Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 21, 1920, Page 12, Image 12
r THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, AUGUST,, 21, 1920. 12 1 Classified Advertising Rates 18c per line (count ( word to line) 1 day lc per per day, 3 consecutive, days J6 per tin per dy. 7 consecutive days He par Una per day, 0 consecutive days Jknadds taken for Iraa than a total or .isr. These ratea apply clthar to the Dally er 8unday Bar. All advertisements ap pear in both morning: and evening dally papers fr th on charge. CONTRACT RATES ON f APPLICATION". Want ada accepted at the following of flees: MAIN OFFICE 17th and rarnam St. South Side 2818 N Si. Council Bluffs 16 Scott St. WANT ADS RECEIVED Br PHONE AT TYLER 1000 . THE BEE will not be responsible for mora than one Incorrect Insertion of nn advartlaement ordered for more than, one CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT AT)S Evening Edition .12:00 M. Morning Edition 9:00 KM. Sunday Edition :00 P. M. Saturday. LODGE NOTICES. )ELTA Chapter. , U. D.. will work the Moat Excellent Degre.? on Saturday, Aug. v SI. 7:30 p. m. All com panions cordially Invited. II. V. CosJ E. H. P. I,. E. Fitch, Actlnii Sec'y. DEATH At FUNERAL NOTICES ANDERSON Walter, aged 40, died at a locjl hoapltal Tuesday evening. Ha leave four email children. Arthur. i. Walter, a; Eather. 7; Lillian, 3. '.' .sisters In California. His wife died in January, m. He -was, a building con tractor, J2d degree Maaon and alao be longed to the Covert ldge No. Serv ices wilt be. from the residence, 'l N. lth St., Sunday at t:30. Rev. Mr. Wit comb of Calvary Baptist church win of ficiate. The Maeonlc ceremonies will be administered at the grave. Burial will be at Sprlngwell cemetery, , The body will lie In etate at Crosby's to""' fnu 81th and Wlrt Sts.. until Sunday noon. SCHMIDT Mrs. Dora, August 18. 130, aged el years 10 months 27 dsys. . Funeral Saturday at p. m from fam ll residence. S41 South Twenty-flrat i'tre.t " interment Sprlngwell cemetery She I aurvlved bealdee her husband by fix sons Thorw.ld, Arthur, Frank. Hen- ry. John and Roy. . - JT6TlcTdDTNISH SISTERS SOCIETY! All alster are requested "'"'ldt funeral of our late sister. Dora Schm dt, it her home, 2419 South Twenty-flrat atreet. Saturday at 2 p. m. v ANDRAE SNYDER. President. AnSa CHRISTENSEN.retary FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ffULSE& RIEPEN, "STACK & FALCONER. "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS ' PIERCE-ARROW ' AMBULANCE SERVICE Thlrtv-thirdsnFarnmH!?-'2ii TAGGART fc SON, HEAFEY & HEAFEY, M'ker' rrw; T7T fSoTCTC TEinniARMON . . T", I., fli 114 UOUglsa m. , J JOHN BATH. lth and Farnam. P. 3000. 1 8 14 POUgl" " BIRTHS AND DEATHS , BiTths Edgar and Eunice Bryant. 111 Vinton boy: 8econdo and Teresa Marcello. IS? Poppleton Ave., girl; Seba.tlano and Rosa Bugllarello. IMS N. lth, girl; D. R. and Rose Mullln. 3133 Myrtle Ave. girl. Vance and May Kraus-V 122 N. 26th. boy. O Btn and Clo. Yeu. 1SJ3 St. Marys i Ave -rtrl: Ouy and Helen Klddoo. hospital, boy; ..Wymm and Mildred Robblns. hospital. it'Wboy; Richard and Laura Morton, hosr. - H i .-s. ' . . - V..k trnifln hlkSiTii- V t . Kin: ueorse. am. '.,-,, h,'.. tal. boy; Arinur ann nmiv pital, girl' Louie ann vers tal, poy ana irn -umo,, b,; Puffue end Edltlt Co'ham, 2225 N. 2th, girl; Emll and Roao Zcleny. 6630 S 2!st. glri; William and Alio Gray. '217 Washington, girl: .Toe and Kathcrlne fchei herhofer. 2021 Dorcas, boy: E. David and Mabel Erlckson, hjisplta!, girl: Virgil and Hlen Wlllaril. hospital, girl: John and Eva Irmvl, 3018 Pntuunttu. Blr!; George and Virginia Sivlth, hospno!, girl. l.,.a,-Esther Elizah't.i Mowrv, T3, S- Miami; Elizabeth Otteman, 20, hor PltaV: John Mrat Jr., infant, 06 S. lath: Beesle Mlay Rosseter. S. 1451 8. 20th; Allca Nelson, 40, 03 S. 45th. 1 MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following persona were issued per mits lo wed: " Jack O'Brlen.'f 21. Fremont, Neb., and Emm Foster, 1, Valley. Neb. Vhomss F. Oakes, 2S, Lincoln. Neb,, and Meud Mund'orff, 20. Lincoli, Neb. J.iUn A. 8mth, ovei 21. Omaha, and Frui.ceM' rerklns, ver U, ' .-tl-VMa ?. 4 rmiMi'll VllUiFfa. la.. VP ' -jiuiiw f . , arm tiinr.cne u, afi LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. FOR ARTICLES LOST 'on streetcars tele phone Tyler 800. We are anxious to re atore lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RY. COMPANY. . . . i ' I,Ogf llTBrondela" store or between there ' and C. B. & Q. headqunrters. one 120, two $10 and three IS bills. Finder re turn to Miss' Frances Bentley, 403S Seward St. ' Reward. Wal. 6C. LOST On stret rar or on Douglas be tween 18th and 14th. 118 In small memorandum book: finder please return to .27jrempl.'ton .-Collll. Refc-.ird. LOST Pair of Torfc .lena, tortoise shell nose glasses In Flttton Optical case. Re- turn to Bowes FuraltrCo. Reiwri. OLD-FA8HIONED barpln with- smell diamonds, old family keepsake. Doug. 1435:Llbcral reward. : I OST Collie dog wllh'bnick roller, brass . studding. Return to .American Railway i Express. Rewardj . rlr gentleman's tortoise shell bl- . focal gtaBee. Reward. xHar. J14. LOST Black pin seal bag. tank shape, containing check boqk and keys. Hftr liey LOgTTueeday- p. m., purse with 3 rings nJ smsll change. Phone Webster 6J7S, Reward. . , ; V ' ' " ' ' BLACKtlll purse, containing 15 belweert ISth and Harnex hij Empress. Doug. 4s:-ij-' -- ix. - - LOST Csr No. ;IT and car lamp, both tledjtcgether In bundle. 