Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1920, Page 5, Image 5

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Dapper Midas May Be Coun
terfeiter, Officials Probing
His Exchange System
. Assert. 1
Boston, Ausj. 18. Seizure of the
partial Lexington home of Charles
Ponzi, in which his yojung wife and
aged mother now are residing; of
Mrs. Ponjri's jewels and that big,
hiny limousine, without which
Por.zi would be lost were he not in
a cell in the East Cambridge prison,
is scheduled for tomorrow, accordi
Jng to a statement today by govern
"meut authoritirs. The property and
valuables will be commandeered by
the government as soon as a re
ceiver for-Ponzi's affairs is appoint
ed, it was said jA.ll will be held un
til it is dcided how investors are
to be reimb'-.rsed.
The fact that the house is in the
name of Mrs Ponzi, wife of the
little Italian get-ricliquick schemer,
will not deter the representatives of
( the law from seizing it, they said,
since it was bought with the profits
of the huibanrt'g Investment hoaxr
Balk" at Fixing Bail.
Explanation of the reason "for
failure in the attempts to obtain the
release of the. dapper little "Midas"
ye,;terday, when it was expected
friends would come forward with
the, $25,000 bail required, was given
today. The latest trouble lies, in the
- disposition of Attorney General Al
len to "refuse to agree completely
with attorneys for Ponzi in their
Drocosition to have bail set in ih
sta-.c case at t figure which can be 1
me', and which will enable Ponzi to
have his freedom until he hall
come to trial. .
A warrant for another arrest in
the Securities Exchange swindle was
granted in the municipal court today
on application of Assistant Attorney
General Hurwitz. The name in the
warrant was kept secret, but an ar
rest is expected momentarily.
Bank to Stay Closed. '
Bank Commissioner Allen issued
a statement today in which he said
that it probably would be a long
time before the examination of the
Hanover Trust company, dragged
down with Ponzi in the big crash,
would be t completed. Until such
time, he said, the bank will remain
closed. ' '
Thousands of depositors of the
Hanover Trust company who felt
at the time the bank was closed that
it was more of a precautionary move
than anything else, showed a grow
ing uneasiness at the continued fail
ure of optimistic comment concern
ing the bank's condition. ,
Find Hidden Wealth.
Developments in the search of
Ponzi's "hidden millions" come to
day with the armouYicement that the
state investigators know what the
little Jtalian has done with a large
sum, which they hope to recover.
What their discovery, means in the
way of money returned to investors,
and the manner in which these funds
werej secreted could not be learned.
Tabulation of the notes recorded
with Attorney General Allen by note
holder who received neither the SO
per cent in 45 days offered by Ponzi,
vnor even the principal of their in
vestment, was said to show that the
' Securities Exchange company took
in more than $5,000,000 in actual
cash and still owes on its notes
v $2, 128,888. s '
May Be , Counterfeiter.
Belief that there might have been
counterfeiting ramifications in the
foreign exchange scheme outlined by
Ponzi today turned the federal in
investigation of the get-rich-quick
' scheme into new channels. It was
said attempts are being made, both
here and irf Europe, to determine
whether there has, been any whole
sale counterfeiting of marks, francs
or lire.
Despite assurance that the bursting
of hi.4 bubble when it did .was the
only thing which halted Ponzi in his
plan to launch a $100,000,000 bank
ing and trust company scheme was
obtained by the government authori
ties engaged in probing the Poni
case. The plan, they said, was
fostered by President Chimielnski of
the Hanover Trust company and also
included plans for establishing a
chain of automobile repair shops.
More Truth Than. Poetry
The rabbit's burdens are severe ;
Hi days are full of trouble;
He has five families a year
And often that goes doilble.
Each month or so another brood
He has to love and chgrish,
And furnish them with proper food
Lest they fall ill and perish.
He has to teach them tricks and game,
He has to educate them,
' He has to think up given names
By which Jto designate them.
And when one family is grown
He cannot roll in clover,
But goes back, wtih a hollow moan
And does 'the same thirjg over.
Old Home Week in a rabbit hutch, '
Where gather in communion
A rabbit family is much
Too much of a reunion. , -For
every rabbit child must track
Through hundreds of relations,
A lineage that wanders back
For many generations. j
Two hundred uncles he may meet,
. And aunts by scores of dozens
And in a fleeting hour greet
Perhaps four thousand cousins.
And it's so hard to keep them straight;
For instance, such a-bother
To recognize one's great, great, great,
ureat, great, great, great grandfather!
t The fact that Canada is going to challenge for the cup makes us
suspect she has something she wants to sell us.
