.. , . . . -eta. . 1 ' ' THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1920. 9 r Society Mulholland-McMahon. The marriage of Miss Thelma Mc Mahon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. McMahon, and Dr. Edward Mut holland took "place Wednesday morning. Rev. J. T. McMahon of Crawford. Neb., brother of the bride, officiated The. attendants were Miss len McMahon, sister of the bride, ten 'Jtiri Ieahy. Rose Marie Kee nan was the flower girl. Dinner. " J. H. Hansen will entertain at a dinner of 26 covers at the Hotel Fontenelle Wednesday evening. Out-of-town guests will include Fred Hulsebus of Harlan, la.. Anton Tun ber of Hooper, Neb., O. W, Town ,send of Hastings, Neb., Martin Sporn of Norfolk, E. R. Reimcrs of Denison, la., Ernest Lingle of Shenandoah. la., E.1 J. Morehead of Falls City. Neb., Harold P. Sutton f McCook. Neb., H. J. Southwick ff Friend, Neb.; W. M. Overstreet of York, Neb., and H. L. Williams and D. K. Saunders, both of Lin to!n. "i 'or a Visitor. Bernice Dugher entertained in formally, at her home Wednesday afternoon in honor of jQSCphine Johnson of Chicago, who is visiting Miss Erriia Dalbey. The guests in cluded Misses Erma Dalbey, Marie McCarthy, -Edna. Burness, Mar guerite Bonness, Helen Mancuso, Dorothy Moylan. Alice Lowry and Ellen Krebs. Dick Bender gave several piano numbers. . -Informal Tea. Misses Florice Shaw and Ruth Miller entertained at a tea at the home of the latter, Wednesday aft ernoon. Garden flowers were used through the rooms. Assisting the hostesses were MissrS, Dolly Bur nett. Pauline Coad, Jean Kennedy and Donna McDonald. Fifty guests called during the afternoon, For Mrs. Nighswanger. Mrs. Joseph C. Lawrence enter tained 26 guests ..at a tea at her home Wednesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. John Nighswanger of Grand Rapids, Mich., who is visiting at the " Lawrence home. Assisting the hos y tess were Mrs. Robert Odell and Misses Doris Pinkerton, Alice Pfeif fer and Dorothy Combs. Minne Lusa Society. The Minne Lusa Woman's society will hold a family picnic at Miller park Thursday afternoon. Business meeting will convene at 3 o'clock and (upper will be served at 6. . Lakom'a Club Wednesday morning at Lakoma club found iS women on the golf course who remained for luncheon. Entertaining at dinner Tuesday evening were H. R. Bowen, five; R. Reynolds, four; Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Vollmer and Mr. and Mrs. James Allen. ' ) Country Club Dr. C. A. Roeder will entertain at a dinner of 30 covers at the Country club Thursday evening. f , The New Silhouette. One finds it hard to place one's finger on a certain silhouette and proclaim it foremost, for there are very chic froclts with fullness about the hips, and there are equally smart models which adhere to the straight effect. In the newest collection of an authoritative French designer the long-admired straight line contour is a decided favorite. The youth giving appearance is conserved in most interesting ways, while frills, furbelows and fascinating . adapta tions of oriental costumes supply fashion interest in truly feminine form. T I Extract Teeth Without Pain f ifll Moreover I us only the BEST of materials for all bridge and plate work and all work leaving this office is ready for inspec tion by any state's dental board. DR. 17. F. CROOK 206 NEVILLE BLOCK. OMAHA Entrance on 16th St., at Harney TylWr BUT. Hour.: 8)30 to. ' Open Sundays Until Neon Pure Cane Sugar $17.35 per hundred iEPSEN BROS 2502 Cuming St Douglas 1840. Men and Women to Meet With Hon. A. W. Jefferis A moonlight meeting of the League of Women Voters will be held ThursdaV evening at the home of Mrs. J. M. Metcalf. 12J4 South Tenth street, at 7:30 o'clock. Con gressman A. W. Jefferis will speak on the 41 constitutional amendments to the state constitution, which will be voted on September, 21. The meeting is open to everyone inter ested in tjie new constitution and men as weU-as women are invited to attend. The meeting at Mrs. Metcalf's home is one of four evening meet ings to be held Thursday under aus pices of the League of Women Vot ers. The new constitution is the subject at each session. J. T. Vot ava will speak at Happy Hollow club. Ray Abbott at the home of MYs.- L. B. Wheeler, 2122 Soencer street, and Eugene Blazer at the Y. W. C. A. residence. What's What By HELEN DECIE Carter Lake h " mm. lake, Minnesota. Mr. Hansen leaves Sunday to remain' with them until their return home early in Septem ber. Miss Mildred Walker has returned from Columbus, Neb., where she was the guest of Miss Eulalia Ryan. Mrs. M. L. Schrum and children, who have been on a motor trip through Colorado, returned Sunday. E. A. Hebberd of Chicago is vis iting his mother, Mrs. M. D. Heb berd, and his sister, Mrs. Flora Philleo. