Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1920, Image 3

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    I 11 Lj
1 . i
English Girl Married O'Neill
Soldier . Believing Him
Wealthy Ranchman
Returns to Parents.
O'Neill. Neb.. Aug. 10. (Special.)
Mrs. lilsie Hurst, deserted Eng
lish war bride of Harry Hurst,
Canadian ex-soldier, started oil her
return from 'O'Neill to her parents'
home at Laughton, Sussex, Eng
land, her dream of a happy life on
her husband's ranch in northern Ne
braska rudely shattered. With her
went her little son, a few months
old. -.
Her husband, now a fugitive, was
not the prosperous ranchman of the
tales told her when the Canadian
troops were in camp in En'gland and
hcrmty experience in ranch life was
as a cook this summer on the big
stock ranch of Jack McKenna, lead
ing cattleman, a few miles nortU of
Hurst, an Iowa orphan, enlisted
in the Canadian forces before the
United States went into the war and
saw active service at the front, being
wounded, gassed and shell shocked.
He had worked on ranches around
O'Neill previous to his enlistment.
He met and married his bride while
at an English hospital camp on his
return from France and when ha
was discharged they came to Ne
braska, where, he had told her. he
was the owner of a large stock
ranch. -
Soon Disillusioned.
Her disillusionment on her arrival
was followed soon after, when the
little English girl was about to be
ccme a mother, bv her husband's
elopement witii a waitress at a local
hotel. The cfhipie was captured at
Minneapolis, stranded and without
funds. Hurst having spent his own
and his wife's money taken from her
purse while she was ill. Both were
recipients of money from the Cana
dian government.
Hurst was in jail here for a time,
pleading guilty to wife desertipn, but
was not sent to the penitentiary as
the wife still loved him and wanted
liim here when the baby came. She
refused to have him nrosecifled for
violation of the Mann act. For a
' f i . .... 1 .. n r. . .4 f - .1 1 . .'Ill
rune aurr mc va mcuu i vim
Hurst worked and displayed consid
erable regard for his little family of
wife rd baby. He was given the
-t i f .1.. vr-v..i
pCMUOlI Ol lUIClllrfll Ul mc .uvim lino
ranch and removed thereto and re
mained for several weeks.
Husband Leaves Again.
Then one day he left. The dis
couraged ivife made no effort to have
him brought back, but continued to
stay on at thc ranch as a cook, al
through before coming to America
she had no experience whatever in
any of the domestic arts. A collec
tion raised by Mrs. George Long
staff, wife of the Rev. George Ipng
slaff of the O'Neill Presbyterian
church, herself an English woman,
at first was refused by the deserted
wife and mother,, but at last, lonely
and homesick, she overcame her
pride and accepted the funds con
tributed by sympathetic business
men and members of the American
School Census Shows Only
31 Gain; No New Buildings
' Grand Island, Neb., Aug. 19.
(Special.) A deterrent effect in the
building program of the Grand
Island school district is likely to re
sult from the . school census just
completed in Hall county. In the
. : ....... t . . 1 1 ...nA' I, ! I
clinic euuuijr uinv ,11 miui v. vtm-
dren of school age are shown than
were enumerated in the census ot
1 last summer, and Grand Island's
school children .number 3,665 as
compared with 3.653 a year ago.
Fully $250,000 of the allotted school
amount will not be used this year
, nor will the city attempt to use any
of the $200,000 inj bonds voted for
sewer construction until prices of
labor and materials come down.
Grand Army Post Gives Its
Flag to American Legion
Callaway, Neb., Aug. 19. (Spe
cial). A patriotic service of unusual
interest was held here when William
Hayes Grand Army post presented
its flag to Callaway post. Amer
ican legion, owing to the fact that
but six members of the grand army
veterans remain and they are too
feeble to carry on the work for
which they organized over 25 years
ago. The presentation of the flag
was made by Department Com
mander Presson of Lincoln and the
address of acceptance was made by
Attorney naroia prince or oranu
Beatrice Elks Will Hold ,
Pirnin and Dance Ann. 27
, Beatrice, Neb., Aug. 19. (Spe
cial. The local lodge of Elks have
decided to hold a picnic at Chautau
qua park on August 27. There will
be races and other sports. Prizes
. will be offered by the business men.
