to PICTURE PRESS QRAVURE SECTION G 5 0 0) (9 I. n (i Q t) 0 WtfAfc- .;V;.?...t i i 4r 4 1 -J O r . Copyright, Underwood & Underwood. Types of the Japanese "Picture Brides" who arrived at Saa Francisco on the liner Shinyo Maru and who are being ques tioned at Angel Island by a U. S. Congressional Immigration Committee, which learned that hardly any of the girls had personally seen the men they came here to marry. They had only seen photographs. The United States has protested against the practice of the Japanese government in allowing "picture brides" to leave aBd it Is said this is about the last group of "brides" to arrive here. 0 0 4.v.-.? - VMli1-- CopyrlKht, Underwood ft Underwood. BUCK DEER, LOCKED IN FIGHT. PERISH TOGETHER . Deer in the identical position In which they were found in the Colorado foothills, where they had fought a flcnt which ended In their antlers becoming locked. Both then perished of hunger and thirst. A pack of wolves had partially devoured them. 3 v,7i T5. n 0 (25 us 6 0 Xit 2 Copyright, I'nderwood A Underwood. MOTHER OF GOVERNOR OF MAINE INDIANS Clara Neptune, mother of Governor Neptune of the Passamaquoddy trlhi of Maine Indians, enjoying a quiet smoke while her son is receiving the formal visit at the historic Indian battleground of Deering Oaks, near Portland, Mainy of Governor Carl E. Mllliken, of Maine, and his staff. The visit was the oc casion for elaborate ceremonies witnessed by about 50,000 persons. sizmzmn OUR PHOTOGRAPHER GATHERS A FEW UNUSUAL PICTURES Copyright, Umlprwood A Underwood. The Baseball Nine of the .House of David. They don't look -much like ball players, but they have made an excellent show ing in their exhibition games throughout the East. ft: 1 o r-1 i' ; 5 i-L.vtiy ..... 13 ... v- . -i .. .-, y f Copyright, Underwood ft Underwood. PORTLAND HAS CHINESE GIRLS FOR "BELL-HOPS" A Portland, Oregon, hotel has found that Chinese girls are a big success as 'bell-bops." The girls are all American-born and have been educated in the public schools. 1 hi