- THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 29. 1920. USED NEAR NEW C ' ' A. NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE, COME HERE TO THIS SALE FINAL C ArMJP , 1 . 1 1 " " Sale ii f i i i . m le R C ARS I Get on a train get on a trolley hire a rig lay off work tell the boss TIME IF YOU PREFER LIBERTY BONDS TAKEN. Cash Talks, but you kx going to this sale but be here today when the doorsopen. This 'l J can uy ? car shown on the basis of one-half down and balance in t . , , , ten months Come here prepared to buy. There will be ten to twenty sale will go down on the recoords as the most astounding landslide of buyer8 for every car at the8e price8 i0 come prepared to make a deposit on automobile bargains ever consummated. PAY CASH IF YOU CAN . the car you select. , - S Continuation of . the Big Sacrifice Sale Tody MondayTuesday Our any time have the in stock. SATISFACTION special plan allows you to drive the car for ffve day's. If at during this period you become dissatisfied with the car, you; option of exchanging it for any other used or new car we have Balance of the used car stock of the Noyes-Killy Motor Company, 2066 Farnam, consisting of the highest grade cars on the market. All 'models used, rebuilt, exchangedemonstrators and a few new ones. All i included in this final sweep. Without a doubt the most stupendous automobile sale of the twentieth century, at prices and terms never before attempted within the confines of the United States. Have You Ever Been Offered Any Proposition as Fine as This Before? KING 8 $1,000 (Cash This wonderful 60-H. P. ear, wire wheels, cord tirei. Will be sold in this. sale. Unusual conditions make it possible .for us to make an exceptionally low price 4n this car. Let us show you and explain it to you. Balance monthly. $325.00 FOR THJS ONE. MAXWELL ' W A - ' ..... - A dandy little 4-cylinder car economical to operate, runs good. Time payments may be arranged on this one. Looks and EXTRA SPECIAL BARGAIN King 8--60 H. P. $725.00 You Cannot Equal it fora $1000,00 :s. Only Two of These Cars Left. Are You the Lucky One to Get This One Today. Hurry Bring Your Money Be Ready to Buy. $850.00 A REAL SNAP. V wSV--' 'hot - PAIGE 1919 TOURING. This car at this price should be cash, but the spirit of this tale is to meet every man on reasonable grounds. This car is like new in ap pearance in fine mechanical condition and good tires. Goes, on sale tomorrow1 at 8 o'clock. $450.00. UVS THIS KING "8" Jr This is your opportunity ' to get an 8-cylinder car. Lots of power and pep. Fire-passenger; looks good and runs good. On sale now. Tomorrow morning when the doors of our wareroom crash open we will launch the most extraordinary ' value-giving automobile sale ever inaugurated Automtfbiles of theHighest Character some exchanged others rebuilt some worn a little by our salesmen others used as demonstrators some as showroom AnodeW All will go" on sale and will sell at prices and terms so far out of the ordinary that it is. impossible to convey anything ; like an accurate description in this limited space. , No Matter Where You Live, Come 'Here Tomorrow Morning And come prepared to buy when you start for thi wonderful bargain carnival slip a couple of hundred "dollars into, your purse. The automobile you have alway, hoped to own is here, and here at a price less than you expect to pay and on terms that will correspond to your income. ' . " x N If You Live Outside the City, Get on a Train or Electric Car We will refund round trip railroad fares to all out- of town purchasers Let nothing prevent you from coming he, re Lay off work Tell the Boss you are going to this sale Bring the wife and the kiddies along; let them all have a try at it Let them have the first ride with jtou. Thissale will go down in history as the most remarkable value-giving automobile sale ever conceived or attempted within the experience of the oldest inhabitant. ' . ' -r . v We Have Let Loose a Landslide of Automobile Values- During the past , few months our mechanics have been working on this stock rebuilding and tuning up these cars every car as offered for sale is a value without com- parison, and each car will' stand on its own merits without fear or favor as a bargain incomparable. 4 Remember, We Do Not Sell Used Cars for Profit But with the firm expectation o selling the purchaser a new car at some future time within the next five or six years. Come here to this sale and come prepared to buy remember we are matching our stock and our reputation against your time you can tell in 15 minutes if we have the car you want. Wrten you find it, buy it so come prepared. - -. , We Will Demonstrate Any of These Cars at Any Time f YOUR SATISFACTION IS THE FIRST CONSIDERATION Come here to this sale with the positive assurance that any car you buy is just-as we represent it no matter how you buy no matter what price you pay or how you pay, your satisfaction is the primary consideration. : - ' , OPEN EVENINGS $350.00. "3 INITIAL PAYMENT BALANCE MONTHLY. We know youvwill like this Model N Hupmobile. Good tires and a real performer. You will nerer miss the payments on this one. f $1,000.00 - SECURES THIS CAR. - TL V f JEST A"- --s'-"-v"r LEXINGTON TOURING. This car has only been run 400 miles. W Was left with us to sell to settle an estate. You cannot afford to miss an opportunity to own m high class six-cylinder car of this make at our price. -Balance may be paid monthly. . ' i , $1050.00 AND YOU HAVE A BARGAIN. K Allen Brand New 1920. The best 4-cylinder car on the market 'in its class, and at a discount. Reliable party may take adrantage of this and pay out monthly. - $400.00 NOW This fine 6-cylinder Apperson. A high priced car in won derful condition, at a. saWage house price. Balance, $50 per month. This Jack Rabbit is ready to jump into hard service. Don't miss him. ' OVERLAND SIX CONTINENTAL MOTOR $460.00 NOW This big roomy car with lots of power, in very fine condi tion, will be sold at a sacrifice. Time payments. w FORD $295.00 This car is in fine condition and at this price is a steal, but just another one of real bargains. OPEN EVENINGS 7 to 9 O'Clock ' -vj 2066" FARNAM ST., Y MOTOR CO. 1 OMAHA NEB. open: SUNDAY , 9 a. rm to 4 p. p. m. , f