The fail rate advance has taken the mute out of the commuters.
"Shoot at me only with thine eyes,
And I will stab with mine," 1
The crowds that go to see the candidates now are nothing to those
that will visit the one who is elected. '
-Copyright, 1120, by, the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
v Harding Declares Indians
', Entitled to Square Deal
Marion, O., Aug. 18. In. a short
vtalk to members of the Society; of
American Indians,, Senator Harding
de:larcd t:iat the Indian was as
much entitled to a square deal as
he will cet it.1
He said he felt the United States
should begin pmong those at home
rather than concern itself with the
peocle on the other side. '
The derogation yesterday visited
Governor Cox, and, in greeting Sen
ator Harding today; the Indians'
spokesman addressed him, as "Sen
ator Cox.'. There was a ripple of
laughter, in which Mr. Harding
Adele Garrison's New Phase of
, Revelations pj a Wife
In the Light of the Southern Moon.
The rest of our journey to Cedar
Crest was to my imagination almost
what a flight in an airplane would
be. The big car, under Maj. Grant
land's skilful hands, seemed hardly
to touch the ground as it , swooped
up and down the sharp little hills
and across the level stretches of
The moon a most wonderful one
wa high in the heavens, and from
the window of the car I caught
glimpses of white gleaming,
stretches, broken only by towering
trees denuded of branches for many
feet of their height, and bearing at
their tops masses of dark green
verdure. It was a. most amazing
sight, one which I couldn't under
stand. I stirred uneasily in Dicky's
arms and leaned forward jo the
"Howl wonderful!" I exclaimed.'
"Is that snow? I" thought we'd left
that behind. And those look like
palm trees, but Nthey can't be." i
Dicky shouted with laughter.
"Snow and palm trees, there's a
combination for you 1" he cried. "But
I'll agree with your impression, al-
VT r 1 a , n r , 1
i .u t t .i . u- .;i. I iicw iorK, vuk. io. ine capital
I""! c.:h :IL . Lif" rE;. ZTtef the United States Grain Corpora-
here. Still, it's a bully Christmas
card effect just the same.
The Major Knows.
"The sand looks like snow in the
moonlight," interposed Maj. Grant
land. He spoke without turning his
head, as all good drivers hdtild, but
his words were carefully enunciated,
pitched to a tone, unlike his casual
one. I surmised that he had given
this matter of talking while driving
some thought and care.. ' -
"The 'palms' are pines, I sup
pose," Dicky replied, "although I
never saw any like those." ,
"You'll "never grow tired of see
ing them." Maj. Grantland com
mented. "This is the sand hill coun
try, the pride of North Carolina, the
anyone else, find added:
4 A I It ..... .. ,a tit nraei'
dency of the government I promisef "Oh. of course! I exdafcjtd as
v. ,;it it" - recollection came to me. "I have
read of this, but the fact had gone
out of my mind."
I leaned forward again to look out
of the window, then resolutely
turned my face away. I like jeal
ously to guard all remarkable im
pression I receive I knew that the
picture of the "palms and snow'
"bathed in the moonlight which I
had photographed upon my mind
could never be effaced if I left it
alone, but it would be spoiled for me
if I looked out1 again with the"
analytical glance that my newfound
knoweldge gave me. No, I would
keep that picture intact The next
time-1 looked at the long-leafed
pines would be in the light of day.
Major Grantland spoke again, ab
ruptly: "What did you say is the name
of that woman whose Cottage you
are to have?"
"What is it, Madge?".. Dicky's
voice had the puzzled note which it
always holds when he has to remem
ber any domertie detail. "Isn't it
A "Home" Feeling. '
TLuVens.'I returned sedately,
"Mrs. Martha Lnkens."
"I knew there was m V in it,"
Dicky cried triumphantly.
"Yes, and that's about as near as
yoo ever get anything you're told
about the house, , his mother inter
posed tartly.
"Oh, say not so, mother of mine!"
her son beggexl melodramatically.
"Do not blight my reputation thus."
"Shut up, Mother Graham retort
ed, "and listen to Major Grantland.
He has been trying to get a , word in
A thousand pardons, , Maje,"
Dicky mocked, and I saw. that he
was in one of his wild, irrepressible
moods. "Corns along, old boy, put
ihat word in edegways right now.
I'v always been curious to see how
that little trick was done."
' "I was only going to say." Major
Grantland replied, "that I know
Mrs. Lukens ot old. I have stopped
at her. home, and know where it is.
