Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 21, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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Put Fannin Kitchen's
There re many little conveniences
that we can easily add to our kitch
; en equipment to the great improve
' ment of our health. One of these
is a stool on which to sit while par
ing potatoes and other things. An
other is the electric fan. Just why
men folk should put this in our of
fices and the women folk neglect to
install it in their workshops is a
mystery yet unserved. Be that as
it may, it has proved a "blessing
wherever ttied. '
3. B. COR. 1604. JACKSON ST.
Sunkist Lemonade
,,,'You are' ? welcome to
come in and enjoy a, nice
glass of "Sapkisf'iLeinon
ade as often' as you like,"
bring the Kiddles, too. y
Fashion Show
ancj, Picnic at Krug
Park, Wednesday,
August 25 ,
,' Call at store, for free
tickets everybody wel-r.
coihe. . .' J,
You'll Be Delighted With the
New Autumn Styles
Displayed in Our
,-' Fashion's newest
fancies in the -sea
son's most exquisite
designery are dis
played in a lovely ar
ray of lively colors.
Tailored Suits
. Novelty Suits
Fur Trimmed Suits
Helpings Strange
: Girls in Our
' . Cities
Figures may be dry, but they are
illuminating. For instance, in fne
month 1,920 girls and women were
directed to rooms or jobs or ad
vised in some way or another by
the Y. W. C. A. in a wejtern city
' " ' - ' ' ' -
of the United States of 400,000 pop
ulation. This advisory bureau
which handles the problems facing
girls who are Strangers in a city
is only one department of Y. W.
C. A. work. If it is multiplied by
the thousand and more similar as
sociation centers in other cities of
the United States, it will give some
idea of the scape and influence of
the Y. W. C. A. today.
Hindoo women in India are pro
hibited from working for a living.
combined to make a won
derful showing. Every
thing from the practical
long-wearing garment to
the latest wrinkle in style
will be found here, from
$37.50 Up
Dresses -
See the new
array of Char- ,
raeuse and Duv
tyne dresses on
sale Saturday at
All Mid-Summer
placed in two lots
$1.98 $2.98
Value to $10.00 Values to $20.00
In this exceptional sale of exclusive millinery you
will-find a hat for every occasion.
' ; '
Women's Pumps -- Oxfords
Go at l3 Off
Our entire stock of Women's Pumps and Oxfords
in the newest lasts and leathers, including white can-
vas--go at 12 off ' ,
All Our "Light Color
Men's Suits
Go at y3 Off
This Sale is really a money saver. You do
not only save 33 discount, but you also
receive the benefit of our low rent district
which nfcturally means in extra discount as
always, credit business is greatly appreciated.
f Boys'
v School
y Suits
11 f
Now is the time to outfit your boy for
school in a "Strongbilt" or "Right
Posture" suit
Values $7.95 Up
Every Boy Shoes '
Are 'guaranteed to, wear ojT a new
pair free sizes 5, infants' to boys',
size 6 V
$3.25 to $5.50
Women's Shop 1621 Farnam St.
New Suit Modes
f of fall 1920
Slender ' lines .and . graceful contours,
combined with artistic effects in fine silk,
tinsel, bead and wool embroideries, are ex
tremely effective in 'the new suit modes.
Among the most favored smart materials
. ''.! 1 are
IVeldync, Yalama Cloth, Evora Superior Duret
; Delaine and Tricotine.
Prices are very moderate
$59.50 to $225
15 Silk Dresses
each r
Navy, Brown,
Taupe Black.
12 Wash
Voile, Organdy,
Made to sell to $6.75 nobby do A A
styles well made special at..Puu
Silk Petticoats and 'Bloomers
'special at
Pheonix Hose Broken lines
for quick sale.
, $4.95
Woman's Section of The Bee
ARKEN to the patter of late
summer rains. .The raintall 01
the last few-1 days is making
stay-at-homes of almost everyone
and the, cheeriness and coziness of
the indoors is becoming very attrac
tive. The girls who are now at Camp
Brewster make merry even when
the rains prevent oiftdoor activities.
Many of them gather abqut the fire
place toxtoast marshmallows and to
tell stories and others seek a quiet
corner and enjoy the contents of an
interesting novel. The schooner beds
are proving very popular with the
girls just at present and, according
to the campers, "it is the most fun
to sleep right under the patter of
the rain and yet be protected
from it."
Informal Luncheon.
Albert n' Eaton entertained
at a luncheon of eight covers at the
Athletic club Tuesday for the chair
men of the divisions of the North
Presbyterian Church Aid society, of
which she is the president.
Marriag: Announced.
Word has been received here
through G. S. Goodman of the mar
riage of Naomi Simon, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Simon of Chi
cago, and Benjamin Glndman of
that city, son o Mrs. Carrie M.
Goodman, formerly of Omaha,, which
took place August 14.
