THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY. AUGUST 19, U92U. CIVIC CLUBS TO JOIN IN PARADE OF PILGRIM FETE Kiwanis, Concord and Rotary Organizations to Have Floats in Tercenten ary Parade. The Kiwanis, Concord and Rotary clubs have definitely decided to par ticipate in the tercentennary cele bration parade which will be held here on September 23, in commemo ration of the landing of the Pil grims at Plymouth Rock. John L. Webster, chairman of the general committee .appeared before the Rotary club yesterday noon at its regular meeting in the Rome ho tel and put the matter ujj to the at tendants. The result was an imme diate action which was unanimous ly adopted, directing the officers of the club to sign a contract for a float. Mr. Webster has received from Penn P. Fodrea, president of the Omaha Concord cluhj a letter 'which indicates that this organization will have a float. At the close of the Rotary club meeting yesterday. Dr. E. C. Henry of the American Legion announced that his organization wilt participate and will be represented by a float. The last float of this parade will suggest patriotism and Americanism, showing a figure of the Goddess of Liberty bearing an American flag and standing on a large globe. Mr. Webster states that the pa rade will he not less than two miles long, will have at least 10 bands of music and will have thousands of marchers in uniforms. An order for a float has been au thorized bv the executive fnmmittw of the Chamber of Commerce. Freight Rates On Steamers From Japan to Be Advancced .Tokio, Aug. 18. (By The Asd tuited Press.) Representatives of all shipping lines operating out of Japanese ports, in lonference at Yo kohama, have decided that the stand ard freight rate for ocean traffic will be 20 per cent higher than at present. R- O. Baker, representing the United States shipping board, proposed a SO per cent increase, but Japanese delegates refused to aree. AT THE THEATERS W4KTHBR popl cot Booth Tarklni ton comedy through raiding tit pagea of nil book or through wit. neialn hla plays performed on tho stat. the rtault la almoat Invariably the aama an hour or an .v.nlnir of rar njoymont. Now cornea to tht Brandela theater the yreat Hooslar author's comedy, "Clarence," for an engagement of four days, beginning tonight Prominent in the cast ara Oreg ory Kelly, Ruth Gordon, Oraca Pllktna, Uara, Blandlck, Robert Adam, Byron Beaaley. Betty Murray. Joe Wallace. James T. Ford and Ouy d'Ennery. On Frldar at I o'clock Orpheum feats will be placad on aale and with matlneo next Sunday the regular season will b started at this popular theater; matlne very day at 2:16 and .rry Bight at S:lt, Th. opening; bill will be headed by tho Barr twins, singers and dancers. Joele Heather. Engllah singing comedienne, with John McLaughlin and Bobble Heather will enure the distinction of topping the bill. Specially featured will be Harrison Greene and Catherine Parker In a comedy skit, "At the Depot,'' and Bert Baker and his company la "Prevarication." Sandy Shuw, the Scotch comedian; Herman and Shirley In "The Mysterious Maaquerader;" Arthur ward and Ethel Dooley with song, dsnce, bicycle riding and lariat throwing. Kino grama and "Toplca ol tha Uay" complete the show. The Capps family, eight In number, a happy lot who have aomething In the way of entertainment that is out of the beaten path, will provide the stellar attraction of the new show opening at tha impress to day. Featured on the bill are the three Eddy sisters, who. will contribute exclusive songs and dancing. Lyons and West, black face comedians, will present their offering of comedy songs, soft shoe dancing and a line of patter. Eldora and company will present an exhibition of equllibrlstics, acro batics and feats of strength. William K. Walla has founit m nn..1. fcllttlea which he has used to good advan- mge in -uirie n Everything, In which the Victory Belles company appear at the liayety theater. Eddie bale and Hcnttv Frledell are the fun. makers at the nhow. f-mma (vomer, sedal Bennett, Helen An drews, Mattle DeLece, Fred Reeae and Ben Moore are also principals. Tho engagement opens Saturday matinee. It being the start of the Oayety's 11th season. At 10 this morning the box office will open, tfeason reservations may be made. George White's "Scandals of 111" will dance its way into the Brandeis theater fn, fall timvm t.'