Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 21, 1920, Page 4, Image 4
if. V n h . f i F. ' t 41 !; i ' ? 4 5 :' 1 1. i 1! I- Brest-Lifovsk Is Again Taken by Polish Forces - Washington, Aug. 20. Brest Litovsk hasbcn occupied by the Fohsh army, according to advices received, today by the State depart ment iron the American commis sioner at Berlin. His dispatch was fascd on a retort received by him from Poser.. AMUSEMENTS. "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" Start Thi Satur day MatinM " Tha Rainbow Divlaion of Burleaqu coopEeVs "VICTORY BELLES" With Eddia DaJa and Scottla Ffiadell S.rfiMGirli 'M Everything" Ladiaa' Dim Matinea Every Week Day - The Outing, Picnic and Dance which was to have been held at f i i P A St Friday Afternoon and Evening by Big-4 Brotherhood will be held MONDAY August 23 Afternoon and Evening , i . Come out and com pete for, the 200 odd prizes to be given away. Union Pacific ' " " " 4 D -4 rotherhood PHOTO-PLAYS. Las Day! GEORGES CARPENTIER in That Big "Million Dollar" Attraction "THE WONDER (. : ' ; iHAN" , 'Starting Sunday i "THE LIFELINE" ETHEL, in. Otooked h Streets" arnam at 24th LAST TIMES TODAY 0 BRYANT WASHBURN "THli ALSTER CASE" Special 10c Matinee for tbildren Postponed aVni CLAYTON Omaha One of First To Show, Decline In High Cost of Living Omaha is one of the few cities in which the cost of living has shown a decline in the last four months, ac cording to J. M. Gillan, manager of the industrial department of the Chamber of Commerce. His reDort is backed up by that of the federal government. The decrease since March 1 has been almost 5 per cent. Potatoes, sugar, fruit, butter and eggs fire among the articles falling in price. Meat has gone up, to gether with flour. Special sales have given temporary relief from high prices of dry goods, the investiga tion indicates. Housing 'conditions are reported te be still unsatisfactory, with no real relief in s:ght for another year. Accommodation for almost 1.500 families is urgently needed, it is said. y Womarv Charges Husband 'Beat Her While Drunk Mrs. Maude Mattocks, 5J3 North Twenty-first street, has sued her husband. Jack W. Mattocks, for di vorce, alleging that he had a habit of getting drunk and" abusing her by beating her and blackening her eyes.' She asks for a court order restraining him from molesting her pending hearing of the divorce suit. Agnes Moran asks a divorce from Lawrence Moran, charging cruelty and nonsupport. AMUSEMENTS. 9 VAAAAVvV "C Ittrl in vAuaivuis Opening Regular Season SUNDAY, AUGUST 22 Matinea Daily, 2:13: Every Night, 8:1S THE Josie Heather BARR TWINS 5 ANDY S.HAW - r Harrison Kathcrine GFtEEN & PARKER, v Herman A Shirley Ward A Dooley BERT BAKER & CO. Matinees, 15c, 25c and SQc; some at 75c and $1.00. Saturday and "Sunday Nights, 15c, 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00; some at $1.25 Satur day and Sunday. LAST TIMES TODAY THE CAPPS FAMILY A Unique Novelty Presented in an Original Way" THREE EDDY SISTERS "A Study in Dain tineas" i Singing and Dancing LYONS & WEST Black-Face Comedians ELDORA & CO. "Sensational Manipulation ol Heavy. weights PHOTOPLAY ATTRACTION "LAHOMA" A Drama of the Early Days In Oklahoma An Edgar Lewis Production Mack Sennet Comedy J a m kt'iro2-srT" TODAY MS & SUN. Nights, 50c-$2.50 Matinee, 50c-$2.00 BOOTH TARK1NGTONS Au.VuA.aals. yrvMsiw wtirmaj in JlfM FcZ& Thurs., Aug. 26 Matinee Saturday Seats Selling The Revue Inimitable BASE BALL ROURKE PARK OMAHA ts. TULSA . AUGUST 19-10-21-22 k ' FRIDAY LADIES' DAY TWO GAMES SUNDAY First Game Called 2:15 P. M. Bex Seats on Sale Barkalov Bros. Cigar Store, 16th and Farnam. PHOTO-PLATS. AP0LL0 imir inxint The Coolest Theater in the Cityl THE UNBROKEN PROMISE" - with JANE MILLER Also "THE SILENT AVENGER" XAST DAY - Cecil B. DeMille's "OLD WIVES FOR NEW" LAST TIMES TODAY , "ONE HOURv r BEFORE.DAWN" ' Tomorrow "THE DEEP PURPLE" if BAIT M . r "fM st shksM . AT TH E TDDAT'ls the dsy of daya at the Gay ety. It being the opening aeaaon of the 11th consecutive fason of inualcal burlQtie at that home. Since arrival last Monday the "Victory Belles" have re hearsed dlllgentpy for long aeaalona day and right. Thuraday nl$ht the dress rehearsal was held to an audience of one man James E. Cooper, the owner of the at traction. The entire performance ran as smooth as oil. every member of the big organization being letter perfect, tna coa j tumea and scenery being the epitome ol ; extravagance. Today's curtain rises at J 15, Honlght's at -:30. Tomorrow's matinee starta at 3.00. Booth Tarklngton'a comedy. "Clarence." will be shown at- the Urandels today and tomorrow. Prominent In the cast are Gree-ory Kelly. Ruth Gordon. Grace WU klns, Clara Blandlck, Robert Adams, Tyron r.easlcy. Betty Murray, Joe Wallace, James T. Ford and Guy d'Ennery. Smiling faces and pleasant comment of a steady Une of ticket purchasers at the Orpheum box office throughout Friday evidenced a welcome for the opening of thefaegular big time vaudeville season on Sunmiy, August 12. On the opening pro gram the fascitis Una Barr Twins with a new Interlude of shng and dance and dainty Josie Heather who has assisting her, John McLaughlin and Bobby Heather, George B. Seitz, leading man in "Pirate Gold," popular seriu which opens next week in many suburban theaters of Omaha, has a . very dif ficult parfT . ' ' The serial ' Vill be shown in the following theaters': .Alhambra, Co lumbia, Ideal, Rohlff, Rex, Grand and Loval. Mr. Seitz first became in:erested in photoplays as, a scenario writer, In 1912 he was tngaged to write plays, and his typewriter turned out many of the greatest serial suc cesses. But his interest in -lictures took him further, and in seeking to perfect himself in photoplay con struction he spent much time at the tudio, with the result that jie scion developed some ingenious ideas on ferial production. He then entered the Itudio as a director and added to his duties as scenario writer those of directing Tear! White in her se lials. -Mildred Davis is going back to school! That is. she is goinp; to take up the study of French, music and dancinp; again. This ambitious un dertaking, however, is not rMng to interfere with he? studio work. ' jMtng arrested in Paris is much more pleasant than the experience in America, according to Max Linder, the French comedian. In the French capital. Linder savs. a patrolman approaches with his hat in his hand, taps you on the shoulder and indicates that ht would prostrate ihmsel: at your feet for a few words with you at your" impe rial leisure. If you should become annoved and hit him on the nose he' wpuld be so mad that he wouldn't recogni7e you the next time you nassed him on his beat., American cops who arrest one for speeding, leavinp the car too' long and the other little riddle? of the traffic or dinances, would do well to take a post-graduate course in Paris, ac cording to the star. i , . Haooenine to make out a list of her parts in her last six pictures the other dav, I-ritzte Brunette noticed that the first letter? of the six names spelled her own. They were Fay, Rita, Isobel, Teresa,' Zelda . and Inez. No. it isn't vervdeasant ;to rlav the villain always, and as far as Jack Holt is concerned, he's through. Never acrain a villainous part for him. He has siened a long-term contract with Famous Players-Lasky in which there is a clause stipulating Royal Arcanum Supreme Head Guest of Omaha Brethren L. R. Gisenbereer of Lancaster, Pa., supreme regent of the Royaf Ar;anum was in (Jmaha at the guest of Union Pacific council No. 1069, Royal Afcanum, at a luncheon at the Athletic club at noon yester day, and a banquet' at the Henshaw hotel at 6 o'clock, after wrjich'tic at tended a "leeting in .Crounse hall where a supreme regent's class of 25 were initiated in his honor. One hundred new