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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1920)
" V SEE JICCS AND tACGIE IN FULL Drawn for The Bee by McManiu. BRINGING UP FATHER- Classified Advertising Rates PACE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE Copyright, 1920 International News Service. 1 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE., ... ... II.. .... a 4- Iln. 1 ria lie per lint per day. I consecutive dayj le per una per nay, t ronifcmif 14e per line per day, $0 consecutive days No adda taken for leu than a total of .Uc. These ratea apply either to the Dally ' or Sunday Bee. All advertisements ap pear in both morning and evening daily paper! for tne one cnarge. CONTRACT RATES OW APPLICATION. Want afli accepted at the following of MAIM OFFICE. .. .17th and Farnam Sts. South Side.. r. ti m... 16 flrOtt St WANT ADS RECEIVED BT FHONE AT TTLER 1000 ' THE BEE will not ba responsible for more than ona incorrect insertion n ... advertisement ordered for mora than one CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS Evening- Kdltlon i lV II Morning Edition ;.. Sunday Edition 9:00 P. M. Saturday DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES NELSON Mra. V. W.. August 18, 1920 ate 40 years 1 month 4 days. Funeral at 2 p. m. from family reel dence. 902 South Forty-fifth street In- , , ir.n. nmalirv. Sna If aurvlved besides her husband by one son. Harold; five hrothers Carl. John. Justice and Max Peterson of Omaha and E. Peterson of Mt. Pleasant. la.; two sisters, Mrs. J. E. Wooley of Omaha and Mrs. A. L. Holmes or can t''iyjgi: GOODALL Francis A., aged 62 years Survived by five sons, Francis J. John . . i...T,h four daughters Martha, Mary, Alice and Mrs. Thomas Funeral from family residence, 27J . . . . vwiAav at 10 a. m. to c. rhnrch at 10:30. Interment St Marys cemetery. . BYRNE John, aged 45 years, died at Og den, Utah, Aug. 16. He la survived by his wife, four children, father, Jamea Byrne of Omaha. Funeral Kru'ay morning at X.30 a. m. from Hafey ft Heafey a chapel to St. Patricka church at a. m. Burial Holy 8epulcher! FUNERAL DIRECTORSI: HULSE & RIEPEN, PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. TOl South 16th St. DouglaaJ328. STACK & FALCONER, "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS" PIERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. Thirtv-third and Farnam. Harney 84. TAGGART & SON, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. Telephone Douglas 714. 881 umlngSt. TTEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakera and Embalmers. Phone H. 865. Office 2811 Farnam. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON K" 1814 Douglas Bt. Douglas 1244. JOHN BATH, 18th and Farnam. D. 3000. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. '. Births Oowan and Ruth Williams, hos pital, boy: Twice and Anna Tormassl, 223 South Eleventh atreet,' girl; Emll and Anna Kopecky, 2444 South Twentieth street, boy; Leroy and Nora McArdle, 304 South Thirty-fourth street, girl; Harry and Mabel Uross, 2314 South Tenth street, girl; Al fred and Edna Johnson. 610$ Walnut street, boy; William and Marie Moran, Carter Lake club, boy; John and Catherine Pelser, 1600 Elm street, girl; Frederick and Josephine Miller, 2117 Martha street, boy; Jake and Besslo Rosenthal, hospital, girl; Arthur and Allca Marshall, 3515 North Twenty-seventh street, girl; Frank and Marie Kompare, 8201 Madison street, girl; Rosnrlo and Maria Sortlno, 1716 South Thirteenth street, boy; Frsncesco and Sebastlana Fanclullo, 1436 South Thir teenth street, boy; Charles and Lillian Purrs, 4003 T atreet, girl; Alfred and Mary Mockelatlnn, 2107 J atreet, girl; Jofln and Margaret Jackson, 2815 Jefferson and May Negro, 2885 staple street, girl; street, girl; Ram and Camela Catalano. 220 South Twelfth street, girl: Angelo Sol and Jennie Nogg, 2606 Hamilton street, girl Deaths Mrs. Frances E. Wise. 74. 1307 South Thlrtv-fourth street; Timothy Sulli van, 80, 4836 South Twenty-fifth street; James Workman. 3. Ralston. Neb.: Francis A. Goodail. 62. 2769 Webster street; Frank J Kolar, 30. 1508 Farnam atreet; Cather ine E. Kelley, Infant, 2622. Orand avenue; . . . , n ChlMrn atreet: Christian H. Von Krluth. 35. hospital. Nels J. Johnson. 67, hospital; Leslie Ott man, 9. hospital: John W. Doran. 61. 2613 Grant atreet; Charlee A. Bell, 2. hoipltal. ' MARRIAGE LICENSES. .' The following ' persona were Issued per- WA'ba?tWT.dOM.. . Ord, Neb and Lil lian K. Green, 22, London, England. Albert Volkman. 19. Chicago, 111,, and hose MHIer, 32. Chicago. Ill, Jesse Hansen. 21. Atlantic, la., and Fern Cnmphell, 22. Atlantic, la. Charles E. Westnrman. 30, Omaha, and Ma' Hennlnrscn. 27, Omaha. Oscar D. Decher, 53. Omaha, and Mil dred M. Snider. 2S, Omaha. James Powell. 31, Sioux City. Ia . and Lucille Helen Presley. 26 Sioux City. Ia. Harrison D. Forrest. 4S. Grand Is and. Nob., and Maa Dennon, 23, Grand Island, NNMls Andersen, 20, Omaha, and Anna Kage, 33, Omaha. , Louie H. Slwcod. 35, Bellaire. Kan., and Grace A. Wlllard, 57, Mound, Minn. Arthur Rowe, 20. Dsota, Neb and Grace Wallace, 19, Blair. Neb. lo Machmlller, 25, Omaha, and Irene Maclveel, 25, Desmlth, S. f Joe Dumaske. 24, Tllden, Neb, and Ruby Lmille llurham, 19. Nellgh, Neb. fTmlly V. Hladlk, 2. Akron. 0 and Rose M. Petersen. 25, Bennington, Neb. Ruben J. Holmgren, 23, Omaha, and Ftrne Barker, 18, Omaha. Gilbert K. Gillman. 23, Omaha, and Florence West, 22, Omaha. Lewis Yates. 