THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY. AUGUST 20, 1920. COAL MINERS TO MAKE SEPARATE AGREEMENTS - Central Field Practically Dis- m.IJ no Ditinn Unit hu Action at Joint scale Committee Meeting. Cleveland. Aug. 19. Miners at tending a conference of the joint scale committee of the central com petitive field held a policy meeting today following failure last night of the joint conference to agree on the miners' demands for increased wages and adjourned sine die after voting unanimously that miners in each of the four states' concerned will seek to make a supplemental and' separate agreement with opera tors in the field. This practically disrupts the central field as a basing point. Inasmuch as the joint conference was called by President Wilson, operators and miners sent separate telegrams to the president advising him of the failure to reach an agree ment. t The telegram sent by the opera tors was a statement of the fact that the joint conference had failed to idjtrst the controversy after five days of almost continuous confer ence. Hope for Settlement. The minetf' telegram was opti mistic in tcme, saying the miners would endeavor to make separate and individual agreements with the operators in the various states. "We have found it' impossible to reach an agreement with the coal operators of the central competitive field bearing upon the issues in volved," the miners' telegram, signed by President Lewis, said: "There is no controversy affect ing any principle, but merely a dif ference of opinion as to what con stitutes an inequality and the degree to which it should be adjusted. "As a consequence, the point inter state conference adjourned last night without decision. While this, civ rur.jstance mav be regarded as un-i fortunate, I am of the opinion that the-e is no necessity for any public apprehension. "There are reasonable grounds for the belief that the questions at issue between the operators and miners may yet be harmonized through the instrumentality of agreements which may be consum mated in the individual coal produc ing districts without inconvenience to the public. The sincere efforts of the representatives of the mine workers will be promptly exercised to the application of this policy." Miners Refuse Offer. The operators' telegram, signed by Michael Gallagher, chairman, de clared the operators proposed to ad vance the day and monthly men to the equivalent of that granted the tonnage men :n machine mining, but that the miners refused to accept and demanded an advance of $1.50 per day, "which, if granted, would have created further inequality to" the disadvantage of the tonnage men." "The operators then proposed," the telegram said, "that the question :n dispute be submitted for final set tlement to a commission, as suggest ed in the report of the bituminous coa! commission. This proposition was also rejected by the miners. Finding ourseives hopelessly dead locked, we reptet to report that we were compelled to adjourn sine die." AFTER SUICIDE ATTEMPT, GIRL TELLS STORY Says Desire for Luxury Caused Her to Sign Forged Name on Check. Chicago, Aug. 19. It takes a long time to get even a tidbit of Louise Lamm's story ( because she's ashamed to death and frightened jails are scary places and she al ways was stubborn, she says, But finally, in a little buist of bitterness, she arraigns herself thus: 1 . "I've just had it too easy. I've had too much money to spend and nobody to watch me. I love to dance and have good clothes and enter tain all my friends at the best places for luncheon and my father has been too good to me. There 1 That's the story." She is very pretty in the sub-deb way of bobbed hair and laughing mouth and puiled-eye-brow line nd she says she is the daughter of Orrin Lamm, president of the American Tile Manufacturing com pany of Kansas City, Mo. She is in county jail, having recoveied at the Wesley Memorial hospital trom an attempt to commit suicide and has about $300 to make good on forged checks, she says. Just why she ran away from Kan sas City she won't say. . She hasn't had a mother since she was 9, she says, has been allowed to do pretty much as she pleased, has had an allowance of $25 a week and a charge account, has kept the hours she pleased and really believes she needs the leavening influence of hard work at a steady job. Sect Her Mistake. "I see where I've just been silly," she said, "and I think the friends I've , had here aren't really friends. They won't help me now. I don't even know whether my father will help me. He oughtn't. I am so wild,5with money. He says I could use a million dollars a month." ''Why dia you run away and why did you come to Chicago?" was asked.