members have been taken into Union Pacific council sirice Aprili' 1, and the supreme regent is mak ng this western trip 1o see this class initiated, also to encourage the campaign for new members. The officers of the grand council of Nebraska are Herbert W. John son, grand regent; Henry Gering, grand 'vice regent: P J. Tebbens, grand orator; William Griffiths, past' grand regent; S. P. Bostwick, granNi secretary; Julius Rosenzweig, grand treasurer; William von Kroge, grand guide; B W. Robinson,"'srand chaplain; Harry C. Stafford, grand warden, Monte Lum, grand sentry. A spring-operated fool has been invented to handle small bars and pieces of metal-difficult to manip& late in welding. . . . Come in and fatfcinafinj experiment - Mi'.Edi4onV It shows you what to ex pect of a New Edison in ' your home whether if Rh-Cbeates music with such perfect realism that yon feel the presence of the living artist. ROUSE'S Phonograph Parlors 1916 Farnam Doulas 7782 THE BEE: OMAHA,. SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1920. THEATiERS:i are registered as headline. Conspiclous on the list of laugh purveyors are Harrison Greene and Katherlne Parker In a black face dialogue called "At the Depot" and Bert Baker and his company la ' "Pre varication." Sandy Shaw, the Scotch comedian, -will mae hla first bow here. "The Myaterlous Masquerader." a sur prising comedy novelty, will be the vehicle for Herman and Shirley. Walter Ward and Ethel Dooley will display versatility in aQjjg, dance, bicycling and lariating;. "George White's Scandals of 1U," musical revue, opens an engagement of tour days at the Br.i ridels next Thursday with the most magnetic group of beautiful plrls, designated as "Scandalmongers," that has been seen on the American staff tn pinany seasona. A novelty In laughtec, song and dance that scintillates with the spirit or youth, la the entertainment offered! by the Capps I Family, eight in number, from the toddler "of three to "Ihe progd mother and father, wno icaiurcu ai me Empress xor the last times today. Lyons and Weat. a pair of blackface comedians. Bubble with) wit and fun and furnish many laughs with their "mit" pater. Under., the billing of "A Study In Daintiness,"' the Three Eddy Sisters present a pleasing' program of Vocal selections and dancing. , The gymnastic, feats dlsnlared bv Eldorn atnd f!A. nra. .vide another popular offering . -, g that he "heavy." cast,' as a ! ' Dorothy Gish has gone to Europe on a vacation with her mother and the Talmadge sisters. She will be back in about a month. DOWNTOWN PROGRAMS. Muse "The Alster Case." - Empress "Lahoma." , Rialto "Crooked Streets." x Moon ".The Wonder Man." Sun "Onf Hour Before Dawn." Strand "Old Wives for New." NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSES. , Apollo "Th Silent Avenger" and "The Unbroken Promise." i Hamilton ."Jubilo" and comedy. PREMIUM SODA 1 CRACKERS are J crisp' and flaky, I with a salty tang. . 'Fine with milk,' cheese, peanut butter or jam. ' a NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY shall not be 0 Misses', Boys' and Children's Pumps and Oxfords, -In Two Big Lots Sizes? 8y2 to 1 1 Sizes 11 to 2 $1.95 $2.95 HAVE said all , " every pair on sale or quality service value. ' v ' The One-Strap Mary Jane Pumps come in patent, dull and brown kid; the Oxfords ini brown calfskin. Every Boys' and Youths' Black and Brown Calfskin Oxford $2.95. Choice of our Entire stock of Women's Pumps and Oxfords Previously to $16.50 EVERY model a representative make and while there are not all ; sizes in all styles your size is sure to be included in street, dress and semi-dress styles. All that is left in Women's Low v. Shoe Shop- Wife of Bank Officer , ; Says Hubby Swore at r .Her; Gets Divorce Mrs. Francis M. Tate, 4810 Cali fornia street, was granted a divorce .'rorn her r.usband. -Luther H. Tate, cas'lier of the Corn Exchange Na tional bank, on grounds