f v ia ' WICHITA "tyKE CLOSE CONTEST FROM BOOSTERS -v-Error, Pass and Two "Sacri fices Give the Visitors Two in Sixth, Enough To Win Game. Dcs Moines, Ia., Aug. 20. An er for, a : pass,, two sacrifices and a cratch- hit in -the sixth inning gave Wichita two runs,' enough to defeat the locals in the first game of the series. Anotherwas added in the seventh, making the final score 3 t& 1 e game was suspended for .' five minutes as a tribute to Ray 'Chapman. WICHITA. RES MOINES, i' " ' AB.H.O:A. AD.H.O.A. 9wth,r 3 0 0 O'Hara, If 110 Washb'n.rf 1 2 I) M'Der'ott.Sb 4 112 Heritor, m 3 012 Mneller, rf 4 13 0 tbp,c S t 5 0 O'Connos.lb 4 3 7 3 Beck, lb 1 114 OjFrraeh, us 4-1 3 8 Hutfrr, 3h 0 0 slcoffey. Ib 4 0 8 1 rcmlfcn, !f 4 fl 111 Med. rf 4 19 OrifTin. 2b 3 1 2 6IAnrtrson. e 4 1 2 3 Oregory, p 3 10 JlBuckalew.p 3 10 1 Totals 2 T 27 121 Wichita Total .14 27 17 00000210 03 l'ts Moines . 0 0 9 1 0 0 0 0 01 Huns: Pmlth. Washburn; Conla:,. French. T'rrors: French. Conlan. Two-bas hit: Mueller. Sacrifice l.iu: Smith, 'h burn, Berrer. Yarvan, Griffin. O'Hara. Left on bancs: Whlnta s, Dee Moines 8. Mrurk out: By ' nuclulKW 1, by Gregory 4. Base on ballxr Off Tlu'-ltalcw . Turned runs: Wienlta !. Des Moines 1. I'ouhln mays: O'Oonnr to Coffey: Cof fey t,o French to- O'Connor; Aii'lerson to t'eff-y; Bergcr to io k, . Umpliea: Becker und Lauren. Time: 1 : 2 S. . t Horseshoe Tourney at O'Neill, Neb., Next Week O'Neill, Neb.,' Aug. 20.(Spccial. The r.nnuffl horseshoe pitching contest for Holt county this year twill Ka ViaM at tli rnnntv fair at tnursaay 01 next week, ruics 01 ine national association to prevail. A former state champion of Viscon sin. J. P. McManus; the Cass county (Iowa) ex-champion, George Far- y--ham; seyeral former holders of the countyxnampionsnip, ana a numner of othcra already have entered for the events. No entrance fee is charged the contestant. The cham pionship of the county, which en titles the successful contender to possession of the championship em blenY, an engraved horseshoe, for one year, is the only, but much sought after, prize! Entries are be iiiV made .with Secretary Arthur Ryan of the Holt county fair asso ciation. ' ' ., Columbian Opticals Play Dnve-ltYourself Club The Columbian Optjcal company and the Drive-It-Yourself company amateur base ball , tpams will play Sunday afternoon at Tontcneflc park at 3:30.y r. . Blues Buy Players. Kansas City. Aug. 20. The Kan sas City" American association club has purchased Pitcher Lambert and Shortstoj) DinglaVdj of the Spokane Pacific Coast league team. ADVERTISEMENT k O. HUNTER, of Cincinnati, Ohio, who ayt Tanlae hat certainly proven its worth in both hi own and hi wife' ease. He X . f f wasn't able to work when he hj fan taking it. , Last fall I had the 'Flu' add it left me in a very weak and run down conditio! with -no appetite at all and such a weak stomach thaUevcn the smell--of cooking made -m sick. I was awfully nervous and night aft night I couldn't sleep - to do any good. I would get up in the morn ings' tired and Worn out and was so short of breath that a half hour's job would ire me as fnuch as a whole day's work used to. In fact, I finally had to give rp a good job. " When I first started on Tanlac I was working for the Goodyear Rub ber Co. in Akron, O. I decided thaf anything that was being talked about so jnuch was at least worth an honr est trial. It worked like a charm in 'my case.- It helped meright fryim the start and- by the time I had taken my third bottle all of my troubles were gone and" I fohd myself well and strong again. "'While in Akron my wife got so she couldn't fat. ' She lost weight and got very pale. ' Tanlac was" do ing me so much good I .got her to try if and aftty taking two bottles, she is looking fine again. Her ap petite is just splendid and she looks like a- different person; It certain ly -4m proved ' its wnrth to both of tis-and has come up to every word I have read ana neara aooui ic. The above statement was made by A. O. Hunter, 106 W. 7th St., Cin cinnati, Ohio, a well-known rne chanic now in the employ of the Cin cinnati Abattoir Co. Tanlac ia sold ;:jn Omaha at alH A Sherman & McConnell Drug Com party's stores. Harvard Yharmacy and West End Pharmacy. Also Forrest and Meany Drug- Company , in Sooth Omaha and Benson Pharm acy, Benson, and the leading drug , gist in each city and town through cut the state of Nebraska. - BASE BALL DIRECTORY - Standing of the Teams. , ll'nttra Leag-ac. W. U Pet. I W. U Pet. Wichita ..70 (0 .S3'8t Joseph. 63 6 .