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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1920)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BKK! AUGUST 22, 1920. Personal Dr. L. H. Lee hat ixlurned from Ithaca, Neb. Mr. E. John Brandies is on a hunt ing tripnn Alaska. Wayne Riley enters Culver Mil tary in beptember. Mr. and Mrs. John L.. McCague, jr., are ih Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Madden plan to Jive at the Fontenelle for the early winter. v Mr. family ""nesota. and Mr. F. B. Aldotrs and are on a motor trip in Min Mrs. A. C. McKenzie has as htr guest, Miss .Folly-Davenport of Fort Dodge, la. Mrs. S. Rogers of New York is the guest of Mrs. Herman Cohn at the Loyal hotel. - Mrs. Robert Stout of Tekamah is spending this week with Miss Ger trude Stout. Mrs. Arthur Guiou and children return from Prior lake the first week iti September. Miss Mary E. Van Giesen has .re turned from a three months,' trip in the south and west. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burdick have taken an apartment at the Black stone for the winter. Mr. L. A. Dermody is home from Lake Okoboji, 4'here he had a cot tage for thesummer. '; Miss Elinor Renz is visiting her parents in Vienna. vMiss Renz plans to return in the early fall. Mrs. MacMillan Harding and children will remain at Lake Oko boji until lae in Septembtr. Miss Marian Louise Scannel! Boston is visiting her brother, E. ScanncJl, and Mrs. Scannell. Mrs. W. A. Sinclair and sons, Bald win, Dick and Ben, will return home Monday from Lake Okoboji. Miss Dorothy Hall left Tuesday evening for several weeks with friends in northern Wisconsin. Dr. ,-Philip "Sher and son, David, will arrive Monday from Atlantic City where they spent two week. A daughter was born Monday to Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Whitmore of Valley at the Methodist hospital. alley Mr Thomas Ouinlan and sons. Gerald, John and Thomas, jr., are at the Terry Pines. Long Beach, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Smith and Mrs. J. E. Weaver are on a motr trip through the Colorado Rockies. Mrs. Clement Chase has returned from falifornia and will spend the week-end at the H. H. Baldrige home. Mrs. G. W. Noble and daughters; Mrtha and Genene, are at Crags hotel, Estes Park, Colo., until Sep tember 1. " , - Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Higgens have returned from Colorado, where they placed their daughter, Dorothy, in camp. Mrs. E. Riley and daughter, Louise, have gorie to the" Atlantic coast to sp&nd the remainder of the summer touring. Dr. and Mrs. V. Pk Wherry and family returned by motor from Point Pleasant, Madison Lake, Minn.,, Monday. Miss Msrgaret Porter Spalding expects to return to Chicago the tar!y part of September to continue her musical studies. . ' Mr. and Mrs. E. K Buck left Tues day for the Broadmoor hotel in Col-J orado Springs to spend the remain - der of the suramei i Miss Claire Helen Woodward is visiting her sister, Mrs. Kremer Bain, at Butte, where she plans to remain until September. Lieut Alfred M. Gruenther, who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Gruenther, has re turned to Camp Knox, Ky. Mrs. Emma pietsch of Philadel phia has arrived' in Council Bluffs to spend the winter with her daugh 1er, Miss Eva Ma Pietsch. , , David Noble, who has been at tending summer school at the Northwestern' university, Chicago, returned Saturday morning. ' Mrs. George Brandeis and little niece, Mary Virginia Louis, have left Estes park and are at the. Broad moor in Colorado Springs. Mr. and Mrs. F. H., Davis will re turn from the east the. first week in September. The T. L, Davis family are returning about August 21. Mis Emily Garrard, x former Omaha girl, was married at her Lome in Pittsburgh, Pa.,Tn August 3, 1920, to Mr. H. J. Hassler of ADVERTISEMENT SAGE TEA DANDY TO DARKEN HAIR It's Grandmother's Recipe to Bring Back Color-and Lustre to Hair. You can turn irrav. faded hair beautifully dark and lustrous almost over night if you'll get a bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com- j pound" at any drug store. Millions j of bottles of this old famous Sage Tea Recipe, improved by the addi- ! tion of other ingredients, are sold annually, says a well-known drug gist here, "because it darkens the ; hair sonaturally and evenly that no , one can tell it ha3 been apphed I Those whose hair is turning gray ; or becomingr faded have a surprise awaiting. them, because after one or two applications the gray hair van-., ishes and your locks become luxuri antly dark and beautiful. r This ft the age of youth. Gray haired, unattractive folks aren't Wanted around, so get busy with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound tonighWand you'll bfi de lighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youthful aouearance within a few days. Miss Haslam a Visitor ' . r -1 nil III v-,; -rX L7' OT-S " b. i i j ; it ; I f '..