Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1920, Image 1

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The Omaha. Sbnday B
VOL. L NO. 10.
Intn SMtid-C'lH Mtltof May 2S, 190. It
Ouka P. 0. Ui Art Marah S. 1171.
OMAHA. SUNDAY 'MORNING, AUGUST 22, 1920. g;tr ii
. (
Railroad Officials Declare
Freight Increase Does Not
.Justify Rise in Majority
Of Commodities. -
Show Additional Charges on
Staple Articles of Food
Between Many Points Come
To But Fraction of Cent.
t hlraro Trltiune-Omah Am la.rd Wire.
Washington, Aug. 21. The freight
rat incrczse recently granted th:
tailroads by the Interstate lom-
Terre cor.iniissipn will not be a
justifiable cause for piling another
burden on the ultimate consumer's
pocketbool:. This is the conviction
of railroad operators, labor statis
ticians and government officials, in
cluding officials of the Department
of Justice, whose business it is to
watch out for profiteers, in th
United States nd to bring them to'ice if they can. 1 .
j Anticipating that some of the
profiteering experts of the country
inay be chuckling over a chance to
give price" of commodities another
hike when the netv rates get to
vorking, the Pennsylvania railroad
has prepared some pertinent. figures
to show the consumer that he shouhl
, not be plundered on this account.
' "The publit should- be" fore
warned," say Pennsylvania railroad
officials in a statement issued here
presenting figures to prove their
contention, "and forearmed against
any attempts to take advantage of
the freight rate advance for the pur-
, pose of justifying profiteering."
The warning of the railroad com
pany is hacked up with figures
showing how sightly the retail
prices of commodities should be ai
tVcted by the rate increases.!-.
Increases Most Negligible. 1
"While i's true," says the Penn
slvania statement, "that 'in the case
of we few as tides and commodi
es, small increases in price may be
justified,"he1css, the amounts
wh-ch in ny instairce cotild fairly
'e added o the present facts are a
small fraction of the whole, and in
the case of practically every articie
or commodity of daily consumption
i he increases in transportation
' "r'hSrges ar relatively so small JS'Wf
')e practically rcghgibe.
"Let us sec what these ' figures
mean to the household consumer
who buys flour by the sack, eggs
and oranges by the dozen, and but-'
tcr by the pound. -
"Most flour is shipped in carload
lots. Taking the fate from Min
neapolis to Philadelphia, the 40 per
cent increase will amount to 33
cents per barrel of 200 poutHs. On
a 24-pound sack of flour this will
be just a trifle less ihan 4 cents.,
Even if the flour is shipped in less
than carload lots, the viaerease in
the freight charge per 24 "bounds
would be 7 cents. v
Half-Cent Dozen on Ergs.
"As a crate of cgffs contains 30
dozen, a glance at tnc taie win
show that on a carload
the added freight charges, would be
about half a oeuvper dozen erfgs,
and in the less tha)i carload 'ot ship
ment about two-third of a cent, a
dozen. u
"Similarly, it will be obsen'ed that
(Continued nn Purs' Two. C olumn Three.)
Woman Plans Every;
Detail in Building
Of Large State Barn
Lincoln, Aug.
21. (Special).
s rrrc not yet in
; Women architects'
' vogue, ana tne designing oi inoucrn
farm buildings is notlusually consid-
rred in their line, but Miss, Lena
Ward, late superintendent of the
girls' industrial honie at Milfprd,
planned every detail of, a big i file
barn which has been pronounced- by .
experts to be beyond criticism, ac
cording to members of' the state
boird of control.
.The board, in fact, is building the
, barn according to specifications, con
tracts having been let Friday for the
lumber to the Pauley Lumber com
pany of MilforjJ for $2,284, and to
he Orschcl companv Qf Omaha for
the roofing at $565.20. i
Tile fdr the bamt was bought a
vear tigo for $1,388, and work on the
building was started with labor hired
bv the day. The total cost di mate
" rial alone for the structure, vith
eround dimensions 36 by 105 fectis
H.287. The last legislature appro
priated $6,000 for the barn and a silo
Miss Ward was recently transfer
red to 'the supcrintendency of th
girls' industrial home at Geneva.
Union President Orders .