43, Omaha, and Josephine Kemertsen, 25, Omaha. BUILDJGJRMn'S.. -j. H. Kopleti, 3718 F atreet, frame and Itucco dwelling, M.500. V. I Armstrong. 3870 LeavenwortR atreet, addition to cement block dry clean In g bulldlngL600. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. FOR ARTICLES LOST on'atreet ears tele phone Tyler 800. We are anxious to re store lost articles to rightful owners. ; OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RY. COMPANY. WHITE and vellow male Persian vi, strayed from 03 South 31st St. Sunday; vnluablo only to owner; reward for re turn or Information. Phone Harney tilt tor Mrs. Lewis LOST In Brandels" store or between there and C. B. Q. headquarters, one $20, two jlO and three (5 bills. Finder re turns to Miss Frances Bentley. 4035 n . . . .... ur.i tec sewara oi. rowwu. .. - LOST On stret car or on Douglas be tween 16th and 14th, 116 In small ; memorandum book; finder please return to 2427 TempWon St. Col. 1186. Reward. LOST Pearl broocM with diamond set ting, at Happy Hollow Saturday night, tne fin. i.i m-i n i rrwum. " ' w LOST Gold cuff button ; letter M en graved on button. Leave at Sanford hotel ana receive rrwnm. OLD-FASHIONED barpln with ( email diamonds, old family keepsake. Doug. i,pcrai rewnru. LOST Collie dog with black collar, brass studding. Return to American Railway Kxpress. newaru LOST Pair gentleman's tortoise shell bi focal glasses. Reward. Bar. 6314. Room If. LADYS' Waltham wrist watch, between Chicago and Cass on 19th St. Dg. 8055. LOST Auto tire and license plate No. LOST Dark blue trlcotlne ault coat e ward for return. Har. 6382. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO AVIATORS: Don't overlook the Oma ha to Crawford airplane race; the first In the state; excellent opportunity tor manufacturers to demonstrate their ' planes. Race itarta from Omaha te. ' tween I and ( o'clock on the morning of September 1 Each plane mut land at Grand Is'.and where the mayor ' will give them their clearance cards. The- next landing Is the goal at Craw - fird. Each plana to circle over the city once and lend on the landing fl;Id In Crawford city park. $1,009 to the first, $503 to tn second, and $300 to the third. Gasoline, oil and hotel bills wnile in the c'ty during the fair to all losers. Free license to carry passengers , to all conVstar.ts and no planes allowed tA cam rjissenaers during the fair ex cept those who have competed in the race. All aviators are invited to Join In this, the flirt race of its kind In the west, and to which people of the state will be looking forward. The line of travel will be from Omaha to Fremonr, Columbus, Grand Island, Broken Bow, . Alliance and then to Crawford. Write um for further information. Crawfjrd . Tti-6tate Fair Association. A rah L. . Hungerford, riesldent; Dr. B. F. ' Richards, .sec rotary; Crawford. Dawea ' county. Nebraska. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, - magailne. We collect We distribute. ' Phone Doug. 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, - llia-1113-1114 Dodge 8t . - GWEDISH massage, by appointment, at y.jvr residence. Jiiss XUaabeth, As ' son, Couc .Hl i i I'M OlNi TO HAVE A MOTTON-HEAO FER DINNER TONICHT 0 NAVE T EARLV- PERSONAL. WILL give school girl room, board and clothes In exchange for company, CoL ' 4922. ELECTRIC baths. Swedish or elec. mas sage, In home, or will go out. Web, 2911. NURSE tades patients, prlv. homes. Wal. 6574. CHAS. L. Fish, piano tuner. Violin and r.lano teacher. Colfax 4907 MASSAGE 210 North Seventeenth St. Electro Therapy massage. WILL care for children. 318 Neville Bids;. Web. 6747. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordion Pleating. CLOSED AUGUST 14 TO -AUGUST 28 NKBR. PLEATING BUTTON CO. 1806 Farn am. second f loor. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bid Dancing Academies. ct?uuvd nivriilfi BiTRS lf F,f ,-PINF, School for Dancing, t:iass at s; cmcinw at s p. m. sionmy Thur. Sat. Private lessona ahy tlmo Detectives. PIPKIN'S NATIONAL DETECTIVE AOKNCT, Incorporated. Douglas 1107, Arlington Hlk. Omaha, Nen. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Evi- dunce aecurrd In all cases. Tyler 113. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Hallway KX. Bldg. Dong. 2056. Night. Col. 405, Insurance. WE WRITE fire, tornado, automobile, in demnity, ourglary and all other forms of Insurance. Kilward r, Williams uo 8Q3-804 Omaha Nat. Bank. Doug. 4ZQ. Jewelry. ni A HffnXTrvO We pay the Beat to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO., 402 N. 16th St. Doug las 5049. v Gas Stoves Connected. CONNECTIONS, 2; house piping. H. 1619 Hauling. TRUCKS FOR HIRE Tour haulin contracted by dav. month o.' year. Trucks all sizes; best sarvlce, best rales. Phone, Tyler 1976, Patent Attorneys. INTERNATIONAL PATENT CO., patent attorneys; procure, buy and sell pat- nn. in uoiye yi., umana. Hemstitching and Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst box pleating, covered buttons, all tzea and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. 301 Brown Blk. Douglas 1936. Top Notch Shop Hemstitching, braiding, neaaing, an Kinds -leating. Doug. 6011. Room 33. Douglas Blk.. 16th and Dodge. Painting and Paperhanging PAINTING, paperhanging. Plastering. Walnut 4567. PAINTING, papering; Douglas 6222. lowest prices. PAINTING and paperhanging. Wsl. 6462. Kodah Developing and Finishing. FrLMS developed; printing and enlarging. Write for prices. The Ensign Co., 1607 Howard St. Chiropodists. Carrie J. Burford, 620 Paxton Bid. D. 11 38. Safes. O A TjiriCBARGAINS. 