There will be a ball in the evening
in the Elks club rooms.
Four Racing Events Each
Day at. Holt Courtfy Fair
O'Neill, Neb.. Aug. 19. (Special).
Twelve events,' four each day, com
prise the race program at the Holt
county fair at O'Neill Tuesdaj-, Wed
nesday and Thursday of next' week.
' Eighty-seven horses already have
been cn red.
Rain Helps Late Corn.
Grand island. Neb., Aug. 19.
(Special). While early corn was
' not yet in need, 1at$ planted corn
was helned much by a two-and-one-third-inch
rain received just when
it was beginning to show lack of
Steal Honey From Hives.
Beatrice, Neb., Aug. IV. Special;
Thieves visited the home of Syl
vester Younar of Glcnover and car
ried away about $50 worth of honey
which they took from, becnives.
, Corn Gets Needed Rain.
Beatrice. -Neb.. Aug. 19. (Spe
cial.) Showers fell in this section
of the state coming at a time when
late corn is badly in need of mois
ture. ' '
Bodies dt Soldier Dead
Will Arrive Here Today
Nebraska and Iowa Boys Who Were Killed in Action
ki France Will be Taken Home From Omaha. .
Bodies of eight Nebraska and
Iowa soldiers who were killed in
action on the wostcrn front in the
l ite war will arrive in .Omaha today,
tarn Gunyan said yesterday.
This will make the fourth ship
ment of bodies of American dead
from overseas to be received m
Omaha, but will comprise ihe, first
shipment of hero dead, killed in ac
tion. ...
The bodies wil; be conta ned in
larinn all steel casket.
adopted by the War .department for
the return ot American so micrs
buried in France, and each will be
draped with a replica of the .'lag for
which they died.
No Omaha Dead.
There will be no- Omaha uead in
this shipment, which comes from
France by way of New York and
Chicago. .
Definite time of arrival nas not
been received by Capt. C. I. Gun
yan. of the Omaha army depot, to
whom the shipment U consigned
"A detachment of troops from
Fort Crook will meet the train if it
Survey of State Shows Opposi
tion to Cox Growing in
, Franklin A. Shotwcll. chairman of
the executive committee ot the
Harding-Coolidgc club of Nebraska,
has made a preliminary political sur
vey of the counties of this state.
One of the features of that survey
is an indication that a well-defined
opposition exists throughout the
state to Governor Cox on the league
or nations issue. ,
Mr. Shotwell's statement follows:
Finds Deep Interest.
"I have completed a survey of
political conditions in Nebraska.
This survey covers all of the coun
ties in the state and I find there is a
deep interest in the republican na
tional ticket and outside of Douglas
county there is opposition to
Governor Cox, particularly on the
league issue and his wet position. -
"Many democrats have written to
our headquarters that they will not
support Governor Cox.
"In Dougtas county, Governor Cox
has some following on account jf his
position on the liquor question, but
this is somewhat neutralized by his
advocacy of the Wilson league of na
tions. , Demos for Harding.
"In short, Senator Harding has a
united party behind him in this state
and he will receive a large demo
cratic vote. '
-"T i, .l.ptmn wore to be licM
at this Wme Senator Harding would
jcarry the state by a large majority.
"Hardmg-coonage ciuus aic ui
ing organized in each district and
the republicans of this state are
working in perfect harmony for the
success of the national ticket."