(21 Tulaa 68 4 .681!Joplin ....55 4 .4i Ok I. City.. 83 St .634ISIou City (0 C8 .434' Omaha . . SO AS .522 Des Moines 46 74 .37 - " , National I-engue. ' ' - W. I Pet. I "VOL. Pet. Cincinnati 63 47 .873 Chicago ...66 j .496 Brooklyn .63 4 .55S St. Louis. ..62 60 .464 New Yorkr.60 II ,641IBoaton ....47 68 .448 Pittsburgh 66 (4 .60lPh'delphla 46 61 .411 American- Ieaae. ( w. u Pet. I . vr.L. Pet. Cleveland 72 41 .6"7T)oton ....62 60 .464 Chicago ..74 44 .627!Waah'Kton .48 61 .440 Now York. 73 45 .Simnetrolt 44 70 .3S6 SC. Lou(s..J.5 (.6 .600;Ph'delrhla 36 78 .316 . Yesterday's Results. ' Wtra 1-eague. - Wichita, 3: iSea Molnea. 1. No other frames j.lityed. Natlnnub lague. rhlladelphin. & Pittsburrh, Cincinnati. 10; Bvrklyn, 3. (hiraRO. 5; New York. 1. St. Louis, 6; Hoaiou, 4. ' , ' Amerlrnn League. ChicOBO, 7-9: Philolelphia. 4-0 Norther games played. Today's Games. Western League. Oklahoma City at St. Joseph. Tulsa at Omaha. Wtchlta at Des Moines. Joplin at Sioux City. National- League. Bnaton at St. Louis. Brooklyn at Cinclnnnll. Philadelphia at Pittsburgh. Now York at Chicago. American Leagae. St. Louis at Philadelphia. Chicago at Wnshlngton. IetrQk at New York. Cleveland aT Boston. KORLD RECORD HORSES FAIL AT NAR8ERTH TU:I I nirU Rifle Grenade Wins Heat of Holmes , Stake In Slow Time of 2:0814. 4 hiladelDhia. Aue. 20. The dow fall of world's record, holders fear tured the Grand circuit races at Nat-berth. The best Rifle Grenade, which hung up a new world's record for 3-year-old pacing - geldings this season, could do in the 3-year-old race for the Holmes stake was" to win the third hat in the slow time of 2:084, Frisco June won the first two heats. Rifle Grenade was lame and the heavy track was not to his liking, but he was a favorite, with the big crowd and his defeat was a surprise. . Five races made -np the card. Ben White won the mile and 100-yard tiash with Guesswork in 2:20, the prorata reeord taken by the winner being v2:12j. The Hanover "hotel stake iof $2,500 went to Edna Early after, Ethel Chimes had won the first heat. This race was a proces sion until theNhalf mile was reached and then a battle ' royal between Ethel Chimes and Edna Early to the wire in all three heats.." " J The $2,000 Bull's Head Bazaar stake for $2:J8 trotters was easy for Holywood Naomi in straight heats, all of which were stepped in 2:Wi. Commit finished first in the three heats of the First President's cup for 2:08 trotters. 2:14 race, mile and 100-yard dash, turs:-"00: , Guess Work, b. m., fcy Peter tho Great (White) i 1 Pat Worthy, b. g. (Kline) 2 Silent Annie, b. m. Crawford) S Walter S.. b. s. (Smalem) i .-. 4 Wrack, h. c. (Oregory) 6 Ji)lle I. T.. b. m. (Valentine) 6 Tlme. 2:09; pro rata record. 2.12H. Thlee-year-old pice, the Holmes stake, t nrs SI. 000, three heats: Frisco June, h. e., l.y, San Fran- i Cisco W. Fleming).; 1 l' 2 Ttlfle Grenade, b. g. (McDonald).. 3 S 1 F.htablta, b. t. (White) 2 3 4i .'ane Forbes, br. m. (Valentine).. 4 - 2. 3 Jo Dillon, br. e. (O'cil) 6 4 1 Time, :2:09y. : 2:Mt4; 2084. 2:06 pace, the Hanover stake purse S2 S0O,' three heats: . i;lna Early, br. m.. by Robert. C. t Valentine r- 2 1 1 ;thel Chimes, br. m (Cnx) 12 3 Lillian eilktrood. b!k. m. (Geere) i S -3 Time. 2:0'i: S:07: 2:13. 2:18 trot. .Hulls Head uazarre stSKe.i i urso 32.000. three heats .. . ' .1 lletlyrood Naomi, b. in.; by Peter the Great (Dodge) 1 f'I'i Blntren. br. g. (Valentine) 2 Kliza Dillon, b. m. (Depy) ....... . 3 Lotta Watts, b. m.,(Cox) 4 Herbel Myn, br. w. (Geers) 6 Theaome, K s,' Bush). a . 6 .6. Ponna Dlllorr sIo starred. Time, S:I0iA: 2:10V. ;s 2:1054.--2:08 'trot, llrst president's cup,,pura SI. 000, three heats: CVtnlt. eh. m., by, Cyrenne (Ed- mnn) v 1 - 1 -1 Harvest Tide. b. m. (McDonald).. 2 1 2 Dottle Day. br. m. (Thompaon).. 3 3 S Mamie Locke, gr. in. (Geers).... 4 4 4 Time, 2:10; 2:0',i; 1:08. Sophie, Champion Butter V Cow, Comes Back at 15 New York, Aug. 19. Sophie 19th of Hood farm,. Lowell, Mass., for mer champion Jersey cow, has ccjme back at the age of 15('ycars. and six months with a ninth Official record that make's her world's champion butter cOw, the American Jersey f Cattle clubs announced today, In nine years she is credited with having given 110,918 pounds of milk and 6,355 pouds "ofbutter fat. an ave rage of 12,324 pounds, of milk and 706 pounds of butterfar-per year.J Sophie 19th has a clear lead of 693' pounds of butter fat over her nearest competitor, Tilly AlcartraoLl H'-lstein cow owned on a Southern California farm, it, was statedl ' V. American Association - At Milwaukee Tmulsvllle Milwaukee Batteries: Tineup pR. H. E. ...... " S I 13 0 and, Meyers; Mo Whseiry and Oaston. ' ' . Conimbus-Mtnneapolla not scheduled. At St. Paul .. . .,- R. II. E. Toledo .". I... 3 8 2 St. Paul 2 7 2 Batteries: MeColl and Woodall; Coumbe and Hargfave. ' t At KafT""' City f-R. H. E. IndlanapVills 2 6 3 Kar.ess City1 til 1 Battsrles: Cavet and Henllne; Weaver and Brock. t GirkSues Taxi' Firm $50,000 : For Injuries In Accident ' 4kfiss Grace Richter sued the Cen tral Taxicab company today in dis trict court fbr $50,000 damages. - Kfic RirViter allecres she wan rirt- ng jn a Central taxicab driven by Walter Jensen on Broadway in Conn- til Bluffs August 7 when the machine crashed into a team of horses, break-1 ring her nose, injuring her spine ina I j:r. i. ... . ,,kki.