302S Spring. "tOST Dark blu trleotlneult coat.' Re . V- ward for rotiirn. Har. '6388. LOST Jetrooen, dairy design, downtown district; re ajd. wi. 676. , PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Induitrlal home solicits your eld clothing, furniture, magaslnes. We eollert Wo dletrlbute. Phone Doug. 413S and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, , l'-H12-l II r Dodge1 St. , ' SWEDISH massage, by appointment, at . -ytr residence, .Mis Ander- Von. Doug. 6218. j WILL five, school girl rdom, board and c la thee la exchange for company. Col. ELECTRIC baths, "Swedish or elec. mas rsge. In home, or will go out. Web. 2011. NURSE take 'patients, priv. homes. Wal. tin i MASSAGEV-210 Nortli . Seventeenth St. lElectro Therapy massage. 318 Neville Bldg. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordion Pleatini CI OSED AUGUST 1 i TO AUGUST 29. NEBR. PLEATINU flun-ii 180 Farnam. Second Floor. Dentist. Pr. 'BradburyyNo pain. 21 W. O. W. Bid. bancinftademies. SUMMER DANCING RATES. KEL-PINE rFarnrnlM Class at 8;' daiclnv at p. m.' Monday. Thur.- Sat. Ptivate lessons' any tlnta. ' ' s Detectives. PIPKIN'S NATIONAL DETECTIVE JENCT, Incoipeiated. Douglas 1107, iingtqnBlk.pmiha1 Neb. JAMES"ALt,AV. 312 eitl Blk. Evl- d.mce secured In all cases; Tyler. 113. RELIABLE. -Detective Bureau, Railway Ex. Bldg? Doitf) i0t. Night, Col. 405. Insurance. AVE WRITE fire, tornado, automobile. In- d.nnUy. wurglary and all other forms ' of tbsurance. Edward F. Wllllaraa Co, ; n.t!;.04 Omaha Nat. Bank. Doug. 420. Jewelry. DIAMONDS SiVwivC to buy back t mall profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO..-4J N. ltl St. Doug las SOtSj 1 Gas Stoves Connected. CONNECTIONS, 12; houso piping. H. Mil. Patent Attorneys. INTERNATIONAL PATENT CO nitnt a'torneys hu.iiM huv anif aell DAt- ents. Ill Dodg St, Omaha,. BRINGING UP, 11 OlD VOO 60 0 THE . 'CObfCERT AT THE - COUNTY dAIL . "TCTCR OAf ? ANNOUNCEMENTS. Hauling. TRUCKS FOR HIRE Vntie ' haullnir contracted by dav ' month o.' year. Trucks all sisea; best 'eervice. best rales. Phohe. Tyler 176, Hemstitching and Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst box Pleating, covered Buttons, an ises ana styles: hemstitching, picnt edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennar.ts. Ideal Button and Pleating Co., 308 Brown Blk. Douglas isati Top Notch Shop Hemstitching, braiding, beading, all kinds rleatlng. Doug. 6011. Room 33. Douglas Blk.. 16th and Dodge- Painting and Papcrhanging PAINTING. pfperhanglng, pitstering. Walnut 4S87. PAINTING, papering; lowest prices. Douglas 65ZZ, PAINTING nnd paperhanglng. Wsl. 6462. Kodah Developing and Finishing. nr. MR rivinnri : nrintine; and enlarging. Write for prices. The Enalgn Oo., 1607 Howard St. Chiropodist. Cn rrle J. Burford. 620 Paxton-Jld D. 1U8. Safes. SAFESBAr.TnNri 12th, & Farnam. right Sjfe Co: . Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, Tepslr. sell needles and- part. MICKEL'S 1fh anl Hnrney. Douglas 1873. Miscellaneous. TAXTON-MITCHELL CO. 2'ith and Martha Sts.. Omaha, Neb Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray iron caetings. SAFETT rasor blades sharpened, new ra yors, razor blades sold. Omaha Razor Sharpening Co.. 1522 Dodge, li3 N.. 16. BULL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rialto Drug Store, 16th snd Douglas Sts., Omaha, Xcb. HATS cleaned and b!ocked while you wait. st Paxton Hat W.irks. Jtront rarnam St. Work iaIanL''-d- J.''3'- J. WEBORG, piano tuner. Call Webster 2S41 at 7 a. m. Just back irom Mlnnespolls PIANO class lessons for beginners. 60s; graduate experienced teacner. -ouax S3S3; , .. INTERIOR varnishing. decorating, enemeling. floors refinlshed, wan paper cleaned. Tyler Kite. FULL dress suits and tuxedos for rent. 109 N. 16th St. jonn reiamsn. v. 4i. OMAHA WELDING CO. "The Csreful Welder. loth ana jacKson. u. s.sai. WEDDING announcements and printing. Doualsui Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. CITY MATTRESS CO., ' matresses'made over. H. 7162. DRESSMAKING, i Ty. 6228. silk shirts specialty. RENT Hoover sweeper. 4283. Tel. Omaha T'jwel Suppiy. 207 S. 11th. P. 628. RENT elect-ic vxcuum cleaners. D. 718. WEAVING; old rugs remade. Ty. 1433. DRESSMAKING, all kinds. Web. 6622." SPECIAL NOTICES. ATTENTION! THE HOLY NAME PARISH , LAWN SOCIAL POSTPONED UNTIL FRIDAY NIGHT AUG. 20TH AT 45TH VAND MAPLE' WANTED Cuncwion men to undersold that Crawford is .putting on the biggest fair this year ever before attempted. Our streets and our park will be alivj with people. Reserved space will be glen you if you get In early.' Prices of concessions fot stands for the three dsys. September 16, 17 and 18 (you ar'j allowed to start on trie 16 If you de.-lre); will rang-i from $16 to 120, ac cording to location You ,csn locate up town or at the park. This price covers doll rack, refreshment stands, .-ane neks, etc.; ferris wheels. 