Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 21, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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Brie City News
IVioi Hall Robbod Thieves broke
Unto a safe In the Monarch pool hall.
I lfl9 South Fourteenth stret yester-
day morning and stole $40 in cash.
A K,t f ToolaTakoB A lit of tools
w ioien from J. N. Hansen, S030
Hartinrton avenue. Th"nrv ,v.n.
he attended a meeting at the LaboH
, iinnicu iu me ponce.
' Knurtaln New Citiiena The
Chamber of Commerce will be'host
to 110 newly naturalized cltiiens in
us rooms Friday night. Dr. B. C.
Henry will act as chairman of the
Pookctbnnk ' Kyl ur. it r
-wwa. - 41,. v
. Marks, 3688 Davenport street, was
relieved-of her pocketbook contain
' . ing $1 aad other articles! while
"nopping In a department store
jnumqay. .1 , ,
Jowlrjr Gone JWelry valued at
everal hundred dollars was stolen
from Robert Q. Coad rom his room
in the, Blackstone hotel.) Police be
lieve a pass key was used to gain
entrance tonne room.
Organize Brotherhood At the or
ganization of a men's brotherhood
at Park vale Presbyterian church,
, oeorgje r'isner was elected prfei-
lcnt, Btt Burdlek, vice president.
f ana tioy bmitn, secretary-treasurer.
Omnlin Growing Fast According
lo statistics givdn out by the Cham
ber of Commerce, Omaha is growing
faster than any city in the country
rxcept St. Louiq. The growth is
Mhown by the" large number of Per-
jillia. y (
tirant Divorce A divorce was
granted Mr. Francis M. Tate. 4810
California Btreet, from Luther H.
Tat cnshlor of the Corn Exchange
National bank, r The couple were
married in pntaha November 26,
1912. r ' .
Two Aro Held Howard P. Den
nis. 3722 South Twejity-sixth street,
and Alice Dinkel, stenographer, 2617
RWtith Fifteenth utreet. were ar
rested by motorcycle officers Thurn
ay night, charged with disorderly
conduct. -. .
Sentfiiml lo "I'rlOm Frank
Vc oils pleaded guilty to 'a charge of
larceny from the person and was
nenlenced to ono to seven years In
the state pen'tetvtiary when ar
iHigned before District Judge Leslie
J yesterday. ( , '
i')os to Milwaukee W, V. CVitch
flcld, fprtneiyy in the Union depot
tlektit offices, has accepted a posi
tion as city passenger agent of the
Milwaukee railway. He will bo as-
for they were wearing Knee
length black sTlk fcioomers. They
were very wel but happy.
Judge Is Perplexed Charles Fos
ter; magistrate in Central police
court, would like to know how Pnjer
Procopto, 823.South Eleventh street,
got out of j! without paying his"
fine. Foster scored court attaches
vfor the mystery. Procopio was fined .
$100 for illegal possession of liquor.
A warrant has been sworn out foi
Procopio'a rearrest '
Speeders Fined George Ross
grocer, 4430 North Twenty -fourth
street, arrested Thursday night or
driving a car at an excessive rate
or speed, was fined 110 in Central
police court yesterday. Three other
occupants of the ear. charged with
throwing bottles in the streets, were
fined $1 and costs. j
Sues Local Firm McNeil & Hig
?ins, grocers, Chicago, Friday filed
.suit In district court for $41,942.62
against McCord-Brady company,
wholesale grocers. It is claimed that
two carloads of sugar sold by the
local firm as white granulated sugar
proved to be coarse brown sugar.
Three Raincoats Stolen
During Yesterday's Rain
Steady downpour of rain Thursday
led1 to the theft of three raincoats
reported to police; one from E. L.
Wilbur, 2610 SouthxThirty-second
street, another from E. Schaulnd,
Papillion, and the third, from William
70S North ' Sixteenth'
Nevada Airplane Field Is '
Named After Omaha 'Flyer
v The new flying field at ElkoVv.,
has been named Eddie Rickenhacker
fif Id in honor of theOmaha aviator",
according to a clipping received by
J. David Larsen, commissioner of
the Chamber of Commerce. Elko
will be made a fuel station on the
transcontinental air mail route.
