THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1920. 1. fit 35 AMERICANS ARE HOSTAGES IN HANDS OF REDS Soviet v Government Holds Yanks in Jail in Effort to Force Official Recognition Of Trotzky Regime. Bjr tha Assorlatwl htM, Terejoki, Finland, Russian Fron i i:i tier, Aug. 9. A thousand foreigners, .,t including 35 Americans, are at Mos cow hoping for action by their gov- - ernments to- get them out before winter. They include besides the Americans, 700 French, 100 British .' and 100 Scandinavians. i Aside from 35 of undoubted t': American citizenshio, .' there are lt 3 many claiming American citizenship i who have gathered from all parts of t '. Russia because of the impossible liv ",'" conditions. They are the last r of Russia's prewar foreign residents. Inquiries by The Associated 1'ress 7 correspondent before his deporta- f'on to Finland, from Moscow, be- cau Jie had not received advance sovit authorization for a trip from '("' Vladivostok to Moscow, developed f that many foreigners have been j . refugees in Moscow over a year. A . tratuJoad of French once was sent ! to ' the frontier . and then returned tj.' because of the attitude ' of France i toward the bolsheviki. '; Held Incommunicado. '"" The Americans say their status ,f is worse than the other foreigners. They are held virtually as hostages j . While the soviet tries to force Wash- ington to negotiate officially with k ;' Moscow or bolshevik agents. 7" Bolshevik officials consider the : UnitedStates the most uncomprom- e! ." toward the soviet, although not as ' antagonistic as ; the British or ' French. ' ' Five Americans are known to be K Imorisoned. Among them are Dr, i -A. W. Stickney, geologist, and his t ""wife: who recently arrived from Si- beria. the. others are Koyai c Keeleyl a man named Lamark and a naturalized American Greek named Calimidianov. who has been impris- r oned a year and a half, charged with being a spy. The prisoners are in j accessible. H. D. T. Reynolds, an j American ' mining engineer, is not j ' permitted to leave Semipalatinsk, I .', Siberia, , the bolsheviki demanding ?. his services there. 5 . . A half dozen other Americans ' have been imprisoned at different J times. Reds Are Not Wanted. I ' Most of the Americans are long i time residents who did not leave in jf 1916, when United States diplomats , withdrew. Some lacked finances to f CO to Siberia and the far east, the f only exit, .while others were ill or. - livei'in; distant' provinces. . '( Since the. consular officesdeparted there has beeh ho official method of I negotiations with, the bolsheviki. In- dividual appeals met with the reply j, that Americans would not be per il mitted to leave until the American (V authorities would negotiate with the I s'ovief ' regarding -repatriation, pib. Bbtyiinvplvingaerms -pf. exchamje for communists in the United States. Anarchist-deportees who have ar rived in Russia from America are declared not wanted. The Americans recently nomi nated H. C. Carlson, former busi ness representative in Moscow, to register the Americans and handle their affairs with the soviet. Makes Plea for Daughter' Sentenced to Reformatory Hazel Bender.' 17, heiress, to $25,000, sentenced: to the industrial school at Geneva by Judge Scars m juvenile court yesterday morning, may be given another chance, as the result of a plea made by her mother. Te judge sentenced her to the county hospital for the present, with a promise that he would consider the .matter of suspending the Geneva sentence. ' The girl is alleged to have been in company with Anthony Connolly, a street car conductor, since her dis appearance some time ago. A com plaint has been filed against tne man, charging him wUh aiding and abet ting in the delinquency of the girL Fair to Feature Exhibits Of Boys' and Girls' Clubs O'Neill, Neb.. Aug. 17. (Spe . cial.) That the live stock and agri cultural industries o: Holt county are due for further advancement is evidenced by the exhibits to be made at the Holt county fair by the Boys' and Girls' Pig. Calf and Gar den Clubs of the county, which the fair board is featuring to a greater extent than usual this year. The fair, one of the first in the state this year, is the seventh annaual one of the Holt County Fair association !. and is to be held at the fair grounds : rvKT.;il n Adisiict 71 25 and 26. f the opening dy being Tuesday of 4 next wee. ... . Former Beatrice Boy Is Killed by Interurban Car "Beatrice, Neb., Aug. . 