- MM " ' W4'' I I ' - I '- V& f iuis breicnen iiaslam, daughter of Dr. and .Mrs. George HaSlam of Fremont, arrived last Wednesday to be the guest of Miss Ruby Kling beil at the G. L. E. Klingbeil home. A number of informal parties have been given in honor of Miss Haslam. This visitor attended high school in Salt Lake City and was graduated from Iowa State college at Ames, la. She will return home Sunday afternoon. -Hftk'eland, O. After their honey moon at Euclid Beach they will make their ho'ne in Cleveland. Mrs. Hassler is a ncice of Mrs. L. D. Spalding, Mr. and Mrs Alexandei Yonncr and children havf""returned from Evergreen, Colo., where they vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Young, Mrs. William T. Gerrard of- Pitts burgh, Pa., has given up tier hpvse there and will make her home with her sister, Mrs, L. D. Spald ing I Mrs. Gustav Hahn and daughter, Miss Louise Hahn, will returnrom their summer, OTiting on September 15 and resume their residence at the Clarinda. Mrs. Edwin Thompsen of Mineral Wells, Tex., will be the guest of her parents, Mr. .and Mrs. R. L. Hamil ton, until about the middle of Sep tember. Mrs; M. A. McElhinney and grandchildren, Richard and Donald Johnson, leave Wednesday for Cali fornia, where they intend to make their home. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Beacon and children left Saturday for a visit in Maryland. They will also stop at Chicago, Washington, D. C, and Nw .York City. Mr. and Mrs. George Laird and children and Miss Nan Murphy, who have spent the summer at San ta Barbara, Cal., are expected to be home August 31. Mrs. Dade Stine has just returned from a three months' visit in the south and east. Mrs. Stine visited her sister, Mrs. Abe Goudchaux, and Mr. Gaudchaux on their plantation to x ) The fV National Salesroom : T : OATOHEM I it&'Mt i 'i i in Big Cane, La. Mrs. Gbudchaux was formerly Miss Molly Singes. Mrs. Edward Cre'ghton and Miss Ethel Creighton, who have been in New York have returned to Atlantic-City. They will return to Omaha September 1. Mrs. William Sears Poppleton and son, William, who have been spending the summer in Omaha, will return to New York about the middle of September. Mrs. Frank McCaffrey and chil dren who have been visiting Mrs. McCaffrey's family in Boston since June, will return to Omaha about the 15th of September. v Mrs. T. J. Worthman of St. Louis, formerly of Omaha, spent Friday and Saturday here with Mrs. S. S. Montgomery. Mrs. Wothman is enroute to Pejcin, China. Miss Katherine Smytlie will be with her sister, Mrs. C. G. Sibbern sin, and Ir. Sibbernson for some l-.ttle time, but will return to Wash ington for her debut party. Mr. and MrsD. A. Baufn and daughter,. Miss Margaret Greer Baum, are occupying their new apartment ih the Colbert apartment at Thirty-ninth and Harney. Anna and Bessie Frye left Sun day to attend the University of Cali fornia at Berkely, where they will study for an M. A. degree. Both formerly attended Nebraska univer sity. , Mr. Lawrence William Garrard stopped or? on his way from Pitts burgh, for a v'sit with his mother and relatives. He is connected with he Department of Navigation, Washington, D. C, bureau of sys- Season's Choicest New Furs Unusually varied ancT unusually appealing are the new modes for fall and winter. And the National crea tions, while following faithfully the trend of'fashion, have those original touches that have always set National gar ments apart from the ordinary line of furs. Early buyers have a splendid opportunity this month realize a wortn-whiie saving1 at Discounts From ' 20 to 30 Below our regular manufacturer- to-wearer prices. On payment of one-fourth the purchase price, we will tore your selection in our COLD STORAGE VAULTS until needed in the fall. Balance may be paid at your convenience. 1 Tyler 120 Benson .Benton Corretpondent Union Church Service. The regular, union church service will be conducted Sunday evening in the MethoBist church. Kev. ' Mr, Moneymaker, pastor of "the Presby terian church, will deliver the ser-J mon. - W. C. T. U. The annual election of officers of the W. C. T. U. was hpid Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. D. C Sturtzi Methodist F. M. S. The Foreign Missionary society of the Methodist church will be enter tained Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Legge, Mrs. C. H. Penoyer assisting. - X Birthday Party. Mrs. W. Reishaw entertained Wednesday at a party in honor of her son, Walter Frederick's, sixth birthday. The luncheon table, which was arranged on the porch, had covers laid for eight guests. A brith day cake with candles adorned the center of the table. r Entertains at Country Home. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sager were host and hostess to the members of the Methodist Sunday school board at their country home near Valley Monday evening. English Lutheran Ladies Picnic. The members of the English; Lu theran Ladies' Aid will entertain at a picnic Thursday afternoon, Au gust 26, at Elmwood park. A has-' ket luncheon wilfbe served at 6:30, to which the husbands are invited. To Sail for England. Mrs. Frank Marshall, accompanied by Mrs. E. C. Holbrook, left Sunday evening for New York City, where Mrs. Marshall will take the steamer for Liverpool, England. Mrs. Hol brook will visit with relatives and friends in New York and Jersey City for the next three months. Entertains at Luncheon. Mrs. James Maney entertained at luncheon last Sunday evening in lonpr of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Will iams and son, Irvin, and Mr. W. E. Somes, whcjiJeft Monday morning by auto for California. ' Entertains Sunday School Class. Mr. Paul Kistler, assisted by Rev. O. W. Ebright, entertained his class nf 16 junior boys of the English Lu theran church at a hike Sund'ay aft ernoon. After a tramp 'of several miles a basket luncheon was served. Birthday Anniversary. Mrs. Marv Van Horn entertained at dinner in honor of her birthday anniversary Thursday evening, when .covers were raid for Mr. and Mrs. S. Rasmuss, Miss Maud Van Horn i and Mr. John McCole and Mr. and Mrs. Avan Van 'Horn and Hiland anH Arthur Van Horn. Later in the evening a number of friends sur prised Mrs. Varr Horn and a very pleasant evening was enjoyed.' Light refreshments were served. Birth. Announcement. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Greeson Sunday, at the Im manuel hospital. Joins Musical Company, Miss Hazel Wilcox, accompanied by Miss Margaret Fallenius of Cali fornia, leaves Tuesday for Louisville, Ky., where they 'will join other members of the company in the opening production of the Cameo terns and construction, and has been ordered to report at San Francisco i.ext month During the war he served in tne capacity of a signal of vxer aboard the U. S. S. Von Stcu hen carrying troops to France. Lieut. Virgil O. Barnard of Bir mingham, Ala., and his bride, for merly Miss Emma -" Saunders of Omaha, are spending a few days at the Fontenelle. They expect to mo tor to Birmingham in a few days. Mrs. John L. Kennedy and chil dren have left their summer home, on the coast of Maine, enroute. home. They spent several days last week at Niagara Falls and arevex pected tn Omaha, the first part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Tounsetld and family are spending the summer at . i ir:iA...nA ineir mountain numc, hmuwuv, near Pueblo, Colo. Mr. and Mrs TounscnaVsare among the newcomers to Omaha who already have a large number of friends. . " Miss Mercedes Tensen has re turned from New York, where she has been taking a course in daitcing. Miss lensen will entertain at sup- ner at her home Sunday night in honor of her guest, Miss Mary Le- cand of Houston, lex. 1710 Douglas St. Society Call Walnut 5370- Musical company. Miss Wilcox was a member of this company during the latter part of last season. Fishing Party. , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Linder and .children return Monday from Water loo, where they have enjoyed a fish ing trip. v Program Committee Meets. The program committee of the Benson Woman's club held a called rrieeting Friday afternoon from 1 to 3 in the rest room of the city Kali. The arrangement of the club pro gram for the coming year was the work under consideration. League of Women Voters. A meeting of the League of Wom en Voters vas held Friday after noon in the auditorium of the city hall. Mrs. E. S. Rood, district di rector, gave an interesting and in structive talk on the work and aims of this organization. , Joint Annual Picnic. The joint annual picnic of the Nar cissus chapter of the O. E. S. and the -Masonic lodce of Benson will be held Saturday, August 28, at Sum- nTer Hill farm, near Bennington, Neb. Minnehaha Campfire Girls. The campfire girls of ,the Minne haha group who ' sfent two weeks camping at Lake Cjuinnebaugh, had most enjoyable time, bwimmtng. boating, fishing, horseback riding and hikes were included in their daily outine. Members of the party, in cluded Miss Mildred Thompson, guardian, and the Misses May lates. Fern Zellers. Lucille Jaobsen! Flor ence Mcllnay, Olga Sorensen, Mada- lme Grosst-inella Legge, Viola ana Gertrude Moore,' Gee Gardner and Marian Byram. Miss Evangeline Byram was a guest of the party. . Personals. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Tindell and .... i .r in: sons are visiting reiauves in Ha noi's. Mis Glee Gardner is home from a vacation trip spent in the Ozark mountains. Mrs. H. D. Gardner is visiting relatives and friends in Wisner and West Point.' . Harry Hyter of Enid, Okl., is vis iting at the home ot Mr. ana JVirs. Walter Reishaw. . Mrs. Robert Wallace and infant daughter returned home Sunday from the hospital. Mr'.'" and- Mrs. James Courtney spent the week-end with relatives near Council Bluffs.' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Snell and daughter, Virginia, spent the. week end at Plattsmouth, Neb. Mrs. Mary Yates and sons, Wes ley and Daniel, returned home from a two weeks' vTsit in Chicago. Mrs. M. E. Campbell returned Fri day from an extended visit among friends and relatives. in Illinois. Glen Gardner arrived home Fri day from a business trip through Colorado, Wyoming and Kansas. The Misses Cecil and Mabel Jones are spending the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Long of Fre mont, Neb. V "" Messrs. Kyrle and Ed Sheffer of Chicago are visiting at the Home of their sister, Mrs. Jack StreighK and Mr. Streight - Mrs. Clinton Smith and son, Nor vin, of Big Springs arrived Monday to visit at the home of Mr. Smith's To the business man, retail or wholesale; to the manufacturer; to the commission nun; to the trucking company the Ford Model T One Ton Truck makes an irresistible appeal because it hat in its chassis all the merits of the original Ford car; , the wonderful Ford Model T motor, the dependable Vanadium steel chassis and the manganese bronze worm-drive. A strongly built truck that serves satisfactorily and lasts in service. If these statements were not true, the demand for'Ford Trucks wouldn't be so constantly on the increase. Any of the Authorized Ford Dealers mentioned below will be pleased to take your order for one or more ' Ford-Trucks, will see that you gat reasonably prompt delivery, and will give you an after service that insures the constant service of the Truck. But don't wait too long. Get your order in promptly. ' McCaffrey Motor Company, 15th and Jackjon Sts. "Sample-Hart Motor Company, 18th and Burt Ste. Universal Motor Company 2562 Leavenworth St. C. E. Paulson Motor Company, 20th and Ames Ave. " Adkins" Motor Company, 4911 South 24th St. mothrr, Mrs. T. J. Smith, and also among relatives and friends Jn Shen andoah, la. Rev. E. Duncan, superintendent of Baptist missions in Omaha, will de liver the sermon Sunday morning at the Benson Baptist church. , Mrs. Thomas Anderson arr'ed hoiue Tuesday from a fhree weeks' visit at the home oLier son, Harold Anderson, of Wheeling, W. Va. The Misses' Gladys And Iola Rob inson of Newman GjM.-e; Neb., have been guests during the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fitch. Miss Lillian Calvert arrived home the latter part of the week from Mitchell, NcKt where she visited he( sistcr,Mrs. Roy Young, and Mr.' Young. Mrs. D. J. Detwiler and daughter, Abbie. Gertrude, of Enid, Okl., are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. turtz and Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Reishaw. ' Mr. and Sirs. Joseph Moron are spending their vacation at Estes park, Colti Miss Charlotte Moron is enjoying a visit at the home of her aunt, Mrs. E. E. Smith, and Mr. Smith in Omaha. ' Mrs. Thomas Hilligas and daugh ter," Miss Hester Hilligas, left Sat-! urdayTir Hannibal Mo., and Plain ville. 111., where they will virt relal tives and friends. . Mfs. R. Burford and daughter, Eloise, arrived home Monday from a six weeks' visit among relatives and friends in St. Louis, Mo., and Little Rock and Hot Springs, Ark Mr. T. D. Tuttle arrivedFriday to accompany h son, Mr. p. H. Tut tle, and family to Torrington, Wyo., where .they will visiti before going to taeirnew'home at Boulder, Colo, Cedar Clean? Irons ' On ironing day use small branches of cedar to clean irons. Put on a newspaper and rub irons over it the same as when using beeswax. And at Butter-Nut Coffee The One Pest Way to Make Butter-Nut Coffee Measure both water and coffee 1 tablespoon of Bntter-Ifnt Coffee for 1 lari'e cup. Have the ground coffee tied in a cloth bag very loosely so the grounds mill expand. Have water boiling vigorously, drop in bag of coffee, pushed down to soak well, then remove from fire, or so the coffee will not boll. Remove bog in -three or four minutes. PAXTON & GALLAGHER CO.- KSKSM H 63 iV THE UNIVERSAL CAR S: :: STEIN WAY:: Th name auggatt greater value in actual worth ai' welt mukical exprexion than that of any other maker. i If you concur in every argument for Steinway and heiitata at the price, remember it is the higher coit that makes all Steinway attributei possible. Your piano or player accepted in exchange at its full value. ' Terms to suit your convenience. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. Sole-Representatives of Steinway & Sons in this Locality. 114-18 South 15th St. Phone Doug. 1623 USE BEE WANT ADS the Picnic THEY BRING RESULT m 'Ha m ill ? Tl wot -