Expect to Find. Oil Close
To Surface Near Rushville
Rushville, Neb., Aug. 19. (Spe
:i'v n;i Inrliratinnc have been
v.iai;. 1 1 ...... . .
found on the M. Gillespie ranch, 19
tound on me ;vi. vjiiicni'ic ....., 'ijnuHi. w. .5-, , "
, f T ,'11 a V vnprts-Aonflirtstp fnr rnncrrps allrl Knill ( r.
limes norm ui
who have been over the ground say
the outcropping formation indicates
that oil may be found at a very shal
low depth. . , .
t n.i or.;atict have organized a
developing company and drilling will
start as soon as maciuncry can
set up.
Fremont Says Population
. Is 9,604Jnstead of 7,570
Fremont, Neb., Aug. .19. (Spe
cial Telegram.) On the basis of as
surance from the private' secretary
of Census Supervisor Phelps -of
Howells. Fremont claims a popula
tion of 9,604 instead of the govern
ment figure of 7.570 announced
Thursday. The promise has been se
cured by the local Commercial club
f rUa-r at Wa chintrton and a new
announcement Friday of the official
figures. '
Llovd George Denies He
v Plans Visit to Canada
London, Aug. 19. Premier Lloyd
George does not contemplate any
trip to Canada or the united States,
it was announced officially today
- Moderate Irish to Meet
London. Aucr. 19. Irishmen of
moderate views concerning Do
minion home rule will meet atpub
t,n nivt Tiipsnav. ' This meetine.
says a Dublin dispatch to the Daily
Mail, has been endowed v.iiii con
siderable importance by the change
in policy in Uowning street.
bawssA Ifeir Proceed
By Cuticura-
Cutieora kilt dandruff, tops Hchinf.
the out of dry, thin and falling hair.
Treatment: Gently rub Cuticura Oint
ment with the end of the finger, on apota
of dandruff and itching. Follow next
morning with a hot ahatnpoo of Cuticura
Soap. Repeat in two week. Nothing
better than theae fragrant, auper-creainy
emoUienta for all akin and scalp troubles.
uptatMkrTMtrtbll. UearXI
u..tx nCIIF MllfrJ M " gM
wbvs. 8olK. OintBaUSlwieMe. Wteifc
arrives at a reasonable hour," Cap
tain Gunyan said yesterday.
No MHitary Display.
"From this detachment, one man
wili be assigned to each casket as
-n l-nnnr crraftl nf OIK to aCCOniO.HlV
tho borlv :o it former home. There
will be Jto nrlitary display in
Cnna ill- t..Hici will be taken
from here to small towns in Iowa
end Nebraska, it is expected, how
ever, that memorial services will
r.rrangcd with military funeral serv
ices at those points.
Rnic tn he received in Omaha
today are those of the following
Irvin Bi'ilc, 313th sanitary train.
Ceresco, Neb.; Ernest Kent. 331st
inlantrv Scotibltf. Neb.; . George
H B'rouditi n, 330th infantry,
Modalc, la.; CUrence Dcoboer.
106th infavtry. Ashton. Ia.; Carl
Kocster, th fic.d artillery. Faul
lin.i, la.; Herman Lcsline, 330th in
fantry, Logan, la.; and Sergt. Clay
ton Posey, Cnmp Pike, Sioux City,
War Mi
linister Generally
With Progress of
Pleased With Progress
Bolshevik Armies.
Moscow. Aug. 19. Soviet Russia s
pos'tion on both the Polish and
souih Russian fronts was pro
nounced "generally satisfactory" by
Leon, Troizky. bolshevik war min
ister, in an address today before the
Moscow soviet
Discussine Jie military situation.
Tratzky declared that "on the front
yga nst white Poland, our red troops
have fulfilled the fundamental part
of their task. The holding up of
our advanced troops before Warsaw
in no way alters the affairs, all the
more as the Polisn trout is cuviaea
into two-parts, military and diplo
matic, and possesses two centers. and the other in
Minsk. ' ,
Tii nran n-irntiatioiis at Minsk
are of exceptional importance, be-
caure thev are developing on mc
unstable foundation of a stormy
movement r.mong the workers. Oreat
Britain alro !- paying through an
unheard of display of excitement
among her workers in connection
with the peace negotiations Dctween
Rti'sia and Poland.
