Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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While Woman Worked In Back
v Yard at 1313 South Thirty
First SJreet Thieves ,
Plunder Home.. .
Six minor robberies were reported
lo Omaha police Tuesday. E, L.
Hoag, 310 North Thirty-sixth street,
reported the theft of a - diamond
" stickpin and Vatch anJ fob worth
S200 from his home. Neighbors
said three suspicious looking men
were seen in tha.t vicinity yesterday
driving a. lerse and wagon.
Blanche-'Staples, 1313 South Thirty-first
street, reported the theft of
$15 and a check for $40 while she
was in her back yard in, the after
noon. Charles L. Thomas, 1J2
South Twenty-ninth street, re
ported $6 and a bunch of keys stolen
from his home.
Several knives .and a isuit of
clothes were stolen horn the room of
. C. C. Clotfelter.Alva, hotel, accord'
ing to police. B. opley, 2712 North
Forty-seventh avenue, reported a
black leather handbag, box of ci
gars, several pairs of hose and a
cravanette coat stolen from his au
tomobile at' Fifteenth and Jarnam
streets. ' , '
Ask Appointment of
Administrator for the
James E. Baum Estate
Petition for appointment . of an
administrator for the estate of the
late Tames E. Baum. president of
1 fTie Bautn Iron Works in Omaha,
wasifiled in county court yesterday
by David A. Bauliji, brother of the
deceased. ' I
Ihe Baum estate is valued at
$126,000, according to the petition.
Mrs. Otilia F. 1 Baum, widow of
James E. Baum, and David A, Baum
are asked to be appointed adminis
trators of the estate.
Mr. Baum died in New York City
On July 10. He was prominent here
in business circles. "" ,
' The estate, consisting of real es
tate valued at $25,000, foreignes
Ute valued at $1,000 arid personal
property worth $100,000, as set forth
in the petition, will be divided
among the 'widow, brother, two
sons, James E. Baum of Chicago
ancf Richard T. Bauw, Omaha, and
two daughters, Ms". Elizabeth
Rouse of Baltiniore, Md and Miss
Katherine I. Baum of this-'city.
Robbers Plunder
f . Iowa Store; 1 Omaha
Police Join Search
Two men who were seen in Rock
Rapids, Ia' Tuesday morning in an
automobile bearing a' Nebraska H-,
cense are being sought by Omaha
police on" information furnished by
the - sheriff of the Iowa " town.
The sheriff reported the robbery
Df the Sievers Style shoo in Rock
Rapids Tuesday of $3,500 worth .of
, merchandise, comprising georgette
: waists,- suits, hosiery, sweaters and
underwear. The sheriff believes
the two then seen earlier in the day,
staged the ifobbery and were headed
Tor Omaha.' 7
To Censor Film Here , ,
Pr. Jennie Caflfas of the Welfarp
board was to cast her official eye at
the flickeringsN of the filth, "Parlor,
SJedroom and Bath," in the Qpera
ors' union hall tat 4 p. m. yesterday
to decide if the picture is fit for pub
lic gaze at the Sun next i week.
20 Miles Per Hour Fixed to
Keep Nominee Safe From
. . Traffic Cops.
Vhe n a delegation ofl ocal demo
cratic motorists go ip Fremont Sat
urdayN afternoon to meet Franklin
D. Rotosevelt. democratic candidate
for vice president, they will not ex
ceed 20 miles per hour, and the Same
speed limit will be observed on the
journey back to Omaha with the can
didate. Omaha democrats will take no
chances of causing Mr. Roosevelt
embarrassment on account of speed
ing, having in mind tne case of Gov
ernor Cox last week in Ohio.
y Arrange lor Parade.
The executive committee of the
Cox-Roosevelt club met at noon yes
terday to arrange for the reception
which will be extended to Mr. Roose;
velt. It is planned to have an auto
mobile demonstration leave Seven
tieth and Dodge streets at 1 p. m.,
arriving in Frenian about 3 o'clock,
before the arrival of the speaker in
Dodge county. After the Fremont
address the Omaha party 'will re
turn by way of Valley, Elkhorn and
Waterloo, where short stops will be
An Omaha band will be in waiting
at Seventieth and Dodge streets to
escort the party to the downtown
Speaks in Auditorium.