A Michigan inventor's knife for
cutting the sealing of storage .bat
teries cans be heated by 'current from
a battery being opened.
Police Lookinptor 35
Brass Tagged Cfjickens
Police are looking for 35 chickens,
eaoh wearing a little brass band on
its leg bearing a registry number1.
'The chicks were stolen front the
coop of Mrs. M. Harvey, 1539 North
Nireteenth street. Thursday night.
, Children's
Sales of MercEaodise at the I
In Every Department of the BurgessNash; Store ' .
erns--Ver y Special 59c
beautiful 5-inch ferns that have been almost im
possible to secure will be 'sold here Saturday while
they last at 59c each.
Main Floor.' '
E. Bock, district
soclated with V.
passenger agent.
Can't Pay Alimony A petition
filed in district court Friday Vates
that James Lindsay dries not drtNv
siiRicicnt salary to allow him to ray
r i.iniony of $.rQ. a month to his for
,'ur wife, Helen P. Lindsay, aa cr
j;red by the court two wedj,s ajo.
Wnnps Delayed The raipy weath-
t' Friday delayed three air mail
thlps from flying to Cheyenne. The
inachines are making a trail for tho
opening of tho lr mail srVvico in
U.e western" city. They will remain
Omaha unUJ weather conditions
Improve. '
Will Test Bravery Jack Dawson,
feif-styled world war hero, will have
his record for bravery verified by
Police Judge Foster. Dawson was
arrested by police yestcrilay tor be
inp a vaKrant. He claims to have
.been wounded, f gassed and shell
shocked. Gift to TIead Wnltcrr-.T. William
Shields, head waiter of the Black
stone hotel, was presented with a
handsome present by guests of the
hotel and "his crew" in honor of his
birthday. TWS presentation speech
was made by E. J. Brown, he sec
ond waiter. v 1
Bloomer Attract Attention Mil
dred 8 rid Eulalia Harris of Rock Is
lanVl. 111., who are traveling on toot
across the country, were ' the main 4
attraction during the rain yesterday
$j Ifeel
cleared &way that ,
skin trouble
I had suffered from eczema so long
1 didn't believe anything would over
come it, but the first time I used Rest
jiol it stopped.the itching, and now my
skin is entirely f lear.
' Thii ii HM eiporifnc of thous
and) ho hvt used Rwiool and
know that it gentle. healin m
teril KHom tail to overtome
kin troubles. AlaUdrucruti.
You Cant Resist;
Buying One of Jhese
Wash Skirts
at S1.00
'.Vfe have made up our minds
: dispose of these smart skirts
' .-d h&ve priced them, accordingly,
tit $1.00 each. There is a limited
, number, so the early shoppers will
b3 the fortunate owners.
Second Floor.
; ? C
i For Quick Clearance
, We Have Reduced a Large Lot of
Women's Silk Hose
fJ2very pair are first quality
hose of a high-priced brandy
originally selling for nearly
twico the price asked Satur
day. .
Maia Floor. ' I
Candy Specials
For Saturday l
Iced caramels, very special, 65c I
lb. '
Toasted marshmallows, 59c lb.
Chocolate peanut clusters, sp'e-
cial, 69e lb. ,
Lemon drops, very special,' 45c -
lb. ... , l:i
Jack straws, very delicious, kOc I
lb. 'M
Jumbo salted peanuts, 29c lb.
Large Selection of -
Floral Cut
Cutron clear American crystal,
neat shapes, with a pretty com.
. bination wreath and floi cut
ting, consisting of jam jars,
footed candy plates, oil bottles.'
s footed bowls,' high compotes,
nappies, low compotes, vases,
covered sweetmeats, spoon trays
ill tii'ini.j.iriiiuiiiiMi.d.iliiiniiiriiiirtiiiiMiuii
An other
and baskets.
Third Floor.
Breakfast Set
: : ' For , '
The Two-Piece Garment Consists of Skirt and Jacket.
400 Garments Will Be Placed on SalelEvery Hour,
t Beginning at 9 A. M. Saturday and
Continuing Until 4 P. M.