Indiana Miners' to Work
Terre Haute. Ind., Aug, 21. Pres
ident Ed Stewart of District No. 11,
United Mine Workers of America,
today ordered all members of local
unions now on strike in Indiana to
return to work immediately, pending
a meeting of tlm. miners' and opera
tors,' district scale commitieej) here
Daughter of Villa Is
Victim of Tuberculosis
San Antonio. Tex., Aug. 21 Ray
' nalda Villa, daughter of Francisco
Villa, died last right from tuber
culosis. She was 19 years old and
a native of Mexico, coming here
with her mother when Villa took to
the bandit life in Mexico.. Ihe fu
. . , .... . f j
neral was
ment here.
hfld today," win inter-
Hays Charges Governor
.Cox Dominated by Wilson
And 4' Unnamed "Bosses"
- . , ,
Republican Chairman Says Democratic Candidate
- Appealss,to Both Anti and Administration Fac
tions of His Party Denies G. 0. P. Plans to Ex
pend Excessive Sums to Elect Candidates.
Augusta, Me.,. Aug. 21. Will i.
Hays, chairman of the republican
national committee today opened his
party's campaign in this state for
election of members of congress
with a speech in which 'he asserted
that Governor Cox was dominated
by President Wilson and four un
named "bosses."
"The dem6cratic candidate ,
peals to both the Wilson and tne
anti-Wilsou factions of his party,"
declared Mr. Hays- "To the former
he holds forth the president's plat
form. To the latterjie exhibits him
self as-an advocate of complete
change in administration. , He offers
to the country for foreign urt the
Wilson government and. fior do
rncstft scrvrce Tammany Hall truly
a matvelous combination of im-
Tpotcnce and ill repute."
Mr. Hays dtvoted much ot ins
speech " to' discussing campaign
funds, rfenyiag vigorously that the
republican party, planne'd to expend
excessive sums to, elect Senator
Harding and Governor Coolidge.
lso denying thjt Trillions had
"pone into the reputyuam treasury"
from "certain hiterestif handed to
gether to buy the presidency" a
statement which he credited to Gov
rmor Cox Mr. Hays declared that
this amounted to a charge of con
spiracy to betray the country.
May Raise Maximum.
Referring to the republican plan
to limit individual 1 caynpaign con-
Four North Sixteenth . Street
Stores Visited Recent
Druriks Gave Officers
Jip for Search.
A squad of policeinder the direc
tion of Detective George. Summit of
the Central station, swooped down
upon a soft drink parlor, grocery
store and drygoods store, all in the
vicinitv of 602 North Sixteenth
.-atretfvvSaturday afternoon .and : dis
covered more than 700 gallons of
"hootch" and whisky.
At the drygoods-. store of Ben
jamin Layton, 602 North Sixteenth
istreet.-.omcers found hidden, behtnd
the counters and ,in modetfk more
than 200 eallons of "booze.''' Follow
ing the faid "at the Layton store, D"
tective summit led his liquor
hounds" to-. the i grocery store of
Joe Bath, 604 North Sixteenth street,
where 5UU gallotjs of extract was
discovered. The extract was in small
bottles and police : say was being
sold as a beverage, .y '
The soft drink parlor of E. R.
McNally, 824 North Sixteenth street,
yielded . butfjonp gallon of "hootch"
in spit? of the? officers' close insc
tion. Several empty gallon jugs were
hipmentV0i"d,'-in.the "ar 9 store.
last wek started a campaign against
oftdrink parlors in this state se4I-
g intoxicating liquor, f j
According to police, several
drinks have ' been - arrested in the
vicinity of thete stores and were
responsible for tt xaidfp
tavton. Bath and McNally were
arrested for having1 in their posses
sion intoxicating liquor.
. 4 : .
Conipany -Announces
All Strikebreakers To c
. Be Sent From City
Denver, . Colo., Aug. 21. One
Globeville car was bombarded with
rocks early today arid crews have
refused to attempt another run on
that line unless given firearms.
Military guards were placed on all
cars in the north division today.
Striking trainmen were to meet to
morrow to formulate terms on which
they are willing to return to work.
The company announced that the
117 strikebreakers at the cast side
barns and the 125 at the rentral
barns, all those remaining in the
city, would be deported Monday. A
large detachment was reported to
have been sent to Cleveland, O.
One car was badly damaged 'and
the crew severely beaten, aiir the
trucks had jumped the rails on the
Globeville line last night.
Where to find
'The Bif features of
The Sunday Bee.
x -
"Jimmy" Montague in prose,
Page 8, Part 4.
Facts mean nothing to Omahans,
Page 1, Part 4.