12th & Farnam. "f i-i3 J. J. Dtrlght Safe go. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent repair, sell needles and parts. . MlCKEL'S 16th an! Harney. Douglas 1972. Miscellaneous. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. 2'th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iran castin g.i SAFETY raxor blades sharpened, new ra zors, razor blades sold. Omaha Razor harpenlng Co. . 1522 Dodge, 103 N. 1 6 . BULL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rialto Drug Store, 15th end Douglas sts.. Omaha, Neb. HATS cleaned and blocked while you wait, at Paxton Hat W.)i-ks, 1607V Farnam St. Work guarantied. D. 6939. J. WEBORG, "p!anotuner. Call "Webster 2841 at 7 a. m. Just back from Minneapolis. PIANO class lessons for beginners, 60s: graduate experienced teacher. Colfax 2383. FULL dreas aulia and tuxedos for rent. 109 N. 1.6th St. John Feldman. D. 3128. OMAHA WELDING CO. "The Careful Welders.' 15th and Jackson. D. 4397. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. DRESSMAKING, silk shirts specialty. Ty. 6229. RENT Hoover sweeper. Tel. Webster Aim 9 Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. P. 628. RENT elect-lc vacuum cleaners. D. 5718. WEAVING: old rugs remade. Ty. 1433. PRKSSMAKING. all kinds. Web. 6622T FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION SALE of unredeemed hnurehold goods at 807 South 17th St., Saturday, Aug. 21, 10 OMAHA VAN ft STORAGE CO. FURNITURE of 5 rooms for sale: all In good condition; leaving city. Address Box R-l. Omaha Bee. BEAUTIFUL walnut Queen Ann bed, $60. Colfax 8438. HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale. 116 So. 2th St. . Oak dining room set. Wal. 6726. Pianos and Musical Instruments. A. HOSPE CO. Everything In art and music Pianos for rent, $4.00 per nunth. DRUMS, traps, marimbas, Instructions, repairing. Phone Harney 2967. Geo. A. Smith. 2761 Davenport St. PATHE phonograph, like new. Including 16 records. $100 caBh. Leaving city. 837 So. 24th. FINE orchestra violin, banjo and piccolo, bargain. 2416 Davenport. Tyler 4633. PIANO. Smith ft Birnes. $126. Dg. 464. I IANOS for sale; bargain. Doug. 9227. FINE Zither harp. $7. Walnut 2908. UPRIGHT PIANO. $90. Harney 6658. Typewriters snd Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agenta for the CORONA. Get our price before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typrewriter Exc. Douglas 8120. 1912 Farnam, WE buy, sell and exchange all makes of typewriters. Write tor list Midland Offlce Supply Co.j 1404 Dodge. ALL MAKES Typewriter Co., "all makes." - 206 S. lth St Tyler 2414. ROTAL typewriters, all models, for rent Royal Typewriter Co., 21$ 8. 19th St F. E. checkwrlters, bargains. 320 Neville. Miscellaneous! ' ffLASS FOR SALE. SIZES 6x7. 6x8. 8x10, BEST GRADE; CAN BIS USED FOR HOT HOUSES, WIRELESS SETS. ETC. CALL) MR. HADLET, TTLER 1000. ENGRAVING DEPT. . v OUfeT &OON A THE THIN COME! FROM THE WORE CHeV.VfN.N4 .WEATHER WHW? 1OEALF0R COL.F- OO fOO DAVNCE? yu.L.f PASTIME I A.f - I LL COOK 'EMJ FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattress es made from your own feathers, sum mer and winter sides. Pillows renovated and made up In new featherproot tlck- lng. 1907 Cuming. D. 2467. WE buy, sell safes, make desks, show cases, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., 8. W. Cor. 11th. and Douglas. D. 2724. ONE velour suit trimmed with beaver col lar; brown checked ault, velvet coat, heavycollar. 2407 Browne. Col. 1361. BRICK 15,t)00; partly cleaned; at $12. Jim. 38th Ave. Doug. 2947. A LARGE safe for sale or trade for small safe.Tyler 1774. BROWN reed" baby carriage. Wal. S104. DRESS, trlcotlne, size 38 Doug. 8625. KINDLING and lumber. "Web. 459. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. 61 48. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. MACK'S BOND HOUSE. 1421 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 3644 WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and rurniture. Ty. 2598. A. zavett, 705 N. 1 6, BEST prices, furniture, clothing. Ty. 869. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. WANTED Clerical position In bar.k or of fice by young m&n: colleee education: active partnership In some businas con sidered; best references, iiox x-1234. ice. CHEMIST with six years exnerlence In chemistry and essay work wants con nection with reliable firm; beat of ref erences. Address Box K-65, Bee. REFINED white chauffeur wishes posl tlon in private family. Best of refer ences. Address Box X-57, Omaha Bee, EXPERIENCED icarpenter wants work. lg. 660S. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of The Bee. Lots of good places are always advertised. Don't miss them. Laundry and Day Work EXPERIENCED laundress with references wants work Tuesdays, Wednesdays. 45o per hour, carfare. Mrs. Baasett Tyler 2907. WOMAN wants day work. Call Afro American Employment Agency. 