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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1920)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 22, 1920. 8 A GENERAL BUNDY TO MAKE HOME AT FORT CROOK election of Fort as 7th Army . Corps Headquarters Made , On Account of Central Location. EDWARD C. SNYDER. ' Special Correspondent Washington, Aug. 21. In select ing Fort Crook as liemlquarters for t'ie Seventh corps area, which in r'Vies the states of Nebraska. Iowa, Missouri. North and Sontii Dakota ; Minnesota, as' provided und?r new army reorganization act, the ctiirf of -t aff and His rssistants wore )-onipted to make this selection hc ca'Ke of its central tocatinn. While both Kansas City and St. 1 ouis were considered as headquar ters for the Seventh corps, which ha? be?n carved out of the Central di vision, as at present constituted with headquarters in Chicago, the com mittee agreed that both Kansas City and St. Louis were entirely too far outh in the defined a-ea. That Fort Crook was the logical location for the headquarters because of the central location and for the further fact that there was a plant at Fort I 'rook ready for occupancy, and its railrt ad facilities werp.of the very best. No Politics. I'olif'cal considerations played no part whatsoever in the selection of Fort Crook, its location to the area ronnvised in the Seventh corps mak ing its choice almost a matter of iei-s-it y. The selection of Fort Crook as hradquarters of the .Seventh corps .o ca will briilg to that establishment not onlv Mai. Gen. Omar Ruudy. hn will command, but will brine; Roumanian Prince Fails to Play Star Roll With U. S. Queens Chicago Trlhune-Omotm Bee htatri Wire. Chicago, Aug. 21. Prince Carol of Roumania" tailed to live bp to his rcput.ition as a lady-killer here today." The prince was taken for an iiispe, tioi of the stock yards and indv.stri il plants. He also went loY a stroll down Michigan boulevard He did not even glance at the hundreds of pretty girls wi-.o tripped down the boulevard. In fact, t.e looked the other wav when a' particularly beautiful spec imen came within his range of vision. The prince refused to talk to nrwspape" "men. His associate -itcd thitt lv was miffed about the iiumeiou- stories of his tak ing ways with the ladies. Th;y deny tha4 the prince's trip around th? globe was for the purpose of luiping I. mi lo forget his mor ganatic wife, izi Lambrino. nearly 250 officers and clerks to the headquarters staff, which v. ill be or raived along the lines of the old department hcadounrter-. when Oma ha1 was hendmiarters of the Uepart uartment of the west. To Have Three Aides. Major General Hnndy will have Hirer .vr1"s. a chief of staff, four as sistant chiefs of st.'ff, mi adjutant general, two assistant adjutant gen erals, a quartermaster, vith several assistants, a surgeon and assistants, a finance officer, ordmoice officer, an inspector, a signal officer, judge advocate, an air service officer, a i.nt wirfir srviee officer and an officer in charge of militia af fairs, with scores of clerks to carry on the worlc ot the department The personnel of the department as outlined- will look after the re serves and the national guard in the states composing the Seventh corps area. The Seventh division of the armv now at Camp Funston is in cluded in the Seventh corps area -S well as the troops stationed in Iowa and Minnesota. A Fine Soldier. Maj. Gen. Omar Btuidy. who is ordered to Fort Crook September 1 m command of tire Seventh corps irea is one of the finest soldiers in the army. He is 59 years of age and i graduate of the nvlitary academy in the cl-iss of 188.1. having been ap nointcd to West Foint, from his na tive state. Indiana. During the world war he was in command of the Second division and fought at Chateau Thierry. Later he took comm-nd of the Sixth di ision which had headnuarters at Roii'lionne-Lesbanis, in France. Adit. Gen. Harris said today that the troops ft Fort Crook, consist ing of headquarters and one bat talion of the Twe-tieth infantrv with a detach mnt of the quartermasters' corns, would in ?ll probability rein-:n at Fort Crook is caretakers. The selection of Fort Crook will rot brine any -ddional troops to the Garrison. The fort will Wome the living place of the oflicers men tioned, instead of Omaha where many of them lived when the Gate City was headquarters for the De partment of the Missouri and the Department of the Platte. Sister of Cork Mayor, Now In Jail On Hunger Strike, Visits With Him London, Aug. 21. Miss Mac Sucriiry today ?a her brother, the lord mryor of Cork, w ho is in Hrixs ton prison, under a sentence of two years' imprisonment by a coitrt-niar-t'al on a. c::arp;e of sedition. She said she found Mr. MacSweeney very weak, but