"On r.pnpra v rangers front we
are opening the gates wide to our
enemies, nut we snail assault mem
in the flank and rear. 1 he fate ot
the revolution will be decided in
the Tolish front. This is why we
hnvo rnnri'iitrated our forces ill tllC
u-octanrl tr nnlw leavincr nosls Oil
the southern front to hold up Wran-
gel s advance.
Grand Island Labor Union
Will Celebrate Labor Day
CrnrtA Tclanrl - Mph Allff. 19
(Special.) The local Central Labor
union is making arrangements for
Ia ornpral nhsprvatinn of Labor
day, Monday, September 6, and an
nounces frank U tsoiien, tarmer-
laknr rarwlidat fnr attnrnpv cpneraJ.
judge Harry S. Dugan, democratic
. ,
ptoiley, candidate lor state senator,
as speakers.
Not Much Money
; f
Especially When Spent for One of Those
" A Real Pianola Ha Exclusive Expreion
Derice Not Found in Ordinary Play erf.
We guarantee them the best value for $795
Come, See and Hear for Yourself
to Suit
For Hard or Soft Coal Furnace I
S V i
I Anthracite coal is hard and hard to get. I
I Somerset, Colorado, bituminous coal is also I
I hard, and the hottest coal we can secure, and
1 we have it in stock at all our yards. Prompt de-
I liveries assured if orders are placed immediately.
Updike Lumber 6 Coal Co. ;
t Central Oflice: 45th and Dodge St. Phone Walnut 300. f
43d and Charles St.,
Phone Walnut 557.
h, t m i i i ill l i i .V i i i l
All Chance of Danger to Yield
In Nebraska Removed
by Rain Last
- Night.
Nebraska's corn crop this ,
will be the largest in the
of tiie state was
Wednesday night and
vesterdav when ram,
p&tim:i trrl tn have done .thou
sand nf wollars worth of Eood to
farms in this state fell on the rich i
farming section.
According to rioorts received yes
terday t the local weather
bureau. Xirand Ii'.and recchd the
most rainfall during the Inst 24
hours, it was estimated mat more
than an inch of rain fell iir the
vicinity of that city. Lincoln re
ceived a hcay rain, as did fairbury
and towns in that section of the
sU,e' x- u i "
Ti, rni rrryi in rvebraska is re
ported to be in excellent condition,
and with tne rain or t cmu-suaj
night and yesterday. coupled
with a little sunshine, there
is no reason, agriculture experts say,
why the Cornhuskcr state should not
produce one of the largest ai d best
crops of corn this year in the history
of Nebraska.
Railroad officials in Omaha, antici
pating the record-breaking corn
crops, are irra"king strenuous efforts
the freicht car shortage.
A larze number of cars have been
ordered for this state.
Automobile trucks will be pressed
in'to service in the country if the
sufficient number of freight cars are
not distributed to the farming sec
tions of the state, it is said. The
trucks will transport the grain to
elevators, where it will be stored un
til freight cars are available. x
According to M. V. i Robbins,
Omaha's acting weather prophet,
roads in this section of the state
are in poor condition for automobile
traffic because of the late rains.
Democratic Candidate Is
Arrested for fndecency
Atlanta, Ga.. Aug. 19. Thomas E.
Watson, candidate for the demo
cratic nomination for the senate was
arrested at a hotel in Bufford. Ga.,
last night on a charge of public in
decency," after he. had appeared in
a corridor clad in nis nigiii gar
ments.! The police chict at Bufford
i-,;a fr tt'atsnn haH started a dis
turbance in'the lobliy. asserting that
men paid by ins political opponents
were disturbing his rest. He was
held m $000 bond.
The Sugar Saver I
among cereal foods 1
No added
sweetening needed.
Konll like the appeal
ing flavor of this
sugar-saving food.
' They :
ent (Dakford
MOsric Co.
1807 Farnam St.
Omaha, Neb.
