Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1920, Page 10, Image 10
. ; THE GUMPS- Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith. come more fond of those with w hom they are in daily contact. You have been distant and seem distant to them. -and when you get their point of view you "will feci less disappointment. v ton' as I am that's all I care about. I rte is 0 short to wear out my cats listening t other people talk, and it's too s'lort to get in all the talking I wain to do if I give you and other rcoHc I meet a chance to niouopoli,: the conversation. So you LISTEN and I'LL TALK taxi ihoii we'll get r.long better. Coi right, 190, ThompKon Feature Service Says Escort Threw Her Out. Police were informed Thursday" that Margaret Xrifeon, 63J South Scvenlenth avenue, was the girl who was reported thrown from a speed ing automobile Tuesday night at Forty-eighth and Center streets. Miss Ncilson told police Thursday morning that while returning from a ride with Harold Willard. 632 South Seventeenth avenue, he threw her bodily from the car. She said that she and Willard had been drink-" i"ei- FOOD FOR FISH THEY OU6V4T TO VET NEBS-UKeOO tVSU OUT OF SEASOKr OU EEO tvei wwtx they spava -These -SMART r"SH SWCT To EAT FTCQM TW UHE PN-WHEN TftY OtT THROUGH, TE HOOK4-OOKS SO LONESOME WE.'1E 60T FASH IN HERE.-THAT KNOW HOR.E ASOUT HOOKS THAH THEY" POKY JUMP AT COHCUJStONS If A FCO(5 JUMPS 1H WELL- CWVER FISH YAERE COMES " THEY SWIM AROUND HIM TWO Ott. YWfcEF- TIMES BEFOPF TWfV T&wp HIM L00KIM&TORA LIME YOU OOSHT To STAPY NAVTW TMF &ipo I'M THE GUY SO OUT '"WAT M0NVTEJ2. AND WOR.K VOUCSEVF 0T THE SIMPLE ONES ALL. HANS AMOUNT) AHP OJE&H .Vei VOU CAN'T HA.MD T0e AHVW1N6 BUT I'M THE GUY who, when you'r '.tying totell Irin something, cuts' you off in the middle of a sentence end starts talking about something else. I don't know why I should keep on listening to yu just "because you're talking "about something YOU happen to be interested in. I'd rather start talking about soirre thirig that interests ME. I know it isn't polite, but then, wlv't does politeness ajnount to coin pared to my own pleasure? You may not be interested in what I start talking about but as OVT THlfc A LAUGH THt SUV THAT MAKES EM m Have Root Press. Adv. Print It. Beacon rnOTO.Pl.AVS. rHOTO-PI.AVS. J 1111 I Perch ability i ll say thvs to ou Yovj've , OOY.THE UtCOR-O AT WAPT EST fOd J v vTJJ -"v --IH ErtPTY HOOKS STICK A J . lkvTfi X 1 - TrrHHER. CELL OH TOUR. n- T J flrWINSTOBIEjl It't Uncle Larry Now. , He opens the door and walks right ing, and he sees a plump woman in. Through the open door comes the smell of something good cook v.itli blue eyes that have smile wrin kles, iu the corners, just like his own, and crinkly dark hair, just like his own, too, bending pver the stove. She is just tasting the something that smells so good, w ith a spoon. When she sees the big man in the door she tastf sv so quickly that she l.urns her tongue! But she can .use it just the same, even if it is burned. She runs .to the big man and says, "And is that yoursetf, now, Larry, darling? Snre, I'm that glad to see "$rou I've scalded myself with the soup!" The big man had just time to saj', "Sure, Eileen, you were always a great one for burning yourself. Do y,.u remember that day at Grannie Malone's" when out into . the kitchen tumble a little Larry and a little Elileen and a baby. They have heard his voice' and they fall upon the King of the Crossing as if he weren't a king at all, but just a plain, ordinary tincl. They take off his cap and rumple hif hair. They get into his pockets and find some peppermints there. And the baby even tries to get the silver star off his breast to put into her mouth. "Look at that, now!" cries Uncle Larry. "Get along with you! Is it trying to take me off the force, you are? Sure, that star was never in tended by the city for you to cut your teeth on!" "She'll poison herself with the things she s always after putting in her mouth!" cries