The Ladies' club of the Jewish Na
tional Workers' alliance will hold
their first annual picnic Sunday at
Elmwood park.
Kappa Psi Delta.
Miss Helen Miller will be at home
to members of the Kappa Psi Delta
sorority Saturday afternoon.
Caring for Baby
Be watchful of food and keep
: bowel open with Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepain
THE young mother sopn learns
from experience that summer
days are often days that try her
patience. The heat makes baby
peevish, restless and cross.
Foods that in colder weather
were easily digested, now seem
to cause distress.
Whether the milk or the gruel 1 at
fault, aee that the bowels move regu
larly. There it nothing that creates
greater discomfort in the summer than
constipation. It heats the blood and
causes nervousness, headache, fever,
colds and a host of minor ills. In these
little ailments It Is always well to sus
pect constipation and give half a tea
spoonful of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin.
It is a combination of simple laxative
herbs with pepsin and the most ideal
medicine you can give a baby. It is
mild and gentle In action,' never gripes
and tastes good.
Mothers have hid remarkable success
with Syrup Pepsin. Mrs. C. M. Newton
of 2430 E. Third St, Dayton. Ohio, has
a son who was constipated from birth.
She tried many medicines and gave
warm water injections every evening
for weeks, without benefit Then the
bought a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin at a drug store, and It proved
effective at once. The boy it now
seven, and has not been constipated
since. Wherever there is a baby these
hot days there should be a bottle of
Syrup Pepsin.
Millions of people of all ageusuffer from occasional or
chronic constipation. Let them iend name and address to
Dr. W. B. Caldwell, ?ia Washington Street, Mono'ceRo,
I!L for a free samble bottle of his wmderhd Strut) Pebsin.
8 million bottles were bought atdrug stores last year, the largest sale in the world.
Coffee Ice Cream
EAL Coffee, Mocha and Java, blended
with vanilla Ice Cream ia the Special
for next Sunday. Skillful proportioning of
quantities produces restful, delicate flavor
without bitterness. When you try it Sun
day you will appreciate a real Coffee Ice
Cream. Any Harding dealer will aupply
Cream of at
20c Venida Human Hair Nets,
2 for 25tf
25c Flexible Nail Files, 3, 4
and 5-inch . 166''
50c Orazin Tooth Paste, 34dj
35e Nichol's Roach Powder,
at 23d 1
50c Samuels 3-P Capsules,
at 29
25c Lysol 166,
W.25 Lyko Tonic 31.00
$1.75 Bath Spray $1.35
60c Miona Tablets 386
$1.25 Hostetter's Bitters, 986
60c Liquid Veneer. .4. .. .426
25c Phenolax Wafers... .196
35c Energine -276
$1.00' Squibbs' Petrolatum,
at 836
40c Castoria .276
60c Lavoris 466
60c Cocoanut Oil Emulsion
"Shampoo v'-396
60c Beaton's Brilliantine, 396
50c1 Kodol Dyspepsia Tablets,
at ..396
25c Bandoline, light or dark,
at 196
25c, -lb. Peroxide Hydrogen,,
at 106
Leonard's Ear Oil $1.00
60c Danderine .456
30c Mentholatum 176-
&S.75 Horlick's Malted Milk,'
at ......; .$2.98,
70c Sal Hepatica 536!
60c Eatonic ..J... 346
35c Freezone .1 276
35c Sloan's Liniment. .. .216
60c Canthrox v .456i
$1.10 S. S. S. , 836 1
16c Irish Linen Writing Tab-
lets ....;. iOt'
50c Rubber - Bath Sponges,
at ....v.... V.... . ...386'
60c Walnulta ...496
35c Nichols' Bed Bug Powder.i
at 256
Quality the highestpriced
lowest by comparison.
Beauty Secret
Lifts out lines
Draws out blackheads
Reduces enlarged pores
Bleaches the skin
Corrects sallow skin
60c Beaton's Freckle Cream,
at 506
$1.50 Goutorbe Face Pow
der 986
15c! Wash Cloths ...,.96
60c Nadine Face Powder,
at .396
DeMar's Talcum Powder,
at 206
Beaton's Cold Cream for tan
and sunburn ......256
Walker Foot Powder for
tired and' aching; feet,
at 506
Leonard's Ear Oil
"Rubbed in Bk of Ears"
and inserted in the nostrils,
it will give relief to catarrh
al deafness and stop head
noises hundreds have been
benefited by using this pen
etrating, soothing oil. r
Pric. $1.00
Films Dereloped Free When
Prints Are Ordered.