2522 Vt Lake. Web. 5976. BUNDLE or family washing, wet or rougn dry. Z245 North 19th. Web. 4427. LAUNDRY Day work; experienced. Webster 3264. LAUNDRY. -Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Web. 5182. BUNDLE washing. Fries reaaonabls. Web. 2461. . BUNDLE washing, neatly done. ,-Tvler 64?2. BUNDLE washing, day work. Webster ii. LAUNDRY for Mon.,' Tue., Wed. Web- aier 4use. CLEANING, day work, experienced. We seer azoe. DAY WORK wanted; experienced. Web- ster 3955. WANTED Day work, experienced. Dout- las cads. DAYWORK, all kinds; references. South net. BUNDLE wsshlng; day work. Webster 394S. DAY work wanted; colored lady. Web, zys. BUNDLE washing, experienced. Webstef DAY work wanted; experienced. Web. 490. LAUNDRY, day work, cleaning. Webstif COLORED woman wants laundry. Web- sier bin. DAY work, laundry, colored laundress. Webster 3002. BUNDLE WASHING wanted. Webster 1379.. BUNDLE WASHING; soft wator. Web- ster 6949. DAY work, laundry, exp., colored. Web. 3631. DAT WORK Call after 5 p. m. Web. 4953. LAUNDRY, day work, exp. Web. 6727. BUNDLE washing wnnted. Webster 1349. BUNDLE wishing, day work. Web. 4493. DAY work, laundry, experienced. Web. 4448. IRONING, cleaning, half days. Web. 2222. DAY work wanted, experienced. Web. 6450, BUNDLE WASHING wanted. Web. 2461. Daywork. laundry, experienced. Tyler 1671. BUNDLE washing, Webster 3303 BUNDLE washing; soft water. Web. 6949. DAYWORK, houaecleanlng. Webster (211. DAYWORK, Exp. colored lady. Web. 2861. LAUNDRYwork.Mrs. Gibson. Col. 2234. WANTED Day work. Webster 6867. DAYWORK by the hour. Web. 0 2 8; WANT LAUNDRY work. Web. 1256. WORK by day or hour. Web. 3449. DAYWORK wanted. Web. 1430;" BUN.JLE washing. Webster 2303. COOKING wanted, exp. Ty. 6472. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. SALESMAN (first-class securities), $200 and expenses; general office man to take charge ef department, $126 to $150. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE A"SS'N. 917-18 W. O., W. Bldg. WANTED Young man between the ages oi 9 and 30 years; good opportunity for advancement for one not afraid of work and capable of handling details. Box Y 1236, Bee. STENOO. and CLERK. $126; bookkeeper. 41 ZO. WATTS REF. CO., 912 1st Nafl. Bank. ASS'T bookkeeper, small manufacturing firm, $125. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASS'N. 736 First National Bank Bldg. YOUNG MAN to learn trade; splendid op- poriunny tor ngnt party. loug. soso. Professions and Trades. WANTED Experienced FORD AND FORDSON MECHANIC capable of holding position of shop foreman.. CADDOCK & BURKE, AUTHORIZED FORD SALES , AND SERVICE, Walnut, !a. YOUNG MEN We have several openings for young men to learn telephone swttchbosrd in stallation work; liberal startln salary, with opportunity for advancement In an interesting job. Apply Room 216. Telephone Bldg.. t a. m. and 4 p. m. WANTED Jewelry Jobbers, platinum workers and setters, union shop, best wages and pleasant surroundings. Writs for Information. Hymen-Abraham Jly. Mfg. Co., Globe-Democrat Bldg., Bt Louis, Mo. WANTED , FIRST-CLASS WAGON BLACKSMITHS ANDREW MURPHT SON, OMAHA, NEB. cm i hi WANTED Three coremakers and three moulders. Best of working conditions snd high wants. Union shop, no trouble, working t hours, $8.30 per day. The John Beaton Foundry Co., Atchison, Kan. CHANDELIER makers and . spinners, steady work, highest wages. Apply to the Batley-Reynolds Chandelier Com pany. Kansas City, iio. i s WMCRC OOE, MA.5HE 5T THESE FOR R1NT HEADED HZAROt tHE POT ft ONTO ME. JHELP WANTED MALE Professions and Trades. WANTED Good young shoemaker; first- class reoalr man: must be good on champion or Landis; $30 per week. Fort Form Shoe Shop, 14 w. t irsi at., xuisa. OKI. WANTED Experienced picture frame maker, must be all round man. Good wages to the right man. Deborah's Art Shop. 721 Francis St, St. Joseph, Mo, YOUNG man, study law. Eve. downtown sessions. Unlver. of Omaha Law Dept Thorough course; nominal tuition. Sec, 404 Omaha National Bldg. WANTED Two plowholders for grading camp. $200 per month and board. Ap. ply 806 Brandels Theater. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 SO. 14TH ST. CATALOGUE FREB. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN WANTED Everywhere, city and country, experience un ' necessary, to sell oil leases in the Great High Island District Gulf Coast Oil Fields of Texas. You can make $500 per week selling for our company. Big commission. Every body buys. Our com pany is a fine, produc i n g, money - making company. We own pro ducing' wells at Hum ble Gusher Field, Tex as. We own all our own drilling rigs and equipment. We start drilling at High Island as quick as our men can rig up and spud in. These leases .most valuable on the mar ket. Government re ports describe High Island with wonderful possibilities. Sale just started. Big advertis ing campaign is com menced. Act on, that impulse. Get in quick. Come to office if pos sible . Talk it over. - Write or wire for your exclusive territory. Get our bulletin hot off the press with map of Gulf . Coast . Fields. Most wonderful gusher district in America. These leases going into big money and chance for every lease-owner to clean up $50,000 on small investment Looks like a sure shot. Get in quick. Work and we work with you. This proposition going over the top into big money. Address sales manager, GULF COAST DEVELOPMENT & REFINING COMPANY, 740 FIRST NAT. BANK BLDG., OMAHA, NEB. Long. Distance Tel. Tyler 398. SALESMEN OR SALESLADIES Every where, city and country, to sell royalty In Homer and Bull Bavou Louisiana 'ill fields; 600 acres surroondod with big wells; one well completed: many others drilling: leases owned by such com panics as Sinclair. Texas Standard, etc. This Is sure an opportunity for you to make big money quick. Call Mr. Pot ter, room 404, Fontenelle Hotel, for ap pointment DESIRE the services of salesmen for Ne braska to rroresent a wholesale and manufacturing men's furnishing goods concern. Liberal commission ana good territory. State experience and give references In first letter. Address Mgr. of Sales. Box 1343. Pes Moines. Ia. YOUNG MEN We offer a business oppor tunity and a financial future with on of the most progressive manufacturing industries In America. If you are In terested In a position with a future call Doug. 6565. SALESMEN calling on cigar, confection ery, drug and billiard trade to sell Zln Zln confectlon.