of extreme cruelty yesterday in district court. The couple was married in "Oma ha November 26M912. according to the petition, in which Mrs. Tate al leged her'nusivnd iursed and swere at her. without cause or provocation and often';,calltd her vulgar.ile and, vicious names She alleged also she' haal been thr-vajtered with personal violence. ' Father Gives Consent" A marriage licVnse was issued yes terday to George Oldaker. Cduncil Bluffs, 34 years did, and Blanche L. "Berg Manhattan Shirt Sale ' Our entire lines of madras and percale Shirts, 'that include the famed "ManhattaTi," "Star," "Savoy," "Artistic" and "Maryland" brands. are now offered you at the special reduction or Discount 'Manhattan Underwear I Silk 25 off I $7.95 Fall Advance models of "Kuppenheimer," " L Sys tem" and "Hirsh-Wickwire'V-$35.00 to $65.00. Fall The new f'all blocks are ready. Plain furs, scratch, moleskin, chamois, velours and beavers $3.50, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00, $7.00, $8.00, $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00 1415 Farnam St. Saturday We are going to "Clean-up" . . ( 1 Every Pair of . N that is necessary to say, when we tell parents measures up fully to Eldredge-Reynolds stanc c l. : $7:95 broken assortments of sizes and styles of Shoes previously to $I1J)0, at $3.85. Forri!er!y Behsm1honvB Uft Stare oPSpceiatiySliops Shay, Omnha, 16. Miss Shay's fa ther, Charles Shay, consented to the marriage. Chosen Chaplain for Old Settlers' Picnic at Tekamah Lvons. Neb., Aug. 20. (Special). The Rev. J. M. Bloomquist of this place has been chosen as chaplain for the 18th annual reunion and picnic of the pioneers and old set tlers af Tekamah,. September 3. T? lMr RlnnmnnUt nent his ..... . . . .. . , - , early days in a sod house on the plains of Nebraska. District rfudge Charles Goss has been invited to deliver the address for that occasion. 'V Raise Lutheran Teachers. Chicago. Au,.'. 20. Higher salaries rr teachers in Lutheran schools weie recommended at the conven tion of the Lutheran synod of Ohio ah.', other today. Suits Me Shirts at two special prices and $10, values from $10 to $15 Suits Hats that standards . Main Floor becretary of State Tells Who Women May Vote For At Election Lincoln, Aug. 20. (Special.) If ratification of the national suffrage amendment faite, Miss Lenpre Mooney of Falls City, ,Neb., in quired in a letter to Setretary'of State D. M. Amsberry whether women will be prevented n Ne braska from voting for legislative candidates. Mr. Amsberry says it wilFall de pend on the oufome.of the Consti tutional amendment election 1 Sep tember 21 in Nebraska. If women want suffrage th?y can go, to the poll and vote themselves the rigljt by supporting the 18th proposed Spend Without Wasting by buying at the logical time and place. Of more than ordi nary interest to the particular, painstaking and frugal shop per are the ' Values Offered Saturday in Our Drapery and Curtain Department At no time during this store's history have we been able to offer the great buying public a better opportunity to se cure curtains and draperies for so little money. New Draperies-for Your Home ings. . Curtain Net andXnshiori Specials that are values extraordinary and will lend added interest to those who wish to save when shopping. Curtain Nets Offered Saturday We have assembled two lots of Curtain Nets, in short length and some full pieces that are slightly soiled on the edges. ! ' Lot 1 Bowen's special value, yd., 49c Lot 2 Bqwen's special .