15th and Webeter St.,
Phone Doligla 4452.
l i i i t in i 'i i iiii i i r e
Bids for Construction
Of Jhree Submarines
Opened aLWashington
Washington, Aug. 19. Bids for
the construction of the remaining
six submarines of the nine authorized
in the 1916 three-year building pro
gram, were opened today, the low
est bid being that of the Bethlehem
ship building corporation for two
vessels at $4,554,000 each or six at
S3.490.000 each. Action was deferred.
The six submarines will be similar
to the three now building at the
Portsmouth, N. IL, navy yard, with
a length of" more than 300 feet, dis
placement around 2,000 tons and a
surface speed of 21 knots. The
flotilla will mark an enormous ad
vance in the development of under
sea craft ip the American navy and
vessels were designed to embody all
lessons derived from the war, .i
cruising radius of almost 20,000 miles
will permit them to accompany the
Prisoners Reach Warsaw '
Warsaw. Aug. 19. (By The As
sociated Tress.) Soviet prisoners
are pouring into Warsaw in such
numbers that it is becoming a prob
lem how to care for them.
Voile Dresses
House and street wear; sizes
36 to 46; attractive colors and
models; 4.00 and 6.00 O OQ
values, at OV
Wash Skirts
Skirts of linon, repp, pique
or crash, in white and colors;
worth 1.00 to 1.50; CQr
special, JiC'
Batement Arcade
Made of good grade corn;
four times sewed; painted
handles; special, OQ
each, at .
Stamped Skillets
Pure aluminum; highly polT
ished and finished; number 7
size; very special;" ACkn
each, at t7C
Wash Tubs
Galvanized iron with drop
handles; number 1 size; spe
cially priced, 98c
Batement Weil
Window Shades
Mill seconds; light and dark
green; 28 and. 30 inches wide,
6 feet long; complete Atg
with fixtures, each, tOC
Batemeni South
Women's Union Suits
Cotton, sleeveless, short
sletve and bodice top style;
white and pink; shell lace at
tight kne; 1.00 and 7Ckg
1.25 values, suit, JC
Women's Vests
Cotton; shaped sleeveless;
trimmed with mercerized tape;
sjzes 34, 36 and 38; OP
50c values, at 40C
Child's Hose
Mercerized ; black, white
and brown; sizes 5 to 9;
slight seconds of 85c QQ
quality, per pair, 017C
Men's Socks
Mercerized; black, brown,
navy, gray and pongee; double
soles; all sizes, at 1 C
35iv pair, or 3 pair, 1 SJ
Women's Vests
Cotton ribbed; taped, sizes
36 and 38; 15c values; CJL,
special Friday, each, atwgv
Batement Center
Curtain Remnants
And drapery accumulated
" during season, atl Dvra
exactly yfcrrice
Drapery Madras .
Remnants; all desirable col
ors in bird and floral designs;
desirable lengths; worth 1.98
on bolt; yardr QQ
Odd Curtains
One table full in lace and
scrim; some can be matched;
good values, each fQ
priced at y 3ZfC
50 Pieces Scrim
Plain and fancy patterns;
some hemstitched ends; 36
inches wide; 29c value; 1 Q
special, this sale, yard, 117C
750 Grass Rugs
Extra heavy and durable
Size 18x36, worth AQ
79c, i7C
Size 27x54, worth QQ
Batement South
House Dresses
A special purchase, for
women and misses, at a price
way BeloV usual. Made of
good, serviceable ginghams and
percales, in size 36 to 46; reg
ular 75 and 2.00 1 OQ
values! special, at 10J
i Batement Arcade
Boys' and Girls' Skeleton Waists, ea., 39
Women's and Children's Garters, pr., 15
Stocking Feet, all sizes, per pair, 5
"Shoe Trees, per pair, 10(
Rick Rack Braid, 12-yard bolt for 35
Hooks and Eyes, Dress Clasps, Safety
Pins, to close out, 8 cards for 25d
Brandeis Stores Basement South
Edwin R. Bergdoll Is
Convicted as Slacker;
Gets 4 Years In Prison
New .York. Aug. 19-Erwin R.