determined to continue his hunger strike to the end. Later Miss MacSweeney tried to interview the home secretary, but saw onlv under secretary for , home affairs. Sir F.rnley Mlackwell. Miss MacSweeney said Sir Ernley told ner the government certainly woutd not release her brother. . "Do you mean." she asked. " that you are going to let him die in prison?'' Sir F.rnley replied, according Art Miss MacSweeney, that it was (the decision of the government that none of the Irish prisoners would be re leased as a result of their refusal to take food. Ms MacSweeney told Sir Ernley that if her brother was allowed to die in prison all Ireland would hold the home secretary and the government responsible "for his murder." Averaae Monthly Salary of Dodge County Teachers, $1 10 Fremont, Neb., Aug. 21. lpe cial) .'Monthly salaries for country school teachers in Dodge county have risen until the average for this year w ill be more than $110. County Superintendent Marsh has an nounced. One man, receiving $135, will be the highest paid teacher, al though one of the women will be paid $130. tfhe lowest salaries will be $80, paid to two women teachers. California Is Assured of Tennis Double Champions Boston, Aug. 21. California was assured o." tve national doubles championships today when the final round for the title was played. William M. Johnson, national champion, an J C. J. Griffin mt Wi lis Da-is zt'd Roland Roberts for the honor of taking the trophy o California, fie home of the member-, of teams. Alleged Auto Thief Is " Held on Serious Charge Beatrice. Neb., Aug. 21. (Special). County Attorney Vasey has filed a charge of shooting with intent to kill against "Billy" Beetley, the al leged auto thief, who was severely wounded in a gun battle with Offi cer-Paul Acton Monaay. 1G0X CHALLENGED TO PROVE CHARGE AGAINST G. 0. P. Governor Is Mat by Broadside Of Counter Charges From Republicans When He ' Returns Home. Bv ROBERT E. SMITH. Chlcnico Trlbun-mh ! ld Win. rnin,Ktc n 21. When Governor r 'ox returned to Columbus hriday he was met by a broadside of counter charges replying to his nssertir. that the republicans have collected a $15,000,000 campaign fund. The republican state committee is sued a statement declaring that the international bunkers of Wall street are supporting Governor Cox, in the hope that thev will benefit by rati licMon of the peace treaty. "Jt was from the heart of Wall street just four days-go that the announcement came that the New York Evening Post would cordially suoport James M. Cox for presi ded," the republican committee sta-ement sai.l "This support of Governor Cox. it was stateid, was based on his advocacy of the Wil son lcagii'.- of nations.. The New York Evening Post waited until Governor Cox's attitude toward the Ica.'iic was def nitcly made clear. ' The Nw York Evening Post is ow ed bv Thomas W. Lamont of :!u- firm of J. V. Morgan & Co.. one of the d iiiiii ant factors in Wall street. "A definite statement is needed from Mr. Cox as to just how much inonev he th ,'ks the international financiers of Wall street, who arc demanding Mr Wilson's league of nations an J wll profit most by U, and. who arc supporting Mr. Cox for preiiscly fiat reason, will contribute to the republic alT campaign fund." Governor C . however, was stand ing pat on his :harges of a "gigantic republican slu ti fund." and insisted he would i'.ive more details about it :n bis next spetch. Populace of Konigshutte Attacks Army of Allies Detectives Probing Report Coughlin Baby Seen at Pasquale Farm Hammoiiton, N. J., Aug. 2 L De tectives here are investigating re ports that two men and a woman, j accompanied by an 18-nionth-old child, abandoned a farm that direct-! ly adjoins Auguste Pasquale's farm' the day before the authorities Vis-! ited the alleged "crank's" property! in search of Blakely Coughlin, kid-1 naped two months ago. I Pasquale is reported to have told the police that the boy was left with a man and woman. It was learned today that the farm adjoining Pasquale's was abandoned in haste, the occupants having left the live stock uncared for. No trace of the occupants has been found. No Legislation Necessary j In Nebraska for Suffrage I Lincoln,. Neb., Aug. 21. Reply ing to an inquiry from Alice 1 aul, chairman of the national woman's party, Attorney General Clarence A. Davis says that no state legislation is necessary in Nebraska to put na- ..rr.-t tionai woman surname in ciiclw Plans Are Completed I For Roosevelt Talk j In Omaha August 28 Plans for the meeting at which I franklin D. Roosevelt, democratic j nominee hr vice president, will speak in the Auditorium in Omahi nt 8 p. in.. August 28, were com pleted at a nv-ting f 30 democrats of Omaha yesterday. All factions of the party were present atx the meeting today, at which it wis d-rided W. H. Thomp son of Grind Island, national com mit .eenian, slunld preside. Ex-Gove nor Keith Neville, state cha rman, will make a short talk, after which Mayor Smith will de liver the address of welccfflic. Mr, Roosevelt will arrive in Norh Platte from the west at 3 a m., August 28; Grand Msland. 