-Jt's a prize. Write today. Premium Novelty Works, 700 East 40th Street, Chicago. , - WANTED Salesmen with established trade In Nebraska, to carry 24 samples men's welt shoes. Can be carried as a side line. E. B. Flekenbrock e. Sons, Dubuque, la. t WANTED Salesmen, experience not nec essary, will show you how to make $75 per week. Cail or write Omaha Vaeuetto Co.. 307 Flnancn Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. TRAVELING salesman, staple commodity. $175 to $200 and expenses. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N, 736 First National Bank Bldg. SPECIALTY salesman on silverware, rugs and blankets; can use couple of good men out of town work. C. F. Adams Co.. 623 So. 16th St. Agents and Canvassers. TELEGRAPH operators and agents. Can use seversl experienced men; permanent position; minimum rate 68c per hour. Apply by wire or letter. Supt. C. O. W. R. R Clarion. Ia. HOUSE ts house men wanted. Agents are coining money selling Cramer's Brus sell Fibre Brooms. Call at 2866 Farnam or phone Har. 6688. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Second cook and dishwasher, La Rue Cafe, 24th and Ames Ave. WANTED Storekeeper. hotel. Apply Blackstone Boys. BUS BOYS WANTED. , 4 LIGHT WORK, GOOD SALARY. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNG MEN WHO CANNOT DO HARD LABOR. APPLY SUPT. BALCONY, BURGESS-NASH. WANTED AN OFFICE BOT. APPLY MORRIS v CO., " i SOUTH SIDE. Miscellaneous. 21 AMBITIOUS young men to become salesmen; $1,600 up; experience unnec essary. For openings and particulars writs M-12, Omaha Bee, av f.m . Jiur tORR-f-tilR-THC CaJTCHER r.D TOO ORDERED ROA.VT HELP WANTED-MALE. Miscellaneous. SO MEN WANTED FOR GENERAL YARD WORK APPLY TIMEKEEPER, UNION STOCK YARDS, SOUTH SIDE. WANTED. CASE WASHERS. PERMANENT POSITION. GOOD SALARY. APPLY SUPT. BALCONY. BURGESS-NASH. WANTED MEN TOR SERVICE IN HOUSE PERMANENT POSITION GOOD SALARY APPLY SUPT. BALCONY, BURGESS-NASH. WANTED Man old or young to do cashier work from 6 to 12. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Harney. WANTED Elevator p'.lot, must be over 18. Blackstone hotel. TEAMSTERS wanted. Platner Lumber and Coal. Wal. 330. MAN to wash floors and windows. Wise Memorial Hospital. " MEN wanted for warehouse work. 11th ana Nicholas sts. PORTER wanted. Keen hotel. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. ANNOUNCEMENT We have openings for five cap able young women wishing to take up Long Distance Telephone work. Apply to MISS BELL, 318 Telephone Bldg., Between 9 A. M. and S P. M. American Telephone & Telegraph Co. WANTED GIRLS TO WAIT ON SODA TABLES; SHORT HOURS, GOOD SALARY. AP PLY SUPT., BALCONY. BUR GESS-NASH COMPANY. WANTED An experienced floor lady, one wno is capaoie oi taking and handling glrla in factory; experienced In sewing auto tops, seat covers and radiator covers prcieraoiy. Apply OMAHA AUTO TOP CO., 709 S. 16th St WANTED BURROUGHS POSTING MACHINE OPERATOR. STANDARD OIL CO., 1912 Farnam St. OFFICE clerks, good penmen and bright beginners, $65-$70-$76; P. B. X. opera tor, ijii ana meais. THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, $76 to $125; typists, id to siuu. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 912 First National Bank Bldg. TYPIST and ass't cashier, small Insurance omce. iioo. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N, u first national nana iag. WANTED Competent stenographer and clerk; good salary. Call Council Bluffs 665 between z and 5 p. m. STENOGRAPHER wanted. Apply H. R. Bowen Co., Howard St., between 15th and 16th; WANTED Typist for bllilng. Apply Mc. Cord-Brady Co., 13th and Leavenworth. YOUNG lady for cashier. Sherman A Mc- Connell Dnig Co., 16th and Harney. Professions and Trades. YOUNG LADIES Do yon want a permanent position? No profession today offers better op portunltlea for good salaries and steady employment than local or long distance telephone work. The work is fascinating, pleasant, healthful surroundings, annual -vaca tlons with full pay. Sick and accident benefit without cost to employes. No experience necessary. Substantial weekly pay while In training. Rapid advancement. Farenta invited to investigate working conditions. Apply ts MRS. MORRIS, Employment Secretary. Room 81. New Telephone Building. Nineteenth and Douglas Streets. WANTED, EXPERIENCED HELP IN ALTERATION ROOM. PERMANENT POSITIONS. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT ON BAL CONY, . BRANDEIS STORES. I 7 : 0 VOU TOLD ME 5 VOO VAJZ..CONNA HAVE A MUTTON- iff i20 at ihtC rsaruai vca. U HELP WANTED FEMALE Professions and Trades. GIRLS WANTED. Bright, young girls, 16 to 26 years of age, for factory work. BEMIS BAG FACTORY 11th and Jackson Sts. WANTED Pupil nurses; 2-year course, $20 monthly; uniform, room, board, laundry and extras provided; grammar school education or better. Woman's Konpltal, 460 E. 22d St., Chicago, II h TWO ladles wanted; experienced in men's alterations: good salary. The Una Hive Clraners and Dyers. Dg. 1440. WANTED Rural teachers; salaries $100 to $130. Apply to County Superintendent of Schools, Glasgow, Mont WANTED rls. 201 Douglas 4113; Karbach Block TWO nurses' Hospital. aids (white). Clarkson GIRLS WANTED. Dg. 4113. Burgess Shirt Co. Household and Domestic. WANTED A refined white woman, 25 (o 40 years of age, for general houxework: small family. Mrs. A. L. Ralnalter, 1111 S. 31st. Phone Harney 4918. GIRL wanted for housework; no washing or cooking; good wages and good ho-rte to right pr.rty. Address Box X-26, Omaha Bee. WANTED An experienced housemaid on or before Sept. 1. References required. Mrs. L. L. Kountzc, 423 So. 39th St Mar. IS7. vtAMTED at once, sood white girl or woman to assist with housework. No washing or cooking, rood home. Dg IZU3. ' WANTED Girl for general housework. good wages. Apt. 209, St. Regis, 37th ana jones. nar. 4237. MAID for general housework: good wages 2 In family; laundresa employed. Mrs. v. u. JBeiaen. wal. n. . WHITE girl for general housework. Ref erences. No washing. Good wages. 5122 i3un. van vtai. zas. WHITE girl to care for child afternoons or evenings; r,ty references required, nrney "10. WANTED Middle-aged woman for house Keeper. Mrs. K. Li Lewis, Osceola, Neb. WANTED Girl for general housework. uood wages. Harney 4227. GIRL for general housework, 3 in family no wasning. nar. 3&iz. WANTED- -A competent housemaid. Har- ney 206. W ANTED An experienced ma'd for gen- menu nouseworK : references. Har. 352. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Second cook and good girl for housework and part time Ironing for mo went m August or September 1. ck:qui tor tne uear. wal. lbs. DISHWASHER wanted, no Sunday work. Appiy nmei oepu union stock Yards, South Side. MAIDS WANTED, EXPERIENCED; TOP - aALAn iAt.:K.a ma b hotel. GIRL for dining room work. Mercy Hoi rltal. Council Bluffs. Phone 672. TWO maids for floor work. Clarkson"HoT pltal FLOOR maid wanted.. Clarkson hospital. Miscellaneous. WANTED Experienced elevator onera tors, permanent position and splendid apiiij oupt., yaicony, BURGESS-NASH CO., BIO SISTERS ASSOCIATION, for the Dencrit oi business girls. 523 Bee Bldg, Douglas 6592. Yi ASHMAN, experienced; steady position. pen iaunary, LeavcpworthKan. GIRL wanted for relief work. Apply wise Memor!al Hospital. Tyler 1571. WOMAN wanted to take charge of sew Ing room. Clarkson Hospital. HELP WANTED Male and Female. WANTED Young men and ladies ex perienced In soliciting insurance or n.a gazine subscriptions or advertising so licitors. Must furnish references. Bit: opportunity to make money. Call 2496 Amos Ave. (Upstairs.) WANTED Men, ladies and boys to learn barber trade: big demand: wagea while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 103 uoage ot Trt-t'ity Barber college. EDUCATIONAL. TWO OPENING DATES 1920 FALL TERM. BOTLES BUSINESS COLLEGE AND SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY AUGUST 30 SEPTEMBER 7 ' Day and Night School. Write, call or phone Douglas 1566 for free catalogue. BOTLES COLLEGE, Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Van Sant School of Business, Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. Music. PIANO class lessons for beginners, 60c; graduate experienced teacher. Col fax 2383. FRANK HENY, teacher, saxaphono, MIs- ner scnooi. 1'atterson Block, umana, Nr-b. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Small manufacturing business. Money maker, with small capital. Will consider Omaha property In trade. Call on or ad dress. J. M. Kyde 68 West Bt Blalr.Neb. DON'T miss this opportunity. An In dependent fortune for you. Haven't the money to handle the proposition. Would consider a good car as part payment for Interest or all. Phone Web. 1403 after 7 p. m. and Sunday phone Web. 1865. CONFECTIONERY for sale; fine fixtures: wen locatec; lining a nice business; solid marble fountain. Address Dr. Blsop, Excelsior Springs, Mo. RESTAURANT for sale, sickness reason for selling; place doing good business; will sell cheap for cash. Doug. 6689. TO GET in or out of business, see LEWIS & CO.. 411 McCague Bldg. SO. SIDE Good paying 14 -room rooming nouso ror sale. po. zuss. MOVING picture show for aale, newly equipped. Webster 210. GARAGE for sale with equipment Call Mr. darn, wai. szsd. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT. TYLER 1000, AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR READERS AND ADVERTISERS. COOL, attractive room In Hnnscom park district, suitable for sna or two. nuo S. 32d St 221 N. 24TH ST. Cool front room, mod em, private home, reasonable, riyier 1815. FURNISHED room In all modern apart ment on car line. Private family. Web. 6714. I NICELY furnished room, modern, home J privileges. Phone Harney 7421. FRONT room, gentlemen. Bar. 133$, FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. v COOL, attractive rooms; fine location; also garage. Phone wctister 633S. FOR RENT Furnished room, near cur, 1518 Lake St. Web. 3738. ALSO single room, garage in rear. So. 19th St. Doualaa 4963. 618 2564 MARCY Large room, light house keeping. Douglas 9183 3C10 DODGE Comfy, 7246. modern room. H. LARGE room, modern home; 2 ladles. S539. H. BOARD and room. Dg. 8095. 619 So. 26th Ave. FURNISHED room for 2. Col. IS28. Housekeeping Rooms. TWO furnished light housekeeping rooms, private home, no children. 3112 Cali fornia. H. 4341. SINGLE rooms; light housekeeping; In cluding bath: walking distance; block to car. H. 3737. TWO ROOMS, light- housekeeping; rca-J sonable. 2813 Dewey. 1 LIOHT housekeeping rooms at 2222 Farnam St. 110 So. 261 h Ave., 1 room, housekeeping, reasonable. 600 So. 28th, 2 or 2 well-furnlshod modern rooms. 2712 HOWARD 2 front rooms, bath-room floor. TWO or 2 light housekeeping rucms. 