17. (Spe cial Telegram.) Robert Sasser 20 years old, formerly of this city,, was instantly killed while driving a truck at Indianapolis, Ind., when struck by an interurban car, accord ing to information received here Tuesday night by his brother, M..V. sasser. 1 00 Men in the - HANSEN-CADILLAC ( SERVICE DEPT. are recognized and re 1 -warded by . Honor and Cash Bonus System. , Have your Cadillac at tended by efficient Cadil lac men trained to ren . der the best service. We do it right. J. I. tain Cadillac Co. : v Service Dept. Giqr A. WkutM Harry Reie 3. J. Astaaaslar Georges Carpentier Is Some Man With the Ladies in "The Wonder Man" at the Moon vi. " SS,SS Take it from Fairs Biqney, who i being featured in hi first Amir lean motion picture production, women will go wild over Georges Carpen tier. The French idol it tha star of "The Wonder Man," the Robertson Cole super-tpecial at the Moon theater. "It's a good job he married before' he reached these bores,' said Miss Binney to an interviewer in the studio when the production was being made. "He's an awful heart-breaker." "Why do you say that?" she was asked. . "Why? Look at -him! Any woman wljff has an ounce of red blood in her veins would want to meet him. He is a great, big, wholesome boy and the very type that women rave about. That's why I'm raving. One of ' the most artistic bits cfito her lips warningly as she glanced acting ever seen in a motion picture, according to competent critics, is that of Berkeley, a roue, portrayed by Theodore Roberts in Cecil B. DeMille's great production of "Old Wives for New." "Old Wives for New," which was one of Mr. De Mille's triumphs of several years ago; has been sumptuously revived as a companion piece to Mr. De Mille's recent success, "Why Change Your Wife?"' and it will 'be shown at the. .trand theater the last part of this week. ' Dorothy Dalton's first picture since the sensational "Aphrodite," in which she scored so emphatically in her debut on the spoken stage, completed its Broadway run, is "Guilty of Love." This photoplay, which was adapted from a stage drama by Avery Hopwood, is at the Rialto the first part of this week. It is. an appealing story of youth's folly and final retribution Walter Reid, location searcher, was prowling around a fashionable home recently when the lady oi the house came upon him as he wasad justing his camera V M'ardon me," he said. "Do jou fnind if Make a still around here?'! c "Sh-h.V. the woman put her fingers AT THE THEATERS "IfjARENCE." Booth . Islington's I , latest Work for the stage, will b for ifour nights and a Baturday.; matinee beginning Thursday, auruki i. w name company that praentd H - at the Blaclt stone theater, Chirago, for 15 weeks during the past winter and spring. "Clarenre" Is not a dramatization of one of Mr. Tarklngtoh'a books, but a first hand comedy. Premlnent in the cast are Greg ory Kelly, Ruth Gordon. Robert Adams. Byron Beasley, Grace FilkinB, Betty Mur ray, Joe Wallace, James T. Ford and Guy d'Enney. All those Omahan- who worry along with the telephone will be thoroughly in sympathy with "The Telephone Tangle," the farce heading the vaudeville program at the Empress theater for thg lant times today. Tt Is presently! by Joe Bennett, the oriclnal Abe Kablbble and a cast of five people. The act Is arranged lo show the patrons in their efforts to secure and retain connections with other patrons, while a little minx of a "hello girl" powders her nose and reads tha latest magazine. "George White's Scandal of 1919," comes to the BrandVls' thvater for three days starting August 2R. It Is a saucy, joyful, active show that la full of pep and zip, every stunning scandal monger being scandalously clever ana amusing. ANWW03 IMDSia TVNOLLVN punodeAig pBajqotp japuai'snoioipp uiStiap vawu b avoies; o si iinostg 3NOOQ VNUOl ?)SB) OX ADVERTISEMENT An Unfailing Way To Banish Hairs (Beauty Notes) Ugly hairy growths can be remov ed in the privacy of your own home if you get a small original package of delatonc and mix into a paste enough of the powder, and water to cover the hairy surface. This should be left on the skin- about 2 minutes, then removed and the- skin washed and every trace of hair will? have vanished. No harm or inconvenience can result from this treatment, but be sure you buy real delatone. Bee Want Ads Bring Results. "How did you know he had one? Hugh -Thopipson, who is playing opposite Mabel Normand in her lat test