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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1920)
1 THE bee Omaha, thukmja. auuisi lyzu. it i i M'LEAN RETAILER RCC TDID I UL.L. I mi 10 CALIFORNIA N. L. Buttenield.Postmaster of Nebraska Town, Here foh Fall Market WeekrDraws Lucky Number. N. L. Butterfieldl merchant and oostmasteY at McLean, Neb., won ;!ie free trip to California Tuesday tt the dinrier dance at the Omaha Field club, which l,0O visiting mer :hantsand their wives attetided as part of- Fall Market week. Mrs. Fred Berkeley, Tawnee, Neb., v'won a woman's toflet case; Mrs.1 Tames T. Houzecka and Mrs. A. N. Ahlman of Bassett. the silk hose; Mrs. Harry Watts of Crescent, la., the plate glass, and Mri. B. Flan nery, Bondurant, la., a raincoat. E. E. Neffsky, Gretna, Xe'b., won t set of gold cuff links; A. C Knud fon, Gates'eb., motor gloves; Fred V. Johnson, Stromsburg, Neb., i razor, and Mr, Rupprecht of Cedar Rapids, Neb., motor rug., v , Barbecue and picnic were to be held in Elmw'ood nark for the visit- ing merchants last night, for"vhichJ I ' rharterH cars nrr r lav h Chamber of Commerce at 4:30 p.. m. Gus Miller' was t'o be in charge of , jithletic contests for which 55 prizes were to be awarded. , - , Population Figures On But j Counties Made Public So Far FIND 3 STILLS IN OPERATION ON FARM NEAR BLAIR 150 Gallons of Whisky I Seized. 1 for the U ' ;i(iatnst V ' nargn Washington, D. C Aug. 25. j Five Omaha Men Arrested and (Special Telegram). According to census officials it will be some time ; before the population of Nebraska j is made public, ine population oi but five counties in the state have been released so far, as follows: Thayer county population 13.976. Inj 1910 its population was 14,775, making a decrease of 5.4 per cent. Brown county, 6.749; in 1910, 6,038, an increase of 1Q.9 per cent. Greeley county. 8,685,; in 1910, 8,047,1 an increase of per cent. John son county, 8.940; in. 1910, 10.187, a decrease of 12.2;pftr cent. Lincoln J county 23,420rin 1910, 15,684 an in crease of 49.3 per cent. Blair, Neb., Aug. 25s (Special Telegram.) A raid was made on a distillery late Tuesday afternoon on the farm of Harry G. Stengej- about 10 miles south of Blair. The running of this place was tipped off recently to County Attorney Grace iBallard by two men of Omaha. Armed with a warrant, State Agent Car! Schmidt of Lincoln and Sheriff Morris of this county, made the raid and found three complete stills in' fulf operation. -They also, found 150 gallons of raisin whisky 47 barrels, 50 gallonseach, of raisin mash. ' Five men were taken into custody and brought to Blair Tuesday night. Julius Brcnne, proprietor of the Millard hotel tailor shop of Omaha, is the alleged owner of the stills found on the Sterner farm. S. Wisberg Benjamin Polokoe and tw other men whose names were not obtain able. qU-of Omaha, were also ar tied and the contents poured into a ditch. The three stills and the 150 gallons of whisky with the five men were brought heref v Monday night a raid was mad on the home of Roy Knott at Herman by State Agents Carl Schmidt and Richard Fulton of, Lincoln, with Sheriff Mehrns from Blair. Two 20 uallon jars of Jiome made beer were 'found on the premises. Knott was brotrglTt-to Blair (Tuesday morning. He pleaded guilty and was fined $100 and costs. , ' . League of Women Voters , Organized at Beatrice "Beatrice, Neb., Aug. 25. (Spe cial.) The Beatrice League of Wo men Voters was organized here by Miss Delano of Omaha., E. M. Mar vin tnmhrr ofthe constitutional convention, reviewed the 41 amend-j inents.' Officers elected were: Chairman, Clara Kecs, vice chajr nian. Mary Gilmartin; secretary, Mafia Upson; treasurer, Mrs.'H. S. Tonnemaker. " , Two Alleged Gangsters ; Surrender o Sheriff Two of four men for whom ya rants were sworn out Tuesduy in connection witli an attack on an Omaha picnic party in Waterloo Jtrly 31 gave themselves up' at 1 p. m. yesterday in the bherit't's office. They are Albert Schneider and Qirl Lockw ood of Waterloo. . The pair was released immedi ately on $500 bond each, furnished by JL'.M aggei yL Ll LP.PrJEe-r.i far trial September 3 -M .on charges of assault with to- appear mtetvt to do 'great bodily injury John HofeMt and Tony 2immerl3, the two others of the quartet, hav $rfe 7nUIt for IliFAfJTS & IHVAUDS am ruK llorllck's The.Origuul Avoid Uutatioaa ai Substitute. FortnfanM.tnviltdtandQrowtatChlldrra I Rich Mltk, Matted Oraln Bxtraet In Powdar TboOiiginalFood-DrinkForAUAes N Coekinrttourithin-DittiU III. . I - I - I - - - . II II "- ' 1 fe . 