-rv7N U19I1(I4I lll)( 11.1 . v. , jriww.uipti- maneritly. She alleges Jensen was driving negligently and demands oayment ef $50,000 for her iinri.' iin a n pp v UUD5 UtrtAI GIANTS, 5 T0 1, IN FIRST GAME t . ; Paskert Hits Home Run and TripleChicago Knocks , Benton Off Mojjnd In Third. Chicago. Aug. 20. Chicago '-defeated New York in the first-game of the series today, 5 to 1., Alex ander was touched for 11 hits, but ' was strong and steady in tight places Chicago knocked Benton ott the mound in the third after scoring three runs off him in the second. Douglas and Winters finished. Pas kert; with a homer and triplc.as the star in batting. NEW YORK. CHICAOO. ATJ.H.O.A. H.O.A. Burns, If 2 2 0 1 1 Flack, rf Ttrfy. ss 4 10 0 4 0 11 Bancroft, ss Lrtevre, ss Young, rf Frisch, 3b Kelly, lb Spencer, cf PnylarSb , Smith, c Consoles, c Benton, P Douglas, p King AVinwrs, p xSnjfder 3 Itohtson, I 4 11.0 4 8 0 4 2 6 2 3 0 12 4 3 2 t 2 16 0 3 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 3 11 0 1 t i 0 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OMurliie, lb Pai'.t-rt, it Oenl. Cb Fribrtr. 2b O'Farrcll, c Alex tier, p Toia! :J 10 27 Totals SO 11 24 131 r Patted for Douglas in seventh. xBfittetl for Winter In ninth. New Yorlf 0000100 0 1 Chit ago y 0 Sjl 0 0 1 0 0 x 5 Runs! Frich, I'oskert (2), Deal, Frl lcr: Alexander. Two-bsso t: Kelley. Throd-has hits: Youn:?, Toskcrt. Homo run: Pr.sl-e-t. Sucrlfico hit: O'Farrcll. Double play: Doy.e to Lefevre to Kellsy. Left on bones: New York 6, Chlcaso 8. Bases on balls: Off Benton 2. off Dous 'ns 1, 6ff Winteis 1. tilts: Off Benton, t in two lnnlnpn: off Douglas, 3 in our in-r.ln?.-.; off Wlr.tcrs. 1 In two Innings. StriK.k out: Alexander 4, byvjlenton 2, ly poufflas f. by Winters 1. Wild pitches: llcnton, Dnuthis. Losing pitcher: Benton. Umpires: Itirler and Jioran. Time: 1:43. paiLADi:Lrm. I Pittsburgh. AB.H. O.A.I AB.H.O.A. m -..,-fc,ib 6 111 OlBlirliee, If 3 .1 4 0 .- -- IT 5 1 IT" 0 farey. cf 3 0 2 0 Rawlings,2b3 0 0 ."I ''worth, rf 4 1 0 - lUiHini.t f S t 5 OlWhlttetl. Kb 6 0 0 5 Meueel. rf 4 1 S Olfutshaw. 2b 6 2 3 ', J. Miller, ss 5 13 4iBarbare. s 4 0 3 3 w stone, do 1 " o e t,rtmm, to i x. i Tl. Mlller,.'!b 4 0 4 4 Hnoffner, c 4 0 2 0 Trates.-or.c 4 12 2 Ponder, p 4 0 0 2 Betls, p 3 0 0 2 x i "7 77 71 It Totals' 6 53 17 Totals 3 23 14? Phtlr.rtelphia 00001 000! 0 24 Pittsburgh 1 0000001 00 0 S r.uns: Lebourveau, Rawllngrs. Meusel. J. Miller. Bigbee (2). ijrrors: J. Hlller.lVhlt tcd. Stolen bases: Ttlubne, Carey, Grimm, Meu.-.el. J. Miller. Sacrifice hits: Carey, Rowlings. Double plays: R. Miller and Palette :vBarbare, Cgtshaw to Grimm. Left on bases: Philadelphia, ; Pittsburgh, . Bases on balls: Off Bctts. 4; off Pender. 3. Struck Out: By Ponder, 2. Wild pitch: Ponder. Winning pitcher. Betts. Loalas pitcher: Ponr. Umpires: Klem ana Emslie. Time of game: 2 hours. ' Beds Trim Dodgers. Cincinnati, Aug. 20. The Beds woj, the seond came of tho series from Brooklyn today, scoring 10 to 3 by hard hitting of three visiting pitchers. , Mamaux wa knocked out of the bo la tho fifth and Mitchell suffered tha same rate "V-ino sixth, while Mohaf . was aiso ptranu.u . rjRoqriLtN'. t CINCINNATI, i x i n u n a Olson, ss I 6 .2 Johnston. 3b 4 2 Lamar, rf 6 0 I AU.M.U.A Groh, 3b 4 11 4 Daubert. lb 6 1 13 0 Rnush. ( f 5 4 1 0 Wheat, If 4 -1 Duncan, If 4 3 14 Kopf, ss 8 13 1 Neale. rf 6 2 2 Myorr, cf Kon'chy.lb Kltiluff, 2b Sicking. 2b -4 ,i , Wlngo, e, 6 3 3 1 Luoue, p 3 10 1 LMlller. c ray tor, c Mamaux.. p Mitchell, p Mnhart, p Ncls . xSee 1 0 0 0 Fisher, p 0 0 0 1 Totals. 30 19 27 1 , Totals S6 f 24 16 Batted for Mohart in ninth. --, . xBatted for Luue In : ninth. Brooklyn ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 8 Cincinnati... 0!0 1 0 5 2 0 2 '10 Runs: Konetchy, Taylor, Neis. Daubert, Rutish (3), Duncan. Kopf. Neale (2). 8lck iiilf, Wlngo. Errors: Oslon, Taylor, Roush, Jiopr. Two-nase nus: t,uiue, roneicny. Three-base hits: - Hotish. Neale. Stolen cures; Kopf. NeaK, Vlngo. Sacrifice lilts: Duncan, Kopf (2). -Double plays: Mvcrs to Kllduff to Olson; Kllduff to Ko Tictchy. Left on bases: Brooklyn , Cin cinnati 11. Base on balls: Off Luque 2, ofr Fisher 1, off Mainaax 1, off Mitchell 3, off Mohart 1. Hit:': Olf llumwxMHn four and two-third Irnlngs; off Mitchell, 3 in one: off Mohart, 6 In two and one-third;- off Luque, 7 in eight; off Fisher. 