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bowes and children, Sarah Louise and Billy, of Farkridge, 111., who have been visit ing Mrs. Frank Tuttle, returned home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Smith and Mr. ana Mrs. Morris Wilder have re turned from Dows, la., where thrv attended a house party at Luna Park. 'ank Lewis is upending several days in Chicago and Cleveland. .Vnety r;s.ations were made for the Carter Laic Kensington club luncheon Vedutsday. Three hundred and fifty reserva tions have been made' for the Gr.'i'n Exchange dinner-dance at the dub house Thuisday evening. Happy Hollow Mrs. M. Shirley will have nine guests at luncheon at the Happy Hollow club Thursday. Mrs. N. H. Tyson will have 11 guests. The Scottish Rite Woman's club has made reservations for 200 at; luncheon at the club Friday. E. G. McGirton will have eight guests at dinner at the club Satur Field Club Dr. R. D. Shrock will entertain !2 guests at dinner at the Field c'ub 'i'msday evening; F. P. Loomis will have 7 guests; A. E. Hall, 4, and L. E. Gi'lespis, 6. Mrs. Elmer R. Porter entertained 10 guests at luncheon at the . club Wednesday. it Cosmetics, if used at all. should be used sparingly. Too much rouge hardens and coarsens the appear ance; too much powder has a harle quin effect. Neither should be ap plied save in the privacy of one's dressing room. When, a few years ago, a little French mannequin started the fash ion of "making-up" in public, the novelty of the thing seemed to many American girls to be so chic and audacious that, for a time, numbers of otherwise well behaved young wo men were to be observed decorating their faces with rogue and powder in trains and in other public con veyances. Never anything but a silly-season manifestation, thei prac tice is becoming obselete, although, as is usual with passing fashions, the not-so-young-women cling to it long after it has been abandoned by the younger set. Personal Miss Ruth Rinehart has returned from New York City. Rigton Slocum has gone to Loup Citv. Nph.. to snend a few davs. . L)r. Charles Heider has- returned from Kearney, Neb.,-where he spent - V U.J 0. Ethet Smith and Edith Sorenson left Monday to spend a month in California. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Beddeo re turned Tuesday from a three weeks' trip in the east. Thompson Wakeley has returned from Ithaca, N. Y., and is now at the Blackstone. A son was born Sunday at the Methodist hospital to Mr. and Mrs. George W. Bergen. Major and Mrs. Charles Mann of Columbus, O.. are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Bolshaw. Mrs. J. H. Hansen and children are now occupying their new cot tage, Hansholm, at Star island, Cass Annual August Sale of Furs Presenting hundreds of exceptional money-saving opportunities. This is the fur buying event of the season. Discounts From 20 to 30 Below Our Regular Manufacturer-to-Wearer Prices Each piece carries the "National" label the pledge of thorough goodness, fine quality. There are, indeed, few women who can afford to forego the opportu nity of buying at these reduced prices. mm National Salesroom: JugsJL. 1710 Douglas St -Tyler 120 y y Will Secure a High GraU PLAYER PIANO J IF YOU By Y THIS WEEK Big Removal Sale Vary Easy Term On th Balance. SClinOLLER a MUELLER So. 15th St PIANO CO. Doug. 1623 MHOaOJr4 mhwiik Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Goodman and daughter, Gladys, will return from New York the latter part of Sep tember. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rosenblum have returned from three weeks' motor trip to Lake Okoboji and Minnesota. Mrs. Q. A. Nickum and daughter, Ruth, will return in about two weeks from Hellertown, Pa., where they are visiting relatives. Miss Ruth McCoy leaves about the middle of September for the east, where she will enter her senior year at Smkh college. Miss Jean Anderson of Osceola, Neb., is spending a few days with her brother, Dr. William N. Ander son, and Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. M. D. Cameron will return early next week from Camerola cot tage, Lake Okoboji, where she has been spending the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Victor M. Ganz and infant son, Stuart, will be at the home of Mrs. Ganz s parents, Mr, and Mrs. 5. Uuttman, tor a tew weeks before returning to their apartment at the Florentine. Omahans stopping at the Hotel McAlpin, New York, during the past week included Mrs. Oeorce Jt. tier trand, Mrs. C. H. Townseiid, R B. Corliss and W. Ji. Denny. William Cullen Crowder is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Wolcort for a few days. He has been with the United States army in Russia and the Philippine Islands and now is en route to his home in Braril, Ind., after having received his, honor able discharge. COMMON SENSE I'M .THE GUY (Copyright. 