.l. Tki...J... . . . rurenH among ine aancmg principals Is .i i. "e neien wuson, wno . V . I uisj nroaaway. nix on ine Century foot In New York. n i t m Have Root Print Press Adv. y It Beacon Brie City News Alleged Dope PcdiUcr Held United States Commissioner K. C. Butler, bound "Pat" Kelley, arrested last week charged with illegal possession of drugs, over to the grand Jury Wed nesday morning under $3,000 bond. Conductor Gets Sentence On a charge of contributing ti the de linquency of Hazel Bender, 17. 2416 South Sixteenth street, Anthony Connolly, a street car conductor, was sentenced to S"0 days In Jail Wednes day morning. Court Take Children The two sons of Stephen and Anna Sedlacek were taken out of their custody when Judge Sears gave a decree of divorce to Stephen Sedlacek Wednesday morning. The children are to be placed In a school to be chosen by the court. Attorney Wants Fee Walter W. Hoye filed petition In court Monday asking for a $0,500 fee for services he rendered Mrs. Robert Kitchen, who recently secured an uncontested divorce from Dick Kitchen with a settlement between them amounting to $65,000. Plans Postal Garage Postmaster Herbert Daniel plans to open bids for a postal garage which will house more than 50 trucks, to be used in the motorization of parcel post de livery as soon as word is received fronf the postal department that Omaha's system Is to be motorized. Allged Holdups Held Martin Cun ningham, Lyman Larson and J. F. Murphy, accused by the police of having committed 25 holdups in four days last week, pleaded not guilty when arrainged in central po lice court yesterday morning. Police Judge C. K. Foster fixed the bond in each case at $5,000. City Park Dunce The city park department announces that a public dance will be held Friday evening from S to 10:30 on the pavement near the club house in .Miller park. Members of the board of publics' re creation and the board of public welfare have been invited. City Commissioner Falconer will be pres ent. All are invited. Reduce Property Assessment The state board of assessment has authorized a reductloil of 10 per cent on, the assessed valuation of Duglas county farm lands, this re duction to be applied to a total of S6.tlC.375. The reduction was jnade at the request of the county com missioners, county assessor and the Omaha real estate board. The county assessor reports that the total as sessed value of real and personal ADVERTISEMENT MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. You must say "California." BETTER DEAD Life in p burden when the hod? i racked with twin. Everything 7fWTie and, th victim hecomes desoondent and downhearted. To bring back the sunshine take COLD MEDAL T national remedy of Holland for wi ine rears; It It an enemy nf all paris r iqltins frocr kidney, liver and nnc eric" trwebla All druggists, three sites, 'at lee tka him Gold Medal on aver fart RE LI OB A CONTINUATION OF OUR BIG ELKJG SALE Owing to the many bar gains and sacrificed prices, to be found at our store, this sale has met with wonderful accept ance and we are going to extend it a few , more days in order to give everyone an opportunity to take advantage of this sale. S our window disolavs and you will be con vinced of the many values offered. Children's finest embroidered organdie and Voile dresses, in sizes 1 to 16, yalues frem $2.50 M AQ to $8.SO, on sale at P All white Middy Suits, Smocks and White Skirts for