2 In one. Struck out: Lunue 2. Mamaux U Mohart 1. Winning pitcher: 'Luque. Losing pitcher: Mamaux. Umpires: O'Diy and Qulgley. Time: 2:06. " ' V Cards Beat Braves. St. Louis, Aug. C0. St. Louis hit Oesch gcr haM today and yon the opening game of the seiles from Boston, t to 4. Doak .wis forced out of the game In the second Inning when hit on the. led by Boeckel's drive. . . BOSTON. I ST. LOUIS. AB.H. O.A.I AB.H.O.A. Powell, cf M'nvllle.ss Mann. If 41 1 0Sn1lth, rf 4 10 0 4 a- 2Fournler,lb 4 110 0 4 0 1 1 Stock, 3b 3 3 10 3 0 1 0Hornsby,2b 3 13 2 4 2 8 0!M'Henry.lf 4 3 0 0 4 3 131 Lavan, ss 4 3 2 3 0 3 4Hea,cote.cf U3 7 1 4 0 3 4j demons, c 3 14 1 2 0 0 6' Doak. p 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0) Goodwin, p 4 1 0 2 ' 0 0 0 0 ' ' r--r 1 0 0 01 Total! S3 14 27 12 Cruise, rf Holke. lb Bocrkct, 3b Ford. 2b . O'Nelltre. Oeschger.p Flllinglmp xghrlst'b'y Totals 34 8 24 19 .- Batted for Ocschger In seventh. xButted for Flillgtm In ninth. , ' Boston . . . . . .... . . .i .0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 . Louis 1 0, 4 0 0 0 1 0 x 0 Runs: Powell.. Holke, Boekel, Ford, Smith, Fournler, Sfock (2), Hornsby, Good- In. Error: - -Hornsby.- -Two-base nua: Smith. Fournler. McHenry, Powell. Three- base hit: Hornsby. stolen Dasea: L,avan, Maranvllle. 'Sacrifice hit: Stock. Left on bases: Boston, 6: St. Louis. 0. Base on balls: .Off- Oeschger. .2; off Doak- 1; off Goodwin, 1. Hits: Off Oeschger, 10 In six Innings; off Fllllngim. 4 In two innings; off Boak, 2 In- two Innings; off Goodwin. In seven Innings. Struck out: Bj uesen- - .. v... rm.lr 1. hw jrilltnvfoYi 1 hv Goodwin,' i: Passed-'ball:, O'Neill. Winning pitcher: Goodwin. Losing pltcner: yeacn- ger. Umpires: Hart ana Mccormicit. rinw of game: 1:48. ' . Phils Win frarn Pirates. 1' Pittsburgh. Aug. 20. Philadelphia made It two straight from Pittsburgh, winning today,' 4 to' 2. ' Ponder was unsteady throughout. Betts anowea only two mis after- the first Inning. Players and fans stood sllnt for one minute at 4 o'clock in respect to Ray Chapman. Alleqed Auto Bandits Sentenced t& State Prison J. . Murphy and Lyman Larson, two" members bf . Omaha's alleged auto bandit trio, appeared Friday be fdreljutfges in district court, plead ed guilty and were given sentences of three to 15 years. Martin Cunningham, alleged third member, refused to enter a plea of guilty. He .is said to have made a confession to city detectives at the time , of his arrest implicating the two-other men. . Muphy, who is 32 years old, was taken to , Lincoln this morning to begin his sentence. Larson is 19 and will start serving his sentence today. . ' ' ' Murphy's last. word on being led from the court room Friday were, "Thank God! ,1 haven't a wife." ; x r ' - Steal Honey From Hives. Beatrice. Neb.. Aufc 20. (SpecHtl.y Thieves visited the home of Syl vester Young of Glenover nd car ried away about $50 worth of honey which they took from beehives-u, 1 I- J ' i 'Usinor a chemical processa Mos cow engineer claims-fto have-prcw ruced a finer ' linen yard than the finest ipun at low' cost THE BEE: OMAHA, .SATURDAY, AUGUST 21 1920 Here's More1 on the "Babe" 1 ' Ruth-Risberg Argument . - " XTU A Ai- . i . i-k .11 ..! T-ii . tt. hum s lniieia r ly ne, Is Wrong and Places T. ,.' , August Jo. 1920. Sporting editor," Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. Dfear sir: I'm surprised not so much(at the feport that Babe Ruth hit an infield fly so higji that he washable to reach second base by the time it returned to earli, as in Mr. M. L. Mack-y's attempted ati alysisof it that appeared in your paper last Friday morning-.'. As ex plained by Mr. Mackey the report looks ridiculous but he made two mistakes. In the first place-he used a formula that dors not apply and in the second place he forgot to divide by two. in applying the formula he did use. ' When S represents the distance traveled, g the acceleration " in feet due to gravity (32.16), and t-the time of flight in seconds, the formula used by Mr. Mackey (S-Hgt2) is true when applied to ascending bodies traveling until they reach, a" point, of rest or when applied to falling bodies starting from, a point of rest, but it is not true wb,en ap plied to a combination of the yfwo. Between the' time that balf left Babe's hat and the time. Risberg picked it out of the air it had to go both ways, so we shall have to re- Tris Speaker Collapses At Funeral of Chapman Thousands of Persons Stand With Bared Heads While Body of Cleveland Star Is Carried to the . Altar in St. John's Cathedral. ' Cleveland, O., Aug. 20. Raymond Chapman, sar