1120. by International Feature Servto. Inc.) GET RID OP THAT , GROUCH. By J. J. MUNDY. Suppose your toast was burned or cut too thin or too thick, or there was a button off your shirt and a hole in yqur sock. Perhaps the children awoke too early and disturbed your morning snooze and your wife was late with breakfast. Your grouch did not cure the trou ble and you punished yourself the most of anyone. Morning is usually trying in most households, and your home is not the exception; all homes have an noyances and disappointments. But' the grouchy feeling will not expedite matters at your office. You will be more tired when you get home at night if you are sour all day. Those who work under you will reflect you r ugly mood so more trouble. If you are under some other pcr- snn vnn are en in or tn nut a hlark mark next your name every. time! you show up for work when you ' ... u..i : r..i: 1 r :n ...:n I 4ic uaiuuiuig a icciing ui ill mm toward anyone. Every day you, put yourself in the power of a grouchy feeling you have lost a day of 'enjoyment you can never make up. N Dr. Caroline Spurgeon, professor sity of London, has been elected president of the newly formed In ternational Federation of University Women. J I'M THE GUY whoseidea of be ing "lever" is to make sarcastic and cutting remarks about you when you're in a group conversing with them. - I'm so well pleased with myself that naturally everyone else seems inferior to me. And that's my way of showing you where you- get off in my estimation. I like to ridicule people and some one has to be the but of my ready tongue and sharp wit." Andt you're handy why not use you? The more you squirm the more satisfaction it gives me, because it shows me that I'm hitting the tar get. And if I can get the others to laugh at you, so much the better. Then they think what a simp you are and what a bright guy I am. Naturally I resent it if you try the same tactics on me, for my rule isn't meant to- work that way. It's meant for only one victim and that's you. Besides, you can't think of as many really mean things to say as I can. You're not built that way. I am. So your cue is to take it or walk away. (CopyWrleht 1920, Thompson Feature Service.) Parents' Problems 3. How can a revengeful spirit best be met in a little boy of five? -- This little boy needs careful teach ing. Try to make him feel that every one means kindly toward him. and that if anyone offends him, it is usually unintentionally. Be very forgiving toward him, especially should he" do an intentional wrong. He will gradually learn that none 0 us is perfect 1 . , Australia now has 25 women jus' tices of the peace 'To'SowMaril use imported H Pompeian V Olive Oil I Watches for the University and College Student With the approach of a happy year away at school, father, mother, friend, could do nothing more thoughtful than to make selection of a watch ofNsuperior quality. An ideal accompaniment for happy busy days away at school. An impressive election le offered in our shop, ranging from daintily frivolous wrist watches of marvelous workmanship to.' the exquisitely I adjusted timepieces for men. ' ' WH.,tp,w'.ic;h.r.Grud:n- "GIFTS THAT liuhtful watch for girls, J A Of" $27.50 and up. Elgin. Waltham, Hamil ton, Howard and Illinois representative watehee for men $15 to SJSO. John Henrickson. Jeweler- Sixteenth at Capitol 0 M MA men I hepast I . rlleH I Beautiful Women of Society, during th seventy years have relied upon It for their distln- xgulshed appearance. The Soft, refined, pearly ...1.1.. . 1 I.. u renders Instantly, is always the source of flattering comment mmm agfo - s. w. mm mm m Am 44 Don t Mm laktng Advantage of ' B OWEN'S Big Harvest Sale Which Started Monday and Continues All Week You can reap a "Harvest of Bargains" by taking ad vantage of our "Harvest Week" Prices.' We quote only a few, but hundreds are to be had throughout this Big and Busy Store. 1 a Mahogany Rocker and Chair to Match upholstered in high grade tapestry or Velour, Marshall Spring constructed loose cushion seats. Harvest Sale Price, . ...... .$75 Moth-Proof Cedar Chests 42-in. long, made of Tennessee Red Cedar strong hinges and lock. Harvest Sale " fcO1 Cf. Price .' 