- . In order that those coming at a later hour in the day will se
cure the same wonderful values as the early shoppers, we have
arranged this schedule. ' . '
Many Style. v . t All Colors V
Splendid Materials Daintily Trimmed
New Way lo Curl Hair
Fine for Outdoor Girl
Tho illmerW mlthod -of curling the
hair ia tha proper Xtiinz before oihn motoring.-
boating or golfing, or indulging
in any outdoor aport or exerewe. Thi
will not only give the hair the , most
beautiful .wavy and curly appearanee
imaginable, but wind or heat will not
take the eurl out. The eurlmeea Ma
quiekry acquired and laata much lonrer
than where waving tonga are ued. . Be
aidee. the hair will be bright and lustrous,
instead -of dull and dead looking. When
combed out it will be as nice and fluffy
as if it had Just been shampooed.
Just get bottle of liquid kilmerine
at any drug or department store, follow
the accompanying direction, and yon will
be simply delighted with the''This
product is of course perfectly harmless
and there is nothing sticky, greasy or
unpleasant about it. na
" .
for the acid-distressed
stomach-try two or three
- after meals, dissolved
on the tongue keep
your stomach, sweet
try Khaoids thenewv
aid to digestion. . . (
aa amf msllffll a. lAfniff .
makexs or SCUM'S EMULSION c
A Special for trie Boys - - . '
will secur a well made, splendid quality '
Boy's "Overcoat
Ulster r- and ulsterette styles, double
breasted, with bjfelts. Nicely, tailored in smart
mddels, pleated backs, fancy linings. Ages
'2 -to 10 years. t -;,
t School Suits
For the Boys $7.95
With an Extra Pair of Trousers
This is of special interest' the mothers
with boys starting to school next month, for
the suits are made to wear well and withstand
hard knocks that the boys will surely give""
them. ' -
Fourth' Floor.
Another Lot of
Women's Lingerie
to be placed on sale Saturday at
Seeing the appreciation of
the public in the values ft the
past few days, we will'pffer
them another fresh assortment
of blouses at the same low price
of $2.00.
Hour Sale 2 to 3 P. M.
Fashioned or heavy . quality
Georgette Crepe, richly hand
embroidered, lace trimmed or
elaborated with beading in love
ly color combinations.
i Second Floor
r :
Second floor
i ;li.ii.i.Ha,.l,.l::li:.ilui:ai:li!liist,i;w !
Tbis Section Will Interest You
y - -v
Saturday-A Special Sale of
Men's oats
A collection comprising discontinued lines
and others of one and two of a kind, but all
in good styles and colors suitable for present
and fall wear. -
s ' Men's Neckwear, 55c
t Silk Neckwear in-a large variety of beautiful
color effects with self or contrasting figures and
Stripes. These scarfs sold formerly for two to three
times the price now asked. You will want at least
dozen at this price. Special, 55c
Main Floor.
Real Values in
Pearl Necklaces
La Margot pearls that look like
the real pearl. Matinee length.
Specially priced at S3. 95.
Main Floof.
Men's Silk Hose, 65c
Pure thread Silk Hose with high spliced heel
double sole and toe. We have these in llack,
white, navy, champagne, cordovan' and grey. All
sizes 9 & to 11.
Buy now and buy many.
' Main Floor. ' '
Special Sale of
Toilpt Articles and
Java Rice Powder,
all shades ........
Manon Lescant
Imported Powder.....
Cuted Cutiale
Remover ....
Neet Depilatory .
Tooth Brushes, imported hand
v drawn bristles
lz Price.
Jap Rose Soap, bar .-8c
Kirk's Cocoa Hard Water O
Castile Spap, bar ...... . OC
I '
BrighWn Toilet Talcum, IP-
can;. :.; IOC
Milk of Magnesia,' OO
large bottle . . . . . . . C
Corty's Lorigan t olTk
Face Powder , P 1 OU
Coty'a Lorigan'
fame, oz
Odd lot of Toilet Soap, while
they last, 1 CX
bar r OzC
LotvA Cream, for tan and sun
burn. Very
special .v. . ..- .
Baby S ul kies $6.95
i j
Folding! steel sulkies at exceptional prices. Just
the thing to take on the street cars or automobile. Sat
urday only $6.95. ;
20 off on all other baby buggies. " ?
4 .
v,' . Fourth Floor ,
I Tlife Downstairs Store Offers Wonderful alues AIso !
