Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 21, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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P.;J). Askew Secures Leases
011,30,000; Afcres 'of
'Land in FranUin
County, Neb. '
Lincoln, NebAug. 20 (Special.)
Drilling , for . oil was actually
started eouth of Riverton, Nob., in
.Franklin county, last Monday by P.
D. AskitW nf Omslia 9 ' nrnmfitf r
- . , K.
who has secured oil and fras tcae
on 30,000
acres of lnd in that
('He. ha filed with the state bureau
of securities an application for the
sale of stock to Franklin, county peo
ple in the Nebraska Oil corporation,
capitalized t $250,000. Mr. Askew
is president of the company; J. A.
C. Kennedy ol Omaha, vice presi
dent, and H. H. Askew, secretary.
The promoters have filed with the
bureau, a geological report favor
able to oil ' prospects, preparedly
F. J. S. Sur & Company of San An
tonio, Tex.
, Mr. Askew reports - that oil
seepages have been found in "many
places in the county and that a num
ber of test wells sunk 100 feet or so,
produced oil of unquestioned quality.-
If is estimated that the drilling of
the well will cost $75,000 and it is
to defray, this eipense that the stock
is to be-, sold. The application is
spending before 1he bureau while the
organization plans ot jthe company
are being scrutinized.
The promoter asks to turn leases
cyir to the company for $5 an acre,
to be paid for iu stock, the par
value of which would be about
$150,000. He promwa to put this
stock up in escrow, pending the outcome-
f the well, and to put into
the company $5,000 of his own
money as an independent invest
ment. '
The stock to be sold in Franklin
county will, pay 15 per cent commis
sion to Kir. Askew's brother and a
man named Roberts, who are , to
DiiiuminiiiiT.L.. c inimmimiiij
i m. am: uibraiui ua v c p "
SI . I A
High School
'V " - -- ' - : V' 'J- i - . , , .
Long Trouser Suits
have th'estock-saIais in charge, ac
cording; to the application on file..
"Spudding in" preparing the
ground for the well took place
with a big ceremonyincliiding the
breaking of a champaign bottle and
the christening of the well as ''As
kew Well No. 1." on Saturday, Au
gust 7. The rig- was set uo and
actual drilling was started last Mon
day. . - '
Who Getrthe Tax?
Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 20. (Special.)
Hearing Jy ' the state " board of
equalisation on the .dispute between
the counties ofx HoU-jnd Antelope
as to which should get th taxes on
$50,000 worth of cattle owned by L
W. Arnold of O'Neill, buf fattened
at? Neligh, Neb., has been pirt over
from Friday afternoon to one week
ahead, because of The inability of
the county attorney of Holt county
to be present.
Lincoln Man Kilted'by : '
' Stroke of Lightning
Lincoln. Neb., Aug. 20. (Special.)
Whjle his bride of a- few months
slept cJose by Joseph A. Melker, 28,
was killed by a boljt of lightning at
his home "here Thursday evening.
The bolt entered the house from the
rear, traversed the rooms and strucft
the victim who was standing""-!!, the
front porch.
, r "v
Two Fords Arrive Wittt l
Nickel Plated Spade
Lindotn, Aug. 20r (Special).
Se;retary George Johnson of the
Department or Public Works won
Vlcrs "to what extent the army
equipped its Fords with nickel
'plated. -trench spades. .
In ' si.- recent shipment of eig't
Fords to ttie State-Highway depart
ment by the War department, the
first -two . ears' u uprated contained
th- nickel-plated utensils, - Earlier
cars sent out b'v the army had (he
ordinary Tench spade' in its equip
ment, without the ornate itself. The
other six cars consigned to Mr
Johnson's department nave not yet
been nncrated.
. .
Another Complaint Filed
Against Bark Cashier
I.:ncoln, Au. 20. (Special). As
sistant Attorney General Cecil
Laverty h:-s prepared another com
plaint against Ray A. Lower, former
cashier of the defunct Valparaiso
(Ne6.. St;ite bark, charging him
with borrowing $2,500 frohi the bank
while lie was Vn officer. The, aU
ieged loan was made wo years ago.
The bank wert nio the hands-of a
receiver last January.
Lower :s o'.it orf bond on. two
other chaiges in conniption with
the' fail'trf of the bank one of falsi
fying: his reports to the state bank
uisr bureau, and 'he other of ciil
ber?.lcmcnt.v, v
Sells Farm, for $35,000.
Beatrice, Neb., Aug. 20;-(Special
Telegram.) John Landoit-'of Filley
sold his 160-acre farm near that
nlace to Thomas Returners of Re-
fatrice for $.15,000' Thursday, clear
ing over $15,(100 in about two' years.
Minium iiic lauu iui i,,uvv.
A Nutritious Diet for All Ages
Quick Lunch at Home ot Office
i ?.