3e6ii'OU 42-Inch Buffets Quarter sawed, planked top, in either Golden or Fumed Oak, -!Q-Kn Harvest Sale Price V-I7iJ U Mahogany Dressing Table Tripple mirror, William and Mary Period. Harvest Sale Price only Library Table-In Quarter saw ed Oak, Golden Fumed Oak, $55.00 Take advantage of this Harvest Sale Mattress. Layer Cotton Mat tress, 45-lb. roll edge Art Tick Sale only Other Mattresses in Cotton, Felted, $15, $17.50, $22.50. $12.50 , top 26x45 inches. Harvest Sale Price $27.50 Rockers Highly finished, well made Golden Oak, wood seat Rockers Harvesv t C O C Sale Price.. .pDCiD While Harvesting the Big Val ues Harvest These Values Too Bowen 's Sweep-Well Brooms painted handle, well made and bound, perfectly balanced Harvest Sale Price," only 3J C Haskin't Cocoa Hardwater Cas tile Soap Superior for the bath delightful as a shampoo, perfect for all toilet . g uses, bar, only... ..DC Grape Nuts a most delicious breakfast food, to t ng serve, 2 packages.. dOC Bon Ami A kitchen Polish that will make things i g shine, 2 packages XOC Two-Quart Ice Cream Freezers Handy to make frozen ices and , desserts, jg only ...OOC , ALUifflNC STORE ? t MOwaao ST. StTWUN ntM X 1 1 2 1 i 1 4 I Only 5 Days Remain of Our 'August Sale of Furs Buy Fur$ Now Buy Them Intelligently Intelligent Buying of Furs Can Only Be Possible by Comparison 1 UXiABAUGH furs are bought direct from the Indian trappers in Northern Canada and are made into gar ments here in OUR OWN SHOP. This direct method of handling furs saves you the profit of an auction sales com pany; the. prof it of a wholesale skin dealer; the profit of a wholesale manufacturer. - ) If you will make comparisons you will find the differ ence in price so apparent that you will be convinced that these three savings are here. - i Aulabaugh's qualities workmanship and styles are of the same high standard, as usual. ' Buy Now and ' Save Money My intimate knowledge of the raw fur market and fur manufacturing conditions leads me to advise you to buy a"t a A- TTI-vm a TT -ft. -. -w J- - t y Our AUuU & T AliJU Jf KJLUhJS. FURS 19th and Farnam Sts. J, WARNING I II tMflai ynr beanie renter Ae not i some apawwi 10 hdoio parnUTne let BlDnT luitlra! hut trm Knaaiixi -. grain. wnoKvun. am ana foe lrthet. Obtainable at biur dntnlaia. enrr where. Kerolax I rnt tor man? aUauata, tacludlai eonttiiwUon, keaeatket. alia teelta. femhlea. Ma. haittburn. nn.M '... bad bnath. mmumn. dnpcnla, lnditre I Ma, sbeaW, Bicuial aad pbjeleal dallaeu. ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT. Dorothv Dalton's Beauty Chat Misi Dorothy. Dhton, the actreea fa moue the world over for her beautiful complexion, aaya: "Any girl or woman can have a beautiful, roey-white com plexion and amooth unwrinkled akin like mine if they will follow my advice and use Darwillo, a simpe toilet preparation I use it becauae it imparts instant beauty, is easy to apply, absolutely harmless and has a marvelfus effect upon the akin. One application provea it." Be sure to read Miss Dalton's interesting- story of how to quickly acquire a beautiful complexion, aoon to appear in the paper. In the meantime get Derwillo at any toilet eounter and try it today ; you will be delightful? surprised. Alkali In Soap Bad For the Hair Sherman St ffcConnell Drug Co. Soap should be used very care fully.if you want to keep your hair looking Its best. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and ruins it. The best thing for steady use 1b Mulslned cocoanut oil shampoo (which is pure aird greaseless), and Is better than anything else you can use. One or two teaspoonsful of mulsi fled will cleanse the hair and scalp thoroughly. Simpjy moisten the hair with water and rub It in. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lath er, which rinses out easily, removing every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The hair dries nuickly and evenly, and it leaves the scalp soft, and the hair fne and Hllky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get .Mulsined cocoanut oil shampoo at any pharmacy, it's very cheap, and a few ounces will supply every nvember of the family for months. Be sure your druggist gives you Mulisfied. A 1 MsMsVMIMMsWsHsHHelsWHMMri This wonderful bookwil be sent fine? to any man tfoarr quest ' kCuilDCKlAND CntrSCM. cut bos Berry NocKNiMrviWTcm iwhiii Read for Profit, Ptronii for Results BEE WANT ADS. Phone Tyler 1000 PS1 FfisMa-Poy When Cured A mild system of treatment that eurea Pile. Natnle, mm4 stkee Rectal Diseases in a abort time, without a severe eaialiel m. eration. No Chloroform, Kther or other general aneetlietla maed, cure guaranteed in every ease accepted for treatment, and no anoney i to bet aaiel emtfl hJ U , - k..k n . I rt; .w 1 . ., I . a - ' " .i.i u hwk vn AcviRi iirmir., wun ronfi aim lesumoniue 91 aaeve I.Ott prominent people who )ave been permanently eund. 1 DR. E.R. TARKY Senaterlum. Petera Treat Bide. (Bee Bld ) flsaahv Waa. ' v':' i , I