- value, yd., 79c Also Note The largest display of Laoe Curtains in the better qualities ever shown in our store will be, offered Saturday at prices within reach of alL Don't fail to come in. 1 Still More Values of Interest Proper curtains for each window, allowing a soft ray -of light to enter, gives a decided pleasing effect, as well as to show the furnishings to advantage. Nottingham 1 Curtain Special! j 1 Saturday 10,000 pairs of Nottingham Cur tains, purchased at a price that would startle the most experi enced buyers. You should reap the benefit of this most wonderful purchase. Come in early Saturday orning. Lot 1 Assorted patterns, in white, cream and natural colors, 30 inches wide by ?2ft yards long. Bowen's special J OQ value, pair Lot 2 Several good patterns, in cream and white, 30 inches wide by 2 yards long. Bowen's spe cial value, d jj cq per pair V O' Lot 3 Exceptional values in cream, white and natural, beau tiful patterns and many to select from. Bowen's special d , ft value, per pair. ... V X IO Our Drapery Department Is chock lull of all that Is good and desirable. Our designers and finishers are ready to aid you in the selection, designing and making' of the new draperies you want. A visit to the H. R. Bowen Co. store will be found . profitable. With each visit to the Bowen store you find an added Incentive to shop wlme value-giving means more than the making of a sale it means a satisfied customer,, one who appreciates true worth in merchandise at a moderate price. ' These Small Articles of Big Value , at Little Cost Saturday: are only a fe,w of the hundreds of Bowen store. 1-quart Mason Fruit Jars, per CQ dozen (1 dozen to customer.) Boyd Zinc Lined Tar Caps,""18c per n dozen, 2 dozen. OOC (2 dozen to customer.) Heavy Jar Rui); j bers, doz., only.. OC (5 dozen to customer.) Kellogg's Toasted Corn flakes, 3 of packages DC (3 pkgs. to customer.) Acme Ice Cream Freezers Freezes cream in three minutes and will be found so handy for the ma king of the last-minute desert nr Priced at.. DOC Bowen Brooms Supply going' fast Oet yours no at once ... 3jC " omaaas Value cTv H3W0 T MTWtCN Btt MS amendment to the sUtt efrnitiUM tion. ' '-ft if the amendment carries pro viding for full suffrage in Nebraska then the wbmen can vote tpr rffice to the state, and hold any of- L fice for that matter. But it the I amencRnent is lost and national ut j frage is still in the balance? women under the old partial suffrage act in Nebraska cannot vote for consti tutional offices. Legislators 'comr in this class. , i '. Tea Tractors to Compete. Rloomfield. Neb. Auc. 20. (St ' " .It cial). A bog tractor demonstratioBsV' is to take place on the E. H. Powell 1 farm, just east of town, on Saturday! afternoon, August 21. Eight or 10" different tractors will comoete and the demonstration is creating quite a little interest among the farmers. C EXTRAL rrKMTOti: STORE " To make room for our Fall Drapery goods we offer some exceptional values Saturday in light weight, plain and figured drapery, in various colors, for over hang 30 Inches wide, In rose, blue, brom and green. Bowen's special values, per yard 98c 36 inches wide, in rose, mulberry, blue, gold and green. Bowen's special value, per ( d 1 1Q yard pll7 50 inches wide, in rose, blue, green, brown and ccmblnatlon colors. Bow en's special f value, yd.... $1.98 Cushion Specials Saturday Porch and Lawn Cushions, in pretty cretonne coverings, all shapes and colors, filled with I white cotton. Special 7Q offer, each . 57C Special large cotton filled Cush ions with heavy cretonne and rep coverings, special Q O at, each 2OC Scrim and , Marquisette Offerings for Saturday Several patterns of fancy bor dered1 Scrim and Marquisette, In cream and white. A special pur- - chase offered at less than factory cost of today's prices. Don't Miss Thjs 8ile. 54cyd.l?L 54c yd. Bed Room Cretonnes Saturday Light colored Cretonnes in pret ty patterns of rose, lue, pink and many other pretty combina tion colors especially good for bed room and draperies and bed sets. Lot 1 Bowen's special jav value, jper; yard... ... OJC ijot z-uowens special qq , value, per yard...:... JOC v. other values daily offered at the Aluminum Stew Kettles Electric Six pound irons $2.95 lNC.STORC str $15 --------------rrrrrrfffrrrr tjjjffjjji T V i . ' - ; .V