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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1920)
I ( THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 2't 1920. 2 B i 1 ilr : 1 1 (1 Society To Go Abroad j a fvl ) 9 i! Jv is-Newton. ' 1 Mr. and Mrs. William Xewton an nounce the 'engagement -of their daughter, Mary Elizabeth,' to Wil liam Henry Harris, son of Mrs. Rus t-ell Harris. The wedding will take place this fall. Miss Newton attend ed the University of Nebraska and also that of George Washington in Washington, D. C. She is a mem ber of kappa Kappa Gamma. Luncheon. Miss Mary Anstea. will entertain at luncheon on Tuesday the girls w ho assist her at the" christening of the United States No. 1 balloon, which is entered in the international balloon races next month in Chica go. Miss Anstead is visiting Major and Mrs. Henry. C. White at thei 'quarters at Fort Omaha, and will re turn to her home in Cleveland earl in September. I Affairs for Miss Mangan, I Miss Lunice Mangan, whose mar riage to Joseph Ebert will take place September 1, has been honor guest tt many affairs. During the past vetk her hostesses included Misses Margaret . McCormack, Pauline Ryan, Jane Cummins, Gertrude Cpbry and Caroline Lang. Miss Marie Bell. will entertain during the coming week for this popular bride-to-be. .-.- Festival. The Epworth Jeagues of the city will hold a festival at the Hanscom Park Methodist Episcopal church Friday evening. Each league will have on display its gifts to the Meth odist hospital and the league with thr .largest donation is to be awarded a';pennant. There are to be stunt "Htimbers by members of the leagues. Rev. Edgar Merril Brown is in charge. 'Vi! " rr Bride. ;jCfrs. M. C. Hagarly entertained ift viier home Thursdav evening in Jiotior olMrs. M. J. Ilagarty, a re cent; bride'.' Forty-five guests were ojisen." Assisting the hostess Were i,Msdamcs r. J. Bowes, Joseph M .liiuan and Chatles Wood. K ' j.'.y Columbian Club. H.-.-vfaro party will be given Wednesday afternoon at Lyceum 'tSk.U, Twenty-second and Locust, by ins Columbian club of Sacred Heart 'is-Wsh.' The hostesses will be Mes- iafats E.' J. Hussaker and W. L. kVtlkitjson; - .. . i Athletic Club. 'A'Tht Athletic club will close the roof garden on August 31. The Water seaon will begin on October ptfbd the Monday supper dances and the-, Wednesday and Saturday night otniter dantes will be arranged. a . ' To Entertain. iMrs. Glenn C. Wharton will en tej-tain Thursday, evening at the F iPcKirkendall summer home. "Kirk kfd," near Florence, in honor of UK Wharton s birthday. v Kappa Kappa Gamma. r vSrs. Roy Page. Idalia apartments, ft bitty-third and Dodge streets, will tee hostess, to members of Kappa isaftpa mamma at ner nome, i uesaay ernuon. '...--. "Daughters of Civit'.AVar Veterans '" give a picnic Tuesday evening ifi'Jvrue nark for members oi the i&rdnd Army of the Republic and its Auxiliaries, members of Garfield cir- :le and Spanish War Veterans. .Card Party, f"; f.; St Rose parish will give 'a -'card party : Wednesday evening at the school hall, 4102 South Thirteenth treet' Matinee Party. Margaret Smith entertained 16 fluests at the Thursday matinee- dance at Happy Hollow for her e.ousins, Richard and Donald .John- bon. . 4 ' ' Fashion-Show. A fall fashion show wilt be pre ented at Krug park byhe Union Outfitting company on the' evening pf Wednesday August 25. I , Evenmg Card Party. : St. Bernards parish of Benson will bive'a earti party Wednesday even- ng at their hall. ., , Lawn Social. ' v ' 7; r .Holy Name parish will hold 'a dwa social Monday evening at For-y-fifth and .Maple streets. Picnic Supper. 