player of the Cleve land American League- club and idol of local "fans, this morning received the reverential homage of sorrowing Cleveland. . - x While theibell of St. Johns RoiHarn Catholic cathedral, where the serv ices were held, was tolling, thou sands of persons stood with bare headsas the body of Chapman, who died in New York last Tuesday, vic tim of j pitched'hall Monday, was carried to the altar. , It was the largest funeral in Cleve land in years and not since the visit here of' Cardinal Mercier, hero of Belgium, has such a mass of people attempted to enter the cathedral Tears were in the eyes of nien, women and children in the throng which was so dense that mounted, police and patrolmen strove, almost in vain to keep streets open to .traf fic. . i The service, a solemn high requiem mass, started at 10:15. Rev. Father S. .Naslf was the celebrant and the sermon was delivered by Rev. Dr. W. A. Scullen, chancellor of the diocese, who paid Chapman an elo quent tribute. . - His Parents Present. Chapman's widow, & bride of 10 months, leaning on the arm of her father, entered the church imme nydiatcly after the cafeket, which was borne' by Chapman's closest friends on the team and in Cleveland. The ballplayer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. b. Chapman, his brother, Koy, and sister, Margaret, followed. B. B. Johnson, president, of the American league, and J. ,C. Dunn, president of the Cleveland team, were among the first to reach the church. Several otherclub officials'and play ers were present, including three from the New York Americans. v The members of the Cleveland Answers to Yesterday's Questions. 1. The Giants and '-Yankee's did not play a city series last year. 2. Joe Birmingham, the old Cleve land player, managed the champion Pittsfield team in the Eastern league last year. .3. Speaker made 11 hits in 11 con secutive times at bat This is a major league record. 4. Back in 1890 New York stole 17 bast! in one game on Catcher Wilson of the Pirates. N ' ' 5. Tendlerknocked out Hartley in four rounds in 1918. 6. Welsh defeated Matt 'Wells for the English lightweight title in No venfber, 1912. , 7. In the 1919 Davis cup matches, England beat South Africa, France beat Belgium, England beat -France and England lost to Australia in the challenge -round. . 8. Norman Brooks, Gerald L. Pat terson and J. O. Afiderson were on the Australian 19H5 Davis cup team. 9. Single G won the free-for-all pace in the Grand Circuit opener at North Randall. 10. The dealer in whist must deal again if any card is found face up. .New Questions. 1. What were the most consecu tive games Cy Young won in the majors? ' , 2. What year did Walter Johnson win nine games from Chicago V 3. Hw many years did Frank Ba ker play in the Atherican league? PIP jTbeSportingVrorld? What Is the Conditio!, j N t Highly Important to Keep It Free V From Impurities. ; Did you know thatjiincty per cent of all human ailments depend upon the condition of your blood? mtore gives her warnings in va rious unmistakable ways, so that when the annetite fails, and vott beJ come weak and listless and a general T mn-down condition seems to take possession of the whole, body,- it is aninfailinjj-.sign that impurities will steadily accumulate until your gen eral health will be seriously affected. You 'should recognize the impor- TlnnAn . ft. .4- 4-L. LlnvV4- rf L mi .a rnL-i nr i.i.rl 1 op, Agrees 1 nai macneyi Figure at 208 Feet. vise' the formula ' to read the letter H- representing the jotal height attained by the bal" and" the other leters -represening the same values as in hejfirst formula. A .simpler way to' explain thet problem.- however, would be to use Mr. Mackey's formula and apply it eitner to jrje trip up -or to tne pup down where, it can be'properly used. Drsrcsardimv the .resistance, of-the air, the same length of time would beconsume in going up as in go ing dowjT.v If Babe Ruth made the trip! to second, base in 7.2 seconds, as sufgested, it required half that time, or 3.6 seconds, for tlfe ball make the journey back to mother earth after h stopped traveling up ward. Applying-the first formula to the return trip, the distance trav eled,in a vertical plane would be Vix32. 