ot his nown eloquence to bear on the case, but he felt that it was a fig fight from the start The was hostile and the jury un- Cendly. Asks For Leniency. -"Honorable judge, gentlemen of the jury," began Rogers, in his clos ing speech. "I ask the leniency of the court for this 20-ycar-old boy. Suppose he were your own son!" The attorney put his hand to his throat as if his emotions were, chok ing him. "Gentlemen," he said, "let him . who is without sin cast the first stone. You are striking this loy through his mother. jj!r''ftu!'. fair? Is thebovjrJyE-,,blanle(i be cause hc--TTanTeless? Give him a SlTce, the chance that his father -kept from him when he denied him a name, ne is young, ict the ooy ro! It is his first offense. Col. Tolivar was one of our most re spected citizens. For the sake of his widow, let this boy, her grand sort, go free! I ask it again for the sake of the boy's mother, homeless, a wanderer, for 20 long years!" The pauie was dramatic Men nodded at each other in the court room. It was the first sign of friendliness that Roger had felt. "Who knows." l,e resumed, "but that this boy's father is in our midst, respected, honored and influential!" Again a ripple stirred the court " room and men looked at each other wondcr iugly, almost accusingly. Has Had Enough. "Let the boy go! This bov has enough ignominy to - bear through lic, stain put upon him without his knowledge. - without his ability to control. Why add the prison stripes? Tn a moment of weakness, the boy forged a check to pay his gaming debts, debts contracted Jiile lie played with your son and 1 and yours! I have the Fs of half the well-known voting in this town, associates of this who worked on his youth and lulity, and robbed him.' Convict land tomorrow.1 some of you will fere to save your own sons from Hon. Let hi mwho is witnout sin the first stone! '. ; 'When he had concluded, the judge rirfly charged the jury and the men ftiled out while a profound silence I filled the room. The iurv disagreed and late that afternoon Rogers made bond for the boy's appearance at the next term of court and walked with the young prisoner out of the courtyard. - Tried to Turn Sentiment. During the following six months, before court convened again, Rogers did everything possible to turn pub lic sentiment in favor of Tom Toli var. But when he rose in the court room to try to save Tom, Tolivar from prison, he found the judge ap parently still hostile and another un friendly jury. He made the best speech cf his life in his mighty plea for the boy who sat pale and hasr card in the prisoner's chair. The lawyer had talked to him many times during the months that had passed and he liad . at last made the bov realize the enormity of his sin as well as the sorrow, of his mother's life. Rogers' felt reasonably sure that if lie pulled the boy through that time be would h,ave a chance to make of f3J I en cttort to UmR I child but thfffl hahw was gntest VLad gone W . I tin. Wlj 1.1 avma liidrpT lv,,VAl m ,rtay WHY? Is S. O. S. the Wireless Distress Signal? (CoivrtsUt, 1910, by the Wheeler Syn- dlcate. Inc.) Varrus . explanations of these letters, ranging all the way from "Save Our S,hip" to "Suspend Other Service', have been made, but, as a mattfjr of fact, the sig nals have no significance other than that of,a hurry-up call for help. Theyj are not abbrevia tions of a piirase, but merely a danger signal, to be used only when the ship which sends them out is in imiiiincnt peril of being lost. I During thf early days of the wireless it was seen that one of the greatest uses of the new in vention would be to announc; the presence of danger at sea to en able a ship, hundreds of miles from land and off the beaten track of navigation, to call for assistance. A; number of ex periments wera made, such words and phrases "Help!" "Come at once." "Irmjiinent danger," and the like, butiall of these weie too long and these was too much likelihood of theijt being fogged in transmission. . It was finally found that the letters "S. O. S." could be snapped out in a clear, unmistakable manner, flashing their -way across, hundreds of miles and registering the fact that the ship which sent them was in great peril. Accordingly they were incorporated into the w'ire less code tiot as an abbreviation, but as a symbol; which could be picked up and .