Girls and Young Ladies, made of finest materials, Linda Belie 1 Ak brand, originally sold from 3.50 to $10, on sale at. ... V Boys' Flay Suits, a regular QQr v $2.00 article, at..., .Men's, Ladies' and Muses', Straw QQ I Hats, $3.00 te $5.00, ealuee at. UUK, PON? FAIL TO tU THBMtUM ELECTRIC LAMP W AM. uuinu iv wi aitai. P The Fastest Crowing Store ia Omaha property in this county is $332,730, 315. No Pardons From Mayor Mayor Smith states that he is not yielding to importunities , of employers and relatives, asking for pardons for the release of persons sentenced on charges of automohile speeding or reckless driving. He says the only pardon he has issued since July 1 was in response to a request of the federal authorities for custody of a .Mexican who was deported. Watch Soft Drink Stands J. H. Hanley, federal prohibition officer for this district, and his staff of assistants, started a campaign yes terday against soft drink establish ments in Omaha and Lincoln. Ac cording' to Mr. Hanley, many of these places are dispensing refreshments and medicine which contain more alcohol than the law allows. Honor Scout Is Bosy Scout Jean Caldwell, representing Omaha Boy Scouts at the International Scout jamboree In London, wrote to Chief Executive O. M. Hoyt of this city K. h la "tnn hnav and havinf too '.good a time to write letters." This Omaha scout wrote that ne was in the big arena and made a fire-by-friction. He also wrote that he has gone to France to visit the battle fields and to see the French Boy Scouts. , Guards In Federal Service Colonel Lewis of Fort Crook Jias mustered th First Omana company of the Nebraska National guard Into the Federal service. Federalization of the Second company will be made soon. Captain Montgomery of the First company, announced the fol lowing appointments: Lyman Daw son,, first lieutenant; Frank .Peter son, second lieutenant; Paul J. Auxler, first sergeant; C. W. Hamil ton, Jr., supply sergeant: Frank C. Shaffer, mess sergeant; R. O. Sin kula and O. F. Smith, sergeants; Martin W. Welnsteln, Arthur D. Nlchels, Clarence F. Haas. Newell Llesser and Leo Bozell, corporals. Ex-Canadian Flyer Charged Wih Buying Stolen Goods Judge Woodrough Tuesday signed an order which takes Capt. Harry Wild, formerly of Canadian air service and decorated for bravery, to Oklahoma City to face charges of purchasing airplane supplies stolen from Fort Sih. Wild is identified with the Aircraft association at Lin coln. He denies the charge. N , . Demo Women to Organize For Campaign Tonight Democratic women of Omaha are urged to attend a meeting to be held it the Henshaw this evening at 7:30 o'clock to organize for the Cox Rcyjsevelt i campaign. The nleeting is being called by Mrs. W. E. Bolin, vice chairman of the Douglas county central committee. Officers and members of the vari ous committees will be elected. AH commltteewomen elected at the pri maries and precinct workers are urged to be present to participate in this organisation. Grand Lodge Begins Its Second Communication The Grand lodge of Nebraska and its jurisdiction-, A. F. & A. M., opened its second annual communi cation in Omaha yesterday. Mayor Smith addressed the dete triir at the ooenine meeting last night. Response was made by H. J. Pinkett. This evening, will be devoted to a memorial service at the Zion Bap tist church. Music and addresses will furnish entertainment. Clark's bank will furnish music for the reception, which will be held at Columbia hall Friday night. Musical numbers, led by J. V Oriffith. will occupy the evening. A grand march with dancingto follow will begin at 10 o'clock. A new pail for delivering cooked meals to apartments is heated by a solidified alcohol burner that will keep the contents warm for two hours. Hour Sale 9 to 10 "CDii'iii A4 f-4 frkfC A TTTT TTT A TXTT "'Sh ellMiESSDliIASI yJMrMI Age 2 to 7 Years. Fourth Floor. eyerybodys store Shopper' Lunch, 