1 Ada kensington, O. E. S.. will old a picnic supper at 6:30 Wednes day evening at Krug park. Many lecrets you will find revealed in the green box of Tfadine Face Powder Thtr ! aicrtts which tvry woman would aolv Mcrtta of etrsonal charm. Tht lcrt of a rot-ptaI cera pUxion NADINE'S gift to womanhood. , Th aeert of taarinj eharra charm which andurca through out th day. Th aacrat of eldn-cotnfort with navar a hint of harm. .To jroa, aiatp a million othara, N A D I N lf wm raveai low tintimata aacrata. ' To caa sraeara NAD1NS frm your favorlta xmm yBw a by nail' tot, S "katiohal TOILET CO.. FariiTaaa., U. S. A. Bold Brsndis Storn and Other !r. and Mrs. Henry Wyman en- trrtained dinner at the Country c1ub Saturday evening in honor of William Wyman of Jndiaiiapolis. Their guests included Messrs. and Mesdames L. J. Stewart, 1. tast iiar.JlL H. Baldiige, Mrs. Titian Coffey of Los Angeles, a guest at the Baldnge home; .iiss Belle iewev and E. W. Dixon. j . R. L. Huntley had seven guests : and Victor Caldwell tour. Country Club Guest at Selby Home II I I I I I II II I II III I I I I I II I IM I I II II I I II II II II I I ll I! Ill il ll Field Club - Almarine To one Omaha girl fate has been so kind that within a short time the book of fairy tales which has been just beyond her reach will open to her delighted gaze and tell it? lovely storios. V1i Almarine Camnhell. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Campbell, has received her passpofts and will sail during the mcTn'th of September to spend the coming year abroad. Miss hatherme Ihompson ot tort Worth. Tex., formerly of Omaha, wiM accompany her. JJotn gins at- Campbell. tended the University of Nebraska, where they were members of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. Mrs. J. Preston, an aunt of Miss Campbell, has lived in Paris for the last 10 years and this Omaha miss plans to reside with her. Mrs. Preston and Miss Florentine Preston visited in the United States a year ago. Miss Campbell will study French and interior decorating while on the continent and plans to make many trips of interest through France, Belgium, Switzerland, and England. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Smith enter tained 12 guests at dinner at the Field club Saturday evening in honor of their guests. Mr. and Mrs. L. A.. Spalding, of Baltimore, Md. Others, entertaining were L. H. Drishaus, 12 guests; T. C. Hyson, 11; Frank Roberts, six; E. L. Phipps, five, and F. P. Owens, four. Mrs. George Amos entertained six children at luncfieon Friday for her niece, Esther Williams, of Council Bluffs. Happy Hollow D. C. Pollard had eight guests at dinner at Happy Hollow club Sat urday evening. ' J. B. Adams had 7; E. A. Benson, 6; H. K. Shafer, 4, and F. J. Martin, 4. Guests at Lake Lakoma. Miss Margarie Current will have as her guests for a week at her cot tage, Edgewood, at Lake Lakoma, the following girls: Gwen' Oswald, Murial Weber, Margaret McCor mack, Frances Ross and Frances Bostrom. Mrs. Parrot will claper on the party. Miss Current entertained inform ally for her guests Fridajr evening. A buffet supper was, served to 20 guests. Mr. and Mrs. Volmer of Lake Lakoma chaperoned the party. Mrs. Parrot entertained for Miss Current and her guests at the Lakoma Country club Saturday. Covers were placed for 12. $ 1 V 1 ! i r. Mrs. Frank Selby has as her guest Miss Lucin Hochstetler of Ne braska City. Miss Hochstetler has been the honor iruest at numerous in- formal affairs since her arrival in Omaha and several others are planned. Fontenelle Court. Fcmtenelle' Court will give a .card. party Tuesday evening, August 24, in room 402 Lyric building. The guljlic is invited. Omaha Review, No.. 6, W. B. As sociation of the Maccabees will give a picnic at Krug park August 25. There will be races of all kinds and for everyone, and a prize waltz at 9:30 p. m.- Theosophical Society. "The Necessity for . Reincarna tion" will be the subiect of a lec ture to be delivered by Miss Clara V.. Rlnmer Snndav eveliinar at 8 o'clock in the Omaha Theosophical society rooms, ;i3-io ueiiang hiii'Minc. Sixteenth street and Cani- tol avenue. Library open Wednes day afternoons. , Guild for Nurses. The Guild of St. Barnabas for Nurses will hold a social meeting Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Charles Leslie, 4931 Webster street. Graduate and student nurses are in vited. Frances Willard W. C. T. U. Frances Willard W. C. T. U. will meet Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Y. W. C. A. Election of officers will be held and annual reports given. - Wa' Mothers. Omaha chapter American War Mothers will meet Thursdav eve ning, at 8 o'clock, at Memorial hall. Clubdom Social Settlement Note The six weeks' summer school of kindergarten at the Social Settle ment closed with a party given by the staff of volunteer teachers under the direction of Miss Ethel Beving ton. Owing to the weather the party was held indoors. Refreshments were served to 50 "children. Miss Ethel Bevington, kinder garten director, has been eminently satisfactory, according to statements by workers at the settlement. The enrollment of the kindergar ten, which has been meeting daily. 