8100: merry-go-rounds. $10t. Wo want concession Is! s and we troar them right when they come. Ask th boys who were here lajst year. Conmunlcate at once wllh A-ah L. Hungerford, president: Dr. B. ' F Richards. secretary ; Crawford, Dawes -ionty. Nebraska. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION! AUCTION! Extra High Grade and Staple' Furniture, Pianos, Talking Machines, Rugs ' and Furnishings Of Severs. Gomi ,-JIomes, Including the Saunders and Gallaway Homos. Will Be Sold in My Auction House, Southeast Corner 18th and Webster Sts., Sat.. Aug. 21 Starts at 1 P. M. Sharp. This ss!e consists of some of the best furniture money will buy. Including 1 very expensive plsyer pis no, like new, with abiufTOO music rolls, this from the Meyers home, and the best; also 1 extra high grade, latest style, solid velour parlor suite, with cane and extr.i cushions; 2 good upright grand pianos, 2 standarl talking machlnea and rec ords, 1 mahogany parlor suite with gen- x ulne leather upholstering, 2 extra good . sectional book cases and booka. 1 ma hogany be lroom suite complete. In Wil liam snd Mary style: this is like new, and the best; consists of beautiful bed complete with Jox springs and mt trerses. dresser triple glasa dressing ta ble andjchalr snd chiffonier and rocker, 1 expensive white Ivory bedroom suit, 3 very bjst dining room sets complete, several ex'la good mahogany and oak dressers, t'hlffwiera and dressing tablea, .' several extra good brasa beds, Simon and Vernl". Martin beds, complete with . springs and mattcesses; kitchen cab inets and ga I ranges. Ire boxes, linens, bedding, draperiea, dishes, cooking end laundry utensll..l roller, top office desk and rhai. 1 good 14-foot floor show case. 1 14-foot counter show case nnd all the shelving for a general store, 1 extensive National cash register, com puting, 1 iron office safe. 1 plan ing machii.e. 18-inch electric fan. steel rnttge. heating stoves and hundreds of articles too numerous to mention. - JAMES L. DOWD. AUCTIONEER. , If you have anything to sell, call Douf. r 3285 or Tyler 866 AUCTION SALE rt unredeemed hourehold goods st 807 South . 17th St., Saturday, Aug. 21, It a. m. OMAHA VAN ft STORAGE CO. OLD and new furniture bought and sold. See us. Eureka Furniture Co. Phone Web. 4206. .,1417 No. 24th. BEAUTIFUL waJuut'Queen Ann bed,l6o" Colfax 3438. HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale. 116 So. 2th St. - ; OAK dining room set. Walnut 6726. Pianos and Musical Instruments. AT-IflQPt? Pn Everything In . XlUorlll KjKJ, ,rt music Pianos for rent, 84.00 per ni'nth. ' DKUMS; traps, marimbas. Instructions, repairing. Phone Harney 2167. Geo. A. Smith. 2761 xavepori est. PATHE phonograph, like nev. Including 1 records; $10 cash;. leaving city. ,837 8. 24th. , ' - EEAUTIFUL 8200 PHONOGRAPH, MA- HOGAN T,, ONLY 5. WEB8TER211. FINE orchestra violin, banjo and plccolh, bargain. 241 Davenport. Tyler '4633. WHITNEY piano, 1160. Walnut 1742, alter s. FINE zither harp. 87. Walnut 2808. VICTROLA, fine shape. Doug. 7041. Typewriters nd Supplies. WE buy, sell and exchange all makes r-7 i i or typewriters, write tor list. Midland - Office Supply Co I4"4 Dodge. ALL MAKES Typewriter Co., ".11 make."' :0i 8. 18th St. Tyler 2414 FATHER- NOMVC ftEEN ALL THE JALt I WANT WITHOUT VIMTIN' ) ONDERTAND VOUl wire: sanc fqf the IriM anx: FOR SALE. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES ALL MAKE8, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. - Get our price before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typrewnter Exc. Douglas -3120. 1913 Farnam. ROYAL typewriters, all models, for rent. Royal Typewriter Co., 31 S. 19th St. PROTECTOGRAFHS, F & E.'s; bargains. 320 Neville' Bldg Miscellaneous. GLASS FOR SALE. SIZES 6x7. 6x8, 8x10, BEST GRADE; CAN BE USED- FOR HOT HOUSES, WIRELESS SETS, ETC. .... . CALL MR. HADLEY. - TYLER 1000. ENGRAVING DEPT. 615AHXTi,iL"LOWC07FeW ea made from your own feathera, aum mer and winter aides. Pillows renovated and made up In new festherproof tlck- Ing. 1907 Cuming. D. 2467. ATTENTION" YOUNG LAWYERS! Law office equipment for ssle. Coll at 316 McCague Bldg. before Aug. 2oth or phone Douglas 1 "24. Mrs. Dundey. WE buy, sell safes, make desks, show cases, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., S.JV. Cor. 11th and Douglas. D. 2724. ALFALFA, sweet e-loveri red clover. '$15 per bushel. J. Mulhall. Sioux c ity, Jr. BRTCK-TmOO; paTtly cleaned; at 812. JU N. 38th Aye. Doug. 2947. 2 H. P. variable speed motor and 1 H. P. 3-phpsemotor. T ler3507. HANDpOME reed hshy bugy, almost new. Phorte Douglas 941. COAL, wagon for ssle. Council Bluffs, la. Phone Red 3402, A LARGE rafe for sale or trade for small safe. Tyler 1774. I - , KINDLING' wood for'hauliiig. 115 So." 16th. DRESS, trlcotlne, size Doug. 8625; KINDLING and lumber. Web. 459 BROWN reed biby carriage. Wal. 3104"! WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. 8146. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT.! MACK S BtJ.MJ, HUUSE. 1421 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler .3644 WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and furniture. Ty. 2698. A. Zsvett. 