Aroid Imitation! axi Sabstitnteii?
,rv mm
'"' " 'N' ye
Alt Wool,
These suits are
made especial-.
jy kr boys go
. -
I 71 g OUt OT
V right lines and
& styles for boys
ages 15 to 19
ars. n
y ''a , - r - - -
Saturday Is Last Day
of Our Trbu ser Sale
Buy your needs now for six months to
come. The values are so good, maiiy are
buying three and four pairs a time.
Large assortment for Boys, Young Men
and Men. ,
PV2, 10 and $N12V2 Values-
Sizrs to 52 Wajst v
All Colors All Fabrics
Twenty Feet Aiove High Rent
ptofthes Shop
Second Floor Securities Bldg.,
' 16th and Farnam . t
.TABLETS. 19 y (ll3l a-1 ITfaV
Hllili;;iillllllllBlllllliy"' jm mmk liyiiiiiiili;iilii:iinllll,iiii,liJii,ii p,
. - . ... I III H
I 4
Sale of Beautiful
Moire Silk
patent leather
t r l m m inirs, in
'carteen j effect; a
$10 bag.'
aturday, A Wonderful Opportunity!
Bags, Carved S h e 1 1 I Large handsome I Extra Heavy SilkA Another
Frame B a it s,
handsomely lined,
)n t black- and
colors'; worth $11 .
bag. , silver
frames in ham
m e r e d effects;
22.00 bag.
Moire Bags, mas.
sive1 silver frames
and two fittings;
worth $10.
model of silk, with
shell frame and
two fittings;
worth 16.60.
Value from J 0.00 S
to 22.00, "on sale
Saturday, at
Knee Length Bloomers
f .Good quality sateen, with two Special
pews of shirring at knee, forming '(-J
a puffrelastic waistband; colors 75
of white, flsh and black; "sizes Im
25, 27 and 29 lengths. '
Third Floor Center
Introducing the Most Complete China Stocks
in the Middle Wist in :
Our New China Parlor
V s
Special Saturday Introductory jOffer!
3.50 Crystal Water Sets, at $1
. - v "
Kodak Specials
10 Off Eaitman Prcm Camera
No. 2 Box Premo, 3.33 value,
No. 2-A Box Premo, 4.59 value,
No. 2 Folding Premo, worth 9.20,
No. 2 Folding Premo, worth 10.26,
Film deTeloped f ree with order for print,
day service and firtt-clat work.
Main Floor West
HIS set should, retail for at least 3.50, but &
purchase of more than 2,000 sets makes it pos
sible to offer them for much less.
The set is composed of six
tumblers and water, pitcher.
The- piteher is in a large,
pleasinpr pattern with "firm,
strong base. The tumblers, are
of dainty, thiji-blowngliass.
Each piece is edged with
silver, Nwith handsome silver
wreath and initial desire. We
have every initial in stock ex
:ept A.'N, O, J and X.
y " "" ' '
One-Fourth Block of Floor Space!
We now have the largest and most completed china depart
ment in the middle west one-fourth block of floor space le
v voted exclusively high-class china? cut glass, lamps andlrio
r a-brac. Complete stocks of dinneVware, glassware and f aney
lamps and bric-a-brac in both imported and domestic novelties.
Special Offer !
To the first 500 people
who visit our China
Department, Satur
day, we offer an
Ovenglass Covered
Baking Dish, 8-fnch
size, worth 1.65,
very special, each at
Brandcis Stores Fifth Floor East
Special Purchase from Two Large Jobbers
Great Sale of 2,700 Fairs of
SKsir Silk Hosiery
Saturday, these fine $3 n O CQ1
to 4.50 Hosiery, onSale "1
from two1 prominent -jobbers,
at a price way be
Jow regular market value, v
'All are perfect, having
double soles, spliced heels,
and incjude a complete
line of sizes, i '
YES All perfect! Pure
thread silk hosiery!
And consider that they are
from well known manufac
turers of hosiery and you L
'are bound to realize thi is
a bargain. This, is one of ,
the big hosiery events of
' the year. 1
The Styles and the Colors
s . Included in the different styles are. all silk to the topl with double hems
in plain black and white; all silk to the top in French Jace'clox, in black and
white; a splendid style in all silk lace boot in black only, also plain silk
vstyles in silk to the knee only. The silk to the knee styles have double lisle
garter tops and come in black,- white, cordovan and navy, Saturday,
per pair, ' O CO
Brandeis Stores Main Floor South LfOo
To See Them Will Be To Buy Them! -
Every Summer Dress and Tub Skirt
' At a Sweeping Reduction Sale Price Saturday! '
Special Lot No. 1 -
Special Lot' No.
Special Lot No.
