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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1920)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 22,. 1920. OMAHA LOGICAL MARKET OF WEST, DECLARES SIMON City Is Full of Live Business ' Men Who Have Con- v fidente of Country ) Merchants. ... t" think Omaha is the logra! mar ket for the west," says Louis Simon, president of Simon Bros. Co., gfocery jobbers. "It is not only our strategic location that counts, but also because the country mer chants are loyal to Omaha. This territory is full of live business men, good clean merchants. The way the boosters of the Chamber of Com merce are entertained on their trade trips shows the close and friendly relations between the country mer chants and. those of Omaha. "Scarcely a day passes that half a doen business men from outside the city call at our warehouse. How considerable this is can be esti mated when you consider -thati vc are only one of many wncesalers and jobbers in the city. Oniofvthe big things tTiat helps Omaha to ' get acquainted with its neighbors is the Ak-Sar-Ben," Mr. Simon stated. Heads of Grocery Firm SIMON BROTHERS WILL HOLD GRAND OPENING AUG. 26 Retail Dealers, Friends and Relatives Invited Pure Food Show Scheduled. Photo by Hyn SIMON BROTHERS SERVE GOOD MEAL' FOR SMALL PRICE f Employes Obtain Meal With All the Trimmings for 15 Cents. i "A good meal for 15 cents." It's' been a long time since anv wv is iiiavt in yjxA w lit I c , 11.. . : 1 . '. . I nil lc in Tn, nininnr rnnni ri in. imon Brothers company, grocery jobbers, at t.leventh and Dodge streets. In tru; dining room main tained for its employes, this com pany serves mat, vegetables, pota toes, coffee and desert for the same price that ordinary people have to pay for a sandwich. ' But it couldn't be done on a com mercial scale, Edward Simon, the vice president of the company, said. He states that the 15 cents only cov ers " the price of the gas and the wages of the cook. Reduced Living Cost to $50 ( Per Year, But Died Trying ' London, Aug. 21. The only man in England who successfully solved the high cost of living problem has just died. ! He was George Drew of Kitchen, He built a hut on his garden allot ment, for which he paid $2.50 a year rent. He had no taxes to pay, he drew water from a neighboring stream and he used candle for light ing. He drew his food almost en tirely from his garden. He figured his total living budget at $50' a year. ...;.' r Shrill Cries of Peacocks Subject of a Legal Battle Santa Rosa. Cal Aug. 21. The city council of Santa Rosa and pos sibly the courts are likely to be asked to decide whether the cries of peacocks can be considered a nuis ance. People residing in the vicinity of owners of these birds are preparing to protest because their slumbers are being disturbed by their cries. Ooinion is divided, some claiming that the expression of nature's will Innot be considered a nuisance. tint COMMON BRICK furnished by j RALPH DeLONG Tyler 4348, 312 Karbach Block. Yard on C. B. & Q. R. R. His Work Is to Taste Canned Fruits Sent To Simon Brothers You who like, canned peaches or other fruit for dessert, how would you like to be paid for eating it? That's part of the work of Jake Si mon, buyer and manager for Simon Bros, company, grocery jobbers of Omaha. t anned goods come into the ware house by the carload. But none of it is unloaded until iMr. Simon has picked out a can, opened and tasted it. This is to insure that only good fruit should go on the market. All syrups are also taken to the cutting or sample room of the warehouse and subjected to the same test. Yes, Mr. Simon is a bit plump, His idea of a meal is one with noth ing but meat and vegetables. He eats fruit as a business and not as a diversion.- Topeka Begins Fight to Retain Officer of Legion Pittsbursj. Kan., Aug. 21. The fight to retain the state headquar ters of the American Legion in Tor peka is one of the important events of the second annual convention of the Kansas department. American Legion, which opens at the State No.mal school here today. ' The Wichita and Kansas City Posts, it is saic1. have agreed to place th; headquarters in Wichita if a Kaatas Chv nrn is made state com mander. The Wichita' post also will attempt to have their official paper, the Legionaire, made the official state paper. , i Approximately 2,000 delegates are ex-peefcrd to attend. The- soldier bot'us bill before congress will be disTussed, it was said. American'Tobacco Men May Aid in Paying French Debt New York, Aug. 21. There were reports in Wall Street that aggange ments by which the French portion of the ' Anglo-French loan will be paid at , maturity, involve the fact that a substantial fart of the funds to meet this obligation will be sup plied by American tobacco interests. The story was abroad in Wall street that the French tobacco mo nopoly has been leased or sold to an Amercan syndicate. This syndicate, it was said, which nominally will be under French management, although the capital will be supplied by Amer ican banks. Unearth Human Skeleton At City of Mounds in Ohio Chillicothe. O.. Auk. 21. Archae ologists from Ohio, New York and Pennsylvania, exploring the "Mound City." at Camp Sherman, have un earthed the third skeleton of a mound