- She wouldn't reply. She had a few friends here she wanted to see. ?Whv vdid you cash bogus checks?" ' "lust did." , Cwho's name did you sign?" '.'Friend of my father's." "Why did you try to die?" ?I -wish I had. Only it was silly to take bichloride. It hurts." And that's all. She is hoping her father will help her today. . She it a graduate of a girls' finishing school at Marshall, near Kansas fx City. She is perhaps the daintiest and "most incongruous' inmate the r county jail nas ever seen. Doctor Is Credited Witn Curing Lepers W A , Dr, F. J. Parker, in charge of the leper colony on Penikese Island; Mass., is credited with having ef fected the cure of two young men who have been confined to the colony for three years. This announcement was made by Dr. Carey, of the- Massachusetts Board of Health. Dr. Parker's chemukga oil, imported from India and sodium niorrhuae and sodium gyroeardanate, combined with plenty of fresh air, sunshine and pure food. a commission of experts, before be :ng discharged. Dr. Parker and his wife live practicably isolated on the island. PONZI THREATENS TO EXPOSE BOSTON PHILANTHROPIST Declares Big Blowup Is Likely To Come Within Few Days. r Boston, Aug. 19. Charles Ponzi, discredited prophet of high finance, again was the object of the attention of crowds today. He was taken be fore a federal commissioner for a hearing on charges that he used the mails to defraud. Ponzi waived ex amination and was taken back to jail in default of $25,000 bonds. Trial was set for September. In the throng which filled the court room was John S. Dondero, described as a partner of Ponzi in his Securities Exchange company in papers filed at city hall, and named with him as a joint defendant in bankruptcy, proceedings brought by creditors several days ago. He arraigned, charged with larceny of $600 in connection with the Ponzi scheme. He. pleaded not guilty and was ordered held for hearing' Sep tember 10. Bonds were set at $5,000. Ponzi told deputy United States marshals his downfall was due to withdrawal of support by a man prominent in the city's financial circles. If given his-liberty tinder guard for 60 days, Ponzi asserted he could make good dollar for dol lar on every promise and prove his solvency. "There is likely to be a big blow up within a few days," he was quoted as saying. "If I tell what I know about a certain man promi nent in Boston who poses as a phil anthropist and public penefactor there will be a great change of senti ment." Attorney General Allen announced that $15,000 of the funds of the Old Colony Foreign Exchange company had been located in New York and that this brought the total of the company's funds accounted for to $150,000 Plan Operation of Oil 1 Lands on California Petroleum Reserve Washington, Aug. 19. Plans for immediate operation of oil lands in the southern California naval petro leum reserve, either directly or by lease to private operators on a roy alty basis, are being considered by the Navy department. Action is be ing deferred, it was learned today, until after August 25, which will conclude the six months' period within which claimants to oil rights within the reserve may file applica tion for lease under the land leasing bill, the naval reserve on which it is purposed to begirf drilling, known as reserve Ntt 2, is that on which the Southern Pacific Railway com pany recently won title. In addition to present extensive operations on the interlacing South ern Pacific properties, naval officials estimated there "were approximately 100 producing wells on the naval re serve proper, lease to which un doubtedly will be granted claimants under the land leasing bill. Humble Bean at Last Will Come Into Its Own Domain Chicago, Aug. 19. The humble bean has been recognized at last. No more will Boston boast of being thi worlds bnn renter. Boston -lost out when the National Bean associa tion was organized in Chicago to day. Ihis is thi first time an effort has been made to form a national association of bean men." said Dr. E. E. Doty of Gencseo, N. Y.. who issued the call for the meeting. Dr. Doty contended the bean is fully entitled to a place among the" aristocracy of the food world. Long Mr. Bean suffered in lowly humilty, the subject of boarding house jokes. Only in Boston couldi he hold up his head with he best of them. But it Vill be different now the asso ciation wi'.I take care of what. Yes, prices ma." be higher. Advance Export Petroleum. New York, Aug. 19. The Stand ard Oil company of New York today advanced the price of export petro leum 1 cent a aallan. making stand ard white 24i cents and water white 2o'i ceaU LUMBER FIRMS WILL OPPOSE DEMURRAGE FEE Railroads Have Made Applica tion 1o Apply $15 Pen alty for Holding Lum ber Cars. Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 19. (Spe cial.) Two Omaha lumber compa nies and C E. Childe, manager of the Omaha traffic bureau, have an nounced their intention of opposing before the Nebraska railway com mission the application of railroads to apply the $10 penalty after free demurrage time on all cars of lum ber in conformity with the inter state penalty to be put into effect. The commission has set Tuesday, August 31, as the date for the hear ing. This order is aimed to force rapid cirlulation of coal cars and to block the practice of tying up freight cars by reconsignment. If recon signment orders 'are filed before cars arrive, a $2 charge is made, if during the first day after their ar rival, $5 is charged. The penalty for holding cars be yond the 48 hours free time is $10 a car a day, over and above the reg ular demurrage charge. Express Hearing September 2. The commission has set Thursday, September 2, as the date for hear ing the application of the American Railway Express" . company to in crease rates 12 per cent intrastate, to conform to a lake interstate in crease. A hearing is set for Wednesday, September 1, on a complaint of Wymore shippers against the Bur lington and the Union Pacific, to compel the construction of a trans fer track at Wymore. At the pres ent time shipments must be sent to Beatrice for transfer back to Wy more again. Commissioner Thome Brown will hold a hearing Friday, August 27, at Cambridge, Neb., on the applica tion of the Community club for bet ter facilities ai the Burlington stock yards. Power Line Hearing August 25. Objections of the Burlington, the Grand Island municipal electric light plant and the Hamilto'n County iclephone company, to the high power transmission ljncs of the Central Power companw, which parallel the poles and wires of these companies, JTe set for hearing Wed nesday, August 25. Another transmission line dispute between the Blue River Por com pany and the Crete Telephone com prny i set for Friday, August 20. The Omaha.' Lincoln and Beatrice Interurban company has filed an application with the commission to increase express charges with the commission to increase express charges Jo University place and Bethany from the present rate of 20 cents a hundredweight, first-class. 15 cents second, 12 cents third and 10 cents fourth, with a 10-cent minimum, to 30 cents for first-class, 25 cents second, 20 cents "third and 10 cents fourth, with a minimum raised to 20 cents. Question of Supreme Court Vacancy Is Up To Attorney General Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 19. (Spe cial.) Secretary of State D. M. Amsberry is preparing to ask At torney General Clarence A. Davis for an official opinion as to whether the vacancy caused by the death of the late Supreme Judge A. J. Corn ish can be filled at the general elec tion this fall. Mr. Amsberry has expressed his own private opinion that the non partisan judiciary ballot law makes no provision for filling a vacancy except through the primaries and by appointment at the hands of the governor until the next general elec tion. Judge Cornish died April 19, one day before the primaries this year, and too late to nominate primary candidates. The governor several days later appointed District Judge L. A. Flansburg as his successor. It was the understanding at that time that Jude Flansburg would serve two years. Supreme Judge S. H. Sedgwick died during the Christmas holidays last year, and District Judge George A. Day was appointed in his place, fudge Day and William C. Dorsey, supreme court commissioners, were candidates at the April primaries for this vacancy, and since under the nonpartisan ballot system two can didates are nominated at the pri maries, both are in the race for the election to fill the vacancy in No vember. Banks Receive Orders to Make Quarterly Report Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 19. (Spe cial.) Secretary J. E. Hart of the state department of trade and com merce has issued the third quarterly call to the 1,006 state banks in Ne braska for a report on their condi tion at the close of business Mon day, August 16. Ash Creek Barbecue Is Attended by Governor Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 19. (Spe cial.) Gov. S. R. McKelvie left for Crawford. Neb., Wednesday evening to attejid the annual Ash Creek bar bacue there Thursday. He will re main in the western part of the state to campaign for a few days. Steamships Arrttali. - Sn Franclwo. Auk. It -Went Nl!u, Honolulu; KaJsho Mro, Hunt Konr. KV York, Au. IS. Mobile, Liverpool; ATitPfasrapu. Aurut 14. Silverado. Hone - Konf, Aug. Puahlma Hani, S.ftl. Shanghai, Auf. It. Empr.M of Ruaala, Vancouver. Hcn Kong, Auf. 14. Africa Maru, Ta otma: Nanktne, Ean Pranclaro. Manila. Auf. 14. Weat HontoP. San Pedro. RaJllnfa. Wellington, Aug. Marama, Ban Fraarlaco. Manila. Auf. II. Wast Cadroa, San Francisco. Ron Kortf, Auf. 14 Kaihima Ham, Srcttle. Shanghai. Aug. II. Venciutla, San Frar.claco. Liverpool, Aug. 17 Caledonia Boaton. New York. Aug. 1!. Rydtm. RMterflam,, Southampton. Auf. 1I.