5 days a week, was 75; average at tendance 40. Miss Bevington has had 20 assistants. The H. E. L. P. club will give a chicken dinner at Riverside park Tuesday evening. Their regular meeting will be held Friday evening at 7:30. The toy-making class for boys will meet Tuesday at 10 a. m. under the direction of Miss Anna Frost. Miss Frost makes the trip weekly from Avoca, la., to donate her services to this class. 8 Cabinet Type Vktrolas "from $125 to $550 $150 Phone . Tyler 3000 for Records on Our Approval Plan Number XI. in Mahogany or Oak NUMBER XI. .00 Vi.ctf ola Will be the very decided choice of thou sands of discriminating music lovers. Why not arrange for yours now? Ask about our FREE TRIAL PLAN or hear it in one of our sound proof TEST ROOMS. Phftue Tyler 3000 for full particulars. Three Wonderful Victor Records "Silver Threads Among the Gold,' John McCormack No. 64260 "Who'll Take the Place of Mary?" OCr Crescent Trio No. 18671 ........ "Oh, By Jingo," (Fox-Trot) All Star Trio-4No. 35696. $1.25 $1.35 i;;iuluiiinliiliiiiiliilNli,li;iiili.iini Bridge Luncheon. Covers were laid for 54 guests at the bridge luncheon given by Mrs. Charles L. VaMmer of the Lakoma Country club last Thursday. The decoration' W';e purple and yellow. Among the out-of-town guests were: Mrs. 9. S. Rosts, Washington, D. C; Miss Elizabeth Oawdall, Washington. D. Mrs. M. C. Whltaker. Lexington, Vtb.i Mrs William Buirt, New York City, N. Y. Prizes were un by Mrs. H. H. Rohprts. Mrs. i. A. Whl. Mrs. Gorge Bron, Mrs R. E. Bom n ilra. Dan Johnson, Mrs. A. Obirreuter. , a,-.ntr,- yl!iES-il!ieL VlMy fits ,GC If f?K ft The Homac I - All the romance of a twentieth century business day. is passing between the four walls of this building every minute of every da, offering ' Steady, profitable and agreeable em ployment, with promotions to more re sponsible positions as rapidly as your ability is shown. The best possible working conditions in Ihe most modern of office buildings, with congenial associates a beautifully fur nished rest room for your enjoyment in your rest periods and, what is more to the point, good pay from the day you start, with frequent increases. A training course given to every em ployee by our efficient instruction staff, fitting her for her position before she is assigned to commercial work. If your present employment does not of fer these advantages, you should by all means look into this offer very thoroughly.- Call Miss Bell, 318 New Tele phone Building. The American Telephone and Telegraph Company Long Distance Lines Department The August Sale of Furs ,fias But Eight More Days to Run , I AM in very close touch with the " raw fur markets and the fur manufacturing conditions of the United States, so my advice is of real value to you. I advise very strongly that you purchase your furs this month and assure you that it will mean a great saving in price. Make Comparisons Before You Buy I could quote long lists of prices and offer ,large per centages of discount, but these things do not guide you in buying "furs.. You must see the garments and Compare Quality Compare Workmanship V Compare Price 1 In this way only can you hope to judge value. In my travels throughout the east I have seen the garment illustrated here at prices ranging from $675 to2,300. I have it in stock made from my fine Canadian Minks at $850. How can you possibly judge whether this is a bargain unless you see the garment. We show furs cheerfully. Watch Our Windows They Are an Education .in Fur. al .IlJJ 19th and Farnam Streets ToUat kouKcra i '