-'understood even when atmo&rmeric conditions rendered jV difficult to transmit any othar message. (Tomorrow Why J)o We Have Toothache?) ji hima man well worth while. He felt it so keenly that he pleaded as 11 ne were attempting to save life instead of pride, and the boy was the son of the only woman he had ever loved anil ic--mli!;sJ2iii J-ariil- iJ.'o KnTledare stave fire to his imaeina- tion and wings to his eloquence. But through the whole trial, with a law yer's Intuitive valuation of the effect of his argument, he knew that it was a 'losing fight. He determined to appipal the case even before the judex rbsc to charge the jury. Thecold gray eyes of the judge were umfeeling, his words were sharp and ringing like the blows of a ham mer 01b steel. He pointed out to the 12 men in the Jurors' box that after hearindr counsel for and against the prisoner, they must act justly and in accordance with the demands of the laWi In 30 minutes word came that the jiiry had reached a decision. When tryfc 12 men had returned to the court room and had taken their places the judge asked the foreman it jatiY had arrived at averdict. "We have, your honor," he ans wered. "Guilty!" ; v;: Judge Browne ordered the pris oner to stand and in his low. metallic voice began, "I sentence you" - "Wait!" a voice cried in the back of the court room and all eyes turned to follow the figure of a beau tiful woman as she made her way down the aisle. The woman was Hilda Telivar. . Sentence Own Son. "Before you pass sentence on Tom Tolivar," she said clearly. "I want the men in this room to know that you are passing sentence on vour own son. Peyton Browne. . Your blood, your cowardice, made him a criminal." The woman seemed to tower above the men who had risen to see her as she made her accusa tion. "I have carried your secret and mine for 20 long years, but with what measure ye meet, it j shall be measured to you again. Xow, sen tence j-our son." Judpe Browne caught at the desk for support. "I I never knew- " "Oh, yes." came the cool response of the woman, "you did know. You threatened to ruin rav father politic ally, if I told the truth." There was the menace of mob law brooding in that room. One old juror shook his fist threateningly. "It's the judge who ought to wear the stripes, not the boy!" he cried. Men were whispering together om inously when Judge Browns, with shaking fingers, slipped a small crys tal of cyanite of potash from his vest pocket and dropped it into a glass half full of water that stood on his desk. The water became purplish in color, and he drained the glass eagerly. Years before he had known that he must take the coward's route when it should come his time to go. He must die, he knew; as he -had lived, a coward to the end. To Start Again. Late that afternoon. Sanford Rog ers stood pleading with Hilda in the old Tolivar home. "I wiB take yon and the boy and we will go away, dear, far away and begin life over, again. Will you go? I have alwayj loved you, Hilda. There has been no other woman. Will you go?" "It is too late,", she sobbed, clos ing her eyes to the vision of love and home and happiness. "It is never to late," said thS law yer, folding her close in luV arms, ''when we love each other." Outside a scurrying iwsboy shouted as he ran. "Extnl Ex-try! All about the suicide of Jillge Pey ton Brown!" 1 To serve as a curtain rola coiled spring has been invented tijlt is held on a window or door frail by or namental claws at its ends,! I $ - More Truth By JAMES J. ONLY HUMAN When Jones misreads his Ouijee (As often he has done) And bets upon a Gee-gee That nevr learned to run, The nich in his resources Moves Mrs. Jones to say, . , That betting on the horses Will starve them both some day. . Says she: 1 "I hate to scold you, ; But many and many a time, As well, you know, I've told you That gambling: is a crime." , When Jones gets on a winner And wins an X or so. And takes his wife to dinner , And then to see a show, ' She murmurs, as she places . . Her hand upon his arm, V That betting on the races Can't really do much harm. She says with approbation v ' Her conscience should deplore: "You need the recreation, 1 ou ougnt to L he moral of this In metre brief Is not at all satiric As you perhaps have guessed. We would not wake dissension The female heart to vex; It was not our intention - . To slam the fairer sex; The point thai we would limn in, ' With our toodumsv wen. ; Is simply this: Are much the SINCE THAT RAILROAD ADVANCE Once we didn't understand what the British press meant by the word "Rate-payers." Now we do. . . . j FOREVER AND EVER ,-, People that left their money with Mr. Ponzi never suspected ' that they were making permanent investments. " '1 - . TOO LATE NOW ' ' If the great parties had known that Babe Ruth was going to make y "wine x uno 1 ney u nave peen (Copyright, 1920, By The What Do You Know? (Here's a rhnnce to make jour wits worth money, lim-h day The Bee will imnllxll it HM-lea of qtientloni. They rover thlnga which you should know. The tint complete lint of correct answers and the name or the winner will be published on the day Indicated below. Be sure to five your views and address In full. Address "tjuestlon Editor," Omaha Bee.) 1. What was the first declaration of war in the recent world war? 2. What is the largest cemetery for American - soldier dead ' la France?. - .' ,. 