1 . llll!lllllli!lllllllfiilliM iiiiifliiiBM FEDERAL FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR ROAD PROJECTS Congressman From York Se cures Information of Sums V Allotted and How jhey . Can Be Obtained. Valparaiso Banker Will Be Prosecuted By Attofney General Lincoln, Neb., Aug-. 25. (Spe- rnll Tr;-il f P A r .1. f i(-r of the defunct bank at Valna- raiso, on ,one of the five . criminal charges pending agaiirst him.isdue to stat at Wahoo next week.. The prosecution will be conctnetet bv ' Assistant Attorney General LaertyI with the assistance of Jwure E. B. Perry of Lincoln,, counsej'.for Re ; cciver E. E. -Fike of the failed insti tution, j ' ' , County Attorney II. Bryant of .-Njuijaers county win not laxe part in the prosecution, the state attor- innounced. Mr. Bryant moved dismissal of three complaints Lower, brought by the state. ng falsification ot reports made to the state banking bureau. This was objected, to by Attorney Laverty and County Judge Parmen ter overruled the motion. Lower twas told th.Tt he could lit.. L, r. t 1 f, f V. rt mnUin,j and be tried on any one of' them that he wished to face first. One of them alleges he- violated the state hanltintf law hv Irtaninir innnrv tn himself indirectly while an officer of the bank. Another charges em bezzlement of thfe barrk s funds on 22 different counts in the' total amount tf $pl jaO, The remaining inree neai wnn tnemaKing ai- Congressman Ancfrews to . Debate League of Nations Grand Island, ; Neb., Aug. 25. (Special Telegram.) In a letter to Rudolph Durtsctii, secretary of the sociation, congressman Andrews accepts an invitation to debate the league of nations issue .at the fair to be held here September 16. Judge Dungan was asked to be his oppo nent. ' , ;k sRegarding the debate,, Mr, An dtew"8 said: "I appreciate the com pliment and courtesy ot your.invi ' tation which I hereby( accept with t " l " " (, x.- . . - you invite ui to engage in joint de bate is vital to the interests of our y-uuiiii y. -v view ui lis f uipu tditvc 7 the people ot uiis congressional dis- Vtnct have a 'right to know my, per son?.l views upon this subject and I will gladly avail myself of thd' op portunity afforded me by your in- .L f..' . - nr " - vjxaiion to give puouc expression to : rtern." V . ., , Anti-Saloon League Seeks To Put Candidates On Record Charging that the liquor interests are determined, if possible, to nullify prohibition by securing the election of acongtest which wilf amend the Volstead act so as to allow the sale 4 .of light wineis, and beer, the Anti- saloon league of Nebraska is send ing our letters over -the signature of F. A. High, superintendent, to all candidates for congress in the state asking if they will use their influence agawst and vote against any effort to fa4s the alcoholic content ancl oppose any other move" to weaken the present enforcement provision of the prohibitioh 'law, if elected. ( Washington, IX! C, Aug. 25.V (Special Teicgfam.) Cengressman McLaughlin has had a number of communications recently from coun ty boards and "road associations in Nebraska making inquiries as to what federal funds are available fer particular road projects and what. procedure is necessary to secut;e these funds for immediate use. , As a result of these inquiries, the con gressman from the York district? is having the bureau of good roads prepare a statement of the total amounts of funds set aside for Ne braska and the amount that has been allotted for each project. Mr. McLaughlin exjects this in formation to be ready to take back to the district about September 1. In answer to a request from W. G. Boyer, president of the Meridian Road association at York, with refer ence to available funds for hard sur facing the road from York "to Stromsburg, Mr. McLaughlip has beeui, informed by the department that the fund set aside for what, is known as project No. 143, extending from Fairmont to Osceola, is ,$75,289, and that on the basis of mileage this would allow about $35,000 for the road from York to Stromsburg. Mr. McLaughlin, speaking of the inquiries coming to him from road associations, said: "AJl state road as sociations desiring to avail, them selves ofVederal funds should bear in mind the fact that the expenditure of "Such funds is Vntirelv.tnder. the supervision! of the State Highway de partment and the federal bureau of public roads.""" . Beatrice Youths Held for Robbikg Shirt Factory Beatrice, Neb.Mug. 25. (Special Telegram.Four youths; ranging, from 16 to 21 years of age and giv ing their names as Morgan,, James nd Alottzo Langley and Russell Tetersori, were arrested Tuesday evening on 4he charge of robbing the M. E. Smith shirt factory here of goods valued "at $75. According to Chief of Police Dillow. they have confessed. Morgan Langley a sJk Orlando Langley, now serv-ing0-year sentence in the state portitenmry for the murder of Jus tice Chris rPfeiffer at Cortland a year ago. Get Jail Sentence. t - York, Neb.. Atrg. 25! (Special Telegram,) Carl Mix' and wife, who were bound over to the district court on the charge of stealing chickens, were sentenced to 60 and 30 days in jail by-District . Judge Corcoran.