1?:4. wh'ie ht' wJU speak for 20 minutes; Fremont i p. m., where he will pfobanly seak 30 minutes. Two Men Injured. Beatrice. Net).. Aug. 21. (Special). Two mm rmnloved Oil the hvdro- electric plant near Barneston were injured Friday. John Eubar was struck on the head by a bucket of concrete, a serious wound being in f'icted in his head. Earl Lundy's foot was badly crushed when struck by a pick. Two Red Cavalry Regiments' Join Turkish Nationalists Constantinople, Aug. 21 (By The Associated Press.) Two bolshevik cavalry regiments have passed over southern 'Armenia into Turkish ter rtory and linked up with the Turk ish nationalist followers of Musta pha Kcnu1 Pafha, at Baiazet, ac cording to advices received today. "I'liintt'ilt'ltil'il" ,.l,,l.niM..M.l7.n.n.,l'llll.lli..ORCMARD St WILHELM CO. i . Berlin. Aug. 21. A report from Rreslau states that a clash has taken place between the populace ot Konigshutte, Silesia, and allied troops. The disturbance is said to have resulted when a French officer stopped a security policeman who did not salute him. A large crowd assembled and a woman attacked the officer, following which the allied garrison cleared the street. Will Speak on Amendments To ProDOsed Constitution Pierce, Neb., Aug. 21. (Special). In addition to Gov. S. R. McKelvie and ex-Gov. John H. Moorehead. ar rangements have been completed to have A. J. Weaver, president of the Constitutional convention, speak at Pierce September 3, the last day of the Pierce county fair. Mr. Weaver will speak on the amendments to the proposed new constitution. .Nebraska City Business Men Entertain Press Club Nebraska City, Neb., Aug. 2L (Special). The Southwestern Ne braska Press club- met here Friday for their annual picnic at Brown's park. The club was the guest of the Business Men's association, who provided entertainment for the news paper folks. A feature , of the pro gram was a chicken dinner. Plan Pall Festival. Central Citv, Neb., Aug. 21. Cen tral Citv is planning a fall festival to be held September 15 and 16. A barbecue, athletic, events, good speaking and music are included m the program li'llil'ilHIllllilillllllllltlllllnl"!"!!1!1'111'' "Illl"lrt. Substantial Savings ' Can Be Realized by Buying in This Special Sale DETROIT JEWEL Gas Ranges You Avoid a 17 Increase by Buying NOW Snecial prices qu.ted below represent a .till further inf of 10?f . In addition to this, .11 Detroit ewel Ranjre, will be fitted with $2.25 Automatic Lighters (wtere construction per mit,), FREE HERE ARE THREE SPECIAL OFFERS Detroit Jewel "Cabinette" is an attractive ele- VL tvno made in rteht or left styles. It M7 is substantially built, with full 16x16x11 oven. SPECIAL SALE PRICE Detroit Jewel "Cabinette," with broiler, is made , Q fn ivifivll elevated oven and 20x20 r TV1U1 iUll -i- cooking top. v SPECIAL SALE PRICE : . . .) Detroit Jewel "Special,'? a range especially designed to combine the features universally desired by gas users. 4; Extra large-cooking top, 22x28; -oven lbxiBxi; Droner 16x18x9. During the sale fitted with a $2.25 Automatic Lighter FREE. During the tale all Detroit Jewel Range to which auto matic lighten can be attached will be fitted FREE Connection whero gt it in Iritchan mlo withooj. charge. 39 49 69 ftWiMtaiGoi ..lUlilMUtiif"!""'!""1111 intiif "''''""'' SIXTEENTH AND HOWARD STREETS " ' Visit "Martha Jane's Pantry Shelf Full of delicious jams, jellies and pickles. You'll cultivate a sweet tooth when you see them. In our Art Dept., on the Third Floor. ora mp s mm Unix THO PACE FOa CROWING OMAHA Oriental Incense and Burners , The incense kills the odor of cooking in the home and disinfects the air. A pleasant perfume leav ing a clean, sweet odor. In our Art Dept., on the Third Floor. Without Question, Monday Will Be Long Remembered for Tomorrow There's a Wonderful Event in A Sale of Black Velvet at Savings of Nearly One-Half! Our Paris office advises us that silk chiffon velvet, especially black, will take first call for fall wear. A Special Event for Monday- Not only will this beautiful velvet be most popular, but from all indications, it will be the most difficult fabric on the market to get, as the supply in sight is very $10 Black Chiffon Velvet at 6.75 Yard Wonderful 39-40 inch, soft, drapy chif fon velvet; suitable for coats, dressesor suits; a rich, deep, lustrous black; special, at, per yard, 6.75 limited. A fortunate and timely purchase of this exquisite fabric enables us