Letters From a Home-Made
Man to Hi Son, Page 2, Part,4.
Heart Secrets of' Fortune
Teller, Page 8, Part 2. "
An Omaha Man Visits George
Ade, Page 1, Part 4. .
Things Home-Builders Want, to
Know, Page 8, Part 2. . .
Sports, Pages 1, 2 and 7, Part 3.
Woman's News and Gossip, Part
2. "
Movies and Theaters, Pages 5, 6
and 7, Part 4.
Boys and Girls, Page 3, Part 4.
' Omahans in Caricature, Page 8,
tributions to $1,000, Mr. Havs said.
" "If this attempt fails to produce
the requisite sums, we shall so state
publicly, increase the maximum, and
seek additional contributions.
Declaring' .that the party needed
about $3,000,000, Mr. Hays said that
no criticism of the democrats for
seeking the largest obtainable con
tributions would be ottered.
".N'or shall we in resentful emula
tion of the positive charges of the
democratic candidates so much as
intimate -that their responsible of.
dicers will use any part of their
funds corruptly" he said. "Frankly
and sauarely, as between mutual
respecting citizens, we don't be
lieve they will, or would if they
"But I give fair warning now that
neither the republican candidates
nor the republican management will
take faise aspersions JymfT down.
If. at the decision of our adversaries
this campaign shall finally resolve
injo a question of personal charges,
ve- know of no reason, aside from
natural distaste, why we should not
meet that issue as readily as any
1 Says Cox Zigzagging.
After announcing that the repub
lican paty had pobably never before
enjoyed such complete unanimity of
acceptance and approval after a
presidential nomination, Mr.v Hays
accused the democrats of indecision
(Continued Pairs Two, Column Tiro.)
Thought Him Disinherited
When Separated in 1912
Declares fThey Were
Not Really Divorced.
San Francisco, Aug. 21. Is Pearl
Gilmore Alisky the wife of Charles
W. Alisky, millionaire director of a
chain of motion picture theaters?
She divorced him in Oregon in
January, 1912. - Since then she has
remarjriei,J.jHer. second. , husband,
the Terrible. Ambrose, who , co
starred with Charlie Chaplin, was
killed i in an accident five months
after -their marriage. '
: ..WhenMrs. Alisky1 sought her di
vorce in ' Oregon she understood
that AlisTcy had been disinherited.
Since then' he has fallen heir to a
million. She began legal proceed
ings in. the. superior court here to-
day to be declared his wife and
never to have been legally divorced
from him.' , .
'Jfarried in 1907. ,
The cosafle were married in San
Diego in 1907. Mrs.. Alisky was
Clara Pearl Gilman, sister of Mrs.
Maybelle Gilman Corey, wife of W.
E. Corey, former president of the
United States Steel corporation.
The papers filed today were very
brief, merely reciting that the couple
had married in'jSan Diego in 1907,
that at various,, times since then
Alisky has claimed that she is not
his wife, whereas she claims she is
and asks the court to declare her his
lawful wife.
Ernest Pagnuelo, the lawyer,. who
is representing Mrs. Alisky, said that
his client had sought a divorce in
San Francisco in, September, 1911.
The action was dismissed the same
year. Pagnuelo says that Mrs.
Alisky was then induced by her hus
band to go to Oregon Citv. Ore..
f where she brought a new action for
divorce. -
Base Claim on Law.
Alleging that the woman, through
the misrepresentation and fraud of
others, was led to testify that she
was a resident of Oregon when she
was not, Pagnuelo claims that the
Oregon courts had no jurisdiction,
that no valid divorce decree was ever
granted, and -that Pearl Gibson is
still the wife of Alisky and entitled
to a wife's rights.
Mrs. Alisky has figured frequent
ly in marital records. In November,
1912, she became the wife of Theo
dore Armreitpr at Oakland. He was
arrested socm afterwards for obtain
ing money under false pretenses.
Following their separation, came the
marriage to the Terrible Ambrose
of the movies.
Alisky is the son of a wealthy
Portlani family. His father made
millions as a candy manufacturer
and accumulated much property in
the northern city. Young- Alisky
recently fell heir to his father's for
tune. Now comes his .wife's actiorf
to once more be known as his wife.
Danger Signal Wanted at
Country Club Crossing
Lincoln, Aug. 21. (Special.) A.