- U. P. Asks Permlssionvto Develop Irrigation .Project Washington, Aug. 251 Permission to construct a 29mile branch line to develop the North Platte irriga tion project was asked of the Inter state Commerce commission today by Union Pacific Railroad company. The line would extend through Scottsbluffs county, Nebraska, and vGoshen county, Wyoming. Hail Does Greaf Damaae , On Furnasi bounty Farim,j Beaver City, Neb., Aug. 25. (Special Jelegrim.) A severe hail and rainstorm passed acfbss Fur--lias county from' the Republican river to the Kansas line Wednesday morning, the nail did great dam age to crops and killed pigs, chick ens and birds in a strip seven miles vide Four inches of rain felL Pioneers Held Reunion." Scotia, Neb., Aug 25. (Special lelegram.) The LUup Valley Pio neers association held its 23d an- J'j.m.j. Wmr T P walf.rkf Greeley delivered the address. Short silks were made by old timers. Sell Gage County Farm. " 'TU. T.K 4tr ?? ino. tial.) The J. S. Mc Fall ,farm of 80 teres, near Holmesville, was sold to Henry Johnson of Richardson county for $175 an acre. & Californian is the inventor of a Snger moistener to be, strapped to the palm of a hand fy the usef Papers.. :J v . v ;0. Special Sale of Statue o f Liberty Dinner Sets Sat. at Union Free With fych Dinner Set Sold, a Miniature China' , Statue' of Liberty. See the Statue of Liberty in Show Window ancL.Di , play bf Disonerware. A fortunate purchase made months ago of Statue of Liberty Dinnerware has arrived, and will be put on sale at the Union Out fitting Company Saturday. This Dinnerware is the exact reproduction of the. famous Statue of Liberty in the New York Harbor. - You owe it to youraelf to come in and look over the line of Din rterware as it is really the most beautiful Dinnerware. on the market. ' . ,, ' " This fortunate purchase is fur ther evidencl of the ever grow ing purchasing power of the Union Outfitting - Company lo cated just out of the high rent district, the home of tome out fits. The store where special inducements - are offered to young people, where, "s always, you make your own terms. , Our New, Enlarged China and House Furnishings Departments Are Now Located n the Fifth Floor Entire Quarter of a Block of Floor Spac With New Stocks and Lower Prices - ftETS, THE PACE OMAHA J Silk Jersey Petticoats That new Fall suit calls for a nejw petticoat of .... l ' ll silk jersey a,nd we Know you win line inese we showing for Thursday. They have either silk silk jersey flounces. j Priced at $5 Second Floor North are or Great- Purchases ot Overstocks and'Samples from Prominent Eastern and Western Mills and Jobbers! Our Second Annual August Thre-Day Sale or Fall ramdW iinter For Men, Women and Children Sale Starts Thu rsday y3 Kirait : -I- rvrr to Vo KJtt Uedeirweair Regular Prices GREjAT purchases overstocks and samples from prominent Eastern and West ern jobbers and mills at from o'ne-third to one-half off present-day prices, makes possible a repetition of the great f ugust -sales of Knit-Underwear we inaug urated last year. ' The garments are all made by the best mills all absolutely perfect the prices in all instances at least one-third "and jn many instances one-half of their regular present-day prices. " - . - ytThursSay, Friday, Saturday Early Attendance Advised! rp HE savings that can now be affected by you by purchasing a few weeks before ; the time you actually use these garments are great enough to warrant you buy ing your entire winter supply at this great "Underwear Sale. , ? , You will soon want heavier underwear. Why not buy now wnlle you can save money and secure a hgh-grade garment. These are all perfect, and won derful values. Men's Underwear 7 ' - 2,400 Fall Winter to y2 off e and Weight T uni ion Suits Divided for Convenience in Two Great Lot Wool Mixed and Heavy-Weight Cotton Union Suits ; I " Regular $3 to $4 Values, Special at fljimples and ovjgr stocks of men's Fall and Winter weight wool mixed and fine heavy weight cotton ribbed union. suits, in gray, ecru and fancy mixtures; all sizes from 36 to 60 represented in the lot; special, Cotton Ribbed and Worstejd Plaited Union Suits ' Worth $4 to $6, Special at Sarimles and over stocks from some of the best under wear tnijls in the country fine combed cotton ribbed and worsted plaited samples in natural, gray and fancy mixtures; all sizes sale Brandcyi Stores Mejis Store Main Floor 995 sizes from 36 to 50 in tjje lot; specially priced 'for this gaB Youths', Misses', Children's Underwear at V3 to V2 Off Youths' Misses'and Children's Wool . . . and Cotton Union Suits y VI Regular 2J0to3M Values, Special at Wool, part wool and cotton with wool fleece suits in sizes from 2 to 16 years; special, each, at 1.7S. ' " ' '--V ' ' Boys' Heavyj Ribbed Cotton ' Union Suits. 