3172. H. 2 MODERN rooms; private home. 7048. Har. 3 OR 4 modern furnished ro-ms. Col. 4637. Board and Rooms. WANTED Salesladies for vegetable dept. Apply manager grocery dept., Hayden Bros. COMFY, cool rooms, suitable for two; good board; walking distance. Douglas 1083. 519 SO. 26TH AVE. ; board, room. D. 8095. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. FOR RENT Elght-rocm modern, furnished house, double garage, shown by appointment only. AMOS GRANT CO., REALTORS. 330-2-4-6-8 Brand. Th Bldg. Doug. 8380. Unfurnished. FOR RENT Strictly modern six-room house at 4116 Dodge St.. $60 per mo. Immediate possession. W. G. Clarke, 1610 C St, Lincoln. ' 6 -ROOM house for rent, 225 Francis. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnished. EL-BEUDOR APARTMENT HOTEL. Conveniently Itcated. FurnlsHed throughout Suites of two and three rooms, wlh combination tub and shower bath. Kitchenettes completely eaulDDed. WcekljT rental IncK-des light, heat, gas, telephone and maid service. An ideal home for those wht desire comfort anl service. tpar'menta shown by appoint- jiii-nu uoage ana istn. xyier 4200. 114 So. 38th Ave. Two 3-room apart- jiicma, one iurnisn"a. WALSH-ELMER CO., REALTORS. 333 Securities Bldg. Tyler 1536. i OR 3-ROOM furnished apartments with private Dam; wanting distance. Brown Apis., 60S n. 21st St. Douglas 6644. Unfurnished. WANTED TO RENT I am willing to pay a liberal rental on one year a lease for a modern 7 8-room house in Cathedral or West rarnam district. Wou d want nosaes. slon about September 1st to 15th. What nave you to offer?. Answer before Frl day. Box Y-1235. Bee. LET us rent your house or flat. Benjamin ft Frankenberg. 624 Bee Bldg FOR RENT Business Property. WAREHOUSE space in modern six-story i-unureie warenouse; on gooa tracKage; rates reasonable. Call G. H. Ruthop. Tyler 671. FOR RENT In Dundee, store' room. 5019 inaerwooa. inquire 601S California. Walnut 25. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses SMALL family wants to rent a six or seven room house In Dundee or Field Club district Good references. H. I. Dodson. Nebraska Telephone Co. FOR RENT Business Pioperty. FOR RENT Warehouse t 19th and Nicholas streets; 52,000 square 'eet; lnrge elevator. Also building on Leaven worth street, west of 30th. about 13.000 square feet;- steam heating plant? fine for storage or gatage. Apply W. G. Brandt, Orchard & Wilhelm Co. LIVE STOCK. FOR SALE Saddle horse. Apply Colonel Welterhouse, Ft Omaha. POULTRY AND PET STfJCK. MIXED grain $3.76 per 100 lbs., de llvcred. A. W. Wagner, '801 North 16th ot. upugiai llz. DOGS CATS PETS. YOUNG slngers,l7. Col. 3132. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY NTrANB CO. STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. ' COMPLETE LIST OF , HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackson Sts. Douglas 288. MOVING, PACKING. STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving,, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 South 16th. Doug. 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Tyler 3400. GLOBE VAN, TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. For real service In hauling or stor age, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. Auto or wagon service. IINIOV TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your movli.g, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport. Doug. 20J. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Buy a Guy L. Smith Used Car. A SAFE INVESTMENT, We always have a few first-class used car j which are real bargains. Each is guaranteed and with a real service behind it. Call Doug las 1970 any time for description of cars and prices. - DRIVE IT YOURSELF COMPANY RENT lA NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF THE MOST ECONOMICAT, AUTO MOBILING; CHEAPER THAN OWN ING A CR. NKW A-l CONDITION. SF.LF-STARTEhS OPEN DAY, AND NIGHT THE 365 DAYS. 1314 HOWARD STREET. DOUG. $622. A REAL BARGAIN National T-paasenger, in excellent cone dltlon; only been driven 2.600 mllest looks snd runs like new; dandy car iof a large family; will sell at real sacri flee; very liberal terms If desired. . MORSE-STUTZ MOTOR CAR CO., , 2427 Farnam St Douglas 1311. J ESSEX SEDAN 1920. , This week we will release an Essex; Sedan demonstrator used 2.20a mt)B In this city only. Just like new. Same guarantee aa a new one. A smart and economical little sedan for a lady to drive. Call Douglas 1970 anl make a date for home .demonstration. - GUY L. SMITH, 26th and Farnnm. 1920 FORD COUPE. Starter, demountable rims. Hassler shock absorbers. Victor lock, double feal piston rings: In excellent condition; $785 cash, $815 terms. OMAHA DISTRIBUTORS CORP. 724 South lfth St. Tyler 3S97. WE SAVE YOU $5 out of every $10 on auto Insurance. Phone Dnuglaa '7768. 312 Peters Trust Bldg. Continental Inv. Co. 19J0 MAXWELL AT HALF LIST PRICE. '19 OVERLAND 90, LIKE NEW, $400. '18 SCRIPPS, $400. '18 BRISCOE, $226. 2210 FARNAM. SOME bargalna In usvd Ford cars. Mc- carrrey Motor Co. Ths Handy Ford Service 8tatlon. 16th and Jackson. Doug las 360. 1918 KING 8 sport model car; wire wheels. etc.: cash,' terina or Liberty bonds, cr smaller car accepted as part payment Address Box R-68, Omaha Dee. DO YOU want a good automobile at a bargain price? Alt makes and sizes. Terms or cash. Call Mr. Jones, D. 6188. FORDS, DODGES, BUICK FOR SALE OR TKADK. EAST TKRMS. CALL 8. 191. O'ROUKE AUTO CO.. 3701 S. 24th St BARGAIN'S In new and used cars. Also Ford bodies, at Goldstrum Auto Sales. 