705 N. 16. BEST prices, furniture, clothing. Ty. 669 SITUATIONS WANTED. , Male. WANTED Clerical pcsltiot: In. bank or of fice by young man; college education; active partnership In some busin;ss con sidered; best references. Box Y-1234, Jiee. - CHEMIST with six years' experience In chemistry and esssy work wants con ' nectlon with reliable firm; best of ref erences. Address Box R-66, Bee. REFINED white chauffeur wishes posl4 lion in private family. Best of refer encei. Address Bog X-67, Omaha Bee. LINOTYPE apprentice operator wishes ad ditional apprenticeship in Omaha. Phone Walnuf 6719. COMPETENT truck driver or chauffeur, wi'llng to work, city references. Web. 1S04. EXPERIENCED carpenter Dg. 660. vork. Female. i - HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of The Bee. Lots of food places sre always advertised. Don't tnlsa them. Laundry and Day Work EXPERIENCED laundress with reference! Vwants work Tuesdays, Wednesdays. 45o tr hour, carfare. Mrs. Bassett. Tyler 2967. . WOMAN wants day work. Call Afro American Employment Agency. 2622 Lake. Web. 6976. BUNDLE or family waahing, wet or rough dry. 2245 North 19th. Web. 4427. LAUNDRY Day , work: exceriepced. Webster 3264. r LAUNDRY, Tuesday and Wednesdays. Web. 6181. BUNDLE washing. Price reasonable. Web. 2461. "Bu NDLE washing, neatly done. Tyler 01.Z. BUNDLE washing, day work. Webster 14SS. LAUNDRY for Mon.. Tues Wed. Web- ster suss. CLEANING, day work, experienced. Web ster ZZM. ,-' DAY WORK wanted; experienced. Web ster 8958. . ' WANTED Day work, experienced. Doug las 8368. DATWORK, all kinds; reference. 4461. South BUNDLE washing; day work. Webstef 3943. DAT work wasted; 2498. colored lady, Web. BUNDLE washing, experienced. 1508. Webstef DAY work wanted; 6450. experienced. Web. LAUNDRY, day work, cleaning. Webstif COLORED woman wants Isundry. ster 6111. Web- DAY work, laundry. Webster 3803. colored laundress. BUNDLE WASHING wanted.. 1379. Webster BUNDLE WASHING; soft wat?r. ster 6949. Web- IRONI NG. cleaning, half days. Web. 2222. PAY work, laundry, exp colored. Web. 3631. DA T WORK Call after 5 p. m. Web. 4953. LAUNDRY, day work, exp. Web. 6727. BUNDLE washing wanted. Webster 1 349. BUNDLE wishing, day work. Web. 4495. DAY work, Isundry. experienced. Web. 4448. DAY work wsnted, experienced. Web. 646. .BLDLEWASlilNG wanted. Web. 5461". Daywork. laundry, experienced. Tyler 1671. BUNDLE w ashing. Webster's 3 03 BUNDLE washing; soft water. Web.6949. DAYWj5RkhouiiecIeaninf. Webster6216. DAYWORK, Exp. colored lady.' Web. 3851. LAUNDRYworkMri.Glbaon. Col. 3234. WANT LAUNDRY work. Web". 12 5. BUNDLE washing, ' Webster" 3303. COOKING wanted, exp. Ty. 6472. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. WE can place competent men in posi tions as salesmen, bookkeepers, clerks land every branch of clerical work. "Omaha's Better Employment 8ervlce." " COMMERCIAL REFERENCE CO., 1616 City National Bank Bldg. I WANTED Young man between the ages of 25 and 80 yeara; good opportunity for advancement for one not afraid of work and capable , of handling details. Box T- 1236, Bee. BOOKKEEPER, must be Al. f 160; office clerks, good future, $90-8100. THE MARTI COMPANY, ' Employment Specialists, 1126 W. O. -W. Bldg. ASST bkkpr., small manufacturing firm, $125. WESTERN REFERENCE 4k BOND ASSN. - 736 First National Bank Bldg. 8TENOG. and 8126. WATTS REF. clerk, $125; bookkeeper, CO., 91! 1st Nat'l Bank. Professions and Trades. CHANDELIER makers and spinners, steady work, highest wages. Apply to tba Bailey-Reynolds Chandelier Cora pany. Kansas City, Mo. J TAILOR WANTED." So. 1325. 4925 S. 24tbl j AYC- THAT'-j 1 1 I WbT. UN0CR,TANO ,HF LA IF ( THE CONVCTt COT UP A, ATE?) J HELP WANTED MALE ' Professions and Trades. WANTED : Experienced ' FORD AND FORDSON MECHANIC capable of holding position of shop foreman. CADDOCK & BURKE, AUTHORIZED FORD SALES AND SERVICE, Walnut, la. WANTED FIRST-CLASS WAGON BLACKSMITHS ANDREW MURPHY A SON, OMAHA, NEK YOUNG MEN. We have several openings for young men to learn telephone switchboard In stallation work: liberal starting ssiary, with opportunity for advancement In sn interesting Job. Apply Room 216, Telephone Bldg., 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. WANTED Good young shoemaker; first class repair man: must be good on champion or Landla; $30 per week. Fort Form Shoe Shop, M W. First St., Tulsa, Okl. : - YOUNG man. study law. Eve. downtown sessions. Univer. of Omaha Law Dept. Thorough course; nominal tuition. Sec, 404 Omaha National Bldg. WANTED Two plowholders for grading camp. $200 per month and board. Ap ply 806 Brandels Theater, MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 1J 0 SO. 14TH" ST., CATALOGUE FREE. WANTHD First-class butcner. Rees St, Grocety, 2640 Rees St. Tyler 49S2. TWO GOOD coatmakers: ateady work, Histlch, 4926 S. 24th St. So. 1325. BUSH ELM AN wanted; 1325. steady work. So. Salesmen and Solicitors. ' SALESMEN WANTED Everywhere, city and country, experience un ' necessary, to sell joil leases in the Great High Island District Gulf Coast Oil Fields of ' Texas. You can make $500 per week selling for Our company. Big commission. Every body buys. Our com pany is a