3. What is the state motto of Ne braska? 4. Who first flew by airplane across the Atlantic ocean without a stop? 5. On what date will Easter fall in 1921? ' (Answers Published Friday.) FRIDAY'S ANSWERS. 1. Which is the largest ; ocean? Pacific. 2. Which is the smallest ocean? Arctic. ..: , 3. What is' the world's largest lake? Chad, in South Africa.' What is the highest point in North America? Mt McKinley. -Alaska. What is the lowest point in North America? Death Valley,' Cal. - .... No correct answers received. ' Detective Chief Denies . Charge of Mistreating Boy Attorney for the defense of Walter Davidson,. 22 years old, arrested last week as a suspect in t!ie theft of S5.000 worth of tires ro"m the Good rich Rubber company, alleges that Chief of Detective! Anderson beat the prisoner when he made the ar rest. - I , " : "I did not threaten Davidson," Anderson said. fl talked fo him like a gentleman fontil he called me a liar in regard tfo something about which I know positively I w-as right and I slapped him.." Real Estate wiarket Again Active, Say?; Omaha Realtor After three nonths of calm, the real estate mark it has opened in full blast, according to I. Shuler, presi dent of the Oimaha real estate bonrn. "People are comA"" ck from their vacations and havf Yfun t0 "uy said Mr. Shuler. I lot only are there more home b fs, but' acre age olats and residVlce lots are moving well. Investment ads in the newspapers are bringiifg prompt rc- Carnation with citi sufficient- Strong to support their heavy blooms without assistance hve been bred by French floriculturists. Than Poetry MONTAGUE gamble! more. lyric. expressed. That women ' same as men!; VWMH aiier mm to take the vice! presi- Bell SyndicaU, Inc.) Common Sense " Tear Nothing. ;:v ., " By j. J. MUNDY. Are you not allowing your periods of dejection to come too often and to last too long? , "As your dejection gets stronger do ybu not have greater misgivings? year you are less sure of your each year you are less sure of yuor self, apparently, and you seem to get less out of life. . . Is it so much easier for you to think of failure than, of success? Is. there real occasion; for you to feel gloomy? ; To be sure, men are being laid off and the gay old bird H. C. L. is still rampant, but you, have no reason to think that you may ' be called upon to suffer any more than any of the rest of your friends and associates in life, eh?. Then quit thinking yourself into physical and. mental decay. You are doing every possible thing to put- yourself out of . the race of the young and vigorous by harboring such dark forebodings. You still passess a good mind and a body which responds to reasonable demands why not support 1 rather than weaken your position? ' Smile, throw back your shoulders, faise your chest and get some spirit into your walk, your conversation, your work and your play. (Copyright, 1930, by International Feature Service, Inc.) I'M THE GUY ; I'M. THE GUY who always tried to see how loudly he can sneeze. I think it's quite an entertaining stunt. It entertains nie. It may not be polite and it may not be sanitary but what of that? Of course I always prefer an audience when I perform my prt parlor trick. Particularly an audience that doesn't expect it. I like to startle them. If I muffle my sneeze in a hand kerchief it wouldn't be so effective. That's why I never do. Free and unrestricted with lots of power behind it, that's my recipe for a successful sneeze. I just wrinkle up my face, take a couple of preliminary gasps, get my lungs. full of air, then let go with as much noise and power as I can put behind it. It goes best in a quiet office or a library reading room. I know, rfor I've tried it everywhere. (Opyrif-ht 1S:0. Tnonipson Fcilurt gsr'lct.) V i I Omaha Banks to Resume Old Hours Beginning Sept. 1 Daylight saving by the banks of Omaha will end Wednesday, when banking hours will be returned to from 10 to 3. The time during