H. H. Harper will be marshal of
the auto trip to Fremont and the
parade in Omaha, which will be at
6:30. Mrs. W. E. Bolin and Dr. Jen
nie Callfas will have charge of, the
women's division. W. H. Thompson
of Grand Island, democratic national
committeeman, will call the meeting
New Invention Makes Fords
Run 34 Miles on Gallon of
Gasoline Other Cars Show
i Proportionate Savings.
A new carburetor which cuts
down th gasoline consumption" of
any motor, including: the Ford, and
reduces1 gasoline bills from one
third to one-half, is the proud
achievement of the Air Friction
Carburetor Co., 43 MadTson St.,
Dayton, Ohio. This remarkable in
vention not '-only increases the
power of all motors from 30 to 50
per cent, but enables everyone to
run slow on high gear. With it you
can use the very cheapest graderof
gasoline or half gasoline and' half
kerosene and still get more power
and more mileage than you now get
from the highest test gasoline.
Many Ford owners say 'they now
get as high as 45 or 50 miles to a
gallon of gasoline. So sure are the
manufacturers of the immense sav
ing their new carburetor will make
that they offer to send it "on 30
days trial to every ear owner. As
it can be put on or (taken off in a
few minutes by anyone, all readers
who want to'try it should send their
name, address and make of car to
the manufacturers at once. They
also want local , agents, to whom
they offer exceptionally large
profits. Write them today. -
to order in the Auditorium, where
Mr. Roosevelt will speak.
Elks to Consider Sites r
' i For New Lodge Building
Several sites for a new buildjug to
be erected spon and about 200 new
applications for membership will
be considered by the Omaha lodge
of Elks at, its meeting Friday night.
A class of 500, the largest ever
held m the middle west, will be
The 11th Omaha. man to be sent't'atfd by the Umana lodge Scp-
Realty Man 'Given 1 5
"Days for Driving Car
While Intoxicated
to jailadhis month for operating an
automoTBst while intoxicated was
sentenced' to IS, days yesterday
by" Judge Foster in Central police
Me is E. R. Needham, real estate
broker, 6010 Florence boulevard,,
who expressed amazement when
sentence was announced.
Needham was arrested Tuesday
"at 4 p. in. at Fourteenth and Far
nam streets, by Officer Rivers. ,
He was released on, bond at Cen
tral police headquarters by Acting
Captain Wheeler, but returned a
short time later to argue with the
c.aptain over his arrest.
His arguments proved his down
fall, for Captain 'Wheeler called po
lice surgeons into conference, who
verified the captain s suspicion that
Needham had been drinking; and
he was placed in jail to await trial.
Neeaham had not recovered from
his. surprise at the 'sentence before
he found himself, behind the bars in
his cell.
tember 17.
i An English noninflammable. non
treakable substitute for celluloid
weighs only about
much as glass.
one-sixth ! as
' ! ... .
Keep your stomach sweet
relieve dyspepsia and indi
gestion and their resultant
acidity-by using, after meals,
Thev supply the alkaline effect
lust 'as the stomach does when in .
Thus you may eat whatever you
like best without fear of indigestion.
Sold by almost every druggistn
U. S. and Canada at 60c a box.
Woman Ex-Convict WtH Speak
To Socialists Here Thursday
Kate Richard O'Hare of 5t. .Louis,
released from the Missouri peniten
tiary in May from a liyi months'
sentence for violation of the espion
age act, will speak before the so
cialist convention at Swedish audi
torium in Omaha tonight. She will
plead for
the release of Eugene' V.
Return to Omaha After
7,200-Mile Auto Journey
"Mrs. C. E. Voorhccs, 1715 South
Thirty-third street, returned to Oma
ha Tuesday night with her family
after an- automobile trip, to the Paci
fic coast ur& back. -covering 7,200
miles and passing through 11 states
without any motor trouble whatever.
Mrs. Voorhees admitted a fewpunc-
ItHresanu blowouts, but said tne only
rrlcti-ir, flu. fiDi-t vnerifnjri was
" l " ' ' ,'v
wheu their machine was struck by a
street car -in Portland, Ore. No one
was injurd.
Tiee Want Ads Bring Results.
Galve'ston's Population Is .
Announced as 44,2bt
Washington, Aug. 25. Galveston
T'x 4-1,255; increase, 7,254, or 19-7
per coto.