1318 Harney St. Tyler 714. KTUDEBAKER. fine condition, for ssle at bargain. Leaving city. Address Box R, 96, umana nee. THI3 DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2520 Farnam 8t OAKLAND Fenslble Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO 23o9 Farnam Bt. good used cara to selscl from. All rtrlces. MEEKS AUTO CQ1:J02Farnam. WANTED For apot cash. 100 used csre, quick action: no delay. Auto Kichangs Co 2059 Farnam St. Douglas 6035. SCRIPPS-BOOTH, first-class shape, cord tires, severnl extras, bargain for quick cash sale. H. 2781. FORD Sedan, 1917, Grey-Davis starter. $500. Call Tyler 886. 2662 Leaven worth. CHALMERS 6-cyl,. 7-paes. cheap for cash. rerrect running condition. Col. 4679. 1920 FORD RUNABOUT or truck; good condition: for aale. Walnut 6649; FORD touring fire condition; reasonable) oat gain, wox n-, umana nee. 1917 late model Ford roadster, A-l condi tion ,T a 1 1 at 2957 Harney street SCRIPPS-BOOTH 8, Chummy, cord tires. fine condition. Harney 2781. FORD touring. 1917. real bargain. Call Hiirney 2(90 after 6 p. m. 1918 STUDEBAKER. just like new, flrst- ciass condition. Tyler 1466. DODGE touring ca"-; excellent condition;. n-asonapie. i'oug. aD. DANDY service tru'k for sale; a bargain. t ail .Mr. .len.-ven. 'y14')40; NEW Oveiland touring at wholesale. Dg. Wanted. WANTED A good second-hand Ford Touring car or Sedan body with top and windshield, also Ford radiator. Give complete Information with price. Bon Y 12 3 1 Bee. Motorcycles and Bicycles. WE HAVE a number of guaranteed re built bicycles priced as low as $20. Vlc tor H. Rons, 27th and Leavenworth. DANDY bicycle, steel rim snd" clincher tires. $15. 2514 H St So. 3543. Reparing and Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha, 24-hour serv ice for auto truck and tractor. Exp-rt radiator and fender repairing; body dents removed; new fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR ivIFO. CO., 1819 Cuming St. Tyler 917. Tires and Supplies. VSV.Xj tires. 30x3. $5.00; 30x3H. $6.00. All, sIzm In proportion. Look ove our rebulliu. Opn Sundays. Tyler 2986. S A VICE TIRES. 908 N. 16th St Keystone Tire Shop. NEW TIRES FIRST-CLASS. Sflx? $10.95 ' 32x4 $10.95 30x3 13 95 I 33x4 20.95 26xt 29.96 34x4 23.9$ GOODRICH FORD TUBES. $3.50. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 1 722 CUMING. NEW GUARANTEED TIRES. 30x3 $ 9.75 I 33x4 $21.50 30X3 ft iz 12.90 I 34x4 SI. 75 f lRD TIUE CO., 410 Nd. 16th. 1 ARMLANDS. 't Colorado T.anrla. V. i , STANDARD TI FOR THE RENTER and the man with smsll means that wants a home I have soma very good places near "Cheyenne Wells, Colo., thst will suit you at bargain prices with terms. E. M. HOTTORFF. Phone Harney $835. 3520 Martha St., Omaha, Neb. Iowa Lands. 360 Lucas county, la., corn farm. Level tractor land in cultivation. No better in state. Price, $200. Mortgage, $25,000, t per cent; wants clear Canada for equity. 800 Keith county, Neb., In culti vation. Improved. Price, $100. Mortgage, $28,000, 6 per cent. Wants Omaha prop erty.W. J. Good, Castle hotel. Omaha, Michigan Lands. GOOD LAND ON CREDIT. Big opportunities for you In Kalkaska and Antrim roomies Mich. Mnke a home on hardwood land, growing blk crops of clover, alfalfa, grains, pota toes, etc.; $15 to $35 per acre; easy terms; 10 to 160 acres; schools, churches, markets, railroads own your own home; booklet free, fcwilgart Land Co.. J 1253) First Nat'l Bank Bldg.. Chicago. III. Nebraska Lands. FOR SALE 640 acres Deuel county. Neb., land; will divide; finest of them ill; 600 acres under plow. $20,000 worth brand new Improvements; $28,000 loan, 3 to 5 years 6 per cent; balance 'i cash or good exchange. Price $126 per acre and worth the money. Wire you're enroute. 3-e It today. T. A. Smith, Juleaburg, Colo. : FOR SALE 1(10 acres in Custer county, 2 miles from Ansley; good Improvements; 7il acres in corn, 30 acres of sweet eorn, balance hayland and pasture; will sell horses, machinery and give possession at once. B. Jones Ansley, Neb. 4,000 ACRES Box Butte county farm am $25 to $35 an acre In half section lots. S. S. AND R. E. MONTGOMERY, 213 CltyNatlonal Bank Bldg; YOUR FARM OR "RANCH turned quickly Into cash by our unique method. Write for booklet. Nebraska )tvAun!lonc., Central City. Neb. A. A. PATZMAK. Farms. 11 Karbach Blk. South Dakota Lands. RANCH for sale. Meade county, S. D., one ot tne dcsi small ranrnes in the north west: 640 acres fine sandy loam, no gumbo; 40 acres alfalfa, much SBors good alfalfa land: timber. natuVal sltel ter; living springs, pure water; good small house, long distance phone; garage; barn, 40x32; ahed, 30x:; other buildings; fenced and cross-fenced; windmill; corrals, etc. All in good re pair and ready to operate. This must be sold at once and for only $20 per acre. Will carry $6,000 at 6 per cent. John P. Everett, Lyons. Nebraska. Bee Want Ads Will Boost Your Business. Use Tliem. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. CITY AND FARM LOANS. DUMONT CO. 416-4H Keellne Bldg. OMAHA lOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 101Om. NitBk. Bldg. Doug. J7H. DIAMONDS ANJD JEWELRY LOANS Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malashock. 1514 Dodge. D. 5611, Es. 1891. prTvatf money. ' $100 to $10.(100 mads promptly. F. D. WEAO Wend Bldg.. 21 sT 18th St. PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPBN ft COMPANY. Doug. 422. PROMPT service, reasonable rates,' private money, Garvin Bros., 141 Omaha. Pi' i 31 f ti r ft? I c i Li i