the menher. She More Truth Than Poetry By JAMES J. MONTAGUE t me, ,.i THE CHILD AND THE MILLIONAIRE. Idler. Reemtlr at Lenox a imU boy .pureed a nickel offered him by John D. Rock. ' As old John D. sat on the porch To take the mountain air, v He saw a mildvnd gentle child ' At play beside his chair. His fingers in his pockets delved, - And presently withdrew. A glittering and radiant thing A nickel, bright and new. "Take this, my child," the old man said, Leave off your idle play, Jnvest this gift with careful thrift, - And you'll be rich some day. With such a handsome property, You'll learn the love of toil, And may, like me, at' eighty-three, Possess the Standard Oil." The little child held up his, hand, Palm outward in alarm, And, deeply piqued it shrilly Mirieked,- "Free gifts do naught but harm. Though of the proletariat, - I have not sunk so low " That I'm content to take a eent Without a quid pro-quo!" Now honor to the little child That valiantly did spurn As worthless trash a sum of cash , It knew it could not earn! And now our simple tale is done, We reach the moral which Concludes it, viz. : That urchin is Not destined to get rich! WHICH HE DOES: Apparently Villa would rather fight than be president. THERE'S A LIMIT. In Lenine's claim of ultimate' world domination he says nothing about conquering Ireland. . WHICH WILL HELP A LITTLE. i ' Clothes to Be Made From Paper Headline. That ought to make them last longer than they do now. - ' (Copyrifht, 1920, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) j -Remodeling Sale ! Laclies' Linda Belle House Dresses Worth Up to $7.50 each, Remodeling Sale Price r $2.98 'Latest patterns, all sizesstyles and colors, made of finest ging ham and percales. Don't fail o take advantage of this wonder ful bargain. PHILLIP'S A DEPARTMENT STORE t seizes the baby and sets her in a safe corner by herself, gives her a spoon and says, "There, now you can be cutting your teeth on that." And when the children have quite worn Uucle Larry out he sits- upon the floor, where they have him by this time, and runs his fingers through his hair, which is standing straight up, and says to the mother, "Sure, Eileen, when you and I were children on the old sod we were never such spalpeens as the likes of these! They have me destroyed en tirely, and me the biggest policeman on the force! Is it American they are, or Irish, I want to know?" "It's Irish-American we are," shouts little "Larry. "And with the heft of both cou tries in your fists," groans big Larry (Bights reserved hr Houghton Mifflin Co.) Parents' Problems 4. How can citiicnship best be taught to children? Read with them the lives of great men 'who served their country Washington, Lincoln. Jefferson and Roosevelt. Teach them their re sponsibilities as citizens. Be care ful to fulfill your own! Women lawyers in Philadelphia have formed an organization known as "The Portia Club." AMISEMKNTS. HEATRE TONIGHT, SATURDAY, SUNDAY Saturday Matinee BOOTH TARNNGTOtfS qreaUrtCotrlrc Vltfhta, SOc-$2.SO; Matinee. S0c-S2.00 FOUR NIGHTS, Thur Auff 26 COMMENCING 1 nurM Ug. V Matinee Saturday Seat Tomorrow THE REVUE INIMITABLE (WW What Do You Know? i' (Here'n a chanra to make your nil north money, fcaeli Ih.v The lleo will tmbllali a aerie of question, prepared i.v Superintendent ,1. II. Itevrridfre of the public arhuula. They cover thin which jiiu xhoiild know. The firt rompleto lit of 'urrcet onwer received will be reward ed by SI. The answer and the name of the winner will be puhllnhed on the day Indiented below. Be aure fo jive your views mill addresa in full. Addreea "Quy (lon Editor," Omaha llee.) By J, H. BEVERIDGE. 1. What is the diameter of a Ford piston? 2. What docs Procter & Gamble manufacture? 3. What is the best resistance wire for electrical current? 4. What is a sacrifice hit in base ball? ' -5. What is the meaning of deuce in tennis? (Answers Published Tuesday.) TUESDAY'S ANSWERS. 