'Eastland, Tex. 9,368: increase
8,513, or 99.7 per cent.
- Newbum, N. C 10,003 increase.
42, or 0.4 per cent.
See Our Show Window
lill '
niMMU COLO CO., CHKAa. ujr
' Don't-
Fail to
' x Them
of Triangle
By AlvHn E. Pool
1513 aSiwiHAilfAiW'
flontiriental Mot at Parts
Parts for 85 types carried in stock
Authorized Depot
Omaha MotprParts Depot, Inc.
2574 HarnW St. L.L.Schil,1 Mr. DougUs 7464
Won't Touch Your Car When He Finds .
ifour Manifold Locked With the
The advantage of this device is
- four fold. It saves your xiar from
thieves and jo'yridersit mafkes theft in-
surance unnecessary it will pay for itself -every
few months in the gas it saves and
it prevents carburetor trouble. - r
: . "V' i
. -
The manifold is a wonderful im
provement over the ordinary Ford
manifold. It provides a fresh air intake, auto
matically regulafced to all engine speeds and a
scientifically constructed mixing chamber in
which every atom of gas is broken up arid
mixed with its proper air proportion.
For further information inquire, of
I i
729 West Broadway. Council fluffs, la.
Dealers Wanted in Every Town.
r -
Saturday W" Kar
pen "Furniture at
Union Outfitting Co.
"Karpen" Furniture Is
Noted For Its Beauty
and Wearing Quality. ;
Beautiful "Karpen Easy
Chair Qiven Away at End
of Demonstration. ,
- Hundreds of pieces-are arriv
ing; this week, and will be here in
due time for tke demonstration
beginning; Saturday at the Union
Outfitting Compihy. where all
styles of "Karpen" furniture
will be displayed.
The Union , Outfitting Com.
pany are headquarters in Omaha
forthe famous "Karpen" furni
ture which includes overstuffed
'Vm and chairj,' davenports
and practically the- entire me
that is manufactured. This dem
onstration promises to be oneot
the greatest ever held in Omaha.
; Nearly the entire main, floor
will be turned over to the most
wonderful display of Karpen
upholstered furniture ever seen
it Omaha. v
; The Unipn Outfitting Com
pany is located jusMt of the
high rent district-T-where,as al
ways, you make your own terms..
1417 Douglas Street '
; Thursday Only
A Most Sensational Close-out of
I $50, $59.50; $6569.50 , i
-While Thev Last. Thursday
m , . ; '
Never has thfe store offered the equal of these
values. Remarkable, styles many one-of-a
kind -Tat a darinr low price.
' 1
These 400 dresses will not last throughout the day
so, we urge youo be here, when the doors open"
i nursaay mormag. v- x?.',.
"Ak Mr. Foilti
bout truini
nd travel.
t VUitlng
Merchant wel
come to our
tore, j
rvir . frK
Our Summer Clearance Safe
Continues During This Week
Women Who Wish to Economize Will
Talte Advantage of This Sale of
Women's -Winter
In brder to maintain our
high standard of merchan
dising each season, to .have
only the newest goods on the
nfarket, this last week of our
'August Clearance Sale finds
us making a final, clearance
of summer goods in every
4 departmnt in the stdre. ,
Owing to this fact, that in
many instances quantities
are limited, we can not men
tion them in our ads, but a
visit through the store wiJV
convince you of the many
wonderful values. .
On the Second Floor
Faslporii Latest
I Sweaters
Those popular and com
fortable garments that are so
much in favor this season are
arriving in many new styles
each day. The colors are
beautiful and th? models are
all very attractive. Prices
from $7.50 to $75.00.
The first thought of gar
ment when selecting the new
.eason's apparel. Ve carry
mly the finest makes in all
he latest mr.dels. Priced
Trom $3.50 to $35.00.
s Petticoats
Beautiful colors and color
combinations make these gar
ments doubly attractive. Jer
sey, satin ond silk vie ith
each 'othek in popularity.
Priced from $5.5 up.
Wool Hpse
Women look with ."avor
on the kind of hose we are
showing for fall. They comr
in the new suit shades, in Doth
narrow and wide rib meed
from $1.9 to $4.50.
; ;
- For Thursday, We are placing onsale a large
group of both loose and belted garments of velour
and kersey some' are just button trimmed, others
trimmed in velvet or plusK. , Every garment has a
large collar which fits.closeup to the neck.