BergdolL of Philadelphia has been
found guilty of desertion from the
army by evading the draft and sen
tenced to four years' hard labor at
Fort Leavenworth, it was announced
today at Governor's Island.
Immigrants Coming to U. S.
At Rate of 5,000 Each Day
Washington,. Aug. 19. More than
5.000 immigrants are arriving dtily
at Ellis Island, the Uepartmc'it of
Labor announced. Despite unfavor
able conditions, approximately TO0,
000 immigrants arrived during the
12 monthsNended Tint- 30, as com
pared with 141,132 during the cor
responding period the year bi'f6re,
and the record of l.:5.349 in 1907.
Foreign steamships have reported
all available accommodations for a
year in advance have been booked.
Originally imported as an attrac
tive flowering shrub, the prickly pear
i? proving itself a menace to vegeta
tion in several regions ot
Friday, A
Regular 3.95 to 5.95 O fig
Values on Sale at y y
Some as Low as lz Price!
the markets for
real values at popular pricewnd this sale the result.
Shipment just received ! An
on sale Friday, in some cases
Of Crepe de Chine in Flesh Color
About 1,050 of these chemise are a special purchase,
ii. . .11... 1 r.ft frnm nnr Vpcil lar stock. They are all
ine inner - ..
well made garments, cut full and roomy, of good quality
crepe de chine, in flesh color only. Crisp, new merchan
dise, just unpacked.
They have straight tops
on am trimmprl in daintv
v,, i'a0t0 of laro nr tucked Georeette. All sizes are
nave Aii..Tv. i.? va. " v
represented, and every garment is 01 exceptional y t-v
i ,ni-v, fmm x uf tn
laiuc, nwim
BranJeis Stores
Sale of Women's Low Shoes
$4 to 7.50 Low White Shoes
Novelty Tie Oxfords
7.50 Values O AC
for Women atJ
A Hrpssv shop, in Havana brown.
bhvek glazed kid and pliable patent
leather; medium military heels and
very flexible soles; sizes O IC
? to 8 : special, pair,
Brandeis Stores
Special! Friday and Saturday
Big Sale of 1,475 Pairs
Men's and
Young Men's
Sizes 28to4bWaist
Special, per ,iair at
A fortunate chance! Not for some time
have we offered such a sale as this. A com
plete assortment of materials and patterns in .
garments for every occasion
or for work.
Cheviots, Cassimeres,
and Worsteds
Tii n 4 IIia le V i man
uuoi uic wiatciiaio inai u nnui anu tuat niu 1c nilU j;ivc
satisfaction. Tailoring is strictly first-class and every desired color
i - aj T;J j n . i .
ana paiiern represenieq. rriaay
Brandeis Stores
Pearl White
10 r 44c
Basement West
Kentucky Governor
Launches Hot Attack
On Administration
Newton, Mass., Aug.- 19. The
democratic admin Ktration was. ar
raigned by Gov. Edwin P. Morrow
of Kentucky, the principal speaker
at a mass meeting of the Associated
Republican clubs of Massachusetts
in honor of Governor Coolmge. n
"The real issue in this campaign
he said, "is that we want to get rid
of the democratic administration.
We have had enough of it."
Governor Coolidge who presided,
said the United States was confront
ed with a crisis which havl as its
issue restoration of America "to the
pood graces and confidence of na
tions abroad" and establishment ot
an ordcrlv government at limine un
der the constitution." He paid high
tribute to Senator Harding.
Messages of congratulations were
read from leaders in many states, in
cluding Senator Hiram Johnson
of California. Senator HardiNg sent
a peponal message corgratu
latinif Massachusetts republicans
"thai their distinpuished governor
lias added so much to the strength
of the republican rational ticket
Wonderful Sale of
Just 1,200
exceptions iv
as low as one-half price.
with ribbon snoumer siraps,
laces and insertions. Some
h.Mf; sneciai. mtw
r , ,
Basement Arcade
A wonderful chance! A sale of white
pumps, white oxfords, white colonials in
canvas, buck and combinations of kid
white cloth boots., Military heels.