picture, "Head Over Heels," is a saddened man these days. What doth it profit him ' that he stands several inches over 'six feet now? His height he has looked upon as his fortune, but with Frederid Peters working on the . Goldwyn lot also, Mr. Thompson feel' as deposed kings must feel. For Mr. Peters, who is playing the part of Goliath in Booth Tarkington's "Edgar's Sun day Courtship," is exactly one foot taUer than Mr. Thompson! Thus are the 'mighty fallen! Downtown Program. Strand "The Fighting Chance" and "Modern Centaurs.", Sun "One Hour Before Dawn" and "The Immigrant." ' Moon "The Wonder Man." Rialto"Guilty lof Love." Empress "Rose of Nome." ' 4 Muse "Peggy Rebels." . Neighborhood Houses. v Hamilton Rhea ' Mitchell . in "Honor's Cross" and Mutt and Jeff Cpmedy. j ; ' ' Apollo Connne Griffith in "Bab's Candidate."- - ' Divorce Petitions Filed. . Ksther A.-her against Ray Antler, cruelty. ?arah Frank against Louis Frank, cruelty. Sherman R. Winscot against I.eona Win scot, cruelty. Jacob P. Relchert against Adella Relchert, cruelty. Joseph U'biinno against Jeanette Urbanec. ruelty. Martha G. Targacewskl against Peter Tagacewskl, nonsupport. Blanche Stevens against Grlf fin Stevens, nonsupoort Betty Welch against Harold Welcf, cruelty. CADILLAC Recognized everywhere for its PERMANENCY of ' VALUE J.H. Hansen Cadillac Go. Omaha ;? Lincoln Save at Every Opportunity Our buyers are searching the markets for exceptional values. They have been advised to spare neither time nor money in secur ing values of the better kind for us to offer the housewives of Omaha. As fast as they are se cured they are shipped to us; we in turn offering them to you. THIS WEEK WE OFFER 1 -Qurt Macon Fruit Jars, zinc lined, per KQn dozen Ji7C (1 dozen to customer.) Boyd's Zinc Lined Jar Caps, 18c per dozen or , 2 dozen. . OOC (2 dozen to cuitomer.) Heavy Jar Rubbers, per dozen, only. . . . . 5c I (5 dozen to customer.) Kellog's Toasted Corn Flakes, 3 packages . . . 25c (3 packages to customer.) Values like the . above arc made possible by a fortunate purchase. It's to your advan tage and saying to come early, in the week and purchase. about quickly. IMMIGRATION BUREAU WILL BE REORGANIZED Secretary Post Orders Changes to Rid Department of Many of Its "Undesir able Influences." Washington, Aug. 17. Reorgani zation of the bureau of immigration has been ordered by Assistant Sec retary of Labor Post. The action was taken, officials of the department said today, because of conditions indicating "utter dis organization" of the bureau, both here and in its field service. Shorn of Authority. First steps in the reorganization were taken by Assistant Secretary Post on July 21, when Commissioner General of Immigration Caminetti was shbrn of the authority he had exercised of making recommenda tions in appeal and warrant cases. The department contended that only the secretary of labor and the assist ant secretary were empowered by law to exercise judgment in such casesiS I On August 14 a memorandum was prepared by Secretary Post inquir- j ing into the "causes of and reme dies for the disorganized conditions in the bureau of immigration and its consequent inefficiency." Certain "undesirable" conditions prevailing in the bureau were ordered remedied immediately. These included, be sides the enforcement of the decision lafecting the transfer of judgment over appeal ana warrant cases to tne secretary or assistant secretary of labor, "the excessive freedom of ac cess to the immigration bureau dur ing working hours of persons not of ficially connected with the bureau." Board Probes Bureau. To insure the removal of those "undesirable" conditions an advisory committee was appointed io con tinue the inquiry. It included Al fred Hampton of the bureau of im migration, H. B.. Collins of the so licitor's department and Hugh Reid, from the office of the assistant sec retary "of. labor. Commissioner of Immigration . Wallis, Ellis Island, was here today, to confer with Mr. Post relative to the readjustment of conditions at the Port of New York. During the war,. when immigration was slack.' the personnel of the im migration bureau at Ellis Island was greatly depleted, officials explained, and now that the tide' of immigra tion has set in again the authorities there find themselves greatly handi capped. McGraw Wants Indictment Tn Prnvp Hp. Is Innnr.pnt . New York, Aug. 17. John J. Mc Graw, manager of . the New York Giants. ' today demanded through rnlmcpl Viat ln K inrtitflt ? rrAfr rrtt not ah 1 r i k 1 1 n -i I 1 1 ! : irk n rnAty ni r( wiuii.ii.Hi iiiLiuuai lua in ii'j.vii v-v. yj i any participation in bringing about injuries . to John C. Slavin, actor, who, was found abouta week ago Ulll.VJIiai.lUUil ill HUH. i I'lbV1!!!'