You are goini? to her home?"
"1 thought we were to have a cot
tage . bv ourtelves, weren't we,
"Yes, but it-is next door to Mrs.
Lukens's own home,'! I answered.
"Then I know just where it is,"
Major Grantland said, and in an
other minute we had swept into a
wide driveway and up to the veranda
of a big house blazing with lights.
A small, wiry, gray-haired woman
with a shrewd vet kindly face stood
on the steps evidently waiting for
us. I had a sudden sense of home-'
coming after the uncertainty of the
(Continued Tomorrow.)
Be dace Capital.
tion wate reduced from $150,000,000
to its original $50,000,000 a$ a spe
cial meeting of the board of direc
tors in accordance with an executive,
order signed by President Wilson.
Davs on Way to U. S.
London, Aug. 18. John W, Davis,
American ambassador to Great Brit
ain, left for America today, accom
panied by his family.
That Fat Dehil!
' Not that I often wax eloquent, or
wish to shout my good fortune from
the house tops, but in order to prove
to mankind in general, including the
bolsheviki, that a certain little prov
erb is all wrong I'm going to give
the story to you just as it happened
to me. i
When what's his name, way back
in taction, wrote his immortal, io-
bodv loves a fat man." he settled
the hash of seven-ninths of the male
populus of this good old republic.
How the poor spud got away with
it is a mystery with all those "out
sizes" fillinKuo the senate, but we
all know it's cfoiwn in fady ink some
where, along with the Declaration
of Independence and the Ten Com
mandments. Since then, we chaps
of ample' width and double chins
have had as much chance with the
ladies (bless em) as Theda Bara
would have doin' the shimmey in
Zion City!
Understand,, I am not most de
cidedly not ashamed of being a
little overweight, Caruso is fat, and
so was Romeo. You never heard
of a saw-dust king or dill pickle
magnate that was not fat. Julius
Caesar had men aDOUi mm tnai
were fat yet, the dear public loved
him not! . .
Our popular novelists seem tona
of the ! squatty, short-breathing he-
male, attired in ill-fitting palm
heaches. flapoine vulgarly in the
breeze, and forever chasing street
cars. Having at last made his goal,
he drops heavily into a seat, and
proceeds to mop his dripping fore
head. Producing the inevitable
palm-leaf fan, he fans vigorously.
Get the picture? As the car fills
rapidly with a bunch of stage dolls,
he gives up his perfectly comfort
able seat to six of 'em. Bah! '
Perhaps I should explain just the
type I represent. I am not the dou
ble chin variety, nor am I The, vulgar
palm beach person. I am handsome,
steady and a good dresser, qualities
seldom found in man, and as for
the ladies I see them not!
As I entered my sophomore year
at college, I resolved to play the'
"goat" no more. Accordingly I sev
ered relations with the smart set,
and held myself haughtily aloof. At
the beginning of my senior year
they pointed me out with prideas
"that handsome fat devil who keeps
very much to himself. The girlies,
nifty peaches, all of 'em, followed me
with longing eyes, but I saw them
not I was through.
When I tacked up my shingle, a
year or so later, I declared that
single blessedness indeed, had it's
divine advantages. I was free as
the air I breathed and my heart
not even niched! No woman had
ever entered my life. I was daily
growing higher in the esteem of my
fellow business, partners, and my
bank account was rapidly growing,
y Plainville, Kan., boasted of few
fair women.' Thus 4ar, I was saved
the annoyance of avoiding them.
Barring two or three 16-year-old
flappers I knew of no attractive fe
male women, unless I should count
ny stenographer, Miss Bettine
weiis. ; ' v
Of course I secretely admired Miss
Wells, from a strictly business point
of view, of course I She was a Con
scientious worker and gave entire
satisfaction. But she was all for
her work.
She was one- of those pretty
young women who can wear stiff
collars and severe tailored things,
and still appear as gentle as a June
rose. Yet appearances deceive. Miss
Bettina was as stiff and tailored as
the tRings she wore. I might have
been a woodert image., for all she
cared. I was merely business. I
doubt if she even considered me a
flesh and blood thing. Had she
been a shy little thing I might have
forgiven her, but she was NOT
shy! She was deucedly indifferent
to me her employer. It was not
that she always thought in terms of
business. I had discovered wicked i
little lights in her sparkling blue
eyes, aty! a gay dimple in her cheek,
that at Jjmes forced its irresistible
self into prominence. Once" or twice
I caught her, dreaming, with a far
away look in her wonderful eyes,
but At my approach she became a
condensed iceberg again, literally
snubbed me her employer because
he was fat!