French heels, covered heels and low
walking heels; hand turned or welted
soles. Sizes somewhat broken, but every
shoe worth 4.00 to 7.50 a pair; spe
cial, this sale, J
No exchange, refunds or returns.
450 Pairs Pumps,
Oxfords, Colonials
For Women O JQ
Special, Pair -S.OIJ
In black kid and patent
leather; sizes- are not com
nlete. but assortment is
'good; regular 6.00 values;
special, v O fQ
I par,
dress, outing j
nrant n A flat aril1 im m ,1
ana aaiuraay, , A QC
Basement Mens Store
25c Mavis Talcum Powder, special, 19
25c Pond's Vanishing Cream, 17
39c Bathing Caps, to'close out, 14
25c Face Powders in assorted odors, 10
12c Andrew Jergen's Glycerine
Soap, g
1.25 Hot Water Bottles or Fountain
Syringes, v 75
Brandeis Stores Basement Bargain Square
corn flakes
' And
'earn the ti
The original
thick flakes stay
crisp in milk
Bee Want Ads I'roduce ' Results.
ChA Wash Dresses
. r!nnUnm ort1 nniTftlftft With
in? materials; aome popular
worth 1.50 to 2.00; t OQ
Friday, at
Basement Arcade
Art Linen
J?npiallv for art and needle
work: natural color: 36 inches
wide ; for the one day, 1 O C
per yard, Xe4iJ
T.nre trimmed, of pure
white embroidery cloth; slightly
mussed, but worth 59c; QQ.
special, at i
Table Cloths
mn Tnhln r,lolis of mercer
ized damask, for lunch or break
fast use; 54-mch size; hemmed,
ready for use; worth 1 C A
2.00, at
Face Cloths
1,500 Bleached Turkish Wash
Cloths, blue or pink bor- C
ders ; while lot lasts, each,
Satin Spreads
' Fine oualitv satin, hemmed
ends; very attractive patterns;
large size; special, C AO
each, at
Basement South
Fancy Outing Flannel '
Extra heavy with warm fleecy
nap; 36 inches wide; regular
48c value ; special, at, Q Q
per yard, Oi7C
Kimono Flannel
Mill remnants, Persian and
floral designs; for kimonos,
wrappers or house dresses; spe
cial value, 974
at, yard. - & I 2 V
Mill Remnants
Indigo, Chambray and Chev
iots, assorted staple stripes; for
men's work shirts, jumpers,
children's rompers; 32 inches
wide; 10 to 20-yard OP
lengths; special, yard, OOC
Shirting Madras
Good range of patterns and
colors for men's shirts, boys'
blouses or pajamas; 36 inches
wide; 59c values; OQ
yard, Ji7C
Cotton Challie,
Assorted colors and designs;
for comforter coverings or
wrappers; 36 inches wide; 39c
value; 10-yard limit to OO.
customer, at . 64C
Bookfold Percale
Dress, wrapper and shirting
styles; light and dark colors;
new patterns; 36 inches wide;
48c value; , Q.Q
yard, OivC
Apron Gingham
Guaranteed full standard
quality; wanted blue and brown,
checks and broken styles; 35c
value; yard,
Unbleached Sheeting
A heavy round thread quality
for sheets and pillow cases; 36
inches wide; 35c qual- QC
ity; at s4JC
Beautiful soft mellow finish;
free vfrom dressing; 36 inches
wide; 5 to 15-yard lengths;
69c value; AQ
special, at TrOC
Bleached Pillow Cases
150 dozen, size 42x36; made
of remnants of muslin and
sheeting; 46c values; Of
special, at OOC
Basement North
200 Dresses
These are not late styles, but
materials are real values; for
misses or small women; in
heavy sateen, novelty cloths,
shepard checks and few serges;
special, each OQ
Basement Arcade '