16x3.6x3.6 i trraking a fraction over -208 feet instead of 833 feet, as stated by Mr. Mackey. . Risberg's cafxh from .if height of 208 feet was creditable, fbut not in thejsatne class as Street's catch from the top of Washington monument, senje 555 feet above the gr6und. Guess we shall have to hand the palm to Brother Mackey. . Yours truly, . . WILLIAM 4C"HEISS, JR. team arrived from New York this morning,to attend the funeral, to day's game at, .Boston having been postoonod. Manager Speaker and Outfielder Jack Grancy collapsed and could not attend the services. Graney had recovered sufficiently, however, to leave for Boston tonight with the team. Speaker had a high fever tbiVght and did liot go east. He may leave tomorrow. All classes and walks of life were rpiesented in the crowded church. Banker and hpokers rubbed elbows with laborers ' and news&oys. The crowd was made up of men, women and children, from all parts of ths city add from other cities, "all gath- A fretl to pay their respects to -tha dead. Every foot of soace in tho rcli'ircli 'was occupied, including the sanctuary and communion rati. . r,,.n i A uvuj ill v null. 1 At. the conclusion of the church service the body was placed in a cemetery vaul It has not' been de cided when Chapman Vill be buried j.o official action antagonistic to CarJ. Mays, the New York American league player who pitched the tall Monday vht:h - resulted in Ray ChaDman's deah. will be taken - bv President B. B.. ' Johnson of the American league. -The case is ended, as ,iar as he n concerned, Johnson deciftred here today. "J cpuh? no; conscientiously at tempt to make any trouble for Mr, Mays, Jonnson said. . But it is my horest pelitf that Mr. Mays never will pitch again. From what I have learned he is greatly affected, and may never be capable 'temperamen tally of pitching again. ".Then I also know the feeling aga;nst him t- be so bitter amohg the members of other teams that it would be inadvisable for him to at tempt tb pit.-?i this wear;- at any rate.' , Happy Hollow Team to Pliy Country Club Satujay Afternoon - JWie'-Happy .Hollow golf team has challenged the Country club team, holder of the interclub championship trophy to a match-aqd the contest is. to be staged Saturday afternoon at the Country club. Ketinf Reed, John Reed, Clary Peters, (Waily Sheparti, Foye Por ter and Walter Hoye comprise the challengers) team -and Ralph Peters, John Redick, W. J. Foye, Francis Gaines, F, H. Gaines and Ed Creighton make up the defenders' team. The honors will be decided by best-ball foursomes. 4. How long has Emil MeuseU beeft with Philadelphia Nationals? 5. Js a man on the ropes in box ing considered down? 6. v What is the shortest bantam weight bout on record? .7. i How many of the American Davis" cup" tennis" teams have been national championsl "" 8. What ' is the world's trotting record for the half mile? 9. How many former champions competed in the .1919 national ama teur golf tourney? 10. Is Carl Johnson xf the Uni versity of Mjchigan on the United, States Olympic, track team?, .. An Englishman hasv invented a folding seat, which can be used to hold baggage --when unoccupied, .to carry an extra passenger on a motor of Your Blood Supply? tancc, therefore, of very,' promptly cleanig out he system and keeping the blood supply pure anfl robust. For ih.is purpose, no remedy, can equal S. 'S.'S., the jKnt old blood purine1 that has been in constant use for mot than fifty, years. Bcitrg madeflom the roofs and herbs of the forests, it is puVcly vegetable and contains not a oarticle of chem- iral nr nranrrat tnhdinre, Get a botfle of S. S. . your drug store today and note how promptly it build.i up the appetite I and gives new strength and vitality. 1 Write for freevlitera&rc and medical advice to Chief Medical.Adviser, 610 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga , ? - .-'' 'V 3TITULARML GAMES BOOKED FOR WEEK END Championship Contests to Be Staged Between Amateur Nines at Luxus . Park. Three amateur championship games are on the program for Sat urday and Sunday afternooijs at Lux us park, Twenty-fourth and Vinton streets, to be staged under the aus pices of the Municipal' Amateur Base Ball association. The? first of the' three-game series between the Omaha National bank, pennant winners of theBankers' league, and the Byrne-Hammer team, champions, of thrr"Greater Omaha league, for the Saturday Class B title will be played at 3:30 o'clock Saturday. ' Two games hold forth on Sunday. The initial fray will be' the deciding game for the Booster Class B league championship, between the Hardiug Creamery Co. and the Maney Milling Co., while the second contest will be put on by the winners of this game and the- Paulson Fords, title holders of thexAmenican league, for the Sunr day Class B city championship. To Make Hard Figlit. Considerable rivalry exists be tweeiv the teams and three good and excitlnc contests arc anticipated. Despite the factthdt(the Harding Creamery Co.' are ii, a crippled con dition due to the fact that four of their star players will be out of the game, they have not given up hopes and will make a hard fight to win. Manager Emil Klauschie has asked the directors for additional players in the event that the stars will be titr able to play. ' "Lefty" Roy Winters, the "dark horse" who defeated the Mancys last Sunday aid was .slated to do the hurling again Sunday, is laid up- with a wrenched ankle, received last Sunday. Pitzel, who underwent an operation, is slowly recovering. Gib son, the speedy shortstop, left for Denver on accour.t of ill'ie). in the family and Farris was called out on business. 