, Good service, good, pictures,
spells the wonderful business
we are enjoying since doing
our own developing.
is. 50 Mary Garden Extract.
per ounce $2.15
75c Locust Blossom Extract,
per ounce -496
75c White Rose Extract, per
ounce ....-396
$2.00,- 2-quart Velvet Combina
tion Hot Water Bottle and
Fountain Syringe. . .$1,35
$1.40 Radiant 2-quart Foun
tain Syringe . 856
$1.50, 2-quart Velvet Water
Bottle ...986
60c English Breast Pumps,
at ............456
65o Jelly Beans, lb 426
85c Butterscotch, perjb., 596
80c Jordan Almonds, lb., 456
We are ; exclusive Omaha
agents for Huyler's and original
Allegretti Chocolates.
30c Resinol Soap 226
15c Lux Soap 116
30c Shah of Persia Soap,
at 196
20c Pears' Unscented Soap,
at 126
8c Autocrat, eaeh........66
San Torin . . : 56
Ladina, can of 25.. ..$1.75
Ijew Bachelor , 7J
, 1 15th and Farnam Streets
Mail Orders Receive Our Most Careful Attention
11 at
Mr. William V. holler is j
the Clarkson hospital.
Miss Madeline Burke of Platte
Center; Neb., is visiting in Omaha.
Arthur ,C Sorenson left Sunday
for a two weeks' trio to Minnesota.
Miss Elton Hensman is spending
several veek a Colorado Springs.
Mrs.. John W. Towle ani Miss
Marian Towle have gone 4o
Chicago. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Rothschild
have returned from a suinnier trip
to Europft. ;
Miss Margarite' LUijenstople
leaves Saturday to spend 10 days in
Kansa's City.
Miss GfiievievtamHess of Carroll,
la., is visiting at lne Home of Miss
Marie Kenebtck. '
Charles L.- Saunders returned
Thursday ffom X trip to the Big
Horn mountains.
A daughter was born Thursday at
the Stewart hospital to Mr; and Mrs.
V. B. Donovan. 1
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Fuller
announce the birth of a aon on Au
gust 7 at the- Stewart hospital.
Miss Winifred Traynor. is expect
ed home next week after having
spent several weeks in Colorado.
v Mr.' and Mrs; Arthur Met arid
daughte Miss Olga, and son, Louis,
leave Sunday tspend two
TrOutdalC-in-the-Pints, Colorado.
i Mr. ' arid Mrs. , Jacob Lipsey an
nounce the birth of a'daughter on
Thursday at the Stewart hospital.
Mrs. John J. Hanighen and sons,
Frank Cleary and Bernard, 'vho are
at Buffalb Creek, Colorado, will re
turn1 to Omaha early in September.
. Miss Helen Walker, who is at
Pine River ranch. Whitman, Neb.,
will returf to Omaha about Septem
ber 15.
llr. and Mrs. R. A. Fisher and
children arrived Thursday from Se
attle, Wash., to visit Mrs. Fisher's
fiarntts, Mr. and Mrs. Charles N.
Dor. ; ;
Glenn E. 'Wallace is .in the city
visiting relatives. Mr. Wallare. who
has Losir in Teens and "Oklahoma
recently, leaves next week for
Dr. Titus Lowe has returned from
a three weeks' vacation spent at
Lake Okoboji and will occupy his
pfalpit at the First Methodist1 chdrch
ncx' Sunday. ' V
A son was born last week to Mfc
And Mrs. Robert Forgan of New
York Citv. Mrs. Foigan was
Elizabeth Congdon of this ity be
fore her marriage and is a "former
Ak-Sar-Ben queen
Mrs. Edward A. Dow and .chil
dren, who have been visiting in
Omaha this summer with Mr. and
What's What
One of the four vices condemned
by, vote of the A..E. braggado
cio. Usually, boys punish th brag
gart so thoroughly in his adoles
cence that he is cured before man
hod, and so it is that the masculine
boastere's a rare bird. (
The feminine braggart has nad 10
?uch curative discipline. She boasts
at school and afterward of whatever
she possesses, or imagines she pos
sesseswhether money Or accom
plishments or admirers or "connec
tions." Women have been known
to boast even of bad temper or of
eccentricity. '
The habitual self-trumpeter is an
insufferable bore who deserves to
be ostracized socially, and who, ulti
mately, gets what, shedeserves.
Problems! That Perplex
Answered By
A Pu7lpl Mother,
tear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee:
I want you to give -m your splen
did advice and 1 only hop you will
put It In bi print in The Bee, so
it won't escape by husband's eye. I
am sure he does not read your ad
vicr"to lovelorn. I do want him to
see your answer to what I am goinjr
to is of you. .
Now, I am a mother of seven enir
drn, five boys and two Riris; the
oldest a boy of 16, and he has
earned his clothes ever since he waa
II vcars old, and yet his father
treats him just terrible; hasnt ever
a real fatherly word for him. never
encourages him in anything that
would be any good for him or helps
him in any way. When he (the
boy) gets into a little wrangle with
his brothers his father la ready to
kick him out. He Is a steady work
er and is anxious to go through
school. He make $10 a week for
after-school work and hia father
gets angry because he floes not glv
Lbfllf to him. Some of my neighbors
say they think he acts that way oe
cause the boy is the Image of his
mother and the rest look like their ,
father. Now, Beatrice, dear, pleas
tell me. If you can, what I can fio.