G. Mehl and nine others have peti
tioned the Nebraska railway com
mission to order a signal or warn
ing at the Country club crossing of
the Southern Interurban out of
"There is a cut through a big hill,
with no chance to see a car when
it is coming," the petition says.
"Cars run 40 to SO miles an hour
through this cut, blow-whistles -very
seldom, and then only when they
jare right on the crossing."
Grants Rate Increase.
Austin, Tex., Aug. 21. The Texas
railroad commission granted an in
crease in all intrastate freight rates
of 33 1-3 per cent and an a 20 per
cent increase in excess jbaggage
Reports Indicate That G. 0. P.
Will Carry Buckeye State by
More Than Usuel Majority in
National Election.
Attempts of Qemo Candidate
To Prove His Progressive
Stand Brings Forth Sharp
Comment in Marion Stan.
Chlraco Tribune-Omaha Bee Leeaed Wire.
Marion, O., Aug. 21. Reports that
have come in from state scouts dur
ing the week indicate that the drift
of sentiment, in Ohio at least, is
toward the republican candidate for
presidency. The normal republican
majority in this state, based on many
elections, is 58,000; the development
of the campaign so far leads to the
conviction that if nothing goes wrong
this V majority will be greatly in
creased in November.
The efrt of Governor Cox in his
speeches to the democratic conven
tion at Columbus, to make it appear
that Senator Harding had been "re
actionary" in their Ohio political ac
tivities has brought forth pungent
comment in the senator's papers, th,e
Marion Star, and has caused some
amusement in republican headquar
ters. An-interesting bit cf political his
tory is found m the Ohio book of
facts, written in 1918 by Harvey C.
Garber, for many years a leading
democrat in Ohio. Mr. Garber was
opposing Cox for governor. As a
former state chairman and former
democratic ational committeeman,
his support of Willis, republican
nominee, was a political sensation.
Quote Cox Editorial.
The book of facts refers to Gov
ernor Cox as the man "who tried to
take the credit from Governor Har
mon for the workmen's compensa
tion law and to use the industrial
committee for his own political ag
grandizement." An editorial in Cox's
Dayton paper for January 27, 1904,
is given as showing wfcether or not
Cox has been progressive. This fol
lows: "B-yan is a greater aid to the
republican party than any of its own
leaders. , And just so long as demo
crats are ' permitted to be reviled,
browbateattd'oersecuted bv the
tongue and pen of Bryan, and he is
permitted to dominate the party with
his 'isms, so long will it go down
to defeat."
Another editorial in the same pa
per. June 1. 1904. when it was ap
parent that the reactionaries would
control the -democratic national con
vention in St. Louis, reads: 'The
democratic party had been afflicted
with appertdicitis in two successive
campaigns (1896-1900), which very
seriously affected its running quali
ties, but the populistic veriform ap
pendix of the party will be ampu
tated at the national convention at
St. Louis and its candidate will be
Passed Liability Act
The Marion Star says: "In Ohio
everybody knows that a republican
legislature passed the employers' lia
bility legislation two years before
Governor Cox came into office.
That a republican legislature took
the steps required to initiate a con
stitutional convention and that con
vention prepared a new constitution
which made it possible for the legis
lature to extend and strengthen the
principle of employers' liabilities.
That after the constitution was
amended the Cox administration
doctored the legislation, hut did it
so badly that it was never satisfac
tory, and it had finally to be per
fected by the republican legislature
of 1919. Governor Cox's responsi
bility for other reforms is about on
a par with this,"
It is further pointed out after
trying the new constitution for four
years the people of Ohio elected Mr.
Harding tO'the senate by a plurality
of 102,373, while Cox was defeated
for governor. by 29,270.
Cornfields Grow Where
Early Jown' Once Stood
Plattsmouth, Neb., Aug. 21. (Spe
cial.) The once prosuerous pioneer
village of Rock Bluffs, located a few
miles south of this city, has passed
into history, as this year's waving
corn fields mark the location of this
once thriving town of the weslern
frontier. There the busy steamboat
landing stood, the murky waters of
the Big Muddy now flow serenely
on their way to the gulf. Many of
the early settlers who were identi
fied with the life of the town are
buried in the cemetery ovetlooking
the river, second in point of heightb.
to any spot along the river between
Sioux City and Kansas City.