One memorable hot July morn
ing l arrived at the ottice an hour
behind the schedule. I was out of
humor and sullen. The world was
all wrong. Miss Well's closed type-
A Well Balanced Food
ready-to-eat and con
taining its own sugar.
A Popular Cereal That
Saves You Money
served with milk or cream,
: , fresh'fhiitorberries,makes
a delightful dish for home
folks or guests.
This Kealth-buildinfood.
gains its whcHesome, nut-like
flavor from the twenty-hour
' baking of wheat and malt
ed barley. v
All Grocers Sojl GrapeNuts
5 V Hade try '
Postum Cereal Co,Inc,Battle Creek, Mich.
writer greeted me dumbly. From my
private office there floated a famil
iar voice. A confidential chat over
the wire was in progress, but I lis
tened it was my office, you know.
"He is not, Meggs, he certainly is
"He's not fat, you KNOW he
"Mr. Monty is perfectly' adorable
and you shan't slander him to me.
He's a perfect love of a man, and
if he weren't so reserved I'd feel
like telling him so. Oh, I wouldn't,
but just as one woman to pnother,
Meggs, Mr. .Monty is my ideal.
Oh! Oh!" ,
The telephone crashed to the floor
as I gaye her the. punishment she
deserved. Mcggs.'at the other end
of the wire, was forgotten. Miss
her cheeks the color of poppies. She
was still a prisoner. (Between you
and I.) I don't think she minded.
"We'll have Meggs forhe maiji
of honor," was the muffled reply.
Manager Cooper Comes to Give
His Company Proper Chance
As proof of his earnest effort to
make his'Victory Belles" an enter
tainmef that shall be perfect at
the opening performance at the
Gayety Saturday matinee. James E.
Cooper arrived in the city Vednes
dav morning, accompanied by
William K. Wells, the author of the
book, "Girls 'n Everything," which
the corhpany will present during its
tour over the Columbian circuit the
coming, season. The company re
hearsed three weeks in New York
and having arrived 1 in Omaha last
Monday morning are putting in a
full week of rehearsals on the Gay
ety stage, ' .
Mr. Cooper is one of the ,big men
in the burlesque field, his attrac-
Wells ceased to struggle. y What
was the use? - y "
"Xou can't deny it," I threatened,
"I have Meggs for a witness." Then
I proposed to her. Romeo had
nothing on me!
Bettine considered thoughtfully,
ami ruic .
lie Original
ati SnbstitatM.
PorInftn1,tn!!(J.n(10rowtnfChlllr I Rich Mflk, Matted Oratn Batraet lo Powder
The Original Food-Drink For AU Age I N Coolun-Nouri.hiiiff Diaeitibl
tions being "Victory Belles." "Rock
land Girls," "Best Show In Town"
and "Folly Town," the latter attrac
tion having played all summer at the
Columbian theater on Broadway.
Recently patented in Switzerland,
a new artificial stone is said to be
produced at about one-third the cost
of ordinary artificial stone.
! Beautiful Pianos I
Expert Tuninsr, Repair
ing, Refinishing and "
Phona Douglas 1623 for ,
! Schmoller k Mueller
114-16-18 South 15th Stroot
You need only glance at
the partial list of Rugs
shown below to realize that
we are indeed offering Rug
Bargains of unusual im
portance to folks wishing to
save "money. During the
first three days of this im
portant sale there haye
been thousands of Rugs
sold, but there still remains
a wonderful assortment for
you to choose from tomor
row. Please don't for
get that you can
Use Your
8x10 Grass Rntr to wp
Bargains at pO O
See this assortment of bargains and
you will be dellshtcd with the va
riety of patterns and the quality
of the ruts.
9x12 Foot High rile Jtxminster
Make your selection from a wide va
riety of patterns and savj mnnv and
many a dollar on your purchase.
9x12 Foot Sie AlMVool Seam
less Brussels Kugs2 75
Other merchants In Omaha would
consider these rua hnrsrains at
wholesale ' for All new pat
6x9 Foot Yelvet Kugs in Xewst
5Srr ....$34.75
Firmly woven rUK of a quality that
insures vears of service. Gr?atly re
duced in price for our ereatest sale.
27x54 Inch Siae Fine Wilton
Yelvet Bogs me 7C
at tPJ.
Yes, that's the correct price, and
they are truly wonderful runs. too.
Many new pattsrns to choose from.