to offer to early buyers a great, low-priced sale in the following two great. lots: $8 Velour de Nord at 4.50 Yard Velour de Nord in a rich, deep pile ; an ideal velvet for coats and suits; 36 inches wide. While 800 yards last, very special, at, per yard, 4.50 Brandeis Stores Main Floor Center Damask Cloths Regular $5 Values 2.98 ' We have just received another shipment of 500-beautiful table cloths. They are of a very fine quality Irish satin damask, in patterns that are copied from high-class linens. Size 72x72 Inches They have plain, scalloped or hemstitched ends, and are just the thing to use to save your better linens. A wide variety of exquisite de signs are shown." For the one day O AO Monday only, at '0 Brandeis StoresMain Floor South Buy Now for Next Summer! Final Clearance Sale of All Hammocks and Porch Swings Couch Swings In brown and gray; a regular 16.50 value; specially priced for Monday, at 11.50 In brown and gray; regular 22.50 value; rial 15.00 A very beautiful and comfortable design ; worth 35.00; OO CA special, at LL0l A regular 25.00 value; in brown or gray; fecial, JgQ One of the best mod els made; regular 50.00 model; spe- QC AA cial, at JJ.UU With a Quarter of a Block of Floor Space in Our New Fifth Floor Department of House Furnishings We Now Have the Largest Department in the West! We announce the removal of our housefurnishings department from the basement to the fifth floor. In our new quarters we have the Come up and visit us look over our largest housefurnishings department in- complete stocks and varied selections the west occupying one entire quarter hwv of floor sDace. for the home and for around the home liest Quality Hammocks Worth 5.00 to 15.00; special, to close out, at 3.00, $5 and 7.50 Brandeis Stores Fourth Floor East Aluminum Percolators A Special Monday 1.98 8-cup Size ! Mirro make in the Colonial shape; best aluminum, and are absolutely perfect; worth $3.49; special, for n i- of 1.98 Brandeis Slores-Fifth Floor West Aluminum Roasters 1.98 Round, with adjustable vent in lid; of heavy gauge . aluminum, but slightly damaged; worth $3.49; special, Monday, f 1.9S Genuine Wear-Ever Windsor Kettles Worth 2.40 1 AQ Special, at Pou r-quart size, with tight fitting cover, for pot roasts ; worth $2.40; spe cial, at 1.49 In Our Beautiful and Enlarged Art Dept. D. M. C. Embroidery and Crochet Cottons This wonderful D. M. C. crochet cotton is manufactured in a small city in France, the workers consisting chiefly of whole families, trained especially for efficiency. The water from the Alps is used in its manufacture and it is generally known that D. M. C. excels all others in use for quality and finish. Chemists all over the world have tried to finish cottons equal to it, but have failed. New Importations We now have a large importation on our shelves and will be pleased to show you comparisons as to quality, finish and yardage, the quantity be ing more than double that of domestic brands. Size 3 to 100, O C AKr per ball, at l Embroidery Cotton Six-thread embroidery cotton in a large range of beautiful colors, C Presenting the New Fall Wraps priced, per skein, at Brandeis Stores Third Floor -West EXQUISITE new models featuring Bokhara, Veldyne, Chamoistyne Duvetyne, Plushes and Art Seal. Wrappy lines of cape , like tendency and Dol man types are featured. It Must Have Fur The luxurv of fur on collar 'and cuffs is found in many nen maps There is no denying the flattering and luxurious touch a bit of fur against the cheek will give. This collection includes fur-trimmed wraps for general wear as well as dress, and also coats that will serve more than one purpose, and the very spe cial purposes, too, equally well. Fall shades T,ete de Negre, Rein- , deer, Ming and Navy Blue, Ma roon and Beaver shades presented in cloths. Prices $85, $125 to $175 Brandeis Stores Second Floor W est The Very Newest Millinery Coronets - m. j 1 1- J.1 "Crt 1 1 lint SOFT lines, sou iaDncs, sucn is uie new ran hok of today. Paris herself can boast of no smarter hat than the Coronet. Splendid as have been the values in previous sales, we know that you will simply be delighted with these hats. Trimmings are of Heckle, a k"ot of ribbon, a pin, or the material itself in an unusual drape. Many colors and the ever-wanted blacks 1 0 QC are all represented, priced, always, at lLJO Brandeis Stores Second Floor East A Colorful Profusion of Silk Petticoats DURABLE and attractive petti coats, with fluted or accordion nlp.itprl flounces, cut on lines j,w 7 that conform to the demands of the fashionable silhouette. We believe that when you see the selection we now have on display, you will realize that to select one from this lot would be real economy. Prices from 4.50 to $12 Brandeis tor'jh Second Floor North r