Predicts Sugar Will Drop
To 10 Cents by January
Chicago, Aug. 21. Sugar will be
10 to 11 cents a pound by January,
R. J. Poole, secretary of the city
council's high Cost of living com
mittee, stated in submitting the re
sult of investigation. f
The reports states that the new
Cuban crop will be about 4,000.000
tons or three times the 1914 crop.
Authorities Powerless to
Help Americans in Moscow
Helsingfors, Aug. 21. Nothing
can be done to rescue Americans
stranded in Moscow, in the poinion
of American authorities here, who
assert any attempts to help them
would probably increase their dif
J. M. ' Washburn, Jewelry
Salesman, Loses Stones
- Valued aV $5,500 at j
Rourke Park.
While J. M. Washburn, saleshian
for the Byrne M. Duss wholesale
jewelry firm, 1212 First National
Bank block, was rooting for the
Rourkes at yesterday's ball feame, a
nimble-fingered pickpocket lifted an
envelope from Washburn's coal
pocket. The envelope contained one
diamond of two karats and three.dia
monds of one karat each. The total
value of the four stones was $5,500,
according to Washburn's report id
the police. In a wallet in his trous
ers' pocket Washburn had ?300. It
was not stolen.
Mr. Washburn said that he gave
little attention to a well-dressed man
sitting next to him. "We were all
cheering wildly when 'the Omaha
team shoved into the lead and, al
though the stranger jostled me a bit,
I thought nothing of it.
"During the second game the
stranger asked me what time it was.
I told him it was 6 and he explained
that he had to leave to keep an ap
pointment. "A few minutes later I missed my
Mr Waetibnrn iq ihr same man
who iost diamonds valued at $30,000'
two months ago at Torrington, Wyo.
Two trunks containing the precious
stones were stolen from a jewelry
store where he had left them on ex
hibition. Urg.
nn i ' .
es leacners to
Learn of Proposed
State Amendments
Lincoln, Aug. 21. (Special). Ne
braska teachers attending institutes
in six comities the last week have
been ureed bv State Superintendent
John M. Matzen, who spoke -at each
of these institutes, to get copies of
the 41 proposed amendments to the
state constitution to be voted upon
at a special election September 21.
The teachers were asked to famil
iarize themselves with the amend
ments not only for their personal in
formation as voters, but in order to
be able to give information on the
subject to schol patrons when they,
are employed.
Mr. Matzeji said he not only failed
to find any shortage of teachers in
the state, but one county. Merrick,
reported a surplus of 10. The county
has normal training in high schools
and qualifies more teachers than it
can absorb.
Buffalo county had the largest in
stitute with 154 teachers. Mr. Mat
zen is at work on another itinerary
for next week, which he hopes will
allow him to visit six mo,re institutes
1,000 Visitors Expected for
, Merchants' Market Week
Merchants' Market week, which
opens next Monday, will bring more
than 1,000 business men and their
v.ives to Omaha. Entertainments
for the guests will be staged each
night; ending Thursday. Monday
night the men from the trade terri
tory surrounding Omaha will be
taken to he "Sky-Low" show , at
Ak-Sar-Ben den. Their wives will
!c entertained at a' theater party at
the Orpheum.
The Passing Show of 1920
Appearance of Caruso in City
Oct. 12 Real Coincidence
Huge Daylight Parade.
" Sebastian Falcone, president of
the Christopher" Columbus society,
has been elected chairman of a gen
eral committee which will have
charge of the Columbus day cele
bratifln in Omaha on October 12.
Ignatius S. Ancona is treasurer and
Claudio Deli'ala is secretary.
It is proposed to make this year's
celebration better than any previous
one of this kind in Omaha. An after
noon parade with floats will be a
-feature. Representations will be in
vited from all local organizations.
Although the Italians are taking the
initiative in 'this matter, they be
lieve that it is an occasion which
should be observed by Americans of
all classes.
The appearance of Caruso in the
Auditorium on tlje evening of Octo
ber 12 will be made the occasion for
attendance by local Italians in con
nection with the 'Columbus day pro
gram. The preliminary plans of this ob
servance were made Friday at a
meeting held in Columbus hall,
Sixth and Pierce streets, L. J. Piatti
acting as chairman of the meeting.
Public Service Co.