29c Mtst Loaf Muh4 Potato . Crmm Gravy K Brad and ButUr Applo PI or I Cream CoffM. Tm or Milk Fourth Floor. OFF OKI SWEATERS $3.95 All wool Slip-On Sweaters, ripple and bell sleeve, V neck, in the popular shades of lav ender, purple, green, red and black. I Special, Thursday, at $3.95. Second Floor There have been thousands of satisfied shoppers crowding our store during our department m kn ag ers' sale. The tremendous values which we are offering are the most phenomenal in the his tory of bur organization. Our Annual August Sale of Furs Includes Scarfs and Muffs y3 off regular price AM fur animal scarfs and muffs in taupe, brown and bjack wolf, fox and lynx. One day only off regular price, j Second Floor . SENSATIONAL OFFERING, Thousands and Thousands of dainty lingerie blouses prettily trimmed with tucks, laceamembroidery B LOUSES oo Mail Orders Promptly Filled See Windows Second and Main Floon PHENOMENAL VALUES Hundreds of fresh new blouses have been added to the assortment. Sizes 34 to 52 in the lot Extraordinary Sale of Jersey Silk Underwear v $4.35 Union suits with bodice tops, rib bon shoulder straps, vests with either regulation or bodice top. Knickers reinforced where the wear comes. One day only,, $4.35. Main Floor. Entire Stock of JAPANESE Kimonos Vfc Price Jap cotton crepe negligees in an assortment of colors Chinese blue, coral, rose, purple, lavender,' pale blue and pink. At Vt price. Socond Floor Liberty Silk ENVELOPE CHEMISE $1.45 Pink, trimmed with lace yoke, embroidery and hemstitching. Batiste Envelope' CHEMISE 95c Lace and embroidery trimmed, ribbon and lace straps. Empire and yoke styles. Stcond Floor. Dainty Ribbon , CAMISOLES $1.45 Prettily made in all colors, floralrdesigns. .Navy Blue Satin CAMISOLES 75c Plain . tailored effects, hemstitched, special, 75c. Socond Floor An Extreme Offer in MEN'S THREE-PIECE SUITS $44.50 Designed for Fall Wear Splendidly tailored of good quality cassimere, eheviot worsted, blue serge. Suits of the better makes, all In late models. Choice at $44.50. Fourth Floor Veilings V2 Price Black, navy, brown and taupe, in plain and dots, at l price. - Main Floor. Choice of the Balance of Our Stock of Summer Millinery $1.00 Second Floor Women' Tricolette Suits $25.00 Carefully tailored, all high priced suits from regular stock. Socond Floor y Men s Shoes $9.95 Choice of entire stock of men's high-grade Oxfords, $9.95. Fourth Floor Machine Belts 19c 72-inch length. Machine needles, 12c. Best machine oil, 7c Third Floor , Curtains $2.00 Dainty lace and mar quisette at less than l price. Third Floor Dresser Scarfs 49c Cretonne, lace trimmed. Third Flo Worsted Wilton Rugs $7.69 One lot Worsted Wilton Kugs, in new pattern effects.. Exceptional values at $7.6., Size 22x36 inches. Third Floor Napkins Toweling 19c lc 2 0 - i n c h Linen weft hemmed da- Toweling, spe- mask. cial, 19y2c yd. Mutn Floor. ' M.fai Floor. Hair Nets $1.15 doz. Human Hair Nets, fringe and cap styles. Mala Floor. in Hickory Waists 89c Children's Hickory with side garters. Mala Floor. Crochet Cotton 1212C ; Silkine mercerized all sizes, white only. Mala Floor. Colgate's Dental Cream 19c Colgate's Bandoline 19c Main Floor. SALE OF WHITE ENAMELED WARE Featured in Thursday in All white seamless enameled ware in a wonderful assort- ment-jnst the pieces that every housewife is in need of 9-qt oval dish pans. 6 and 8-qt. convex kettles with cover. 8 and 10-qt round dish pans. Water juf s. a Very Special Sale the Downstairs Store SIM . Tl- ( No Phone Orders-No C.O.D'5 Owing to the extreme values we cannot guarantee for the day's selling, so we advise early shoppin V 1 and 2-qt. tea pots. . 1 and 2-qt. coffee pots. Cof fe boilers. Berne tea pots. Rice boiler. Colander. Wash basins. Water pails. Downstairs Star. Mixing bowls. Lipped sauce pans Perserving kettles. Milk kettles. Tea kettles. "V -r5 I D 24th and O Streets WaU U G South Side