Second Floor.
Something for the Needlewoman
. . To Embroider
) Dresses i Price
Children's colored dresses
made up in chambray tissue,
ginham, poplin and muli;y
sizes 4 to 12 years.
V Scarfs $1.25
Lace-trimmed dresser
scarfs, 18x50, stamped in
neat design for, French
knot, or solid embroidery.
Towels 39c
Stamped towels, size
19x29, hemstitched
ends, assorted designs.
Very special.
WeV carry a comphfete stock of. Fleisher's yarn in all the newest shades for
making sweaters, scarfs and tht new yarn hats. - -
Corinthian, Silvergtow, Silkanwool, Shetland Floss, Knitting Worsted and
Angora. ' . . . ; v . . . . .
We also show the newest models ironrwmcn to select your uesigns. ,
Third Floor.
The Summer Sale Offers Extreme
Values in
For' Girla and Small Women
We have a complete line of
dresses whichwe are offering at
an unusual price. All are good,.
practical dresses which will give V -real
service for school and after
noon wear, in many varieties
of color and styles.
In organdy, voiles, and linene
trimmed 4n danty-touches of
handwork. Special, $4.95. ,
Sizes 6 to 17 j'ears.
- Junior Dept. Second Floor -
Women WiH WelcomeThis Opportunity to
- ' T Purchase
Fall Gloves
French kid gloves in one and two-clasp
styles(with beaver and Paris Point stitching,
in brotfnr beaver, mole, black and white.
Special . . ...... y
Main Floor. '
Only Four More Days of the Annual August
Sale of Furs
25 off
Drugs an'd Toitet Articles
At Very Special Prices
" Pond's vanishing cream,
v '
Mavis talcum powder,
18c. ,
v Mavis toilet water, 89c.
Mary Garden f ace'pow
der, 89c. !
Min Fli
Djer Kiss Vegetal toilet
water, 98c.
Espey's cream for (Ian
and sunburn, 17c.
Listerine antiseptic, 19c. '
Milk of magnesia, large
bottle, 22c. ,
Formamm tablets, 47c.
. S-r :
The savings you effect over the present prices,
and especially the savings over the priced that we be-'
lieve will be in effect a f ev months later, will make
this sale profitable to you. For in this country furs are
so extremely practical," and in a season when all coats
f every description are much higher, they are no
longer regarded as mere luxuries, but it is a mark of
good business judgment for a woman to inVest in furs
and fur coats. '
Here are a few specials :
Natural Muskrat Coat, large
' collar, belted model; bell shaped
sleeve; 30 inchs length.
French Seal Coat, opossum
collar, cuffs, belted model, silk
lined; length 36 inches.
Second- Floor
Australian . Opossum Coat,
large collar, silk lined; 40 inches
length. ,
Natural Wombat," 4-inch
length, raccoon collar and cuffs,
silk lined. .A
. Natural Wombat, plain collar
ana cuii; 34 inches length.
Just at This Season of the Year when One Has to Plan on High Footwear,
' Comes This Special Sale of ,
F al 1 Hoe
, For Boys.-Women and Children
We bought the ientire stock of a retail concern which is discontinuing its" shoe department and are offering
them to you at the same price concessions as we received.
le space, chairs and salespeople to take care of the enormous crowds.
' We have added e
pared to get the most woni
fuJ values ever offered in shoes.
Come pre-'
pairs of Women's coloredN cloth tops and patent lace
at $2.98.
At $2.98
and children's stitchdown shoes; wonderful values
At $4.98
f 1,000 pairs of women's brown and black all leather lace boots
( with military and high heels, all size and widths. Choice, $4.98.
- - ' ,
At $1.98
boots, $1.98
. At $2.98 '
500 pairs of womeij's tloth top lacD boots, high heels, $2.98
A A 4 Cl ylCl 400 pairs of infants black and novelty button shoes, many
r &1tD styles, $1.45. '
i Downttaire Store. s ' ' '
At $1.98
s black and brown kid
At $2.98
600 pairs of child's black and brown kid lace or button shoes,
sizes 4 to 8. - ,
450 pairs of boys' and little gents' lace and button shoes,
black and brown.
V- I
. I.!
Si?'.. -