-t01 rcplo, Nw Tork, Senator Harding Is Opposed to Autocracy (Coot in aed From rage One.) Senator Harding after commenting on his early legislative impressions, "for public men to forget the oath of office. Somehow there has been a tendency of late to ignore this obligation. It is not easy for me to forget the oath I assumed when I entered the senate It was the re minder of that oath that impelled me in opposing the unreserved rati fication of the league or nations covenant. I could. not accept the covenant as written and be faithful to that oath. , Senate Saved Nationality. ''I do not hesitate to say that the senate saved American nationality in 1919 and 1920, when the executive proposed to surrender it. The sen ate preserved our independence of action when the executive insisted a foreign council shouuld decide our future place in the activities of the world. "It has been suggested that in case of a republican victory the in coming president proposes to per mit the senate to have some say in determining the policy of govern ment.; I glady proclaim ali these suggestions literallv correct. I re joice that the senate is functioning again. We need it to save Amcr ica. It submerged itself for the pe riod of the war and surrendered to the executive because we wanted to marshal all of oiir forces and re sources under one authority, but we are at peace today and we need res torations of constitutional govern ment as much as we need restora tion of the stable ways of peace. "If a republican administration is chosen, you can be certain that the senate theoretically, if not actually, will have something to say about the foreign relations as the constitution contemplates. "There has been no failure on the part of the house, because that body joins the senate in the abiding pol icy of committing this republic to fidelity of contract. If we failed to keep any covenant we should be held in contempt. Raps Article 10. "This thought may well be ap plied to the proposal that this re public can subscribe to Article 10 and enter the league of nations and submit to the rule of a council of foreign powers, on the theory that only congress can make the declara tion of war. It is true only congress can make the declaration, just as it is true that only congress can make an appropriation of money to carry out a covenant with a foreign power, but if this nation agrees to accept the decision of a foreign council, then we should be guilty of a bad faith. "I would think it much better to hold aloof from international rela tionship than stamp that relation ship with perfidy from the beginning. "I want America to understand that a republican administration stands unalterably, avowedly and proudly for constitutional govern ment with the recognized ' and sus tained powers of the legislative and judicial branches of the government, as well as that of the executive." "I want members of the house to feel themselves a part of a repub lican administration, seeking to serve the interests of the people. I want members of the senate to understand, and the public to know, that the senate has its functions to perform OUR GREAT SALE People who appreciate UKe advantage of these oners. $535 BUYS THIS 1920 MODEL $800 PLAYER PIANO. THINK OF IT! Bench, Scarf and $10 i FREE WE MUST MOVE PRICES CUT TO ROCK BOTTOM. BRAND NEW $600 PIANOS ONLY $395-Think of It!! Very small cash payment and the balance divided in 36 m nthly payments " Biggest Bargains Ever Known In Used Pianos $430 Hazelten, Mahogany Case, only $205.00 $5 per month 750 Player Piano, Oak Case, only $495.00 $3 per week. $800 Steck Grand, only $400.00 $10 per month. $450 Schlrmer, Walnut Case, only $215.00 $6 per month. -These art Just a few samples many more at bigreductions. This salt will appeal to people who know how to make their dollars count Out -of -Town Buyer Cm Coupon N'8 matter wher you Hv. ship everywhere to approved credit. Write today. Mark with (X) Piano intereated in. Nam Aaareea .,, Sehmoller 114-1618 So. 15th St. Piano LEADING MUSIC HOUSE OF THE WEST. in the fulfillment of promises to the people. "I had rather have the counsel of the senate than all the political bosses. "The tendency has been for the executive to arrogate to himself all, nc-wers of government. Maybe it is old-fashioned to get back to the con stitution, but I can well believe it will be a wholesome change. Against Personal Government . "I want to have done with per sonal government. I want to put an end to autocracy, reared in the name cf democracy. I want a government of laws rather than of men. i "We had a