Saturday We Will Add Several Thousand j
Pairs of New 1
The Balance of a Large Assortment of
Women's and Misses'
I Tricotine Dresses
j $10.00
I We have transferred the balance of a large lot of
I all-wool tricotinesclresses to our Downstairs Store and
1 priced tjierh for-an absolute clearance.
I The sizes Are broken, but your size, is certain to
I be ,amongy them,, and the values are very extreme as
they are late styles, well made and of splendid quality
? material. ' ,
? Downstairs Store. , .
.2 , . , , '
1 A Wonderful Selection of Women's
Dresses $1.79
Children's plaid and stripe
gingham dresses, Just, what
they will require for school
Downstairs Store.
Nottingham Lace
Curtains, 95c Pair
Butcher Linno Napkins
Hemmed, ready for use.
3c Each
White Linen Finished
Siting, 14V2C Yd.
Downstairs Store.
Q s i
New Fall Goats
! v " yLess Than Cost of Material
By superior merchandising we secured thW wonderful lot of
'Women'a Smart JIew Fall Coats, made in the latest styles of the
most favored materials, in all the newest shades. N
Downstairs Store.
v Samples of Children' ,,
v"w. j,J v ''am
Stpckings- and Half Sox
19c. 3 for 50c
"x The stockings are lxl and 5x1 rib. In black, white and
brown. Half so are1 white with colored tops. Priced 19c; 3 for
Downstairs Store.
Boys' Clothing,
For Saturday
In the Downstairs Store
Greatly Reduced Prices
Here are a few of the very special bargains
offered that will appeal to the thrifty mothers and
fathers '
, Boys' khaki suits, ages 6 to 16, at $3.50.
Boys', washable pants, ages 6 to.l6,rt 69c.
Boys' belts, 10c each. . "
Young men's cashmere pants, $3.95.
Two Specials for the Men y
-SOFT COLLARS, figured and plain, 6 for 25c.
MEN'S HOSE, good quality, an colors, 8. pair,
Downstairs Store.
Hour Sale, 3 o 4 P. M. .
Men's Shirts $1.95
' Slightly imperfect
" Enormous price reduction. Limited number
to each customer. v - v
. Downstairs Stare.
To Our Great Sale for Men, Women
ana wmiurcjii,
Yesterday far "exceeded our expectations in this enormous sale, antTweViave prepared for I
n pvkti oTPat.r rPsnonsB Saturdav. We bousrht'the entire stock of a retail concern who are 3
discontinuing their shoe department and are offering them to you at the sami price concessions'
as we received. . '
We have added extra table space, chairs and salespeople to take care
of the enormous crowds. Come prepared to get the mos, wonderful values
ever offered in shoes. ' - .
At $4.98
1,000 pairs of women's brown and
fTack all leather lace s)oots with milK
tary and high .heels, all ) sizes Una
widths. Choice, $4.98. .
At' $1.98
$ ' 20 pairs of women's colored cloth
tops and patent leather lace boots,
$1.98. ' s '
V At $2.98
x 550 pairs of women's cloth top lace
boots, high heels, $2.98. '
At $2.98
v 400 pairs of njisscs' and children's
stitchdown shoes', sizes to' 2 ; wonder
ful values at $2.98. ,,
At $1.98
600 pairs of child's black and
brown kid lace or button shoes, sizes
4 to 8.v
At $3.48
450 pairs of boys' and little gents'
lace ' and button shoes, black and
brown, sizes to 6, $2.98 and $3.48.
At $1.45
. - J 1 1.A
400 pirs of infants' black and novelty button shoes, many styles, $1.45.
While They i-ast 650 Pairs of
Mens Shores
and Oxfords
High 'grade shoes bought in a great
purchase, to be sold at two and three J
times less than the intended , selling
price. Limit of one pair to a customer.
Downstairs Stare. ,
R'l -JB.' Vis
f I.
. . I.:
$s i
' jiiiisiiiiiiMtiiiiiMiririiiiiiiitiiriii'iiituiniiiitiiiiiiiiiitiiiMiijiiiitiiiiiitiisiiiiiii K'IniiiikI'.iui im.ii
. - i . je-T