fine, produce i n g, money - making company. We own pro ducing wells at Hum ble Gusher Field, Tex- 1 as. We own all our own drilling rigs and equipment. We start drilling at High Island as quick as our men can rig up and spud in. These leases most valuable, on the mar ket. Government re ports describe High Island with wonderful v possibilities. Sale just started. Big advertis ing campaign is com menced. Act on that ' impulse. Get in quick. Come to office if pos sible . Talk it over. Write or wire for your exclusive territory. Get our . bulletin hot off the press with map of Gulf Coast Fields. Most wonderful gusher district in America. These leases going into big money and chance for every lease-owner to clean up $50,000 on s m a -"i. 1 investment. Looks like a sure shot. Get in quick. Work and we work with you. This proposition going over the top into big money. Address sales manager, GULF COAST DEVELOPMENT & REFINING COMPANY, 740 FIR" ST NAT. BANK BLDG., OMAHA, NEB. , Lpng. Distance Tel. Tyler 398. Salesmen Wanted Anywhere In state of Nebraska or Iowa, a few experienced salesmen to sell five-year oil lease land which is of five-acre size and in Devaul county, Texas; that ia no longer an unproven field, but has wells now producing (which have come In the past 30 days) an 'extra high grade oil and seven more drilling within a radius of 10 miles of our holdings. Furnish best of reference as to com pany, geological and title of land. For particulars call at office, 203 Ne ville building or phone Douglas 3600, F. E. Hunt Oil Lease Co. By W. S. Frank. i. SALESMEN OR SALESLADIES Every where, city and- country, to sell royalty in Homer and 'Bull Bavou Louisiana fields; 600 acres surrounded with big wells; one well completed; many others drilling; leases owned by such com psnles as Sinclair, Texas Standard, etc. This Is sure an opportunity for you to make big money quick. Call Mr. Pot ter, room 404, Fontenelle Hotel, for ap pointment. - YOUNG MEN We offer business oppor tunity and a financial future with on of the most progressive manufacturing industries in America. If you are In terested in a position with a future call Doug. 6555. ; SALESMEN calling on cigar, confection ery, drug and billiard trade to sell Kin Zln confection. It's a prize. Write today. . Premium Novelty Works, 700 East 40th Street, Chicago. SALESMEN "and women, Neb. territory, experienced men making good money; we teach the unexperienced. Call I)?. 5GS1 Saturday, Sunday or Monday morn ing. WANTED Salesmen "with established trade In Nebraska, to carry 14 samples men's welt shoes. Can be carried aa a I side line. E. B. - Plekenbrock at Sons. I Dubuque, la. SPECIALTY salesman on silverware, runs and blankets; csn use couple of good men out of town work. O F. Adams Co., 62 So. 16th Stj 5 SALESMAN with ear, good proposition to right man. Rubber City Sales, 2064 Farn- ' , r, MKl TMERC! GS ' $?lljbmk INCLUDED tN THEIR J ' . v t , luTi ,a ia ,y r,Tu,r "viet ,He ' " SEE JICCS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Two shoe salesmen, ex perienced men only, who are willing to work, pierce snoe Co., council iuirs, Iowa. Agents and Canvassers. TELEGRAPH operators and agents. Can use several experienced men; permanent position; minimum rats esc per hour. Apply by wire or letter, tsupi. c u. w, R. R.. Clarion. Ia. . Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Second cook and dishwasher, La Rue Cafe. 24th and Ames Ave. WANTED Storekeeper. Apply Blackstone hotel. Boys. BUS BOYS (WANTED. LIGHT WORK, GOOD SALARY. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNG MEN WHO OANNOT DO HARD LABOR. APPLY SUPT. BALCONY, BURGESS-NASH. WANTEJD AN OFFICE' BOY. APPLY MORRIS & CO., ' SOUTH SIDE. WANTED Messenger boy. Apply Live Stock National Bank. So. S Jde. GOOD place for a boy, 16 or 17 years old. Doug. 4743. " Miscellaneous. ' 50 MEN WANTED FGR GENERAL YARD WORK APPLY TIMEKEEPER, UNION STOCK YARDS, SOUTH SIDE. ) WANTED, CASE WASHERS. GOOD SALARY. APPLY SUPT. I BALCONY, BURGESS-NASH. WANTED PACKER. 1 For all kinds of merchandise; must be able to pack china, glass ware, elf.; Catholic; splendid op portunity, good salary. Address jpox D-93. Omaha Bee. WANTED M EV FOR SERVICE IN HOUSE. PERMANENT POSITION. , GOOD SALARY. APPLY SUPT. BALCONY, BURGESS-NASH. WANTED Man old or young to do cashier work from 6 to 12. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Harney. MAN to wash floors and windows. Wis Memorial Hospital. . MEN wanted for warehouse work. 1Mb and Nicholas Sts. . PORTER wanted. Keen hotel. EXPERIENCED porter. Blackstone Hotel. HELP WANTED FEMALE, Stores and Offices. ANNOUNCEMENT' We have o'penings for five cap able young women wishing to take up Long Distance Telephone work. ' s Apply to , MISS BELL, 318 Telephone Bldg., Between 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. , American Telephone & Telegraph Co. STENOGRAPHER Alert girl who can handle office detail and meet public r salary open. STENOGRA PHERS Wholesale district, $110-100. V BOOKKEEPER , ' ? Exceptional opening. Uptown office, $130. Mabel Warner Rugg, Vocational Supervisor. (507 Bee Bldg. WANTED An experienced1 floor lady, one who is cspsble of taking and handling girls In factory; experienced in sewing auto tops, seat rovers and radiator covers preferably. Apply OMAHA AUTO TOP CO.. 709 S. 15th St.' WANTED GIRLS TO WAIT ON SODA TABLES; SHORT HOURS, GOOD SALARY. AP PLY SUPT., BALCONY. BURGESS-NASH COMPANY. ATTENTION! CLERKS AND FILE CLERKS. We have some excellent position st good salaries; some light stenographic work. . 