period of popular re sentment of the existance of our courts, and for a time there was the suggestion that we should submit their decisions to popular sanction. There isn't much choice between Vetiemous assault on the integrity of the courts and the momentary clcmor about eliminating the sen ate from the responsibility in gov ernment. "I do not know whether the idea is one imported from the peace council or whether it is a reflex of the mob mentality, which has brok en in Europe. Our business is to hold America stable. Our task "s to preserve popular, representative, constitutional government. "There can be no permanent good fortune if the rewards of toil are bestowed on particular groups. There can be 'no assurance of sta bility if one great group preys on another. Our thought is to work such just laws and see to their prop er enforcement that government will not be influenced by any element in American life made influential through its physical might, or Strenth of passessions, but that rep resentative government shall be i ever righteous and just and give of its concern to the good fortunes of all American people." GRAIN EXCHANGE TO HAVE FLOAT IN PILGRIM- PARADE Congregational Churches Also May Join Fete of .Tercentenary. Tohn L. Webster reDorts further Droeress in the matter of oromotina: an intcrptt in the hicr tercentenary celebration parade, which will be held here on tne atternoon ot Sep tember 23, in honor of .the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock The Omaha Grain Exchange yes- ff-rHav authnri7pH a rnntrarr for a float. The Chamber of Commerce has sent an order, which will be re ceived today. The decendants of the Pilgrim will mert fonio-ht in the ritv conn cil chamber to consider participation in tfii nararli Mavnr Smith will ask the city council to authorize an appropriation for a float .to repre sent tne otticiai city. It is probable that the Congrega tional churches Of the city will bi representor! hv a float. Cfinsreoa tionalism has a particular interest in this celebration, because this denom inatimi traces its bepinninff in thi country to the, time of the' landing ot tne rugrims , . r British cutlers have formed a trade research association to develop and devise new machinery and me thods. REMOVAL values will surely Worth of Music & Mueller Co. Doug. 1623 STOCK YARDS IN OMAHA WILL BE SOLD QUITE SOON Big Five- Packers Announce Option for Sale of All Yards Has Been Given Decline Comment. Chicago, Aug. 19. The five big packers have givep an option for tlu sale of all their stock yard interests, officials of Armour & Co. announce! todav. Thpv drr'.ined to sav who had taken the option, or whether it was on behalf of a single group or individual interests. The yards affected include prac tically ev;ry principal stock market ing eentpr in the country. Princinal among them, besides the big Chi cago yards, ar- the plants at Oma ha, Kansas City, Denver, Fort Wcth, Sioux City and St! PauL several farmers organizations have been interested in a plan :o buy the stock of the packers in the various ya-ds. I he option s understood to ex pire December 31. Completion of the sale is said to have been held uo by unsettled stock market and finan cial conditions Grant Packers Extension Of Time'to Dispose of Yards Washington, Aug. 19. A plan un der which the big five packers would dispose of their stock yard interests has been submitted to the Department of Justice for approval and probably will be filed in the District of Columbia supreme court by August ol. The plan was drawn up in accord ance with a decree entered in the local courts early in the year and under which the packers within two years must disassociate themselves from unrelated lines of business and confine themselves to the wholesale meat trade. The plan for selling the stock yard interests was to have been filed to day, but the court extended the time until August 31 in order that the Department of Justice might have time to examine it thoroughly. The decree agreed to by the packers and the Department of Jus tice was the result of a compromise between the packers and the govern ment growing out of the anti-trust action begun by the Department of Justice last summer. A vein of coal has been discovered in the Philippines which is said to be up to the quality of the Chinese fuels. The amount has not been ascer tained, but it is certain that it will answer the demands of the islands for many years. lect the Be prudeni'Lezve alone the cheap, the fleeting, the bizarre. Select the dignified, the conservative, the characterful. We help our customers to avoid ex pensive mistakes by showing only fashions which have passed the most critical examinations. THOMPSON, BELDEN COMPANY mm Typewriters Cut Make Immediate Delivery en Underwoods, t