1. What is the name of the largest ship? Leviathan. AM I HEME tS. , . OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" Th Rainbow Division of BurlMtu rs"V1CTORY BELLES" . With Eddie Dal and Scottl Frledtll Lv.wr: Evvjthinrv SEATS READY THURS.. 10:00 A. M. BASE BALL ROURKE PARK OMAHA TULSA AUGUST 19-20-21-22 FRIDAY LADIES' DAY TWO GAMES SUNDAY Fir.t Game Called 2:15 P. M. Box Seat en Sale Barkalovr Bros. Cijar Store, 16th and Famam. Regular Season Opens SUNDAY MAT. AUGUST 22 With Matine Every Day,' 2;1S. On Show Every Night, 8:15. Sva Bi-Tim Vaudeville Act. All th Orpheum Comforts and Con venience with Orpheum Courtesy. Seat Sale Starts 9 A. M., Friday, August 20. FHOTO-PLAVfe. mm I "V Today Tomorrow The Great Mystery Photodrama, "ONE HOUR BEFORE DAWN" ' ALSO Charlie Chaplin l in "The immigrant'- TWO SHOWS IN ONE THE CAPPS FAMILY A Unique Novelty Presented In an Original Way" THREE EDDY SISTERS "A Study in Daintineas" Singing and Dancing LYONS & WEST Black-Face Comedians ELDORA & CO. "Sensational Manipulation of Heavy - weigh l" PHOTOPLAY ATTRACTION "LAHOMA" A Drama of the Early Days in - Oklahoma An Edgar Lewi Production Mack Sennet Comedy PHOTO-PJLAYS. APOLLO JT ELSIE FERG Coolest Theater i In th City FERCUSON in 2. Which automobile is advertised as the most beautiful car iu America? i'aige. 3. Which car is advertised by "ask the mail who owns one." Tack' ard. 4. What automobile firm adver tises "when better cars are built we build them?" Buick. S. What car is advertised as "The Sensible Six?" Oakland. Winner:; Mrs. C. E. Strahle, Gothenburg, Xeb. COMMON SENSE Copyright, lOS", Tnternntlonal Feature Service, Inc. The Home Town Changes. By J. J. MUNDr. Don't expect when you see that old friend of yours that you are go ing to occupy as important a place with him as you thought you did once when you were his daily com panion. Your friendNias been surrounded by many friends since you left. It is quite likely that some of these friends are more to him than you ever were in the old days. 7. mn.r l-,-t .rr-,,1 frt m ' 1 It K,,t ' it is just as well lor you to be pre pared for what may seem to you shabby and cold treatment. ' You are going to visit the old town you have not seen in years, but you will not find the same old in terest in you and your plans and your personal affairs as you thought the old town felt when you went away. You have located in a big city made few friends and have kept the old memories green while you longed to be back home. You have not grown away from these closest friends, but they have grown away from you and have be- AMl'SEMICNTS. AMI SKMEM'S. "HIS HOUSE IN ORDER" NEWS and COMEDY DON'T MISS The Big 4 Brotherhood Dance. Outing and Picnic at KRUG PARK Thursday and Friday 1 - Afternoon and Evening BIG BARBECUE TONIGHT ALSO PRIZE WALTZ Athletic Eyents Galore with a Prize to Each and Every Winner. TODAY SATURDAY' TODAY SATURDAY Good pictures, like good books, never grow old or tire some. . Therefore, one of the greatest pictures has been retreated and republished, asking the question, "Should ' a wife compete with other women for her husband's love?" , Elliott Dexter in xi rw Theodora Roberts Tully Marshall Wanda Hawley Sylvia Ashton PHOTO-PLAYS. PHOTO-PUVYS. I r frs ETHEL ZLAYTOfe Streets PHOTO-PLAYS. PHOTO-PLAYS. mm Today and Saturday BOYS and Muse, Club Matinees FREE Souvenir Rubber BALLOONS 1 For AH Members Special Admission to Club Members, 10c Membership Cards Free, for the Asking. GRAND PRIZES Today and Saturday Handsome Gold Finish POCKETNlVES For the Boys One-Half Pound BOXES OF CANDY For the Girls Photoplay Feature BRYANT IVASIIBURN in a big, powerful, grip ping detective drama THE ALSTER CASE Only One More Day To See In the Great , Robertson Cole Super Special . THE WONDER'' MAN A thrilling drama of International Intrigue with a prize fight scene that has a real knockout! Kg JTi MT Ml'fWWMW m Tinny 0 V i y COMING SUNDAY "THE LIFELINE" A Tourneur Production Also a Big Comedy 24tk and O Streets South Side '., aaaaaaaaaaai m o