27x52 Inch Velvet Hugs Lim
ited Number Go
They come In patterns that blend
nicely with the. staple room s'se
ruKS. Remember, only a limited
9x12 Foot Genuine Royal Wilton
You will surely be pleased with
the assortment of new patterns
and the charming color combina
tions.. These rugs are really sen
sational values and we urge your
early inspection 'of the lot.
9x12 Ft. Seamless Velvet Rugs, Now
hp t. i . ,1 ...... ..,.; i . ;
of thesjugs makes them bargains well
worthy of your inspection. Every im
aginable pattern in every desirable eol
qt combination. You cannot fail to find
your choice in the lot. g
9x12 foot Wool
and Fiber
Buy them for ue
in any room , of
your home. They
coma in suitable
patterns for the
bedroom, . 1 y 1 n fg
room, sun parlor
and dninir room.
8-3x10-6 Wool
and Fiber
?'hla 'assortment fn
ludea many most
novel patterns and
they are wovrti tn
a most durable
fashim, in s u r i n k
the beat of service.
6x9 Ft Size
Wilton '
If you are really
particular about
the ruirs you buy
you will be de
lighted with the
assortment of Wil
ton russ marked
to sell at (69.75. .
9x12 Foot Heavy Welgnt Axmtn.
SSK7.f $74.75
The kind t a rua- Tkt ulves one thi
impreselon of walklnon air. Mot
desirable, pattern, and color. I
9x12 Foot Highest Grade Seam
less Velvet CTI 7 It
Bngs, now V
Tou'l look lonr time before yoa
find valrs to enual
$71.15. All new patterns r. includ
ed In the lot.
xlS loot Size Seamless Wilton
Hogs Are CQQ ftt
Bargains at ipjJO. I O
(Trent deal more
you want to av
Hartman'a tomor-
They're worth
than $100, so If
money, come to
row momir.K. Foot Seamless
Rags Will Go
High re rus, oven from the best
of materials in a manner that In
sures lastlnit service. Be. these bar
gains. -
27x48 Inch Sine Fine 0A 7
'Axmlnster Rags Onlj
Just the size rurs that ara alway.
I nd thev o at a prlc.
that will quickly clear them away.
:Wx72 Inch Sue Heayy Axmui.
ster Kogs
. iiki nnmher of these bar.
trains in some mow.
tcrns better coma early tomorrow.
leayy Axmin-
The city water
doe. the work
of turn In this
washer no hard
work attached.
Use Your Credit Freely
Remember you can furnish your home from
tpp to bottom on Kasy Terms at Hartman'8
and save money during the Dog Day Sale.
KAJXJ P- frJ it m
This Fine
Among the hun
dreds of rockt-r '
hareralna offered
during ' the Por
Drv Sale is ths
golden oak
beauty sho w n.
The - price is
greatly reduced
and as the
ouantitv Is lim
ited etirly selec
tion Is advised.
Pullman Duofold"Outfit
Put one of these eutfits In your home
and make one room do the work of
lylr-tvo. This can easily be done by using:
A tin. Tk'nrln v whirr- rtnpnjt ensilv to ft full
slied bed. The frames of all three of
the pieces are of fumed oak. And for
the upholstering- imitation leather is
J used. Sale price for complete suite....
Here Is
a Great
&ombln itlti
vbook case and
Vrlt in d . a k.
it's a handsome
piece of furni
ture built en
tirely of golden
oak and can be
aecured on very
easy terms.
Has full length mir
ror across the top.
Beveral other styler
to choose from at
this remarkably low
upholat e r e d
vered with
aeat cove
tapes try. kT h i s
bargain comes In
' the baronial Olor
and la built of
twisted fiber reed.
Genuine Reed
Lamp Bargain
Solid Oak Suite
Choose between golden
and fumed oaki The
handsome chairs have
. padded seats covered
with Imitation leather.
The table extends to full
six feet. Sale price for
six chairs and the table
This Desk
A mahogany spinet
desk of this oualRy
is rarely evsr placed '
on sale at a reduced
price, but our Dog
twg Day Clearance
Sals brings th. price
away down.
It Is exactly a. shown here
make your selection lie
twe.'n Ivory and brown fin
ish. Has two pull-socket, for
lights. The
price for
he Dog
Dot Hale
is only .
Sixteenth Between .Harney and 'Howard
Oak Chairs
Choose between blue
or Spanish leather
padded seats. Ruv a
set of these splen
did chairs tomorrow'
on easy term, for
k- 55. . i
fwrsv tor the wt five mrit".