" Asks Plattsmbuth
For Increased Rates
Plattsmouth, Neb., Aug. 21. (Spe
cial.) P(lattsmouth's contract for
street lighting, franchise and con
sumers' rate agreement with the
.Nebraska Gas and Electric company
will expire within the next 30 days,
and the company is preparing to
ask for a 20 per cent all-around ad
vance, over present rates. The coun
cil recently sanctioned an pdvance
in gas rates from $1.75 to $2.10 a
thousand, and during the first month
under the higher rate the company
claims a deficit of $100 exis'.s in its
operating expenses. To increased
freight rates is laid the present re-i
quest for further increases. The
consumers' light rate is 13 1-2 cents
per killowatt, with 10 per centi dis
count for prompt payment of bills.
The new ordinance to be introduced
provides for a rc.idjustment of rates
every two years, as conditions may
Dedicate National Park
Highway Next Wednesday
Washington. At:g. 21. Secretary
Pavne announced that the national-
park-to-park highway would be of
ficially dedicated to "the public next
Wednesday when the official desig
nation party leaves Denyer to fix the
official ' route. The highway will
connectll national parks and tra
verse nine western states, being ap
proximately 4,700 miles in length.
The Weather
Fair and
warmer Sun-
r. .
k .
9 .
M: .
1 p. m. . .
t p. m. . ,
8 P. nt...
4 p. m...
K p. m. . .
K p. m...
m.. .
m.. .
m.. .
7 p. m.
12.HOOQ ,
I . m.
Certification of Tennessee's
Ratification, Stopped by
Court's Edict Antis Win
First Move.
Bj The AMMtated Prei.
Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 21. Chan
cellor James B. Newman today is
sued a writ of injunction temporarily
restraining Governor Roberts,' Sec
retary of State Stevens and the
speakers of the Tennessee senate
and house from certifying to Secre
tary of State Colby Tennessee's
ratification of the woman suffrage
A meeting of the Tennessee house
today to clinch ratification of the
federal suffrage amendment was
blocked by anti-suffrage members,
30 of whom left Nashville last mid
night for Alabama so as to make
impossible a quorum at the session
which was to have opened at
10 a. m.
Only 59 members, seven less than
a quorum, answered to their names
when Speaker Walker called the
house to order. The speaker de
clared he house in recess for one
hour to give the sergeant-at-arms
time" to round up absentees. Since
30 of the absent members were re
ported at Decatur, Ala., however,
there seemed little prospect that a
quorum could be had.
Birmingham, Ala., Aug. 2L
Thirty members of the Tennessed
house have gone to Decatur, Ala.,
according to the conductor of the
Louisville & Nashville train, which
arrived at 9:30 a. m.
Arrest Absent Ones.
Speaker Walker directed the ser-geant-at-anns
to arrest and bring
before the bar of the house all 'ab
sent members.
Suffrage advocates had panned
todny to move to reconsider the
ratification vote of last Wednesday,
when the nmer.dmt-nt was approved,
40 to 47, and then to lay that mo
t;or on the table, thus preventing
further efforts at reconsideration.
Raises Parliamentary Law.
I. K. Riddick, suffrage leader, de
c'ared the legislature was acting un
der federa' and not state law in con
sidering ihe suffrage amendment
and that the state constitutional
quorum wis n r necessary.
He' moved that the Walker mo
tion for reconsideration be taken,
f'om the iournil. The speaker held
the Riddick mition out of order. On
an tppeal o the house, the Speaker
was overruled, 49 to 8.
Salt Lake Sugar Dealers
Indicted by Grand Jury
Salt Lake City, Aug. 21. Indict
ments charging the Utah-Idaho
Sugar company, its officers and many
other prominent Salt Lake and
Ogden business men with having
made exorbitant profits in the sale of
sugar, in violation of the Lever act,
were returned today by a special
United States gra,nd jury which has
been, in secret session here since
August 11. Bench warrants have
been issued for the arrest of those
' Trade in Wheat" Again.
Winnipeg, Aug. 21. Trading in
wheat futures, which opens tomor
row for the Irst time since May.fMalcolm
1V17, was the absorbing topic on the
floor today. Conjectures on what
the opening price would be ranged
from 2.55 to $2.75.
Night Trip to Hastings Asylum
Planned by Officers to Pre
vent Attempt to Lynch Stod
dard Farmer.
Feeling Running' High at;
Stoddard Over .Verdict of.
Health Board State Physi
cian Advised His Removal.
. Hebron, Neb., Aug. 21. (Special.)'.
rred tfosteimann, Modnard tarm
er, who had been charged with the'
murder of bis 19 year-old daughter.
Frieda, on June 7, was adjusted in i
sane after an extensive examination!!