1 'Omaha's Better Employment Service." COMMERCIAL REFERENCE CO., 1516 City National Bank Bldg. WANTED. BURROUGHS ADDING . v . MACHINE OPERATOR. , 8TANDARD OIL CO., 1912 Farnam St. STENOGRAPHER wanted. apply H. R. Bowen Co., Howard St., between loth and 16th. HELP WANTED-FEMALE Stores and Offices. GENERAL office clerk, uptown office, $86 to $100. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASSN. 73 First National Bank Bldg STENOGRAPHERS, . $75 to $126; typists, $75 to $100. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 912 First National Bank Bldg. r WEST FARNAM, $8,600 At 315 No. 38th Ave; brick and stucco, with 2 baths. ' Quick possession. X. C. Patterson. Doug. '2947. WANTED Competent stenographer snd clerk: good salary. Call Council Bluffs 666between 2 and6 p. m. ' WANTED Typist for billing. Apply Mni Cord-Brady Co., 13thand eavenworth YOUNG ladv for cashier. Sherman Mo Connell Drug Co., 16th and Harney. Professions and Trades. YOUNG LADIES Do you want a permanent position? No profession today offers better op portunities for good salaries and steady employment than local or long distance telephone work. The work Is fascinating, pleasant, healthful surroundings, Annual -vaca tlons with full pay. Sick and accident i benefit without cost to employes. , No experience nWessary. Substantial weekly pay while In training. Rapid advancement. . ' Parents invited to investigate working i conditions. Apply to 1 MRS. MORRIS, , Employment Secretary, Room 616. Vew Telephone Building. Nineteenth and Douglas Streets. WANTED, EXPERIENCED HELP IN ALTERATION ROOM. PERMANENT POSITIONS. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT ON BAL CONY, BRANDEIS STORES. GIRLS WANTED. Bright, young girls. 16 to 25 years of age, for factory work. BEMIS BAG FACTORY llth and Jackson Sts. NURSES If you are one and want a rest, with good pay call Dg. 5681 Saturday, Sunday or Monday morning. WANTED Rural teachers; salaries $100 to $130. Apply to County Superintendent of Schools, Glasgow, Mont. GIRLS wanted, to learn nursing. 3-year course. City Hospital, Norfolk, Neb. WANTED G'rls. 201 Karbach Block. Douglas 4113. 1 TWO nurses' aids (white). . tiarkson Hospital. . s. GIRLS WANTED. Dg. 4113. Burgess Shirt Co. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Salesladies for vegetable dept. Apply Manager, Grocery Dept., Hayden Bros. ; MILLINERY salesladies wsnted. Drshos Luttlg Hst' Shop, 1706 Douglss1 St. Household and Domestic. GIRL wsnted for 'housework ; no Vsshtng or cooking; good wsges and good home t'j right party. Address Box X-26, ' Omaha Bee. iWANTED An experienced housemaid on or before Sept. 1. References required. Mrs. I.. L. Kountzo, 423 So. 39th St. Har. 187. WANTED Ht once, ood while girl or woman to assist with housework. No washing or cooking, good home. Dg. f20.1. WHITE gin or woman for general houae wc.rk; ona who will go home nights preferred: goot wages. Harney 647. WANTED Girl for general . -.housework" good wsges. Apt. 2'i9y St. Regis, 37th and .Jones. Har. 4227. WHITE girl for genersl housework. Ref erences. No washing. Good wages. 6123 Burt. Call Wal. 238. WANTED MIddle-sge woman for house keeper. Mrs. R. L. Lewis. Osceols, Neb. WANTErJ-Glrl for genersl housework. uooa wsges. Hsrney 4Z2T. WANTED A competent housemaid. Har- neyzn6. WANTED An experienced ma'd for gen eneral housework: references. Har. 352. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED GIRLS TO WAIT ON SODA TABLES; SHORT HUUKS, GOOD SALARY. AP PLY SUPT., BALCONY, BUR GESS-NASH COMPANY. DISHWASHER wanted, no Sunday work. Apply Hotel Dept. Union Stock Yards, South Side. y MAIDS WANTED, EXPERIENCED; TOP . SALARY. BLACKSTONE HOTEL. GIRL for, dining room work. Mercy Hos pltal. Councjl Bluffs. Phona 673. TWO maids for floor work. Clsrkson Hos pital. , Miscellaneous. i WANTED Experienced elevator opera tors, permanent position and splendid aalary. Apply Supt., balcony, BURGESS-NASH CO., BIG SISTERS ASSOCIATION, for the benefit of business girls. 621 Bee Bldg. Douglas 6592. W ASHMAN, experienced ; steady position. Bell Laundry, Leavenworth. Kan.- OIRL wanted for relief work. Apply Wise Memorial Hospital. Tyler 1571. WOMAN wanted to take charge of sew ing room. Clarkson Hospital. HELPWANTED Male and Female. WANTED Young men and ladies ex perienced In soliciting Insurance or 11. a gazine subscriptions or advertising vi llcitors. Must furnish references. Big opportunity to make money. Call ?49 A mm Ave. (Upstairs.) WANTED Men. ladies snd boys to learn barber trade; big demand: wages while learning: strictly modern. Calk or write 1401 Dodge 8U Tri-City Barber College. j Drawn for The Bee by McManus. Copyright, 19-0 International News Service HELP WANTED. Male and Female. CLERKS, (men, women), over 17, for poa- tal mall service. $135 month. Examlna - tlons, September. Experience unneces. sary.