Remingtons, Royals, L. C. Smiths, Olivers and Coronas Bur Nw and Sava Money. Central Typewriter Exchange Dour. 4120 1912 Farnam St. Bee Wannt Ads Will Boost Your Business. Use Them. army officers . still puzzled by Mystery phials y t Unable to Account for Ap pearance of ' Chemical On Beaches. By The Auwiated PreM. New York, Aug. 19. The mys terious yellow phials containing t while substance, identified as cal cium hydroti'iorine, used to purify water, which have been appearing in the surf for two weeks, continued today to be cast up on the beaches ne:sr here. Boys are enjoying a belated Fourth of July, combined with a miniature trench warfare.. "Bomb ing raids" are popular, because the phials explode with a bang when crashed against stones. The distin guishable smell ol chlorine gas, re leased when the "bombs" are broken, add the thrill ot a gas attack. A chemical analysis of the con tents of a phial today by an army officer here confirmed previous analysis. The officer said there wa$ evidence of decomposition, which caused the explosion. He urged that thi phials be d:stroyed, as they were not exactly safe playthings. 1 he source of the phials is still mystery. Officers' of the army po"t of embarkation said there had been no shipments of the chemical to Europe sim:e the war. Neither s there any reco'd ot a shipmeeM being on any s-hip sunk by subma rints or mines, although it was ad mined this was possible. Examination of the charts of the hydrographic office indicate that thee is ?.r ocean current which sweeps southv.ard along the coast !rom the Gulf of St. Lawrence. 1 his gave rise to the theory that some sh:p Iapen medical supplies, sunk by the U-53 . off the New Foundland ba-iks. might be giving up its cargo. , Another theory was that some condemned army supplies had been dumped at sea to get rid of them. Knights of Columbus View Sights in Paris Paris, Aug. 19. Today was spent by the visiting Knights of Columbus delegation in visiting points of in terest in Paris. The Knights at tht hotel Des Invalides, were received by General Berdoulat, military govr ernor of Paris, and accorded the un usual privilege of viewing the cata falque Napoleon's tomb from the base instead of from the gallery. A key to the tomb was presented to Deputy Supreme Knight Martin H. Carmody. This afternoon the Knights visited the statues of Washington and Joan of Arc. The Knights will leave to morrow for Metz, to dedicate the La Fayette statue.i 3HIS year of all years choose the place to buy your clothes as carefully as you se clothes themselves. ii 1 CANDIDATES OF, PARTY MUST FILE q n - n a y NdTifiF V V b 1 1 I 1 1 V I IWti Nebraska State Law Requires Advance Certification to Get Names on Ballots. Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 19. (Spe-1 cial.) If chairmen of national po litical parties should overlook certi fying their presidential candidates to Governor McKelvie 30 days be fore the November election, their names "will not go on the official ballot in Nebraska. Such certification unknown in any other state is required under the law passed by the 1917 legisla ture, authorizing the substitution of the names of the actual presidential candidates instead of the party elec tors, according to- Secretary of State D. M. Amsberry. State committeemen in Nebraska will be notified by the secretary of state of the provisions of the new law in force for the first presidential election since its promulgation. Tbe secretary of state says he has no 'authority under the law to put any nationaj candidates on the ticket who are not certified to him by the governor within the required time. The law calls for a gubernaoriai proclamation on the subject 30 days before election. No official steps have been taken to get on the state ballot the names of candidates outside the demo cratic, the republican and the pro hibition party. The drys got their ticket nominated at the primaries by having the names written in at the last moment. The secretary of state has re ceived a formal notice from Eva Pardee Travis of Omaha, secretary of the state socialist party, that a mass convention has been called in Omaha, August 26, to nominate electors. Four Injured in Strike Disorders at Vera Cruz Vera Cruz, Aug. 19. Four per sons were injured in disorders re sulting from a strike called by the general committee of the union of workers yesterday. Dock workers, sailors and men employed in tfle railroad yards and terminals walked out, but service has been continued. General Sanchez, chief of opera tions in the state, had a narrow es cape from being roughly handled by a crowd. He was riding in an automobile when his police guard was atacked by strikers. One man drew a revolver, but Sanchez hit the striker on the head with his pistol. 1 i .-