Saturday by Dr, W. S. Fast, super- I
intendent of the state, insane asylum II
at Hastings. Dr. Fast recommended J
to the board of health that the farm- il
the case as one of paranoia, ths1
brain being affected by old age.
At the close of the meeting of ths'l
health iboard, held in the clerk ot.
the district court's office Saturday1
afternoon. Harvey Hess, county at
torney, withdrew the charge of mur
der which he had formerly f ileef
against Bostelmann.
Plan Night Trip. ,"
It is understood that the man wilf
be spirited out of the jail some time'
tonight, and taken by automobile to.
Hastings for an indefinite term in'
the asylum. Heavily armed deputy;1
sneruis ana guaras irom tne asylum
will accompany the automobile tcj
prevent any molestation by Stod
dard citizens who are said to be iri
a high state of excitement over the
finding of the health board,
At the inauest held August ll Dr
A'rthur Bowles gave the opiniorj
that' Frieda Bostelmann met heij
death by poisoning, her condition
indicating that strychnine bad beeri
used. Marie, a younger skter ovj
Frieda's, testified that her fatheili
told all members of tbe family thai '
he would "give them all poison ill
they did not do what he wanter.
them to." ,
On August 12 the coroner's jurVi
returned the finding that "Friedf;
Bostelmann came to her deatl;
by strychnine poisoning,, the said
strychnine being felonoiisly adminisfl(
tered by "her father, Fred Bostel ,
mann." Bostelmann's vife and twn
iions. Henry ami Elmer, testifier
that they Relieved the father insah
for the oast several months and no1'
responsible for hij acts.
Guard Against Attack. ;
Authorities have taken every prej
caution to protect the life of the ac
cused man, as feeling against hi it'
by residents in the vicinity of hi:?
home has run high. V
Testimony offered at the hearing
immediately after the death,
Bostelmann girl showed that tht;
father had opposed the marriage o
his daughter to W. J. Baizke, 4
teacher in a Lutheran school ,;;
Chester, and, they had quarreled ove
the matter on several occasions!
The county attorney also claimed tf;
have positive ev'dence that Bostelli
mann purchased "medicine" for hii.
daughter at Oxford, Neb., when tlw
same drug could have been puri;
chased in any of the several towni
nearer his home.
Accused Thief Of
1 $70,000 In Jewels
Says It Was Just Jok
' si
Aew Wk, Aug. 21. "It Hvas jus I
June, i wanica ner 10 xaKe ou
D. L. Shaw, former aviation in I
structor, gave the police this as lii.i
reason for participating in the hold
up of Miss Suzanne Duval, who wa; S
robbed of $70,000 in gems. Shav If
and Harry E. Diamond, from whon if
all the jewels were recovered, wer S.
held m $3,000 bail each today. I
The explanation of the robbery
as maae Dy snaw. toiiowed hours oi
:n; i
grilling Dy me ponce. , s.,s
Miss Duval, a western heiress, tolri
the authorities she met Shaw a yea ) V
ago. Monday night he escorted he-Jy
to the theater. The robbery tool.fe'l
place as they reached her home afte:
the performance.
Ampriran Wnnripn Stoamor
ww vvwvl I VVVUIIIVI
RpnnrteH nn Firo at Ca'!5
'"f VI v v wis I W ui VVC
New York, Aug. 21. The Amer
ican wooden steamer Mendora wa.
reported by wireless atire and mat
ing for Halifax at six and one-hal
Knots an nour. with smoke pourma
from thi liolrt. "
The Mendora, a vessel of 2.84.
tons, which left Philadelphia An
1 1 i
gust 9 for Gothenburg with cargr L
sent tlrfs message: j
"Returning to Halifax on firf,'
Blaze not located. No flames yet" .
but much smell of burning wood.,!i
Clearing House Report
Shows Reserve Strengtl
New York, Aug. 21. The aetna
condition of clearing house bank
and trust companies for the weei'u
shows that they hold $1,428,530 re
serve in excess of legal requirement' .
This is a decrease of $17,147,200 fron ' I
laSt veek- f
Man of ) 00 Gets License t.
To Wed Sweetheart of 72 i ;
Los Angeles. Aug. 21. Andrev
Morrison, who cave hi -1
age as 100, today obtained a licens 5
to marry Mary Augusta Barney!11
who said shewas 72. They will K. 5
married tomorrow, they, s
. Sr. -
1 i