Dresses Tub Frocks
Formerly $15 to $35
Tub 'dresses, voiles, YouT
linens, nets, Jacquard ri .
and organdies. Three LilOICC
racks of beautiful C A
models. JU
Shirtwaist, Dresses
Values 7.50 to $10
Dainty patterns in Yonr
i.: l i i nin.
practical, loveiy ljiue ri
fmrra of Vini-Hlv fVio onai LIOICc
of the material.
10 to 40.
100 Tub Skirts
Former Prices 5.95 'to $9
About 100 lovely Your
skirts gabardines and .
twill; novelty , stitch- LAOICC
-ipgs, buttons, ornamen-0 ffi
tal belts.. J.UU
Brandeis Stores Main Floor Square
Saturday, Set Our Stunning Display
- of Newest Designs in
Fall Hats
YOU will find that these . new
Fall types possess all , the
- charm, expert care in design and
beauty of color that 'any woman
could desire. V
. Lovely Lines and Chic Trimmings
Lovely lines in large, small and medium hat with chic !
trimmine'lend an air of refinement to every hat worthv the ad-
( miration of any woman of refinement and good tastj.
Fall Hats Triced from 6.50 'to $10. ,
1 Brandeis Stores-Second Floor East
A Special Feature for Saturday!
A Sale of 3,600 ' -
Lisle and Cotton Summer Vests
35cach or 3 for $1
Ml Size From 34 to 50
Cheap Enough to Lay In a Supply! ,
Truly, asale'pf economcal values! A variety of styles,
bodice top with beaded edge and ribbon shoulder straps and
tailored band, top in flesh and white. The extra out sizes' have
a beaded edge finish, in regulation style in white only. All ar
Swiss ribed; very elastic and iJhg; very specially priced forr
Saturday at -V , )) , 35c, or three for 1.00
Brandeis Stores Third Fl
, At a Very Low Price
. A Sale of
; - 500 ;
' Satin and v
Crepe'd? Chine
Regular 1.98 'to 2.98 Values
Trimmed in Val. lace, -ribbon and
Georgette, these camisoles are very
exceptional values. Some of them
are plain tailored and hemstitched,
but the majority are dainty and elab
orate with-'iace and insertion. Spe-
, at
'Brandeis Stores-
Third Floor Center
Saturday Drugr
At Bargain Day Prices
60 Marinello Cream, aH kind, at
50e Mavis kduse, at V
50c MeJoro Fac PoWder, at I
$1.28 MarU Toilet Water, at
1.35 Pinaud's Lilac Vafetal, at
1.75 Maria Extracts, ot.,- at
1.00 Mercolisad Wax, at
1.00 Delaton Depilatory, at
'20c Genuine' A.pirio Tablet, per doz.n, 15
1.25 Tjrree'a Antiseptic Powder, at 85
60c Resinol -Oinffin.nt, at ' ' 45
1.00 Squibb.' Mineral Oil at '75
35c Norwich'. Dental Cream, at 22
35c J. J. Sharing Cream, at , . V 25
VWe re.erve right to limit quantities.
firandeis Stores Main Floor West
New Arrivals in
Our Suit Section
Smart women will enjoy clever
quirks found on the' new suits.
U NEVEN panels, muff cuffs,
draped collars and oddly
.placed pockets, are but a, few of
the queer and clever little quirks
found in our collection of distinc
tive Fall suits. "' . .,
In Silvertones, Duvctyn, Cham-
oistyne, Veloar de Lainetand Peach
bloom. ,
Women who appreciate ancTdemand
individuality in their apparel will be
able to fnd what they are looking for in
this 'assprtment.
Moderately Priced
$65, $75, $125 to $200
Brandeis Stores Second floor West
A Delightfully Authentic Peep at the
Fall Dresses
for Misses and Small Women
TAILORED frocks assume embroi
s dery. 'to avoid an appearance of
While it is apparent that the ma
jority of arrivals among the new Fall
frocks lean toward the straight"' silhou
ette, beautiful embroideries, headings,
panels and tunics are still with us and
will not let our interest in them lag for
one minute.
1 The tailored type, the coat dress for
instance', is fashioned of "tricotine and"
velour, or of combinations ' of woolen
and silken materials, and haapromised
to be very popular. v
Fashion's Leading Models
Our display shows all of the leading
models in both Pain and the more
, elaborate types in an assortment t&
-satisfy all tastes. .
Satins, Vetburs, Serges, Char-,
ifteuse', Tricotines, Peachbloom.
It will be a pleasure -jtist toxjook at
the Presses, but we feel sure that you
will want to buy when you see how rea
sonable we have priced them.
Ihe Prices Range from $25 to $200
" . Brandeis Stores Second Floo West
, Shrman & McCorjnell Drug Co.
iiiili'iniiimwnwiiiiFwii i n-