0 Regular 150 to $2 Values, Special at I Of heavy ribbed cotton, both plapi and fleece lined; -es 6 to 14 years; special, -at 1.00. f Children's Union Suits Worth US to US Special, per Suit, at , Fine fleece lined in cream and white; an excellent garment and worth 1.25 to 1.75, special, at 85c; ' 85t Air a' Misses', and Children's Summer Sample Union Suits Worth 75c to 1J0, Special at - Boys', misses' and children's knit and muslin union suits; almost any size in cluded; special, in this sale, each at 55c Brandeis Stores- Women's Underwear at lz to lz Off Cashmere, Wo6l and Silk and Wool Union ; ' i Suits " r Regular $5 to $7 fn Values, Special, OU Per Suit, at v .Cashmere, wool and silk and . wool union suits with long, half or -no sleeves; ankle .length f not all sizes in each styles ; special, each, at 3.50. . . Fine Wool Faced and ' Cotton Fleeced Back ' . Worth 2J0 to n nr 3 JO, Special Bid Per Suit, at R EL. ... I i IW4f - ms ml Women's wool faced and fleeced back union Suits with either, long or half sleeves; worth 2.50 to 3.50 ' each, special, at 1.75. Fine Heavy Cotton . Fleece Lined Union , Suits Regular 2.25 to l $3 Values, B OU Specials ' Heavy cotton fleece lined union suits with long or half sleeves and ankle length ; also Summer sam ples in knit and muslin suits; spec ial, each, at 1.50. ..., Medium Cotton Fleece and Summer Weight Union Suits, $1.50 to $2.00 Values Women's medium weight cotton fleece lined union g .suits; long sleeves and ankle length;; Summer samples in llll knit ( and muslin suits &o included in the lot; regular II 1 W 1.50 to $2 values, special, per suit? , mm Third Floor East ; r . Sports Wear 7 far Autumn Time POR the woman to whom Autumn marks no ces sation in sports activities,' this store offers nvujrh of interest "for crisp, outdoor days. N Togs for riding, golf, motoring,and tramping are, here in tweeds and twills and all the good wearable , fabrics for which the sportsman need worry. Tailoring, style and general serviceability of this sports apparel recommend your1nspestion. - , v ! Coats for Travel and Motoring ' Coats for travel and motor wear, novelty tweeds, nart mixtures and.(plaids in "Varied as-' sortment browns, arrays and oxf ords predomi nate. Top coats, knee length,' belted and cape back or trench styles in fifty-inch garments J New "assortment includes weherproof ''Kenreign gar- Prices are $35, $45 'to $69 I Sport Coats Call for Separate Skirts : Popularity of skirts increase's, dressed - women are' finding but time was when the separate manxjises for these new arrivals, HI stfirt was more or less of a make- t someof which are plaid, checked III shift fa the wardrobe.. Bat no longer so, as the dashing new models will testify! Smartly or plain. All are 'somewnat more subdued in color than the spring models, but 'not in style. New Models Priced at 14.50, 19.d0 to 25.00 ! V Brandeis Siprev Second Foor VjfesL ' Tailored Blouses With Fall Suits" or With Sweaters Priced a? $8 O ONE reilizes more 'keenly than the well groomed businesswoman or school miss, the need for smart Tailored Blouses. Dainty White Cotton' Voiles That launder So Easily They launder easily and with little Work always look fresh and new. We are showing an excep tional line of dainty white cotton voiles with long sleleves and all over embroidery collars and cuffs. They prove the popular thing at present with the Fall suit or sweater, N Brandeis Stores Second Floor South i Millinery Individualized For Every Need . V . v. . -: . CORRECT Millinery gives to your new apparel the finishing touch it deserves, and to the old ' a livelytouch of renewed youth. ' Presenting the New Models Our millinery modes at present include hats for the street, sports, afternoon 'and evening wear gratifying from the standpoint of style, quality , and service in a good selection. . ' Priced from $15 to $25 Heckle Bands, Pads and Fancy feathers, aIrtheeason's newest trimmings. Prices 50c to 3.95 Brandeis StoresSecond Floor asK MS: my 1