the summer months was advanced an hour, mainly to allow the clerks to get through sooner. If it were not that merchants dislike having to make their deposits by 2 o'clock the system would not be changed, win ter or summer, in the opinion of some bankers. Captains Appointed for C. of C. Golf Tournament The directors of the Chamber "of Commerce have appointed M. C. AMl'SEMENTS. STARTING SUNDAY - SEPT. 5 COMPANY OF FIFTY GRAND Splendid Chorus COPANYrr Sunday, "Rigoletto" Monday, "II TroTatore" Tuesday, "Lucia" : We?day. VCrUfni ' and "PagliaccV; THE BIG CAST OF PRINCIPALS IftCJLUDES: Bice Piirorni of La Scala, Milan; Consuelo Medina of tColon, Buenos Aires; Speria Castel of the Reggie,. Torino; Rota di iSMT of TSlff ant Gar den, London; Alfredo Graziani of the Metropolitan, New Yrk; Giu seppe Port of the Rational, Havana; Eduardo Lejarasu of he Bos ton Opera; Soto-Mayor of the National, Havana; Francisco Cruz of the. Liric, Rio Janeiro. Prices: $2.50 to 50c PIux Tax.""" Mail Orders Now Box Office Sale Thursday, September 2. - rHOTO-PI.AY9. if you were among the . thousands who were unable to gain admission to the "Sun" theater yesterday, to see "Parlor Bedroom and Bath." We made every effort to ae- commodate the thousands but the crowds were so great that it proved an impossible task. There are six days left in which to see this picture. A word to the wise Come early. SUN THEATER, Harry Goldberg, Mgr. SQDG9 OPENING FALL ATTRACTION Now Playing k ' A Little "Frisky" But , Not Indecent Hero: "To scratch or not t scratch that is the question !" Lady-In-Dittress: "?X?! 1" And Then the Trouble Started. Bee .Want Ads Bring RcsulU mmm. Peters and Everett Buckingham captains of the ; opposing sides in the golf tourney to be given by them at Lakoma Friday. Dr. Thomas Cassady of the All Saints Episcopal church will speak at the dinner. Ask Aid of Omaha Police To Locate Missing Woman Authorities of Sheldon, la., yes terday asked the police for aid in locating Mrs. O. H. Wood, who left that town with her 4-year-old child. It is believed-she went, to Omaha. If Mrs. Wood is in ''Omaha she is asked to communicate with Grace Pharris, Sheldon, la., at the Myers hotel.: . : . ' Bee Want Ads Bring Results. AMUSEMENTS. ALL NEXT WEEK GRAND OPERA ORCHESTRA OPERA Thursday, "Faust" Friday, "Traviata" . Saturday, Ma tinae, "Rigoletto" Saturday Night, "Carmen" PHOTO-PLAV9. I ANNIVERSARY 'SHOW ' BIG AFTER- NOONS . BIG NIGHTS ULJ Island rus- , 'i if 'Ji'? mi .rt' Cf 1 f KB i S. W. BRUNDAGE SHOWS 20-JOLLY, JAZZY JOY SHO VVS 20 MERCHANTS' AND DISPLAYS noon till ...-l,lnM BM!'- 2'' Efy Nlsht, 8:15 .' ise- . vnas. HOWSRD a BRUCE MORGAN t FRANKLYN G nciOTmcK t, waiiics; Brest Hayn: Worth Co.; Colllur a D.Wtldo: Kli Uw at 7e and SI Satur4s s Nlsht: le. Mo. 50e. 75o sad II: wsis aatsrdsr ssi Susdsy. "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER' Nites: 25c t. Daily Mat: 15c Another af Thaaa Class A Skim JAMES E. PnAUnft fiirlc MUSICAL cooper's noseianci uins burleso Larg cut inctades BERT LAHR, Carniv Irto and Beauty Chorus, of Livinf w Rose Bud.. If . - Ladies' Dim Mstinr Every Week Dj Bt aw. s m: u juuan, uirls oj U. 8 mm ' Two Shows to One .' AMERICAN DESERT CAFE; HINKLE ft MAE: JIMMY DUNN; MONS HERBERT. Photoplay Attraction. "The Little Wan derer," featuring Shirley Mason. Ben Tur pia Comedy. Pathe Weekly. - raoio-PLAirs. She was a stay-at-home; effi-' cient, yet thoroughly "home-. ly," . But -when 'the found that friend husband was. "stepping' out" hovr he" did i go. 'See ';.',' ',:'' BENNIETT - ..-..,'; in -v-;i,"'; ".AIRPifJP Also Showing the Picture 'That Made . CHARLES CHAPLIN A' Much Copied Man . G(IA.1PI0f" LAST TIMES TODAY : ' J A C K G A R D N E R In tht thrlllls drams l th stsustad sollci "OPEN PLACES" APOLLO IMITI' C : ill Coolest Theater in the City I - ANITA STEWART ia "MIND THE PAINT GIRL" AT r f ) WEDNESDAY Omaha Day THURSDAY Fraternal Day FRIDAY Council Bluffs Day SATURDAY Farmer's Day Admission to Grounds 10c THIS INCLUDES WAR TAX MANUFACTUrEI AND EXHIBITS ' Wednesday, Thursday s and Friday, Sept. 1, - 2, and 3 Big Program of Athletic Events Big Barbecue Thursday Night Pain's Firework rriuay mgn Aeroplane Flight Afternoon and Even Come Everybody j help the Boy a Nurse celebrate. Tickets 50 Cents include admission to Park. Free Ride .and Dancing Privileges. . BASE BALL E OMAHA Vs. JOPLIN MON TUES.. WED. AND THURS. Came Called 3:30 P. M. . - Double-Header Tuesday and Wednesday, First Cam Callsd 2:15 P. M, Bea - Seat en Sate Barkahrv Bre. Clfsr Store, 16th and Farnam. w 1 1 a s A n U 1