builder since the start of their work, two months ago. The skeleton was taken from the second mound to be explored. There ara eight more mounds to be ex plored. Fout stone hatchets and a dozen bone knives were found with the fkeleton. Eat ' A Mild Natural . , Pure Food Laxative .J Vt . "A Dish Every Day Keeps Constipation Away" . UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST FOOD CO. v OMAHA, NEB. ' 9 An Ungrateful Bird. Graham, W. Va., Aug. 1 21. Al though owned by a democratic fam ily,' the parrot of Mrs. D. E. Temple ton, of Graham, has been taught by some jokester to say ".Harding." Polly js using the newly-atquainted word vehemently, and is calling al most constantly "Harding, Harding!" Retail dealers of Omaha and this trade territory are being invited to the grand opening of the Simon Brothers 'ompnny on August 26, at thei' new warehouse. Eleventh and Dodge stroets All the brands sold by this grocery jobbing Kouse, in cluding the famous Del Monte brand of canned fruits, will be shown in a pure food display., Friends snd relatives of the mer chants are also invited. A jazz or chestra will be on hand and a dance will be he'd on the first floor. Simon Brothers company moved nto their new quarters last June. Their building is one of the finest grocery warehouses in the west, and is one of the most striking features of Omaha's wholesale district. Ellis Island Is Swamped By Rush of Incoming Aliens - New York, Aug. 21. With 4,904 immigrant aliens on the boards of Ellis Island for examination and sev eral big steerage-carrying ships com ing into port, bringing at least J,00i) more to be landed as soon as inspec lions can be made, there is a rush of incoming aliens as in days before the war. A double ended locomotive in use in Tasmania carries the boiler and firebox on one set of wheels in the center and cylinters and driving wheels under tenders at each end. j Roofing on the Simon! j Brothers New Building) Was Done By ! NATIONAL ROOFING CO. t a I 627 Paxton Block Omaha I "flaverneyer" Reinforcing Bars Concrete Products Used exclusively in the "Simon Bros. Warehouse." Watch he big buildings using "Havemeyer" Service. Reinforced concrete designs also furnished. CONCRETE STEEL COMPANY - . 213 KENNEDY BLDG. C. M. Stoffel, Local Repreentativ . Don't be held down by old Office Methods Naturally you don't want to be hand-and-brain-tied to ' a shorthand note-book. Well then, get away from it dictate everything to The Ediphone. The easiest way to dictate a letter The ) Telephone the Ediphone - Douglas 2510 . ., . r - . . ' or see B. C. Beaver at The Dictating Machine Company American Women's Tiny Hands Peeve Sisters in London London, Aug. 21. The American woman in London is reaping; all the berefits of the present sales, accord ing to htr English sisters. Everywhere are wonderful bar gains in gloves, delightful shoes at pre war prices, silk stockings at as tonishing redu-tions hut all for the American woman alone. The ' rea son for this is that the average vis "'torfrom the United States is the possessor of smaller feet and hands than the Englishwoman, and all these tempting wares are offered in sm.-Jl sires alone. 1. One large firm is offering hun dreds of pairs of long white Kid glovesof a superfine'qiiality at the illi ring p' ice ot 5 sliiings a tih. The shop is thronged 11 day Ioijs: with wistful . English girls, who waich the Americans carrying off these prizes by the dozen pairs, sim ply because the latger sizes are not among them. Numerous letters of protest from irate Englishwomen have reached some of the chief shoe firms, whoe sales seem to have been conducted solely for the man with a size two or three foot. ' The first all teel steamship ever built in Argentina was launched few weeks ag". One of the best known imitation leathers with wiue range of uses it made from 'cotton. An attachment for Jsewing ma chines to wave a fan is the inven tion of a Texan, The Superior White Soap Lftt Ughtntnq In Th? tawdry i I Made by - HaskinsBros. ?Co., Omaha The Proof of the Puddiii Is In the Eating of It We make ventilators, gutters, cornices, skylights, metal ceilings and all other kinds of metal work. )Vc are doing the sheet metal work on the following Buildings SIMON BROTHERS BLDG., Trimble Bros., Burgess-Nash, Hoppe Bldg., Farrell Bldg., Hill Hotel, Mc Donald Warehouse, Skinner Poultry Plant, Omaha Packard, Paxton-Gal-lagher, O'Brien-Davis-Coad, Pittsburg Plate Glass Bldg., Ak-Sar-Ben Grand Stand, Oldsmobile Bldg. You will,find us moVed and established in our new home, 1411-13 Davenport St. Phone Douglas 2575. '. Bjornson Sheet Metal Works TOLEDO SCALES f The Toledo Springless Automatic Portable Scale is designed for all around utility. For warehouse, factory, wholesale house, produce and commission dealer, creamtery o r wherever speedy, accurate, weights are needed this Toledo Scale will more than pay for itself in time and money it saves. Investigate today. EDO : TOL Springless Automatic Scales jfnstalled throughout Simon Bros. Company's new modern wholesale grocery, house to insure accuracy and speed. Toledo Scale Com pany . , M. H. HARRIS, MGR., OMAHA. Douglas 7682 407 South 15th St. S N0 WDRIFT Pur Rich Creamy Vegetable Fat for allCooking . it It i l ;-4 .1 r r v..- am i 410 Karbach Bldg. . .