Thank you very much if you will. 1
You sign yourself a puzzled
mother, and 1 confess myself a puz
zled Miss Fairfax.' The tone of
your letter is not at all the tone of
a mother of seven children, nor of,
a woman who has livei with a hus
band a number of years. If you
husband any
have fciven your.
Mrs. Charles N.'Dow, left Friday. thnll-i, . n. Vou should under-
. , -. r t . !- 0 i
tor . vvasningion, u. wnerc inzy
will join Mrt'. Dow : : ,
The Beauty
of The Lily
can be yours. Its
wonderfully pure.
toft,pearly white ap
pearance, free from all
blemishes, will be com.
parable to the perfect
beauty of your skin an
complexlonlf you will u
1 uglas3340 mP tm'lkllil
aturday Oniy
CANE 50-lh' sacks &65
SUGAR 10 Ihs. for $1.75
PER LB 456
Snyder's Tomato Soup, can, 11c
Brick Cheese, per lb '. .8c
Full Cream Cheese, lb 00c
Swandown Flour, pks. 4Sc
Santos Coffee, per lb
Ankola Coffee, none better, per
lb ...-..... 65c
Hershey's Cocoa, -lb. cans, S2c
Boneless RolleM Rib Roast, per
lb.. 26c
Pot Roast, .per lb 15C-17&C
Round Stepk, per lb.... 30c
Pork Roast, per lb 25c
Veal Stew, per lb 12Hc
Lamb Stew, per lb... 10c
Lean Rex Bacon, per Jb 40c
Homegrown Potatoes,
per peck ooc
Cantaloupes, crate ........ .Sl.lo
each 124e end lCc
Large -Spanish Salted Peanuts,
per lb 28c
Extra Large Brazil Nuts, lb. 38c
Extra Large Sunkist Lemons,
per dozen .Me
Eigars!-JB3t inside the ooor-Cigare!
Tracy's Special, 10c value, 15 for SI. 75
Whit Owl, seconds T'adl 100 for $7.00
Handmade, t for 20&1 to for $3.00
Dunoro, Jr., Je value, 6ll BO for ....$3.00
Adelaida, Tc value, 54 1 109 for $4.26
Luzonlcaa, So value, 6 SO for $3.00,
Ml Consuelo, 7c value, 61 109 for...(. $2. BO
Prince Albert and Tuxedo, full lb $1.34
Tuxedo, S pkgs. for....... 25$
Camel Cis&rettes, oer carton.. $1.75
Mail Ordert Given Our Prompt Attention.
Writefor Our Price List.
stand his disposition better than Ik
and would know why he treats hia
boy with to little consideration.
Tou are a weak and erring wo
man if you discuee your husband
with ioCn- neighbors. There is
more wrong in your domestic life
than you tell me. - v
, So far as" the boy himself Is con
cerned, h'is father evidently does not
treat him with due consideration,
but the boy is 16 and is no doubt
quick to realize injustice. He will
sopn be entirely independent of his
home. The boy, from what you say,
Is a fine young man. Give him
your owh lov, your best advice:
keep his confidence and Tspect. I
An sorry to be discouraging, but
you can't reform your husband at
his aee. The best thing for you to
do is to keep peace with your hus
band and be a good mother to your
Field Club
W. J. McCarty wiU entertain 20
guests at dinner at the Field club
Saturday evening. Parties of sis
wilpbe entertained by Charles Se
vick, F. E. Schweitzer and Frank
Mrs. Theodore Tillotson made
reservations for seven at the inter
mission of the children's matinee
dance Friday. , ,
Prettiest Mile
A subscription dinner-dance will
b given Saturday evening at tha
Prettiest Mile club.
'League of
Women Voters
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Olmstead,
3022 Willet street, Florence, have of
fered the hospitality of their home
to the League of Women Voters for
a moonlight .'meeting to be held
Wednesday evening. August 2S, at
7:45 p. m. Dr. D. E. Jenkins of the
University of Omaha will speak on
the 41 amendments to the state con
stitution to be voted on September
21. In case of unfavorable weather
the meeting will be held indoors. All
men and women interested are in
vited to attend.
Misses Lucife and Wilda Arter
burn. who came to Omaha for the
Chi Qmega party Thursday evening,
are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
' i
Quality Meats
When you get tired ofvthe
ordinary run of markets, try
this one.
Come in and note our Sat
urday specials. . -
C O. HarUnan
Formerly the Omaha Market.
US So. 16th St.
Phona Tylar 4549.X
.... ' .
1 1