! home. ' ' " SaWBSSIBIBHBISBBBBSa Paint Experiments are no longer necessary Fulltrton Paint has stood the test of wear the . written insurance policy guarantees that it will con tinue to stand the test of service. v Five years of paint protection .is in every can. Insurance against decay is the result of usng Fuller ton paint to protect buildings from the destroying effects of weather. Pleasant surroundings in the home are helped a (treat deal by the use of Silk-Tone "The Beautiful." It is a sanitary, velvety, washable, flat wall finish that has taken the place of wall paper, calcimine, and gloss paint because it is more sanitary, more durable, aqd more beautiful. Distributed and Retailed by Mullin Paint Co., 313 So. 14th St. Retailed by . Sam Newman, 1804 Farnam St. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. Mrs. Iversen Tells How Cuticura Healed Water Blisters " I was troubled with little water blisters on my band and face. They formed a scaly surface causing the skin to be red. The blister then took the form of sore eruptions nd I could hardly lUnd the itching and burning. I could scarcely sleep, and could not put my hands in water unless I wore rubber gloves. " I tried remedies but ' they did not help. A friend asked me to try Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I sent for a free sample and was relieved. I bought more, and when I bad used three cakes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Ointment I was healed." (Signed) Mrs. Kay Iversen, Lakevfew, Mich., January 22, 1920. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal cum are all you need for all toilet use . Bathe with Soap, soothe with Ointment, dust with Talcum. SsatlsSMiriMivlJati. Address: "OiileersUi nurtu, Be4. a. MsMea 41. If mi " Sold mrr .where. Soap 26c. Ointment 2S and 60e. Tsleom 16e. jBB Cnticitra'Soap shaves without mug. cr " - Money Peek without ejueeooo M nf HUNT'S Salve fails In tne jQJr treatment of ITCH, RC2KM A. Pf Jl KINOWORM. TETTER orf jC"W'I Other tehinc sata diseases. Try SbsTY 1 1 1 cent boa at our risk. Ci I (J New "Strong Man" of Germany Is Wealthy Hugo Stinnes, head of the new People's party in Germany, who is being recognized as Germany's new strong man. Herr Stinnes is a wealthy mine owner and manufac turer and rose to power in the recent elections through the sensational vic tories of the People's party. It is with him that the allies must deal in the present crisis, according to reports from Berlin. Herr Stinnes, it is Said, has amassed a fortune es timated at 6,000,000,000 marks. Wilson Stands Ready To Recognize Mexico If Terms Acceptable Mexico City, Mexico, Aug. 17. (By The Associated Press.) Presi dent Wilson is ready to recognize the present Mexican government if the latter agrees with the terms set forth in a proposal from Secretary of State Colby on' this subject, ac cording to a message sent to Presi dent de la Huerta from Fernando Calderon, Mexican high commission er to the United States, now in the American capital, says the Excel sior today. Secretary Colby's proposition, ac cording to the newspaper, was: First, that North American' lives and property .be respected. Second, that indemnities be paid foreigners who suffered during the revolution. Third, that the Carranza decrees which are found to be confiscatory be derogated. Farmer Who Tried Suicide Is Not Expected to Live Fremont, Neb., Aug. 17. (Spe cial - Telegram.) John Rouzicha, 75 year's old, retired farmer of Morse Bluff, who attempted sui.cide yes terday morning by shooting himself through the left lung, is not ex pected to live, it was said Tuesday night at the Fremont hospital where he was brought for treatment.' Rou zicha shot himself with a 38-cali-ber .revolver.. ;Ncr motive is known, as fie has not recovered conscious- A year ago our shoe' sale at one dollar per pair, made us hun dreds of friends and customers, because they were not bought for sale purposes, but were all regular lines taken from our stock, the same as those that will be on sale Wednesday. - rasps I 1 ii We refused the offer and are determined to give the savings they offer. The entire assortment goes as they last at $1.00. NO CHARGES o 117 North 16th Street ac Intensive Search Is Made to Recover Loot Of $100,000 Jewels Springlakei Beach, N. J., Aug. 17. Servants at Ballingary, home of Martin IMaloney, papal marquis, which was looted of $100,000 in valuables, neighbors and all persons with a knowledge of ,ihe Maloney honte are unlcr surveillance by a corps of private detectives today.' The robbery was typically an "in side job and rht detectives are in vestigating this records and recent movements' of everyone connected with the household. Detectives are also track.'r,g down with great care oth,er clues which have developed. .Mr. Maloney terms "priceless' gifts presented to him by the pope which the robbers carried away with them. The remainder of the booty consists of silverware, jewelry of various description and other valuables. r:nger prints found in the draw ers from which the silverware was taken 'havs been photographed by detectives to heb them in their search. The trail, according to the police, has nan owed down to a re cently discharged man servant. In surance company sleuths arrived here today. Mr. Maloney fixed the value of the thefts at $100,000. He says all the employes in the house except one have been with him a long time, and the one wno ,s there only a short period carries high recommendation l'roiA a forme- employer for whom he worked 10 years. Return Body of Overseas Albion Soldier for Burial Albion. Neb.. Auc 17. CSnerial 1 Word was received in Albion to day from New York that the body of Jess McFarland had arrived there from Livernool. EnetanH. and would be here Wednesday for bur ial. McFarland left with a contingent of, men from here in May, 1918, for service overseas. He died at Liv erpool October 4, 1918, following an attack of influenza. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mc Farland of this city. Burial will be in charge of the lo cal post of the American Legion. This is the first body of a Boone county boy to be returned from overseas. , Florence McCabe, superintendent of the Visiting Nurses' association of Omaha, returned on Monday from her vacation. Returning to her desk in the city hall, she expressed gratification over the interest that has been manifested in The Bee's free milk and ice fund. She knows of the real value of this fund which is administered by her association. She could relate many incidents illustrative of the assistance that' has been given this summer in homes' where babies needed fresh milk and ice. The good that has been ac complished this season cannot be measured " in terms of dollars and cent. All Contributions are acknowl edged in this column.' Previously .reported. $352.76 !. 3. 0. . 5.00 Total 367.7G I I The Bee's Fund for Free Milk and Ice gSsJU. WEDNESDAY- We have accumulated several hundred pairs of odds and ends from discontinued lines which we find necessary to dispose of for the reason that we can not obtain any more of these shoes of the same style and price, nor can we fit feet satisfactorily with broken lines. We have been offered more per pair for the entire lot by a firm who makes it their business to again sell them at a big profit. W. S. STRYKER'S Douglas Shoe Store, Inc. FKE A Valuable 72 -Page Cook Book Handsomely Illustrated in Colors Send For It Today! TT is not often that you get X an opportunity to secure so valuable v absolutely free and it is not often we can make the offer. It's too ex pensive. 72 pages, full of the best, most delicious recipes - prepared by the most noted " cooking experts the country affords. Remember, we do not ask you to buy a can of baking powder, or send us one penny. Simply say "Send me your latest, beautifuTcook book" and you will receive it promptly. Peddlers and house-to-house canvassers have been trying to induce ladies to buy the baking pow der they have for sale and as an induce ment are offering a cook book, egg beater or some other trinket with every can bought. To our customers and friends, we are offering our handsome cook book absolutely free. If you are in need of one it will be unnecessary for you to buy something you do not want Take advantage of this free offer. CALUMET BAKING POWDER CO, 4100 Fillmore Street CHICAGO, ILL ynACHEUBAtGIA,IHFLUENZ4JHD ALL PAtjL I and Continuing Till All Are Sold ANOTHER ONE OF OUR FAMOUS NO EXCHANGES Opposite Postoffice aaaaM IE 7 I JLL-do M ' i ssslr-tl a cook book 31 V ':.t 1 'A DOLLAR SALES n our customers on sale as long T T7 -. 1 I