- For free particulars, writ a J. Leonard (former civil service examiner), sn Kqmiapie aiag., Washington. EDUCATIONAL. TWO OPENING DATES 1920 - FALL TERM. 1 BOYLES BUSINESS COLLEGE AND SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY AUGUST 50 SEPTEMBER T Write, catl or phone Douglas 1666 for rree catalogue. BOYLES COLLEGE. Boylei Bldg., . Omaha, Neb. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS l.' tri r. -i rrviOTT OMAHA'Si EFFICIENT BUSINESS SCHOOL. - Day and night school. Douglss 7774. lor, Mtn and image, 1. o. O. F. Bldg. Van Sant School of Business, Dsy and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. Music. riANO clsss lessons for beginners, 60c; graduate experienced tea.raer. Col- rax 2583. FRANK KENT, teacher, saxaphone. Mis- ner school. Patterson Block. Omsha, iNf.O. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Small manufacturing business. Money maker, with small capital. Will consider Omaha property in trade. Call on or ad dress, , J. M. Kyde 68 West St. BlairNeb. DON'T miss this opportunity. An in- ; dependent fortune for you. Hsven'l the money to handle the Proposition. Would consider a good car as psrt psyment for Interest or all. Phone Web. 1403 after 1 p. m. ana Sunday phone Web,1866. market, atock almost $2,300. flrture. , IM'. I5t rent per month for 6-room modern house and store. Inquire of .j. Dimi-n. vtii a. -'Ttn ft. CONFECTIONERY for ssle; fine fixtures; . well located; doing a nice business; solid marble fountain. Address Dr. Blsop, r,-KVgBipr springs, JHO. RESTAURANT for sale, sickness reason for selling; place doing good business; win sen cnesp ror cash, uoug. 6588. NEWSPAPER FOR SALE The (lowal News, at half price. Stuart TO GET In or out of business, see LEWIS at uu., ii Mccague Bldg. SO. SIDE Good paying 14-roomeroomlnf iioubo ior SHie. fco. zun. MOVING "picture show for sale, -newly equipped. wepster 210. GARAGE for sale with equipment. Call nr. Clark, wal. 2296. SMALL grocery store for sale. D. 8T77 FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT, TYLER 1000. AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY W'EEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR umihiis awu ADVBRTISERS. SINGLE rooms for men only; running hot ana coia waier: walking distance. frown apis., eos N. 21st, Doug. 6644. COOL, attractive room in Hnnscoui park district, suitable for ens or two. 1106 a. issa tit. , FURNISHED room In ail modern apart ment, on car line. Private family. Web. pin. COOL, comfy rooms, separate or ensulte, iiiuurn pi n-aiB nome. nar. Z34Z. NICELY furnished room, modern, home I iinviicges. me goutn z?tn et. COOL, attractive rooms: fine location; also r samge. jrnone wopster b39S. 2453 ST MARYS Large modern room, ironi.nauit;. 3 OR 4 MODERN furnished rooms. Col- rax S&.M. BOARD and room. Dg. 8095. 619 So. 26th Ave. 30 in DODGE Comfy, modern room. , FRONT room, gentlemen. Har. 13397 Housekeeping Rooms. TWO furnished light housekeeping rooms. private nome, no cnuaren. 3113 cait- iornia. ,it. 4341. TWO ROOMS, light housekeeping; rca sonalile. 2813 Dewey. 2 LIGHT housekeeping rooms at 2222 r arnam at. 110 So. 2Sth Ave., 1 room, housekeeping. 1 rnapnauig. 800 So. 28th, 2 or 3 well-furnished modern rooms. 2712 HOWARD 2 front rooms, bath-roon floor. 2 MODERN rooms; private home 7048. Har. Board and Rooms. COM FT. cool rooms, suitable for two; good ooarq; waming oistance. DOUgiae1088. ROOM snd board, two young men. 2618 Capitol. 624 S. !STH Room, board; private family. Tyier 4izt. 519 SO. 26TH AVE.; board, room. D. 8095. Unfurnished Rooms. ONE OR TWO unfurnished rooms to rent. 2716 D St.,Telephone 80. 4272. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. , FOR RENT Elght-rocm modem, furnished house, di-uDie garage, shown by appointment AMOS GRANT CO., REALTORS. 230-2-4-6-8 Brand. Th. Bldg. Doug. 8380. Unfurnished. FOR RENT Strictly modern six-room house at 4116 Dodge St., $60 per mo. Immediate possession. W. G. Clarks, 1610 C St.. Lincoln. 6-ROOM house for rent, 226 Francis. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnished. EL-BEUDOR APARTMENT HOTEL. Conveniently licated. Furnished thioughout. hul ten of two and hree rooma, with combination tub -and shower bath. Kitchenettes completely equipped. Weekly rental lnck-des light, best. gas. telephone and maid service. An Ideal home for those whe desire comfort ani service. Ipar'nients shown by appoint ment. Dodge and latn. iyir 4200. 114 So. 3Sth Ave. Two 3-room apartJ ments; one rurntsi'-ci. WALSH-ELMER CO., ' REALTORS. 