1 -'' v Even Up Series, The Hardicgs evened up the se ries last Sunday and fans are pre dicting a royal battle between these two teams. Manager Krajecik of the Mnneys announced that he will witch his lineup and will probably do the pitching himself. The PanUon's. Fords, pennant winners ot tne American league, have been playing outof-town ball since the season closefl and ar in the pink of condition, according to Manager Hjubatka. Considerable interest is centered i:i Saturday's p-pnie --and hMh the Bankers and "the Byrne-Hammer f teams are confident of winning. Tied for First. A " double-header was - originally scheduled Saturday, but the Hirst Memorials and the Pearl Memorials, who are in a tic for first place in the Church league, were "squawk -100 Dozen Men'a Fine Hose, Worth 25c, Ori Sale Saturday, at Boys' Corduroy - Suits v With 2 Pants . We have a large stock of these high grade suits In a full run of sizes to-be closed out at N $12.98 Hoys' Caps Very nifty In style and just tlie thing for school wojar. Bpo callly nrlced at- . . . $1.50 Hoys' IHehuol Mioen Sturdy well hull! shoes, just the tiling for tho pray ground. Special .... $2.48 Black Cat Moekiiig Speiial prlca for thia well,, . OCT knon rrand Roys' Hlouses J ust received a larjfe shtpment of very tins blousva to l QQ put on sals at .'. ....v JOV llo.vs' Kalurmts of tfiVy rub heilzett fabrto with Htitehed and i-ementca Qf fQ seanis Men's ork hhlrtA.. l.ltm O ha in I ! n y ; full tut , P 1 iO"J r.i double sl't-lc-e wl.lt ' ' - - 1 - 1 1 1 " ' -!sr -scse M...r. ... ipg.x . . - --i . . ' 13c W 6StL&B8Sh-l $2.48, Hi ing" all, week, and announced that they would not pl;iy at Luxus park, but were willing to play at Fonte nclle park. " Whether they will play their game Saturday is yet uncertain, and it is tinderstodd-in amateur circles that when the directors"of the association meet they will probably lose their rights from participating in the' city series and may draw a - suspension for failing to abide by the decision of the directors. ' V Alpheus Henry Snow, ' International "Law Authority, Dies In N. Y. .New York, Aug. 20. Alpheus Henry Snow of Washington, D. C, an authority on international law. died in a hospital here last nighty ncr a lingering uiness. ne was in his 60th year. . 1 Mr. Snow was a member of the board of trustees of George Washington-''' university, the executive council of the American Society of International Law. the American Bar association, the American Society fo Judicial Settlement of International Disputes and the American Histori cal association.1 MrSnow was born in Clairmont, N. H., and was educated at Trinity college and at Yale and Harvard. He practiced law in Hartford, Conn.,' from 1883 until 1887, and in Indiana polis for the next eight years. Mr. Snow was the author of many arti cles and books on political science and international law. Father of. Kidnaped Boy, Who Posted Ransom, to Get Money Returned Philadelphia. Aug. 20. Four de posits in New York banks of Augus tus Pasquale, the alleged "crank" in thq Coughlin kidnaping, were . at tached iot'ay by George H. Cougli liir of Norristown, Pa.. -whose16-month-old son was kidnaped. Mr. t-oughiin, who on July -4 paid a raiT6om ol $12,000, previously at- j tached personal . property of Pas quale amounting to $6,672. I -This "makes a total of $13,626. Boys, 15 and 17, Plear' Guilty to Burglary Harry Haslock, li years old, 4925 North Thirty-fourth street, and Er vin Wyer, 17 years old, 3435 Sahler street, pleaded goilty in juvenile court this morning to a charge of breaking and entering the home' of S. A. Afllstrand, 4301 North Fortieth stre.et and stealing jewelry valued at $30. Jlaslock, who was sent to tjpe in dustrial school for boys at Kearney some fmc ago, was paroeed because of his good conduct. He will be re turned to the school without trial. Wyer will be given a trial. French Imports Increase. Paris, Aug. 20. An official list of imports and exports from January 1 to July 31, 1920, shows increases of 2.738.502,000 francs in imports and 7.230,228,000 francs in exports over the same period last year. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Vahd Young IVIen's 984 Fine Suits BlsMsslsMBMMHHBaBlslslsWBBVMilslslslslslsM Tormerly Retailed at $40, $45 and $50 Choice Saturday Here are suit value that should make every man who teet thert buy several, for suits of such quality haven't been found since before til war at anything near the price $29.75. Don't miss them, even if yo( buy for Winter wear you won't get better values again. j Both snappy and conventional models, all splendid quality fabric tijeely tailored, in desirable colors and mixtures. i - ' Cassimeres, Worsteds, " and Serges in Summer I single and double breasted models; sizes 34 to 50. Plenty for Everybody Extra Salespeople. Clearance Men's Values to $12.50 $795 Choice Saturday Dark Brown Cordovan finish, brown calf, light tan,..black gun metal and black calf. Ten styles, all sizes. Boys' School Suits V With 2 Pants . Very, fine quality hand tail ored suits in all wool. A large selection of cdlors to choose from at MlIf WHITE SOX WN DOUBLE-HEADER' FROM ATHLETICS i Crowd Pouring Onto Field in Ninth Inning Stops Game And Chicago Wins by Forfeit. Philadelphia Aug. 20. Chicagc mane if twr. out ol three from Phil adclphia bv winning both games of (Today's ikublf-hcadrr. The score of the first game was 7. to 4, anJ tlii- second was forfeited. With two oi.t in the locals' half cf the ni lth n-ning of the second fme the hlcnchei crowd swarmed rn the field, thinking a foul ground er ironi Styles' lt had ended the grille. Thf fan? refused to leave the fieM, and "nijvre Chill declared the game forftitctl, to, Chicago. The score at the time stood 5 to 2, in iavrr of the visitors. CHICAOO. I PHILADELPHIA. ' AH.II. OA.1 . AH.H.O.A Ptrunk. rf ill iWeli, rr 4 K.t'ullliir, "b 4 2 1 S'DyUe's. ;b S .Vfvor, n f .1 It dlc.WalkfT, If 4 .Inclison, if t 1 (I F Walker.rf 4 Fr-lsr'i. rf 4 3 1 I'l'uiran. 0b 4 .l.o.ninH.lh 2 III OiShannnn. ss 4 M'Mullln.Hb :l a n I'l'i-rklns. c 2 Srhalk, c 4 0 fi OiHlEbep, P 1 Tniwr. p ' l 1 4";-l'fin. lb .1 Harris, p 2 Tul.ils n !!7 l&.Myatt. 2 3 l A 3 I 0 2 I 1 2 I i n I 0 a : 1 5 1 0 ( 1 in i i n : i s t Totals 35 8 !7 14 4 0 0 (1 0 0 .1 0 01 hi ufro Philadplfhl 0 0-1 0 0 0 21 Huns: S'tr.i, k i E Cplllns (5), Wsuvor, lar"nn (2Wi"fh, F. Walkir. Piu.in, ( frl.fi n. i;rr. rs: Weaver (2). Si-hatk, To hits: T. Cni: ns, Hunan. Howe .'Ui: Jm-Ksnh. S.ir-lflee -Iilla: .1. Collins (2). (Jrlffin. rinuble i.lays: Frlscli to Faini tn L. Cnlllns; Shd.-ron to Dykes to Orlt fin Left - i b.i'.s- Chlc!Tn B. Phliadel hla 7. r..i.--e n ball: off Kaher 2, .f f Tirris 5. (iff nk-Mc 1. Tllti: Off HarrH 10 In s-ve-i ,'nlnvj; off nisber. t in Iwt 'nni' . S !!; -,tt: Pr Faber 7. by Hjr .r's bv r.lThr -'. L'mr'r,,s'- Chill .ino 0"--n. l.o:ig pllihnr: Harris. Time: 1:' '. "V; ; H'-en"-l !fr ..." ; CHICAOO. I rHlLAOK'-PHU. AR.M.O.A .' ARH.O.A. Slrnnk. rf I 0 2 l tel. h, rf ' -t 0 0 0 .Collin;' U 4- 0 3 4 '.' 2 ri'iv-Hes, 2I 4 0 n z 4!('.Wsllter,ir 4 2 0 oi.Walker.i f .10 5 0 OlOuitan, 3b 3 I 0 S n"- hnnnon. ss 1 3 S 4Perk:ns. e 4 3 11 Oif.rlffln. lb 4 1 Ifi 0 2iP-rrv. p 2 0 0 3 Weeve- .1aesnn.if 4 3 3 Fels-h. ( I 4 2 1 .T.''nlllnv.lli 4 0 11 VMrnin,::b 4 1 o rvhnll;. c 4 1 B Kerr, p .10 0 styles n o n n Totals 92C 1 S Totals 32 B 2 1 la Two out vhn csme was forfeited. ' g.-itled for Perry In ninth. Ohleatn , ..." 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 S rilll.-ilelnhlil 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 03 (Forfeited In Chlcairo, 9 to fl. Huns: Weaver, Jaekson 5, Felsch.: Mo Hvllln. Shannon. Perkins. Errors: Slanrl,4 Kerr (F. Walker). Strurk out: By Kerr 3. Umpires: Chill and Owens.. Time: 3:17. Reds Advancing Toward Lemberg, Says Statement Twris, Aug 20. The Temps an nounces today that the French gov ernment has received advices that Polish troops have occupied Biel-'i, 25 vnilcs west ot Brest-Litovsk. General Budenny's soviet cavalry, however, Is progressing in the direc ;ioi of Lrmberg, the sector trom which the Poles have been obliged to withdraw troops to reinforce the northern front the Temps says. Tweeds, Mixtures , and Fall weights; Shoes Men's Outing- Trousers durable White Drill for outing or sport $2.98 Men's Khaki Unionalls; full cut, worth $5.00;, (JQ AO on sale at WO.'iO Slen's Work Shirts; double stitched Black (Q Sateen $XVO Hoys' Juvenile Suits of BeaiH Cloth; straight (! QO kaea panta ....... wOttO Casslmere Suits . for small boys: Norfolk style with straight f t QO knes pants tOt-tVO Minall Boys' Suits at navy blu Wool Seigs In Norfolk atyle; rr: $4.98 Boys' Mulls of Pur All Wool Suitings In Norfolk sty It: knK'keTbocker pants , t . $7.98 ron. Three-base hit: McMullln. Home t runn: JarJtsoii. Left on bases: Chicajn Si 4. PhlladeNnhfa 7. Base on balls: Off T Wees'!, rff Pe4v 1. Hit by Dl'.chel hsll: r f'nlllTm Henl-er. Two-base hit: JarKA -S. SUITS ' I "in V ) T A3 .it n 9 r- y