333 Securities Bldg. Tyler 1636. Unfurnished. WANTED TO RENT I am willing to pay a liberal rental I on one year's lease for a modern 7 or 8-room house In cathedral or West I Farnam district. Would want posses-1 slon about September 1st to 1 6th. What nave you to. offer 7. Answer before rl any. Box Y-H35. Bee. ROOMS, unfurnished: arranged like an apartment: separate kitchen; good I neighborhood; Including heat; references I txchanged. So. 4f9. LET us rent your house or fist. BenJimlB 4c Frankenoor. ezt uee wag WANTED TO gENTY Unfurnished Apartments and Hguc WANTED Rooms or apartmentli siitable for occupation by trachea durhig th school year. Reference preterabljr from teach' r required. ' Writ ad dress, telephone number, terms, to Miss Elliabeth Ryan, ,201 Ohlo,.rhalr man welfare committee, Omaba Ichool For urn. SMALL family wants, in rent a ! of eevfo room nouse in - uunain or. v m Cluh dUtrlct. Good references. H. L Dodson. Nebraska Telephone Co. FOR RENT Business Property. FOR RENT Warehouse at lh n4 ' Nicholas streets: 32.000 square , feet; vatOr, aprlnklered. etc. V'arnam atreet large elevator. Also building on Lvan . era i worth atreet, west of 30th. about 13,00 Jt I A I square feet; ateam heating plant: flnej , for storage or gurnse. Apply W. O. J & .. 1 Brandt, Orchard & Wtlnelm Co. . '- "j. J ' FOR LEASE. f 1 J 17.000 square feet, wholesale. Ele- t "a 1 below th and 10th St. Very low rental. V McCague Investment Co., Agents. WANTED TO RENT Apartment or house, 4 or 6-room proforsbly, neighbor hood of Kountze place. Willing to pay rent In advance. Give particulars In answering. Address A-73, Omaha Bee. . WAREHOUSE apses in modern six-story concrete warehouse: on good trackage: rates reasonable. Call O. K. Rut hop, Tyler 671. - - HORSES AND VEHICLES. TWO HORSES, weight 1,200! 2 sets har ness, l light spring wagon, loi, .111. LIVE STOCK. 1 - , - 7- . ,. a t FOR SALE Saddle horse. Apply Colonel Walterhouse, Ft. Omaha. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. MIXED grain $3.76 per 100 lbs., dM nverea. a. w. wagner, ui norm itia St. Douglaa 1142. - DOGS CATSPETS. 3-MONTHS-OLD Boston bu)l pup. eligible iv insjion 1 , V et 1 s atuu ion VI IH1IM9U South lisa. YOUNG singers, $7. Col. 1181. MOVING AND STORAGE." WE assemble and forward -carloads of both household goods and automobiles. Watch this column, as It will keep you Informed where we are mailing carload shipments to. It you are shipping to any of the cit ies represented or to towns adjacent to our shipping points, see us about our rates, ss It Is likely thst our through) late Is lesa than the regular local rats and youthavo the advantage of carload service. Todpy ws ars accepting shipments for the following cities: Minneapolis, Minn. I.os Angeles, Cal. Chicago, III. GORDON FIREPROOF WARE- HOUSE AND VAN CO., 219 N. 11th St. Phone Douglas 394. Omaha, Neb. FIDELITY AWS? STORAGE, MOVING, PACK CO. KINO ' HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackson Sts. Douglss 2't. MOVING, PACKING. STORAGE, FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 80s South 16th. Doug. 4168. "METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Qwnd by H. R. Bowen Co, Tyler 340. GLOBE VAN, TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. For real service in hauling or stor sge,. call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. Auto or wagon service. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport. Doug. 2908. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE.' ATTENTION! TRUCK USERS! Large selection of new and used truck bodies at bargain prices. We are overstocked on truck bodies, many of which came in on chassis for which buyers de sired special bodies and some taken in on trade. We must now move these to ob tain additional storage space Come in and look them over. Dumps, drays, express and closed bodies. HAMILTON MOTOR CO., 1814 Cuming Street A REAL BARGAI N in- National 7-passenger, In excellent dltton; only been driven 2,600 rale; looks and runs Ilk naw; dandy car or a large family; will sell at real ssirl- fice; very liberal terms If desired. MORSE-STUT2S MOTOR CAR CO., 2427 Farnam St. Douglas 1311. ESSExi'920 SEDAN. , This week we are showing a 1920 Essex Sedan, which has been used 3,400 miles only. Was fx- changed on a Hudson Coupe aid is just like the day it left the hcj tory. New car guarantee, 'of course, and a real bargain, kn ideal small Sedan. Smart and snappy. Economical and easv to handle. Call Douglas 1970. Cish ' or 4erms. GUY L. SMITH, i 26th tnd Farnam Sts. Buy a Guy L. Smith Used Car. A SAFE INVESTMENT We alwavs have a few first-class used cars which are real bargaiis. Each is guaranteed and with: a real service behind it. Call Doug las 1970 any time for descriptisn of cars and prices. DRIVE IT YOURSELF COMPANY RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF THE MOST ECONOMICAL AUTO- MOBILINO: CHEAPER THAN OWN ING A C.R. NEW. A-1 CONDITION. SELF-STA RTEKS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT THE Still DATS. 1314 HOWARD STREET. DOUG. 3621 STUDEBAKER ROADSTER, 1918. ( Here Is a smart little 4-ryllnder. 3-oas- senger roadster which has been used very little and Is just like new. fas large carrying epace In th rear. Ws will guarantee this car In every wsy snd It Is priced right. Call Doug. a 1970 for Information. iUY L. SMITH, 26th and Farnam. OVERLAND 7 I must sacrifice my Overland touring oar tor $250, which is the best buy in Omaha for the price. This caV is completely eauioDed and has excellent tires. Don't fail to sec it. For information and a;:pointmtnti cali Harney S0S1. WE SAVE YOU ti nut of every $10 on sum imari. Phone Douglas 7768. 313 Peters Trust Bldf. Continenlal lav. Ca , Ik - ti: V ( .. I 9 . 1 f ) ) V I I T, 9